The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 07, 1950, Image 3

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    • i I
Odessa Meets Abilene Nine
For Interscholastic Crown
th>: >« t|r holt
•r* UtoJWwt
Um • mpTm
Ahilmt 1 akr* firMinvnt
AIhIcm tWMriHtxi «*v«r toau-
N«t 7 to 0 and Hhermaa itotaat*
Austin. Jum 7—yB—Tk* CMmm 4k nw» in 4m fint without
^unc* fwt th» juMf an Um Mar»h 44 of a kit. Tktw
all M»v»ru-k* in tha flrat tm inn- ran tad thra* a alka pavnd
iltCi and than wtat an last aifflt way
tot a •-! fktory m tha ■aroi-fmaU
o# tha Claaa AA high achod hnaa
ball tournament
Tha Bmnr* meat Abiiana toaiirht
for tha < hamptoaahtp
Akiieaa. Sharma*. Marahall, and
04a««a raaahad the m
•ith anna in thair quartarf |
tarn.-* earlier in the day
Odiaaa arorarl tWrca in tha firat
»»n two error*, a walk, two wild
pitrhe* ami a paaaad ball It athied I
four more in tha aacomi On a r
haae« londe*! tnpla *y Frank Gaa
and another wiW pitrh by Jack
Marahail rarno back with rt*
lone run in the bottom <4 the urn
in* whan ratrhar Don Da<u» acoirad
from third whan aeevad baaaman
Jame* Stewart threw wild in an
attempt to vnipiato % double piay
Bronco nitrber Jack Whitt kept
thinf* wall in hand until the *ev
enth mninf Whan Mamhall loaded
the Iratra* with one away Whitt
»tru< k out the final two batter* to
i*Wd the fame In all. be atnirk
out 1>'1 batter* and walked only
4 tha n»rth, mine
41 a bit halaian Jim
foread ia fmai third
K hhy Boats tan walked and
;hsa was farced la when
oedward, who eanw ia to
Urn Merritt w th tw.. mt
amt the kaaas WnuM in the ninth
The tourney had keen to- »iPP»r-***» Willai
layed a day hwauae of *how#r* laaie an4 the ladtoaa
»n4 ..nt w Sk * M " “
eight inning* to deetde thair
game Sherman'* George Tucker .
Stru**k out 1*. A two-ham error °*
brought thq winning run for the
Morth Texan*.
Don Marti* of Sherman »*tgiH
tn left He went on to arcoad <«
another sharp single to left by
fharte* Miller
Dick Adam* forced Marti* at
third Then Clyde Israel, Ama-
nlbs third tiaseatan. ovarihrew
first and Mflitr arorud.
(•ray struck
walk <1 seven
out aeven
Vtoletic Duwim Sherman
on to tally four more.
Abilene got their first threw nine
after Stoning last contra!
walked three straight fatrhwr
Charley Fisher singled and Hub
Ingram and Charley Dennis scored
Pitcher Tom O'Bar* sacrifioe
scoied John Stephen*
Abilene got three more in the
third and another ih the (mirth.
Kcr**r* Wi* far Marshall
Three crippling errors i{ the
aaeend frame accounted for three
Marshall runs ami buni|>«<4 th*‘
eam* fram behind in the
le seveath to sear* two
me and defeat Laredo 7 to A
tm ISansn of «Mtesa was safe
at Aral oa an errar at seeaml Af
ter ('harks* Haver struck out,
mitfwRler Frank Gee tripled to the
light field fence u» score Pearson
and Dew ton Hughe* doubled to
left, drmag in Gee with the win
ning run. ’
Garland Fuqua. <h^s«a lefthsn.l
eg »ho weathered a five run *er-
Lareito. |iut
order in the
CS Softball League G
Start Today With Six T
**4 * •.mm
' A
Two game* - one ia < tdlege Hill* rwMa will be used, although
bet weed the Tigers and the Indian* ruiaa may be decided upon
and the other in College Park be- individual manager*. .
tween the Yankees and the Gumta
—wtll form the opener* |n thf Col
lege Station Softball Ifnjor” _ _
League today with gatnedme at bery, who will direct the follow- Kofer, Jr.
