r i T / Company 7 Cops ‘Mural Flag With Double Win Hy PAT UBLAMC •Mi JOB Bl 4N< HKTTE Th# >W Marlin <'«>■ of Company 7, doapit* a turn lifamant mtn ia hia ba walk*, nor yirkM a aingta hit to tha frantically *wingin('bat» man of Company 4 Not a mam bar of (Umipany 4'* taam raachaM tha initial aack Cain faoad only Id batter* in tha aif inning* of play and ba fannad It of tho*e to faca him. Howall af (ompany 4 al*o twiriad a beautiful gama allowing only two ha*a hit* to tha champ iona Brown ami Dunn wera the two who collated tha hit* m i tha Intramural track meat bald at tha anna* taat Honday aftarwoan Tha company pilal up Ml point* la winning tha maai. Plight t waa with 70 point*, tha Vata third with 66 point* and Company i wa* fnorth with M point* Be Uncourt of Company 7 wa* tha winnar In tha I 20 yard law Kurd la* with a tuna of 17 *aco«d* Littla, Plifht IS. wa* aacand. tUorga of Flight 10 wa* third, and McMillan of Flight 0 am* fourth Beaty of Flitht * wa* tha win nar of tha 100 yard da*h with a tima of 108 *ao»aid» followed by McDonald of tha Tot* and Schia tar alao of Flight 8. Gorman of Company 7 »a* t^ia winnar of tha high jump With a laap of 6 feat t inch** Stoddard of < ompany 9 and Mr Ihinaid of tha Vat* tiad for tha broad jump. Both men laaptd 1* feat 11 inebaa In tha KhO yard rs At Barbecue Staff Selects Top Annex Softballers THE BATTAL •mntSDAY. MAY 25. IK*) c.,.. Mamudari" >n ^"fimjDrjH Jeam Honors Brown Score* Fimt Bnown *corel. L Penhanky, Hal and may Welch, and atMeMr officer* of each com painy ware present at thia dinner Among th# faculty at the enjoy tha ana half harba<-ua an *arving ware Lt Col Meicher !>aan W L y E inatructort Jim Emil Mamaliga. and Barney intramural director at tV ratnpu* Each alhlatir officer wan pre sented a supr-ltke tie clasp by Nick Ponthieut for their unlirtrig »forts af forming a company taam for *#ah vf tha numerous fntra- mural aport* TV latramural man ager* wage to receive npiroon • weaters, but they Were not ready for preaeauthm, Fonthieua haid €, Company M, puny 1 all placed >n* plan TV team wa* mfacted by a C oup from tV Freshman BatUl n * ports staff and the Intramural tianageUt. The pitching staff la beaded by the strikeout king of League 0. Marlin Cain of Cniaijady f. Cain kas a record five w4n| with no losses Ha fanned It batter* in Ihesa five gimas Via HowHl of runner up Company 4 ii also on th« piunmg *Uff along Flight 12’* Stave Bdhmier. these man were outttprydmg HuH ars during the season. A earn tha all-mtra mh ral second base job. Company 6’* Dick Lenten, be cause of his strong hitting and ex- ceiient fielding, has bean a*4gned t V "hot comer " Lanaan wiaidwi a wicked bat during league play' and wa* a constant menace to op posing hurler* Firay littla Pat Holland of Com- Opinions And Attitudes From Annex Freshmen - By ALLBN PINGELLY I An outline of tha plan advocated by tV college whereby sophomore student* who do not wish to go under contract with tV U. 8 pany 3 wa* given tV shortstop j Army or Air Force may lie housed ; \#th r. Both Tha catching choW* pra to b* handled by Bill BnatoW of Com- Bamev Welch wa. tV Pripcpla 7 Ha handled tV pitcher* speaker at the outmg He Stje.*ed J/ ***"• •£1 tvt all of the prwaont mtndnoral bnll^ntly Bristow |. a!