The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 24, 1950, Image 3

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' £ / /Al
W- •/ /• -
Ag All-Conference Baseball
Choices "Stars of the Week'
A* the •porta artoe ol A4M
nmm- to • HiM, Umf IttUli—
Mport* Staff ttym for ila final
“Stacr of tKa tW thru*- Ca
det KaaebalWn who won placed
on the all S^t aquad Thi« «o-
lection wm abo proiaptcd hy the
p*'rf<>rmanee« rtf thewr Afffiea in
the final fame* of the aeaann.
Tat Hubert, who finiahed the
maaon with a (-1 mcord. on the
m.HJwd, Whlljr Moon, who «aa one
of th«- top Witter* in the conference
a* well aa an '>uUUnditif field* r;
and bat but not leant. Guy Wal
lace, the only repeater of the three
to make the all RWC aelectionn aa
h« «ae again placed m thr abort
slot, formed fhr final “Stdr*
W*-ek" aelectktna.
PHC. dad lead the
d 'UblHi with ae\
A never
by H«on will ,
eloae af laat »eaa>n when We homwr
ed ia the aeve^th mmnf to •rwre
the Anrtep only nm dunnt the fi
nal irnroe againe’ th* Orange and
th ae\ei^ Ihinng the iiimmer mon
to bo fdrgrAten moment Ma»n will clobber the »pher
Hit p hahlv V at Okr Alpine, but will probably r
eomc a
M, his
•top all
oerurrpd eiu
kinat the Tex a*
Hubert'a orfy
the final aeries agai
1 oKghorna, bwt hr fmiahod thr
hWC rape with the beat won lost
He boasts a rocord of five win*
against one loss
A native of Hiviera. the winior
hurier finiahed laat aeaa«»n all eveh
with two wins and two Inaaea. He.
will play aenii pro ball thi* com
ing summer with the Sinton nine
Although Hubert do** not boant
a high hatting average, h* doea
g* t hi* share and would have m»,re
but he srema lacking in *fH*od
Moon Kullftlled I’rediciion*
Morwt fullfilled all the pM>dietH>n*
of the rryatal hull lbr« reason with
hi* t<«p notch performance, at the
plat* and in the field. Not only
did moon finish the mwumoi bptting
well over 'tlai hut He held dne nf
thr highest total* of run* batted hi
» rth U
He scored \.1 runp during the
»<oh*o!v, ,ind had an almost p*ife<t
fielding record. Th* Bay, ^ihan
•a* piv<durt hit *te;«dily through
the yeai and in th< final gam**
* against the Steer*, he collected
three hit* for e(ght tmies at bat
y ane i
to Ruaaell May*
I hiring the summer month*,
ill clobbei the *phere for
Alpine, but will probably return
t fall to *tar on hi* final and
heat season with the Cadet nine.
Wallace Repeat Hi g
In repeating a* an all rogfenenre
•electee, Wallace had to oveppdpte a
chipped ankle bone and an I
eye to finish the season witl
average at the piste of :tW
regular top fielding average, and
•coring It run*
laud year a* a sophomore, when
he wg* neledted to the all confer-
flue*- bine, Wallace had clouted the
ball at a S9t flia, held a fielding
rveatage of 97%, and topped the
With 11 stolen baae* He
also choaen to the District <>
NO A A all star teani
Ft Worth. T«U« May 2V- He too wiil play at Alpine thi*
(.4*) Entne* a the 115,000 ' ,u ' mn * ,r
Colonial National inMtatw»n
Golf Tournament
the :id already Iff* /* / > g |p -•
Mailer of Greens to W in
Fifard of < levelabtd; Normas tton
Nahi nf Sydhey, Uuatralia. Pete Dallas, I4a> 21 t* 1 Sectional
Cm.per of Ponte v*ulra. Ra , Jen , |lia |,f Vl ng round* for th.
