City Of Coliigt Station Official Newspaper The Battalion HJiUSHU) /A THE tNTEM&T Of A CKKATfi A AM COLLEGE Nation s Top ( ollegiatc Daily NAS 11149 Survey I Number lf>M Volume 49 (X)LLK(iE STATION (Aggielaid), TEXAS, FRIDAY, MAY 26 19TMI Pri< e Five (Vnt* Reed,Tiedt Are Named Summer Balt Editors Siiinini‘r Editors I )ean Kml sophomore jouruaiuini major from Rasa (ieiia and L O. Tiedt. aopho- moTe aKnrultural jouruaiiKm student troin lat (iian^e will te- Hummei <■<* "t Th* M.u talMin, Kolund Hiiif, iiiunay• > Stud*-lll t'ubliraf!o|i,*> thm imirnine I w<) appi>intmmi4 nf .l» , ^ai tal fdll«.| ii ! Kiaiik V\ Miiiit/a". -.h.Ii-.iim.i. |.liy«!> « niajoi 11 uin ' an A mi \>f will l«> Minimal >^•*»ll k nl At» ni»iri> j u n t .. i a)i i iritllui al youihaliain Mudtiit fi.itii Kiok will Im- Muniriit'i tt-atUo ti(ii-.i Olkn V |i|x>ihi in, nl- (llhi-i tlalf n|i|«>int in, i I- will U IWn Kee*l 0. Ttedt announced a Men. at 1" - d.i. i h* new co editoi- -aid ke*-d a men i'a-1 ot A ASA been tie w ‘ edit o| an.! port- i, f- VA s editot fur ttn- -elu* tel La t *' • Blester he wa a Ho -in lx-1 i.f the* editorial boar. t and -erve.1 h' freshman edit. >■ la it \ * •ar Tied,, of H y leld Ai tdleiy. hh heeii new* edit or thi- .» Iliext e t lit wa* copy edxto ii la-t -einext. , Mint wa* luanaguig editor ot the t. f-h man pair*' la>l v«*ar Or|»ailinrn«a| Mllorw Ihr (i-attllr <>i||.tiH f"l • In n riH-i. Atirrna'hy ha '»ri. . , fditor for th^ -enif-jlfi Hi \*t»'ran iluiU lit Ioiiiii in Ua,l Hall Mai.itTa’* •ii!iiii«i |m |I« i,lit Wa- «|Mirt« llk-l* • Milt,i| freahman |)8)r*- f< i th. In ter t lieu a kfa rt i it,T rani|mi Im tbr -finiiil -,-n Th, Hatlalii'i will l„ | fuur 11 hiei> a • k fm t h. term- t'u,\ tlii.m^U Summer *ute*i ri|>t|ii|,- Ilia' at f.' f..r thr eutn. «'o-aditiir» -ant Student- at t;n'l i ramp- will tei-.m- th,- i>a ax h.t.x b*-« it lli> au-i "ii ua-t tatrh -uiiimei . n ha\ e h run , - (mi nh tit -, tahiHi and th, fiai'ei II rtewi ftmii the riiitii'- i SHI \tierttath> t nuth N Manitr.aa (Consolidated Sels (ri adnalion for 20 Hi H t KOI \M* Orrhrxlra |u t‘lai * " • l-r'e.-x Hililel-ra-Kl *a«x liH-n named \al»- liirtonat, uf Ve <'la*» uf isfsi, while Mux IMenViilfty wax xetei t,x| -aiutatnnaa Ain*, to U- prexente*! tx the Oauirhterx of the Ameruan ke\,>- lutloli annual award Thi* l»AK award wll tie irivaii to the airl xtuilenl win, na- made the t.i|{he«t tC 1 ade in AInefieail Hiatorv I'le-ehtatlim of diploma* will t>e made hy I»r, J'haile*. Lakiotle, pre-i,h id i f the xi hiail l«.aid He will prexent tht- tt'■eluatt" w ith their di|it<»nax upon thru pre»ent- atiori li\ l, S Hn hardxon. au^e r in - teratent uf th# xr-htailx .1 Manh ' I A I Ho n \A V and ' t h# hi^h t.i ah lating Sell! mi- and the eu- t H e Nil ill* IX • W i II ttieti n*e to! xll.g th e ot ik .ai vhixd song, t H Ih.-ki e ( I> 'w*‘ll, one uf the x«-m. ,1 > Will give ttie tiervedu tion The on t.e-tt H V ill play ’ Francai-e M .lit laire L) Kail lit Saeti*, fot the DM- Or .olua lex I Jaded Kher tuni't k-raduatex Shepardx,wi titdiea-e ih. named j| are Vt due Mot M funnel and H< ' *s t"t Kanli-in The other Iri ttra l uate- will li# tmo|ren« Baker, Helen Hyei i rnexI t amp Hdlv • ix,nei in, k-t Ilowell, der T tam-ex Simek Kita Sryrva'xek and DayUm Maitofi V u*t xtaud tohn Mi I i h\ I hollia- A f tel •ean Shepardxxni will 1 in, inal addrenx pnin i|>al of the httfh iard -, h.