S:4A p. m 1 “ i, *“ * “ 1
ia J.
ground) Tha Tigar
by the and baaita a aguad af
andean, L Berryman, T
s—« SfisISi
Managing the Uisnto is C. Mad- Chri, Gant, Bah B tier, ami D, B
ry, who will dirart the follow-; Kofer, Jr.
mg player* Milton Iyer
Yankee. H K
l>r lipnromh
Paul toning
Composed «f ail toema. the ^
Gianfa, Cuba, Tiger*. Pirate*. K i m V^f jrn * Panning the
Yankee*, and Giants, the softball J , ohB f**'™-* talker (^orga team are TtoMny
er» are being headed by a four J°Aoeton. L (_Boie, W. A. V ar- ton, Dlskia BmmI
vet and Glade VilaM. | I Andawary Jr.„
the Cu^Hwk iftl
Storey Davis, £. Red-
Ka< h team will i»e > (imposed of mond, R. G Perryman, J Quisen-
berry. Charlie Orr, R 0. Murray,
Bill Mitekall, Grwmillton. Joe Ben-
sh, Ray Jams, and Alb*rt Martin,
/ \
• I
man romraittoe compoked of J v • , * na ”
<Jordan Gay. M R. Horsley, Bar- Bill Hill will
ney Welch, and 0. V. Chafin. who include Stof
Igniing, (adet lew hurdler fivm Beaumont, was grearnted Ihe
IJimroinh Coin* Most 1 gluabtr I rsrkaian Award h» Dr Lips
ceaib after the Dwal at < kampk 1 '*- Meet la-iaam wn* packed for
ha«m« sewred the most potato in meet* tki* «****, and is ibe
aaly ( adet cindeiman plaamng to attend the NCAA meel in Alin
neapoh* later tld* m.mlh
ton player*, and the tight bate
system will be uswl flayer* will
not be allowed to wear guke shoes,
and except for the fact that run
ners may not steal homo or wore
on a wild pitch, official softball
The Abilene Caglas got to Wil-j to><h> mning attack igr
laid Stoning hf Beaumont f<#! the Tiger* d.twn mfi
three runs m the second and Went} Iftot of the Seventh
| Summer liasebalI to Develop
Cadet Nine for Next Season
(iadet SoflKallerth
Nff'd Mon* I’tavem
Thirty Rejtort
t or Tumbling
Student* inten*to<l in fdaying
on AAM s softimll teian are re
quested to be at the lighted soft-
l*ali diamond at 4 » ip. Monday, 4cf>»dVwg "to W
Intramural Director Rafney Welch j in< - d4rector %
Approximately thirty member*
re|*orte<i in in each of the tumb
ling riasaas sponaorad by the Col
lege Station Recreation Council
tb DeM are Field. House yesterday,
M. Dowell, tumb
Abilene advanced to the final#!
with a 12 2 victory bver Sherman
The gai*H was called at the end
of five inning* m accordance with favored Waxuhacbie Indians from
the 10-run rule winch give* s vic
tory to any, team leading by HI
kj mere nan* after five mmpiete
By H VKol.D fi ANN
(Editor's N*ie —This n* (he
*»s <«nd and fmst pari of the I Si t
Aggie ha*cl>al! facet*«t )
W tth a season of
tlie second annual Oaseball tnurna*^ * f '' n ’ 1 I”
■lent. 3-2 *t (atumau*. Sam rlanton
< barhe Kal*e, the talented W ax-
abarhic «<mthpaw wa* guilty of ii
pair of errors that cost him heav
ily in the fata! second,
Frank Sander*, Marshall seeoa»l
sacker oianed the adcand by draw
ng a base on baila. He want to ,w< ’ M,H * dropyted three
second wtien Ralie threw wild
to first on Gug Bmith’s groaader
The Kag iu* had an easy i imo a*
Sherman made one erntc after an
Abilene set s precedent in the
tourney by pulling a triple piay w
the third innmg With two men out
and the ti*»e» loaded, aecond ha to
man Diek Anuetnmg pulled in a, He arared when Kobe threw wild
hot liner and threw to shortstop i at first “ “ , “‘ L
day I>ennis wha tagged aecond and gis und^d
threw t*» first baseman R«bert AJeriAll
Jones The bases were loaded at , j^fter JWh> rt I
^ time Rahe, «lf%k M
The play . rased Sherman * only kingk into right
Ureat until the fifth when they Merrill aad Dk*k Womack dapped
•cored two runt. Abdene scoied a clean angle Into right to score
Merrill and Smith.