Hogan of Herary, |*a.. By run Mel
White lltchir^ then for the T«x
ana waa Murray lW»ll. who gave «p
CNICT Entries
Arriving With 8
Of 36 Received 5rS
4 \
Upsets Hit Leagues
Baaed Oa AP
In the National
were aeorwd aa a result af three
hits, a walk, and a Bigve throwing
Rush jk-hi va Bai.khebd
St Uhiis at New “ *
(1 11 v*. Kennedy
Ih>wn in Phitadplphia. Wally FttbNigk nt
Westlake homered' In the eighth i 4night t Queen (1
inning with thg/ tw*e* lawdtd, | (Ml tra. Johnson t9W<
breaking up a acowbe** pitching m
duel between Bill WrlWw^fcl and'
Rum Meyer The Pltashurgh ft- Neb York. May Ed’ ■*<* Amer
rates went qh to shut nut the Phil wan League stai
adel|>bia Phillie*. rt-g.
. ■ New York
Aaenraa League j Detnit
t*M'» |'aul Lewfcg aheb* Ida keel* la RMT’a Val Jar Walker and
2« yard high hurdles event wgieh waa
b> lAming ia Ike HNYC Track Meet laming will be rMniM| I
the fenges le* th* ewafereoCe agabisl the Kig Seven in the
uled aigrt at Dallas. June L between the two conference*.
at H* <1
Qualifying for Open Slated;
•on of li. aa«A<. Teg. Raymond
(•affofd and Hairy Tddd of ibUlae
Ckyton Heafneb af Charlatte, N
C.. th»- def.ndmg rhat'ipion. yrited
last night and drill play in* par
tr. 't?v—To 7.i)<h vH Colonial Ootm-
try < lub cour*.' t'<Liy
Davy DougUt* ,of Newark. fW.,
»nd Toney IVtn:* of Cincinnati ai<-
du. to amve b»d4y
M >nt of the field will b. cam-
plet.d by tonight When all the oti■
tn.** who play.'d in the Weftpm
»tp.ii nt Lot Angeles g»'t trt town
One •ub.'.t tutifn w.U <umour»i<d
-*lerdav I*huI O le-ary of gt*
N D will replace Erie Mo> -
tf of I’ekiti. Ill tgonti waa in an
Ba ItuIion
set tin s
HKD. M24, l*id Page S
autonmbil* atv ■k ''t in West Vir
ginia and «U-> upderwent an emer
gen. y appendecwtmy antt >*111 b«
unable to compete her* .
H (nanm o d V'loi Vida figured in
an incident that! racked the- jF'lf
world in ! MH x< Harlingen #br-
iiig the R o tii bode VhUey (kp. ti
thc-ee two exchahK , 'd Wo** <m the •
in an orgtini
Th. diapuj.
ment t>ver rule* of
wap quickly set
Op.n (»olf Tournament will kw
held at Colonial Country Hub in
Port Worth May 29 with 42 en
trie*. A L. Exline, member nf the
Sectional Affair' Committee of the
fluted .State* Golf Association, an-
pouaeed yesterday
There will h* 2** professional*
and 17 amateur* *n.l among them
will W s mimlwM of the star* who
will play with we* k in the ll r >,00o
Colonial NHti«»na! Invitation Tour
nament in Port Worth Jimmie lie
marvt. Skip Alexander, Norman
Von i NWia and others will post
qualifying more*
Fifteen place* (SikP five wltei-
nate* will go to tne qualifying at
Fort Worth, the h gh numlier com
ing b«-<auae of the (Uirticipation of
the tounng pro* who will he in the
Colonial tourney.
The qualifying will i» d*< hole*.
IV national open will lie at the
Marion Golf (Tub at Ardmore
Jung N 9, lu
11 M * I IOVII* 4IIIN STU,,,
^ash for used
A kuygr tram tha lorgait book cfoaring bows* will b# on bond to pu^haia
nil kinds of colltf# toxtbookt
Ardmorp. Pa, ktav 24
The man who cart ma*ter *h»
green* will win tV NHh Aimua,
T’ 8 ()|N* n (».df rhampi*t«hij |
over the kictoru Mermn Golf Clut
At lewgi that'* the opiniMi a:
Fred Aultm, 44-yOaf-old Menm
pn. and quite a *tud> nt of t h .