-lai xhijix af Hidxott'x addteMX Ke- nuarxtiip- « dl b* the ' ( xi tide I t x of the Id, hi and and t u-inMia Ihihn im.j| Officers Elected lit \S( I ('Olle^e ami Industry Attend Bollon Dinner Ht t o 1tKin As a token of II years i»l servtee to the College, several hundred [people will gather in Sbisa Hall Satunlay night to honor the retiring president of he i o!ie|tf In Fiank t Bolton Mni* Ihin mi out of town auextr niiiutniK hut taimly trom Mum* Mppl, .net foirner xtudentx, will lx |i|exen! # |, I the oera-mll Prexident Holti n - tar ted his ,» .... at A AM a- an inatiuctoi m r.h, Fln tiiial Ft/itie, iin^ Itepart ment Sima that time he ha- tun til, ^auiillet id pa'ltlonll nil th* tail limine In- tenure at AAM In has -x**ied a.x an init i u, (•*(. head uf the de(iai t ment deati of the *i hind x.f eluniieeriny alid latei a • deal of th, • . II, (»♦ Named in Inia VIrx F t Holton Dinnor H ill Honor Mrs. I It Ml o/i 1 Iso hi j'tii\ ohm mlnte,l tot Uie xunimei the co-editor* xanl iA e will < ot t m u, t\ »(• th**xe pullctex. x|iu *■ w i Ix-lleVi ' ile , m -'t. are text for the |t*tfit , ■n.l !., editorihI xtaf* ! it- ti'tir. Several iHixitioti- p on the SUBi tiler *!aff Hie* Students will. Would Uk. ,. 1 A turn writing -p. it- vi i tin* .m " f*" gem-la! new- Cecoi'inv a" ,, * at*|t attested to e nnta- t kee,l o, I ! h - \A M ItiH.i t I iln " at. i I V A V I ' . I I ttl »• ' M d in. Max ' fix ' g ' * b, i - -I d i-fj all kd th. The china' of h i- i*ieei came in IV4H w hell he wa « naiue,1 pre-i dent id the 1 ollege Aftet , et II , ig he w ill lieCi.ine pie* idetit elnetitu- Speakel* t- I th« , x . a - ion will r, fit e-ei.t ttir vai mu ■ "igani/atioii* the pi, -..t* - ha- t .-ft in i ot.t :«et w it). t.lld t d, f , , 1 w ill a tdl e - x the hanipiet iti tx-fialf ot the AAM t - lleg V in W \\ I , i, , ic-clent d 'he I • > a ■ W • i x in l . ,, |,. x 1 ie ht ' on| any the dlMo 1 In 1.1.1 II g Hie t.iai..! < t ,1 Mai of 1 lie t , .liege 1 he AA.M -t.nlei lit h.l,|\ will Ix- n pn el,t*-*l 1.1 1 ' MoiiI.m- , e ’ II,' ' nli'.'i f tlo Mattal.on li, pi > , til H I t 'i.- - emv.r ' la - w ill h. 'h. .1.0 ,0 - 1,. pi. Mil- 'll 1 1 , 1. |i K'.ki 1 •*■ ii n Halt i i-' ,ti and ' At I . .w 1,0,1 .’O « ,1 -M!f f -1, el XI l.piexent the ot. t HarringlAti to 'peak ^•'l l 1! V ,1- 11,11 »tl ■I I f cereMloluex II 1,. II ' Hill ti'ghain, -.t th. FI, 1 t 1 tl'il. t g neeI'tlig l»e|a*t' Noitnau A d, rxon, paxlnt of the A A- M Hr. xhytenan - hutv h w ill de i ver th. in\,'* at i , hdllow ng the dinra-r a rwception, «< heilull-d fm " p t» will tw- held in the prexident'x iV'ltie Ta-ket- f i t! , Bolton 1 tinner ii tin h oi met Stuih-ritx I h, \iimini*l t at um BtiiId t In \ iryriela'id I no f t litex- fill th* dinner -t mal I SI Dimlors. Dran uf I,an Resmi Posts r Houston. May L’*i iAI’i 1 •' i nia I I. S<>ni(tr Calcmlur Ma* 2A Fnda* |.a«t day of rlawwra for xeniorx not (ailiaf rourwea. May 27 -Haiorda* Finalx hr rut June I ''alu'rday Oath of of fire (or eadelx rerel*i«K nuw wHaaionx, k am VxaemM* riafion Malt I ,r terday saitl lvy.