The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 22, 1950, Image 4

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'V ; '
‘Christopher* Movie
Given by Inter-Faiths
TV lnt#r-Church Council ipun-
l QM
(%mf tV WorW tMt W*d
itMday ntfht In the YMCA Otapul
TV muvio m * hifhly publiriMni
prWncitoa by lh» f«»un^»r of
rhnato(»h#r movfrm-nt at^ 1 **.
S ina (h# m»anmr and purpoa* of
TV production wu dtroctod by
Lm MH a ray Crd >,*• a raat of
many top Hollywood tter«
M.»»#oicai Riplained
Arcordmf U tho toovic tbc
* the major t rut ha which akme fuar-
(Vmtopher Waya
The way* of tranfaiitttnf tho
principle* of tho nw>1r*>ment art:
I. iy liateniiif to tl|oae in tn.o*
bie pinny who are fonfUnod, in
norruw, in doubt, nr diwounvcd
want to talk to nomooar. A kind
word, a helpin« haul, Iwteninf ta
thoae in trouble may often he the
meana of brtnfirf the peace of
Oiriat into their tivpa
2 By informinf thaw who know
( hnatopher Movement ia rompoeed not—moat of the hundred miNioa
of lay people in our country who in our country actually hunter
aio willmp and amtou* io play for the teaching* of CHritt, i*t
th» role of Christopher* (Greek
for Chriat beaiwn) in many walk*
of life
The** ('hnatopher* work quiet
ly, not *enaatianally They da not
engage in fanlare of flagwavmg
The Simple tank of each m u>
taeiet en truth where other* are
ftrrthennf falaehtMid, t« eatahiiah
order where otheni are *pr«admr
chaoa; to bmg in hire where oth
era are »tnvidt to bni* <" hat
red. Each knows that whatever
hi* Ihwitatiori*, he ha* the power
to wield far reach inf influence
for the betterment of the world
too few Chn-ttan* arp in tere*ted
in them, a* well a* pi the billion
in paganism over the world
%. By interest in evil doera —
rather than devote a'tentVn to
“saving the saved." on* of the
chief obiectiee* of the Chrwto-
pher should lie to rear* those who
the fartherest from ('hriat and
therefore neesl Him moat
4 By taking part Sn puMir life
this i* the •driet duty of all
citiaen* •
HillimmvLipp \owb
Perform***! in Bryan
_ . . , ■ Mi** Kdna Idvurne William* ,
To play tfco Hie of ‘T'rtdophar. ^ -if John Eugene
anything mole I.ipjia last week ui • nuptial cere
mony oerformed b\ Reverend
Harry V Rankin in the First
Methodist Chunk Mr*. Upp* is
group th „ ,t® U jhtei of Mr and Mr* C
A William* of M«di*onvill* The
groom i* the ton of Mr and Mr*
A W Lipp* of A mains Pass
TV couple will Ipertd the
■ i
Loupot’s Nine
Edges Collt ge
Merchants. 8 - 7
Coming from behind twieg. Lou-
pot * softball nine nosed out the
Coilgfe Station Merchant* of the
| rontmtmal Softhal) A league *
I to T. in a II inning exhibition
game here Friday night. Thi* ia i ^ ^
the third game the Megt-hunt- |( r , ,
have droppeti by one run.
Tied 7-T at the end of tht- ninth.
U»e game went into extra inning*
With one away in the bottom of
the eleventh, the Loupot team
arornd on a hit batsman, a aam
fice bunt, and a (ingle
The Merchants got off to an
early one run lea*T but loupot’s
rame hack with four run* to take
a 4 1 advantage Five nip* uut
1 the Merchant* once more in the
lead. C-4. to phnly they added an
other making* it
■X x , i
Brison \amed President
Of CHS Mom - Dads Cliib
Fred R Brtaoit. A AM Horticwl- vico-pgwa.p Mr* Raymond Roper*.
ture professor. was elected praar- secretary; George Litton, tro*akf*>.
