* Battalion Editorials WEDNESDAY, MAY 24. 1950 From Veterans to a Grateful Nation, Thanks... With thU froduatin? class, the bulk of veteran enrollment here kt A AM paaeef beyond college fate* into the world of makmir a living This is true throughout the nation—the last of the large veteran Haases m graduating. Four year* ago this nation’s demobili zation program was at its peak Divisions «f soldiers were discharged daily, and ships were being decofnimssioned rg^it and left The war was over, and the boys were being brought hofne. A grateful nation. rtfltcDag its grat itude through (''Onfreaaional passage of Public iaiw 316. the lil Bill, prov ided edu cational benefits to its ft>rmer servu*emen on an unprecedented iwale B, were sub sistence allowances—first. $6f> a month; later raised to J7.V Bv the millions veterans of World War 11 aist many fr«sn Wut couldn't afford. The GI Kill made it pmaibie for them to pursue a college edu cation For others, the GI Bill made the wgy through college a lot easier The foresight demonstrated by men who were instrumental in gaining pas sage of the GI Bill will be praised by gen erations to ceme. The GJ Bill has raised the educational level of men within the veteran ages far above what it would have been had there been no war, or no GI Bill. To the grateful nation who has sup- ported and past for the GI Bill, those of us who have attended college under its directions offer a sincere. ‘Thanks ” We are now prepared for a better p years One is his hope that hi* election will be taken in Washington as at least “one small protest^ against some current trends. The other is his hope that it may be the beginning of a two-party system in Texas We hope, though, that he does not n^ean all that may *eem to l»e implied by his Cufther declaration. “I’m not going to vote ReptThtwww ur l^gjocratic—I'm gi- / ing to vote Panhandle’* As an avowal of indppem|inee that; is fine; but as a perhaps unoofcpihu* ex- prenaion of localism it ia dangefo*. T(«> many other representative and senators already ‘have been votinfh with easy disregard of the inten>sts of tlwfjm- teve. or Chippewa Falls , * Thu* can gnuHint in the aggregate t<> a very insidious and injurious “pan-handl ing" at the expense of vital national un dertakings. As manifested not nnl> in the reeent fivers and harbor> bill but in other sectnetal legislation, the argument to ‘‘keap monev at home’* can result in l*>opdoggling while the work) burns We hope the gentleman from Texas wil not merely *\<»te Panhandle," hut- trite though it may sound — will vile Arnincan. and will an occasion even vote as (if the Amrki- were his constitm’ncy (whuh. in a measure, it isl.—The Christ ian Science Moniter. On Rohliv Hats anil a bnalitinnGmernmcnt "hen Winatoo Churchill declared he dal not intend to preaule over the liquida tion of the BnUsh empire he may have men tfeta coming and got out. The Brit- tah (toUceman we learn, is on the verge of giving up his heilrnetl It is a* thinkable that American bobbv Roxem should give up their Sinatras as that the BfiUah jieople ahould give up their bobby hata Yet it i* re|>orted (can it be “feliably*”) that police officers are steal ing home and uiataira to study themselves unobaerved (a« feunthome did) m aston ished mirrors The image that replies to them from the glass is that of a British policeman in a natty, shall we even hay “chic," (teak cap Mr Attlee ahould want to do some thing about this Or'at any rate J)ir St^f- fnrd Cnp|», who has the dollar tAtortagc so much on hia mind In an era when American tourists gre expected to spend their millions in Britain can British au- thdrities permit the (Miliceman s helmet - an SA-yeur-akl institution—to vanish'’ As well remove the lions from Trafalgar Square, or more appositely the dome from