The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 09, 1950, Image 1

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    City Of
College SUt ion
Official Newspaper
Nation's Top ,
rollegiate Daily
NAS 1949 Survey
Number 4 Volume 91
1 A.Kgiel»n4>,
FRIDAY, JUNE 9. 1960
Department Editors
iNamed for Battalion
Bv llie Co-Editors
College Station’s Water
Supply Assured By Fall
Thu* rww (Wfarlmcntai
tM>»r KriitouneH by tK* ro
editor* of TV Bottallon
Joel Auwttn. auplMiniore ponon
itoi ntonofoment m«jur fr..m Alue
ho« been homed rrtf rdityr for the
oummer tenn Bettf Ann Potter
T*x»» l nivert«| >uriM>r ho* t*een
opiMimted society editor
The neo otnuoement* editor to
Fred Woilrer a •penal «tudent here
thi* "uinmer
Austin, who was fteahman edi
tor for the pa»t m-hool year, take<
peer the poaition formerly heW by
t erti* Mworda Kd«on<« la at-
tendthf KOTt ramp near San
Antonio (h* •ummer
♦ Wy hle»a Htreoned
Althouph the puaition will
be known a« i-rty editor opera* 11
tten of the i ity deak will have
aome innovationa. the ro editor*
“More atreaa Will V (iven to the
f olleire Sutiod amt ■nirrourtdmf
area new* thaa before,'' they
minted out "Thta doe* not mean,
»we\er, than any rtdlere new*
nil be' neyleited It i* simply a
hie Vsks China
Communists Be
Admitted to l \
h i a
s, preMinf
U.N campAi(n
Mv \««nnaled
Trygve Lm
a a v r -1 h e
through hia hppea] for th* 1 ad
mtmiion of ('ommunuit China
to memberahip, awtin to be
ranmna pretty rloae to the line
ketooen prefit and loan
Briefly, Lie’a tVaia ia thia
The I’nited Nation* >* the
workf'* < ’bief mplemrnt for peace
Kuaaian abaenre from it* roanrtla
•tuhifie* ita efforta. The Red re-
*t NiflAat artiwITy eontnd*
Orina and the f'hineae people are
entitled to repreaentation in the
l N , no louper exemae* control in i
Kunai.i *ill not partmpate with
the Nationali*U in anv U.N work.
Therefore e|id the deudlock by *eat |
mg the fo^nmUMPta. yet Huarna j
back into the U N and get the or |
gaiotation'* buatiiea* going again
Britain and aume of the other Se
rarity Cmmril member* are willing
but the U S think* the Lie idea
anmek* Ptnmfly of appeasement
There I* a feeling that hi* appioach
in aaking the Weabern rountMea to
do the roinpromiaing, ha* placed
the m m (he poaition of blocking
the I N., when m'tually it i* tV
kua.« lan I mi) rot t, baaed on oppoai
Inin to Om? will of the majority
Lie'* prtfgiam lhu« become* gnat
for the ktpwtan propagaiala null
For thm. Lie i* being subjected
tp attack K mimeograph ram
■hign ia being earned on agamat
mm hs mail throughout the roun
if leg Ol
give better coverage to all
of mtorest to our reader* "
Soriety fidilee
la line with the pregr
Fatter will collect the
of the area Thia i* the
the co-editor* *a«d. that a Idriety
editor ha* barn named for The
battalion At loaat abell b# the
fir«t they know of
Mtaa Potter ia the daughter af
br and Mr* t.eorge E Pother of
('allege Station Dr Potter ia a*
member of the Bioiogy (lopart* ,
Having worked on tbe sariety
uag« of the Daily Toxaa, Teiad
Univeraity newapapor for the peat
«Ome*ter, Miaa Potter plan* to re-
*ume her work for tha pubhea-
Immi next fall
She i* a member of Dotta Delta
I Vita sorority at the univenaty and
» a radio bruailraating major She
ia mutonng ia jourwaluim
Walker taiaaemewu Rditer
Walker will take over the po*i |
ti*>n held la*t semeater by Herman
(Jollob tHillab, along with Edward*
and several other staff member*
will be at the Air Force HUTU
camp this summer at Brook* Field
near Kan Antonio
The son uf Mr and Mr* Fred
Walker. Jr of College Station,
Walker i* a gradaate of Stephen
F Aaatio High School in Bryan
He ha* attended the INuvenuty
of Miasoun for one and on* halt
year*, taking pre-joumaVig
Handle* Falrriaiameat
1 * - kh iif
Bid* were received Jarw 7 for
the ronatructiori of more than 10
nu'lca of large-aiM water line* in
volved in the development of ti
new College water supply *y»te
i T. R. Spence, Manager of Phyaici
Plants, announced today. TV E
E. Farrow Company of Dallas wa*
low bidder at VM tiM
It ia expected that the contract
will hr swarded m a few da|fa and
work wilt start immediately,
Spence said
Contract time is 125 ralendai
day*, which mean* that tV line*
will be finished by the end of Oc
Well* < ample!ed
water wells northwest
iwtion by
llion gam
to He Laid
• a wy<T af
I* about I million gallon* per day.