game The |>.6P4 yard conrg. h<
<ay*. i» Ian exannhati. n in k< If'
“If ydi hit ynir «h.»t* , weP
youll do well If you dordt lilt
well ma) nhe Logd help y4u
Austin didn’t wapt to he guotei
on picking on. ownpetitor ov*t
another hut *aid that stritlly nr
pact perA.rmance Jimmy lotnarf*
of 0)ai, ( altf.. ha* the ohotS tha'
fit the Merton cur**
■'Now I'm not pinking Demaret,’
Austin *btd
“If Hen Hogan i* in top t»hy*i
cal »hai>a he can win it all Ho
gan i* a ma*L>‘i of all >k<>ta Am
■ Wvo't ertgiH out defending Lamp
ion < ary M ddlecoff The* there n
always dammy Snead No. i don'i
want p. b. put oq a «| «t tp ptri
a winner.
liogam w no *utlerec| neap fat
irjune* |r an auttimohilrt ao i<h-ig
atavut a yar ago cettam
he th*- Hrtr timental favont
ha* be* n the que*t on men «mer
Barttam Ben return d to thd link!
his open < ham <•* pivot .m hki teg*
NA ill th^ siand t|p under the T
hoi# gripd especially the P huh
final daj « play?
Ilig Ten Tael
U ilh Pacific
(hi RoseltowT:
Chicaf *. M > J4 T*i rti. Big
1-n m^ uvi*. oi drop tb H s.
Bowl fi.S'V.all pact with the Pacifu
Coast iVnferen.'e this Wee|» nd.
The nil rent fivo>|eai how l agree
ment egd* next IS. w Yealfh Day,
and, with mixed sentuperAs ti.e
Big TcB athletic fathef' Si> ex
pected to .lend. *he»h> f tq renew
it at thlor Mav ku*me** ndret.nga
in Kvai^ton, III . Yhui«<ta> fkrougii
Satu rdaf
d* w
CtMdl Foo
l earn l inislies
Early irainin*!
was 4M>t ^Oosalhle U)
aming but* explained
Sded kta-e);, 11 season
cam <*f 1950-51 endi*<t work
■day after havirK studied
io«.i|y fnndamentala and a few
tew pixy*
Coach Uthel t hafini expressed
regret that it
lold more trai
'hat ai. t xteN
nierferr. .1
Consolidate*! is naw| in a naw
list rut. :n R vahieh r*Mltain* three
former ehampeob* The Tigers have
, aih*<t to capture tl» . l|ampion*hip
>nly tw e ir, distrlrt *7 R
F'.tght lettennen will’strengthen
the I.Mai team, «av»-n who were
starters la't year I ett* rmen re-
Urmng are Billy h'dhard* lid-
tie i, dhne. Hoy. f Kt.g* i-*. Ja. k
Bun h;tiii George J.ihfon, Jerry
i.eigh’ m. Kolan.l Jon«w. aid Bob
W lliam*
A heavy line i« ex(«.*t.<l to hoi
-t. r the Tig-r iffeqs* ( ..ach
i h>ifif f.,«|/ \v i k fqur players
weighing U> I 'Hi |H)l»'dr A '(HtdV
haekfudd i* also figured on*
T?ic I'S'di *< he.Idle
>epl I » Madison* ilk*- Here
Negl 22 Na* »*.*ta- -Here
Sep. 2H M slier -.1 hhee
Ort S ( v pnr*M-l'aiihwnka—
• hi It *saiilhviRe Herr
< 1.1 24 If pen
•hi 27 l»a»lr.>p el hfrr
N.*v .1 Som.rv.Re .There
No* 10 t.rsnx*Here
Nov IT l.e\infKerr
Sni'thville, Has'rop. Somervlle
aid I exii.gton an .all (listnct com
i in vne .vauonai league game*
played yesterday. Johnny Schmitt
Cbiemgo’* southnww and an old
Brooklyn nemesm, buried the CuV
to a 5 to 4 vnetorjr over the Ih«d
gem in Brooklyn
Schmrti allowed only four hit*
and wg* helped hy home run* by
Andy Pafko and Roy Smalley,
both in the sixth inning Smalley's
blow came with one on. Pafko*
amaah. hi* seventh, was a goio Yesterday m tha American 1 Washington
Ralph Branca, making hia third Leggy* the Washington Senator* Boatdh
start for Brooklyn, wan replaced hroka loom- with an ei(rf»t-run. *4 lev«4and
hy Rex Barney in the sevfntk i«n- sever kit bai rage in tha matji inn- St Igmis
mg after giving upall of Chirago'* inC lo » urpf- * the DHroit Tiger* Philadelphia
run. Btanea. who won 21 game* i^himl SUd Hudson's eight-hit Ch*o*<>
for the Brook* in 1947. ha* yet to , pitching
Detroit's starting pitrher Fred-
dir Hutchinson had » (our-hit
shut-out going into the disastrous
runth whuh saw the Senators maul
him and aucreasor* Hal White and
Paul Calvert.
