The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 26, 1950, Image 4
Thw I* ii llof;*norton! * Hrtehm. England —^ Ye* i ike*e u • H«v*norVm M ^ Summer* of the mmirtry m health ranriurtinir a routine lk«iSitfr on water supply, wa* *ur- £Aaa4 to find that out He said he had heard the name ^eatitMted by comedian* on the »dto but "didn't know there wa» atu-h a ptare '' Grade Points Start Flying t# Final Exams Commence nw ^ir^M THAT ^ CANT BE BEAT . . . It a mally a treat' Buy that “AlKilE HAH HYMN" We aU know that N'a the beat Ui the land . . Bo buy em now while lau has them on hand LOUPOT’S Trade with liou — He a rtfht with you" (1-AlMt 32 B> «. P. MIST The last lap of the arhool year i* here Those dread ed finai* have fmally raufht ap with those not larky or bniliaht, enouph to eaempt Final week beirrM tumor raw , Saturday Msv 21, and end* wdh eonflirt exam* <>n Friday June 2 The regular final week is divided I into ten eiammatiom periods, earh I of whirh i* designated by an al I phahettcal letter Then# letter* when larked or, the «eetion num ber of each - ourae will tell when the eaam far that sectiop and counw will he The ten period* i for tin* semester sre a* follow* Period Hale Msy r Sat Hay n. Sat Hay 2P Mon Hay Mon Hay Hn, Tue Hoar* R May 30, Tue 1-4 p I S Hay.31, Wad H-ll a. i T May 31, Wed 14 p V June 1, Thur h-ll a i W June 1, Thur 1-4 p m ' Finals have a reputation of be , mg the place where irrad* ^anrit* ! are Uwt. not won k* filial wtek ppsse* by there ate more *mile« and lea* argument* as the final I burden t* lifted from the «hou!der* of each diligent and hard working Aggie Finals we love em* Karr Ki*h Found In (>ulf of (ialifornia Mrs Angele* 1 P' The Gulf of California may »ome dav lie a great rommemal fishing area. *ay* lir Boyd Walker of the University of California at M>* Angele* Retail Trade Inereases 254 % In Nine Years Howell Beats Brazos Rivpr na,n CS Merchants ,,earm ^ (> f K ‘ n ^ T s Lumber i Company soft bailers im>h an 1& H i s win from the (Allege Htain- Mer Brasoti rounty'i retail chanu last night at iM H*s«eii trail** ban gone ur 2M per rent over the njjure oinei In the Commercial *A*' Mague year* ago. aironiing to the U Lunibermen peered their Mrtm^nt o( C„ mmrKr . | W ^ hits to put their men pn base The Merchants got off to a fast start and at the end of the firat inning lead the Lumbermen 3 1. Three run* in the seamd for the *rrm tram gave thwra tfie ad'an cage after which th#y sepred their nine runs The *cortn|r ppree left the Merchants withotu pi- • rtunity t" catch the LumbermdnJ Howell's home run fagie in the fifth inning when shurtgiop Lam p*> poled the four basn hit -LFTTKRS- i Continued from page L’i Page 4 S I h*purtjnent Taken fB»m the UMb < en*v|s of Bu-«in#**, the figutv* cower the penod frog\ Novemtei Ifi. IPtH to November L r », 1144b Retail *gle« dBrnig 1*4* in the county totaled tgs flKi.iNhi an in i rease «f 254 par cent oyer the |H Ilsi.lsai businep* transacted in IM.'ty Cougty wholesale figure* totaled r tW.MO in 1948 «. pared to M I'rif) (Mi nine v.