With the water contract to be
let, the dnt« at which tb*- college
will V using water from the newi
system i* now aasueed for U*e late
t K
Extension on Drafl
Law Given bv ASG
Se«*Wty-owe me* look 11-hour examination* Were
Tueoday and Wednesday ia order tn become H
censed vrterinariana. The largeal number of ap
pl»rant* were frwm AhM 43 The eiammaiion*
were given by tbe Slate Hoard of Veterinary Med
leal Examiner* ia the Vet HeegHal Building
Among the group were four nrgroew from Tuake
gee Institute m Alabama, the second Hair la Tri
as bisinry ihgi colored men have taken Ike ei-
I Washington, June H iA*i The
Senate Aimed Service* Committee
voted today Ui give the minonialra
turn the full three-year extension
of the draft law it asked, inrlud
i mg power for tV president to or
I’ainlotM Pro^rehn
der induction*
But it tied on a racial *egre
gatmn amendment xjuarvlv op
posed to administration policy
He will handle movie renew* an !
local musical ami dramatical pee
Mentation* thi* summer, according
to the, co editor*
"We partaruinrly think that
Walker is gualified for thi* posi
tion. since V ia highly interested
in the theater and nnema and ha*
an excellent knowledge of those
fields," tV ro editor* said,
part of our prugram designed to
Texas Veterinarians End
Tiro Day Conference Hen
The third annual Texa* confer- morning in the YMC.A ( nap*-1 with L Boinl of the Uaivergity of Min-
regiatrabon of Texa* velennar nesota, Dr N B Md ullough,
ians surgwun of the U 8 I’oMic Health
Admmutrative officer* of the Seivicv and assistant rlmuai pro-
ence fiw Vetennanan* will con
dude with a discussion of “The
Antihistamine* in Veterinary
PmcUee" by Dr (i T Kdd* of the
Veterinary Physiology and Phar-
macology Itejtartnvent this aftar-
hoon at 3.
The conference began yesterday
Amerasia Documents
Investigation Goes On
try by nmdentif
‘lialkir Is Free
Oft Aimmunism
W'sahington June Si - ‘J*' A !
grand jury prebad into the Am
ermata *e« ret document* raM ye*
terday while report* cmnlgtod
that a senate committee mveatigat
mg charge* of Red- n government
might a*k Supreme ( ourt Jttstice
Tim»i Clark to testify on the ca«e
The Baltimore Sgn said Tom
Lilienthal Asks
Atom Freedom
Wnnhini'ton June
I >avkl K Ulimthgi urged
Amrni a ymterday to fr» thr F'**" the Senate i^mmittee by A*
•tom from what for Cl9»d a
('lark might be called a* a wit- |
ness When othei reporter* a*ke<l
for comment on this report, one j
person* prominently ronnecteit with
the committee said he knew of no
such move Asking that hi* name
not be uaed he *atd that in hi*<
discussion* with the committee,
the idea of calling Clark bad nev |
er been considered
Onik was head of the criminal
division of the Justice IV-pai1niefit
when the case broke five year* ag"
It involved the allegeil later tam
ed up in tV office of Amertoa.
magatine devote«l to far eastern
affairs. Six persons were arrested, I
but oaly two were fined
TV Sun, i* a dispatch from it*
Washington Bureau *aid testimony
Houator. June 9 — (^N-
r^tTtary <>f I^abor Mauncr
i Tobin mud ynatrrday or-
^iniml kbor it 99 tnd 99/160
permit frne from Commun
Trade uptona, Tobin said, have
done an ejicellent j«>b of purging
Kesis from tVir ranks.
