The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 07, 1950, Image 2

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Pm? 2
AT, JUNK T, 1960
Thf Jessies Get a New President
There ought to be aoret teuon to be
learned frtun a recent atmouncement from
Deaton Seems as though eur staters will
have aa their new president a graduate of
the Uaiverhity of ’ftxaa. Dr John A.
'OuiMi 44 a combat veteran and Teaas
born educator will assume the presidency
of TSCW in September when Dr. L. M
Hubbard retires.
The new president's name was an
nounced after the graduation exercises
> Monday He was chosen from 67 con
tenders. including several women. Hold
ing three degrees from the University. Dr.
Guinn has served in several Texas schools,
including Schreiner Institute. Alict publr
schools, and the San Angelo Junior Col
lege which he now heads as president
la his application for the position of
prealdaney of TSCW, Dr. (kdnn anpreaned
this belief "One of the meat compelling
of all reapoamibilitiee that must be accep
ted by American college* and universities
it that of developmf among their students
a ttaasionate loyalty to. an intelligent un
derstanding of. and an indestructible faith
in the ideala of American democracy ”
With his past record as an educator
and a veteran, guided by such a creed,
Dr Guinn enters upon his newest job well
qualified and a fitting successor to Dr.
Hubbard, a man many of us have met,
known and respected
We hope the new president likes Tes-
Nielaad as well as are do.
Tho Gmernor Ref lefts Texa*' Feelinj; . ..
Governor Allan Shiver* undoubtedly
expressed the feelings of a vast majority
of Texans with his declaration to fight to
the last ditch the U R. Supreme Court’s
decision givmg ownership of the tidelands
to the federal government. While the
state rocked on its heels from the decision,
public opinion was expressed in both Aus
tin and Washington as Texans gathered
their guns about them to fight the ruling
of the highest court
Attorney iieneral Price Daniel, who
has argued the state's claim* for many
months, plans to file a m<tion for rehear
ing at (mce. If that fails the governor has
promised to throw the weight of his office
into the battle which will in all probability
finally be resolved Vi Congress
The powerful Texas delegation in
Washington is ready, too. to argue the
Supreme Court’s decision, Senator* Con-
nally and Johnson are prepared to do their
part in the senate while the tmwerful Tex
as group in the House is mustering it* for
ce* m the event of a legislative showdown
The court * decision was not unexpect
ed, but this did not softea the blow which
its announcement constituted The fact
that the decision was by a 4 2 vote is an
indication of the disagreement which ex
ulted amat»g the justices on the court.
Justice Frankfurter who was not record
ed aa voting, has written a separate opin
ion questioning the court’a judgment Two
other judges. Reed and Minton, also failed
to agree with the court s decision and their
votes were the onss registered in protest.
TTns action by the Supreme Court is
just another step in the gradual destruc
tion by the federal government of the
nghtjs of the states No measure is too
big h seems, because with every increase
in the amount of |»ower which Washington
assumes, there is a geometric increase in
the sanount of power it desires Now the
people are waking up. Even Texas, which
has helf»ed keep the present administra
tion in offtca, is beginning to see that bhnd
loyalty does not pay off.
If this were question of the good of
the nation aa opfKwsd to good of the state
we would, of course support the Supreme
CbfcA'a ruling. Rut the decision giving
the tide lands to the federal government
is n<$t tied up in any reasonable measure
with;the national good Instead it is just
another move to subjugate the states ig-
noritg in the process the lawful claims
which we have to those lands
This fight for the tsleUnd* may not
hr it the showdown in the state* rights
fights but that showdown will f(*me and
the tidelmnds case is moving u* a lot closer
to it, ,
The Firm Hand of MaiArthur . . .