« mt-mfyers of rim! board ot directors and th, dean of the School of Lav* ;il th. I .-xa- m ,i. I n , , i,i • i.., Ve^ ox- hj V • . e- n- ■ . ,| The dire, to, an M, o, I It ! Hexlirilont Vtl' im , in,| i haih h I ,e , all K i. piihloh. i I aw sehiH.I In.*!; 11< „ J.a,• , . eonfirnie.1 fe,t,\e In, advi-et to II e I’mne* ' In litot. yn* et niiietit x|m.i - .,, ,| 11 air 1 xi'hnol in |'hihidel|'liin I',, Off,, mix III th. I HIM , -It I | the tumid | ef uxed t Hie I hrmilrle (Hot,-I | *e i '1 1 1 H sailtnf hy I. lephoiie tloII, K ilk- I. 1 don t waul to tt in*- ..t thix ttine " . Hell wax imt m* ailahle fot i.,,, ment Bell and lievall were app-nuted tiy the I'niverxiiyA nriKtriMl hoaid Ifl IVI7 hy the late I .o\ el liol Beau M,ld Jexter < iai|{ F i ulliuan, ll.nixt.m ml man re«i|fii«-i| «- iii«'i,it><-i and thr^irinan ,.( (he t„>aid m Manh He de*-lined i-uminent hut it wa- rep,,l lex) he rexiuned Iwcauxe i f internal aonflu't nvi, ii|wi«tmnx of the x,' hr m * I 1 he • hfontile -aid Johnxon - rexufnation hax rauxed xjx-. ula in * -• * Vfi M I III -t Hucmlaiirratr S4‘i*v icc- Kcsct l*ea' of Men antimitieil todav ll" Af I u nit ut * a a \it^ and lei i. (, i aduate- \» ill me* t in '.limit Hall Fiik.' inee, iiikt and \ et*-r im* f iw-t load .ate- will a- -.■nil.l* m * he A -x, inhl\ Hall /inn i nil* Inde.l I tie xj, \li.- will lx- held at • t" a ai o —lead "f I" a m i - ilu • un. i d in \ e-t, r da \ « Hat Janie- 1 id Well from HoUxton, wax ele. ted pie-klenl ..f the Airier trail S.Mietv -f t'lvtl KiifirwH-rx t,# the I'cmi M xrg.H.I term t*thet ikfti. ef- ele. ted Wei e .lex I' M.lvet one pr.-ident H Jl Stephenxxkii, »«•<• r»-tai \ , I r tun a* i 1 a* dt to-ax'liei Mar Vltl Mat- uxek .e,«*rlet; and Ktll Hallayrell. l'iu%# > r*itv ** law dTiolen. repr.ue.kt.tive on the Kn-! „ ht (| , *T-l T. w , I , Amen, an Hat A«-.■*• i»,ton A .1 lew el Vfatch w a- prewentfd (■• Arthur H F-.w.-ll hy the A-*, of * A-neral t oiytractorx ' Hie ootxtandintr • Us tent June 2 Barralaurealr and rum Structural FiijfinexTinir meneemenl eaerCtaex. com ’ haptef Ailhiaor Stwruer .1 minxSoiiitk' reremon*. and F'l Bo, ha nan wax tfiveu a t»eii and nal Hall twin il xet hv the ret inn* prexi June J- Final He»ie» itent VAilly B-.hlman Moo ellatieoox r.radaating aen “f the rliaptei; torx who want I he*, Aggie * * Beaitn’x Knirk-Knarkx ArtM.lke. Offieo.^rx,md fkmr ,.«a , Kenito Muw.duii j <> J f.odheheie will t* , a |L, r Hall. lkr> wa,* an >*iithuaiaatic > n \ ds Inslall Honor IMii /da (lliapter The F.ta t hai’t, r of O.e So, iet\ , Corn of Hhi Zeta. a in it tonal honor m La-’i> gam rat ion t. ;) re** ognita and pro l*een iiM'te x, heiar ship and research in * h-ge- rtwitf*-1 x pertainirut to the welfar* and dix.-asex of ammaiv wi,x it 'tailed in the S>ol i.f \ etennarv Mixluine at 7 |> m laxt night. The Ifixtailat mt wax cmuheteil hy lit H I I oijxt head uj the I t ment ..f Anatonsy, di'lxmii ( \ et* iinat \ Me*l ari to I'uh Ircationa indefinitely Hrady M.t me,, lia-al xalex man age, for t'he* rolet, haa turned o\ ef k,-yx to a IhSo Bel An I'hecir, l*d .