TV m*r»etsry spoke Vfore the
fifty third annual convention id
the AhT Am* nr an Federation of
He laid the tnmwrtana tV Taft-
Haitleg I arbor m< ii'“a threat to
every vtortingniwe and woman" and
arged tb*- ronvemtion delegate* to
work htpd fog the act'a repeal
1 "bia praised AFM president
Janie* f.'KtHlIo for "mdicie* that
runt gihwldl to tha pwblie welfare "
Me <*Hed tV uaion * naaeic per
f-irmwage tmei fend aa an example
of these pnio'ie*
The truet fund ia baaed on the
union'* royalty receipts fnon re
fording* and Iranacnpiiona TV
fund* are used for fret public mu
pic performances which also aid
the amon in handling unemploy
ment problem*
pdtritto Monday announced the
establishment of a similar fund to
"Soviet type" government
| monopuiv
The former ihairman of the
Atonm Energy Uoimptasieri said
tbta monopoly ia at,fling deveiop
ment of tV atoni lor peaceful
pursue** Hr said private indue
try ah*oiid V given a chance to
pioneer >n this new frentier of un
dree me* I of poeeibtliti«m.
That would mean changing tV
atomic energy law Uiieathal is
for that He aV. want* "an end to
the absurd cloak and dagger air of
mystery that atill hangs over this
monopoly "
In tV firat of a arnea of ar-
ticlea in Uofliers mug same V
complained that here ia a crowning
* irony:
"A* t« tV new era of the alem.
we have not only turned our hark
on the essentials of tie industrial
military security in
of a deepwrata compe
sistant Attorney (General James
M Mclnerney indicated it was
Clark “who on May -II. DM5 ia-
aues instruction* that pruars-utuMi
V held up"
('lark Wa* reported to have or
lie red tv postponement at the sug
gestion of (V late James Forrestal.
Secretary of tV Mavy, who wa*
said to have fearetl friction with
tV Russian* at the United N*
ttori* conferem-e at San Franci*-
*ver this country * trusteeship
group are UiV Qdchnat, (lhancai*
lor uf (V A4M Sy*t«ni Dt F f
Boltfn president emerittp an*l
Dr I H Boughlon dean of the
*< hqpi >d veterinary iiminine Oh
tV e«»mmitu-e far the ivnrferenfe
wean R D Turk, chairmart; H T-[
Bhdhwfi. H K Dale A A. Price
J H Milliff, a ad W A Honey
Speaker* at th* confervmw which
formally Openeil with a film An
Ounce of Prevention, were lb W
Shiirrs (.ommends
Texas KH\ Hork
Gonsaies, Tex, June I—
(.o* Allan Shiver* ygsterday
coin mend** I th* work of tie KEA
in Trxn* and Mid he hoped it
would egpund t«> nerve all afea* ru.t
now enjoying the Vnefipi nf elec
tnc powet
TV gpyernor told a meeting of
(iuadalupe Blan<l> HEA member*
he knew of nothhig el*t that “i*
Vlpmg more to keep 'em on tV
farm than tV kprend of electrh
power to tV rural sectioh* of Te*
a* "
Shiver* *aid V opposes any ef
fort to put restrictive taxes on nil
al electro co-ops, ami aided he
saw no need f<y state rrgulaiien
of rates paid by farmers, ranch
rra and other rural ritixan* who
band together In give Ul#m*e|ve*
i elect nc powei
TV governor rnutionml agairwl
neglect of needy area* and string
mg of linP* into cities already
ijuatelv and ecnftomically ■grvid by
private utilities
tesaor of Medic in# at the Univer
sity «»f Uhicagii, and D W Wil
Hams, vice chanctllor for Agn
culture of tV A4M '^•*iem
session Memlter* reported that
the measure got unanimous bask
ing although *ome senatots re
served the right to oppose the
existing law
It differ* widely from the
"draftless drafl” bill passed by the
House Muy 24 TV Hodse voted
to shift the draft to stand hy *ta
I tus. with nobody to V put into
i uniform through selective service
unless Congress, in later legisla
tion, gave authority to do so
Boys teaching IK would have to
register with their logs! boards
a* at present The House bill called
for only a two year extension of
selective service, rathet than tV
Thurwday afternoon's speaker* three year* asked by Secretary of
were Dr (,onion Dank* profaaaot Defense Johnson
and bead of th# Defartmewt of t The Bussell amendment te the
Veterinary huigrrv at fhrweil Senate Bill would allow a draft
University. Ilr 4. C Moss, pro- ed man to rhouw# whether hr would
fescoi and head <i| tV Department serve in a unit of his own race
of Medicine at Colorado AAM TV rhoice would have to be ma<ir
ami lb H (j Jahnston. head of in writing
the Knum.ologv 'hipaitnient here .., f hf ^ mck , t p 1( rhoie0
TV State Wtermary Medical in wntinK ’ Ku.sell •xplanmd.
