The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 13, 1950, Image 1

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Oty Of
College Ntatioa
Official Newspaper
4 U'
NaOoa't Top
Safety Sectloo
Ijimbermaa’i 1H49 Coatfst
Numbrr S Vohime 50
(AfgWl«nd), TEXAS Tl^ESDAT, JUNE 13. I960
0 ve r2,000Atte nd State
' ' T * i ♦
4-H Roundup Here
* fc
»» l o. rieirr
Mor* than 2.000 koy». firta.
ami adult it'adaft on th«* campun
•or th* annual Otatr ♦ H Round
Up. brpaa iKa aaeotwi day »<
rvanta thi* n.umm* with a pruup
kraakfast la [Mmran Hall TV
* rlubbar* houaad Hi durmtUina* in
lha Nr# An>a, bavaa arnvinc on
tht rauipun Sunday aft*T»u«.n for
the thraa day Barpajl Up
^ Of tha y roup, tW ara boy»,
82€ ara girla. 3*>4 ara rount)
--amant* and and amiaUnta. MM
ara homa rl. imtnaUattoa acanl*
1U ata woman laadar-. and dh
ara man laadarv aediidmp to ra
aarvattony r»uol«" prmr U> upamna
of tha a«>< ampraunt,
Tha rlublara. repataairtalmg 4-
H rluha all <>var tha ttaU opraad
thair pro* ram with an avanmg
•onf <*ai*aK»ri in Oaton Hall Sunday
ntfht Hilly Tngga of Wirhita
I all*. '0*1* laadar for thr antira
Ce^afa; Dr Ua
of tha rraduatr ,
Trailer, daaa
ai; J D. Fra-
• irt, Tina dirartor and atata arant.
E V' Martin aaatatant »t»ta arant.
<>lady» Martin, artinf aica dirart-
ar for woman and itata bonaa da-
■MAfliTtttKMI arant Dr I B
Budfhton daan af tha Sahool of
Vatannary Madirina; aad Dr J.
P Abbott daan of tha M'haol of
rhibhara agamia Monday raarateg.
Matagorda founty won thr Dairy
( attic Judrmr contaat While
Hopkina < <nmty plnaad find in tha
Duiry (icmonatratiou Coal at. Tha
Kntoiwaiugy Jetefat and tha FWid
( ropa Judrmr Cuataata ware bath
won by rtubbara from lamp
County. Menard ('minty placed
first in tha Cram Judging Contadt
In tha Poultry Judging Cuntbut. Ai> and Science*
(iuadahipa < ounty haul tha tha- At 1«:«0 a M . a fnmp puture
nine team The Tractor Mam ten nmUining all rluhbar* aad lead
ance I lemon Stratton was won by eri at tha Round Up wa» made
l taut on County demonstrator* outaide Cuu.n Hail
Wool ami Mohair Judging waa wan At 6 p a» today, tha 4-H adult
by •lubber* from Hutton County louder* Hamroei will he held in
CouPe County wan tha Range Cue Duncan Hall (C G. Gibsan will
serration lie mu net ration Shooter* r< v * tha add re* >
from Randle t'ountr placud first ( _
in tha Rifle Match ,,rr ~
Dairy Foods Daaiofiatratioa via | 'tonight at K p m in Gumn Hail,
nars wart not arailabla at time | aver a huadeed girl* will ashihit
of publiratloa
Stale immcil Offlaara
eneampmenl lead the singing Sewly elected co chairma* af
l.aaib ( auaty W in* Tea j Jhe Texas 4 M Caunril are Mias
Beverly Kunnets of Brasona cuua
Conte»t*. ‘ieimmst rat ions, and t y and 0. M. Neaaier of Tariff
dress levie* rehearsal filled the county. Mias Marta Patty of Maw-
aid county and Harold Dhanhaua
of Wilbarger county were elec tad
Cu publicity chairmea at the Coun
ril's meeting Monday morning
Mias Carolyn Curry of Nolan raun
ty was elected aecretary fur the
Monday afternoon, those hub
bars nut partmpuUng in judftag
Sn demonstrations, ar helping pre
pars- for KouadTp Activities at
tended a free movie or a grading
demonstration of slaughter 'tear*
and calves
At H last night, a Jean and Cal
A&M Research
Names Trustees
For Foiimlation
Five trustee* were elected
to the board of the A AM Re
uean h Foundation at the
IMXth annual meeting of the i held on the softball fiaUI All game*
fourulati.m (imncilora Satur
dratsea awarde<i first place in
county competition as the State
Dean* Revue get underway Fol
lowing tha revies* a Button'* and
Beaus Dance will ha held in tha
Wednesday morning, clubbers
will hear report* of 4 H winarm of
1941* trip* to National 4-H ramp.
