City Of College SUtion Offlciml Newspaper 1 I \ I ■ \ 1 \r U, Nation’m Top (Ollegiate Doily NAS 1949 Survey PI BUSHED Ei THE COLLEGE STATION 7A K >r Seniors Silver ! For Nen Gift Th« Senior Cltw >♦ vr-^\ voted U> buy a nilvtr neVvice for the Motional Stodent tVntem ait iU t'laac A previoUb decuiioo to fbmiih a '1**n»r»tiv* fountain for |hr (jrntHr »M #h#i thf rBtl#l«Ud rout for thr pr„ir<1 ,>Ih4hI «t 9MM. Tto* gift wn» e Uhlantjotf, rkairatlin nf th«* rift oonmutun-. rrinirt^l oli t toll mat*-•> for thr town DUevail tM|# Sia<, tha rU»' funlr ae- not •‘tiffirimt to Un4»*rvt ritr < on^triM- tloR of thf foiiatant. thf cl<>'ItfhnMf ili« »ilvtT arrvu» All iltHf* of dw >orv,c* pur ■ hanfd >»ith t In’,* of ’50 fWlulr will hr fufravtol, ohU-talorf Mil They will bf nt>tl at fvo-||tiona, f tha- M.'M’. 4tark a>lJrf'»o|r Kift Miffwtiirit Thi' fountain wa» |tlann4l f«>r •••>w>tru4tion in th« patio df thf itfW hufhitnir Hoarvfr, to, thf drtii[ii of tiia fountain it har- mofty aTth that of thf arw build inf, tha ronatna tion .ttt tiouW lif klaoii th.ltai Thf »^ft coinnnUff rftiorttii th«- rfHiit* pf ita i<« inif«tlrata)ii t«' thf riaat at vontf ftlai s nifaSulK COLLEGE or a cit la ra a*m Ty. HAT 21, 1960 V • ' : { F Number 156: Volume 49 Price: Summer Session Entertainment Set .vl 1 *' Hr hKN HU.t.lNS with th# airaptioa of Saturday ni(hta, Sunday* and arhooi bait itay* Tha ft p**r U> tboaa who rayoy Thraa aponal attrart»«u for ltlyt , h ^ lurnmof aatartairimfnt hava bean W1 i| ^ a oouncwd by C (i • , Splka , ' Whita, t , nnu diraru.r of .tudrat aat.aitiaa , >nik# ^ Marrh# §rt two ^ ftraka and Mart ha, piano duo >u»odinp p>moaal'tia* wha arw naw and dam # taam will appaar Moo- ! on tha ronaari honaon ainco tha j (lay, Junr 1» Tha nmwnal romatly war Thay will praaant a prof ram Km Rito", ia to ba pmaantad Iona of mu*ir in tka hfhtar a*in and 2S 2V with a loramuiuty raat Tha Ufhtar daora nombani ihrap Mivar Sinfara wil apywai « July II All of tki. .ptaialTn **• fcU trrtammatit will ba at tha (Jpova Tha oparattk “Rhi Rita" ia aj Ad mi'Moii to all anlartammarit Wratarn malodrama m two acta at tha va wifi t»a l*y praam-j It waa wrRUn by Harry Tiaruy and I tation of a itodant atdivitia* faa Joa Me artk^amt war a bar am racaipl tolla^a amployaaa and raw whan p,.v \ vii k it iMf- ■- < >.1 , I Tl « - 1 ' k' - •» Waves of Green Film Premiere ToniteinGuion / -mm alao ha admitted Haouiaa atudaot'. only ataff matohart fatuity nwin bam, ami thair familiar will bf •dmittati Kail 1‘roa f a w A fu^ profiam haa hffn plao- na»l for -tha (JroVa thi* aumniar Motriaa will l>r ahown on Mondry, Tuawlay, ami Thurwlay mrhta, with thf a* rapt am of Jurif 12, IS, lit, 2V. and July 1 and II Tharf will !>♦• akatuijt and ;«kr btiit danrinr on Wcdm** for dam*in(r t«i the Affiaiand ( ombo Skatinp baa l*at*n jichaHiulad 1>*t Sunday* For VI h lr I as t*d by Bill Furtiar Tha I iff p Ri»ar Jubilaa yjuart.t will praaant a profram of *ofir IMtavau ha* aniMtuncrd hta raw IK nation from lha Kn«tl»h Ha of tha flaap Sduth, oUl tuna fnvor- * partmrnl. Ha wiR laa*a at thr itaa, ami mtHlpru aonjr* Thf pn irram in< lutian auch toti(fa a* “OM Man Rivor”. ‘’Shoct'nin’ Hrantt”, ''Itown on Thr Lavaa”, amt “Old j Rlark Joa" All progrranta will barm at k i p m but will ha rancfllod