Asaot uation of Ten,. Vld a huM-, .. thrn ^ » rmy , , n K<l Mhriui , fMl
.W*s meeting at 4 p m Thurmiay , lo ,|, xhr integrating 0# the race*
At A 45 p m s hanqitet wa* held ——
in .Shi** Hall
At A a m thi* morning s t *>t-
Iml! film, Texa* AIM v* SMU.
wa* »hown
Dr Mos* diwcuWM-. 1 “Kndocnnol-
"gy in Small Animals " at H 'hi
■Tiairy ( attie FVwetIfe," is the
subject of a talk by Dr Dank*
at S AH ami at 10:H4 Dr J H
tJiasenVi ry profesaor and bead of
the Department of l , i>ultrv Hus-
bandry ! >epai tm. at *peke on "The
Poultry Industry ami th.- Yete-
i manan "
fall of this year. Other work ap*
11 wining to be dene, and an wRUb *
contract# are to V awarded,
aiat of budding r*wrr#fo» MB' >
Four water wells uerthweet id pumping planU at tMI well field
Bryan Field have been completed station at Bryan Field and at the
to date, Mr. Spence said, with * reservoir site at the Feeding and 71
I capacity of more then IMNi, Breeding Station. Spence *md
Ions per minute for tV four
amounts to about Lb million I
gallons of water pei day preaent The pipe lines which are to
water mnsumptiou by tV college lad <>n the campus jo connect the
new water supply wHh tV preaent
distribution system will V laid this
summer w> that thm |»rt of the
woik will he fitnahed by tV open
ing of the fall sem.-stnr. The main
supply line from the well field to
the reservoir at IV Feeding and
Breeding Stalior . must* of seven
miles of !h" pip*’.
TV line* in the well field con
necting Wells to the fgaervoir will
consist of one and a half mile# of
1*." and l-*" pip. ind tV connec
tion from the r.-*#rvoir at tha
Feeding and Hio.ding Rtatimi la,
the College distribution system will
involve one and a halt mile* of
1(1“ 12" pipe
The College Will flimish to IJftl
contractor, in addition to ihe foft-.
tia<1 amount, thive mile* of I2*V
lb" and Ik" cast-1 rot pipe which it
obtained from th. War Surplus Ad
ministration at a curt of about
|4»i,iai(i, said Spence.
Farrow < onlraclor
The K F Farrow Cethpany of
Dallas an- a weli known ami ex-
pen« need firm of oonttwetors, and
during th« past w inlet built the
concrete tunnel fot tV hot-water
pipe* from th. old tumo-l at Hart
Hall to th. new Memorial Student
» « nt< r H.mier \ Hgnter of Dnl-
laa 1* tjie engirmcr In charge for
the College of the grater supply j
development, and Ceorgr Fagan of
College Station t* the resident an-
g 1 neer
that it want* to under the presr
dent's onlvr '
H> direction of the White House,
the Army, Navy and Air Force
have lieen taking step* toward
eliminating segregation of whit*
resumed at any and Negro service men.
