The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 23, 1950, Image 4

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Scouts Go
On Outing Last
Finish Program
Station in Row Hai wm in cKarft
^ . i inatmctiw in ytonwriwt; C*V
. ^ ^ ^ BM * t wt " ,iv * rr*; Uin O. E h.ndM fink
me profrmnu rv*r to be compUtod ^
in tiki* nnrh of th* wood* in andi a
n *Hon tim* w*« broufht to •
rioM Inst wo*k m a manner typu
ml to wiiat you mifht tipert an
affair W Uiia type to and
Approximately 90 atudonta,
mamltoni of um profram, mot
TWaday in front if too Afnrul
tor* Building in patrol* There
vdm eight turh group* and aim
mantoor* of Doctor Dan Rnaael'*
, .> < Ui*d etoaa. From there, they plan
aad to hike to a tmtable ramping
ground, Hennel Park They Hip
pod enina far 10 poooible rout#*
Arrtetng on the orene, mem
hero of the group aaoemMed
poto. paaa, and firewood to rook
onppeea They ate by patrota
One patrol had meatball* and
•paghetti. another, reniaon otew
One anporiatly ingonioaa groop
proparod »elnner*. oplit them.
flHed them op with rbeeoe, wrop-
ged them with heron and reeat
ed them
Then rounnI fire* were lit.
Rhort S minute *tonta were given
by eerh petrol Aftorwani*. thooe
who wanted to. *pent the night
For throe week* previou* to the
outing member* had met *ii time*
to diacuet ramping, aee film*, and
liaton to lecture* on aubjecta per
inent to the program Lt Colonel
Wi H Paraon* of the Engineering
Sergeant Paul Root*, alao of the
Engineering Section, taught pro
per uae of the eempaa*. Doctor
Buaoell gave iectunra on “Helping
The Individual Boy To Grow "
llooa for the oil iectoroo were
19 cento a meeting AB peroona
from Bogle Srowto on down to
non-aroota wort allowed mem
berohip hi the program
Purpoae of the peoyect waa to apt
aa a '‘bnatr training ' for teach-
The “Prairie Dog" patrol waa
made ap of W R. Smith. W. J. I
Taaworth. Charloo Kelli George
hlnfard. R. O. LiBeotrand, L
X Hill, Sam Headier. A. R.
Hoogot. G. R Heanett B. A.
Zion. Hear* Pool. S. R HrCer-
mirh, Ted Lehey. Mart el I Moor*
Tom Rirh, Horn Ralph
Dreoaer. Cheoter ( rtlchfleM. and
BIH Price
Don Reader, Che*ter Stroud, Joe
Gray, Dirk Weotherall, Nolot.
Sondenburg, Ray Bernard. Ray
Lang, and Burt Baity were mem
bem of the “Jaguar” Patrol. Oth-
Local Census I
Count Finished
In Past Week
The litfO Federal <Ynm*
for rotlega Station waa com
pieted during the pant week.
Homer AiJama censua eman-
erator for t\il)ege Station.
•aid today
All durinkorie*. tWuject houtea.
pre-fahrtcated bou*#*. and other
area* In College have been entm-
A careful check wa* made both
by the enumerator* odd the rfew
leader* to aaaure that no perftma
were miaaed Tabulation* Were
% J
Phone Rates, l tilitles Main
Issues Discussed In Meeting
Approgimatelv 46 nttaen* gath the BryOr city council, ha* hired non bought and pagf far aftBOO.
tfW in the Petr
the Petroleum Lecture an accountant to go into the re-1000 gallon* of water from Bryan
Room lait night and dmcuaaed Col- .jue*t cubmiUed by the South*** and ARM < „lieg# While Bryan
leg* Station'* poet, prreeat, and tem State* Telephone (ompaivy ha* been telling the city water at
mg vcoutinnater horn to handle two , n ir the tame organisation were <^>nipiM by ronUcUhg mdividtmU.