Daaforth Foundation (-amp. and
national club congress IFYF dele-
rutp* will also give thair report*
flp. M T Harrington, peaaident
af the (allege will •peak to the
4-H boys and girls tomorrow morn
bur at 10:10 Scheduled on the
aftdnioons program are visit* to
SLT- *"* n “ ““ The Twelfth Man
Ine hoys and girl* encampment —
wiH cleae with the showing of
“Chir Pramise it Green" at the
Council Votes Proposal
By JOEl. AUSTIN The perking meter* were teid to motion to give the CTIjr Attorney
^ u ^ l he Iwst way to regulate park- authority to draw up the ordinance.
Tl# CuHeffe Station (ity Couu* („ Brn which will be acted on at the next
ctl. meeting in rugular segsion last Council men dec ided the meters council meeting near the cad af
night, voted unanimously to order b. (r * m u* (^l.g. Uda month
! c,t > *tU)iney to druiui up ae Station State Bank on the ea»t Other diacussions arose on the
ordinance which would provide f"t /rn d of the street to the Boyd traffic and parking problem City
inatalUtion of parking meter* ih Apartmenu on the west ead A Manager Raymond Roger* me»i-
the N<*rth Gat* shoppiag are* *pecial stipulation was made to Honed thgt several MUra and
The ivcommendatian «as made charge from one >*ni far twelve trucks had been parking M tha
•after the council heard a <<il» minute* to five cent* for one hour North'Gato area 'all Bight. 1%*
.plaint from Tom Taylor. North on the north «uie of the street snd council instructed Rogers that the \
Gate van*ty store operator whfc assess five cent# for a periad of city hud an ordinanco making it
two hour* on the *outh aide of tlw unlawful to park in the North Gut#
street. business srea between the hours
Also to l»e included in iH# parking of 1 and 4 s. m
meter area *a# the diatgnee from Also iliseuksed snd raguested by
the signal light at the l'«**t Of- several councilmen was that par-
fice to th* church budding* <*n allel parking he required in th#
main street block in front of '||b BapUst
Spesisl l usd.ns /ene* < l hurr * N '° WM ' Mkifn «•-
this request
The council de< ided thnt special
»aid than many people were park
mg their car* in front of the pla-
I res of busines* all day i#ng. mak
ing it im|MH>*ible for customer*
to find tmrkmg *pace
Over I'arkini HlaiWed
The all-day parking situatum
was attnlmUd to the fact that
many college student* Unable to . .... ... k , , ^
park in the area de*»gtiatod for loading tone* should be marked AamexatlUB A*UB
their use and emplo]ree* pf van«ds off in each block to enable mer A petition asking for the anan-
place* of business were leaving chant# to receive and ship g«s*l* ation of a plot of land adjoining
f their car* in spots vital to stofi-
owner* for transactioti of busines#
without traffic
< oimellman J(
• (Mlgestlon.
e Orr mud*
new wiag adduiwn to Francis Hall. M hen romplrtsd the new
wiB be used ta house the Huninewa and Arrountinx Depart
sseui The addition will ewatain 12 classroom*, deidgned to sc
rwmadatr M students rach Hualne** and accounling aludenl* will
CUfl(lUue ta uae the ‘ shadks" to *oiar ekleal for classroom* nett
Quisenberry Speaks
To \el Med Group
the southeast corner of the city
which includes a negro school wan
presented with only two signature*
against adding the aruu to the city.