dent of the AAM Consolidated er, ^nd Mrs Inw* McKay, cor-
Mocher* and Dada Club, Saturday responding secretary
night in a mewling held in tho lW | Maaibor* of the nominatirgy com-
brary of AAM Conaohdatod achuot
He will succeed Mra Eugene Rush,
out-going prgaident
Other offkwrs rhoaen were Mr*
phag; Mr*. R O. Berry, third
^ Ml Gives June
Grads Luncheon
•VTying Saucer*’' wa» the deco
mi ft*** were Chairman Mr* Carl
Laudt* Mr* T H Ta«t»H, Bam
CMand. and Mr* A M Gaddi*
Ih a short business somiwu it
Parrack, first vico-pres ; was announced that MBl wa*
H Williams, second eiew- made on the play. "DiatriH
Sciool" which wa* gieon to raiae
fuAdp for band umforma. The club
also Vted to give |1M nut of it*
treasury to the uniform fund.
Outgoing officer* of tho chib
are Mr* w A Vareri, first vie#:
pres ; Mr*. H W Ba(4ow, *oc-
ond vice-prb* , Donald Burrhard,
^ _ secretary; Fred Bna««, treasurer.
ration theme of a luncheon gieen Byrd Price, corresponding
by the Women’* Missionary Un- secretary
ion of (he First Baptist Church in j
honor of the church member* who
other making it 7-4 But the Lou- u ., r u ' inr '" urrn " no
pot nine tallied two ,n tV eighth * r *‘ lu * t * f ^ m h, » h ,,,
b > eA j-.aaai. * at k\ 4 L ^ * 4 V .. W U
Nothing To Join
one nee*1 not “join
There are no meetjpg*, no due*
The imalt smvtlBI of fhmnrial as
sistance 'vOe»iwd for misceljaneou*
needs is being supplied by 4 |
of friends
The distinguishing mark of s
Christopher should Iw "love of
nil people' 1 Therefore the object
of the Christopher movement t* i mer at Aranaas Pas* before
to develop a sense of personal re turning to Bryan in the fall for
sponaibility ami initiative in hnng-< Mr llppa to re-eater AAM, C<4
mg back into the market place lege a^i a student .
The Miltel 4Tub heid n« last social e*eat af the
year recently eitk a dance la the HrXan I otudry
—■— X——>
Newt - Society
Ghun-hrs of (Jtrisl
Plan Rililr School
and one in the ninth to knot the
score at 7-all to send the game
I into extra inning*
Toro Winder went the route for
the Merchant* a the hill and
Merchant ( enter Field Buddy lien-
ton led the halting of thf fame
What's Cooking
Mrs C N. Hielscher acted a*
hoates*. calling upon Adrian Grif
fin to give the invocation Ide
Trotter thanked the W MV for
making the occasion possible
Miss Tommie Bunting gave a
vocal solo and later joined Mr**
Ann I>anahy and Misa Annabelle
FVrry to sing other numbers, ac
companied by Miss Sylvia Kelley
Earl Rose, president of the state
Rradlev to ^peak
At LnhlxM'k Event
Lubbock, Tai., May 12 'A4
Lubbock obaerves Armed Force*
Day t<iday - two days late — an it
ran bear Gen Omar N. Bradley,
chairman of the Joint Chrtd" of
kenter-1 oland Kn«lisJi Speakers
sum- Engagement Told r r * , 1 L .
I fur The engagement of Miss Gayle IsOIIClSut* OOTIDS
*0 CSeweM Cas.wume
The gniartent can in the low-priml fieM — the only
lines* to offer automatic tranamumion ami 105 H f.
•ngme • i# *
Bryan, Texas
J T lM«g» and W ilman Baftw - . , w , i
4 i iroup from pre*acb<ad through
I spoke la thg ( rorketl Lion* ( lufc , jJl-j, , r h,H.| age, A la.$es class f P’
i Wilr l>e taught by Mr>i Georg*
Two sp.wk.-r* h*ie l«*en 4.-11 | )BVl4 of (ht . Central Amgrega-
out each w4-**k dunitg -h«- iw*t *>■ | 10(1
i mester U. Speak to duh* and or- wKo Wl , h ^ may
- gamiatioii* aln.ut their -naj*'r !f ,|| i Wk S.,dt. :i IffO pr J*me-
engagement of Miss Gayle
Reeter of Dallas to Frank Dre*-
el Tuland Jr., son of Mr and Mr*
F. II Tolami of Iwlia* was an-
noutK-ed Saturday at an open
house given at the home of her
pafttnl*. Mr and Mrs John J
Rev-ter of Thr.ak morton
n. (Oilpie Will retwat vows on
June 23 at Gaston Avenue Hap
tlSt Chureh, when- Miss heeler i*
junior teen ag> dire. tor.
