The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 24, 1950, Image 4

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    hV I
Alters Rei
Dm Art* and 8o#nc*» Counril ;
TWtorttejr rrruMd iU mathod *f ar
Mtinf SMmbart m i«ch a way as ,
la aaauia Haviny at lnaat mm ear
of Um annual
ry-oo«r marobar on lb*
from rarh Hub raeh year
TVe art tun took pi are in the
I'a last marline of thr aHaaol latioaa, and tk# counril vulad to | tifM
Available to CS
°Z For First
n |ab An Americin Legion
>f kit ior Banaball team will be
marline of thr »rko«»l
year a ad provided tkat nr at yaar
a junior and armor will ba ckaarn
fram each Hub or dapartmrnt ia
ttM aebool of Arta and Srtaneaa,
vHb thr junior briny rboam for
a two-year trrm
.Janior Member*
Each yaar thartafWr only a
junior will be rhaara. thua aaaur
bar* on tha munei
Houaa Day
Atehouck liybtiy attended
ntartiny prcxkirdd at mudi a-_— . . ,
aa any of the ypar Chairman |ob An American Legion Jun-
millivan yave the report <»f kit ior Baneball team wiD be field-
rwmmittee *a fantHy-SmOink ^ r*- ed by (\41ege Stall ion for the
pas* the findiny*
raaaors ia next year'*
| nrxi nmr mm aummrr In the
*ar »*fro4p Py 1 tlm College Station and
Dr. J t. Abbott, farulty apon *•*■*•»• hern eombiaad
•or of the raunctl. u«ld Mm yraup
of an idaa to yam rirruiatioa of
■tudant puhlwatMM in hirh
school* > ay ye died by thit year'*
Open Houae t'ommiitee, the fllan
ia to irtrrast vanou* AiM ( Vubt
rontinuiny expanenerd mem ^ beyiny tukaeriptirm* u> all ttu-
il at all timaa tad mayaanat and
»U> one team
The new team will be sponsored
by the local Layton poet, but a
number of menrhantt and thr Col-
tart Statiom < hambrr of Com-
mrrer and Devrlopmtnt Aaeocia-
tion will aid thr tram
Tweaty candidate* for the team
had reported te Othel f'hafin, AA M
Consolidated baseball roach and
head of the Colleye junior hase-
baltrrx. last week
The hopefuls are Georye John-
sida, Jerry leiyhton, Jo# Mother-
. -S / /
Octopuses Appear as Plague
To British Channel Fishers
• i
AP Newsfeatarai
London—Seared of ortopases*
' fhen don't try te swim the Kny . .. ,
i hsh Channel iht» suinnw-r, )*"• Cnaoon boy
1 Si»n* point to an .-^lopus
“playue” in Krench-Kiifliah wat
In addition, the motion provided P^f th *™ “•
that in the event the Huh preai-1 of tK *‘ r ^ “-hoot
dent is not one of the two select- This way, Abbott said,
ed council members, he shall be men about to enter collefl
fiven a place on the council The »ee what AAM is doiny in^he pub-
group also included a clause where- lications field, and it woyld also _
by any momter of the council is aid circulation, and consequent eelf-S a || t William Benaridita'Byron An
subject to recall by either the support of the publication* drnms. David Carroll,Have Bon
council or the Hub he re preseat* | In • final aetbm the couaril i nen, Pete Hickman. Fred Ander- Cosmolidated Hiyh SHhmI
An iatar-school eounHI. mmle up voted to allocWte enouyh fund* soa. John Robert Smith. Dan Wil- held Friday myht. at * i
wykars from - all of the from thnr fipiyi House profits tojliams, Melvin Free, Pinky Cooner,
school councils (AyncuHuse. Fn- frame yrtnio pictures of all the t/eorye Souaare* William Arnold!