A draatie step whs taken Tuesday in
Japan. General l>ouglaa MacArthur or
dered the Jaiwnese government to ban
from publk life the 24-man central Com
mittee of the Japanese Communist Party, *
including seven member* of parliament
The order, which followed closely a gov
ernment ban on demonatrations by com-
munista in the Tokyo area, will have the
effect of blocking legal outlets for the
Commhniat Party s activities The present
Ja|*anese government, which, is hardly in
a position to do otherwise, announced it
would carry out MacArthur s order imme
diately and enthusiastically
The next step will undoubtedly, he
complete outlawing of the Communist
Party in the island country
It is difficult to know whether Mac-
Arthur’s order wdl be g(»od <*r bad for
Japan. It will serve to drive communist
activity underground and force legal ac
tion* into rliannels previously reserved for
illegal acts. However, since the aims of
both legal and illegal activities of the com
munists are the same the effect should not
be too noticeable The main question is
whether or not it is advisable to outlaw
any political party in a democracy The
quswtion cannot be answered cm a general
basis but rather might be answered *f
firmatively in one case and negatively in
In the case of Japan Mac Arthur's ac
tion was probably justified. An cKrujia
lion commander must at times deal with,
disturbing elements with a firm hand
When thess disturbing elements threaten
to overthrow the legally constituted gov
ernment by fore# then drastic steps must
be taken Buch were the step* taken by
MacArthur and hudory will probably
prove that he was correct.
* * ¥
I Hiring the kxt 2<ki year* more than the one who drive* dowa the mam drag at
100 birds have become extinct. But not less than 10 miles an hour.
The Battalion
"Solditr, SuttsmsH, Kjmgkly Gftltmm”
wrence Sullivan Rosa. Founder of Aggie Traditions
Is * *
Is Mttttal •aehwtvWj to th* aa# for
rwiaa errditad in tha sapor and loeai no
of all otbar si attar hernia a*s i
of ah
Tbs Rtttalion, official sawspaper of the Achcuituial and Ifrrkaairal Collage of Tena and the
City of Caliafi Sfcatien. Tana, m publtahad five times a week dunag the regaiar school year Dar
ing tW» anmnssr, The Battalion is pubtislwd four times a work and circulated every Tuea*a>
through Friday
Sahaeription rates IXOO per summer. Advertising rates furnished on re
ts wade by tel arbor
la way b« placed by
►Si MS | Member of
^ — Tb*
x tsw
sm AksnvAr —-—
-d Frank MsntUas
■' ■ WFw
■ - . ,
• • •
There'll No Phire Like Nome
Former Bait Sports Editor,
Columnist, Mow in Alaska
IjUerprrting the Mem ... t j
Trade Policies
May Be Changed Soon
\P Farotga \ffatas 4aah»l
Word from F.urope is that Hr
sin. now being »ubjW*ed ts
Inara both in A mane* snd on th*
oiitineat for bar rr ties at u on me
.v, human plan will amur up wSh
soma (-omprotnuH-- #n her ob*
trade poikSm in an attempt to
ttaianee thing, up
Msmball plan ofTiriwU have been
working on Britain for s long Ugw
in an effort to get h*r to give *p
(rriffin Withdraws
Hilhotil Fnlerin"
Mimuoti. Tex , iRPe 7 -
Jim CHffta “withdrgW” from ♦><
ra<v f»r State Agrigulture < <*b !
miaeionef y«-sterdsy. He chain'd
inrum hent J K Mr I *<'oal«t m.t
vet a “politira! trap* for him
Th*- Minpion i-ota*t farmed »
snthdrswsl wa. not gp'c-vasrv |(e
did not ffW a. a (-alilulate Kefirs
ls»t mulniirb*'. .leaJIn.
(•nffta. who ran up a h.ifcx
vote again*! M.l'enah: ir
IbtK runoff primary, charged
Tho eld dr llbcrstcly a lot 'of
raodolsti-* into the race tiv Sn
ipoini mg hi* r«-tirt-meet and tlb'cv
fhangmg hi* mind after the otgar
randidstir* filed
"Me name would h« lo*t on the
lallot with those ef the ot^«
• andedste* who ar» n*c riimi>
mg ’* he said in a «tst*o>ent
Mrtloiwld would win nb* *u*c of ih«
familiarity of hi« ligme “
(inffin said he wgi make the
rare m IKW
tome af her bilateral trade pcac-
ticea in favor of a Initader ex-
rhange of gooii* and fewer trade
Now Are rail Ham man the
Marshall Plan ambaaaailo,, say*
“a very important Srvelopment"
la brewing on tho subjaet
Harriman also saei hr helieverl
Bntaia would come anaind even
tual!) on tha Schumaa p^an which
envisions a western Hu re peon coal
and stael pool in which national
sovereignty would b# »ubmergvd
In favor of a *uper-r»ti©nal auth
ority TV plan ha* 'wen hailed as
pointing to the eml of Franco-Ger
man conflict and integration of
Germany into the western economy
and eventually into |U polnurat
Britt in after giving pome indi
cation of comprnmiae, it standing
aloof from the negotiation* in
Tans this month between frame
Germany Belgium, BeHand. Itaiv
and I axemhourg hy which they
hope t<> set up the authority
In France and in the Cnited
State* there is a f.-e|mg in offi
rial circles that Britain, hy her
refusal to surremb-r -aaitrol of coal
and steel to an international pool.