j. My»a keeter is a gradual.' of
Hardin Simmons University and;
Soutbw.-steri Hiii'U't THeol.qr- ! Accord i g to J \. Sheppayd p In
cal ^ennnarr Her fiance is a *tu-j accompai i<ft the mgi, In (><H'l|ctt,
.levit here at AdM t ollege Barnes hiipionsl-K diScutsed
"" Ii.gson U'ld Lion* <1ub lis
tener* ab->Ut the Heal I’umfi ”
Ihiring tk*' semester stu<h'nt* of
Knglisb i-'I .ml in l b#ve U-en s.-i t
to Heat*. Jacksonville, (
Marlin. Hrtnham and - ro, k- tt.
I>r T i' M.iyo, i nghsh depart
ment h. ad. 'aid the sene, will C->tr
tinue next semester
g the w*Hi of May 2Vt|
Beginning Monday nw»k'tig at J
a ra . the wiB ru| for six
4*y« from V to 11 a m each
day A special pmfflWmji* plan-
*e«l for the last day.
The last *>f • »er»* of .peevghe- pj,,,,, f„ r the , la**r«
.ponsored |> tbe Ehglwh Deppkt meeting* to be held In Tie AgM
ment was fnmpleted last week aaj Vhurrh of ( hrist hudAIn^ (lass
^ Wl ^ ^ ''"'ttiKfAH for ah'ery age
MRETIN4., W.-dnesday, Knom 207, BS1’ brought the addrea* on "Jet
fhnat Goadwin HiOl. 7:16 •.«*. Propelled Livws" Dr W. H An-
of Bryw and th^ AAM (iiurch o4 AGGIE PLAYER^, ir^vf* th^ irrsdufttM flMHMMkff#
Christ will conduct thdir third 7 W p.m., Music Hall. Group pic- from the pasU*r on "On the Beam "
hnat Vacation Bible School dur- He also presented a book from
ing the woefc of May 2Vt| ^ !' Tuaaday, tt, # church to each of the guasts.
.South African*
Observe Gampiifi
Twn men froth Sooth Africa
toured thy campus last Friday
T1»e> were K 1' S< hoe man and
hi* sun, H S J Shopman
l»r Jack C Miller bead of th<
A nimal Husbandry Ih-partment,
was their Host.
F Fow|er.\4-l I AT Trai 4»*tati<m
t-» and fn.rit classes wil ia- ar
ranged for a* requatlesL
‘ •• "T" • —
FirciiH‘n to Meet
Here Next Month
II R Brayton, dirvetdr of the
filVm.-n’s training ach<>w in the
Industital Extension Setwice. will
Conduct the 21*t snmigl short
Course for T.-xii* ftcvih.-n here
July Utl
May 21, 7 15 a. m . Lounge of Dor
mitory 1 Officer* for nest yvar
wig be electad and the final pic
nic for the club wiH be planned
for the i DANGE. Wednesday May 24. T JO
p m at rrankhns All aenior Vet-1
M«d students and faculty are in
p m at Dean Howard W Barlow’s
TARLKTON ri,! B, Thursday,
R.a.m 30«'>, (baatwin Hall, T It pm
Final meeting to determine <fi*poa
l al of fund*
“Purely Personal", by Dr. John
J Hill
Ormand White, president of the
BNU of AAM gave the closing
M r* C. E Gnesser was in
chgrge uf the committee that
plgane.1 the nenu and Mrs
(’harles Myers was in charge of
the decoration*
I R R<hIv Endorte*
Survey Next Year
General Bradley’s addrpss of t
p m. will be the Rinal event of the
Other events include a displaf
of military aquipment at Texas
Tech, a parade in which personnel
from Reese Air Force base near
here will take part wttfc both
ground troop* and flier*, dasho*
lion of tbe city’* naw iCl.aOo.iKKt
air terminal building, and a Ur
becue honoring General and Mr*
The Rra*n* RoUrtaon County
1 Medical Society moved in its reg
ular Tuesday night to endorse an-
I ether TB survey to be (ponsored
Mis* Alena Rae Beasley became by the Braz.m County TuhemiWv
the bride of John Robinsoa Martin sis Association for KTRI -
Jr of Garland, Saturday at the
Bpasley-Martin Vows
Said Id»«t Saturday
Learn About the
Hal ta lion
T’a^o I
MONDAY. MAY 22, 1H50
First M-thodist Church in Piano
Th.- bride is the daughter of Mr
iiihI Mra. C \A Heualey of M>-a
quite, while the gnemi ia the son
of Mr and Mr* John R. Martin
of Garland
The newly weds wil! make their will Iw negative Thoae who natned
home at College Station, where private doctor* and whoae first X
the groom is in hi* junior year pt ray proved suspicious arr urged
AAM to see their physician soon
For the past 10 days those re
ferred to Dr Marsh by the State’
Health Department in the recent
X-ray have been re-checked
Since every shadow on the first
film was reported, some of these
- MEET -
(Continued from Page R)
ton 44 47; 4 Jackie Blackburn,
Reagan 43 97
120 yard individual Medley: 1.
