Battalion Editorials Pagr 2 FRIDAY MAY 26, 1950 1 \ Postscript to the Swan Son^s . . . Today Th* Battalion i* uml«r new maiUfpMttent. With m-wIy-appointed Hiifnmer erational problems that only news men understand Much of their time for the past year Whs s|>ent in grooming us for the |s»sitions we now hold They patiently and effic iently took Us cube into tow and carried ns through the ranks, scolding us prais- ng us never losing sight of the prime quality of understanding They were skilled in the handling of cfe-workers. always a touchy problem and enlarged a thousand-fold on a college mrwHpa|>cr Tem(>ering criticism with a Wonderful sense of humor they had one Word for handling staffmen tact This they employed liberally and it produced tangible results Re* it ouf fortune to receive a degree from this institution we would ask onl\ one more fg\or from the Alnughtv that our future dhiployers be as understanding and as worthy as all of our retiring odi tors The Man ^ho Is Te xas AXM ( nllrge . . . The hist on of Frank Cleveland Bolton and Texas A AM ('Allege an- entwim-d as probably few other histories of men and sc h'»>ls rou'd »\er is* For more than for- t\ yean- the quiet deliberate, gracious tca< he-t has directed ui a progressively greater degree the paths of the (Allege and its students This year marks the end of “Ik an Bolton * full time labor* with A AM And tomorrow evening the staff of the college and its students present and former will gather to pav tribute to this man who lias jneafit so nun h to them ail Tiw banquet in bis honor will last only a few hours But in that sport spate- of time the men wh convey the feelings of th*- heart \N* KJiow however that their efforH will is UnderatcKsd by tiv* man ^jhom they an hon<»nng He is th*- tvqs- of js-rson who kiiows people and who understands their feelings We on the staff of The Battalion w ould ’rke to add our small voice* to the- tlnnis aids whtch will sja-ak in pubis and pri vate, grateful words to Prcuident Bolton w’t- can ont) say "Thank you to him (or 4ll that he is and all that he represents The world mam of its )*-ople and ‘the school we think so grand an better because* of him \ Situation %hich !Smls \ HrmiMh . . . Then* is an unfortunate lack of inter- 4111 the effect* nf our student govern cst or lack of knowledge ia the studentiftlient is Iv as to h w AAi.M s student govern-jp Our suggestion is this tiiat ,1 lew m«*nt o|4-rat»-s " b'*ur instruction irencgl be installed in om (Hit side th >sc men w ho*parti( ipate in the governing be*dies there is probably on!\ a small |a*rcentage of students who realize tin large part our student govern- merit plays in the o|»eration of thr- college Such a situation calls for a remedy This remc*d\ if wc-ll appbc* go.«i Wc- ar* riot attempting to revise- in any way the- present set-up, but rather fill a gapVhie h lac k of information now < rc-ates , The nef Tt nar -out lli< C o cif < <-j . i(.- .staiion, Ic cas. - puhi'Khod f \#> a »<•< k dur ng lh« r*-jrulai school >< in the Ki(j th* sciinre-r, The Battalion is published four time* a weak and f)rrulat**d c\ety 1 uesd.h eh ••(.