I / ' ' . / i Battalion Editorials Pip 2 TUESDAY, MAY 30, I960 The Forwr Students Dtse and (»ain Amid th« final exam confusion of IqM wwkend, a man who has done much for the college and ita students stepped down with little fanfare from h puat he haa held for the paat year. Louis A. Hartung, '.39 of San Antonio completed his term as president of the Association of Former Students. Council members of the Ah'S (taid tril»- utr to Hartung and welcomed their new president, A Kd Caraway of Dallas H* th these men, by accepting the pres idential post of the Association, have der. tleorge William McClelland, K, who, the Cmvenuty said will be- elected to brainpans Hi), of tlu' ach(K>l. ItetrtHt Km Prews. that They don t come much younger than —New lorker One,reas<>n so many luxuries an* being bought is that, at these pncea neeetwitiea are tisi eXpenaive ably the only thing there ia to do. If eeat- that delegatii»n will “Have the UN," even tem{Kiranly it will be worth while, fur the United Nation* provide* some thing we should relinquish only as a last rewort a meeting place for the East and the West W'lthott the UN. diplomatic relations, official »nd upofficial. between the three Big Power* and Russia would b* seriously hampered. Perha}»s we will never be able to work with Russia And |ierhs|»s the cold war is destined to continue depaite Lae’s state- mrnts that a fieace can b** worked out. However, we should not done the door to negotiations at thi* time. Then* is too much at stake. By recognizing the Chinese Red* in the Cnited Nations we are going to have to swallow a bitter pill. But. if taking that pill will serve to clear the deck lor a continuation of United Nation a activity, then it is ours to take We do not advocate a jsdicy of “Save the United Nationa at all costs but the recognition of Red China is not to steep a |*rtce at Una pedicular time West Branch. Ia . took pains to say, when announcing its birthdav party for Herbert Hoover, that he was born in a two-room cottage, but the housing situa tion being what it is. nobody should low- rate a two-room cottage. WORDS Of ONE KVLlJtBLK DEPT. Krum the Miami Herald The play will be worth seeing hut if you can’t go, you may want to hHp some one leas fortunate to be present. —New \ orker The Battalion "SoUw, Suttsmsm, Kmgbity Gimtim+C Lawrence Sullivan Rosa. Founder of Aggie Traditions Dm AMociatad Ptcm I* •sutlwl •xrhisivvlv W«dit«d U it . - not otherwiM mditad ta th# p •4 IwtsTn ' Tickte »f rvpahliaadM of all otlwr i Now* roranbutiona mar to aada ky Ulaetor •Jeodvirf Hall. CUaaifM ads war to alaeto to Off.ff Room MW, Gotovna Hall Th. Hstuttan. official n. wayaKr of th*- Agrirujtural and M#rhanir*l (•..llagt- of Tr*a» and the fily of Oilegv Statu**, Tfxaa, ia puhlah.-d flv? t*nr» H woak danng th# n gular arh.K.I year Ihir iitg th* aamm#r!“IV BatUlion ia publwhod four Urn.» a and rjn ulaUd every Tiwada) through Friday aftensiwa Suhm nptu.n rat.