'; I r Battalion Page 2 18 •nnsDAr. may b. twi Keward for Broaondence 4 PGS offers a broad curriculum of hu manities for students to chooee from. Ctairees range through the fields of his tory, literature, economics, and some non technical scientific courses The purpose of PGS is to give AAM graduates the op- pnrtumtf’ to continue a helpful reading and study program after their graduation. To encourage th* post graduation inter est by students, the Collage has estab lished PGS to give a second degree, the Ph.B Listing the advantages of the PGS program, V M Faires, head of PGS tokl the National University Kxtemuou Association in Bxcelsior Springs. Missouri earlier this month “First, general edu cation is obtained while the student is ful ly employed Thus, the coat of this edu cation which is equivalent to the work of cloner to tb« College by making them feel that the Cottage has a continuing intereit m their welfare. “Fourth, we hofie our plan will encour age our graduates to «Uy in the getting- an-education group. That ia. education is a proceaa. not something that is done and over with .. . Considenng the amount of knowledge mankind has accumulated, it is becoming increasingly essential for the college to convince As graduates that they are only on the threshold of learning. Boiled ddam into one sentence we hope that four. five, or more year* of part time stady and reading will set a pattern that will endure m some degree throughout a lifetime. “Fifth, we hojie that the amount of writing a student must do in completing 36 credit hours of correspondence work will materially improve hi* word ability. . . . Not everyone knows that it takes a great deal of practiae to produce a significant improvement in writing, although most )Wuld if the name work were tak- at, freshman and sophomore levels ■'Third, we hofie to bind our alumni i/.in" ami Maturity . . . The old old question of collegiate has- i|tg practices has been brought to the fore hgam with tragic abruptness by the death of one student and serious injury of an other in a fraternity hazing stunt at Wit tenberg college in Ohio By coincidence this occurred only a few <> iti«na in tirir ttailwsg Pro- duct* tMviaion |Prefer ipfl*' men .•nl>. May 24 -'q *'‘Pan ‘«f ) oukum n ill interview jmen intdrt ^Uni in k«I«'» »urk. St MkfhK iOllf 1 The City 4i Part Agthur will he abic t«> lift it few m**n i»f Jl S|OH AtHtidihr f**' nia|i draftintr wotk and fu Id «uiv*ey |>*rlv work Tin y pn ft r if vt| ctigiate-r», but Helresher Set For SJesen ists Lt (’ol J Wuyne Htark and Lt Col Verion G Young t>f College Station :tn' attending a Litgistital 1 *ivi»i«m Refresh er Course 4t the Command ar'il (.tnitfriti kfuff pftrl L-a' fnworth, pantit', flit) 2I -27.' Owar H Ahht'p. . hiff "f th* Texas Mil'tar'- liititrfc' annouitrid Th* purp*»* of th» , aiir*, •* to ' on* rst oorni ii|d* is arxl k> Y “t.eff njejtih. ra of 11* it .*f>. qd Kwn vv ->f th* * »ani!<*s of In* organ- ’ Lutlstu.J lh\iajon i*'* orgH*i*ati<>n *'f I to «* r c i **» |ih, !h**e« t orjw .A4''..n of th| I od* th th* i Ogamr 4 ic* -• r - « ' «*»|i« umts woiud la !* «i*-»)Ka,it* d l,**(t i IaU* ;*l f'<*nt*n|ifi«ls A Inflate d dnirmn i*. :i n. w t t\ p* nf Am > unit de«Jth*d to be* * li* »ihl** .. f.ti**/ «io>r* :i i »ua *ap [►**Vt of ruiebtg unit** It will t .k* j rbasp. of the .<‘U[*pl\ a tel admiriia \ t*ati*V h th( r •im* *>t i*inoimiUK-!t I toe**. '.«* or hi th«% A *ti. •»MlU* il4t ll l>* #KIi**.| lal a hasu mivIdUM nr*t*in»i «b *+* A buiatMasl m r# * !