*., a fair managam should continue "heir 1 >*. ^ hitter and a jworhheeee workTn the ram pus nest y^r, if | ^e is Vhmd fm plate. tVy pawduy could Hey Compton ofCHMany^f wa* position. Holland displayed "ciassy fielding throughout tV year and was a good hitter (e. 7 4 7 6 i Name B Bristow I ( ompton W Mintum V. P Holland The taam presented Thomas and his wife with a sterling silver cigarette Vi and a twenty-two inch silver serving tray. Appro pnada inseprttints waiv on both ni» gifa. The gifts ware presented a* apprxiatiori for the hard work Thorn** ha* dote with the drill unit to make them eia of tV top notch in their cla**. Refreshment* were served. Runve Pus. Catcher First Ba-a Second Base Third Ba*e Hhortatop t >utfielder* Kokand Praett, Com pand 8; Johnny Schaefar, Com pany 1; Don Olsen. Company 4; and Don Tabb, < ompany 4 Pitcher*: Marlin (a in. Com pany 7; Vic Howgii, ( ompany 4; and Steve Bohmier, Flight 12 Honorable Mention Men who received honorable mention in the selection are Pitchers—'Louis Rung*. Flight 11 and Baker of Flight 8 CatcVrs— Gayle. F%ht 10; Four vean Ago laat September AAM waR fart'd with ex- j Frey. Company 4. Rawlmg* Com | ‘ P*'‘y 3; Arguindigui, Flight *“ ^ inners N amed Editorials In Annex Net \nother (’.hapter ('.lost^l .. . Is Hi^h bring tremr growing pains Jut! to returning Rcrviccmen treking a college aducahofi on the- G. I. Bill To com|»en»*ta for the A large crowd of tanm* m rmB ^ enrollment. Hrjxn Army Air Field wa« leaned from fan* aaw a fine brand of ten- ^ A|r f(Jr , ngtruou think a boat haring nwa-Corpa sophomwre* at AIM nest year?" Gene Turnham, accounting rna | jor from Port Arthur, sey*. “I | think a lot more boys will come to AAM to receive degrees where they wouldn’t come if they had j br go under contract with the V j S Army or Air Kbrre and have 12 Might 11; 3; Firat Base -Kisbeck Brown. Company 7 Second Ba*e- Bell. Flight; Rod ngue*. Veterans, Skeens. Flight 11, Klingman. Company 45 Third Base—W illiams. Company 4. Meehan, Veterans; Powell, Company 3. SharUUp>— Flores, Veterans; j M Ffwih to live with the Corpu. Colorwdo City rang* and forest- ry student, Fksyd Pond, made thin comment, "Smce AAM was dg-. signeci U> ber a miliUgjr roller*. t‘ ■OW nw reason for its policy to V rhaWfwd now Stir*, stodonD would wear uniform*, take military ari ence, and meet drill* for two years but they a till Wouidfrt be trained with rigid discipline, something necessary bir a good officer ' Gua Gall#. Hou-tow arcooat- iag major, asaertn that “Owe of the main rrauMi* boys rwme to 4AM ia borauae of the ( orp of 4 adet* and the faaad arhool spirit How aould an Aggie*et feel if after bring introduced to another Aggie, he found that Ms new acquaint*are waa a "non- 4 or pa cadet “ It i* my firm op- piaion that the Freahmaa (la** of 1833 »ill stich together i«/ | the corps.” Out of fifty boya questioned, a total of sisty-eight percent of approximately thirty-four student* agreed that such a plan would be harmful to the Corpd of Cadhta at AAM 4>n the other hand, thirty- two pervent or approximately *ix- teen cmlets favored the pruputal as offered by the 4 oliege. I FRESHMAN 8TAFK Editor |Kj«*ubly given aomi* Htudentx a bad taut? of the callege life Flight 9. Hartwirk.Company T" fought ime'k hani atTis adwmwtrj offered at AAM. they hah^e nirvertheleaa received rtfery \*m- i ” *** tWo aible coBa»denitu>ti from college offtcutla for the batterment Both Runge and Simmon* dis- of faciliDe* on hand The Annex BA(T Iiepartment haa been played brilliant volley games, but ^ngtxntlv busy repAirink broken door*. adjuaUrtg window* it was the hustling Runge who I / i . . ... that are hard to alale o^, and vanou* (Aher chorea with ex jiert prtfnptneM ('oiling bAidm-s have been available at all timea for transporting frtahmen to football gamaa. to church on Sundays, and even fdr company |»artiei4 at nearby loca tions fat i »Msat 4u* BlsstAeH Managing I pMtur* Editor AmWUsI Hw-eW 8|»-fW lUW** |^HMt*m outlasted the Unrig Simmon* in their volleying match Simmons took the measure of a striving Jimmie Willson. 