The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 07, 1950, Image 4
. \ ^ ^ Morgan Old ^Kf^^Around CS Area ” " • I camp Kofciri*>n. Art , and w new nlly aip|Mint*d >» r»ar»- AdjuUnt GWM-ral of U»r »«.».• k Amonran <«•»• intiral Trfminf r>itiaw<n. a Im2 laflitraiM*- < ompanyr wf olt< amt By CHBHTKB I BITTH FIELD Mam for tha work h* 4k1 m eW mm m. - •«. i« &? sisrsi'sw 1 Mati rarantiy ai>fH>iiMr«< an 1 aantatiy* trai tufa Hoaalon for tikb araa I i, orfM ^ hi- 0#f| Mortan ^ by no maan. a mm. ^ ()f lK# Ait|# rmnar to thi» araa Mara hi» J$lh- g r y an am i i v*-* in CoUawa Sutiot y. A o. Morgan, wa- h^4 of Uia w>th hll wl f, . n- m# rM UniI Aynmiirty [Vpartmant until his gra m^mbara of tka FinB an! 1 1WI , . , . 1 Baptist Ckuirh in Bryan and ait ™wgai»a liaad in a knaiaa artiaa in rivk and roinmunity a^ rattd an tha plot wkara tka aaw f.M W ] ] amuriaJ Mtudant ('antar is now l uriu Morgan News of )our Neighbors Mr. and Mr*. It T. Harrinftoa, of L t Brurkar. fatkar of Mrs., kft Tuaaday for Wickita Fails Ui Bolton Mrs. Bolton ia tkr formar . , at»«wi it. a At* nab maaunf ian,^ Brurkar of (ollafa Kution ^ ,UKlw,t whirk ia baittf day t.iyht in ton will rsturn tkara T« Mrs Harring Wrdnaaday. Mr* Norman Andaraon laft on Monday for lauarnra Kan wkar* she will visit bar «kugkt*-r, Mm INiul Wilkalm. Mr and Mm Blakaly and Mm. M L. * ushioa will als« attami tka fun«r*i • William Hlumburr of Collagr Statlun laft Monday for Waro Wkam ka will j«iin a imxjp of col orvan was a frashmaa in Law Hall, and ka riahns it rama in <|uita kandy for anaaking ovar and ratrking a anonta orraaionally Wkila at AAM. Morgan «aa mamW of tka Market and Finaara dub. ('aptain of A Field Artillery, tkr Roes Voiunteem. and in rkarge ianitom He In IMk with a Barkelor' in Boameaa and kis was awarded in 1?W After worting in east Tuas for tke AAA and in Amanllo for the Federal Crop Insurance Corpora tion, he came hack to AAM in l*te This curlykeaded, Monde, Mu* eyed and yna! fellow is well rw me robe red t,y moat Aggies al tk* “father" of the Placement OffW*. a IdHi^view Beats a in cnarge p rp • Snorts I wire M l S t e r’s I L—gtisw Teians swept a kea<iet fn>m tke Bryan C«d McCarthy Accusations Hit by State Department tka department Mid: atataawnt ia absolutely Pk- Frank C. Ballon, naw premdeni emenlus «f tka cailege. leaks al Ika audience as ka shake, hands with tka Rigkt Keterend John R> Hinas, Mskop coadynlwr of the Kpiscopal diocese «f Tesaa, at Friday's kacralaureale Washington. June 7 —9m- key lobs star McCarthy loosed a aaw Mast "That of*met tka State Depart merit yea- false " larday and mat a quick retort Tka department declared: tanamg one of his main aecwaa Tka senator baaed bin charge Uunt "absolutely false" upon tka completely erroneous ka- Mc< anky told tka senate the lief that tka FBI prepared a chart FBI four yearn ago listed lS4,wh«h purportedly evahnted da ted agents, communist*, sympath part man Ui personnel ia terms of iaers and suspects m tka state sgenta,' communists, at*, department—-end tkat k. knew, of • -l No such chart was ever at i^t tkrwe who still hold b tK# .wpsrtmant of top posts in tka department. fUU frofn lb# rB j ^ r \T ^ • T TV Department of Jurn (arthy finished kis speech la tke i n ( orTO ^j ua ^ mnete, the state department coon- ^ wa , by Oie tared with a statement assarting that the purported "FBI chart 1 mentioned by McCarthy was not an FBI document Referring to McCarthy's claim that three suspects are still in bee students m M aw. to r* With J** ^ "•T"*' 1 th * ® f . ” _ 1 WlaWM itawimr k Vm — — WBarn A mA**. them U> the Ba|>ti«t College Fn -ampraant in Ridgecrest, North The