mam )ob«; how to help individual ‘ “
boy* to grow and how to train,
guide, and in*p»rv boy lea den to
run their patrol* and troop*
Following bank- *< <Hitma«t*r
John Runftold, Carl Stephen
little, David Higdon, Morria
foot. Allan A a ronton, and
The “Skunk” Patrol wa*
a, John
i light-
training eipenencgt. a teoutma*- „f J. H Sherrill. A C. A*h
ter or aaawtant voutmatter thou|fd craft B L Re.d, C l) Reran
he able to demonatrate hit know W F
ledge of troop operation and hta
abiHty to make it rffeetide by
completing practical project* with
hi* troop
John thwr or by retorting to
college record*
N’o one wa* mi»*ed tmee the
record* were cheeked and dogble
checked, Adam* »aid. c»nfy one
out of five per*on* w»* ct atagted
in the dormitohoa, other «tudant»
McNeil, ('. Hinta, 8 wv-"rded by pnicedurr* |iat i
Bilby. G. E. Hoover, J B Nur •**<
phy. V G RaUm*. ami W K Col- t Record* were forwarded to
George Adam*, dmtnct *operH*4>r
in ( <11X11000*. he «<iiie<t
vilie Member* of the “Wolf Pat
ml were Auatin Taylor. Jim Har
nngton. Bob . Rngtiah, Charle*
Hear*'. W A Wahrmund. Hyde
Kitt* Eilgar Miller, Bill Phil
lip*. Joe Egly, and J M Hender-
Si* vobjecto of whkh member*
oer# »vop« wed I* i rounded by
the end of tbeir program were
“Patrol and Troop tkrganiution
and l/rederohip." "Patrol and
Troop Program Planning “ “Pat
rol and Troop Meotioga," and
"Patrol and Troop Camping "'
Member* of one
F Miller, F C
P Hubt«* Roy Miller W Stephen 1
Lawrence Ihinlop. Frank Simmen.j Brvan Sub-Ih«tn« t of Meth-
John Ogleohy, Ram Matmes, ami odiat young adult*, held ita quar
John Goaaett Another patrol wa* terly meeting in the educational
compaaed of fhek Lane Wauldro* building of the ARM Meth«*li*t
l-each, Joc k Harper. Dick W'alth, | I'kurvh Saturday evening
Jim Roth well Ray Robert*. Jim 1 After a picnic aupprr and reema
Houve Frank M*on, and Earl tional activitie* a bu*ine«» meet-
Distrirt Methodist
^rri.*7J ^ oun® Adults Meet
ilWr, M Stephea* O
What's Cooking
MEETING. Wedneoday, Room BUT,
Goodwin Hall, 7:15 n.m
AGOlE PLAYFUS, Wedneaiay,
7 30 p m Mualc Hall. Group pic
ture ocheduled
ltott\ IxMilne Auatin
Mum Hetty I ooinr Au»Bn • en-
gagement to Re ben Wolter Mar-
tia ba* been announerd by her
parent*. Mr. and Bra. M
Awrtia. Jr. uf Dallaa Ml** A no-
tin i* ■ groduole ot TS( W and
Marti* i* on ARM graduate, j
rla*» ol "4H, and unite* of the
ARM Grill. The roaple will hr
married on June 23 In DhHa*.
Club Book fins
Purple A»ar<l
Preceding open ditcuaawn. May
or Emeot 1 angford rend and dtt-
cuaaed a litt of mattera of «on-
toqnonce to the meeting.
Item* he di*eu**ed were the
| city budget for die period ending
April 30. 1950 the 9100,000 bond
taaue voted by the city five yeora
ago to extend tewer line* (for
which contract ha* been let) and
explanation of action taken on
phone rate me rente requett*
The city, m conjunction with
to anrertaln thib validity of theoe
No fnrthar arlMn wiH he taken
an the mailer until the two city
council*, la )«aot moot lag. have
gene over the report of the ae
ro* Moot with him
The fourth item mentioned by
IlSr per 100 follont, ARM Col-
leg* chargH 16c per 1000 gallon*
whd* buying from Bryan at t«
per 1000 gallon*
Following diaruaoion on water
rate*. I angford explained Mie elec
trie power Mtnatioi and rtte*
barged at present bf the College
Langford wa* water and power The mayor haa been given power
•tatua of the city of College ^ta- to appoint a committee of three
turn. The prevent water contract people to employ an ofgmeer to
with Bryan expired May, 4. bak^ *titdy the power *ituatiwn and ad-
the city ha* 90 day* to renew
La*t calendar year College Sta-
vm ye*terday
Senator Taft of Ohio, chairman
Mra R E Snugfh watt IU)- «f the GOP Policy Committe, told
lifted hYlday by Hri. C B • reporter he hope* w,m# agree
II ^ mont can be reached between Re-
P u ‘ >hc * n * >'•<< Dcmorrata aoon on
Legislative Program
(Curtailment Agreed
Hy J ACK BFI I ate almody ha* indiroted clearly
; that it plan* U> •.helve a Fair
waahington, Moy 1 ” A Employment Proctire* (ommi*
twopaity agreement U» curto.l ( fr E K’| bill Lucat ha* Iwer.
