The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 30, 1950, Image 1

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    \ *•
nty Of
('4>U^Ke Station
Official Newspaper
Nation * Top
. CfcBagiate Daily
NAS im Suney
Number 13§: Volume 49
Silver Taps Are Held l '?’' br l,tr# -
r> r* i \ • .• * 0 Honored
l°r Crash Victim By Dallas Veto
Silver Tap* fere obaerved on the *erve officer* are permitted to fl) J
c*n.piw laat aifht for R»*bert L plane* fro* the field. | . .
Bla/eb, seriali entomology student Rlatek’s p *ie did not bum wfieti A graduate of 1942. killed '
wh. wa* killed in*tantly Saturday he rraat»4 Ji W William*. Weil ju action near Kotnmer
‘lane, he wa* piloting bora grorar whai witnesaod the
W hell the ala
erw-hed W*4lbor»i^a community
ah- ot *ev«* pale* from Collef*
St a t ion.
I uneral service* were held ye»-
t'i l«y aftemof n {« Hr van
Hlateb, whd would have b»*«-n
f oluateal Friday, «a* flvmg an
VI a baisu trainer. H« nad left
W.wo at !|-t* Satuciiav morning,
f.tktng off from Connally Air Forw
Ha**- there The «rash <KTurred a-
rouud imhui Saturday
A reaerve officer and An Forcf
'et. ran, be fW-w on weekend* to
maintain Wt* skill a* a pilot. Ha-
crash, said tht plane gave n* indi
cation of etof b>e trouble before the
The eng na w a* nkill going when
the plane hit the ground at a flat
angle,” Willem* mid. William*
•umnamed an ambulance from the
Hillier Funergl Home in Brvan
The i-rash Occurred on the J O. !
Alexander faifts at the edge of the
•mall Tommu^tty.
Report«d MylB* !>•»
Other rep..ft* were that hlatek
wa* flying lop and that h * land
mg gear wa* up when be rraahed
The plane du* a deep hoW ia the
I rewind then tmunred hock, badly
rmolmhed. Hlaaek Wa* badly rut
up from the cfash.
An inquest held hy Justice of the
Peace S. t Roydef of Wellborn
K'keidt, Onnany, in Novem-
kef. 1944 will be honored by
thd American V e t e r a n b of
World War II in Ihilla* next Tue*
day night
He is Lieut Turney W Leonard,
CoUgrenSionai Medal of Honor hero.
While the Amvet* are dedicating
RoUt Xo tl to laeut. laemard, hi*
casket will he en route hotne from i
the European war theater.
Chancellor <iihh <»ilchn*t of the j
A AM System will give the dedica
tory »ddre*« and the presentation j
of the color* will be by the ( roller
Teehiwca! High School NOT* ( ait.
Nephew of Hell
Lieut I>-ollUld I* a nep lew of
Tyree Bell, member of the AAM
8y*tem Hoard of Director*
While at AAM, he wa* a diatin
guished *tudent for neven to-me*
lev* of the eight *eme*ter* and wa*
a dutmguished military atudent
Dr.J.lI. Binney,
* I I ‘ /♦ w ^
Fatally Injured
In (^ar Accident
• cWf ^ ■*'* v.
fat tv* ih'W.d thdt
ccuMing th. hltt-
a»t side of ('oiiBur
P'-a. e J $ Roydef
called the death accidental
Snyder redioved Ulasek* per-
•onai poaseMpona, a* well p* Air
Force chart* ond plana, from the
plane and carped them to hi* home
for nafekeepikg He later turned
them ovdr to Air Force officer*. He trained at ( amp Hood and
Offiger. Inspect L 1 "^ 0 '’ * ,th
_ . . , . „ , , 2nd Armored Diviamn 1/e.maid
Two air police arrived Saturday , Unk 4 miroy9r at th ,
• f tern<K»n p. m^ard the plane, whi e r ^ #r of Bn mf)ll , tr f „ rcr whlfh b .
mspectmg •Tieer* from (onnally , lo b „ ak H# dl . n , )(Unt ^ fn , ni
Air Force Haw did not arrive un- F^
til Saturda\ *ight
Blaiek had made plan* te work
for the 1’ S Bureau of Entomology
and Plant ( optml in Wac« follow
h g hi* g’*d *tion.