Gavle Ktipple AAM CeaaetldAted;
2 Bobby Timmons, Highland
Path; S.Dick Meick. AAM Ce*r
aaHAatad; 4 Buddy Hoyt. Paschal;
6. Charlton lla.blon, Lamar, 6.
Bill Wilde. Umar; 7. Tod What
ley, Austin of Austin. Time —
111:7, (new record, obi record
aet by Al Kilgore of Austin of
Houston in 1949, l 20:1.1
lal-yard medlei relay: 1 High
land Park; 2 Umar; 3. Austin of
Austin; 4 Austin of Houston; 6.
AAM (oaaotidated. (T. Harlow,
htipple, and H. Harlow); 4 Pa*
rhal Time 1 47 M
lAA-sard frecwivle relayf L
Umar: 2 Highland Park; 3 Rea
gan; 4 Austin of Austin; 6 Mil-
by Time -1:19 1 (new record, old
record aet by Highland Pafit in
1941, 1 20 )
SH I WITH A BATTAlloN C] ^SlVliet.
A!) V it word ww*
with a 2% mlrtmt mi *(*»<-» r«t# t»
('UfUilf.M H#*tif»h FMn pH* «*f>|t»nin
tnrh H#mt ali rlA*t>fwNi* wniri rigntl
iunt* *f» thw A*^? v, Ddai Owirti
All »4ft *t|*'Uld he* turned >» bv M* (Mi
am of tlf
« rs.i#! f+! u4»
f t rm )i ill
<1 a> D Mv THtbiir'A.Iioft
SMI Cerk «.*
nge .
<>«»f 4'©l
•ge M .»f n
. Ceil
4 VI-< VI re
IA e(yFi
.if .me by
after S
KKMIMHTod *TANtlksr> l.p**rlW
IIS «• h4>*'**. St'S' SHidy mS
s* .Ml a.iOs.*' Ml.****. X* Kr« SlSun
W'w.*r nidiM (ia.ior*.l Imj* .Mmsistai.