<•» < * oiay h* bu itf by * 'i.-e u T*r* nty (hit* ofifu** i* >f 11 xad ar<* atlesdiuf th*' f, day toe* t, t \bs hott said \, IMivNiial Stiiqxlanis laoweretl l>\ Saw iittuf -ta^ t afternoon, except during holiday* and asalunatioa penoda. During* Lh* summer The Bal ia aubhshod tn-weekly an Monday, Wedaaaday and Friday Suhacnption rate fS-OO per school Ao*erti**irf Th* Navy ha** L**-ivd *iV p* yi «iral requtrrSient* for* *o*lis\|nen| in **r online to -J U. HoVmiiI, T W' . I SN <»f the local r***i tide All men pFeviotaly let* * ted fof physical *rv *4.1 *d U> ap|»ly for gnli-tpieuta \ acafx-m MM- a* anabie in ni*»st of t tv ' special tradie* killl inf xvWaliop on pr***nl e4* listraent r**^S>rcnii*nt<* an,| os [m \a%k v tra x»- Bible Verse Search m** () (**«d, ami knoir tr y h*'ai t tr y up, aijd know irA thourhu; And scy if glerc be aiw w elted >» me. and b ad me m tar w*y ever bat mif P.a!m» l» 12-* Official iSotice tftli corwider mechanical atal elec trical engineer* tlTHKK OPITHTl NITI»« 1. Ihsjgb* * Mansfield. <'en- rultmg FlnfUieer. in HoW>tA. ate latareated m aecuring a civil or architectural engineer with ability and desire U* do design work Thta company mainly deal* Wit* util ities an*1 irNiuatnai plaats* ; 2 K I du Pont at Victoria ha* an \ opdtting for an arrhitecton|l enn- atnntHin mapir to lie trained for pipe in»ulatisn ine|tectH>S Work .'1 Ki'e.*#*, FAchola ami Turser, con**ultii*ir engineering fikm in Hnpaton. ha. an opening fbr an aichitect f*ir structural design work on water and sewagd pbnt projects 4 lei n. x Furnace ( ofnpany. Fort W *rth, is planning td in*»ti- tuU a full pr»*gra»n of Joh eval uation, wa^re survey, methf additional engtfMNgiag h* !p Th**y will ris^utre an exp4riepce«| civil engineer as well as *r> fnsrtru- ment man for survey vw»rk 7 The Morrison Milling Oom- p,ir\ m Iknlnn, has an tunning in their Production [lep^rtment for .-h* oust in me* hanlc4l ** n g' rvs i to b. trmin*'d in millin|i m* th- o*ny i* interest ed in employing four ristliand two niechameal engineem aha* would lx ml*-1 ested in employragnt with lheir eompanj in conaackion with th* ionstruction of a J^lfl mile pipeline system extetMKag from nhar ( < th ^ 1 * r ' * a. r„r, | kirk , The late (Edward R Strttiniua. j stetions have three former secretary of state, was stead of the two-letter connected with the Werid Cam- low frequency ranges metre Corp. and hts brother, How-1 - ard. ia a director. Crawford said Other directors, he said, are May Gen William J. Donovan, wartime chief of the Office of Strategic Services, Joseph J. Grew, former ambassador to Japan; and repre sentative of the financially inter ested corporations. f - i nation a were yi Fifth Grabbed in Park h Karp Crane liirth Seen Corpus Christi, Tex,* From the way J« and Cnp ai t you' wouldn't think th* world's popu- | lation of whooping cranes may na* | from J7 .To 38 tomorrow. Jo and Cnp are captive whoop- 1 mg cranes in the Aransas Nation al Wildlife Refuge near Austwell. Tex , and if the egg or eggs Jo laid 12 days ago hatch on sche dule tomorrow, the baby crane will I he the first raised in captivity Because the big beautiful bird * is nearly extinct, there is great concern as the big day nears. But 1 today Jo and < np **wm*** hands in the water, saw amncttmig swimming close to him. grabhe*! h and pulled it out It wia* a 21 pound carp. “The situation is mst plain mon otonous,’* said Julian A Howard, refugee manager He has had men keeping a