1 segregation provision on the sen
ate floor Senator Russell (D-tial,
who sponsored the amendment
started oiganmng a drive to keep
TV action was taken in a rloaed it in
The present peacetime draft law
run* out June 24, two week* from
Saturday Although nobody ha*
been inducted since January, 1K49,
defense official* insist the author
ity should be kept on the UkA*
a* evidence of America's deter
mination to defend itmdf from ag
gression and a* a time saVer if
trouble comes
The senate bill covers male*
from 1H to '26, the same a* the
Inferior Drug Traffic
Laws Are Replaced
Sirk Gall
Hour's Ghangcd
Sick call hours for the Col
lege Hospital and clinic will hr
from s a. m through 3 p. m
for the »ammrr Mom'' (lag-
hora. **Mi»tant superiatewdenl
uf the honpilal, said tJii* morn
Emergency raae*. an uaual
will br handled al all hours
Any stedeal who winhe* ta
enter the hospital will •!««> be
admitted at any time. *be said
A film, "Swsne Frysi|*ela»," w*»
'how 1. at 1 p m., and at 1 16.
Arthur Stewart, lawyer and in
strutter, of vhe Bunne** and Ac
counting Depaitment addressed the
veterinarian* on "Some legal A* _—jT —-
pecta of Veterinary ntrdirine " l^baiion ('itizpn Plpads
Ths Veterinarian and the Op- lllitfrary, Wins raw*
eratton of the Artificial Insemina-i
tion Pf.grani .if Dairy (attie
Washington, June I* -‘A* -The pre-race information on i* 'Mng
Senate struck at the underworld's odds, jockey 1 hangea, probable
drug traffic yesterday by passing winners, scratches and wnghts,
a bill to empower tV government v ProhiMtion
to setae ship*, boat*. autom.4>ile* ■*
or airplane* used by narcotic* McCarran »aid the kill inv/vlve#
nng* | states' rights and should V *tud-
TV measure now go*-* to the ivd hy the Senate Judiciary ( hm-
House where quick passage it ex- mittee Newspaper and radio
petted spokesmen havy OMBiioned the
IV Treasury a*ke.l for the new wisdom of prohibition on new*
law a* another mean* of attack- "Th* *enate aidmii on the naf-
ing the dope ra. ket by selling the 'otic* hill wa* independent of
tran»portati<»fi used in the husi- (mive* by a special senate crime in
vestigating committal to tTS«k
down on what it term* a jMiwerfal
drug and crime nng ia reaping
Under present laws, for exam- huge profit* from soles to at leaat
pie, an automobile carrying man- MMHKi drug addicts,
isana or opium sometime* cannot
be seiaed unles* there ha* been I
an attempt to sell the drug* un
A short time bef. re this measure
wa* passed, Senator Mrt arran I D-
N’evi tem|M»ranly blocked action
on another bill designed to curb
the nation-wide txKtkmaking bus
iness according to
This legislation would prohibit Uity Managfi
the interstate movement of certain Agenda for the meeting was not /
Inefficient laws
Gitv Gounril
Monday Night
TV College Station' City Cnu»-
cil will meet Monday night at 7 .At
at tV City Hall in regular seaato#
Kaymand Rngors,
Breeding " wa* dincumv.
m hy Dr W I. Boyd.
Dr bald* lecture i»i the
histamine* concluded the tw
roitferem e
at 2 p
Damaacu* Syria, June 4—'.F*
A citisen of Wiui#i, charged;
with carrying Communist litera
lure into Syria, w** acquitted on
ground* he was illiterate and did
not know what the pamphlets
. ••
information on hors# and dog rac- available this
mg. Falling under the ban would be er*’ office.
'ruing from R*»g-
right* to island* setaed from Japan c k • l
An FBI agent has testified that < MM nillg >lgllt
PrwatdaMt Truman, on hearing of *
syatem that has given ua ear m
daW it
•me of 1
titiaa with tV Rnaaia* system, we
haw adopted a method that awre
oeatly reaembie* the Beaman sys-
tem than it diw* oar own."
Ltlienthal’a theme waan't exaet
ly new But naw that he M a pri
vate rttiaen V can
it more vifonmal* I
a government official He reeigned
from the ARC February
plans to postpone tbe case, ordered
instead that it be pressed vigor-
In New York, a high official
source dtwtosed today that the
same grand jury which indicted
William W. Keiubtgtoii on a per
jury charge is Vdung into IV
Antenna case Several witness^*
have be*a hoard and oilier* are
to testify later TV grand jury
was set un t« study alleged *uh
veraivv activities
Amputrr Wts Exempt
From Ftrking Fres
Johnstown Fr.There’ll
ba n« more meter-feeding for am
putee veteran* wVn they park
tbair cars In this city.