He received hi* wing* at I.uke
Field. PhoeriR. Ant., in 11M4 He
had been fifing from the Waco /row hi* belt, Leonard carried
destroyer, reformed the infan
try force* into an orderly with
drawal and remounted the destroy
er second* before it wa* hit by a
high explosive »hell which tore off
hi* left arm
With a tourniquet improvise*)
I C. Mu*roc right, present* President and
Mr* jf ( HoRo* with * pair ««f silver candelahr*
■ t the testimonial dinner honoring the couple
Halufday nmkt in Shis* H*U. Munroe retiring
ro edltor of The Battalion, presented the randel
shr* as * gift from the student hod* of the col
lege. The banquet honoring President Bolton for
hi* II years of service to the College., wa* alien
dgd bv several hundred faculty and staff mem
b*r% together with friend* of the president from
o*er the state.
. Dr J. H Binney. . r 4, profe**or of Rigney wa* wcrnmfhsied’ bf kb*
mathematic* and the ftr*t mayor daughter, wm wa* gwoiparaUnn^y
of College Station, was fatally in uninjured She wag ftHkmaed fantt
jured in an automobile accident at tM hospital after examination
11:20 a.Mi. yesterday. The collision shfwvd min«>r chest and rib lltfUT'
occurred at the intersection of led
Coulter Drive and Highway « in j (
Tir. Binney suffi rmi head injuiie* I’iJice invewtigat
and died at 1 40 pB in the Bryan Drt Binney wi
H<#pital He ia by h.« w.fy from tin east
wfie and one daj*ter Sueanna, Dtfve, when hi* eat* collided dhlh
IX. a »tqdent at l-umar Junior High on* driven by Alfru<ljL*roy HdAfwv,
S<-h«»l I *it» ( of Houston which wa* tponpx /
At tb* time of the cash, l*r aorth on Highway ^ *
H'h'pei i* in the Bryan Hospital
rgomg treatment for brukgii
nd mi no- ii juries
mbuth dr\»v
• iii*h«-d in u
The steering wheel Wa* benl hut /
ruk broken ' ''‘ \v '
The front of the late tn «4-
I*hdge dri'en by Hon|a i w.y* c
plftely sn.aehi-d m, the motor
rd back, the gluases shatt
tty *teeiing wheel bt-A.-n
*hi>ved back
( ame to AAM in 1*15
]>r Binney ra me to AAM
National ^uard
Knters Strike
In Tennessee
Mo mg town, Tenn . May 30,
| lift- Three hundml Tcnnon-
nee National (Juardamen with
I e- of the IMS Mt-
•v by Dr. B>nmy wkn
at the centei door pb|t. */
Kolw-rt U Hll*ek »
Memorial Dav
I imls Nalion
Slill (iraleiul
fispd aince January under an Air
Fhrce plan i)e*tgned to keep re
se#vt*ta resuly to return to active
d'lty m ca*» *f an emergency
A board of officer* frogi Con-
naliy Field will invest.gat* the *c
ndent in an attempt to determine
it* c*U*e.
Fuaeral Sirrvicew la Brvan I
Funeral sertice* were held *t the
Hillier Puner*! Chapel in Bryan,
w ith the Revrgend J F Fowler of
the Church <d <Wn*t in College
Station offtrigtinf Bunai wa* ia
Brvan ('ity Cgmetery.
Survivors include his parent*.
according to war re<-oitl» Ijiter he
was retno'ed to « first aid bunker,
where he died.
Hi* war record wa* review.-d b\
(ten liwight D Eisenhower in a
speech at A&M >n April 21, 1 *Mt>
7/ / Had ll lo Do, I Would
Do ll All Over Again Bolton
F.nka Corptiration’*
Amcrwan* tarry fluwerg
ami [irgyi tv to the grave* of
their dead today amid the
long nhAdowg of the cold war
b«**tde hundr»-d* of thousand* of
grasa grown mound* in national
cemeteries he-v and abroad *Men
in id wfipwii in nty and countryside
t.M>k tune off from their work day
task* Bo honor th» nenionus of
Iheir i>*ed one*
(»e»eral of the Army (ieorge C
Mamhall » a* engaged te give the
mam addo-M n cwremiuwea at Ar
I ngton National <emeter)
Th * wa* the Memorial Day pray
er recommended to army chaplain*
by Maj Cen Roy H Parker, the
chief of chaplain*
"t* ad u* to know that th'Hi hast
*el u* to b« guardian* of the price
i.-W* liberty and freedom enj<iy'-d
Hy oar nation during the past cen
luncU (ine u* unity of purpose, **>
that faii'idua’ly and collectively!