St, Paul’s, as to banish the bonnet which “apt the world ablaze m good K^ueen Vic toria's) glorious days" and on which thr sun of official fashion has never since set Perh*|w we have here the issuo on which Messrs Attlee and Churchill can establish a qoalition government — The Christian Science Moniter. The Battalion "SoUttr, Ststtima*, km^btly Gnufmew” Lawrence Sullivan Rota, Founder of Aggge Tradition* to*. Owriwis srrtM m c«s—i swhh t«m«. •»< Sk* 4*t W 0»—riw W IkMfe X XJ... —i Mrfnoei or The Aaaocuted Preaa BILL BILLINGSLEY, C. C. MUNROE as**aa U MP*- D*w CosIsXt - - - j xSHB((^Bm«uslaAwa«saa*issrti*ssS^wissss*wwwwaasss*sswwwssiMsswia«te^^L John Whltmorv. L. 6 TWdt. Dsas Retd. Otto Ksms' |:T \ eteran s Pay ; Regulations (.handed by \ A A recent change in the mr ter(>retaUon of \ A regular turns govertmg the ex|rei* sum sumnvr acsMhn". ha$ been rsceiv’fd by Taylor W ih kin*, v t-V i a .f julvinor. “Single kihamtr *4»**n>n’' now mi * ns thi- «Wi»»l«- nf th«- «u i|i ling petlod nf infltruction, wiihnul ri lf«rd to #ny .Jj' isiim of mi tw nunfc Ity ilr uliliitton f 'f Hiimini*tr *1 n «| A oth«r pt|rn»W'. Wrlkids soul. T)f shov c ntcrpM-tHinn nt, ;i|g that a vet If I #1 *ho «-n»oll* fn| tni first nutnnn-r m mnst^r only ar*i (I«h-s not hh\f n rmn-ll as II Uatg of ••tiKihilit., r<-mamiiH' whin f|s- U kgn> in hi* .■ r, will »< p*i i only f if the tin’* h,- hap rl- Lpttei TH* AasoeisUd Press is entitled sadwively to the ties for m ubiiratinn of tredRed Is tt sr sot othsnriss crednsd in the paper end local sew* of *t >d hereta Righte ef repobiieeUeei of sll ether ft. otw herein ere alee reserved. News ssstrlhstiess awy he Vhde by telephone U-M441 or St the idtlertBl office. Room 101. 'Joedwtn Hell Cleeetfled eda way he ptMed by tet^heue l4-hSS4) er at the Stoudeat Aetieitise i Hi , T Today . Issuo New* Eitkav Frwiik V Mar *j—*y . Vdlker - * ■ ■ - ^ T - T f- f " ■ Sort rteStar HVu SeS 'iMeefeeae tier*** Me>uee* OMee* IWSee. T,«e See*i«« lUeeemi *—*iee W*l*e» TeneJMcU. J«e* fes*e» Sw' Tem. KeeaetS WiasSW... • .^hNM *t|W Mr ' *e»e < t*m> CHitenea Weeee Dee% BIB VlnaseS. Use «nswe« : net** smsi matmng wh» ». a* in the past if t v*teian ha- I*,'!*' iih) tiv, i h alf » th* temestei 1 He W out. 1 he pi, iid t entire aerne iter This inti ! ation :cl**i ie* a -*• that thi,n n \, t* ran v '*1 i it 4ii\ * , f , !| W y r,Mt;tinine •* 1 Ju !)•* •. I'l „ , .■in • f t. ■ d both *'nn i‘r Nt-r q,*'. r« lie.' tt ” ',"1 Hit! T \ t* ntn< b h. > V, ! ! j.,,t Iv i 11 * g at A A U titi il'g th , III T i HI Week' M. a in pr, «S ‘*lM.re *>11 l»"**m HU (J..O twit And , .* 'ipb I i, ' ha* gy 1. Ill i ho -a * 1 s t , run* wb*> 1 *’ Chang* th 4r pia< «■ ”f t »*:t ib'ng at ' tie end tf 1 \ p*iNehl *”m .At.-. stioi u|d r»q>* rt a ll n ake ,,p)»tn 4t’ n Or a new ( e ifliata nf i; ^gd ilrty T \ eteran* w hi I plM rt t*i 1 bar 'i* course* *t »i *RemlB* «r.> o, •e.-.-.r*»i o a-i *n--Mt : eeetii csn«'. a»'»« ti.*** »'»• m»r ie» *AMlu wl »»rS rnoogh M nl gat M to Mial.w all \Mrk»r< "* <•»,* 4>i i tn t» |S< rrg r lw »n U> IS* -S- t>)i a p m Krie*, tel T t Lr^ut. T-wrt* I #-k, •■•rMl t**C - 4»n>t l^-tck n» It*.to*, e*4 >*» l.irl' Air Force Reorganization Closes Out 12th Air Force Twelfth Air Force Headquarter* reorfahiaation, ie d< signed Antonio, Tex-; rreew end etlengthen sir < rapebtpttee. and to make si — tlh K\v jnore effectire training fobtarttral* rhed to Mdr eupport of ground tPOOpa '' xi ^ iu r The pies mil aiao gixe the four / /f '• y. * T1 m Washington, May 14 vfv The Air Foree today anwoonsed a major at Brooks Field. San A rrorgannation that will rut from as, wifi he closed eti to four the number of ita re gional air fdrrea. The plaa, to hr earned oat with in the next law the air defens will make the Continental Air Com States formerly m the ttth Force Diet net will be attar hod the 14th District which This Maron, <>a etatea to be trsaa- t Rahiss Field near p^ghmaf^dr farree aimlftv for auarnia maad directly responsible for the Uutatana, Texas, New Mexico, ()k n * 0 r " n air defetMc of the UsRsd States lahoma and Arkansas eliminates k.