Reverend Onn (J Helvey left today for F.l Paso Tka Reverend 1 Carolina. Rlumberg Helvev will perform the marriage home June 14 careMMmy fur Mi>« Mary Boone • Wheeler of K| Paso ami Bill 0»* ! hie p Trotter Jj ley, a recent graduate »f ABM Bryan Sunday, Jane ftca under the auspices of tke Assn nation of Former Students Be he return m that position until 1941 whan he went into tke service, He entered the service with the leave "‘"k of fimt lieutenant and mas Tke Mm| doubi< leg* Sports, ft i and k I, in Fait Texas laage* .lashes at Sports Park last night In tke tmefier, the invaders slap ped Juae Ferimndea, wk>. went the distance for 10 tallies, scoring three times in tke third and sev enth rantos. with tke kelp of two Sport errors, Texan kuriers Allakaugh ami Jt 234 Register ilnd. Mana^rmcni In Swimming Short Courses Set Krllev. Crothaus \ows Exchanged TWsday wia regiatratiM day for the swimming program api.neoied by tha College Station Recreation Council, and it seems that just a boat everybody wants to barn to swifi A total of 2‘H yv>angst)>* paid their fee* and wyivi assign.d to <lasae*. and it ia probable that Tke wedding will take j group of Boy Stout* for Camp Ar- colonel With a 'di-charged in 194t> with the rank c*imbe allowed five hits, Allakaugh place Thursday evening • - Viaiting Mr, ami Mrs J. ft Blakely of College Station ai^sMr mV*. Otis Bolton, Elmo, KreSskaw and daughter Marcia Mr and Mr* Bolton and Kren ekA are no their w*y to Will’s Point, Tex** to attend the funeral He was awarded the ls>gion of ng one tally off a walk i base Texa* Krpiihliran Dr non nc pm Court Washington. June 7 ► 1 P* Re* Bsm (dull Tegas' o^y Republuan aoBgressman denounced supreme court ruling* *n tidelands ami ra< la) Harrimination v< .terday in hi* figrt s|>ee< h i* the House He also Masted the “rtw deal J •danniatostion'' and rrtticiied the M aiiaplace*i loyiilty" of Texa* vot er*. Gail) called yesterday's sonreme ! court rulings which guv*- primfcrv tills to the tideland* to the federal Javarnment. a billion dollar theft “Another derision of the .aprerne ' court in the Sweatt case struck a severe ami damaging blow at the entire concept of state, right*," I said (iuil! "Mr speaker these decisions, following the infamous veto of the Kerr (natural ga* i hill, cct m, *mt Visiting over the weekend in the home of Mr and Mrs. L E Tittle are Mrs Tittle's sisters, Mrs K S Alexander of Cundiy, Texas; j Mrs Julian Fdarards .*f Bplphui Springs Texas; and Mr* T W Williams also of Hulnhur Springs Mr am! Mrs James Ciramon of Austin were also Visiting with Mr and Mrs Tittle over the weekend Lunrheon Given For (Anthia Farr l4i«t Montlav afternoon Miss Cynthia Farr of p.>anoky. Virginia, was honored with a luncheon giv en by her hostess Mh»« Nancy Kevnolds, at Mis* Reynolds'home on JlouOl Oakw mid The lumheon which wn»s at-, tended by Mi**o* Patsy Ronnea,T l.ou Bunres*. F.l«te (Iniv, Anna lean (Uslbev. Joyce Patranella { I ouanne ^rndh. and (iladys j Schaeffer wa* nroiomiriantIv Me»- iean in atmosphere the table de corations r.»**istetl of farious Mcx j ican enrm*, , In th i* atm.Mu hoa*. Mis* Ikie Fsrr whs ms-sented a bracelet of Mivean silver l>y the^oatOss calculated and atrgr. «fiis. *ii r« hv the raw ileal administration Kirainst Bravton ttyTakp Part the state »f Texas . .... « "As long as Texans cont nuc I" Firemen A ( OUrV* to support in off . e the r w <*r«t •nemie*. the smialists who rail then, selves democrats, thev can eapect to l>e stabbed in ’he h* k repea'e.I as * reward for their piMpUced loyalty " College Station Recreation Program For Ttiiirsulay H (id a m Pee Wee Softball Supervised Play