*! t (i«v afternoon Subscnptcn cat** |i'«r p* r s«mn* r, Ad'rrti*lnf rat«s furni*h<-«i t$i n News roetriboriobt ma? ha mada b* tsiaphona 14 !444* or at thr sdttoriai offlr* Room tut. e-ssiava lialL (Taahifiad ads may h# plarad by telephone (4-4t24) or at thr Stuudent ArtfsiUaa Offic* Room 209. Goodwin Hall. K*«*-*a w —r| t«tul naval the * ‘ilci »} ii* in \*i*, th. ( hi id ♦ V. --m!.' 1 hot! the Red* y *t a •ma * ( IV 11 War 1#«1 M.'cl 1 atr fci He ft' imi Hii-iMti including «« no U'* and i IwHK ( j. t pi .ilM fv w ithout, ffltlg H »H 100 mil. \\ 0 i th. n 7 M c f IUi* ai 1 ** t* •* n Un.l off t nr .*■ hiutli • 1' ,1 l<>a-t th i • fnrf.l it- 11 (dmldj th. icg* d (>Vi t» t M 1 RI w II th 1 1 ii must" m-« kB«i# V 1 '.v „ thnw * "1 U L, lit,., i . H ' 1 * On U it 'A ’ * ll Bible \erse LWI \)\\ The Most Amazing Tarzm Thriller r of Them All! * LEX BARKER ,.mmm , UiiMI .**■>.i -*#• S\N KDA\ OM.\ I tssyk far - * MU* MtSt M# fOWtSl ECt'SSfUt 01 UK itviiriio.iisor m ...., (lyactiMM EMI * * •Mbit» t •snm* It* t • rU* I H k *. M \\ Ml * f «H»K HU VA e >*t IN THE SHADE LO if A 7 - S^h&MJL 'ill IMVU1 f •C4>oea f- XS ** V«« t - %ck i G-vs* tky . bfapat , Iff Gtv*d! ^royso** IKK\IK SATI KDA1 also Hundat A Mc»nda\ ^O-^OCIHCV k... % »s» mm*i *••» *»•» *• ■tara ra , ‘t> aawfas m« *S» taai *>•*•• lark •»< rtw hat M*« *otS V tae thoda n>aT'• >^*^ *•' W«aUi, *. Maoaamai a«.w** !• iKa*a> a**f caar* (awtas fa* taary sa*ay ar «,»*•• Ara*a*t* » *le*a '•»•»*• r .«* («. V** -thada 'adafl ('cil'fs to Mat#h Any Scheme and Ajl Stz*-s Letters To The Editor (A* kaiiMa la ma ainar s) The RattaKon Staffr—Jou can’t top the (^ivcrage ye’tcf rm-ivert tho* >ear on all of Vur ci**- furic- tiorui V Uchnicoio! thank*- t** our -om yuMWattaa m«r r**tawi wma aeuaa hlac k and-white fro cst. W m* arrltar a* aouifad ta aar paraoa* Th. c - * w itSfff - in*** ar* «aa*4 w • MuAaat or —|na»a* «f m* at or Itbwum m«t*n* aill bo puacubad Par -*t n-tn at any ni"i* -antr-d t* .’ d*id (’hwiiir u <>t a* t foi t iny Th* r** i- |i«i * to fnuit 1 h* Re-i -l (■ "IiIhih®* hormo-a THANKS FROM THK JLMORS year K4ilar lb** liallalem With tin* school term rapidly drawing to a floor, the c lass ^ Department 1951 |>oints with pride to its ac- tivitiaa of tbr year S*>t umhi have we had good timea and made near, frtenda. but we have beet drawn] closer together for a common y cause- a ^rkater le*a» AAM However »c rwinot tak* all th« credit our»e|ve- It is th* purpoa* ->f this letter to extetwt firm hand • hakes anU year » .lunior Prom hinge! more follow er* 1 v.“ t.» thauk . iaaa fed a claa* o l*.r- than a little on Mi Pcnnuton anti hi.* »taff Mpnally thf* rnfitt* u kT it in U* milk- (iwY-f, Mi Haltom ami tl he ( hemtstry • ommittre and nth* i -r w«d . an tH* tVrpaitment The h ■cture ivm'ii^ a tough job, y*-t no t once ,(ii« ftat might la.