• Uld
very easily develop mio the main
Aggie hutlei This was his firs!
year of vaisity cam net it ion and
the string-bean y ght hander look
ed impressive kheii he recene«l utility mfieldei Were
got si defemiive support and a two Coach Marty kamw
t*r three nm leal Rlanton won
Some nifty reiiof hurling wai
tutmed tn by George Brown
(‘itching 12 and one-third in
again »a Jagk Gray'*! mugs. Brown alloweat 10 hits and tdie
Smith scooting to third three mn* ami protected Hubert»
vp tone# thm* times, Though BcT
Summer Mural
Slarl Soon
drew a hg*e on halls - . , . , o , ^
Roland poppnl to T-.ikerstov and S.d GmaiUw have a
fomach slapped a * f '«>]
t * lack spaed A xuigmer at steady
pitching might do thetruk
At first im*e, t will 1* 1 ai«
l.aiy. this year s sophomore slug
ging sensation who, with a iittW
gilder I grace ai the first corner
, That was the ball gaum although diighi turn mu an all-conferem«
•he Indiana made a serious threat star.
Indian- Thtestesivd in tth
png:ram gj*
r ars'wvr
An aiAuve intramural
acher'uled fV>r the *ntnrw
g«u undsinvay Monday with stal
wart student athletea aggngai mg
into eight team# aceordiag to la
tramarwl Ihrectoe Barney wgbh
A double rounri-ndnn softball
tmiingy wtll spearhead the way
for igher ‘port# Volley hall open
gi+f wnd < pen tennis are also |
Welch requent# that all athletic
officer* meet a hia oftne Ji#*
GiwhIw ia, at five this aftern.u»n.,
Seketvd by the dorm master# ath- ;
|«>tc officer- net a* team represen
tative* and captain*
The eight team setup will con* |
M#t of participant* fcmi M.lref
and Walton Hdlls. Dorm 14 18t!
1« ar.l 17 the traitor (amp* and
a gtoup »f civil engineering offi
cers from the United State* Mdi-!
ar\ Aiad*nsy at Meat Point.
Six intramural Manager* irlll:
afftciato the games two being as-
ligne>t to each i-ontesG Softhall !
/Will is fcalUred at the lighted j
iwiftimll field every night except i
Friday VAelch said.
Intramural medal- w ill If
gw a filed to the wimung teams ifi
earn »fa»rt
However LarJ will have |o *t*y
<»n Inn her*uae of claspy Hal
Muunerlyn, up from the frdahmigi
mit The left hiinded l|< Ust.»,
pnaiiii t h,t 44 4.
Svtnnd Ha-e l*to peek.
Ji*c K< n tie. Leslei lucky art.1
Jim Ha vat mo will lattk hm ih>
-«sor»<i b«-e |K>sita>ii Savarwio arp.
Fr-»ett *, -eiving u. ultetnaVe kej-
toper*, and Ito'dcy. si eving as a
mpbfyed try
a* Fait off
Savapi no and I t ictte exp^iencgd
difficulty in initing th# hu|!
throughout mnjg of »n« rtge. bdt
both g’d their *hhie of hits- duriilg
he final planer Laekkv. rp'
h*V4bt, W'.ulii ufiprove hm fiattilgi
rnapk if He reeviiod more *< tom
Sure-f ngeren shortstop Gi|y
Wallai e will t>e l a. k to *pgrk th*
infield maneuytirv and touvob-
eeito. piineh at the numb- i two
flatting p.*s!tiori
A H ann e u# ail- cnifferenge
-h<n<e f.>r the ►eend sutcesaiv*
t ime W.dla » * lapped th. bull ai
a pare and Ifi runf
•wo h* hind M'ally Moon wy-.o I *1
the ,\gy r )e* tn total markers
Candelari tan I mpi <«t.