The council decided to withhold
action on the petition until • new
one could be drawn up vrhich would
include some land belonging to peo
ple next .to those who wgre seek
ing admittance to the city ActitW
will probably be taken on adding
the new section af th# next coun
cil meeting
The administrators Urrepled a
proposal to have the current city
power system investigated and to
find (Hit whether or not It would!
J 1' Roger*, president of the
Brcnhifni » niton Oil Manufactur
ing (ompany. Naiaaota, was elec
ted agricultural sepreaentative \k
H OiM.k agrtculturid agent of Mis
souri I'siifir Railroad Houston,
was reele<t.*d as the AAM slumm
U W Karltos dean of the School
of Kng iMwntig *»s reelected col
lege teureaeptat i vw. R Horten
■fine «f TtoUws preaident of Wyatt
Metal and Boiler Works, was elec
ted industrial epresentative Pub
lic Service trustee is F A Graft
»f Houston, executive vice prest
•ent of S»uthern Facific.
Terms of all uewly elected and
reelected trustees will expire
June, IfBt
Th. toisid of trustee* Friday ac
copied the resignation of council
or* F J Kite of Bryan and It C
Kulde ! of H 'ustoin.
Several fxintracts for the Foun ^
’ dglpm were also agproved by the Renewal of research fellnprships
trustees St the mrnttag A two •( AAM have been snnownrad by
year renewal with the Texas Gulf J L Latimer, president of Mug-
Sulphur i ompany was approved, noiia Petroleum < ompany
along With a contract with the The fellowship* sponsored by
were led by member*.
1‘erweanei Introduced
row sight at H p rw The picture
will be presented by ^he 4H
Moping Picture ('ompany of the
State of Texaa
This morning at h 46 v Uw duly
b#r* werv officially weiromed by
G. (• (.itwon. director of the Ex
tension Senica A rws(M>nse to Di-
rector Gibson’s welcome was given °
by th* chairman of th* Texas 4-H
('ouned Th# clubiwni were then
introduced to AAM Sysleui per
•onpel by representsUve* of gyeBt'
ber* of the Huh council. U. W Wii
Mmsm. vise rAwwaeMar 4oc Agri
culture. made a short address
Introdused to th* clubbers Were
R D Lewis, director of the Tbvas
Agricultural Extension Service, Dr
M T Harrington, president of the
Magnolia Renews
A&M Fellowships
Renewal af research felUmshii
4 gents ( anferewce
Following the 4-H club* Round
Up wiU be a two day reference
extension agent* Thursdav
iposning'* program for the a genu
UilF be token up by diaeusaion
groups oa the nraldems of eilan
* **o agents Thursday afli
t ie County Agricultural and
Deroorstnitlan Agents
Will meet At f p. m^ I
a Jaint banquet of Rxtensma
Agent# Association* followed by
6 Extension Agents Dunce in
«u Hal.