Period (College Hill«l 9 00 a m Swimming (Novice Beginner-) Tumbling 10 00 a m Swimming (Ie>w Beginner- (iroup I Tumbling 11 <K) a m Spimming 11 .on Intermediate (iroup 2 00 p. m Diving liW p m Swimming Recreation 4 (>0 p m Swimming Kecreath.n • Jr anil Sr Tennis 5:00 p m Jr am) Sr T* rims T 10 p m Adult Handii raft yield i ' Stolen Kaiser’s run pr.idiu mg bmgti In the first that placed the Sport* into the lead In the third inning, Is.nfvinu collected three run* off three hit* to take the lead and stay in roip mami the re*t of the way Brygn scored in tk. sixth. th« run u*i earned. Al Kaiaer pared Sports httteia, roller-ting t’wv for foul ahlle short ' stop Johnny Bruxga. sixth min i among leag*. hitters w ith 2*' failed to hit m four trip* u tk. i plate Harry Y.aing notched a nif7y f two hitter while his Texan leans .* pr< . late comer* will swell the total to w,v *' r ^e subject* of job a boat 2r>0 The swinmuag pro- evaluation and merit rating, and b> Roland Cyr and Al c™* 1 has been one of the moat sucoesaful program* sponatoed by the R... reation Council, an) if this i»T<»rd brenknig .*nrollniM>l con b.- taken a* a guide it ss growing in popularity At the time of registration f„ r ty <me children were isaigmd to the < la** for novice keg i rm* m. hirutty Hifia to th** rlaisiuft for low beginner* (went) four to »h. rlaaa for high b> ginnen. tw. nty five to FBI • "1. The chart ia quMtba wa* merely a preliminary working doc ument prepared hy one of the Sute Department's security afflrer* a* a basts for fart Her investigation • "4 No person* purportedly (dent ified on the chart aa rom- mi »ni«t agents communists or tke j like are now employed by the d* pertinent of state except thos# whuoe loyalty ha* since been tbor I ougkly checked, evaluated and re- Mis* Donna Kelley of Bryan wa* vlewod under tke president’s ky- mamed Saturday evening to Fred j alty program * K Gnithaus Jr of San Antoaio Stole Department preas offi merit short courses, designed to in a ceremony performed by Rev cvr Michael McDermott told new* train cprew-ntatives of Texa* in T M ValenU in the garden at th* men that th* chart was not Use.I daidry, will be held here by the (> a ks on proof of dialoyalty but on ac Management Fngineenng Depart Mrs Maunne Kelley of Bryan cusatton* which were mveatigated ment June 12 to July 21. and Don E Kelley of El Ceatro. under th* security system. Colorado, are th# bride's parents Originally, in hi* .peach, Mr- Mr» B E Gnithaus of San Dtago,, Carthy had said the FBI notified California, and Fred E Grothau* 1 the State Department on May 15, of San Antonio, are the groom'* 1947, that it had data on fled sus- pa rents The bride graduated from Ste phen F Austin High School She attended Sam Houston State called “working Teachers College and ia now a sec- blurred and that retary in the Horticulture Dopart ment at ARM The groom m a senior Sanita senea of industrial The six one and two-week four- production planning, both June 12- 16; method* improvement, June 19 Mi; work simplification, and ele ments of manufacturing coats,both July KM4, and coat estimating, July 17-21. According to V M Faires, head of the Ma nagement Engineering iW-partment, the summer training pact* ia the department. However, McDermott. tkld re porter* ’hat the date on the so document" was it wka actually May 15. 1946 McCarthy told the senate that two months after the FBI purport- mates hammered out 11 hit* I gne Unginm a ',-1 victory hi tb« »winiming c^«rh Riail Man finale ( | aligl. will assist with the swim Young went as far *a the wxenth »«» ‘*‘* 1 A ,Vf M without allohmg a kit RiU Fal- **'M*'* l,,n ,n dumg Ion spoiled tk* no-kit hid by pound- wg . . . mg ..ut a A-uMe m th. seyenili y|pH, FllU’ r.lrf’ll'd Th. Sjsirts’ lone tall) came in the ninth when (ieorge Shell doublfd RJ? P\\ f ||||| Dr4>% \ home Fallon, wh.. hiM walk.