1* Holding up one of the m*»st r»-
Xolutionary proposals b> hd Kump*’
store the war
France am) German', the prin
cipal are movi ng »h' ad teganl-
les* tow ant real inU-rbatiooal con
trol with a 1'nitrd Nation, tw
in which carries the genu of ulti
[mate international (vmtrot of the
ha«ic weapon, of war a* well a»
the chief muscles of peacetum- eeo
B’ t France as alWiv* in deal
ing with tin many, would much
prefer to have Britain at her side.
Teacher W fv/.s Lancaster
I iiffils Leave Married in ( lupcl
Oklahoma < tty. Tune
The hoebeyrnoon wa« over lor
grandvigw rural a hc>of stu<iegit*
yesterday .-hut not fdl their teaih
The student, are ti*< k at sd4 >, 'l
a week early hut » ! for tt^m
The atudeiits an- 'UP s at «idhu>l
to make up five dayk of lost thne
after a thtv* week* Vacation
The ( a id- Count) school cleged
a week earl) thy t«*i her ife» ido*|
to get married arbl i*eve to T -lin,
kiddie Higgtn*, head examifter
for the Departsment of KHu
cation, onlererl *" im-estigaRon
into the modem, aftlt he learbed
the scbor.l register ck"we«l a nrr-
fect attendaare f(W Rle week be-
hir amg Ma> IS.
Nohod) a a« tardy Iv. yone 4 a.
present U was th» first perfect
week og the rune-to aft h term
•kpal O'Rnant Reed the tegrb
er. rinsed s< hooi egff) and
graduating exercises J4ay 12 I
mailed her attendanew nc-cerd fw»ro
Tokio -which recorded the perfect
attendance (or the fe|<>wing wdek
The scheol hoanl then hired a
auHstttWte teacher and started
school again to replace the m«M-
ing week
Say* Higg in*
‘Romanoi sure rfcn .omplictite
thing* M
Bible Verse j
Let Bo rorruyt fe»r munic.-ifon
proceed oa( of your ipcnith, but tjial
Which ta gfsid to tb.» «*e of edify
ing. that it may ministr i grace |m-
to the hearers.
- Rfheaian* A|i
(Kd. Male: VUng witk a aer
lew ef ether HaUalian rwriwapoa
dent*, we has* located a laaig-
brnt writer. nameU the cum- be
low. * be Will give aa fregaeat
rapart* from the aerthWfa ex
paaeea ef Aiaaka Howard, apart*
editor ef the Ball daria? b«a
final day* bare, was Barapeaa
rocrewpendenl last aaastee and
baa now found bis wa) to
Fairbanks, \laaka.)
Life in Aiaaka ia rather set and
routine with the weekgad* the
only variance lietweea the daily
Cold War Equal
Bradley Tells
job and the inevitable Canasta ahd wkidl gave wgy whan atepped
game at night. upon, making walkinf vary diffW
But last Saturday, I got a look euit. Our 1m» was tat shallow,
at n fair part of Aiaaka. A M- but we did find an all trapper *
tow and I went an a flatting ex cabin, complete witk nproaaaea.
pedftion 75 mile* north into the elevated cache, and markod cal-
| Central Alaska range. Firat we endar
drove by Fox, the famous town The inasate had evitotly paN-
where a Huge dredge handle* ton*
; of rocky anl *n hour, while steam
pipe* thaw out the froern ground
ahead of ft
1 About four mile* from Fox. we
Were driving along a mduntam
n»ad when we tpottexf a moose
starwlitef in the *tream far below
Very cariou*, he sU>od and watch
ed us for quite a while before eur
shoots and yell* sent him lumber
ing off.
Once a small glacier almuel
blocked ear way. but we mawaged
to get through a eat made py
a doier.
Although our trip wa* g *uc-
Wf got to wet our line* only
Mr* Thomas A Adrock and Col.