in raaa ! of ram and ol Ibf NpnnK M-maaifr Iw bacoma -ata^man for an aircu lif a i ram i nr rompany. In thr K l hr kaa «p«naorad Ibf Axvtc ^yara and thf Axaif Falliaa. Ten Reporters ■; Stranahan Sets Siun for (jimp Pace in British p our Needed \mat«ir Golf / Bf SID ABKRNATHY Tha Taiaa pramiera of ''Wava» of Oraan”, a taclmboior pretura paymr tributa to iaiid-frant col Wfa* of thf 1'iiitad Stataa, will ba bald in (iUioii, Mali tonipht at t< p iiv Produced by tha Itaarbom Mot or* Corporation, tha film tall* tha dramatic atory of tha contribo- tiona of land yrant rollaffas to A mar lean airrn ultura throuirh tha applicatiiHi of aciaiica to farm prob lems. Taya* waa amorif tha aiyht atata* which worn, choaan a* *yta» for tha racordinp of arena a' and actum Tha film ffatura* thf con tributum* of K S MiFaddrn. K»- {wnmaiit Station afronoinmt, in brafdinir ru*t-ra*i*tant variatia* of whaa* adaptalda to thf Southwest. Spacial I’rofraniH Accord!nf to Chancellor Cihb (iilchriat, a p,y>»rani following tba prarnifra will |>ay upw lal tribute For ttw>*a athletically inclined, tbere will la* intramural aofthafl and folley ball taam* aldoy faith <^»an taunt* sod fulf toiffoamanta F not ball*, lia«.|i-,ball* 1 and punch-' HIT ba|M are to Iw available at tha phyweal education office P I*. Dowa Natatonum will Iw •pan daily from 3 p m to !i ttt p m and from 7 p m to !• p m Musial Tops NL Doby Pacing \I> Now York May » St*n MumimI of St I>>uim still roll* along at a 439 clip al- though National League pitcher* cut 28 fx»tnta off hia iaadin* a'erafe dur'ng thf weak Kntarmg th> final staff* of hia fco*t. rn tour, Munial holds a «2 point edge over teammate Jo*- t*ar- afioia, sproml at .'t77 AM fjrures iwlude Sunday’* fames. Musial aim* m top* in total hits, 4't, doutdf*, I I, and i* tie*! with R*< hie Ahhburn of the Phil* and Saw JetRror and Buddy Kerr of Rneton ulth three triple* Mehmd iht two < animal* c<.me* ftick Si#|et of the Pbillie*, 371, with J*t in American l^afue hittinf last wc**k Hi* 4If. average including game* of Sunday w a* foui point* better than PhsladfIphta’* 4’oul le-hner’a 411 Hwtiy. w lio w a* not among (Ba h ad* i* 'la#l Week replaced Maltei Drop, of (ioaton a, the top Dropci dived to m*th ptaci with hi* .’Uh Otbrrs among the top ten wepe fainie Mele R awhington, iHP, thud and Phil K irtuto, New \or|, :t, 7 *tM*MJeave the., name* and keep nghtp on burning until he ** Battalion office m run* into W|l.e Turnewn ia the H f" <,r TT :’ n *' ' ,f semifinal* Friday y *!. r * ^h»h aaul Map signing up a* corrf*y>on Two Students \re Honored By Geologists Stranahan tj victup wa* A C Gibawn. a selfastyle*! weekend g*»4f er, J»b« wa* helpleaa hgftme the faultieas plaf of tha Toledo ace He baxued grgrefullv on the |oth hole, 1i and h, after a deteminted effort that nHted him onff dne haloed hole Two A&M «a< h mrrewpundent Camp fe|)erters will be H*ke.l t«i *en.l in one report each week , on the activitie* at their camp The The American neealed only U Summer Battalion will be *ent tree stroke* four b*** than par, for to camp* having a correwondent the rngteh Wen *ig dent* naad »ivr^ -. > wntidf paper will in- pruvnlwl for logical Society. atudentx wpd- night m *Y * Station, ha* ac4aknpH*hed the first succewaful transfer of