yineeriny. Art* and Scienc#* and pa*t council* (there have been Jimmy Bond. Ih>uyla* Non-roe*
Vet Medicine) wa* also simaest- threei. and olsre them m the of Rot^.v Carter Fr.,^
4N members•«# the Oaaa pf 17. Iheee AAM gradual*# are new
eat played by Texas Elect rK her* ice (empaay. They are featured
la the J»»* lerts* of TEhOO Roundup employee magaaine \*
other gradaatinf claea has ba m«n of Us member* with the corn
while fishing eff
rw k* end «1rag|rnd
tie watei A S5-yaar-oW
It s not a. hornfyiay as j t British swsmpmy .n.trtlrtdr dival
•ounda, though Expert* say the ln ’ raaduad him after hacking off
danger to cros*-channel aspirant* .* • f *"
from the evil-looking ‘•devil fr*h’ *" *
is remote The *ame go** for or
dinar) clo*e-to-*hore Imther*
there’s ao record of anybody ba- ever happened there. Small peto-
mg hart here puses have been spotted wriyy
However, in 1»V*. near Cannes Imy fufiously to Mt oat of tit\
on the .Trsnch Wpiera. a IS year-1 af awimmera ace- mpanymy
seised by a boats
pally except #•* or tw* Haamw of recent years.
4&M (onsolidalcd lirur >rh Honors
c . /• j .. Mitt. O'Hannon
Sets (riaduation
otabbod the uctopu* to death Said
he. The most terrifying moment
. w ,„ wlT after I *tabbed the thinw
Reason. (Ictopusee fear humaa* fhMd^efMrtaM Mk
a* much as human* fear them i m *'
If an eight-footer (that's a* bigj Vfraid Of Boats la Matiea
a* they rorne here> should wrap! Old Channel «wtmining hands
f »
Gnaduation exorcise* for
ed by lb# AAS group, with one efl fire of the
its major functions to !•* the
Miss Betty o'Bgnndn. who edl
Iw graduated frorg
Frnlisy. wa* honored
rnai lunch by M-s. W E. Stres't
at the Street hoifw in W^nlland
Art* and Sei* Robert (!lelan«l
The request for the tot al l.egH>ii
|a quivering tentacle round ywj and at Ikiver *ay nothing
squirt ink in y«*ur eyes, exi>eiui
■my, it's only lier-aus* he’* petn-
nfied at humping into you Most
likely, the octopus will flee
N'o rhannel swimmer ever ha*
so lute ted. attacke.1 though inany have
th an inf or- imported encoutiter* with my*ter-
iou* sbthenng objes-t*. mostly at
Warmig- from (be cflannef is
lands of an impending octopus
i lague are worrying <Mpth coast . m^u w ith’ a asVTsuon i^i^aaimbir
lotetter fishermen The last plague, *l> Katsa V • war* s*r ia—rtwa
(iood insuraaor again t them,
boatment darlar*. ia Si aifnadb
like that whsrh arcomy.. ini 17-
year old American swimmer Shir*
le> May France on her unaucceas-
ful attempt last summer A bel
ligerent octopus would haw been
scared silly by the tearlnng motor
boat* circlmg her. ^
Biggest danger to the •wimtimr
ia phyekalogical, traimrr* Ulwvr
The nserv word octopud U enobflrk
to »tart shiver* acauto g doww
that marry *p»ne*
Principal speaker for the pier-
ie* will lie (’ N SbefiaAison Mi*ee* Imogen* Bak. t Helen
stiggeet- threeand piece them m the of- Bobliy Carter, FretiV Harto - and 'lean of the School of Agru iiltun-] Byer, Gemnt* l»«*bn*>*olny, W illie
Dean of Arts and Act- Robert Cleland at AAM | Mae MrConisrll, Kdwina Moeiey.
Grailuates will be pre»ente«i|th«irM»-an Ri.y.ier, Fra new* Simek Rita l»»* *< ere* of hmgiish lob
poet to s’prrnsor a (odege Butiasi diplbwas by Dr (Vtarles UMotte.l Avysemek, and thp glH* moth, r* *ter-men -uit of l»u*irie«s The
team came at the test regular prwddent of thr school hoard L S j comproeed the gud* li»« ' hannel crswle.1 with the eight
meeting A committee was formed R'chanteon. *u|wnnten.ient the y „ q,,,, puddy and u __ armn.) raiding le)»ter-pi.t*
investigate the matter The vdl preM*^the gradates U>ulw Stwt ^.^ted in
Page 4
SAVE 10 TO 20%
'Oa Your Automobile
and Fire Inauranre
Ato» h ar Mutual Pelicisw
MM South Mata Phone J 5647
committee wa* compose*! of K L.
