V (if. ' itf I T T'P * r .■***■ ■*' f 1 i BPi * T I r • ? f* • ^ m ‘ ' City Of (VMr*r Station Official Nrwapa|ier Number 3 wm n\ COLLEGE STATION ( 4ir A GAKATES ASM COLLAGE od I, lOCAS. THUMuQi JCNE 8. 1900 1 I - Nitim'n Top ( iillruiitc Daily NAS I MU Survry Pnce: INaOnli Research Foundation To Here Friday •x*f •? .. Ab tapvrMliUirt of no«Hy 14*0.• U00 within tho fUral y*«r tMuic May (1, will h» ro^orirti (o the AAM Hc*oanyh KounAatt^n at thoir Mootiug on the rampi* Sat urday Tho hulk of that atn-uat haa iioon u#r*j for iuvoatiffation# *ur- vaya, *tadi«i>. iraaarehoa. aifl pro >orts rdatrarta*! A*r by torraUnl in raaagrrli ii ttudy of tho affect «f aulphur on aoil amt maaeU. Jahkpla Mid The txiard of uattooi of the Fuabiiatiua will hoM their duar- toriy mortinr here fViday, Juno 9 Scheduled on the a(*nda are fiQaariaJ report# diaruaaion oni tho backloc fuitA contract ro- aowala. pending enltracU. and tendered roalfnationd, t oundation Otfterra Five Will Get You Ten Here Amarillo, Tea., June k-'^ Now'* the Unto to hava It aowattMl , matiwd af two to fifht tho Ttdeiaad'a battle for Teiaa, don. hrnaat O Thnmpaon, chairman of tho Texaa Kaihwad Cowimnmon aaid yeatorday. Ho# to (at ’em? Texaa ahould axomao ita pnvilof* of tirhliNt ; into five atatoa? That would fire tho fiao atatM of Texaa 10 aanatora to proaa *tatO iclaima to the Tidelanda. Tho L'.8 Supreme Court hold this week thpt •/» head of tho Fiacal Department the Federal (iovernment haa primary title to the Tidelaafe A! * !r Malar Pr«*|ect* Paamnr throoxh tho food Mae that aorrod almoai M« the *lllf Four'* Oak tiny in The (.ra*e laat Monday aifhi are (aho««) Judge and Mra. A. 8. Mare. Dr F C Hoi ton, and Dr. and Mm. C. C. Doak Moak for anoarr danciny aad oaltaoa oaa piayed after the prwgraai which cwnaiatod mainly of lokeo and inlradoctiMii from tho maatrr of ceremonic* Throe couples (loft) are seen dancinr in front of the aheit Officer* of tho Rdfeearch Foun dation are M B (9ayU>n. com- | merciai e»eo prusidowt of tho Gon- | eial Electric (< dMUy. preai- Tho Mono) waa spont on |d pro- dent, J B Thomaa, proedent and yeeta, htcludinp a »urv*> i|f «ya- fenernl mnafor «f the Texaa tor murtality in Southern l.miiai i Electrical Service Cpmpeny, vice sna reverse eerie heatinf and a president; C A b#hor, auditor, ■IS ji -- -e - —» — — —aiB ^ No Change Still Leading Here dales, fellows Roland Jones At Bov’s State Roland Jones is the (Vdlofe Sta tk»n dolofate to Hoy a State in Auutm which la heinf hold this yeek kolan.1 loft Tuesday with other dole gates from thia area Don Andoraon. J S Bonahie l.ynn Holick, Ikrug Howell, RiMikman lytora. Richard Wrick Frank Md- Mr, and Holloway Whaly ’The hoys are aeat to B«>ya State bb fie* cirtc clubs of Cwllofe Sta tion and Rryan the American Lr Hi DKAS KtKD el.gibl numlier mcludss eotriana wivoa. j Thu mao One woman to every 24 (non oni (MacP^ra, and i.thorn many mar- the raiupua that* the rptm U»| T ^,j he expected for the *jnim«r term here, arrording U> a tabuldtioo of * auue« IPcretae figures based oil report* fgN* tho There la a ilefitNo i mrea*e in Refiatfar’* <»ffu* aiul the Rousing number of tempter* studying office | he re this term. According to Final registration figures will (.eorge W'lk-ox, head of the Kdu not ho available until early next cation and I'nycholaMr Department week, airwe students may cootin* t The im roaae may be almost di- ue to register until Krnlay at S rm-tly traced to r«Mits of the Gil p m mer Aikin bill's mlpg which stif- i fens requirements far high school mstructora Single giris who des re to live in the college dormitAnes are all housed in K ramp af W alton Hall Next dour, in J tamp four married couples are living. W altotrhoused firt* number only a small porrei tag* of the total of tho < oitege sec rotary troaaurcr; and Jakkula Tbomas will take charge of thia mooting in the ab