the leguuUtive program and let tryui(f ^ U{J
congre** go home early in Aug-' pr^utoiit Truman ha* been
u*t wo* under diacuwion by leo,i- prPSMng fur ^ , Senate
natumr i* ^ j-- u.. •• e *—***• wnai major m»ue* win or e
p m at Franklin* All Jnk>r VeC ^ SUte Gtrdfn OuU' 22nd With before th.. tefion end*
AAM (larder Oub at what major I*«ue* Will be dealt
Med ttudonta ami faculty am m
Annual (Convention in "fylef, that
the *crap hook of the ARM Club
mg wo* held and officer* were
elected for the forthcoming church
; D L Belcher <»f College Station.
Ie»l the group in a di*cu*«ion <»n j hie for the club will be planned.
HOUSTON CLUB. Wedneaday, P u n*l‘" and wa» grad
May 24. 7 15 p m Room 147]
Goodwin. Election of a new chan
eellor for next year
May t\, 7:15 p m lounge of Dor
mitory 1 Officer* for next year
will hr rlocted and the final pic-
In K’/it/f' Ct«*t
Cowl Soilcloth
ItaflifiN Dt>ioiif*fl
For MiniTN Safety
New York <43 Miner* would
carry radio irart*nutters to tell
rescuer* where they werv trapped,
in a radio *et-op devised by Jam*-
A Me Niven of New Drleon* Me
j i* an electrical MtginOer with the
j U. S ( oa*t Guard
The miner wogld stick metalln
omiie* into the exiling <*f the mRw.
Me would speak into a radio ^ **C !
L^rru,r^,;''"V*r ^ na 1 , ^ , °. C ,nM>r Wi t h Youlh i"" Worth child
face Bottene* of the type (Up ( Hook
plyi»m power fof a miner's head •
The Student Senate will •ponaor
Taft taid Senator Luca* of III
mois. the Democratic leader hod
suggested he would lie willing to
od tt't talk the matter over with the
The scrapbook wa* compiled by Republican.*
Mr* Snugg* *nd the rover of | If the program is narrowed,
wood and tooled copper wo* made ' »ome of President Truman's “Fair
hy Mr* Marion Pugh U wa« en-j Deal" proposal* are not likely to
way* of carrying nut young adult
church programs and cite»f soones Thursday,
erf material and literature for re- 1 Room 106,
forence wofk
Officers elected were Guasie
!,*« ferry of Bryan, presidertt,
Norman Gann of College Station
vice president, Ruth Weaver ,»f
Bry’** 11 secretary; and Mrv Don F.
William* of Bryan recreational
May "J6. 7 30 p m.,
Ac adcniic- Budding.
Meeting. Thursday May 25, at 7 JO
in Academic Building Plans for
party will be made
TARLHTON CU B. Thursday.
Hoorn 3o*"., Goodwin Hall, 7 lf> |> m
Final meeting to determine dmpo*
i al of fund*
lered in the state competition con
test in the class of citie* under
15,0tiii population
Covering the activities of '.he
Garden Club from April lk49 to
April i960 it wa* dedicated Gi
Mr* ( B Campbell, who helped
• rganue the club aad ha* alway*
been an active member [
1 m Imled in the <crra|tbowk i* a
short history "f the did' and pic
ture* of all pa»t
gelher with
je<-ta. prugrani, and fluber «how
held duemg the pa*t month*
see any actum in tbi* session Be
cause it is election year a mid
summer adjournment ahead of the
fall campaign ha* !>ecn the tar
get ad along
Thuman propoaal* likely to l>e
hy passed among other*, include
approved aid to-education bill now
bcg{Fvl down in the Houae, an ex-
tenaton of rent control* expan
siwn of unemployfent benefit* and
renewal of tlR military draft
Coagnaa may pa** finaHy on ths
draft and rent control taaue* hut
the outlook for the others is not
Mr Truman also ha* been ask
ing for congre*aional approval of
the International Trade Organiaa
tion (ITOi i barter Republicans
have served notice ?h«y will fight
it vigorously If the admtmstra
tion bring* it up. leader* may
have to say goodbye to August
, quitting plan*
Democrat* and Republicans
seem agreed that at least four
major i«*uex ought to Ice disponed
ctf Icefone adjournment
These include (1) The 929.000,
•csry health insurance and Taft- '
Hartley retceal However, these
never had much chance in the
the Brannan farm plan, rompul- j 000,000 omnibus appropriation*
measure carrying Amd* to finance
the government in the year begin
nmg July 1 (2» a second year’s
aiithonration and appropriation
for Foreign Arms Aid, (3> Ex
pansion of Social Security cover
age and (41 some reduction in ex
cise taxes ,
•ait presidents, to- ^ run a iked session anyway The Sen
eport* of the pro- |
\ iNilorN* lloiiNin<!