T>dt :d ! apeaster wt-p* marnerl in
tb* St Thomas F.piatopal t'hajiel
at II Ttiesda> morning
Mrs Adc<Mk wore a pink Hprn
«uit with a matching pastel pink
hart Her acceasorieh were white
atai she reined a white prayer
Ua-k She wore two green orr-hids
to complete her outfit
lee Adcock, daughter of the
hriiie and Diane lunapster daugh-
tet of tb* gp«>m attendecl the
bn<i* Mi Ad«-ock Wore a drew*
of lavendet d«>tted twiss with a
matching garlat <i ef flower, in
hoi ban Mias luincastei wore a
similar dresa m blue dotted sWisa.
Both carried colonial bouquets to
match their dre*se.
I.ieutanant Ije Long »f San
Francisco ( al aUeivch-d the groom
a* best man Tommy Adcock, non
of the hruia. lit thif candle* for
the ceronioay
The reception wap held at The
I <«k* Monctay evening In tha re-
! ceiving line were Mm, Adcock, Col.
Lanra»t*r, .Mr* C. B House, Fd-
win Jefferson. Mr* John H Kelly,
j Mi* R. S Morgan, Mrs Robert
Wilaon. Mr* Joe Dams, and Mr*.
Frank L Swoger
Me.dama« P M'.| Bums, C. C.
Todd O. G Helvev, Raencer Buck
I anar. and F. B. Middleton served
at the punch bowl
Coi. and Mrs lancaster left im-
mcdiatelv after the eeremony ftir
a short hoi
Waahington. June 7 — (.4*1
-Gen. Omar Bradley told
coogreas yeaterday that from
the military vi«w|Munt the ac
tual reaultH of the cwld war
so far ar. ju*t about a »Uhd-1
But from that same viewpoint!
the future outlook for the west
i* far brighter than it whs a year
ago, the-c hairman af the joint
chiefs of staff testified in supjmrt
of Pp‘*iderft Truman's call for
41 .222,&IXMH4i for another year of
foreign arms aid
“We have confidence in what
i* being accomplished.” He toll
the House Foreign Affair* (om-
The general's estimate ef an ap-
proxmiaMy equal score i* tangible
win* and ktoaes <ann in exchange
with Hep Judd iR Mtnnl Judd
rntietaed a* a ‘ failure” the policy
of containment being applied to
Soviet Russia He wanted to know
‘‘who's winning'”’
Bradley hedged with talk about I
"iswtain evideni t-« of unrest and
if of "»tirh |ircl(Kirti«wis a. to
threaten the overthrow of Russia
or any nf thr satellite* "
Judd pressed hi* query, asking
if Bradley think. Hus.ia i*
stronger m weaker a* a result
of the contait Riert ixiln?)
“Vp Much ( hange
"Not much change eithier way,”
the general final)) summed up his
view He balanced off the defectum
of Marshall Tito in Yugoslavia
agauiiat the < ommuth.t expansion)
ia Asm *
rnder further questioning hy
Rep Krv (D W'VAl. Kopelgn Af
fair* < Ha rman, Btadlev seid he |
does not think the prment rate
of defense spemlmg "will .|>ewd us 1
into luiiikrupti y ”
Ken's inouiry wa* whether the
I'mted State* can reach its goal
of collective security for F.erope
"without »apptng our national
‘By reasonable security, wr do
not mean we should have in being
force* nece.aarv to figbt a maior
war ” Bradley said
"If we tried to s'wnd <'nough
of our national income to main
tain maior force* we should have
to lower our standard of living ”
I’nder uueationing by Rep Javit*
cR. lub-NYl BradU'y *aid that
“from a strictly military point of
ciew” he believes arming of west
ern Germany would improve mil
itary security qf the west But
whether the t.erman* should hy
armed a. a policy matter i* a |>o|i-
tical ouestion entirely aside from
the military angle," be hasten to
ad aat araaad the 17th of April.