If tgird oaswiMn Hank * andt
iiwi cat develop tb* knaclfj of up
prutMi <ing low rsdWi*, w#-. tupn
out*, iv *■•**» D'lcark
» of a. alT.-o*
• -it ol., (*•»., j-e of hi*
« f e twta
to Mno.i’s jt*. .ka,r.-n
eOii.pi mgr
ilb'W n joe < o|,
ut fai ed to gpi
ur id f i al
thorn M
aM. . li t
t. re iv o
trequ. m
$Li la
ihe i hi sued h
w ml-led a eirk. ft •*
ferrrv •» i <
hia si.are
ni.*i| I.
of hdi
kelimll next terto.” Moon said
"That i* why I gun very much m-
ten »te»< in returning. Those pro
ft r* will ha ms to get mighty
temp'ing ’
Moon has atnt*4>na! hatting
riark of 104 an.f le a’ the top in
almost every Aggie hitting le-
partmatif. in. I .ding seven home
He pa. ed A A M r.-gulars during
t he .uufeicfce iXN e with a TJl
r.H'oi.i and led in total haws anu
hit* 27 ami 17. respectively
Sturdy Shug Af. I'heison again
w I! ‘w in the ctoaii up slot next
A moderate coftrer of the t .ghi
t eld pertor, M. i'heisor, IS mUeh
more effective as a batter, and can
•» on H t k> e clutches.
I h.mgh Vt I’iy,).! » >r » -eaMHial
totting mark was soimwher. in
•he !7i>s. his cPiferenie peicen
tage »# 2t* > tail he scored Li tuns.
jM>un tod out 13 bit* and iiatted u*
II rianeis. ,
Bsker HromisinK
Another t.o’Wti fl'idei win.
cf’ei f. -#nnmet of amateut ball,
ooght, U' the Mi*-p , 'i*. uf no one.
! a* .• a starting iwrih s Hollis
RegHtslIes* f hi* limited a. tion.
Hi. o 1 in 'It tifxis to the plate.
_ (tour tod out «iv has f<o VI lui-e-
fne ru ■• , »wt(«dsin
V •ir h*/ ,i»i.hdat.i 114! f'.on the
fee - h*T » tea’ll out' Im- 1 h*'
'ey Kus-o li wi •* c'lpiw*)! th. b.el
at , toft, 4TV. nir vh h ih I'fnrrn-
rw n t cI.’ titld { 1 "1,. fust-
v fh 1 nu n,
tgtfie Hitter-
Ml K II I it KK1 II \
annouRceri this mornmif
According to M'tdchy coach of
the team two games will he play
'd weakly with competition being
furtn»bed by Ajixon < Igy of Au«-
tin, Texas University. #a<l .Aiadison-
ville, th ice noted softiwdl teams
(‘laying on a hontF'and-home
basis the Aggie team will also
meet nearby units, as Hren-
ham, Caldwell and hagaaota. and
the various local >rgaimatton«.
New uniforms will ia issued to
t*-Miit members, NA etch ciawluded
He reported that no distinction
was beijig made in the different
classifications of the young tumb
lers. Classes are open at 10 to 11
a. m for the convenience of those
that have conflicting activitiea, he
Tutnhling instru«*ti»*ns will l«c
given .iaily Monday through Fri
day for young people ia-tween the
Mg.t* of gratle school on through
juniors and sennit* in high school.
Dowel! added.
Hank Mil la. Jerry
FViatar 0. Cha/m,
and Andy Balia, man^fer
L—ding the Yanlta^wiU ha N.‘ .
