The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 06, 1950, Image 1

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    City Of
CoHtgt SUtioB
Official Newspaper
Natloa'ft Top
CoNeflafe Daily
NAS 1«H9 Survey
Nhmbrr 1: Volume SO
Pitot: Five Oeatt
l S Supreme Court
Ruling Forces TL
To Admit \eg roes
n*H«. June t The two
top officer* of the llntoenity of
Tex**, pr«tore<f bv the I! S.
•■piaito Court yeeteritojr to orl
toil Henum Marion Sweatt, a
* Nejrro, *»«|
"The I'nivonity of T^x«« wil)
of rouree otoerve the U * an.
„ OOuneed by the Ku|>rem* Camrt of
-thr Cnitod State* fc* mu rpr. U-.I
by tt» «Me roonael. (Teaa*) At-
tomev t.eneral Itonici."
The (tatemenl war iMueil her*
to I Hi He v h Jr,
tbau man of the B»*ard of Kefenta,
hod hr 1 S. Painter, I'niverait)
preside it Th«-y decimal u, t tabor-
hie on th« formal statement
^f^ef alOHi I nronrtiliilional
Waahmifion. June ‘ilO. In
laundry Sets
Summer Term
- Laundry for the nummer
•mon will be turned in a<-
* continjf to the followinv sche
dule m the office in 1*0 Hall.
H N Kmgcsxi manager of
the ASM laundry announced. t*«h<\
* Studentr whn*e laet rtamor t**-
ffn with A-L will turn in laundry
*m Monday, before S a ih
Hiudeni« whom- laftt name* lie-
gin with 1.-Z will turn in laundry
oh Tueada? la-fore Sam
Cnlhte employee* will turn in
th*hdry before P a m. on Monday
and l)a> •tuderta will turn in ar-
eoxdmjr to the resident student
aptodtHt. Kinfranl *ant.
,AB Haima will be handled Mon-
t day thmoifh Friday at 7 .HI a. in
till J 'to p m at th*- main office
df laundry
lauhdi\ left fmm tiu- lone term
May be picked up in PC Hall or
ill the case of Biyan Fatid Itoun-
dry it way he picked up in the
Main office of the laundry
* Itoy student* will u*e white tick
•ta and resident ituile/it* may uae
0M yellow or blue ticket*
■padte* hrwifht in Mo«<lav will
be nut on Wednesday at-d the
■ Vltoday bundle* will be out on
” Wto^lay, Kingtani said
y * T-'
Wives Have
In Success-
Big Share
three pnetuent making Ueciatona,
th «upieme court tielay (truck,
.h-wi! -w/rwiratton of Nerrue* aaJj]
Mtnte* a* practiced at Teas* aa#
Oklahutoa l'bifer*itiea and on rad
mad* in the »«uth
The couit wa- onanimuM. In
all thtee ia*e-, it etpreaaiy nr-
fra iied frAm ruling on board com
•titatHraal au««it<>iw
It ilwl out grant a yevernment
i* UU'*t that it ievcr»e a T>4 year-
old dec ia ion that *egregat|on ta
cunat itutional a* lor* a* “m-pa rata
but e«|uar fanhtie* are provider!
for Negno-*
The combined effect of tto ihr-
civion*. however, wa* to make it
plain that »inh wparatc factlitwa
inuat truly lie e<|us! Tto Juatuw
Iviartmeot ha<l argued they never
nan tie that «eparatton tn itaelf
« a form of inequality
( •urt'a Ralmr*
In the *eirn yatton cahya thei
court ruled
\. That Tina* rnunt admit He J
man Marion Sw*-att, a Negro, to
the all whit* I'mveroty of Texa*!