-d % I M to riuinenm* re«|uests that the training facilities and iiMiu*tnal (he rlaapee for iatermedhwes fif 1 experience of personnel of the de teen to the class for high pi ter me part merit be made U\tillable to Tex diaU*s and seventeen te tin* rlass us firm*. for udiarxed sw irumor*. Twelve — regtaiemd for iaatructioa it diving I II ill | l The sw imming classes pr* nn<l. r x.llll) th. .iirection of Art Ydaiiw oi, th. | , e program was developed in response Uor Engineering major ami a grad wily submitted iU data uate from the Austin High School Department, the department had He served two year* in Japnn in j dropped only IK of the 124 a© call- World War II ! ed xuspecU Rural ( hurch Mrrt SlatiNl Thi** Month Nationally known speaker* and leader* will take leading parts in the fifth annual Kuial Churth conference b> be held here. June 26-29 Ihiniel II i-sell of the Ihpaft ment of Agncnltum! Fiom.rnlc« and SocMiogy i« chairman fer th.- ism fere nee •Students wh*. atten.led AAM during the presidency of Igiwn-nce A H. Karcher Jr and Mildred Harris, assistant state 4 H club leader* of A4M will leave Wed nesday for Washington, I* C. with the four Texa* 4-H delegate* to National 4-H Club ( amp According to Extension Direc tor G. (I. Gibson, the group will travel in the bus owned by the Sullivan Ross, 1*91 through 1902. Texas Extension Service and will held a reunion at the colldge OV ar vl * lt historical point* of internet the w.*ek end j while enruute Karcher and Mias Vh> class of 1995 celebrated It* Harris will act as chaperon* for With anniversary, with Hefiiy Joy the delegate* anil will also attend dan of Waco, m charge and the’ the annkal conference of state 4-H cMa* of 19<M( cel.-bial.-d It* F^ith club leaders which is held in con- aniuversar\ with Hal M-Weley of j nection w ith the National 4-H Dallas, chairman. f anip Th.- group attended the review The group is ex|>e< ted to return of the corps of («dots Saturday to College Station on June 25 u" Bering • When Marine Pfc lawrence From Auto Wreck R Ijimberti of New York City tell* of fighting Nan* and Faaciet* at James L Casey, veteran *tu- the ripe old age of 14, maay of hi* '^ n t who was struck with polio in Marine buddies are a little skepti April, is recovering from an auto cal but hit ia no idle boaat ! accident in the college hospital, Bom and raised in Italy, Private according to Dr J. F, Marsh col- lamberti participated in manv Par lege surgeon tisan sabotage activitie# including Casey was driving alow Jones bridge blowing, aniping and amail Road off Highway 60 when his scale warfare, when Germans oc- car turned over when H struck i upied that country, loose gravel. He suffered internal Even though he was a native I injuries to the right kidnev and Italian and didn't enter the United right lower chest and abdomen Statoa until 1946, Umberti ia a Dr Mamh said fully natunaliied eitiren under Uni- 1 Caaev, who ia married and has ted State* law because hia father one child, expect* to continue hi* rame to this country in M89 and work in electrical engineering dgr- H R Bravton of the Industrial KxtensMin Service * ill take part m the program for the State Fim School amt Firemen’s Association to he held In Fort Morgan, Colo, June 710 Ra tta tion CLASSIFIED ADS WEDNESDAY, JI’NE Cadet Golfers As Compared Finished Low In To Last Season's SWC Team SAVE 10 TO 20% On Yoar Automobile and Fire Inauranee MUri ar MnUiaJ PoMciaa ALEXANDER • BEAL AGENCY MS South Main Phone 2-6547 perl Sam HousUia State Teacher* of ptomaine poiscmmg »kich kept i on the Aggie home course, (Editor’s note: Thi» is the sixth in the senes n( cmnd iip» being s r it Ira on \AM -ports > aiu. With » a*TTAi,ion < i ssnirigr' AU H.