IMhiim \niMMinrrfl
lamp would be Itrong plough to
allow him to broadc ast,] Me NiVen a used book buyer in the F'xchange
said ! Store May 26. 27, and 29, agconl
The miner'* transmitter-receiver ikg to (arl Birdwell manager of
rouM be • pcutabW affair, pefbap* the Exchange Btore.
c-arried on a Biah'* bwck he sasd ‘ Five per cent of ths (layout will
There might an# for each man,! go t<> the Senate to be deposited to
or one for each small group of .the credit of the Twelfth Mar
men Resc ue woHt coaid he speed-; .Scholarship F'und Senate Prern-
ed up if trapped men could tell dent. Keith Allsup. «aid
just where they were and what From May 26 until the end of
th# situation wa*. McNiven said the the semester all hook purchases
method had been tested successful will te handled through the east
ly in coni mm«n v eindoa* uf the Exchange Store
Hold Picnic Trip Dro^n* in Trinity
The seventh and eighth grad#*
of ARM Con*olideted Junior High
School held their annual pMniCs
Monday afternoon The *em»nth
grade went to Hearn* and the
eighth grade to Sulphur Springs the
Room giothers provided the re- | *r
fre*haieiits and transportation wa* The fork flow* through Fort
furmihed hy stu-tHits" icarent* Worth I^ouis I.auro I da. 11, and
F'lfty-feur »tucb-nt* made the Pete i havei. 11, weep to the
tri|»* stream to (day
Ft Worth, May 22 - An
II year-old boy apparently drown-
•■d m downtown rt, \gorth yes
terday when he slfppefl from an
auto inner tutw whRe playing in
lear fork of the Trinity Riv-
Viaitmg ladies attending the
Final Ball and Commencement ac
tivities Friday and Saturday. June
2-3. will Ice housed in Ramp* I.
J. and K of Walton Hall and Po*t
Graduate Hall. Bennie A. Zinn,
Assistant I lean of Men, announced
Students having gue*t* flaying
in Walton Hall will be charged
\lomic (nmmission
Publishes Book
Washington, May 23—'4*1 The
Atomic Energy t ommiaaion (AEC)
Sunday night announce*! publica
tion of a 147 page (took which itc
:— preaent '
91 25 per night and th«.*e having ledge of the behavior of dusts,
Paife 4
Mix ’em or match 'em to your fun'
Sturdy .Sailcloth . . cool . . *uo :
fast . . . tubfaxt . . aanfonted, of
course Clean White, Ceffee
Cream, Bummec Navy, Bail Keel,
Bolton GoM, Depth Green, Tar
Black, ('■rwniber
Butt Skirt S-M-L
Little Boy Skorta
('rew Hat. S-lf-L
•I Bfl
In aolid guiuru only
10 • 20
In aolid folum only
10 - 20
’Long Halter. 8 M L $S..
In aobd colon only
Short Halter S-V-L
10 ■ 20
Overtop. 10-20 .
Swordfiah Cap. S-M4e 9l.»5
Clamdifgera 10 * 20 M..MI
2nd Floor at
gticst* in I’ G Hall will be charged
II per night to cover cost of
matron and other incidental expen
se* Bedding will be previded hy
the College
Graduating senior* may make
room reservation* in Room 100
fumes and mists
This ‘'handbook of Aerowol*”
was prepared, the commission said
in a statement, to make the avail
able Information readily available
to person* concerned with the con
trol of radioactive wastes
Goodwin Hall, and other students atomic energy installations
Ati Bala. V * W.wg par ingpeion
with g 111. cainlmom *par* rgg* In
c*law* find Aw Moo ges par (WCuWr
larh Upnd all naaWfiae* »ick fornu
laao* l<> Iho SCiel«ei Artlrllloo RfHO*
All *4* b» tornod l* by.iviwc
a • of llw day bafue* auHiraitna
ATI STM KMT Vw Par* Avgeu* iCHtl CW
log* Mala from Mank 'lair i fail
« V224 Mr* W»hh Or otto* #» aftor 2
B FOB 441 i •
li»W: a.-*.re aiudi it**
|» Ufl S*oiTO»f UhMWO .Bi Hog 1 II« #0
*1 lM*r almiM Ilgllcswfl tail »periutni«l.