-ar« gre viou* Service trade* mcliideal m the census re«<| receipt* of $ 1.4oo • ssi m 194$ compared to the IH'19 tabulation of IHm.lkm a million dollar gaig Fmployite* in the county r»>*e, too, oVer I he period K (Onibinril total of I,b43 employee'- in the *ervua tuple' hale la-en reported with t,20d m the '*arlier year Retad t*i*i ne-*i»e' iliunlwl »d 1*4 in l'<4P Iliuneorporsted e*tabl>*h ment* mail* up .’17 I of thi> iiumls-r, with the total im lading 123 f-eni e'tabllshntent* t and 73 eating and drinking |ilac«* Thege weie 2<5 wiioli 'al- and 120 service tStatdishmesits m 104*. ali-ng with 14 amusement enu i pr)*ea in«t Sena ail - *»• t>ed» with csmit lan.-* t« tie WuSeni At-4i«UWs Offtie ah atie Miuuid le ntrne* in tor la W , n of tli* d»> before (AiSiu aUlun * FOB HAL £ • yeai will le a tough an* in many way piactically a ip-w env ion Inent hut the kpgie ( "g, of I.iv Ing that tia* e*i«ted for 7f) yeai* will rontimie a> «ip h if we will do our f>«it 1-eC* *tnk togethe*. tega'dle-s the tinumstanies, in iigiking the IbaiiMiad Juhdee N eaf |he HKST in A4H « history riigt’l a pietty hig job hut I know W*- Ian do it' Your* \l*-iy truly >4 I) "l*u*lier Karnes I'resident. ( Isa* of 1951 Waahington, May H The, Power Comtnu«4"n said ttsiay it ^ will start a hearing here June k on the proposal of Hrau>s River conservation and reciarnation dis tnct to build tkiee dams on the *** l - with a BaTTa/ iow < , Awainci' o„. „ -r At) S*tes »T • •or* per 'asefltur, Bratos River in Texas ^ *n« • ?v anntn ,m *pe-• rar* tr Th* diatrict. a Texas State Agen rinawfiea He.i,ur, sue pee t«Sum cy, has asked tfie Commission to find that the proposed prt))ect wdi not affect interstate or foreign commerce The dams, in Lain fhnto and Hood counties, Would be known as Turkey <!re< k, irvpiiation point and lie Corva Ben Dams The t'ommission said g prelim bivan »»•» rnsir inary investigation by its staff in dicates that mlersate or foreign commerce may be affected by the proposed development Tne district sgid the dam* will be operat.-d solely for power pulp-* »-* with the p wer to h« marketed entirely w ithin Texas. i -lUSF.BALL- 3 otit inued f i om I’ag* 3 i Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS TODAY MAY 26. IJ*50 pul lO ttid I>r**d diw*M insurMMW S of rAlt El.'ORNX RI SH Nod* us* •' odi ) ita* •f # V ,ew 2 WHCEt TRAll.ra Trsiier A re* I C 4 Vfr t •ermtlf) Ix.UMI 4 I NIT ►»»»«», wnh two •(«•<# )»»l»r» |i Saa) un o»*fi rsTrigsestur |lf. is. stir* Tetm. m S.- Mur. H a«hington for foui t wa* 1-emofi ' fifth win *4 I Ian k « I h. k M ei k lu • leveland pi* v ei « it IJigv wa- ciiaiged lass • St 1a>ui« May 2f> Hosioi He,t ,ait> St la.ui* HroWn* \ e to 12. to -weep the tw plac» It against two who walks.I M eeVen l!l»i th hi* third HKiMMt HIM. KS s«"1 •** tissc nftaitare W lod * ur» ’ umfi*B> Pbons I 'V>4t ISMON *N< • >4 1*4 SB ord nanc* m»*m» ft ur *wfu, la d.a» ear*# *fi> r,re»rm w.thta the lim.l* of .it* <'i»t def'sm* f.raadn*. aad ttrotidlas ■ bawa'U H> IT ORDAIN**) BT THW 'HTT coi Nt u or Tin > tTT or roie iron station 1 D si,an to ur,:**' g to ah.*- ■ • ftr* ,rte within the ithiitr of »ha effi 2 A nrasrsi shall .o- iitda spe. lftcallr 1 hu. not as. Htaivatr •.» ahstg rr, pistwl rifle «ir rifle H H * .* or set .abar marhamaai that d»*<**# or *a“ <• ar’l hullat bu.kShur or kM other netklltc 4>ie. < of <»> *!*• bi (<•(>* of oon.btoniah. tit*, t atitetu or a.r ^ A.o.ui* vioistirt* thw ordiisr, » -nai to < .