«t ten teat • longan n».i ■tie fad to wo|h * n a'K. *i ouh cla*» meeting* t tot Wen held • pint .if co ojmma! mn wa* hi« D'* 1 a big then but they would have be* n nigh impoaaihk* without it* u*e laetor n tuaking t r. in* inWt ng w olth Mi Haltom ir a man t truce of great !*H oth.-x that', a u..n* word, hut t prdlt v j ififlotr «A c { \ Mr l,uth*-r Mt>on vk t* nuts i re ei»t w ho tla.l , any part what- 1 com|*la)n about the Dun. .n f—i •never if! making ' he j*i ak H sy* * tint you * an t la-at that m.-etmg re»*fui oiw Do.btl *e!y. Ui* 4. a.v With .-.■ffee M M* |M,*«ible H 11 Turn* r ho.i t • in nn«i« thi« h< Vgr^icUn.l ma' v who hav* i-*- Hi* ' i.iui-ia. !",« • n on’ t* tn.*r*" d • j. (Bit . s* r\i Orche*tra wc will * till match th. iii alt. 1 w • h tn *|i i t b* Aggielami again*! Hiiy "hamr ( ins* t« ('I’fDpi* f ♦ ’b#*ir w t iclr 1 band that * be* n hen ' The Aggie | ^tagan when th > < . hn r.*i 4a M i land ha* made it.** If a name »*f its to b*-< om* Aggi**a .. nd to he d.iinn- *i <*¥k tl. HR imi af< vm ’m cntuerruii proud of it aftei ’ iSo* UiTTER V0U le*.*e *t 4 1 Tins y<*ar (‘vrr\ ImmInj graduating to tlu* \V New Parker "51" • 14 pfcv'won ad- varKes-make thi* pen Uulv dt** Tilling is cstra fast and surt ' Acro-mctiK.'' con trol safeguards against leaking even at ye' plane heights. And n«vcr has writ ing been so smooth and eass thanks to the exclusive Pla- theniufn tipped point I or the tinest gift ot for your self shoo* this New 'H|“ now. Pen. $13 50 and up y CAMPUS KIDDIE SII0\i III \.M. Satiirdm TODA1 A SkTt kBAY I IH>1 Kl'K Feat UP a Start 1 to :t 40 5 40 - 7;4< V 4i —4 HAkA* * Of tf AM MON \ CRKKM AN RIC HARD DKNNI.NC ‘BL\( k BK\l TV - Hus • II SOM. iiii^ — Plus Three ... RH.S Rl NN$ ( AKTlMiNS and Three . . . TOM A IKKR\ CARTOONS i»k»\ 11: TONiom f lh«M» l\.M Tealurc 11 HI I'.ll s| thru UK'I KI N OAH WHET UNNE BAXTER M i c \i: c«c*»^ u'hwt p IM»\ M VS - Se«v $1475 and up The K\c-han!>c Store ''Serving Tcxa* Aggies'' 1‘tiw c (-(^ gti tut NM$ BXNh I MKOKMS Hr ( t)VSOl 10 MY 0 lll(.II M 10 M l|. \ l> M I s s | O N ( hUdrrfl Hr Adults MX iT.tx InsludcHit sVnjiOAX HO A UtlMi I’.M Ti jinr< 1 1 :? l.lll IS RKUI.V Bi ll iiFncm, votick Herr is official notice to you men that Low is really blue. Now just why is Lou so blue ’ Well men, it s bocaujie you won’t gm him ft chance to actually help to work your way through college. It’s impossible for Liu to pay each st udent s foes fot him S<*< ms the turkey business isn’t that good but he’s going to do the next best thing by seeing that you get, your money's worth out of this store. You may have no ticed that L»u calls his place the Loupof’s Trading Post. Men that means just what it says. You can trade books you don’t need for books yon do need at Lni's. If you don't want books he'll trade for what you do need and give you a square deal. KKMKMBKR MKN — TRADE WITH LOL. HE'S RICHT WITH Y0! M • Ibi. V* bi H I* HI I I Hi LIT. \R\FR Shares That I***#* (hit in thr Night ■ — B> \l ( app fcA f?* es Queer A Mf>lOO AiN’ ce T' K*OA QA > She < ^Wu^ecD J US r. f y ruts /S 1 ~ - A/hr Of lot >5 ^ ’-4T SN' +f ' ’»'/ qc'Sr so * qouuj cU Of. /fdO£P v F4Q*r-j .Sa*lX5G^/'0 CX/t rw xack ) . ,