tha rust resist ant <|uahtir* •<# feed wheat la the bread wheal*. Hs appear* in the new aio(ian picture, “Mave* of Green." whose Male prv m if re will be shawiy m i • Mon Hall tanight at H. (7)Uon Tour Slalrs \\ ashiimloiGdanada Joseph Named Senior Head ^ell Leader I Ihm Joseph will be the head nenior yell leader for 1950-51 W 1) "F usher” Barneh. junior < lann president, . , . announced al a clam meeting ^ r* B» MID AHFXNAIHY Tunbsa and Ih, k Chapman. mo*t highly raganled of the other t? S entrant*, dal pot play yeatenlav M«.*t of the spectator* wHo were on hand followed dynamite Bt!l | Goodloe of V%ildo*u, Ga He had all kind* of troutdf before Hf di». | posed of Joe Gent g Kaglaml I ; up. on the llth Hill ( amplwll fnim Huntlngtori. j W Va , gairvFd supporter* with a convincing 5, and 3 verdict over John Graham of Scotland Fifty-seven yea, old Francis ♦ «td ahw be left along with the mailing fee. gt the ftta- deat Ad i» Mies effire. s#*oad fW af (.awdam Hall. Blag Hhnk W ins Kish \«roiioniv Lonlrst t' » m ^ G Black from Mena it the | winner >4 the Freshman Agronomy Crop* ('ontrflt. Blai k *. "re«i M4 pomta out of a t*double lpt)U Thia is one of the highest icopaa ever made in the contest al AAM according to J S Mogfond and J. K Ju.Gce of the Agrcmomy DeparUnont (Kher high scorer* m tke con test mrlade P J Shepard, frakam; E Zeach, Magoh; and C. D. Gideon Sulphur Spring* v Medal* weft prwaealad to these winner* by l»ean J R Bart rand These medals were roatnbgted by Firat State ptonk and Tnaat Co.. A M Waktrgp. W 1. D gad Con way and Co F. (1 Erwin, repfedetitinic the (j. 4"gical Departmmit, ind ( K Mn f( nthfiler, r. pr. sentmg th. IVtrol. Jdi Kngioe. ring HFpar* meat, Me*.' ch'da tl a* havirtk th* h» *t a'V t dmn r tidk* by JudgFt of the society Two gther student* ft* m AdM *poke mJ the meeting The)- wefe W C pm< lair trvl A 4. Rslth Kach sgident piywnted 'a tgenty mmulc talk on a >tv hucul l telated t< ir to |M‘til’lrum ••nglt cefmg S«iaie 125 members if thi tety, including Bst area. Were pteaeii'. to h.-at the talk* Era id's subject, "Pra«p*gt* of tiie Jtaii .lujin Ha*in of Newf York ico**. fgvererl in detail thd past • ciplar*|io,i fot oil in thr basin and t>-iiii».-d out favorahlst r.nv- dithms |fou,wl tip re that mlua'. the pungihtlity "f future tM-tpileiiiii dtSCoVeflew Margentholer spoke im vM/ave * Action on Off* hr ire I'nlhng Plgt | fortti*'* Hi* talk wa* cotwerued | with f|< tor* Oiat mirat lid ton - j «ideren of plgt- forai* ft'r drHlitig ofieration*, in the Gulf of Me*ico, ami the pighbrn* that *n emouirtered in h an oparaUgn (Jthef guest* from AAM Were K A Uynch. head of the Geology 1 tepartryieiit, Hatsdd Yadre. iWad of the Petroleum Ksgioeerihg Ip-twit meht; profesaory \A I tprsnell, F K Smith, am! several | idher students Three agronomy *ltio. ni» and a faculty advisor gfii leave Satur day, June 3 on a ftvvfweok Cotton Stpdy Tour that will take them through part* of the United State* and * anada. Dr Lut|er G. Jopes of the Agronomy Department said today Students mak(|lg t)ie trip are Leu Mikeska agruidim) major from Temple, g. At Kabroker. agronomy major fidgi Oenaville, and 1 K Itoenirgi a|Won<>my ma jor from HamtlMn The faculty advisor will Im th Jones; fesgor Joe Mogford of the Agro- nongy