(« »r * Wurd t»» MmrtMa sms s »*•*»'"("» *e*m **'• >• neaMtlwl Ser*Iwn eur s»r »Uuins Mi si. fisssirusts was ««*« i«n— is is* eiwdsm aso-ms* ornc* AH Ms stouts ks iur»sd ip Sr IS us am sf Wo 4ar '•*«.» m.s tas-wa * -roa balc • • aUtMT-l.lJANKlH w * roR rSTlUXTKS us auiMifetg ssnsswl ru puirs -srt runreuts w«rfe sail i> R I >.i* Oumtsi ('•mrartxr gs<u»s I XJTI t(M* rORI> * * Mis wall lies* . tissr hs.isf 4'(4t«e* Vise onnvxvi* Mi im nMinsncs mabing * unlawful •• eisrhsre* *ni frcslm •«*» in* Mams *rt|the, season under the aide guulafw-e t ollege g(4fer» as WetcKar |nd him down for over a mot th The Aitben Wen the two single* xTin 25 vear old golfer i* h junior phy ner-s in SHFT< evenr «uwl education student, ffom Mis- Fletcher i* the only sopkorimre *'•** The Cadet hnksmen (>|iened their | ,, t' ’he teaia amt> in the Ko ’ Aflir the Baylor match the ( a- 195*1 golf campaign on March * j *P«t Th# IX year old native of 'hrt* wen schedule)! to m<.-t (he against the Southwest Texa- State ! s *»' Antonin ha* spent three and larnghorn- Th. nggr.-ga Bahrat f flan Mamsi an.1 .-mex-g i " m - half yfar. on the link* Hr ’n*' mpped the ( adeta grid went ed victorious on the Bryan t .fen- I has entered several tournammit* 1 ,,n t,, r "t) the Snuthwxmt Confer who exlgcd A4M hy s half |ioint try Club r.iurse t *»' , l *>th h|p father won the “fgth- , '" c “ r t"wn for the soceRd straight The match with Rice closed out I er-in-s.m’' #ity toumament In tan y , '* r four man team of (.ene| AnU.nio U«t year Another defeat was ia store for ’be Aggie, as th. galaxy of golf .-r* ventured into tji* Arkansax again the Cadets were defeated Against the Mustangs of SMU j ’he Aggie* drew blond and then only a drop as they finished in a tie. Returning from Dallas the Ca- : (let* journeyed to Houston for their engagement with the Rice Owls, If* Our . . . SLACK SEASON The four man team of ( ' Derby. Monte Currie J C Flelch j er. Rad Tom Aitken had t>rmctice<| , long and hard at the beginning of | I.ARO*. r snd BM*un'l*>* fsr Ceilsg* Vise * eexmart -2 m«* asm i»-i >*r (Mtm cleeasr l>*» (>4i*gs w i*rtf asfisis* nrsarnss sM ers-MMa peBSHr m it oROAiwRn nt thr rrrr mt mni or thk ••itx oF ow. I ROR RTsTiniX MOroRRlK* Idssl '« miwm UuM c«M(»c PUass « tons '(•««)« i nnir *' I II .Kali a. arm wttlua (ha mlawfnl I* •*•«* s fir* -nails of c«» OWD'Al. lP*0*»i.s'S«¥n«i «* i.arsS Oman f«* »*(* Karp (I R.^enam. xa t» ii« ORR 1*4* 4 iss.aR tMvmtrt moae *•»*•* mas will ba reesaeM as IM (MVaca *4 aha ftaMF* n*4l»r aniat W a e WMinasa. < Ihm 4« ,iaao tM ragM I* ime.vsS IS ■awn *4 *M an **» sM M> •*>«* 4b -aw* *11 wehan autaso AMrsm OMMWrtkw A aw# M Crtlaa* e» Tas M ( «4|ag* aasOM Tsaaa las faoM. Urtawwaifa rnr *«m* aiuc ssniUaonn tmans Phan# 4 MM •parsmen — K*»a » hath •*<na*r*<ar ••( m* Ten Ma> »• North Onla 4-sllaaia Jwaa I *«M4 CWHVXMrrARi.g a-nw*. naer (IraAnal. s«a#*ma tm I Reap* • »t*4 *«MU4rtrivR famlaaM ten-ream awad i- ar.Jrru'rs: r , ■ -■ ny ma*r •■txm^xias rimi a mm I R *na ar aar aShar laarMrfaa or *i«<4a am •» an. (Mhar aaaaatm 2 4 firaarm anal! m. Iwta aparlflra ta* ims saonai-sir am ah.s«na> rifas air ran* awtSanaam that *uia«t am ha»M. nhaari *4 tar .Isa by farra at i-.