aw mat strive to safeguard our na
I tow’* net it age
President Truman planned to
rje-od. fit. da) rruiaing on the Fo-1
toinac He anaoged'tn have an
:umy aide lay wreath* on the' tomb
of the utiknown soldier and a^mon
uments to umon *nd conf^rfwte
(lewd of tbe War bet ween the state*
(rovemnw nt d.>part meivta clogsd
for thedat. ai.oig with many hank*
and huMinUaae*
Shower* were forecast for trir-!
tually the entire eastern half of the
country, wth fsit to paitly cloudy
w.-sther srticipat-d in the we*t
Temperuturos Were expected to he
about gotmal
\-Rav Results
one daughter, lamtte, of Steele, i a I
M and'two grandmother*. Mrs. Iff XtirUllllKTd
W G Lov*ll of Gontalug, and Mrs V /mllllvIAlIVC'lf
Lottie Blfcxek tif Houston _ . , .
Members o# F.arie Gr*h«m i Kegult* of the ITCont \-ra>
So is», American Legion, paid Kurvev fpr tubdrculoBit have
American Hag* fluttered full tribute to Blaiek at the final %>|IVfVinr ^ t >, e Braz.m
■' ' "*'* County Hotlth Unit whn h
Oooducted the survey over the
The complete summary <>f find
mg* *how* out of 7,211 white nun
who took X ray*. r >h had Jcfinitt
tuberculoai*. ^7 auapicitm* and 27
non pathology
There were 2,P2)t women taking
X ray*, with 4‘( definite rase*, th
fuspicnvjM, ]4 non pathology.
Of the 1.107 negio men tak
the test IX definitely had the di*
ease, 10 were suspicious, and X'*
non-pathology For negro women,
1043 tiH>k 4he X ray test Vine w. iv
(iommenlalor Picks
Diamond Rcautv
A beauty <»rnte»t to select the
AAM Seventy Fifth Anniversary
Sweetheart whll be spomiored by
Herman f.elldb and Geerg# Thart-
Winner of th* emtest will have
turn picturs* if herself and a back
ground write up included qh a
special page ih th*- September Dia
mond Jubilee •dition of the maga
line She will, also be awarded a 1 definite ra**-*. five auspicious, and
Tev#- (AM «hd bundled* of ru**n
aasixiAed with it paid tribute to
it* r. tjnng pregider t and h|* wife
Saturday ingtu in Sbisa HaB
Mor* than C'lBt pcn*o|i* aftended
a testiAiomal ban*|u*-t gi'cn |n han
or of fresident gnd Mr* Flunk <'
Holtoria President Bolton wi|l c.»fr,
plrte 4 I year* of nemo do th.
cdteg.i when he i. tire* this yeai
Word* of apffee iHtom hi ft gift*
were Show efed upon the p Iton*
from the ipenn-r* of thd AAM
Sy*t«i* industljf, th. fonupi stu
dunt*. th*- pr.pidcrit * a**h« lab-*,
th. present *tdd*’iit b-*i> kii.i th*
Senior <’la*a.
H C liilllhfhetm, ”22, piB>fe*s..r
of ncal engthcring a a* toa*i
master for thd baraiuet He intro
field gear and live ammum- joined th*-Mathematic* Departmobg
* • ■ ‘ in! IFJfi He w** fgaduuted fn»i ,
Sqnt Houston Slate Teachers ^gl-,
U-ke of HuntsMlIe in 1#24, He fht
raived hi* Ma*ter of Art* degree id
MpUiemat'c* from tb*- l nivereify
ofTeka* in l!#2f>, and hi* Ihsrpir j»f
FtnloiHiphy ih mathenuwtiu* frup"
Rice in 15*:U .
He wa* born in W i(H* M'Hlf-
g*mer> county, Alabama on Juig4-’>
He wa* urevidsof of fh'| Hryun t
Rlitary ('luh in * myrnbi r.
of the American TiAikemgtickl Sl>-
ci-ty and the Bra lot G..ahty t'hap- \
tdr, National t .undation for lh-
tion mwetl into Morriatown
yesterday to put down violent dis-
oi-der* stemming from a strike at
the American Fi
rayon plant
Gov. Gordon Mrownmg authorix-
eti use of the militia on the urgent
plea of Hamblen County Sheriff
Robert Mcdlm The sh. nff told the
governor he needed help (JUIC kly
following re.-u’rence of outbreak*
which erupted last week in the nine
w.-ek old strike.