Ilepar tihefit Fund* for the tour , are rauwd held last night in the Assembly Hall Joseph'* reinstatement ram* about from a ruling in the student handbook which states that t h« two senior yell leaden are to be elec tod hy the corps, and did not to this outstanding gnentikt and other member* of the AAM staff. A special dinner in Kbiaa Hall will precede the premiere •'Waves of Grew” talk a story that date* back to 1MI when the Mumll Act provided for tlk* es tablishment of at toast one ia* stitution in each state to fuitush higher education in agnrultar* ami industry These institution*, known a* land-grant collegaa, have con tributed heavily to the heitormeat of agriculture in evory section of the country Dearborn Produce* I >ear!>em Motors Corporation got the iriHihration for the film from s Mmech by JoHi A Hannah, president of Michifaa State ('-al lege. Official* of tha company who beard Hannah'* talk on the cop- tnhutiona of laiaJ-grant cuiiegos to the development gf American agriculture, .teenled that the Am i mean prpote should. V tot 4 °f the»e achievenjents which have been accompltahed so auietlynmd efficMntfy that they have gono virtually unnoticed. The first contribution depictad m the film i* the wori of acten- list* of Oregon State Colle' *n saving the state’s orchard 11-.. try from alow *ti anguiatigst due to high transportation coats -lievelop- ment of a giant seed industry ia also attributed to srirntist of the Oregon college extension service. Ml heat Rust Feature the film hard lioltie through the pre*entatlnn of the ^ ^ f annual t'otton Pageant and Bali The first leg of tht* yeai's trip will be a short ony leaving the college Saturday, the group will tour Houston cotton mills and pro cessing plant* and will return Sat urday night Halls- St..g Slated ng the film Halla- where they will visit the ‘ Jiouses of cotton merchantile Sear* atal '-»nger*. Next *<-hedul«d *top of the tour will lie in Mississippi Here the men will in*|»*et the Federal Ex (wriment Station at Greenville Two atop* in Tennessee have . u _ l. ■> been schedulerl for the ouartet inaugurated It! v»§r* ago hy Pro-, Tv ^ n c » i —• / , vvill first viait the National j ('otttm Council and then examine the Tennessee Valley project* Vmit Wa-hingtiMi against the ravage* of wheat ruet and hop it finally reached a triumphant cliniai due largely to the patient and skillful work of E S. McFaidden The dyvelbpment of meyhamsed farming and eunpa ewWed to rae- ber of the . orp^. Barnes said j chamcal hnndltng are »lao prrrtray- A $200 working fund waa voted *d a* art achievemnat in engineer- to the Ai M Film committee after n™! science a l^n^thy disrussion. Thi» will b** i J Morme, of th* U. 6. Dt^ used to meet the miacellaneous ex- ;*artment of Agrteultere, and many pen*ea of the committee. (.them are ( reditod in the fHm Al A a ro noon, film committee- apkewiiiig # i •*( of man, reported the Student 1.,^ i oil nch green soybean field* a.T<^| Committee has voted $2,INN) fo| America. Another *< lenUst meiwmg re* (\)KruUo« for outstanding work ia the field of agriculture is Ur F, Monday the men wi|l leave for' u *' ’ n m, *hini Mother’s (lubs have regiwere- an interest in the film as ha* th- Former Student*. Aaronaon re SponMired hy Vgr-moiwy The Cotton