continuous watch on the nest from a tower 300 yards away - , - i concerned as th*-v nonehantly t**ok connect^ with the aihainiatralKm j UnM( tlXi „„ th , n „ t and its |»olicy maker* In New York, tin corporation declined comment Crawfoni said Frank T Rian Di’iital Trainees Uhei*k T(H>th Decay | Wellington. New Zealsnd ' T* - Diners at a Wellington restaurant raw a pretty girl put a toothbrush hesid* her plate The girl ste her meal The? she vigorously brushed her teeth and emptied the water into her teacup Her girl fnend looked emhar-j raased, smiled, hut didn’t ray any-1 thing The girD/w«r# two nf 1701 ilental trainees who are carrying through an experiment. Half will brush their teeth after all food j and even drink, except water, for a whole year The other hi will brush their teeth only twice s week Thurs- j days and Saturday* At the end of j th* year research men hope pi he able to ray which is better- in tensive oral hygiene or casual hy giene. PALACE Bryan 2'$#79 I .AST HAY KTAKTS WEDNESDAY ga-PakettR ^ Go to Hxm tty MJ . I 0 N I T E Shrmu—LSO - »:|0 AhfkenttT !Nilc; « Nmn the B«H»k f«ir WEDN emd a y*h LUCKY LICEN8L $125 t less Tax) THO LK'ENHni * ILL BL HELIX TED I'OH $60 Ieas Tax) k K\( H ;V TODAY t HFJI. -F1RHT RUN— —Features Start— 2.(10 - 4 (Xi - t:0ft ♦ «:•(» - 10:00 P*C« ,uKI PQflfll • AllYSON KDHjAD QUEEN HELD OVER - R\ Popular Demand TWO MORE DAYS Wednewda) — Thursday 51, kouglMfoGIowi^Ufi! 4 If neither ot the two iM-enaew hek<’t*Nl are pnraeat ur hate not signed the Ahacntee Hook . . . Then a third IJrra*e will Y tie selected for— J $125 t terra Tax) Showing —Ph»a~ Ikunaid Duck Cartoon latest News OOMVdM! CLKMN KOKI> an.1 1ANET 1.1.11,11 ■The Ihxtdr and the Girl* * * * ? / TV TI EHDAY A WEDNESDAY ■>VO<(»!r Office I t eontnbutiona mav be I Mall. Classified ads u Room 200. (roodwig Halt ie by telephone (4 4444i or at the editorial office. Room 201. he pieced by telephone (4-104! or at the tUipdent ActivWoa rtest wism4* *<1 a*ASr »ne *s«|» *» * **~ <>( Mb> m grt >h» «»j4* w» Xrtu • afh Member of The AMouiced Pro* |g g Orogsesa *f 0. ir* BUX BILLINGSLEY, C C. MUNR0E. IZ Clajrtna 1* iotpk . ■■■ ,~ Dwo Owditt i ***—y* — a „ , John Whitmore L O Ttedt, Deaa Itee4 Otto Kuime lirrlm Im, el Mew Tate CXp tea kmaatm. sett Ora errasMw. i »rc* »Muir**l at ill M..I.'4» Throe 4 • t» If enousS is ■■ i» mstr* MU i»DHwr* Is » UMps smsi to tiro ram A |> O Kt ..Sv M»y 2*J dirau.r* srhte< i. Co-Editom Managing Editor Feature EUtttor Sporti Editor N f* w at Kxl t f *Ttt raisi*i 1 •«*«. us* nr DRIVEIN 2**N TUMTt —«»aVT*a vnk irora lesi- gDDr* Iroeh ‘ Thr ITOcM* ^mI Up turd! , J—— WANTED TO BUY YOUR USED TEXTBOOKS BOOKS APPROVED FOR NEXT SEMESTER BRING HIGHEST PRICES NOWi North G-j!e SHAFFtkS BOOK .STORE •w? jL LI L ABXER Give Me Yo Today’s bast — | i a. 1 «ra*w« a,,, - -— — Neem Miter ■w. Rj-f-d rt* New* Ldtter emu* ■ temOa l as* ASrowMSi Kao Karolmec. p an aoLe^alla ora* chmm h^ss^pto '< MagteM Harvw fta'ams Oewm I Tam agpiaas, Bprasra* BoTOiag. * Tseewro^ Jtes Tapro* -an" Tam. iMf nmn nroam •'A'* sftaro Mapro Ctoeta mu MW*, ftfr wpKHid car Pmm a tern V ant A Job \fc ith A Future? A aufnmd’ job on all yean 'round l MevRradalar* mak-j mg go-si pay ngift in thein home t^4na, or in: their cold lege toMiM Kngmdei ng atu-f itenta pidfiAiW. MR not red quitvd f* i hill harlicuUra and p' d f renotdh rood pettng poetruid »o peifo M-x' Com) pan'. ->1 Kiftk AWntro. N Yj City. "H i- i»--4 o« n*-s ft MaorocaR-iur tli TlXA. *00 WHO Ml ft-IT- Hy *1 Caw t e