-* ItfW grr aumawr Advertiamg mtea fuirnalvd on r*- qaaSt. - LITTERS - an* ttiH tto * y»*-oto n hto Pt<«nea of femintae oonqurat Sold ay thoae re turning from weekaStd paaara, there are still tto prayer* for rain on drill dajra—add, dn-pr-r than all that, there atill teems to h> the love of men for ttoir fellow men, and the undying mutual raaport for what, tn ail our heart# and minds IS the greatest school on earth. 1 feel that, tome twenty or twen ty five year* from now, when I have a ton of my oan standing on the threshold of college, there *hall be waiting for him an AAM ofjei whieh he and I — ran and will be f lift (iadets Receive Commissions deetiagwiahi which entH romndtratK miaakpia in ■m *... and be tare to fia the door oa Harracka T-7lt . . T Letters To The Editor (AS wttan w no •anof w*m ar« i tad weak «o asi aaaieia (asMaa • rufeiac to ha«* thta ■***— witaa4* am ■—M will MS. eanmi UM ••atm waa ta* mat.) •* ia* T aw* tat m mu t* aoianai wet m m let aaMMatt aaj rout mM m* t af ia* wrtut m aivatd *> aay #ti TWH.FTH WAN (Mitor'* Sett: Reprinted be low I# thr mamorandum ra% rrinc esiifh'tHhmrnl ol Tto Taelflh Man OppHrlSait) Award Srkol •rahip as teal to thr Student Senate k) K, F MrCJaiMen e*e- rutne dire. Un ofthe ASM |ie- irlopmeat IVnd I In the StiMir-ni Kennl# (irsteful l knowledgsm. nt iv made of n ♦ontnisitior' in the amount of -uteeo hiiwlfed f TVaa*. through th. Studm t denate Thi- a.fl will Ik- ll-.-d tl> edlalili*h “The Twelfth ,M..n < Ippoitimty \whri! Schol*. Hrsluii at ilu tditl Coll v*' Thi* efl’olsi hip *lia:l as >t.- ot.je.p x., the kill 'n ..f .* w irt l v yt'un^ in hi; \*he '."uld !sr utmlile td attend rnlieyr without -U. h a«#VUltie Kienden' of th.f aeaid -.Jui!' L- ih.^en through a kUte-wida r uiijM-tltlOn un.'ej the direetion of the IVnuStu nt SfhoU Hr«hu>> (VtmiSHtee of the Coll.-ge an.) thrSuik the Op(*«rrumiy Awar>i< t*ik : i »- dextsed and ouh* lirfy-d by th. A A M (,4i< (T< I>eveU opmvnt Hedpteht of the •eholkt -hip *hkl| m-eive a*--iTrf.-ice U> th. ettent of fmir BunfriNi itOiVINii d.illart for rm h (>f 'A* four regular \e«r« atal’uif ’.n S»pte*nl»'l lltB'l. ('ontmuatioi of tli.i S. holarehip fn>ni vesf t. y.-at will del .-nd ti|a»B a -tatufa. t"i-> rt .oni of -t* ro« i is Merit Fund* of “Th- Tw.-lnh Man S'« h< la hd -hall !>»• .i< .-.-rted n a M-t-arap ac-'-'in* in mat utm.^ in the H »l Offitf of th. < o 1. legt* Ihfbtir-wnent *h»l ta at th< .hree'u.fi r»f T o Fac ilfv < ornmiU t.-< -n F h. hr d | « at d tr r>«uk:h it- -o.ielaiA. 1^3 This year |7^ V^" pradnutinji to the The t hairman of the Si Ommittat of the Ca IhoJurship* llage will make nfular reports U the Stu dent Senate of award* at made and of the »<-halaats and ntljer record* of award bolder- throughout their c-otleffe career* Tht* award t* e-r ilinhed by the Stu.lent Ihaiy of t}i« College an tangible evid.