> • • of*tn»si...r end up r ru%. utiot) * - *1. be fir,el i.uT leas HUM) fldt $.S ts do ,at« rou nor* It.BB flffl I-‘S' '*> do istk Sssaad and orBared , D.iahed lM» tta *tt. is, t M«. it*at, a D / Wa.. yd I "RR < Bee,, Ms. r Hro Ttio • nm nr nt • ► • H KENT Sill THOSE BOOKS KBIDAY. HAT! kflAV, MOMMY — M4Y 27. '«! THK EXCHANGE STOKE k beye. he* tk* lo.gel <tos*« kesw •'» b* •» **"* '• •II kindB coUw^a tBkfbooki WILCOX & FOLLETT CO. CHICAGO IT’S T H K . . . TALK OF THE TON THK ONE AMI ONLY For (iimmI KimmI »nd Popular Primi TALK OF THK TOWN A grami *lnoi homer by M a IfTopt) ami a three run circuit f).,,, . lout by Vein Stephen* highlight —* ~ e.1 f he free - w i nging . .irite't * ly.le Vollmer and Al ZatillM also htan —— 8 eied for tin Bodtoroan* and J..hunv H 1 l’e*ky hanged Put five hits * < hn ago. May 2*> .'A*) Tht I’hil ■ ■ ■■ adelphia Alhletjc* .umpletetl tls-n fir*t western yeotertav hy iieuting the ( hi. ag<> While S.,< I w hen fan halte.l play after six full inning* Philadelphia used it* thud victory in 10 game* against VA.-it.ifi inal* to m<.\* a eighth pla.e W hite Sox U hind length ami a hulf u, fn>iil of th.- Kol.hy Shantz k ',x tut perform ance for hu fopi th ti minph . ~1 Dr ('arltiin R. left • iriuMM KIS'T 21 I t S Main StlWet • all 2 ltifi'2 f.-r Appmntment * W ANiTTO * MAgAII. f i itfMkf 1 a MIN* RliJkNEOl H * r ' r *1.1 M a I XS ,») Ix.i.dinr set.eib, re Kiel .a., te.e e ek rsl. D K O* 0*t,er«i . ..«.!*■ O.f ft*** 4*277 U hat's Cooking UI ST AMI Akl» RWORIls 2«'. OFF ( rkflkT Hr 11* I • I »rl 4Fwl t*1 I Hr Hr<i.Ml HowiRrMB BF T1 HR HtlMKS \I*IM I \St K < FMFK 414 > Msta 'I reel \tdtlk- p in , • on*,. 'Vl Akt S. I i.lated II gh dav RANKIN’!SERVICE COLLEC.E STATION’S OWN College Stalion Stale r ssk...SEEK... KNOCK Kank North C.ate Central lexas Hardware ( an Hrxan Texas • HARDWARE • (HINA WARE • CRYSTAL • (HITS The Exehan»e Store “Serving Texas Aggies” With Two Stores Mam Cmnipu* A A M Annex Aneriean LauiMlrv 9 — and — Dry Cleaners Brvan Texa* Serving the College Station and Bryan Communities Since 1909 First Stale Bank & Trust (a>. BRYAN TEXAS Momhor Fadcrai Dtpuwit Inmirama . 'on^rNlk* Henry A. Miller & ( a. Floyds Radio Miu|> Sfrving The Tuxas A^K ,, ' H Since 1942 North Late College Station ( ity National Bank Mem tier Federal I>e[)4Miit Insurance t'.rparatlor Brynn, Texan Ev*ryon« knows that kuccess come* not to thoM who merely de*ite it, but to thote who achieve it through long, hard work It ia odd then, that in the spiritual area of life pome people should expect blessings to come fot thr asking Thcec who really understand PRAYER know that it's more than mere asking It is seeking It is the hungry search for truth and moMl enlightenment . digging for spiritual gold in the hills of hfe But PRAYER is something more even than seeking It is knocking meeting life's ob stacles bravely waiting with patient deter mination until close4*doors open . . entering portala that the more timid (mss by We wouldn't really need churcbe* if spiritual growth came for the asking But we do need churche* to help us seek the treasure* of God And through our churche*. with the united strength of million* of Christiana, we knock on the portal* of the more abundant life-~and there hnd it. ralemliir of Unin'h ^ CW.CH ro§ ^ , u ro1 i* cao**' r - or. I * •'•♦us-v: i» 1 " NW ry e.^ r ‘#»?h*. •at* ** Tb.„ ^''lOonon * -Hr.:.** —- aKouiJ ,k « STek ^ '•v >., , "w* »* (|, ^ At* 01 ia# • .!« „ ,'* u " ob t*i -U M« ’ "•*!