Patrick, Ed S Martin. Alvin Sip-
tak. Bob Elder and Roy Garrett
Garrett wa* named head of the
The investigation committee wa*
primarily mtereated in finding out
■M is*
of *te*ll
the graduates
What's Cooking
and devouring sll tvt>*e
,n « ft,h
I>r William J, Re#*, marine
xoologi*t at liondon's Natural
History Museum, say* life wa* so
I tough for crab* they scurried
W it was possible tor one post to! . by ^i ^wdwin Hall. 7:IA p.m.
sponsor two teams, an.I Austin an, ‘ ,r * nk (ou, ^ r '' AGGIE PI.AYKRS. We
( S'lutbvuni
Set te sprinkle any alia circle froea
S te 90 feef wRh tern •! dswl
ers ever rw her*. A twra
oi th* teal ten the see.
rest (prsy sad watering
range (or the detirtd
are* eWSSMSSsnib. 1 hs
gam Anessanc
provides* aerwral rasa*
Ukr shower. »Mt
Pscfsct ter eev
laws Ideal (or
aswiy itsdcd^
ertsi 100 gsl-
toe* per to o*
10 lh* prestor*
wKee »ei tor an*
•prey 16 lV
Chroms pisi*d. ee-
tareishahls Ma-
cbteed from solid
brass Adfaerahic tor
ballet Uh* suvsm or
ties, misty »grsy,
or (oiapiew shot od
PSK* |l 11
ffsch souls a
yrtekler ia is-
aev kind of
*pra< Ideal for
revolvtag or sra-
fiooary sptia-
kU*# $1 11
headquarters ronfimied the rom
mittee's question
Ray Oden and Marion Pugh were
appointed by the Deieloptnent As-
soeiation to raise part of the mon-
ley Twenty-one Ural merchants
have already agreed to contribute
|-1«( each lexpenx * for <me player >
| toward team expense*
The manager and legion repre-
’ senthtlve for the team wtll be Ihih
King of the AAM publicity staff
The team that will pn>h*iJy om-
ij'prise the district are College Sta-
tnm, Bryan Hrenham. Bellville
• aid well, Navasota, and ( on roe
Mother*-Dad* Club
Mold liemdit Show
A special showing of the ptc
ture “Black Beauty" will tie the
feature attraction of the benefit
show Saturday a| the Campus
theater This show is l>eing apon-
sored by the AAM Con*oliaate«t
School * M.^hers and l>ad* (lab
Money raised at the show will
be used in the band uniform fund
Free dnnka will lie provided
for the children in addition to a
door prize
Ticket* may Iw purchased from
the box offite or from student* at
^ M(! \ Student* To
( am|> in (Oklahoma
the organ
Rgverend Norman Anderwog will
giv* the mv.M-ation and «tbdent
Didiie [biwell the benediction
Rand Quartet I’lav
For kiwanisl.lub
A cornet quartet from th
(iroup pic
to Dr LaMotte The wholes
award* will be announced by I*
Box# principal
John Hiidebrarul is valedx-k>nan '
of tk* clatx and Gemma Dobwmal-. ^
ny 1* aalutatonum i.'biri r rt oitiT « t a f p a'hore by the thobsands There
Mumc for the orrasum wi| te. M KITING, W .,p,e«lag‘. R.Krm 207. 7mi m "'° r "'**"** ^ *"*
The channel type i* the com-
j mon octopus, found in the Atlan
tic (up to North Carolina I, Medi
terranean anil ( arribbeati They
grow up to eight feet fVom tenta
cle to tentacle, with s large head
aimed with s «trong tieak and a
small oval «aclike teely Hows of
Suckers for gripping t»rey cover the
tentacles TTie horrible man-drown
ing Pacific tv|>c grow up to 4(1
Although English fi^ermen at
Brighton two ypais ago had ti‘ chop *
tight clinging jiHtopuse* off their* wtth ate*, limb i.y limb 1
• an * Ml *in> agar* rsi* m
■ 'laamfM HevUM# *u» *sr esrtumm
in. r< i*Mm sll . in.wrism wwn iwma
innrv la IN* Siu4aa# aellvtoss oefwa
All ad. teouM to • artvto w to !• **
• a »( ito *ar tofae* raSlwsnaa
Mim n iJANEtu <*
VoK K ST I Ms T to.