During the course of PrhlayS
P’ •g'-am for the exteuatoner*
(hew will be diacussionr on com
muaitv work and improvement, ei-
tonmon service work and other
Voir We've Got His
\um bet-Officially i:
era) won out after a discuMSion
among college liffk ial* whether
Dr Harrington
12 <m Di
Id Inr number
AAM now has a new prtroi.lent
and he's numberwl In fact he ta
now officially nunshei 12
TU twelfth president of |he cal- ^
MgJ-Dr M riUrnagtot, The S *
Ha g alum's jfgn i M ■egu#s that But af’ei Oathrv
road “Dr BoD^
as Hf-eerith 1‘iesident
A •‘•ty »« ‘he June I edition
thte eueimer read “Dr. ||. T
Harriagtoa to become (AM*
eleventh presides) A "letter to
th# editor' one week later point
ed an< that the rouai roeld he
But Bow it's 12. The dote* num-
Th. rnit«-d Statw* produce* near three minute* day and fight, Idh
I) one half of the woild# supply days of the year"
of poultry products. I* J H. j The *tieaker t»ointe»i nut that
(Quisenberry told the Texas (’on- the w-ultry prtaiucers were the
fere nee for Vetennariarw meeting | "first of th. agricultural gtoup* i l»e more economical to buy power
which closed here F , ra|ay after- U> fa*e realistically the necensity : or c oast rue t a city power plant.
^ k , , t , f ; ,r * '• u *Vc W,r ,,iju, \r^ t T' Enginaeriag (onsaRaat. Readv I
A b^tlrr itW* of tht* mmrMtuflfp dottnwi ffitci^ncy Ht Maid that
if this industry;" Dr (Jdieenberry. . they bave been able "through the J M Brvnlen and C. H Kelsey,
head of the Poultry Husbandry ' elimination of wasteful and Ineffi-' °f Gilbert AssoctMea Inc., a con-
liepartmetit, said, "map tie *6-I rlent methods to take grains sup- I •ultoftt engineering firm from
ined by vi'ualuing the prisluc- ! ported at tHl (tei cent of parity 1 Houston, were on hand to offer
tioc of a carload of egg* i five and feed it to their hen# and con- **'•* *rrvice# of their company for
hundred to-d .ten casual every | tmue to make a profit on thetr ‘he survey They were asked to
egg* supported at 70 per cent of; send a written agreement a* to
v_ i \.. 11 e^tou A ■•Hto of VbVMdenta.
U etn> _ pre#»dent*-pro tern faculty
men. and various Other titlista
Houston Cof (
Visits College
what work they would do and the
actual length of time R will take
U.R Wildlife Service for placing
••server* on the ship Alaska, to j
be operated in th* Gulf of Mexico
the company. carry an annual
grant of d.MH) each and ar* in : T
th* field# ef petroleum engUMUr-1 experience in cullectin
Mexico Trip Scheduled
For 17 Vi ildlifeStudents
The rwrord* igdirate there
have been art ualtj 20 admtais
tration* of the cullpge Two wen
I'resident hnierltU* Frank (\
Holton and the laU R H Whit
loch, served im two orraWumi
So that mean* only IS mer, have
held the college’* top position
But Dr Harrington’ is the twelfth
man to carry thr title of pr**i cultural Experiment Station, who
dent And his «tie#e«*or will Iw will accompany the visitor* during
number 1.7 their tor of the cagipUs
The complete list ♦/actual “pro*- The commdtreinen Will inspect
wienta" of the « otiege as prepared the various building* and labora-
by R H Shufflei AAM Sya- tone# of the Sch«M,| of Agriculture
The poultry producer," Dr
( (Ju i sen berry said "may not hg able | < funpleto it in. (
| to eliminate all complalats as toj A L Hogan Jr
j the i|uality of his prodiart through
the u*e of hormones, bt^ re*ulta
! ohealumt tw dwte mdicgte that he
may through hormvmixmg hie
hint*, harmonixe the roromept# of
, his ciiat<wner' into a chorus of
commendation "
Slaughter of all dairy ralves
I with uniNlital hernia wa« •rnng-
ly a.ftocate.! at the meeting by the
hea.t of the vetennary wurgery
Members of tfie agricultur
al committee of the Houaton
Chamber of Commerce will
pay a day long visit to the rt ’i>«*'"ent <>* ‘'<>™*ll rniveroity
ampua Wedneudav The tnp " r g** 11 u ' ,k * ,,,f Wf
has been arrange.) by Tad M .ses.