* two tone green j .h and to a Collegiate con* erjible. i r eam col i ,'Ietl and eaxv on the eye Student (Vibli, atmna will uxe th, autox for I out I tie dutiex which ! formerly t*',|Uir*d a double tune 1 trot, and at th*- xatne lime g \mg xUidenl* a fuxt hand view th* n*w Chevrolet produrta A A M wax oh. .He ,1 t,N Okie of the find collegex m the nation p, re j reive th, - arx f,.r dein,,nxttati\ purpoaex The tw-,-lx both deaigned for collegiate jae are utwlei the watchful eye »f Sid VA nve ; .laxiatant manager of Student Hub licatinnn Milil an l.n*:iiD‘cru ^in Khmiiv (loiilcut . . , , . -Me U lx*-, grAial akwataut man vger uf 'indent I’lihhc^linn%. (right I rereivex the keyx to thl* new, HCst Bel Air ( he*Mel from Hradv Mainer, local e«U-x maaegcr tor ( ht vridet Th* Bel Air and a 4 oilegiale noi'ertihh tio« belong lo S(u — "mmr ‘uMtrationx under a tend leane plan from ( he*rolet. for an indefinite time lawking onto the xcme are Kottfnd Bing Aleft), manager of Kitoleal I'uhlirali«na, and dayton Selph, ro editor •iret for neat year. n I'niverxity on Atinl '/•», \ met ttiai tiino ehapteta ham ,tablixh«"l in veterinary crl* d the l tnveraity of t'end- xvlvar.ia, (Mm State C nivernlf y, low a State i ollege. and Alalmnia T.'lv te, tour Institute. Haxed on '•cholarxhip Active meml.ei-htp in I’hi /atA « haxed on *, h. larahtp and if limit, d to graduate vetei martatra w hi ha'.e had their degree- for at lea't two yt-arx. Th*-\ liiuxt l#e - n th, xtaff f a college whi-r,- a ■ ha (Her i« ) t p per I e lit f hlx c I a ax Honorary Memhrrxhip II >" •-„dwrxht|' ix limited to ve* .riieartanx oho have hi-ep in j-, xe»x|,,ii ,.f their degree* for j »t maxt five yeai« and who ha%e terwlered dl'tlhgnixhed xervHr ill fi.UJx ot s* tenew i. Into,I to amniaA JiXe-ixes < barter m. intx-l- Ilf the etiapfef who were initiated at the tnxtulla- tmii wet* xenior itiidentx Hugh M \Aallac*-, Jr , Paul P, Hrandey l.e- *?( v It Kidihinx, Joxeph H t gulter, aiul Lexter Johnxon. \ t acuity Memhorx I acuity memlw-ra wiiu Ixa'anie charter inetnU-rx axt night wetH. Im I B Bougliton, Ht t‘ AV Hurnx, |k, A A I enetf I *t K ft. Tink In .1 II Milltff, and |>, H. x I hi,in - I'uting th, executive meeting tif the fw-wly mxtalied rhapter' thh following xenmi xtudentx yhgyw xh-cted to tnemU rxhi|i Arc|»ie\l Llowerx J t Holuin, B M Matt|- iv H I K lgore J I. Keefe*, l kiddle, K I llughex t V \e- iill, A i M Ada and It IJ Mey er* Th. following junior* were elect ed to meinUtvhtp R F. \A ilxoa, i h \Aallace H Hunger K, R kitig F I. Bryant, K f Jon eg, aiat I K Ih-yhle ... u ... u I.K. EllNi .and Marvin A Matuxek were SlIIMIIICr Office** awarde*1 pruex ir. an exxay con- * text xponaored by the >,a-iety of The InduHtnal KiKieutsin Wivew American Military Fhgineer* < lub met in the Mdhtk Solariuti Houston Host of the YM< A Tueaday night to Pnig* of IJh. 110, and $. r > were ele*-t ufftehrs for the soanne, term, given the cadet* for ew»ayx on the OffweFa rleeteil werv , Ikkryt j development of the Oirpa of F.n- Mima, president Betty Yens*, gmeers here at AAM Each con- vicp-preaident Janet kM! nget, j textant xubnutteri an e»»av on dif- 1 vsrnxtnry'trenxurer; Karla l*a»- feretii yean ao that much mfor chail, social chairman, and F'rag- mation was collected cea Ttbbit, reporler.