pair* sea carra.# wmv
Gala (tonaral Cun.raater, Pt^to
«»«»■.I re-
rgb I. _R
o«»NS>.* VO U«
arOuianr* makieg h ■»* **m <•
RKMINOTOM STAHDAlkt) l»»awt«ls* — a^harc* to) (Iraarm •lUwn 'ha ieeu «»
|ISUU baaferasa ITS# S.a4r twak
|> iw Mumatar UlouM < IS Nag ' |1« W Bc-u** laiiarto ton 4B*ratia*au
l. aaUto *is»i lisa* Asameaei C
IS n
POI IO and IwaaS J ~*a» taauraarv S
ut rail Kti.IRNE RI BH NoeHi Oat*
t* do a tinag
leb >a a h«v. A prep
•tea iaiirweirni la
eeary detail froa tbe
high grad, cutlery •tcrl hlaJ* to
the 1 lt> V M W motoc ie»*d«
the hasdli
PsrRrr Awtia'b will be cloMd for itivvntwy two
dAV*, TuemUy and WpOntnQiiy kday iOth A 31wl
TVtephonrt will be answered, howeter ami aut h
emergent tew aa ahow^rn for britleK. farm break
downa, etc , will have prompt attrution VAe err-
tainly hofie thiii brief cl<*ing wil (•••ne no aeriotw
H \ K 1> \\ A H E COMPANY
gram at yesterdgy * ifteetutg of
the College Station KiWaru* 1 lub
Player* were Wgyne Dunlap, 1 hek
Hay, Bill Arhai| »n.l K I. Rote
inagn, eith Gordon KeHer to ac*
Busin##* items on the agenAa ire '
eluded a vote to rancel the regular
Tuesday lumheop meeting Jgne 6
in |gvt>r of the “Big C‘ outing that
evening at The Grove with Rotar-
umk, lions and Jaycees
The Kiwanis baseball teaip hap
schedale.! two game* with tte Ro
ury rlub in the inter city genet
TH# first trill te. played u
lights at Sporti I
on May do Kiwtkn
to stn.ngly back the Ctdlegg St*
tio* entry in the American! I*#g
ion Junior > ia*#hii!l loop I >*.4
will he Othel Chaftn men^r of
’the AAM ( onsubdated team%
( Next weeks nrogiaiT w,i|
tun- TYudie'* Rinilergarten. wi|b
Mrw H A HHf.ii.WMy m .'Vaigi
The children wij) *ir,g and get
Reynolds Leaves
7 8(1 pm, Musi. Hail,
turo scheduled
DANCE, Medn. s<igy. May 24, 7 :ib
p m at iranklma All senior Vet
Me«l student* and faculty are in
HOI BTON CLUB. Wedne-day.
May 24. 7:15 p *n„ R.w.m 807
(i.HKlwm Election of a new chan*
ceil or for next yegg
Thurviay. May fib 7 10 p m ,
Room 105, Acadefnu’ Building
Meeting. Thunuiay M*> 25 at 7 71(1
1 in Academic Building Plan* for
party will lie matte.
TARLBTON Thuroday,
Room 'MKi. G.hHw* Hail, 7:15 pm
Final meeting to <)rtermine dispos
al of fund*
f ».!•
»r»1 rhslr (
A 5 Z »‘u.1#
.to. isM* h<
.to c'Hf awrismc nrswrms ana. mis*
• *»«»»»
Ml IT Oltt>AlNCn BT TMIC n?T
cot'Mcn. or thk citt .dr cot.