law Hchool, even though it ha* c»-j
ta!>h»hed a *eparate taw *ch«Md
for Negr««e« Chief .luatice Vmaoa I
*aid fur the full court that the)
separate »«hool* do not offer "nub- j
Manila! equality in the opportun-j
k>ea" for white and Negro law
H That Oklahoma muat atop'
rlaatrootn acgregation of a Negiu, J
<i W M'laiurin, in the Cniver*ityj
of Oklahoma graduate tehool Me*
laur.n ami other Negro «tudevtta ;
attend cla«*e* with white «tu-
ilenti*. but they have lieen re-'
quiml t*> mt in different row*, w A
Again Vma*,n *«,d for the full- Move ' mu * M
court that M.Uunn “mu.t P-lfr.m* tak. y«ur ,ock,
reive the name t mat went a, the all tomg pre*entou at the
hand* of the at ate a* .tudwito I Gr ™ lh " Sum,m r
of other races." Them will t»e »u<h a avariety of
That railroad* cannot iron- entertainment that everyone
tinue to *eparat*- Negroes g n< | ’ "hould find something to «uit hi* w*™ < , # , r i r u w-
white* in their dining caw, Mo»t ' ,,r ^ l *‘ r ami all you have to! will feature a community da»t _'»]** **/'^ aeuRy toww»ara.
nouthern railroad* maintain one or 10 in Da*h youp vtudent It 1* a we*tcro niebelnima in two | *5..i . ' * - t ’° tof»
two table* for Negriw* in diner*, j * i '^ v '* , ** fre *hp at the ^atoman | act* and wa* tpofe aucceagful
In nuait *(hae» the*** tahle* are »et i ^ ^ "Spike" Mhitr, oireetnr when ptodigvd hy Tiegfield. TV*'
aside by turtaia* or rope* Juatica *tud»nt activitie* ha* ann(»daeed • immunity last will be under the ^ pt>>gram* are Rheduled for
Itortwa *tod frtr wn Hght-nWli enuH I *at there will be threw •paefeM dtr^traa of Bill Turtwr * 1 *• »» w hut will be casr-itod if the
that thi* practice xiolate* the > •* nt *rtoinment programs for thi*, The Ib-ep River Jubilee guar- wgather rafaaw to eu^rato.
to»tc Interstate Commerce tat». »uwmer tet outatandmg Negrti male 4ng |B
an ever increasing «hare in your
. ,, , sucre** and advancement.”
The great problem of litW 1* gr^itoy Wa» obliged to da-
liver km address twice, a* rain
forced the exercise* indoor* Sine*
»uch a laroe au*tience could not
accomodated in oae building.
the determination of the proper
course in world affair* and dame*-
tte affairs that we must faliow
That is the problem each of you ^e
grass were Calonal John P. Davia
of Waco. Doctor of l.awa; Burton
Elia* Hull, president of Trans-
Arabian Pipe Line Company; and
Marvin W, Smith, | rigidn t of
Baldwin locomotive Morks. wlw>
receive*! honorary Doctor of Ea-
■Mt aalvu . . . . *poge before tne Agruultur*. gmeenng degree*
These were the won!* of fjen Art* and Science* groups ami the Jtonald K Jarvi*. 5th year arch-
Omar N Bradley, chairman of the honorary degree winners in Cumr lecture major, name*I x aledtctormn
Joint Chief* of Staff, directed to
the 1,119 graduation senior* at
AAM la»t Friday night He also
paid tnlKite to "many of the wive*
of the graduate* ' xvho were pre
"These young women deserve
your thank*, and the gratitude of
my generation In the yaar* to j tional affairs,
come, if you men are to fulfill diplomatic"
our expectations, they will have Other* receiving
then tnoxed to the Assembly | of the class "for hi* bnlHapt •chol-
Hall to address the reptesentativns
of Engineering and Velarinary
An honorary Ihwtor of Laws la
grew x*»* bestowed upon <»ert.
Bradley for "distinguished gceom-
plishmenta in the field of mtenui
(.rneral Omar Bradley greets members af the
faruHy, graduates and parent* at the FreaidenC*
rrceplHMi Friday. Manding in the receiviag line
tlafl te right) is Cresident F. C. Button. Mr*.
Bolton, (.en. Rradky. Mrs. Gilchrist aad Chan
cellor of th« \AM System t.ihh l.ilchrtot.
Harrington Takes
Office Saturday
Grove Offers Wide Variety
Of Tn terta inm en t Program s
lit. Thewe two gre relative
newcomer* to the eMertainmant
world ha*mg startad perform
ing «iaar the war Their program
• ill rUnsist of seweral dager
numbers aad rnunic m the Itglit
er moud
A musical corned)A "Rio RMo "
1* whedul* I for Jut* 2* JV and
mg an*l swaying to beRatiftil music
umier starlit skies
TWe will be no Himda? hub
da* for the (iro*c a* toller *kat
er* will again take over the
dab on thewe days.