Thing* got out of hand for hi*
force and 50 assisting state high
duc-d R. \ Normafi Anderson, pas- pany. Fort Worth, spoke on behalf
toi of the vAM Presbyterian j of industry He told of Dr. Boh
Church, who deli verm) the in voca j ton's contribution* t<> industrial
j piogivs* both by serving a* a ron
The bAnor guest*. iSany of whom sultant on important pi\>)e< ts and
had come hundreds of mile* to at- j by training thousand* of youths in
t ltd the testimonial banquet were the methods of industry
nt i oduced
■** ! \ ed.
Speakers Pay ’I nhuts pany. Dalla*. Was one of two »pe»k- line before the plant The ocvu
Gibb GUrbnst chalH-Mlor .4 the era far the Asimciation of Former panU righted the car* aid pr.K.-ed
w ith the
ng *1
patrolmen, Medlm njported, fgntil* Paralysis
iveitunung of two car- De*t.m wf Cburfh _.
Tbe mathei»atiei«» wx» a meft-
bfr of th« Kir»t Bsoti*! Church, .a
ghted the era mat #weed- J*
the 1 “I'd one-time superintendent o<
before the dinner wa* W M Lyrg-h. '23, preaidssit of load* of worker* this morning a*
I the Texa* Power and Light Vom- the workers approached a picket
T. xaa AAM Coiiaae Svaum waa I SindsAU. He and Louis
th. first ■•pr aker. THanking Tra«- ^■ w, AB 44 nt ®. csc*Hnd v This fracas on the picket tin* f»»l
dent Bolton for In* Service to the' V' m ****'*t,o,# with Preai- ’ Viwed two early morning dynamit
...liege, Gilchrist recalled many of <*♦ n t v
th. advances mad' by the college t reexer Givsn
which wen- attrihsitahn- to the re- The two farmer Student* pre-
tinog piesident. ^ sented the Bslton* 4*ith an eight
J H TTuimas, ’ll, president of cubic foot deSp free** a* a token
ih»- Texas Fle.-tr* 1 Seivx-e Com-j of their aupr+riati.m. Th* frsci.-i
wrapped m colorful silk rfbh..n,
i was rolled into the bamiuet hall for
the presentation.
A special csrtificatc of a|»precia
tion wh* awarded to President R.>l
‘ ton front’ hi* associate* ip the
American Institute of Klectncsl
F.ngineeni VA. K Ray. Houston > n
gine. r. presented the certificate t"
President Holton on b.hHlf of th**
• Houston chapter of the AIKF
President Holton w*» on.- of the
charter member* of th<- rhtpter
Dean M T. Harrington and C
\A ( head of th* Merhani
cal Kngim-enpg D i p a r t in e n t .
thanked President Bolton on behalf
of hi* associate* at the college (t
tin- rondusiob of their talk*, a
large, console type York air condl
turner was mnved ihtc the banquet
room and ptewented to the Bolton*
on behalf ..f the college staff
C C Munfoe. retiring ro editor
Class »f ’22. M. AJI.-s < ( f Th. Rattslion, *p«.ke for th*-
Memlwr* of fh.- hoard whose student h.idy He presented the Hoi
term* have expired art Janie* M t°u* "ith a pair of sterling silver
Aston, Cla** or T<X, Dallas F W candelabra as a token of the stu
H Wehner, Class of "t| Big Spring dent*’ appreciation,
and W N Petting, (lass of T., Weiwor* Speak
"T: _ n, S«nk>t n««i r-pm-n.