ty AkWo ttari |I««S ApgnaMat «-
i& o ( ;
SM A 1.1
« 12A
1 Ih-on**
THAHKR » fh aRatMarga call
May rr**mag or B 11 T
Brown Mllfotg, Wong, sag driven
phnn* 4 1212
■ ' fto— — 11 ’"T
1**0 il'a»M*N Motor sraocor Apart
raotw Ae W < Wlofo Vww
may reserve rooms after «
Thursday May 25, Zinn said
Air Force Career
Interviews Be^in
AEC said the hook contains some
previously secret information com
piled during the war hy th* Na
tional Research Committee It said
I these portion* had been declassi-
: fied at it* request
; The V S superintendent of doc-
I uments is selling the booklet for i
Two Air Foree officer* are on j Ho cent* a copy
the campus interviewing men and i ——
women mtimested in cariwr* a* of* Lo«j t ( aplatl EferM
fkem in the Air Force \ B
They are Lieut Arlo Pa»en- Hlltel CIlTO aPMMMIK
hnfer and Lieut Albert Howarth. ] Louis ( apian, junior mechanical
who have established local head engineering student, waa elected
>(*e the committee which will ad
vice the rity council, whether It *a
advisable to buy powder, and from
whokA, w whether to build a pow-
er plant fbr the city,
Aa yat the roMUlittee ia an »
appwmied and while (be matter to
pending the city mil bay elec
trie power Don tW (ollege at
the rate uf 1c per klltowatt hear
plus a 92 demand
Bryan has offered electricity
at Ir per kihiwatl vhour straight
acroa* the hoard, thah. ia, without
the 92 ciemand charge. \ '
Langford *aid that iY'Jhe reai-
denta of College HlOa desire
the 'city will extend poweh tine#
to that area as aoon aa poasIMe.
He meationed that inatallaHu"
rrf an elartnc signal on the rah
crossing on the road to the air
port, at th* corner by th* old mad
to Bryan, ha* been completed
The louse dug situation wa*
mentiuned and the mayor sqid
that abuuld it become need*
aery the ordiaanre prohibiting
the running of dogs at > lard*
would he re iuioked to preveiM
the spread of rabtm.
1 jengford rounded out his Am ‘
with discasaion of the nundwr hf
full time end part timf employee*
cm the ci|y payroll Tlie city ha*l
LI full time paid ItMMithly em
ployees and n employee* who work
by the hour when needed*he said.
After t^e mayor had presented
th* foregoing information to the
group, general dicu usaton wa* held
on these and other item* Men
tion was made of the condition of
the two bridge* «n the soutbroad
past Conpdxlated towunl* High
way H, liut'it i* inipoMtble to take
immediate actiisn, the Mayor p. tut-
ed out
MimI length* diwcawsion wa*
on the practice of charging don
blr water, sewage, and garbage
disposal rates to user- outside
the city limit#
In a recent rouartl meeting,
there waa a 3 J deadlm k as tn
whether the prarBee shouhl he
reactmied or coiMiBeed. and the
council had decided to put th*
matter up for vote in last nighty
There are 200 user* of these
utilities outside the City., but all
but 50 of theae have contracta
with the city that stipulate that
their rates must oorrrapoiwl with
those of the city users
Those user* not protected by
written contract wer* the one* be-
* l mg discuaaed 'The group voted 2-V
to 3 to continue to charge doubie
rate* outside the city, said vote
being to give the city council aa
indication of the aishea of th« vot
ers present
Following the vote the meeting
was adjourned hy the Mayor
t ,YM( A The off!
be cm the campus
UUO an4 1‘r»«a *.»*»• n».,rsn<• *
w rsil gr> iknk nr an i*«eii> <»*<•
fr* r
— —A
1**2 Ps UHwrtr
*r If fowa
•tuSy i*b
Hwtae Trailer -Ah
TrslMy H I Area 2
roa mmusTKa .* mm a* i*^si re
pelr* a arl ronrrele er.rfc rail [> H
t .aw Oeweral ' i»f>i r»*ar Plieea 1 *172
quarters in the ,Yl
oer team will
through Friday
Hour* for interviewing have
been set from 10 a m to 6 p m
and from 7:15 p. m to 8 30 p m
president of thee Hillel (Tub at a
meeting last week
Other officer* elected were.