^quarter* Macaa^ frrred to the (All Mtam to the Mitpr *4Irk »r* •!«<>»* I>» • »tu**ril or MW**”?** *r th* uhl which 4* no* loniua oh arwi* of Uhetou* mu*rtat eiH b* pub UatMMl wwhMt* to ha>* ’ artMm mkI u *m nsmo* will eut vilhout (h* <«#*•* of th* vrttw b* *tirg *ti«ff pf thv rollege howpRal if»r the #ervimm(rnded Many thank* to mf fiiSnd* and acquaintance* for «howisg their tonrern on er my welfare' by thr- tuany i*!ir and viaipi. TNtey im- I'art.q chi-er along tHe w4> of re- tovery 1 am truly graldful John I* Hhowmaker IdMii (Wfi<*4 fc StiiNK i >|M*n for SiinitiuT The loan office of the A**ocia (son of Former Stmleftt# will op erate during the cuStmer asasion thm >e ir, arroithng te I.. |l laickc, * blatant aertetary of th** a**ooa (ion The offtie, however, doesn’t t'Nja-cl much activity dutfng that |x rhai, I .M-ki »*id l^ian interview* will be con- tluct'd in R<*>m IB4, Adimniatra- t’f tiod and hi* Mghu*eu*4e**, an*l hll th<«. thing* *t’*l b* arltied tirfto you. Matthdw (s Hd ... — r- —*— -w \WO| NUM. I.OVF.n Sain*' ■<*< **11—*llf h* Matt-mei AS a*r*t*e Im . at Mew Tart OMp Co-Editors Managing Editor . Pasture Editor . _ Spor’a Editor . News Editors CRYSTAL — I HI KSDAY A IBID AY The Most TanM ThriMer of Them All! ■wiiirf j+r - mm. Y-—^ TARZANSV/ MAGIC im FOUNTAIN V/ lex barker .dm an he mirgan the Fth and 12th Air P The Fth quartcre ton. Va., _ , . Tactical Air Porre and maewd to in the area east of the pope Field. N.c. This headquar Hosntoin sfapas. trra will become the operational tne ina Air rorcce th Air Force, with head at Langley Field. Hamp will be renamed the Wh Interreptcf Wing* The fcaatera Air Defense Force will be assigned ell glterrepter fighter and all-weather fighter ing the Air Reserve, Uunal Guard, the Air thy Civil Air Patrol P W 1 ’; and ttam-, Kivd-4 field forte of the Tactical Air Com mand. The Tactical Air Command will remain at Langley Field and wilt operate fighter bamber sad troop rarnero unit* assigned from Con tiaental Air'Command. K as tern Air IVfenae Headquar tern at Mitchell Field will aian he resuonsihie for radar inatallationa and air defenae control center* in the continental area east of the 103rd meridian The meridian runs through Nebraska, Kaatern Colo rad<> and Texas. The Western Air Defenae Force will similarly direct control over base* and radar atatmna in the area from the Rocky Mountains U> the Pacific Coast Western Air Defenae Khartoum, the Sudaa- Thet w, ** , cvn Air IVfenae Kotre has' Britiah-run Sudaneae government “» ^dfluv/tero SI HamilU^ field •ding t'i.MXMKKI to apaed up The Air Force aald thi* idtemal Flavor t#IU why It's to popular British to Civilize Surlaneide NutiveN The I* * pending $2,HOO.lKX> to *peekeaman say* that th, achemc to make some 2i*».niHi ZaZd« a a«-|f auffirient "may provide th, an«wer for the econo- mu and wwial development of aim- j , . # darly placed tribe* ot the AfrtowJ ° r .^ r , rned Hah’ wa» r^med a* sup-1 ennten'icnt ,»f «wine cehihit* while) Vt M Warren will head the quar- ttrhrtrae department A L Smith will lie in chatg, of the Junior Steer Show ami Junior| AH Prof* Yimr STAKTS TODAY ga-.?! kettle ... J MzZ! '■ QUEEN HELD OVER... T»0 MORE DAYS Iwpl Ic 8mW| Ihl LAST DAY FIRST RCN —Feature* Sun- 2 'Ml • 4:00 - 4:00 8 00 ajHl P0Nm-4UFS0b 'jHFOMtt REDHEAD - Plus - DONALD DICK CARTOON NEWS THI BS. - FVL - HAT. FIRST RTN - Feature* Start 2:00 - 4 (¥1 - 6:00 8:(J0 1(I;00 T ON IT E Sktm—l-M - »:H,I ' 4 LI CRY LICENSE NIGHT aS $125 TWO LK'ENHEB "ILL BK SKI .FA TED M1K $60 EACH -