Stuyly Tour 11 annual affair »bon* night He wa* warned best -peaker wut of the group of pHrwieam eagiaeeriag • ' • NameplateM Non AvuilahLr Graduatiag senior* whd or dered eagraied as air rardk ran receiwe tberr nameplate* aaw, Grady F.lma. a*«i identified and developed a vai cHi# Ui combat a dread disease that wa* -enoualg injuring the poultry itglustry others type* of activity ar* also covered in the film— youth train- uig thraufh 4-H Huh* -wnrk be ing done by farmers and scientiata t<» improve the land and its >ieWi | to spread the beliefgr«*s revealed in "Wav** of Green. M J. (g. (ray Joiiifl Kuter Park Staff John G. Gay, Jr. t ton of YMCA assistant »e< retary Gftrduh Gay, wa* selected for a position on- the working staff of tag E*ier 'Dark and Baud. Arabia, and brings for , „ nfrrtn(> , YMCA enemtonent in Montreal Before heading henue «b!y to teiltd that diplomatu wst- l0 beheld at Ester Bark. Cola^kk .ff ill V. G. Enrta Erwm -poke le Ike Huuslea fit- oh.xiral Society I«■ "I'rwapecta of the Saa Juan Banin of New Mexico" al a Weetlnx Monday aithi in Housten Irwin's talk was -elected the heat represent me xeoioxy. er* have so far iwen smoottwd Fy j j un * 5-September 1. oil "Tell me the sort of agreement Senior Calendar May 14 Ertity - I eat day of rlease* for aenior* not (ailing Graduates Turn-In J" hilw ‘ L*ng May to Go ldrntif>in^ (iardn Saturday Final* he May r M Karelia aeons- -Gradaatmf aea- lora who want their Aggie- land wailed to thew next Fall ahoakd slop By the Mlodewi Aetlvitiew office *eeand floor l.oadma Hall before they leave arhooi aad Wave their addreoa and 24 rents to cover amilmg rhargea. June 2 Baccalaureate and rate- Graduating senior* should turn in identification cards at Room KM) Goodwin Hall before leaving the rnlWfe ac. of ling to Btemie A Zinn, aaais'aht dean of V nave tha card* they art now using of AAM ia J. J Woolket, H* Woolket Has to Walk at Double-time 5 t to ia L'r By KAY MII.I.FAMS aaawig it all. _ .... # I T« bung the Jubilee to , _ __ . .Th** » r *' n ** reaaful end. thete are Zinn rvuueaUd that alV atudenta! ^. ”»»»•»« mhjnaifaraajf year tMM| of wKM . h ** 1 pnrth'dUr gdi in arrangtter foi ****** and tiw prewntation gf, ^he en ! tine pw>gram af event*. faculty meml-r at, ha* the rswporhubilit' of medtmg with theao gr<>^>* am aad ft- Jaae l Final Review and have thorn revalidated at rvg istration next September “The only new cards made in September will be far new students who did net attend the prewant see Maw. ttedsrga who late their 1 tit-M card w i If be charged a ; fee of ft 00 Ear a' new or*.' Sinn ■aid "We ate IMtereatod simply W ad- viaiwg «U student* to kaep the cards to sate the coat of having a new ate made and the delay R will cauar, h» sa.d the Muiterr tjmguage ■mat. Woaiket. ARM for 28 years is the chair- maa of the committee for the Iha- rnoad Jubilee. To om who deesm t know, this wk W a tremernhma tank that will take May hoar* to mmpiete hi the Ume Jaae ’ll rolk arwaad Tha entire preparations ar* aamsthiag that will tab* May people Wag hears la eawipietr hat Moaiket has the jah of over working a>nag with C legulai duties in hw uWn depattaMt. . Thia is nothing new for Waaftet however, since he has I wen er of the Colkego amt without ronumaratwn. cam# h> ARM. Among