-n.e of thr- tradi tional spirit of the friengline«» and holpfulriHa* that rharacierii**# the SUident B.aly of the vklual in the Student Body to do f*i* I'nrt Hi a ‘.'minor cause Thi* memorandum exfruted this -Mrd day of May, IDMt. K. K. M.tJuilWnj Kieeative Direetag, MM Ih-refopment Lund “1 HLKK’l I. ALW \YS BE ( rsH 1 justly proud I’erhagM there arill be no fish “stripe.'' Htomptng may be unknown “Board" may be what you aay to eat; I doubt it. I doubt that men shall ever band together anywhere- in school, or business, or juat in life, hut what the newer men rateh the more low ly detaila, and are the butt of the jokes ronrorted by the more e» perienced hands While the laws of the State of Ti iaa may well and justly be en-' forced there at A AM. 1 believe that always there will be that tupennr- ity of rank which will give each Ha** ikimethinjr H>ok fom'ard U>> and I do not believe that the spirit of brothi-ily love, which wr call the Spirit of Aggieland, will ever die.". Sincerely. Meb i.regf. '50 Bible Xerse No man 4* seemed v^rned about th. current vtata* hf the corps Hut I can ramegiber S »•* wejv fiaii t* llitig os that Wing* wer*- "shot to hel! " | can retiember our tell’tig that to our own fish ci notably your own 1 know that times .audition# change, .nd different IIVo.l# ale of necessity USUd tO SC- . timplisli the -anie .enk* Dse mend hornet to»»»e« 0 pje* ond lew#*y to** P'Ovd *0 doctor kooawk* MoHtvod Son •* o »s)o 'Ong* of tty lot ond #»«#». Wonkty Kooptok* by tk# nom# «• tho dt 'goo.on- «oed i#g.tto.*d po 'ott ge- on *w fog t#*'-.tl W M3 V) |'vxjo-ig#»*»♦'> t tir*q 330 00 AKo 3)00 to 3473 it r #«» or*4 m s t ARTOON LATEST X EM S SANKEY PARK J ¥ w E It K 111 N Main Bryan ■ / ' fjtch i la*«B Taxi/ If n<*ith<*r of the two U- ceniM*s Hvlpcttxl ^rv |irt*n- ent or have not sigtuxl the Abnnetee Book then a third bcenae will kn mv- lectetl for . . . We pay the highest prices lor Used Books— j ‘A We maintain who - sc.* end retail list the.’ • 1 . I yeat round. ’ * ’ • • ■ , . GET OUR PRICES BEFORE SELLING . -7:/ THE EXCHANGE STORE Serving Texar Aggies it**** Tax) On thv Screen >r New UM for rspvblicatioa of all a*w* diapatrtoa tool now* of ewotanooua ongia pubuah- ) or to tto odturtal office. Room 101. (i Hid) or at tto Staudawt Actiwttaa • >4 prCCHKWi ad- v.mot'makc thopen truly new. L itling it extr4-faU and turr. ‘ Aefo-mrtis. con trol Mfcfwds agoiSlt Ha king eves at id-pldnc betghtx And nevtr has writ ing torn *o smooth and cats, thanks IS the tori use* Pla- thenium-tipped point, f «r the hseM gift—or for youiv Klf, chone thu New "51" now. Baa* |11 10 add op - ndMg toto MBMCDOW ^ ahead. 00004**0 MX COM pop oapwnspa >r% T-roo L UP% T TD By Al ( ' Fix souorr it aat*o* votm tvi’ BXEnx —- EJmpiMiMATTJM. rvmru. BOtTUAM/v- KIU. AMYTVMMSI in rr noB^s cnu. AurvcT ,c \-ag- III 4RNKK iw the Man Down to Aai to The Press ' to. a* to* T«a Oto IfflbfcMO*. Ua Aaotoa*. aad Saa fNaMna DEAN REED, L 0. TIEDT 4. Co-Edilors 1 ■... .i . to. m t - i r-n — 1, ^ f i *wk a' tog—"* ■i ■■ - — — TO DO Mg MUST eg toJT IN TVtto SACK t rr < US XJND 1- ■/ toSaaSGtSMi that vou’vt oerr him on &s- CDMinG ZmJm VDIWOV, KATOS.^ •ShC* OOXSeFT IT VOU- N Ui. ABNER Oprsi WWD. frsrt) Ostew -to— By Al Cspp Sid Abernathy . Frank Maaitsaa FtAtur* Editor . Sport* Editor tto* HI TS oadep Thf Ku haii^r Store "Sdmn* Tone* Agg—s" ,VOJ UXKV is wtoTisie rt-sr nax *« -»s H AUVS OM -S Am Da D » K <\