Besides students, arho can get
in by presenting theif student at
ediployeaa »nd their families will
lie admitted to the (tfo**.
Aggie Saw*
''Alan *
W An Aggie wa* crediteil with
g ■wing the life of a H»u«ton man
Ml that city Sunday morning
Oilbert McKenzie, senior mdu*
trial educptitoi mayor from Hmis-
tar. applied a tourniquet to |>^|-
§■ Hog era, who had had hi* leg
severe. 1 in an automobile accident
Using towel* sml scarves taken
from the cpr in which he Wa* nd-
irtf M< kensie quickly applied the
^ NMftogwat, stopping the flow of
i, btood until tn ambulance arrived
Bober wa* injured when he wa*
stnn k by the car, driven by Wal
lace J McKenne, the student’*
Roger * left leg was amputated
Sunday at Jefferson Dnvi* Hoa-
pita I Hia condition was reported
good Monday
That act forbid* the railrimd* from
subjurtmg any perom "to any tin- j
due or unreasonable prejudice of
disadvantage "
Other Iteriaiomi
In other a< tmn* on thi* final
lay of the term the high court ‘
1 Affirmed the convention up a
charge of stuffing ballot boxes of
Edward K I’nchard, Jr. *f I^rx-
mgton, Ky, a former favorite of
l*re*ident Franklin D Roosevelt
2 Agreed to review next term a
lower court decision that the fed
•rai government may discharge
any employee whoaa loyalty to the
1 mted States is in ‘reasonable
doubt " |
S. Refused to review a decision
that Negroes may lie etcluded
from a tug New York City hour
ing development, Stuyvesant Town
Finer*] Service* Heltl
I'or Prof’* Father
Funeral services were held yes
terday in Waco for < hmdy Smith
of Waco, father of Fred K. Smith as other passenger* filed out
of th* AAM (ieotogg Department Mis* Atole Hatchett of San An-
Smith ami his *if» laft for | g*lo puffered shwk ami possible
Waco Sunday afternoon rib ftbrturaa Her condition wa*
Survivor* include his wife and reported aa good by St Paul H***-
anottor son, Gtp Smith of Waco pital Attendant* John
Drake and Marrhe a dan
piano and dance team will ap
pear at tto t.rove Mondax June
Fort ^orth Bus
(rashes in Dallas
Dnll»«. June A. T*', A Fort
Wurth-biaiml bu« *kidde.l into a
pillar of the Commerce Street un-
derpans during a rain yesterday,
and burst into flame*
Three of the 14 pa**enger* were
hurt, none critically
Alemt half of the -.eats in the
I hua were burned after qmtk* from
the crash ignited gasoline. The
ga* tank wa.> torn from tto rear
of tto bus
Passengers credited tto bus
driver, H M Stevenson, YO, of
Irving, with sgving thi lifr of
1 Corp Hersctol Bigelo of ( ar*wel|
Air Bao Fort Worth Bigelow
aufferetl a broken pel v >* * n d Ste
venson carried him from the bus
mg group sill sing *otig* of tto
deep sogth rdd time favorites, and
ni<«lern tong* when they aide-ar
»t the Cirove July 11
The* will present «u« h faror
He* a* "Old Man Ki*tf",
Shortnbi Bread. "Ihiwn on the
levee.’’ and "Old Black Jue "
The Grove will be one of the
busiest place* on the campus a*
some form of entjertainmenl 1*
whedultni foj each night of the
Movies are scheduled for Mon
day. Tuesday, sad Thursday
nifhtn with the exception of June
12. IS. lit, 29. and July I and
II Three dale* are either holt
dav* or have been set aside for
other programs.