Andfraaa, wha will haiMppwried by I
H Winder, • Boot* Mbtmona. Jga
Hatband. Joe lagan. Bvaster Msad,
Curtis Gray. J. D. Prewitt. Br^
Shelby Drake. Georfe Hodaen,
M. L CaaMtoh Jr, and John Hilde
brand. %\ i \
Among the Indiana an the war
path include A Madtoy a* .nana- *
gwr Other* on th# eon ball squad
•re J D Prewitt, Jr. Barney
Welch Homer Adema, Ed Ganwr,
Lucian Morgan, BiBy Bate*, BtL
ly ffenaet, Benny 711 mi Jr Wama
Htark. Junior Lyon, and Dick Har-
Fo*l|vme<l game* whn h may vr- 'V
.•ur iaM-ause of snia Irill l»e played
at times arranged by the individual
manager* of the lean*
Ha tta lion
WKD.. JI NK 7, l»M Page I
I p to 0,1 1 SEI) IRK^KS B\
^ ith l h
Buy injj
^ our l inu* iK Monev B\ (lomini'
™ to SliaffrrV for I Iiom* . . .
"Acro« Frum th«* Post Offict*, North (iitte”
WaUt Mimin
H.*ti ( ufnon
>1«mhi received the (ohwm l.tpwcomh A|«»*t V siuahie Baseball Player
Award following the annaunremeat ef var*ltv hs*. hall lettermen.
Mo* ( nisswi prewealed Ihe award ta the Ba>, Arkama* product,
who is now wielding the hardwood far Alpine.
thlkm (’< rf.‘i>it«x < .(*1 *w ft hen h>
1 Ig lot •>.
11 1 * 1
c..ll.«’e.t 1 tMili*. tv., ..go
M 1 , *
J- 1 ’’ 17
! 21
* put. ef to *w 1: i • at>j«•••* • 4-
ISI Li 17.
; *
at tiw plat.
Di V. itt ;i
.4 X 11 27 H
Left fi.-lder Joht. I>rV(‘iit wa-
M Ch. r-.
n if if 1 ! 13 jj 11
tW-a'ili th. men ’.ii.ui ndt-. 1 bwi
Kak 1 If
22 t « 11
27 •<
ter thix -• a-onj TG iiiurif*! p,.#
1 .a r 1 ’
g Hi 17 H
2n ■
tur.' giH.i with Udg, lopng
< ‘asutciari
7,1 l i l;< 7
stndef Ivl to. Ax- m r’ ni iw.ttt*!
E< r. ttc .
1 17 i, 1 1 it
in with 14. mfltilairrd a laitt'Sk
(hIi.TI 1
H I * H 1
222 1
averag* •■A JP14, in <1 w»- the i .q
niat t’.n |
l« 2 i tl
frerncf home rtip k 'x wifh r
'it V ,t f * f"»
•2’. 'I I ' .' ■>.
pirtonUy, th» main 14 :r»i e
M Id U.
'121 1 1
*m ng Aggie fan* I* whilt r Al;
\xxiv Pitching
CtWifi r* tm- \A al|\ M ...n \|1 sign a
1 i
prw ctfOrwct, 'to r* turti • .AX'! !•
aul in hask.tball an t ha-gi-all d<
I ,<«.
II J-m
B! dw ’
1 (10 1
n<> .1., ii 27. 17
12’, 1" 7 1
! n,
folh.vdt g term.
» 1
1 t!
M«**m (it K.ittrn
B a- tun
loG ;lti li 22 tv!