Felice have issued special card*
to amputee* for oec on tbeur car*
They exempt the disabled vet*
from time reatricUons on narking
and from placing coins ia meters.
Grove First Mg liters See
Movie, Clear Skies, Spot
Brtti*h Ht)
In Factorifu
Mawcbaatec. Bhgland
I - (irr*r 1 Wtoila Wrty Story!
television mot mo picture# 1^ 0nmmpU , lu Bwa , wngl Auattn. Tex* Jube g- If
"no smoking" rules in their fax- j the State Highway Department out overflowed tha availahid seat*
■dor-; all tha trash collected annually causing many to eithar ttand or
1 eato i by ita hikhway cloan-up craw*
( rowg* gather tensum mounts
people Mogrvgate in *tuuR gr.mpa
and inaudible whisper* emulate
to aid an air of teiowneae ami *u»
pease u> opening night
This isn’t exactly the way it
hapfirnsd but la*t night wins open
ing night for th# summer entertain
mant schedule of tV (iroae
( War Hkiew
For uace the weather man didn't
mar th# occasion hy suddenly de
tiding (hat Bratus Rot tart needed
mare rain. Skies were rfoar and
twtnklidg stars providad an im-
petnaive roof tor tV thagter.
The i-fowd was on hand Xml they
ma ami grandpa. Spot was also j old time vjuare dance music Ignor-
on band ta lend hi* (alenl to t V a nee of t V art of *.|i|are dancing
activities when tV pi-lure Wuald | is no excuse becau*e tjiere will tie
lag foi a few nttiiutea
Midnight hi»» '
TV picture, "Midnight Kiss," a
technicolor production starring
Kathryn Grayaog, J.hU> Iturbi, and
kUkyl Ka rrymora, wa* well re- stand
.-rived by tV audience and by over
looking a few fadeoul* could pro
bably be called an mimiubt* sue-
4 # ^ teriaa An eighttmembar produe-; all th* traab 00Haded annually
.‘If f/If* UvU|t team from tha Britain e*A*5 by its highway riaan-up crows m
ft «
r* Dancing at
adad by htef bat
I to ■-
bear teat roc
tea yard doubling industry
te roaummandat Km ta a report aa
roaoat tear af mills te the Uai-
•d lUtes
Th* members said
■topped With
a said they
1 gtesshd ii
workara al
it would stack a football
fbld 40 loot deep
That was tha dirty ward from
State Highway Engineer D C.
Greer today as he reported th*
•anuai spring cleaning along high
way rights of-way was near cam
uat th# cold concrete #lab tot
sett* Whisper* arcasioialy turn
ed into shrieks and yells by the
younger generation who could cun
trol their ego only hate] eateugh
far the "Tam and Jerry" cattoan
As With many opening night*,
tha crowd was bf every
thin* from babes in arm# tb grand
During tV wore interesting
rts of tV picture eten Kpot and
jdaymates barked their ap-
proval and presumably kept mov
ing around to get a letter view of
the screen During I ills they w mid
pester bicycle peWdlera. and 1 hoar
Although last Mght was the ia-
trodurtiaa to the samnSer entertain
mem program tonight wilt be the
prelu.W to a full aamiaer of square
At t p m tonight you ran ~
and et
i your partner
a half hour instruction period pro
ceeding each Friday night* dance
If th# dame and weather com
bine to exhaust your body * mois
ture content, there is # soft drink
Vsidc the stage for just
such emergencies.
Orchestra. Tea
Saturday night tha Aggieiand
Combo will invade the Grove to
furnish muaic for tbo** who pre
fer orcheatta muaic lor dancing.
There will be «winglng and sway
ing to popular number* with prob
ably an occasional jitterbug thrown
in, from 4 until 11 p te. rain not
withstanding Banrhe* will b* pro
vidad in cnee you wiah to M aR thia
one out"
Judging from previog# years, the
Grove will provide (uffrieM space
for all thoe* desiring to dance
Admission la free for students,
faculty, and college employees and
tbair families
** V* •
Dr. Ckarita IaMoUc •
Dr. ItoMatte, profeaaar af botany at ABM, will tmi
aadohan ramp beginning Jan# II near Krrrville.
sponsored by Tetaa Univeraity annually.
r V
■ W \) <
«t a twn-wet
Tke camp