publication* editor for the Agri-
‘T 1
t m
gmeer from Houston, ha# alao
ma*le application for the Jub. #«'•
cording to City Manager R#gev*
The council plan* to aame the firm
to do work at R* next meeting
Hes Route Chaage
Teen -a«e Party
Hour ftedneMlay
_ „ . aouth of Mexico
gee logy, phyuics oheiaiwil P*** 4 * and vertebrate animal* wil
and physical rheaiis- •* t ‘ N ’ f«e ■ »tx week.! ( uera#vacs
summer field tnp to Morelos Met
»ro fur 17 wildlife students Leav- I
j mg hers July IP, the group will I
wufk in cooperation with the Met
| scan gam* off trial* in their »ur
‘ vey of flurs and fauna in the
tem Dirartor of Information, is
. Uy , n 3* r , •* follow* ThoiqaA S t.alhnght,
cities of ( u *tnava. a and ^uaaUw |g 7g. lg7>; Jw p n 0 , rUnd
known as th* "Hoi
during the lour. Mo***
are to improve our livestock, we
(the vetennan#n*l must make
every effort to ve that this is
done "
In the event that the owner re-
fuv* to "make veal of the calf,’'
he *aid, the calf shouM be (dared
•n a concentrated diet to prevent
development of a ^arge abdomen,
try roaiwctively
Fellowships give been eatab
Itvhrd by t!w company at AAM,
l.ouiatana Atate I'mvernitp, Raw
* Institute Texas University, and ti _ ^ i|vrji ^
Plan* have to-ea completed for the University of Oklahoma They 'CV
this week'* Teen Age Party Heur, < are a part of a researdh program
Mis* Klitabeth Miller ef the plan sponsored by throe companies
nirtg committee annoumed The Barony Vacuum General Petrol-
party Will take place as usual at eum. and Magnolia
the Patraneil* Stab iiehiml ten ) The pr.jgrwm involee* the expen
•ohdsted High at , *1 W ednesday ditures of M .aie t4U U0u each year
* During W’edneeday'a party, plana II II• I /' I
will lw made for a haynde or vM^rsttr. the eeun ISlf DlTQ (iOlOnV
*#y I* : ^
Re. ip lent* of the fellowships
student* will survey the
approximately no miles
lywoed of Mexiro," is an im|Nirtant
roaort rented atal home of a^lthy
Mexican* as well as AftnEniit
famihe* wnterh. movie stars,
movie producer*, and other prom
inent people
| The parly, composed of ISO or! • n Trmoy* the
«0 < hamher memlwr* will he lead ,,h,>uW ^ 1
by Archer Romero, chairman of, ,v,wn l,f th re*
the trip committee The group i
will Wave Houaton by bus at 7!
internationally cele-
U7VI Ikk.'l. loiwrene* Sullivan Rosa
1«P1 I sVH; I, L F4Bt*r 1WB-1M1;
David F H .ustua, JIU2-IMNi; H
H Harrington, fB#fi Hk* Robert a m Wednesday morning and i* M-mlT 11 ii*>w I lull
Teague Milner, IfOi IK1.7; William *« heduled to amv# at the Admin-1 ‘ vv IvITw vallllf
Bennett Bir.teil, If 14 D*2f> Thomas istratHin Building by 9
tttto Walton 192A-1P4I, (.ibb Gil- ( ommittee memtier* will viait
Christ, 11*44 into. Flank Cleveland the Animal Industries Building
K leu In Offirert
bralml for hot sulphur spring, BolPo, IkW lMJJ Marion Thomas' th# . Msit* Lahirokwr'W'PouH^ W^vro (“b'^ron M.yT
to which romarkahie curative prop- Harrington, itifar.
srtiet are awribed W inted is un
rill •-
~~~ aalstUd fresa eniversity stu-
watermel.,.! fea*t, th# committee
chairm* said The |iart) will be
informal and refresh manta ...
nerved during the conn* of the ,„ mn wtad mi Ge.t
evening Mis* Miller added i l * , * a V . -s.