sence of Clayton, who will be unable to attend Kirculive < •mmittoe Members of the executive com miUoo are Clayton, ex-officio, H W Barlow Doan of tho School of Engineering. Gibb Gilchnpt. Chan cellor of the AAM Syatetn. D B Harris, vice preaMiont and treua- urwr of the Humble OU Company, and TWmaa All officers, with the exception of the executive diroctor, are mem- tierA of ami are fleeted by the bsianl of trustees. The trustee* are mo«ni>er* of and an- elected by tho council group* Members of the board of trustee# who are up for re-election or re placement at the Saturday meet mg are Dean Barlow, A P Beutei, v»ee president of Dow Chemical Company; E. L. Kurth pre*ident of the Southland Paper Mills, Dm ; Victor Srhoffelmayer. president of the Texaa Chemurgic Csmncil and "I would aay that this ia the time for Texaa to exerriar R* priv ilege set out in th* reaotut'oii which to«*k Texaa inU the United State*—which *pecif«caily aay* that the State of Texaa nay, at ita own will, divide itaelf into five separate states," said tho general "They could be F.aat Texaa. Weak Texas. North Texaa, South Texaa and Central Texas Thia would gi'* u» 10 senators in tho Unted States ! f Congress and then maybe We could defend ourselves against tho on ward march uf nationaliam.** Visiting at hi* home here, ’nioinpaon said that might hr the *olu- tion to th« Texas Tidelanda case am# other atate pixibkema. Rsmllmewt Near -'*♦* Though the late registration may altet the number officials predict a noar-y.MH enrollment Among this number should Iw an And l<)(i women students. This estimate woubl be a drop of nearly MN) ttolents frtxn last Count ilurs' Axrnda On tho agenda fur the sixth annual count iturs meeting are the election of trustoes. a financial tw- port, a review of the quarterly board of trustee mooting*, and exe cutive ami backlog fund commit tee meeting* Also included are project reviews by Jakkula, Dr J G Markin, and Dr 8 H Hop kins New projects will be reviewed by Dr Melvin Kisner Fred W«ick, Dr F W Jmson, and Dr Ray mond Reiser ls-ater H Clark will give a review of the patent *it- uation An outlimk for the future, and other minor tiuaineM will con clude the meeting. Jakkula said hikms, administrative assistant to the president of the college, has been nbmed assistant chief of the Food and Agricultural Divis ion of the wpecial K ah population for summer iwti. RotAry ( luh, Junior Chamlwr ^^gtoreii. about 40 state I delegates will attend the Guver- ! not’s Ball in Gregory Gym on the University of Texas Campu« Hubert Hunt Gels Fellowship Award Hub meinG-rs representing eai h sf Texas' 254 counties will !*• on Ml* i anqnis Monday as the An nual htau- 4 Round I p gets tmk*t w«> The Hound Cp, lasting fh rough Wedneailay wt!l i>c fol- lownt by the annual con fere nr* of alt agrimltuial extension person- im I The clubbers are scbc**tiile m»unc#d today Underway Monday night with a f el-mcquainted prwram Hilly nggs minister uf tnudir at the Fust Methodist Church m Mich- ita Falla. Will direct the group singing Tuesday, C Q. Gibson, direct or '*f the Texas Agricultural Ex tension Service, will welcome the , 4 H bov* *nd girls to th« cam Merrill Lynch, Fierce, Fenner A Beane haa awarded a six week fel- lewship for the < loae range study uf business to HlwfeMUr Robert L. Hunt *f Texa* AAM. Wtnthrop H. Smith, the investment hanking firm's managing partner, a n- Jante- F Peirre, instgictor of English, received a III)# pnie at the Southweat Writers Conference, held in Corpus Chriatl this week, fnr hia novel, "To All M4*" Peirce tied f*r first pn$e in the novel rlasaificaltion and Won ho* orabie mention for a groigi of po ema he submitted Judge for the novel roigeat was Jewel Gibson, author of “Joshua Bean and God” and ' Bladk Gold." Pei fee won a firat pm* fnr his novel plan and an honorable men tion fpr a abort story at Igat