1 it than to »«I.•fill to se«a t g*»
srm •ilhto tto liauu of tto toll
I A firvoriw M»hll laakeds •pe-ir*to J, r
toil no* ostlu.ivrl* ony Wartfun jHBtot
nfW sir ntts^ll ■ gu* or sari *tor
JOOt) I* ftoiruto. Iwl.wl*
Hvsior I Haw I. 411
.worit.yo |1? (
.roof I)P» »3 <i
’frlaovo'ur T c«
mo- '.osioao O.SP' Sie MOl*** »PrO •*
So lie. burhshet .r a*? eOto metatM*
ubiori of so. «i*e to fores of -ooWxj.ltoq;
me non^i or oir
3 Sn.uM .totoiutf this orWitiAiws .NSI
to (Mglr of nnsdemesaoe sn* u|xsi too
.irtam stisU. to Unto So. lees tl#s Tos
t& to. Soiisr. om sum (hfll
t gfto* titf ) (ItollRr*
- so., PA»«to .ai -otoerto ptonsne* 11*. 1)0
o«r«e fl ou esrti If ( Sin Osr of Ms. ISto A, t>
p u nffie f>s« » Aeerovto
* J A. OUR
/ — — se.i Msror Fr» T»ai
hK PAIR '..gT SHOKS «lse *0 soef Ati^a.
*l&*e sell fto to fW Ptmne 3 tof* y. w’ Hr.llNNia
— — ot. ae-re.orr
rr HPPRIOER STOR escelleBf r«m j
di.iun roaooestoe r<irS .us vMor i-nesc
( ttOrfR Vht» C »» A
1 NTi ! *Y r>C«K dr*
H« * *R C RMf
* *rtwt K»fri#«VRiuf ? ru fl
firm mutor |4M» mi V» §o«l Nuifwrw uapd
<*9i nfunlRtun 1 B^f
mil 'teteFn T HaiOri
« srtlFB# Virw
Prenupiiial Dinner
Hnnors Couple
» (T rr PRmir*AIR» m «.««t con
d nor .err neon SAo no He* St
A II X (’totofe View
KAN.’M STYI.K msiHe rtntoi sofa fM *•
A I. A ( ollegr \ i»»
ntrr ckv ■rnrf
ur>H4r iNp
Park in Bryag
i a ns also fltrvxf
Five AdM «tu<ients and YMCA
assistant secretary (.ordt.n (iav */• * . —, L
will attend a camp at ( amp da* (In I irVl/l 1(1 I H/t
toiwxxA. r i If 7 M#
Mr god Mr- F B R. pf
College Statinn left yesferdt)
sen, Dav(a, <tkla. this summer
The skudent* are Rung Eggei
(' L. Kay. Leon Ortega. (Tiarie
Bcggle, and I) E Wiflii
morni tg on a trip to HnstM, Ma
Student, for the camp will come There they will meet their 4augf
from the Oklahoma Texas Arkan
s*4s region of which Gay i* region
a! tieaaurer He is also a memter
of the regional
(.ay will work with the admin
istrative cemmttte* on student
l M( A work at th.- encampment
S t «> r c your fooilockera,
funtilun* hoUm*hol<l giaala,
ett in »»ur firetiroof, bond-
pil wart-houar for the aum-
m»r Ia'W ratea
makion pn;n
• Rondcxl
• ETrr Pnw.f
3 Muck. S««ilh ef hlie Field
ne Old Highway 4
PHONK 4 4234
tet, Nancy, who rs • stu«tent at
Sidtin* College
Tte-y will vtei’ in Bristol ft>r
thr.-e days aitd visit to attete'l tK.
cofnmetn emebt ballet i^bgrgm
there Friday night Mif* Rgynoki-
will (•articipHte xn the pi.frank
After the iwogtam, th«y will
h.aim their daughter wNth q huth
ii«v party at the General pfUtHby 1
Mi«s Cynthig Karr amt Miss!
Ma i> Jane Mugaen wil retuRl with ;
the Reynolds and will pna Mix,
Yvonne Kahn of H.urstoil Mi-
Jtoi.' Yancey .d tern Antorao, and
Miss Mary loti Sneed of -Austin!