Those who find pleasure in
.lancing or skating will want to
go to tto Grove on W edneaday 1 n rw
nights when there will he juke Un,
box music for dancing amt for
the more athletic minded there will
be roller skating Skate* can to
renter! at the Grove
“Grab *uur partner and doarv
dn’ will probnbl* to a familiar
sound around tto Gro*e <m Fri
dav night* aa sguare dancer*
square off and start swinging
Thewe darning session - will to
preceded b* a half hour of in
struction for (he beginners
The Aggi. land Oombo will take
President Holds
Reception Fridat
Families of the giaduating aen-
! Kb* were guests of President and
! l|r* K C Bolton a* they enter-
: tamed with ’an ojogi heuse last
FViday aDermam tot ween 2 .10 and
I:Hi p m
i *
j Floral arrangemerle in the re
j rfption rooms carnerf nut the eol-
j Igge color* uf maroon and white
Re.etvmg the guests were Pres
ident and Mr* Bolton, General
Omar Biadley, Mr and Mr* Mar
vin Smith of Philadelphia, Chan
cellor and Mr* Gibb Gilchnat,
Ihan and Mr* Howard W Barlow,
IVan and Mr* C. N. Shepardnon,
Iha. and Mr* J P Abbott. Col
II I. Roatner. Dr and
Id*- Trotter, John Bertrand,
President and Mr* M T Har
Mra Ralph Steen and Mra
(Tin* Craneman furnished back
ground music for the occakion.
Mesdnme* C C Doak, Norman
Hod. . K L Elkina. Q. W Sr hies
selman and F \A Hensel invited
the gueata into the doing room
Mr* S A Lynch, Mr* Jim
Adam* Mr* Fred W. Jetisen, and
Mr* S R Wright served while
Meads me* W G Hreazeale, Bill
over on Saturday nights to provide Turnet, Hinnte Zinn ami Grady:
music for those who enjoy swing Elm* assisted in the dining room.
“Tto grand okl man of AAM,"
Dr F (' Bolton, handed over the
gavel of office to hi* suxeetaor
Dr M T Harrington in an infor
mal ceremony Saturday, in the
office of the President
The official change took place
in the preaence of Cnancellur Gibb
Gilchrist, G R White, president of
tto Board of Director*, and Rufus
R Peeplea, member of the Board
of Ilrectora
President Emeritus Bolton start
ed hi* career at AAM as aa in
structor in the Electrical Engineer
mg Department, and ha* served as
instructor, as head of departavent
dean of the School of Engineering,
Dean of th* College, and as Pres
ident of the College
In Ithht made hia appearance,
Dr. Drown To
Tour Europe
Dr Sidney 0 Brown of Col
lege Station ami William B Ro
man Jr., of Bryan are planning to
make a three month tour of Eu
rope They will leave from New
York to Luxembourg and then
start their swing across tto Con
After Luxembourg they will go
to Part*, ami from there to
Spam, tto French Riviera, Naples,
Venice, and Florence in Italy
From Italy they will go to Eng
land and Scotland where to will
viait relative* While Roman 1*
in Britain Dr Brown will attend
an international meeting of phys
iologists at Copenhagen in Den
Before returning to the I’nited
States, the pair will go to Sweden
Belgium, arid Holland
They plan to to back from their
trip by September 2
Over 22(H) Knroll
In Summer School
A total of 2.2S7 student* have
enrolled for the suaiiner aeme*
ter, acrwrdtng to James Y.
Alexander of the Registrar's
Office. Of that number,
person* registered x eaterds >,
Further information concern
ing registration, statistics, and
rouraew will to paMished as soon
a* reports are compiled by the
Registrar's Office
arahtp, his ability as a leader .
was presented by Dr M. T. H»r-
nngton, preeidrnt elect of the cuf-
lege During hi* senior year, he
was a Cadet Lieut. Cni. and prpn-
ident of the senior clata. He re
cently won tto Achievement Award
militaiy and "f f he School of Engineering, and
.a the president of Tau Beta Phi.
honorary de- ' A duo-baccalaureate service wa*
———- also held as the Rt Rrv, John E.
Hines, Biahop yp-adjutwr of the
Episcopal diocese of Texas, led tto
rite* at Gdion. while Ihr. W, Boyd
1 Hunt, pastor of tto Flrat Bhptist
| Church of Houston, spoke In tto
Assembly Hall
Tto ( ontmiaaions were presented
. by (tout Gen. Leroy Lotto, com
manding general of the Fourth
Army, and Mat Gen R. Crawford,
Friday afternoon m • •uion Hall.
Retiring president I>r. B. C.
Bolton delivered his final address
in hia capacity
After 41 years
of service to AAM, Dr. Boitnn wa*
succeeded by tto former dean of
the college. Dr M T Harrington.