Today ha* been a pretty day
bare Mount MrKmley W in plain
aight, although it te 2.V) mile*
a wax Juat to pur south ia a range
of anow-eoiered moatltain*. with
Ml Hayea the only «W of any
note or Vight
■ |jp - ■ -
Senate Rejects
Support Cut
WaahingtoR. June 7—IA > K—
>ac*. and that neadMaaly. f*r tha | Thg senate yesterday rejected
Hi'wever, thev were pretty, and . , r T! V , ..
lee cowAed immediately the Rowni-
n*»#t of them attll had _
tied*, with the sepia-covered water ment price supports on baaic
running over them farm empa
Snow is still nreaeiit on the Th*' vote wh* .Ml U) lb»-again«t
north hill slopes, providing a ready the pmpoaal, which Senator Fllcu
squrce of, rae water At lunchtime
we filledla bucket with ice, and
(billed oflr beer almost immed
AM along the road were old
f ilacer nriae* which bad er ideal*
» bean bi* producer, before the
sand ran oat
On the way back, we spotter) a
sinall lake from h mountain, so
wh* walked down the idope and
oVer to it There I came in con-
t*ct with “aiggerheada” for the
first time Thev are soft lump* of
e*rth standing up like muahrooma
der (D-Lai said would have
w recked thr- present farm program
if adopted.
Senator VATIIiama of Delaware
and seven other U* paMir an* offer- . /
de the proposal n* an aniendnvut
t<v a House upproied (nil raising
the pnee suppmting capacity of
the Coinmoditv frecut r*rpnratMCl
b> J'J.idNt.lXhi.tMm
The Senate held a night session
tonight, trying t«r i * ach a final vr>t«* ,
on the bill.
The William* amendment would
have nut into immediate effect the
flexible price support provision*
which, under current Igw, are du^
... r» • j tn gvi into effort in t92. I'ndaf
(.lavton Kelirt'h i> Un ‘ p,tat .* u ** n l!
. aouid he dropped to a* low as 71
Krmn ( fittfin hirin f Knvnt of i ,arit >' on hast, com-
rimn a .mi (on r ii m modlUMi ot ^ p*.*,,,
!hl percent level.
Parity is a price computed to
give farmer* parckaciag pawei
erjunl to that thry enjoyed in a
p.»*t penod whidi wa* generally
favorable to ugMcidtUtv
William* *Hid it wovjdn’t h« mr-
esaan to give the COC the nxtra
price supporting power if hi* plan
was iidoptr-d.
Only three lb n.ocrat# supported
the amendment They were Seiiu-
U .1* Byrd and Robe Cleon of Vir
gin a, and Fiear of Delaware.
Thni> four Ib-mecrali aud Ik K<-,
! publuttiia oppca<s{ it.
I The amendment, if final!v made
law’, would have had an immediate
effect on price* of pot ton. com,
wheat and other so-cal 'il ha»ic
com modi tie*.
HousUvn. June 7 Retire
ment of Will L. Clayton a* chair
man of the Imard of Anderson.
Olayton A Company, worldwide
cotton firtn. wa* aanounreil yastar-
Clayton, former under secretary
(tf .tate will i ontmur a,, a di
rector and member of the execu
tive committee of the Houston
Official* indicated a new board
chairman will not be named until
the imard'* annual meeting in
1 Uyloa will maintain his
Inca is the ttouaton Cotton
change Building.
Hero Sees Body,
Renters Barret
Minneapolis. June 7 —<Ab- I a**
lie Berg, IT, wa* walking across
tbe Lab* Street bridge over the
MWtsstppi River Monday when
be s«w what apeearest to he a
drowning man below
Berg climbed down the bridge
girder*, removed hi* outer riotbing
and dragged Wi feet into the nver
He swam to the objeet.
M was an cm) barrel
Dr. ( ouch to Apprar
At Fml ( ontrol Mept
Di J.* R Couch, profesaor of
poultry husUndry #111 appear on
the program of the Southern Fend
Control Official* Association an
nual meeting in Galveston June 4-
Dr Couch wiU discus* the uae ^
trare mineral* in feed formula*.
- Feature* Start —
.1:25 b:4.i -8:2©
I 45
i*rrE smith s!
How Abfjiit That
Treat At...
Nita'a Newhutaiid
& Conlectionerv
Bryan £*##79
ST A*T£ TfH>4Y
* i
Owned k Operated
By a Student
North Gate
No Dun Jana Hr
•y Al
W at the editorial efftea, 1mm M.
(4#NM) er aft the RtouJmt AetiriMw
Flavor talks
so popular
... Co-Editor*
Feature Editor
Sport* Editor
v.*-' it