fur a visit hefe with Mito R#> ‘ t
Mia Kahn apd Miss Y'an^ey are
also slufienUt « Sullins
Saturday evening in hollor of Miss
lanet Robertson ami John Taber
Shelton t>v Mr and Mrs Rnhanl
E Callender "f 2<V< l>ee. College
Mi*. Robertson and Shelton arc
to tw married at 7 Hi t» m Satur-
lay May 27, at the First Baptist
Church in Gonzales
Mis* Robertson i* the da ugh
ter of Mr and Mr* Harper Walter
Robertson of Gonzales and Mr
Shelton i* the son of Mrs. J ark
Shelton and the late Jack Shelton,
Sr., formerly of College Statian
l{i<‘h«ml*on Forma
kiuuni* Biill Club
!*« Richardson is calling for l
player* to form the K warns base
baP team which has two games
The steering .-»mmittee for the scheduled with the Rotary squad
outing consist* <|f J<te Dillard for The first game is tentatively set
the Jaycee*. I.yyin I'lanagan for fog Memorial Da) Mav ‘tfl under
the Kiwanis Club: John W Coffin th# light* in Sport* Park in Bryan
for the I.ion* ( lub, told Rev A T With the second game dae to come
Dyal for the Rotary Club. off between June 7and 10
A prenuptial dinner wa* given a Pa HTMKNT ri RNiri Rt si r*s»«#s6i»
Dr. ('arlton R. 1^
20.1 S Main street
Call 2 IM',2 for Aplpx'dtimnt
(ji\i<* (Jiib*
Ju in* Pi< , nir
A "Big 4 Outing* comprising
member*, famiheg »b<1 gue«t* of
Bryan-College Stgtion iemlmg civ
ic clubs, will te Held at 7 (*• p m
.lurie ti at the Grave on the \AM
College ( ampu«
StHmsonng the o.Jting a»>■ the
Bryan Junior < tamper of Cofn*
merce and the KfWHrtis, Lions and
Rotary Club*
Each organization 'will puf on
a 10 minute p" irrat»v foilowe.1 by
a general recreation peruwi A l«r-
tecue s>ip|s*r will te serve.1 Tick
et agents will te announced later
pnr*. Apt A 7 ?. ('oite(S Vw*
3 W’HBKL TRAI1KR Trsil»r Area I C «
Url Wi»pn
IM)t BI.K I'NIT prsCWh wnti twu sear*
>>a«lsn lieasm sief rv'Dfpestur
IITZ Su Tsasa It? *» Mrun
n*r1*s l>n»* •vto.laga
2# V Off
. on# Ne4e I • (toe Os' •( tto
R—r* ~ f
114 * WMto Slrxrl
APS RTIIgNT JU* P»fX Avmius iOu« CW
-«» Main rrvm Mortti Osls ) Call
4 &Z34 Mr* W'toS or m#m Sr aftor I
ri)R RENT for .iieMnvr 3 r*om far
ni.hto AparinMni •«i» (aragr .'em
ItHin* J ?7t* sfl«f «
X Is MsssschiawlU to »le III It) #•>
.ruun4 Sum tu Cslt ? ?T1«
rquuD #
IjUeT Rrosm tollfsM.
1 r»»M 4 I?IX
touato s»4 Onvan
We pay the highest prices for Used Books—
We maintain wholesale and retail lists tho
year round.
Serving Texas Aggies
An* \e haw a
Rent t Hilco floor under
from hr and Uke off the
dirty (old layem of var
nish Euy te operate
sad low rent. It'a duet-
mi ( oBorf Reed
Got a dee| ju«t for YCHL AR|{ie, (blew your wonderful heart),
you will rfred money next Fall, tRd I need YOI'K b<H»kR now.
Bring in W)t'R used books now. and f will give YOI credit when
Dewr Old Dad, (blew hta heart too. because where would YOI' be
if it wefeR't for him, and I would be out of busineM*) given you
money tat next falla BtMika and Suppliee. Then YOI' will
already hRve the booka. with aj*n«linR money for all those
Babes ne*t Fill FRIEND if you pass up this deal YOI aren't
an AGGIE. Why’ A(tGIF>4 are tight, (one way or an.ither),
and fnend this w a real Scotchman’s deal.
“Wkg ttol inkers Take
Yea ibea I Am Aa
(This Ad By H. L Griffith!
Not a "Steoft” Sock .. but a
Comfort Sock ... 1 outer
leg length make* them "Hi"
etuHsgb to cower up Mxe Uf
below the troueew . . , "Lr
enough for C-O-O-L Comfort
...for Sport or Cteual Wear
... There te ea later tor—
“Hi-Lo" leg length Sock for
every occaakm.
•k# u 1 to* oe
H gee Free era new wM Hie
. AiotatA (•.<«•• ...
_ amciimv Hiirtnv 1
_ an< e*e Mg moc
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