Dl.irwt \ tee President* th ^ bmrriuet by Charle* Kirk
Klrven dUtfkdt vlre president*
were al*>
Amanllo, Distrlf’ 2- Dsn Rug* l,
A Har- **4 into the plant
g7* from tho *taff
Aggie* ma^ tuFn in nosirnee pif-
tsre* to Fiakk Manitxas. Student
Activities Office, asytime before
July 1 Seleftion will be made
shortly thereafter
The usual bead shot and alfto a
figure shot preferably in bathing
suit, should be submitted Nam*-*
of girls, and swners of picture*
name* must be written on back* of
pictures Picture* may be puked
up after the f on teat
IX non pathology
Four hundred and four luitin
American men took th* X ray*
Fight had definite TH, five *u*
piclous, and six non pathology Of
the 2’lti I-atin Amerwan women,
five were definite, two •uapiClou*.
iind three non pathology *
Two negative result* were shown
f.>r (be American Indian claastfica
tion Rat e w as not record.-.! on - r »X
X ray*.
A L C*raW«y, (Tas* of ”(4, is
th*- n#w presidetit of the Asa'Wia
tion of Former* Studeota
< aroway w i* elecG-d, »l''bg with
other officers of the Asmtiatb.n.
at a meeting .'tdurday i*n tfc. c$m
pus of the A*|.m lati.m Council.
Vick president f«>r the coming
year Is Geerg) B Morgan, ('lass
of T4. of BeiSiim >nt Three mem
ber* Wert* el.-<4ed to the executive
board for twp.y.-ar termi Tb.)
are T, C, Forfrat, Cli***. of ”20, of
Is Fleeted
of lives
Incumbents for the top two of
fices ar*- Liuis A Hartung, ’2D,
president for tb* past year, and
t aiawsy, who wra* itst year’s vice
Association by daws cal! for the
v ice president tu be automatically
elevated to the position of presi
dent, with approval of the Council.
Holdover* on tb*’ SXSrutive board
are Roy J Chappell. Cla** of ’41,
T)!er, W T DoVit). Class of ”22,
Houston: and Norman F Bue*cher,
mg* One ^pjoaion damag’.-.! a
worker’s gat age while the other
charge went of* harmlessly in an
other worker* fn»nt yard
No on.- •was injured in any* of
these incident*
The sinkers, members «f l..wa!
In.‘.4, CIO Textile Worker* I rWnn, -j . , ,, ,e
walk.d out March, 3* in .upport of nf .
their demand* f»>r a pay inen-aae,
premium pay for mgh' work an.1 a
seniority policy
Fnka officials *ar the present
average wage sjale is fl.X2 an
hour Th< union is asking ten cent*
an hour increase 0. T j Hotchkiss
V4, fort Art|i»r. and
Sheripan, (Tali of ”24, Wa|o
, (Slaas oi
R.irrt M
K\tra (i
Im itatiotiM
A Hmit.-d number of extra
gradualoo) invitation* are still
iv ailihl. at the Sudb-nt Acti-
vltiaa office. Grade Fima, »+
*i*i.Id direct..! of student ac
tivitiOk, said tin* morning
Graduating senior* d.-airmg
to pur'AiaM th* invitation* may
get them *1 the office^ Second
fl.e.r .rf (i.-dwin Halt Fhn*
A&M Movie DetailsJMove
Ahead, Money Solicited
June I Saturday
ab.ait itaelf
Aiwl if th* best laid plana of
arven member* of the Junior Clnaa
Film l ommittee AmT go wrong,
tbe te w 41 be such a film in, color
and depicting student life on the
Member* of ike committee are
(.ait Hrundrtgt. and (arrall Sor-
rile, ci-ckaiftaan. Alvin Aaron-
son. vice prmudent, Marita <M
sen. Hill Brabham. Jim hadel
and Han* Killngatad. Tbe group
ha* Keen oufkinc gnd planning
for tbe nofte since a Jumsr
meeting last March vben (be
t las* of *31 chose it a* l»M SI
Ibsrmg that time, IKXt D of col
Oath af of ored Ik mm fdiu taken on the cam
pus has been assembled This film
currently belongs to tbe Fisher
Film Company of Denton And re
flee for cadet-, receiving
mUHOons. K am.. Assembly
iA ' A
June t Baccalaureate and ram
Sir nr r meat exercise*, com
m«a*ioning ceremony, and Eb
na< Ball
June I- Final Review,
M 1*4*111*neous- Graduating asn
met who osnl their
land veiled to t
•hoald stop hy the Stndenl
Activities Of flea,
address and SS reals la raver suits «f tha showing
mailing chargea. up
meeting to *upi*irt the project
The proposal pnaaerl, and most
likely, will provide another much
H*n-ded a.mrre of finance
At the present time, person*
oho turn in ra»»m key receipt*
la (fandom Hall have been re
quested to donate their remitted
dollar* ta a fund for furthering
the project
Furpone* of the film will be to
emphaarxe nod educate a great deal
of people to the studies and »*r
ou* attitudes within AAM It will
be vary much hk« a »nll conducted
tour of the campus showing what
the red lege has to offer in the
wpy of academic course*, extra
curricular activities, educational
fUcilitiea, and sport* and recrea
tional artivitte*.