tha May thing* sraond the coBog* that kr ha- left Ms rreditable mark pa are the Staging CaRte* of whirk ke waa tke orgiaRWr. He directed tkem for faar yearn, antil It grew to be aafk a job that a fall tuae director ••* hired Other thinga la dhich hia aer- •icc» are well remembered are ih* (»nginal Aggie Players and the beginning of -t4t«*n WTAW Of the latter he »ay». "W# didn’t know II minatg* ahead of Um * hat the next pPofrbm would be" AWo ua hi* Imt h thp job of mas ter of ceremorua* gf the (ottea Pageant and Ball, Xhich he held for a do sea yuan * M (M.lket came to ARM ia 1M4 from Okorlin Collefe in OhW, where he rocetvpd W* B A aad ward the group trill stop Ottawa, ( anada Back in the United States the n . , ^ map's find Stop Will be at the th *‘ ^ Ford Motors plant in Delrott The W,U) tu ,h * to analyse the durability of the peace." Harold I eke* said m 1P44 Middle East Oil, base.) on a story in LIFE, Jua* l|. 1P48. was chosen lx** a use of ita timelines*, said House Eighteen panel* comprise the ex hibit. The pw-turea in the exhib ition are by Dmitri Kessel. one of FIFE'S moat distinguished photo grapher* Mix photograph* under line the striking contrast preocat- by a modern industry. House id. set against the Moslem back ground of a tribal, nomadn civil- iiatioa that ha* *carrely changed in hundred* of year* Chicago Board of Trade will alao f w, ‘ ,urc •' ,, be toured. Continuing homeward, the group 1 will end their five-week jaunt by making a tour of the Univenotv of lllinul*. University of Nebra- ka. ami Iowa litate Uaivendty The enrampmeat, located weet of lienver. will hate a staff of 150, representing 12 state*, aad M colleges M A Since that UM. he ha* studied in France, Spain, and Mex ico He has been a regular visitor in Mexico for 26 years Hewtdae kb extra activiUes aad kie dalle* as kead of tke de partment. he m aWo affWial caunciWr far La Ha - Americas students enrolled here, When naked to relate some of the plans far the coming year, he •aid “The official announcements of speakers and teante will come from various committees, but we can ke aaaured of of national and iweacv, along with events that will ba long !No SiiHpenMion Of Publication Tke BatialWn will ao4 saa pond pub! tea lien through either dead week’" er exam week. Kola ad Bing, manager ef atn* dent pe WHrat Mae, said thia meraiag. The paper wiB canbaae pah lira be* far the pamainder af the scmei.trr aad will then he pobbehed fear daya a weak— Taeaday iknmgh rridag- far the aamaser teema, Wag said Battalion Sumnirr J/ Alive AmoBK the Dead Ifndnn—Bteterian Hilaire liktiM Slill Oixa.ii Bell*. ?». and Statesman Winston ^ Ul1 VFprn Churchill. 74, are the only living commentrx whose picture* hang In th* MnMomal Portrait Gallery Nor- , only thner dead 10 years get Bailee has juat slipped into the place in ■ pichM«\viUi two dead men. G. K Chesterton and Mau- rim Baring—Tewvvraation Piece" oral by Junea Omp. Churchill was al- Thorn intepeated randy well cstabhshed in the gal contort Bmg in h*». \ Applications far work on the summer publication of The Battal ion are still being taken Roland Bing, manager of Stadent PaMK this sxpmtng Bing, manager astinnx, said thi “We have openings for student* who art intonated hi doing anting, fsetura rt