6 1, 7-.’> This win put Simmon* the champ of the lo*er'» bracket and termin ated Willson'* king nine out of ten win spree W ilhon had previously beaten Boyd and Tommy Murchison W ill- son had little trouble in dtupo* mg of tiring Murchison. 6-41, 6-4 but had to play a full two-hour match again*! court-wise Boyd Steady Willson outlasted Bayd' in their 36 game marathon. 6-4, u-6, 11 9 Tommy Murchison *wung out a double victory this week oVer ! E Keller and J J Marin He overcame an early Keller lead am! then finished to win, 14, 8-4, 6-0 Murchison w#nt on to racket-oat thrre rtltHitha pmod and then returned to their place* *o a Win over Martin 4-3. In tha doubles. Jimmie . . , , . , . , and Pat l^filanr shower Wl 4 r 7 n, 7.6. 1 Tht Annex (a* it haa officially been called these few Simmons and Detweiler slammed year* I Will be do*ed to AAM June 3 and probably forgotten out a net triumph over w r Hill; b y mtn y people with alministrative a* well a* academic Keller had previously beaten connection* to the rollega But the thouiiand* of men houaed Bruch miller and (arfill. 6 3. 6 3 within it* limit* during their freshman year will have mem ohdB htni to forget aboBt their day* a* an Aggie freshman at the Annex Uf# on th« Annex hM not been- a luxury for the thou sand* of freshmen placed on the air base cmapua, but with its ewiatanre it has heljied keep a college tradition that dates far back into our seventy-five years of existence- Admission to AAM to any qualified Text* boy During the past few rears the Annex hai contributed to the fbrwardittg <»f manfr talents of skill and leadership not usually found in atudentA until they are in their junior ami senior year The Freshmen Regiment has been led by officers taken from the ranks o£ the various unit* to serve for a three mcHiths period and then returned to their plactw i# 3 th** Qualified men may hare equal opportunitiea to show gw* Marti Letters MOTHER SAYM THANKS Editwr, The Hatlaliwe ; If you can find spare to print Dm- following letter in your (wper. I wiii appreciate it very much To the hwy* in ( ompany 7: I would like'to **y tkaiak* for' the honur uf being '-4N»mp«iiy Mother " I feel it wa* a privilege to have i met each buy in Jim’* Company and to have the honor of prusent ing your flower* My prayers go out for each *f you to km the fme boy your moth er expect* and one AAM will be proud of Sincerely your*, Mrs J. M Parrach nr Waveriy Ntrf*4 Houston Tetaa And it is will all snRenty that we add thirty” to the ef>es to be the best ever to pass thitough AAM . MAT TAKi THE H OUT OF MEATi (HISKI . :i Ills. 73o Ftilger’a (Toffee I Hi. 71e Duunomi Sour Pickles . . .... tyuarl 23e Wooan h < aJifornia—No. 2 Cans Spinach 2 cans XV himMl o Frenh (ireeo—JMrt ( ana Limas 2 cans Lie No. (24 Cam IM Monte Apricots 2 cans 78r No. 2U ( ans Hunt's Peach llalics. . 2 cans 15c Miracle ^hip HA LAD DRESSING Pint Me (^uart 52c Market Konete***,—Short ('ut HAM SLICES Ih. 59c SILL THOSE BOOKS FRIDAY. MATVRDAY, MONDAY ^ MAY M, H, » THE EXCHANGE STORE A buyqr (ram •It hiaflaqf i wUt ba an WILCOX A FOLLin CO. CHICAGO pkikndiA HFRYKl Before Suminer ('all us I>*t u* put your heavy winter clothing idto a clean storageable condi tion. CALLUS TODAY CAMPUS CLEANERS “Over |he Bxrh.inge Store" 1 ASF so OwwaM Cauisiwai* Thq amartest care m the low-priced field