Running time will be approx:
mutely 2*1 minutes
When bid* for movie companies
eently the Student Life t’ammittee are open and after .me is accepted
allocated I2.MW from Exchange that company will handle narra
Store profit* ti> defray expenses of UUn and script The script will be
ta exist ap
r A g ato
ne x i rail
(Mfkw. saewad fW (Spe lady, MrU. C. A. Gi
Halt, befare the* « president oi tha AAM
as) sad Wavs thdlrlOuh was So »1 eased av«
ram In
*o written, with the approval of a
committee appointed by the Pr»**i
dent of the ( ollege. that it will
incluxfe all aapecta of student life
such a* classroom stud) arenes,
dormitory life, and other similar
The film will be distributed ta
to pleased aver the re- say group or organisation wbo re-
opeote it when reels are available.
Tentative plans have been set to
the movie ewtinisted
pro*imutely M>,mm.
As bait ed Mothers' Di
tisa, tie MM ft of colsiwd film waa
shown, to pa re a u in a warts I pro
A Cabinet Room
ha vr masU-v fvH ar..l ter sux
iliary reel* to h* kept in th.- M-*
itiortgl Student Center
It • a* on March 1* that Huh
Mctlure, former fade! rolbnet »f
the fnrp*. addf.--.-d and
rxplbined lo them the r«wl red
tape, time, and work isvolved
In -gch a project That night tbe
rla*s voted unsnimou-lv in fs>
or r*f the film.
Prgvmusly ta 1U4* a D» mem
b«*r* of th** Ctn** of '4!» motioned
that, with the p. rmmnion of the
College admmiStratton, a nprvie d»-
pi. tnsg stud, at life might •♦». br<>
duced and dtotHbuted to vartmta
AAM cluhi^ rtarther*' riubn. high
•rhiHil a**etrihlie*. and lUnrheon j
sluha througbout th. state for ed
oration and information*
SoSe how it fell to M.-C'ur* tn
Handle the brunt of the work in
pushing the project H» de*oted a*
muct| time as possible to th*- Mm
and 4poke before groups i»rludmg
|the B.Mrd #f Dneckora pnd the
Former Student* Anaxmatib*
The idea tn film a rnovi# depict
mg atudent life at AAM if hardly i
b neb one In th*' past *»• ong or
two bccasions. b*v>*ter* of the plan
have failed honause of lack of fanxD
•f tbe
Sunday School. /I
Funeral rangmumit*. undsr the /
dire*’tion of Hillier FlHierul Horti., /<
at-. *t ill incompieto pending the
arri'sl of r«-lativas.
The Rinirey family liv*
Furyear Dm#- it) Ciolle
0..Ilcge Station.
Hoop, r i* employed iy the clbwA
department of the TeXS* I'lpeJige
i* ii*t.>d a* t(* 'lakdxle, H"U*txm-
Miss Darnell In
Honored ol Tea
M>** M.u) Margaret Darnell,
bride to b* of Ihm Hank*, waa
honored Saturday afternoon w’ith a
lea dfven by Mr* C C Hedge* at
her home on Brook*ide Drive in
North (tak wood
The guest !i*t included relative*
anxl clone fnenda of the honoree.
Tb. \ were Mi** Darnell'* mother.
Mr* A L Darnell, Mr* George E.
Van Ktten of San Francisco, Mr*
Frank Hairie* of Liberty, Mrs. D.