Each week . new committee for! J, ** r of lrr *' MU ^ '
the following week'* party will Ij# _ . _ _
ehonrn Committee for the week is) ■••y ®0y BOPM
romp-wed of M anes Judy Oden Ty lAWIfnlln
Carolyn Undiss, Eleanor Priro,
and Eltxabeth Miller All foot A baby buy weighing 1 pastnds
K iri* are student* at < onaohdated 9 uunres was born to Mr. and
Igh. (Rhel Chafia, semmer reeroa Mis. Elmer D Westfall af Callage
tine director i* spon«or of thr A tabu* the heaptlal staff an-
group. Mia* Miller said sow need
ITexsie* Pfisfc- lex^exass.t kno1 * , lh "‘ c "> >••• W (ilad>H ( (MllUT NamPil
four I rots Inspci I fc^iter for TV nub
Biddent» and professor* taking (.lady* Jean (aimer Uaghter
the Inp will he Dr W R Davis, of Mr and Mr* Irvin 1* Conner
supetmaor of the tnp and }i#ad of of ( ollege Station, t* the new re
Wildlife Department. f'heater m'rter of Kappa Epsilon at the
Rowell tsitany profesv.r; Ralph I niverslty of Teigi hspf.a F.psil- inspect the Beef and Dairy Cat
Axkrl. assistant professor, James vn is an benorafyP pharmacy «oc tig Building foil.used a trip to
Dixon, assistant professor , 84a* w*ty for women at the University. Easterwmid Airport
dento going on the tnp art Char-
le* R Boyd. John T Camp, Robert
L Dow niag. Dwsl Fischer. Wal
ter E Fesberg. John T Herns
Carl Humphi. y», Thomas P Hunt
Albert w. .lack'or C J, Lyon.
Pltadpgick F Nyee, Richard l»
Pipe, James E Rose, t'arl H. The-
mas, John WaHher, WilRam T.
four AAM professors returned
Huhday night from s tnp te Vingt
et Ua Island in (.altroaton Bay
Making the trip were Dr Sher
man W Bilsmg, pnrfessor of en
tomology, Dr C. C. Duak. bead of
the Biology Department Dr He
well H Hopkioe. professor of bio
logy; and Dr Chart#* LaMotka,
prafsaaar of biology
Pwrpaa* of th* trip was to m-
spdtt the roseate spoonbill colony
loegtod oa th* island The tnp Wright ami Charles E
••• possible by th# Texa. Juntor from Hawkia*
^ rreup plans to return t»
AaAuban Swcmty, the Dow ( olkrv .stetronTn of abogt Aug- 1
M«|or ( omuany of Houston who .
furniebed the boat to roach the
>1 « n F Department
Sponsors Course*
roast of the Natioiml Aadobon
•aBMy. L 1 ^" trial Management Short
i ■ -e Caavaas will Iw held beg# June
_ _ . _ _ 12 tArough July 21 V. M Fs.roa,
I#Ulan(lN Ivuave For ^Manaf-y Engm-fag Da-
_ _ \ partBtent, I, chairman pf the
short courses
Five courses Will be nffpred m-
Huding Job Kwaluation aa« Merit
T raising June 12 through Jo nr
II; Method* Improvement. Joip
19 through Jane M; Works Sua-
pltflpalurn. July 10 through July
14; Elements wf ManufSctunr^
Nutrition l^ihoratory the Animal
Husbandry Livestock f’lvilmn. snd
the Beasley Cotton Laboratory
from 9 05 to 10 25 a. m
They will Imanl s hp* st 10 SO
for a tour of the ramtpu*. which
will include a visit to the Mem
onal Student Center 4‘ 11 Wed
nesday morning, the visitor* will
>ffleers for the summer session
Given Wedell «a* elected pro*-
ident of the club. Hetty Jrar, Good
win vice-president, snd Bobbie Eve*
lyn Himde) secretary tseaaursr
The members of the club invito
wives of oianagement engineering g*
students ah<> are roit member* to I 1 lltUrN
attend the meetings which art
held the aerpnd Thursday nf each
month at ■ p m in the Houth Sol
arium of the YMCA.