The Corps of Cadeta held it*
final review Saturday morning to
dose the week-end -eremonies
and since then ha* left an impr*»
sion on the college which no one
will foripet He ha* given most of
hi* life to AAM ac well a* hia 1 to the aaaembly
kind guidance and understanding to of adminiatrator
thousand* of A iff ups
Forty-one years have passed
since Dr Bolton came to AAM
but it will take many many more i
year* before he will to thought ;
of as anything but a permanent J
part of AA M
Hi* successor. Dr Harrington j
is the first AAM graduate to be
come President, his story extend* |
from his days a.» an Aggie "Fiah"
to the present position he now
In 1V1K President Harrington I
came to AAM and in the course j
of four year* distinguished himself 1
a* a student He wa* a captain in |
the Infantry ami in 1921 won the I
lirill Medal of Comimny E
President Harrington began hi* j
teaching at AAM in 1924 and while
Countv Records
Cite Starvation
As Case Cause
Hereford. Tex — Do children
l »Urve to Tleath in thia wheat-rich
oh to I note Master d^Wnc- *** W T *«“ T The WMWW-—from
Ohtoinmg hi* Master of iflewee ^ Iv>f h c . Welfare
degroe in ^^iry m 19PT [Wrtmmit - m ye, 7
Dur^ig the nex fourteen years ^ tJ^Vthnmffh county
Presulent H.mngtort d,d graduate r ^ ( , ri) , to fwi() . v ,aence of store.
T r r ^ ^ ^ You c.„ walk into Deaf Smith
tute of Technology, the l niveraity ’ ~ •- -
of Michigan, and tto University
of < aliforma During thi* time he
wa* advanced to tto position of
associate professor
President Harrington returner)
to V A M m 1W42 and was appoint
ed professor of chemiatry When
th* Annex ripened at Bryan Field
he was named Assistant Dean of,
th* College in charge of the An- P«blo doesn t walk, though many
nex In September of 1947 he wa* Wa age. He rgn ait
app<»nted Itean of Art* and Sci- *** JHluwa,
welfare department workers who
rescued the wiaened little fellow
County Hospital here and look
into the bright eyes of a little
hoy w* shall call Pablo Garris.
PaMo is a year ami two days
old He weigh* miIx a shade un
der nine pound* His legs are
the thickness of a man’* thumb
His eve* look very big, because
bia fxce ia an thin
encc ►
The official inauguration of
President Harrington will place on
October 5, 1950.
From ihr Stii<trnt BmC
'Twelfth Man Scholarship'
Winner to Get $400 Yearly
In September. lltftO, some young
man that anlmanly would be un
able tn attend any College, will
enter AAM unties 'The Twelfth
Man Opportunity Award Schniur-
He krill receive assistance te tto
extent of |4<kj far each of the
four regular school years, with
The original 14,Mf) < best goal
fell far short of its murk, but col- ;
Ibction* .ltd roach tbg $2,0<Ki mark
The Twelfth Mag Scholarship
became an artualitt <m May 4
when the StnAeat Bena|e anan
imouslv approved tjie glloration
of flftM for the scbnlarahip
Recently tto iVveloptoent Fund
HHI r acknowledged receipt of the $1,900
rontinan'tion of the schoiaf^up ••• fbe Student ItMly, through
from fear to year dependent upon ! tR‘‘ Studeat Senate, for Bie fouad-
Wactary reaww
For Governor
from a frame shack a month ago
say his case ra. unfortunately not
unuaual They point to the records.
Ten children died in • the county
last year of starvation and dysen
Pablo weighed only seven
pound* when he was brought to
the hospital. "None of u* thought
he would Nve more than 21
hours." declared Mrs. Ruth M.
Service, registered nurae.
But he did He tugfed mightily
at the bottle of nnuritMnf, warm
milk. He patted haM^y at the
white sheets. The nu
Brenham, Tex, June A -'if' -
Tex*..' new lady candidate for
governor think* most candidate*
talk too mt)ch
Mrs Benito Louise March laiw-
rence Theodore plan* only a few crisp, wmte sheets. The nurses
campaign speech** She outlined Uriah care on him. MAybe some
her campaign plan* this way: day to will be a football play#f.