year’s ron/ffence The conference is held annually in Corpus OhnaC Peirce received ( hi* prise at a banquet held Turn da* evening Bqfinning June .1, the conference lasted through Tuesday Mer living in rmitories now IT us* for hou»- aaaistant *ecretary of state at the ing male student* are Walton Hal! time of the Amerasia arrests told (except ramps J and K), Milner a Senate inquiry comtrHttee today Hall and dorm>tori*-> 14 15, Ifi, his best lecolleetion is that Varda and 17. man asked that the pnwecutio* be Most of the girl* enrolled are delayed taking libera) art* course*, al- Vardanian, now a metuher of the though a few have been sighted federal Reserve Board of Govern in the more technical classes Tha»w ‘ V™ 1 *“* n,,t '"imediately available are a number of it'SW girts ogis- romment teied, with several other schools *X ouldB't Recall" also represented i It was under*t«Mid, himever, that Fn>feaaor Hunt, who ia aasisttant to the Dean of Agriculture, will j uae much of hi* fell«>wship time to gather material for a forth coming h»*ok on cotton marketing He will spend three weeks in New York, beginning June 12, with E A Bev endge. Merrill Lynch’s commodity economist, studying the firm’s or ganisation, the financing of agn rultural products, and the local McGinnis Does Double-Duty As City Secretary and Prof P Albert Washer, former train- 1 ' ,< Mkge atul System mg *upei vt»or ande<-| roteuip and refining and chemistry iatlMsinan m T* xas. in collatMu* turn w*th m"*t of the major com- , pa me* of th* state Washer hold* a petroleum en gineer ng degree from Coloi ado, Sch***il of Mines ami a bachelor of! ait* degee. f rom Dt*nvei I niver- *ity Hr w as the sub,!*** t of * “Heliece It i»r Not” cartoon when he grad*ate<| from both ** htads at the same tinye, pfter atteiMimc one in the daytime amt th* >>th**r aad Stab- 4 H dress ievyew xvfll take | place Tuesday evening.* On Wednesday morning’s agen da are report* from the 1949 4-H 1 *4ie New York Cott en-. will -be given on KyD Ftora. rting an .mth h oundatiun ( amp. the Hunt , ()l , Ju ,. l0> HM9 k atm Vouth Egchange and ( prufeaaor Hunt will leave for Mem art*met of the 1949 Natmaftl 4-H ( luh toigr*** M T Harrington will then a'tdre** the group The uftmneun will be devoted to de part mental «hnw* The final night's program on M** will feature e 4 H tal ent show ami preset, tation of awird. to *v>nte«t winner* The tal- he will ohaerve spot housing and ahip- mder the pm* of cotton under the tutelagi of Brttwn Hurrh, the loral Mernll j •AMI Lynrh manager fregi tColumina Unlveratty at the same Ivm* Barlmv to Attend Seattle (invention Fclbot-hip M***-!* M idi M rtC v» The W a man's Fellowship nf the AAM FNfst Christian church met ia the h*>m« ef Mr*. R L Patrick Monday Mrs K K A'evef, vvee-presulent «f the F*dlow «hi* pie-tided at the meeting H* np*uce* were read and plana were dmeussed for the com ing year ef the Fellowship A nominating committer to re port on a dirt of propones! new el-, fieer* was appointed ami ashed to report at the next mmitiftr which wHt k» in the home of Mss A. L. Look oa July a. StiidcntM Ah AniioiiiH^ni Dr Howard W, the school of ; tend tk lAriww, dean of f engineering will at* imseT meeting of the Amenean Society lor Engtneer- ing EdwcatuHi hi Seattle Washing- Student* intarealrd in radto new* J top the latter part uf this month Dean Barlow and fa milv la lege Station en June 3 for tended trip to Seattle atop to Tureen Ana Dean Barlow will vi*it the School of Engineering at Th* University Experiment Stations and Schools ef Engineering at New Mexice AAM College. The University of Calrfurma, Uafvenstty of and Washington State lie way la the Wash meeting Dean Bartow and fbmilv are ex- C ed to return frees the meeA to Beattie Jaiy 14. announcing are still needed for the New* of Agxrwtond nragrhm. ac cording to Hamid Gann, nexrty- appointed