Martin Radiofaky, vice-president:
Vic tor I>evy, *e<-rwtary-treasurer,,
and Irvin Goldstein, parliamen
MBwaNra no u«
■UgMUm uMpsysIp* ia gua*
l«skJ aiwrlrnSnU ».V*
a ax, hmmus ' >#»
Aa MWiaano maklM 4 'cal
any Orwarm wH><W th*
r«*U town
M Apt
fining fir
4 aalawrul l«
•U of
•n4 i>r..v id lag
airy or <x)t.
<Klf>n '24 rtwirrwM twl ug«
Hoaisf Imrai 1* 4m
I STt’Iiy DKaa Sr*wer typo $l2«i l
a®>k opoo front i rp» fl.eo I 1
mownn Al'nrnor Hofrlgoraior T • ft
now ■»*<.' t*‘ <*. W golf punwe <w-4
on* golf runroo II on Sorn if
gll lUkW Thnuio* I* Urtffla |> • B.
• oang* Virw
UNt OOl.r SHOTS •!*> * C rort
git 00 noil for g* <M) Phorw i-*>S*
« rt KgcmioBfC ATOK •srriwrj rod
git Sir fnaenraMr Tors Min vmnr, rhong
t'oaogr Vi^r C |n A
OVBMtlknrnti ( tuts sn* font wont,
heap *i o n X ■ nn-gr Vww
»f1nr t a m
< u rf rnicttUAing: m ■•«w mn-
StMnn vnry rtoo* fai c» 9m nl
A 14 X. i o1Wg« V|*w
ifSOft Jhop
H » rha mo»» comfortable most corcGee mott color
ful number m o dismnguiuhed Ime — it'i tGe BeacK-
camber Jacket by Norm Fattemed in usckjafve
Fcdyrmion prmn TKe tome tuperb tty<mg ond work-
mon#wp Biot hoe* •tonrta Nerria CotuoK Shim aa
— L wa^aw
'vvxmp wifti ftvp# njrq* pc T cn pot From COOi v
Ufthohle cotton and rayon labnet You'll wont vev-
a«ol theae for bummer, m coma m <md aaiact your
The Exchange Store
Astern M
dun hargr
cho CM*
* ponalty
(xm iscii, c»r thk
i BOB at a TioN
1 It ■Hall 0* uniAwfi# .* ewof * fir*
ano within Uw iirnil* of <)W rUy
2 A fironrm •f<*ll larliiS* ppnririraJly
hilt not *ar iuOCv«ly ogf Wwtgon ptatol
nfl# nir rlfw B B pin. or any Mhor
ChonhanUHn I hoc Aiw-hgpfn* nr *W*lr Any
huiiec hwckafwc or •#» oowr me nil W
nhwr. of gay •iso b> fogeo of fowbusiion
morlioniosi or air
I Anyone noialing *#1* orgiaanc* ofint
Mg of mnAonnipr ana upon ran
■hall b* fiM4 SM i—n than fl**
g.% an i Sol tar* a«* W—h than fcffl
»M <W guitar*
Paaaag *n<1 >cg*r*4 puRmha* Ihw Its
*it 4a> of Msr ISSU A tj
J I o|*
ia*ai> Magar rto r»m
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Twu ran f mim wWt itoo utossM-g row usr your bsad-tad
"l i*w Actum ' Viishg car* Pwc# uuo that mop ot yours wit* (hs
famnut ftoSscond Workowi M» mumto watp Bw«a*gr its*!
(hr ddfertuarfi.. 14 wsonds to um* I tag wdl tie |ais sw dw
cMefeiwx'l Youl look acal aad sMural By* bys kwas. ksky
dandruff aad do 1 *—. loo So wake your gtoy wsfc As btop of
Vsaiw -g*4 b at any drug Mors at barbet toop
if”*'’ VIDIUS-.
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