"Most canduiate* talk too much County officer* say Pablo's
Some times those who keep cfniet father cannot seem tgj'Rsid a ref-
get elected i*Ur job HeU a handyman, and
"I’m very hopeful I think I'll jump* from job to jab Fablo’a
to elected You n*v«r can toll" mother worked recently as a
The brunet mother of a 34 year housekeeper She had to quit She
old daughter said she has been in- was goirtg to have another babjf
politics most
Mrs I^wrenc* entered tto rac^,
she said, pfter somebody asked her
recently Why she did not run for
governor She decided she might as
well do" it now *
A member of a pioneer Brenhsm
family. Mru Lawrence ie a grad
uate of Texas State College for ,,. , ^
Women ami has taught in tto DfrJFPPB
tor fifth.
"Fear snd ignorsnee" are the
two main reasiMi* fur failhra ef
*ufh people te Lake advaatage
<>f svailaMe help, acaarding to
Welfare Administrator DlaytMa
( ollF|pp Station
elementary school tore 10 years.
She alnn is a Sunday school teach-
She plans to announce her cam
paign platform within the near fu
ture Nhe particularly ia interest
ed in improving the atote’s eduea-
Drawmg (enteel are (battam Ml to rlgkQ Jim the At
■ x turtto. Bryea; L M. Caalar, Hun Angela; C aaetag
r PktK -i W. M At auta, Maruhati. •«■;
C H RansdeB, dean af
W. Bartow, dean af eagto-
haad af the R. D. Depart
C Nlehais, Fart War*.
a Mtmfac$ory
The asmetorahip which will
anablr this yuang maa te get a
fear year iwilegr adacatiea was
made passible by the Htedewt
Daring March of tbia year tto
Student Senate Campus Chest
Drive opened sriMi a goal ef
$4,900 One-half of thia sum was to
be aitotod for isetiating a 12th
ing totlf to be
tto World I
4 a local
aee en the i
mg of the Itth Man Scholarship
"This award ia established by the
Student Body of the College a*
tangible evidence of the traditional
•pirlt of the friendliness and help-
fulness that rhararteniee the stu
dent bady of the College and as
tangible evidence of the tradition
spirit of tto friantUineea and heir
fulnraa that character!•• tto Stu
dent body of the Oellege and aa
tangible evidence of the deep naaan-
lag of "The Twelfth 4dan Tradi-
lien," a tradition oiproseiag the
A# h, t- 1.
wunvipBM ©f e«cn irHivviQumi in
the Btssdaat Body |o J« hlo part
IiOiiiri Franke Aidn
in a common cause," aorordinf to
tto memorandum coterwig eatab-
lishment of the stHolanhip
Objective of the scholarship is
to aid some worthy young hign
school grWdualr who would to un
able to attend college without such
Recipient of the award will to
rhouea through state wide com
pet it mu under the Arecttou id
the Permanent Nebularwhip Cum- a cy .
mittee of the ( uBege and through I st’miail Ag N*t III)
the Opportunity Awards Plan. ( ■
Funds of 'The Twelfth Man
Scholarship" will be deposited in has haen granted a 7i-day
a separate account in that name of absence to go to Germany on I
in the Piaral office. Dishursentent a Department af State assignment
will to at the dinartioa of The An agncufoiral extension ser ,
Faculty Committee an Scholarships vira, patterned after the Uni tod
and through its aasretary States county agent system which
The chairman of the Scholarship originated in
Two College Station atudenta'
were among'Ad who were granted
doctoral degree* at the Uni versify
of Texas commencement exerciees
They were Alfred Franklin
Chalk Jr., and Jeaae Breland
tional aystem and reforming tto Johnson Both tveetved doctor of
tax system and state department philosophy degnuee
liege will
make regular reports to the Stu
dent Senate of awprda aa made
and ef the achoiavtie and other rec
ords ef award huldera throughout
their college careers.
Texas in 1901, ta
being aet up in Germany by ECA
Franke will propose ways of
channeling the remits of re
search to farm people through the
press, publications, radio and vis
ual aids
Mtiftimnft Needed
For Rio Rita
j i 1 w * //
Musicians on the campus wha
Louis Franke. extension editor. interested In playtag in the
* been granted a 7b-day leave; archeetra far the operetta "Rie
Rita" which is te be produced
June 27 aad 19 arc requested te
emtart Bill Turner at the Mu*
•sc Hall.
■qpMllBy aaaded are pleyer*
for the HrikjtPNBfB heiw.
trombone, bam vtoha, eUe. cei-
k s$ak kamaa «i flute.
The fleet retoarual will be
Thursday, June 9 at T J9 pja.
la the Muak Hall.