Two Washington homprs featur
ed 'hat ninth-inning uprising as
Eddie Yoat and (ill fDan. the first
two men to face ( alvert, homored
successively It was N»x k (or each
The losa dropped the aecond-
place Tigers three full game* tw-
hmd the Amerioar League Sew
York V ftnkbas who open a two-
game sene* here t.alay
Taking a »urn for the hest, the
St Ismb Browns Uhmd lh, (.Wir
hit hurling of Al W id mar came up
*che<h»led >, 7 to 1 victory over < ori-
hurl a crimplete game this
son Hia record ia now 11, Srhmitl
it 3-2.
Chicago scored twice in the
fourth inmig After Phil (>var-
retta singled to center. Pafko
whipped a double m*ide the lefl
’ l«ne «conng Cavam tt* Pbfk" nxle
home on Hank SauerN nngle
Br.M.klyn regained on# run in
it* half of the fourth on a walk
to Billy Cox and Jimmy Bussell’*
The Cub*, twhnai Pafko and
Smalley’s homers, opened up a
... , . . .* | , 5-1 lead in the sixth
After h brink two and 0M-1 jhe Ii.*dg»t-* .came back w*th
inlf WH>k training |lrnod the three in the sixth, but they fell
\AiVf Conaolkiattd football short.
At New Yoik the
night sram. Ia>twe«*n the New York
(iianti and the St, ls»ui» t anim
als WW' |a»s'|amed Imcaua* of wet
Other game* played la*t night
ssdde to National league mclud.-d th
(‘’tncmnati R«Mts' win over the Bos
ton Brave*, H-2 as the seldom win
ning» rushed across four run*
in the seventh inning The runs
1^ Mot la to Meet
Gra/iano for Tillt
m.- M (ck’» Phdad.’lpItiM Athletic*
la't night in St 1>UH*
Merchants Rap
Phillips 66.7-2
Monday nt^ht m Sue Har
well Park the (Mltfge Station
V-venTthough thy Big TVn has Merchants ra| |d»d the Philh|ia
New York. May 24 •V 1 ' Jake
i.aM.<lta signed yest#rd*y to de
fend hi* middleweight title against
ex-champ K<«ky Gr*siaoo, a hoy
hood pal. in a 15-rouad bout June
2* at the polo ground*
Both IjiMotta and Gra/iano
signed persimally. without benefit I
nf managers, hs the International
Boxing Club bypassed the New
j York Roxiug Managers Guild
1 be Guild and IB< are warring
lover terms of a new ladio-trlevi-,
sion contract Guild members sro
not supposed to sign for fights
after May 31, exp ratier date of'
thr current lelev*,. agreement
Th,- title bout will not i*e televised
It turned >ut the fighters sign
ed about two \««.k« ago for ai
June 1 1 .late but the fight wb*
moved Kaik two weeks t" giv< |
Rocky more time to get read)
Each fighter will get 20 pet-
rent of the gale If Graiiano wins
he must give Jake a return bout
within 'JO day* under th*- ««me
30-30 split
It will t>e la»Motta's first de
fense of the crown he won from
the late Marcel Gerdan of France
at lietroit last Jure
New York. May 24-'At
abl< pitchem for today* major
league games (won and lost !*♦*<•■
ords in parent best's |:
American league
Philadelphia at Clncafo Fow
ler (0-1) r*. Gumpert (0-3) or
Haefner (1-3)
Boston at St Louis (night i —
Parnell (4-2> v* Gamer (2-3l
Ne» York at Dutroit- Byrne
41 itli v». Houtteman t5-2».
VA ashmgton at ('lev*lan«l (Bight I
Nagy (2-1) vs Wyr*i (3-t)
National I>eague
i incinnati at R .strtn I night i-
Blackwell i2 3l or Haffensherger
i I D i vs. S'pahn I 4-4).