program director The prn(ram, a daily feature over WTAW, includes national, rampo* ami sports new* Each program requires two , MMfBpMi t.ann said. Spuaaoroii by the Ehrheage Ptore and prepared by In BMl of The Battalion, the pmgrwm ia prewenle*! at 7:3# each morning ex crpt Sumtor. Th* samator pre- grama arc the first to pritoat aa* taoaal new*. Gaaa aard Being a pr years a| Cornell, ami then was an inatpurtor ef i Raral Arts at CIA (nop TSCW) from 1910 until 1915 Prom 1914' 1920 he was an associate ixtfessor of horticulture in Del ia* 9* a lands* up*- arcRttert aad contractor. In 1990 he raih* back to AAM as a professor nf land scape Art and ha* been "here ever «inc* Today the students ami the ex- Aggie* take the Dire* toty of For mgr Student* for granted and that it will he published each year, bat MrGinru*. aa secretary of the Alumni Association. roiapiW-d the first ex-stedeat* due* topy ia 1#II , Appointed aecretary b* Free- ideat Riatell. he was the firat •ffWer with the exmtalewt* aa- eerietme with th* exegetioe ef toe elected member* When he toeA ever thie 1*4. thpre were • hoel 1.19# grad*ale* aad M# gf their aA4reee*i • ere tocer- gert ea the record* Hg wrote t boo sands of letters ttying to obtain the addreeaes though there xeerw gtill 10 er 40 addresses he didn't know when he toft the college in 1990. The ex students association today haa stemmed from the poloes that were practiced when MrRinais wa* When he started as a freshman in 1904 there wery about 4hn »tu- dent* enrolled Ip bis senior year there were a kittle more than IHN) In September ef 190K the en rollment jumped to 90t* ami every one was talking about the huge Met. inn is says that College Sta tion is the l>est place to live in the country “With low tax rate* and without any poverty or alum problem College Station offers more recreational activities for all age* than any other city it* mxe increase. He remember* when I College Station's biggest problem. (Hwwixna Hall wap apened m Sept-1 Mrt.inni* say*, “is that it is ember of 190* Every *ne thought divided into three part*. North Vardaman ha* told a represent* live of the committee that he could not recall ever having tried to de lay the prosecution In view of Holme*’ testimony to day the committee ha* arranged to hear Vardanian at a session be hind closed d*H»ra Friday Holmes tidd newamen today that the FBI had developed a ' g — The University of Tex*« accepted two Ntfro students yester day. bowing to the U 8. Sm- t) r e m e Court’# wgregitHm John Sauiulers Chase of Aus tin, 26, veteran of World War II became th* firat N’ggru to enrol! i since th* university was opened here 67 year* agu Horace Ljnculn Heath. 50, o(f, Wacw, who will se«k the degrew of D*M*tsir of Philosophy in govgni- ment. w^* the second. Chase will study for a master'# degree in architecture Sweat! T# Earoll Heman Maeum Sweatt, Houston ‘ Negro postman, whgae suit against the University brake down Ha segrfgation t.arnera 'la to enroll in September The supreme ciHirt ruled Sweatt must be admitted bg- cause the law fa* ilittog at the Tex as State University for Negroga at Houston are not equal to those at the University of Texaa. Sweatt tried to enter the Uni versity law school four year* ago. He was rejected on ground* tbit I he was barred under Texa* lags providing for separate pubhc school# for Negroea and White# Sweatt lost in state court*, but w*m the final round before the U. ! S Supreme court Monday. Rerorniied aa Rhgihle University of Texaa official* gaid Sweatt, Cha*e and Heath wer# rccognae*! as el igiWe for nop- segrggatad admission to graduhto school* TYiey refenxl to the aupremg court’* decision holding that the law »cho«l at Houston wa* not substantially equal to the umvgf- *ity law school They said that the | Negro Unwi-rnty also could not l»vovide for rha*e and Heath Attract I.ittto Attention