• -M**n , 9t ‘ w r *v<il i,,| la "'lo J^ll r f ^ ’VaJ rju, E*** U.ij 4* if a* » f4 2t JAauS II « |, f*.* •• M i l* M« 14 |2 "•*••*1.0. , „ n '* au *t* ''O'* A,. N y^V^f Tvi ( warlsSt 14* K K Servirew S) raeber* Vk % A M ( HKISTIAN < HI K< II 9 45 AM Churrh Sch'xil 11 nil AH Homing Worship 4AM ( HI K( H OF CHMHT 9-45 A M — BibW riass*-* lf» 45 A M —Morning Worship 7 15 A H - Youth meeting 4 A 31 METHODIST (Til K( H North Owtt Hardwair Phone 4 114fi 9 10 A H Hiiki A M IMki A M 7 341 P M (. Mb ’ ( off». Hour SurvHay Sdus'l Homing Worship Evening, Worship CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Furniture Lifts 3 3S A M 10 :0(1 A M dLiuiay Musa Sunday M»*s ST »UKt s CHAPE 5 00 P M n OH A M Supper (intup Morning Worship (IHI^.E STATION BAPTIST •4:4* A M --Sunday h.a.l Hi Mi A M -- Mortung W ,.tahip •l L. I’M -eHaptim Training I'nion , 7 l i I’M -eKveniag Worship ST THOMAS EPISCOPAL ( HAPEI. l| iKi A M ~k Holy t otemunion 9 Hu A M -♦ Aggie <Tuffee * luh 4 'to A M -et hurdh Bchm.l 11 is* A M-a Morning Worship 4 ltd I* M -♦ Evening Services 4 .'to I M eeStUilent I 4-agU4 I :to I M •• Feilouship Service AMEKK AN LI THERAN ( HI K4 N I to AM-* Bible rkss ll 45 A M,-* Worship ServU'e A A M PKIJABYTKKIAN ( HI RCH Sunday Kchool Mormnc Worship $ 45 A M 11 (10 A M L A II N DKG M AT HALF HOIK LAl’NDRY A ( LKANKKS Auth.ritfif Ikealor Hamilton (Homel Dryer One Blin k Eaut of College \’ievy Afil.s College Station, Texas \ *X M (trill North Gate THE BEST SUNDAY DINNER IN ('PI.I.F.CK STATION AkTEK CHURCH J. (- Penny X ( oni|>any Bryan, Toxhh "nothing for the Family MARTIN'S PLACE Fof a special evening of entertainment bnng the family to Martin a for a de- betoua Barbecue Dinner Erewh barbe- cud seven daya a week .Sjiecial rate for pictuca. H441.T S. College Road (.RAIM ATINL? . . . ( ongratulations! I • A ..w-r an r»it*hlifrtifd, boom Mg 1)44)*|1|*-HS of V>)Uf o« n' yiiHo^x k ynmiRy ».>n\ plelt" with prdlgr.ftl and r> gmt. rvti ht-rtl v.iltfitl at 15.1940. m.d> tn t-<|uipni4-nt Also, ti tx><.m houkt , producing kiti'h. ii ganifft. orrhaet I^Hatt^t on I ftrtr utrlp facing paved highway \o 21 h.ast .Priced for .(ui.k f t2,54M ImnadaU ptUuu-futiuii posatblc I It F. S II >1 F. \ Bring us your Freshman English fitsiks Engineering Drawing Books Alsti need other ty|>e IsKika. Kcmrmber l * When > our Usdio Nredn ll trnl ion , S I I I IF,NT CO-OP sntKK 1 ollcge '*tatl4>n Nest In Hank /, STORAGE S t o r e yoi|r fisitlockera, furniture hdusehold gisufa. etc in oyr fireproof, bond ed warehouae for the sum mer Ixw rates MARION PI t.ll W \ It FI It H SI . • Bonded • Hre Proof 3 hlix-k* 'ongh tif hr la Meld on old High* si ti PHONK 4 423(i * L A IIEST A KElil LAK DINNERS • Ohalupa • Enchilada • Tamales • Sopa tie Arror • Fri piles • Tostada • Chili • Praline • 1 >rink F\ FIFSTA 24th at N College ff- CULPEPPER INSURANCE AGENCY Fir* — Automobil* — Casualty — Lift Mortgage I oana 141 Walton Dnv* Ph. 4-1236 We pay highest prices lor Used Books— We maintain wholesale and ictail lists the yea: round. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE SELLING THE EXCHANGE STORE Serving Texas Aggies' ( *0 Cke—etel tw Air *0 Ck**»***t Caoesn.bla The amarteiit car* in the low-pncw field — the only ones to offer automatic tran»miHH»on and 10f) HI* engine / mR immf4»iaH: delivery I CORRCSIpR < IIFYROI1T CO. Brvan. Texaa