>mauaHS<X —UawNm or aar 1 aai‘>na .tataong ihla anWeanra that taa guilt I af aiiart»m«ener an# aRn* «a* vtrOna .Hall *4 ftna# tas) ism ttaan fl»a »”'<*" Anita ra nnr m»ra Uxas flftl »Vi aa Anti ana of (toyther Nowell, well known golfing pro, who is maneger of the Golf Sh«ip at the Country Club lam! man-in charge at the link* The future Imaked bright for the | four Aggies who would attegipt I Ur fill tha shoes of Travis Bryan Jr.. Jack Barnett. Hart Haltom. and Johnny, Henry last year’s team a rat long time mainstay* around th* golf course But two days after the victor- luu* engagement with the Han Marco* foursome, the Cadet golf er* met the UpieeraRy of Haaa ( urrte Net I p to Expert*!mo* Curne, a rtvri engineering mgjor from Rryaa sdde.1 his hit to |his yeai’s liRk team but didn't /ail* a* well as fxpe. t*oi He wa- funRer up to Travis Bryan, Jr in the Bryan C"lf TiHirm-y which th. latter won by forfeit, ( ..mplpiilig the frtiir*nme i* Ts.m Aitken, uiRHir petroleum »tu.h?nt | from ItallaR. who i» 26 years pWl | Recently taarned, ami a v.-te#»n ! of SO men tits in the Air Force, he 1 began phiving the golfing gam# in 1946 Still ip pn- conference play the Aggies again defeated the FHlfTt team in a return match on the hill* Arkansas I’niveraify tamed the tald«-» again tn b-a\4 the ( a •let* without a win in «t>!if»*rence play Following this waa another mat. h with U id ateng.-d their earlier dr4«it blank ng the Aggie fnur#o|R4 Tt | llwwna ABM Back into conference Rlny two (lay. later the (adett girt T<’U the conference s) healule for the Agglea, but they lost two more of their encounter* on the golf cmi r»e. Abilene Christian College and Texa. Weslevan t olleg. were the final opponents who defeated the Aggie team (sinking to the future Coach Tito ( ougars Nowell say* that Johnny San Antonio; Miller Burlier Tex arkana; Billy Baker, Houston; and Malcolm Douglas. Panipa are “tl»e best crop of freshmen golfers in the hintory of AAM’’ xiii Aar Al Mar 4 A ORR Marar Pro Tam I)r (arlton R. Lpw tiFToMirtRiin' 2t»:t B. Main Street Call 1-1(42 far Appointment ton (ougart oR the same coarse opponent* home course and suffered defeat with Gene The nail match was another re- ! Darby winniRg the only match of | turn eeeni Thi* time with the | the aftei-noon j ; Bobcata of San Marres and <mee | again the Aggies were triumphant At thw point AAM a pre-eonler eme play had ended and the re<f>rd of one low* in five start* wh* short lived TV Bear* of Bailor edged the Cadet linksmeti » the ffr-d ' row fere nr.- match for each of the teams Goprea Makes Entrance Tony Gxirrrero made hi* inll.aJ appenraaco as *eeo#*d man on the team in tlk qualifyinf round* at me of th# I960 the start #f the season, Imt spon linkftera drop- after had (offered a severe attack Tim PowltM* Darby played in the No I pmi — —x, tioa for the Fanners throughout } the season The senior rivlT en- gtnoering student from Pharr la the paly family man on the teRm He ia a capable Knkster who first got th* feel of the rlohs some ten r r* ago Hi# father. E B Darby waa in the rlaaa of *26 and )• a top ranking amateur golfer For the thind gai rampoign the Cadni NEW, FULL-SIZED | STANDARD PORTABLE > , - royal common i W*» pay the highest prices lor Used Books We maintain wholesale and retail lis*!- the year round. GET OUH PRICES BEFORE SELLING THE EXCHANGE STORE Serving Texas Aggies —Calkfe Station Representative - LCHTOTfl TRADING POST • WKAH THEM TO (’LASS' • WEAR THEM FOR DRESS! • WEAR THEM FOR LEISURE! Maaterfully tailored ray- ona, tropirala, rorda cut for maximum comfort and cool freedom. $6.95 to $14.95 BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE CO. OJcificbuXp & Co. HAIJCN — SKRYK’K — RENTALS — SUPPLIER » 209 N. M*in - Bryan - Dial 2-1328 MCM# CkOTniN* (iMCt issa * AT OU* COLLEGE STATION STORE