Both Negro studepU followed the usaal routing In filling out form*, standing in line with whites for registration to- eto*#e*. and l»aying fee* Their FFesence at tracted little attention Chase said W A*tm Kirk, a Negro college tearher. said at Houston he would enroll in the UnHrgfwity at Aus tin in September Kirk filed a suit more than a year agh seeking to compel university official* to ad mit him a* * graduate student. It i* still pending Kirk rejected an offer of off- campu* facilitie* in February for study toward hm doctor’s degree here East Gate and Sou,haute . ^MDTi;^tovTv^ the Ameraaia case as part of it# inquiry into charge* by Senator Mcf’arthy (R!Wi*7. Mrt'arthy ha* contended that \rwtor it was such a xronderful dormi tory then He ha* hoegi City Secretary far five year*. Thia entails at tending frequent cawacil meeting* aad withawt aay pay. as non* af th* tmmmtikmm are paid. Even though there tg quite a hit of mark ia It, McCianis aaya he mb joys the yah lag like it j 1111* cause* a transportatior prob tern and make* the utilities more expensive »i»ice more pipes and C wer lines are needed than would tf the city were located al together He says, however that ! the city i* financially sound ami practiralh out af debt, since all , the money College Station ha* hor ' rowed on notes for utility develop ment has been repaid Being divided also canned a sewerage grohteai. since eurh di vision ha* ta have separate aya- to«* Mrt.mmn aays that the profile as fnr North Side will be solved forever when its aystom muneets with Brwan'a For the other two sections #f the city a treating aait win k* built and the septic uak* now being used will ne longer he needed McGiapi* wn* horn in Kaufman | Gaupty and gvwxr up aa a farm 1™, f 77" A»s Houthem, 4smo. farming he became trteraatod in wn. ^ w , M hortkulture There wetw tan ehil- ■•Wfiy III 111 drun la hia faaaly and three af hia brothers also were gredwated from AAM Hia brothers are in terested in landscape work too, and on* ia a landscape architect la Dallas and another a civilian land appraiser for the Corps of Engineers No Program Yet For Kite Flyers No program has been announced for the Res rent iou Council’s Kites and Model Airplane* artivitigs, said Raymond Rogers, chairman of the Kites and Model Airplanes activities yesterday afternoon Roger* (ontmuad to say that although there have been two kite the Ameraaia caae, inv«dving the flying*, this activity would not mill the end or poaaiMy the first of - g»t alleged illegal removal of hundreds j undwway until the end of tnia of aeciet government documents, is month, the key to hi# general charge* of a July Red network in the department ! He did say. hnwe** r .,Umt hq la Up" Claimed j seeking to contact a person wb# •ru ur - .a doe# model airt4ane .work 1>VeCt The Wisconsin senator and some » - of his Republicsn colleagues have claimed there w*a a "cover up" of the Justice Department's fail ure to win prison term convictions in proaecuting the case Only two of the six persona arrested by the mi paid fmas, th* gkltoti were r bared Holmea Tydinga Committee, newamen asked about hia testimony hg replied S snt an hour with the mmittoe, but when i* a# yet no place or shop where this work might h* carried out but he has hope* of finding one la th* near future. One of the Mto flying* was out in ColUge Park, towards the knoll or Spike White's building, the otltog ^ was east of Duncan Hall, He said. Mm. A< Victor Wi Mr*. Art A* ed Mrs V H ( grove, Vlrgbb Ana Southam. daughter coffee Tuesday and Mr* John Southern home in W leg* Rlhtion, and James M i Th* Maud* of !1« Highbnd. ware ad- arrangements of gardeniaa. gbd- m.tUd t. the SL Joan*’* MUl, mla. and am.ruMa^^^ t in Bryan yesterday, th* Rmipttal Mrs < anada hi the guest gf Mrs. Staff announced Moody anderwent •Frank Anderson t ah operation this morning j tian.