2 i,
"I halixr ASM will hfvc tu-t
l 1 -, 1 >i 1 :t
0 0
alaiut it* best that or winning
Tut kor-l
.•1 2 s . 1 .( 1 2
11 0
thr eigifer.'nc* in baseball and t gs
M »!’**•
i's-1 2 :> 1
0 01
-♦ ■ * - i
to* - -
\n Xdvertisement This Si/e
The liallalion
Fossl L“ss Than
I’er <
lit mi fcfHi^hl Ym from \mi. Br a «oo<l A^ir and
cherk with him for iiKf*d tHMik**. l>ou is Mailing on
\ou vaiIIi llior hook* . . *
Ftoiglmh aui “Th«* Mgyi r of Ca»ter
English 2HF~* Th« An of Straight
Engfuih 212-* Shahriiiitosr
Kngliah 232- Thf Liternturv of
England' ,
Entflwh >01— "TechmcBl E*|m mi turn
Kconomica 425—‘'ProWearia in
Fxonomtcs 408
Agr Kulturt EroaoBBICt 319
StcioloCT 1 •
Collect* MurchantsOpun
Season Against I'hillips
- Th<'M and Manv (HherM Al -
North Gdie
, ” — *1-
l .i4<>wuig tIt Hrvait Merchuht*
ami lluwell Luiaia r < cwnpiny gafne
at Sip- Haswril f’ark toraght, the
' allege Slwtiaa M'rrhagu s.ift
bailer* will upen the id -eaww
agHita-l f*hiBifix tot Thri will te
tiw Mcond da) of the CMRasardial
Noftball I.eagto achwdutoij gam*
A pn-v mual) schadwtod gan <
hettoien ih. College ■arrhapt«
and Ihe How#U Lumber I'ampdm
whufl was to he the oainer fur
the league was rained j out lh*i ,
Monday night.
M'it h d.iuhle hi Hd. rs -Isted evjiry
Mu>4wi and Wednesday ai the 4f> !
game schedula and amae gapes
haia| played on th* otfer dgy*. 1
the 1P.M* leapue . wmpgign 4 >11
toil? on thrulfh July 24
Other tea art in tha Cdmmertial
LeafU. mcludh Phillip- df H Wei!
Laafter CaMPM), Bryin Mer- J
cheat* Nedhglek Servu-g Station,
aad Lona Star Gaa
Coftipowed ef aixfeen| player*
aad foeched hy t>. V. Cl4fln. *ho J
it tht '• -ebalt coach M AAM dm
selidtted amt* the Ideal
Amcfuai lafion nine, the Mpr-
. hant- are one of the tod cml^d-
er» In the stfc team le^ue.
latlu.ied uit the playifg hat of
ihe Marwua ’ M>i MerehaM* im-hol.
HqUand M in.lef and ( urtto Hoi-j
laud, pitchvis; catchers Jimmy |
t wahioii ami Henry Englebrecht
with Ca-hion altrrmsling at th.
hot corner; AlasOt Lee (a-hum and
John Loucoatet at 1st, Burk
halter mi 2nd; and Jake Mageof
A A M (onaolifated ii> the shortstop
Other* on th* team include third
basemen < .eorpv R<*dgeni and ,
M’ayiir Smith; outfielder# Bobby
Carroll. Le* mchp ir d* on , 0. V i
Chafin, A K ‘JBuJ" Denton, Dor
Stanley, and S|#*e4 v Minn
Mason Ca-hiea head* the col
lege YM< A. RtThaglson is supet-
int.mlent of AdM Consoiidated
with the remaindgr of the team
composed of atM^tM* and employ-
eea from the ( ellefe Station area
Schedule fwr the t «dleg. Aterrkaat*
June 7—Pkii|ifM> 6b
June 12—Bryat Merchants
June 14 NeJhalgk Service Sta-
June Ih- I.orie 4tac Gas
June 21- Howell Lumber Com
June 26- Ph^iiji# 6b
June 2* -Hotoeil humb* r Com-
July 3- Nedhplel Servica Station
1 July 4—Lone Stag Gaa
Think of if’ An advertisement 10 inches deep by 3 lulumnn
wide (same ab .shown hefel would cost you LESS than one-fiflh cent per
Where elac, how can you reach the public ao cheaply?
There are no extra costa—no delivery charge*, no fee for cut*
or put urea lahouki you desire them!, no addrasing ex|w*n*e,ino jioctage
expense. One-fi/th of a cent coverR everything - fM|>er. ink, cofn^ioiHion,
drawings, cuts, printing and delivery to the customer's door.
A complete advertising acrvtci from you to the consumer for only
one-fifth of a cent.
The Battalion
Keacfcmg All of Codefc Station Uuly”
■' 'sm
a A\
i r T77I
\ j fi/JT