B Cofer, Mr* Davis Grant, Mr*
Arch Baker, Jr., Mr* V. C. Bat .
teraxm. Mi** Gracie Beth Middleton, fh< fell<>w*hiu i* *|>on*o
Mi** Virginia l>*e and Mux* Betty the B’nai BTith National Mil
Balier-t.-dt fiundations
Braslati RrceivMf
lulcrfailh Award
Norman Bia*laU of GaivratUli,, ,
jjirp'T phy*ic* *tud*-fit, ha* bxNMl,
nqsi.-d hy th* Faculty InterfaBw
I rfmittee to receive the Hvbbl
.-pry Cohen Hillel mterfaith f^i-
l|.wt*hip aw.,'d / |
|ra*lau. M-igeant in $ /AM \ I
folce, i* an officer of tIF Mtl*** 1
Foundation and a membxd uf ti
1 an.1 »h> R- iif.- ■
,|u4 Kmphaei* Meek eommlttox v /I
He recently wag ejeched HFh f 1
president of the INiygirs SocliAy/ I
.|rd is a member of the CollegiateA l \
A-i.d. oi) d Soenre. VA th a dia*-
tonguiah.'d etudentyecopd, he was
Hhdaen for the Fki Fta Sigfiiu
Hofior society tp bi* fvestuPbil/'
! l4 r —
n nuonm vice pr**iaeni* , , ,, , .. : —i
*.. elerted at the annual king the Boltons for their
of the Council They are: ‘' n<, ' u “ or " , J tih '** w,th ^ *G*denta.
i li . lj he P r ' "*‘ n,, ^ them with an eiabor
L ^1.1 Un u decorated sterling bowl.
Fr*ident Bolton ex pee seed hia ap
preciation to all those present and
represented ;|t ihe banquet fallow-
mg the tribute* to him and Mr*
After the dinner, the Hwnorwea i |
met with their fnend* and aaao-
nate* in th* outet portion of the
”24 (Men; Diatrct W George H. •jf 11 ; Th '’. I'ngered
tcher, Tto, Harl'ng**n Louiaiana P*ymg their
Tl. El Paso; Dwtnct 1~ A C. Ha*
*ett, ’:tS, ‘Mesas; Dmtrict 4 L. R
Bi.«Mworth, *32, Wichita Falla;
District 5 J C Fraaci*. Jr, ”29,
l/mgview. District tv- A L. Se-
h*-*ta, ’32, Marjlti Diatnct 7-—Ben
F Norman, Jr, *29, Ftveport
Diatrict 8 Walter L Pfluger,
district — A It Weyland, T9,
Shr nreport, outwvf State e* preaen
tative—Paul J tlaahhu rn. New
York City.
re*p.. U to President and Mr* Bol
Funeral Held For
l**an Fund Tru»te**»
Three member* sf the Asaocia virhi, J. T. Painter
tion were elected Sfuxient I^*an _
Fund trustee* TVv were A F. Service* for Mra J T
M •■•hell, ft®, Csgaittim; S. C. Ev- !“' nt ^ r " rr * held yeaterdav in j
an* '21, Houateii, Clvtie L Marph, at ^he Saxcm-Rose-
”2(1, Wichita Fa|a AH three were Mitchell Funeral Ho*xe
in. umbenta „ "T* ' •'"ter. tS, passed away
to the D* velopmgnt Fund Board for
three-year term* They are Wof,
fond (am, Tl, Qallaa. J D Kirvin,
TA, Wiixaha. hit and J P Ham
hlen, *27, MsMatxgl (ex-officio)
Hamhton and Cgm were re elected
tn their p.»*itmgg
Eugene B Dgrby. IA, of Pharr,
was named regreaentative to the
Park Place
Mr* Painter Had resided with
her daughter and family for the
past five months
Neu Tan Beta IV*
snxi •r'Tmim.'.Teration "If Athtotic Coundf^oldover member Pic*k*l D CfftlflCalP
faculty as well a* stiNtontg. ewnncil Ig T. r. S*nith,^Tl. j ti»n,iw.i-a »k« t-,. u_... tn
■m to MIm the fentwik tobgth
f • *
ly been reissued in Chicafo uhxto
a new name. "Fighter Cotommui.
of Hoiiaton The teryn of r i Bd*-1 A
howipg life at AAM waa pro
by Holfwood It hag redent-
^ '"e™* I
J. i. , T>lrk ,, Hereev. executive in the office of the dean
secretary of the Aagenstion, was neering Fridgy, Dagn
raappxMnted hy the sxecuUvt board.Barlow, said Uua monkmg.
President sad Mr*.
•an of rngx
Howard H
F. C. Bah bn. rigb
beat af fnend* after the tesUaraaul dinner
day night ia Shtoa Ball Manx ameepe w<
er’s stand at the dinner, honoring the p
iram his affke Jane I after serving the
right, an
I yW ■