( hn ago a' Br.M.klyn (night!
( afrlrriii
No Parking Problems
We Carry Your (Tray
College Station RepreHentative—
For Style... Smartness... and Comfort, too!
swlept |h four straight b<|b! tri-
unlph* g\er the Paiifie |,>. a ,imn-
pidns. dime cenffnence leadens «rd
far frvdi satisfied with tty post*
season rlassic
CnUd*m ha* range,! fjom ai
outspokrn disdagi for thd wh<4«
project by President J L Morn I
of Minnesota to bomplamls met
the Bid Ten « tkre*- ve*r restru*
turn Ad a re*nr* apitearabce and
ticket bllocationa
Mhea the curgent pact gas ap*
proved in Novdmber li*4d, the
vote uboff.cially wa« r*pdrte,i t«
be 7 ty 2. Mmngs<>ta sad Illttudl
casting the negalive bailoth Im»»
ically, |ltmois whin the 1914 k. |-
title and appeared at Pasgdena t*
trim Of LA. tS* IJ in the P.'Lt
laiwt iaauguial
Ho\ SrouN to Haw*
Shi in ini ScIiimiI
(>6 wcjuail of Bryar for five
hit* to defeat th** Bryanitett.
<utl Holland. M-bhanf lift
fteide r was th. ktadine hitter of
th. dxv c, lle. ting a Angle, s dou
ble. and a triple fin four trips to
the plate w hje te*miTa'es' George
Rogeis and A F Denton e*eh Col-
ieeted a double a.«l a single
The Mseehnnt's big mmng wa«
the third when they' ran a< ro*<
five tuns on four hits, a walk, and
ae error
H Wmdei star*ed on the mound
for the winners and held the losers
at t«ay until he wa* lelieved m the
fourth by Don ftmiley of AA'!
< 'iin«,.!blate<l
Curt Holland took over the pitch
ing duties in the fifth mnmg. gave
up seve*’ walks Uj| struck out six
it; the- final two iunlijirs
The lowers maip throat came in
the top of the dxth frame wh*n
they loaded the bases with none
away hut manage,! te> score only
one i urn
To tool /44f fifht.. a T-iAirt
must bo make right That's wfcy
Bet* Aaaaca are so popular The Rais
label is y«4r asauraare of high
qualitv Mlrrial sad »»ikmabMdp...oi
top value for your money NwdU with
■lack* or akorts. You'll want
two ,g throe to give tour * putts
wurdruU b irpeitouc.
f aoml hamNdw IBk
Bsbauio Bbi4. I >pe
Ton. Aon Ydlog, Rwt
Ora, MhuI ler*ea
1 "Serving Texas Aggies
A tWimnimg *e-b«-'l mllibe on
durted at the Bi)an Gouty) Cltb
pool for Boy S<mut* of thg Br\*r __ “ .
diairv t on June 5, (l, 7, and h T *. | lo^ail \X II1N AHaFCI
school will be conducted 'from P “ 1
•J'ArXXJri'ni K,,r <; ° lf Comeback
the te-heduled moeting tity*. * New Yeirk. 244 -The
Seout* who bre nori-sbnmmogx Sportsmanship Brotherhood
YOU Ye ill
will b« taught t" swug, hgg'nnefs
will !>« instru, tnd in thy '^mauty
and (ifi saving merit ba.tyt woti
Ma> 1
ected golfer Bef Hogan last night
foi it* annual award given for
outstanding athjgtie achiev.-mnut
^ .'5'
•0 OwvesM a», Air
JO OwooM Cwwwltbe,
The bmarteet cbti in the low-priced field — the only
ones to offer automatic trananuasion and 106 H P.
Bryan Texas
i E - IF
uitli I
Have those clothen cleaned
projierly. Our nervicea will
really j)lea«e you.
— Alao —
—Prompt IVk-up A Delivery—
North Gata
Phone 4-4554
In a wide va/iefy oi colon
See fair nmart a.w<*rtnaent of
S|M»rt ShirU Available now
colom or fancy | >attema.
$l.fS to $4J5
in plain
/ A
' 1
‘Your Clothing Store"
P v\ /
103 N. Main St
» X