Representative* from the Brvan-
('ollege Traction Co. appeared be
fore the council to present their
plans for discontinuance of ahuttlh
bus service to the route running
i through the *outh side and Co|-
i lege Hill* area*
The councilmen suggested that
service he limited to two or tfcyvp
tnp* a flay, but they did not fav
or a total duuontiauance of the
run The council vntad to five May
or Ernest l-angfnrd power to makp
some s<wt of settlement with tha
company not later than June 19. 1*
Call for Bids
The council voted to call fig
bid* on a 1W> foot lot in the CoJ-
iege Hills section The property
whi*-h has belonged to the ehy far
quite sometime is in lot one af
bhwk eight in that part of the city.
Final act of the enunnl was to
notify all tax payer* who were low
hind in payment* that the names
of delinquent taxpayer* will he
published on or unniidlatoly after
September 1.
Uallv \ndrrson
f w
4 Mr
a* CtR-
Wslly S Anderson, son
* ml Mrs Frank Anderson
lea# Btation, wilMenve today fa
Anna polls. Maryland wherr he will
report for the Amiapoli# Naval
Anderson is the aan Of “f*#l.
Andv" Anderson, AAM track
•each The Anderson faeut) plai «
to drive to Annapolis wRh Wally.
Coach Anderson will attoial track
meet* in Minneapolis, Minnesota
and Washington. D. C. and Mrs
Anderson will visit her sistpr In
Rt lends. Misaoun
Anderson ha* bean taking pbvn
cal ehackup* thi« weak after #e-
turaing from Handera
and his family spent sevi
vacationing with friend*
I cist Valley Dude Ranch
Anderton will report to
I Naval Academy on July t. |
Italia* Convention
ID. aad Mrs
The Affteland < emba. a
.—u.. mrr ir h*sl.
ance. HeM
af the Grave.
ana. W U
daughter left Baturday
where Mr. Leland will
mm* mamaUm a* Mm
iety af Certified public
Lelaad. head a# the
, j Casta. Jtdy 10 through July
Coat Eat Must tag, July 17 through
TfliMto^ui i U i CH^a i ** *’
the final sumator and auditing at the Uaivegsttv af I Tha Management Eaglneenng
la a wsdkty CMtfanda m Berkalay fram Jane | Deggrlmaat la ■naaii^g the
I Mart courses
!A«e J*7»
DaU, easei
. Ta«aa*
A. Raehsr
MlMivi dlcectar af the
pcsMdsat af the
The Baaed af Trustees far the AAM Rewaarck lege; A. A. Jahki
Feu ad at tea met an the campus FridM. Msadhae* Fuuudatiuu; J. Tt
uf th* hsurd pictured are (toft to right), D. B. Feaudatwu; C. A. Kuefter, aecretary U
Harris, vice-araglAeut aad treasurer uf the Hum Gfch CMhMrt, chaueeHsr uf the AAM Ryatem;
Me (Ml and Refining ( ampaay; X C Evans, pres C. M- Malane; aad C M. Gataem, Haa A,
ideal af the FeAer.l Land Rank af Hutmten; Dr.
Frank C, MuBrth preaidaiM artertte
Uipprr in ( nlifornia
Dale F. Uipper, head <rf the
Department ef OreaMgiaphy. left
Hntorday fur the Rcripps Institute
of Oeeanugrsphy at U Julia. Cal
where he wiU study arw types uf
yMpIfj—It. : %
At the Grove
Tonight, f
pan uf the eulecti
state 4-H Round i