ly um* JtV igl »i-»rCm*nt C
1*** CISMp.N U.fnr Sr-w.rr
merl S "Jk < HCr*. Vi»»
Ward* yaw *—«* M quabfi tar tbe world's
•a«fl trabdng M wtAnbasi N yaw or* siegH
bwSwwea 20 and HA yean ef age. w«b
btgfc pkidant and asarwl qaaHsaOasi, and
OS laast two ywan of cebag*. yaw awy be
aaa^He as en Avtaftee Cadet w ta* U. V
Ab Ranwi
^ u *5. Air Forte
•^'o Wlnq T
■« Her. n,
G ' ve y *« M OoH,!,,
IM>1.10 an-t t fraA (Ta***# fnairranr. S«a
•w f*Ki< KfoKNIC Sllsil 'la.*
I IV an r.W I > *lr fWa I.M* U
ryrW A i X < ellem V*e»
( .11 1 at* IT r*'r.f*ra!,»T n |iaMl <
Ideal for apaiameoj. S'-' 'Hi Apt
H « X ' 'd'me \ wW
I*. ' ;s 1 itany It.aiaS Trsiler *IIX It
ft. U r.An. fr.fl^r II I area I,
I* <1 »|| rf IlnK-. kea. *erai*r (S'*
<W.1 <l--d r.«ai<M>n Me, K A (lit
>i#n e.iywtra twv*>1' •# He*. \ a
I < uiMfe 1^”"' J sail
.• ui i .ar*. it imurftl o *:p a i < i r Sew «»s
K»»»i (wAiapt* lyiawmer «af»typ*
la We *W W A » X, CoU*** Vie* ami
>«ak» Ti# *i <>ft*r
* MIH4T-I LANrol H a
►XiH yMTlMaTS* or IneM n*, *enersl re
para ami rnrirrele work r*ll t> X
Ijale f^* ! rortrarlsr rtf one 4 *?TS
- - ♦ —
1 < »MT Ml tie rule lie’ w«Sr f X. mi*
anl IHiroi 12 atw»i< |7lh Me. urr Ir
t at. r T Huher* lkor*» 12 *11 ReararM
—- -J « ♦
oanxM* xa ms
ar orUmanre making s iUkilswfiii In
lianliartr an} (.rearm aflit Hi the lunlla of
.he I II) flefimn* flraai*** spa pr.,' ,I d,
a penalty
Sk IT OR I A I NS: [i nt lf<K CITY
i rx i r »T aTIon
1 ll ahall tie iala»(*l to pxw. a (Ire
arm aitkin the .mil.
2 a firearm ahall Swiuls aperifp-allY
bul a-ft ra.-l iai- el, any MMdgua pMlM
rifle »i r rifle H R t in W aav oiaer
I MTt't'Y 'tk.MK krawer type f12«|
B—'k rk<* <•*•« (Wml type |:t au;
Sieva-1 Wb'ner Ke'rigera.or T n
nee mr-oxf *M>I w< *1 golf pullers
on rntmatgr* gall Swrse |i a. earl
all ua.Bi ThMOae r Urtffi* l> | R
( (Mlage VV* 1
iinnla '4 the fily
ahall (nglkKla «P
'»" an* MMdcua
rifle mr rrfle H B glW iW any oiaer
naarhaarsm mat .he. harp** .J *>eri« eay
Irulle. b... «,,ti..r „r any <A*er me.yillr
•Wfert .f a.-y aiee l.y lira* . f .,•.f..i,
me. hah>*n. <r air
7 . nMaOn* ihW ..rdinah.-e >na|
I* fu l.y of miademeann* *<g «},m\ en
ylrouh khall he (the* aW ^* than five
saw (attar* nor (Wire (fee flftf
l |A4* tk. -i.tllare
Bea-r-l end .e.ter*4 |M|W.ab*4 title •(*
eih Say „f Mey IkM A t> I
• He# . Meyuf Fr<> Ten
('My Mer re. an
Hoar TIM .He
Mpe RenlkSre Stana. tab**
Raegee * WeaUtn*. nnneW
-e h roe U> 1 eSoe _
i txrrw TBilHxn r*nr»
TV, Carltor R lige
2*1 .H. Main Street
Call 2*144R for Appointmanl
‘ * ‘ ’ 1
4 snorted Sly Id*
and Type*
- ONLY -4
tT Vi — $7.«5 A $R..5ii
S II A E K E R * S
Book Store
**Yoar Eneadly Store"
B yw* son quaRFy, you wM gM An*w oca* _
dnnot IweSrocBon. plw snaquMlad Ntgbt trwwng Hoewr bwlarw la paaaaSbaa bavw amrw boon
g* pAat or nwvipatwr Twu R Sratn wMb «a ^ «« colUp. wmi la *•
grawsast group a# woa la Wot. GrodooW* U A Ab Nrcg « you Or* iBSorosSad o tho
bacoska Nytog aOkar* ia tba U. 1 Ab BMW. #e aiaoy —b Aytng earqars apon ta yau la ta Ab
M IMBt • hagMaMg papf Foao. laquba oba about Ab Forw 0#ic*f
-MJa : '' <
Only the Best Can B a Aviation Cadets!
We pay the h qhed prices for Used Boors—
We maintain wholesale and retail l:sfi fhe
year rcund.
Serving Texas Aggies
4 t
1. ST) LE amt Quality
2. COOl, Summer Suits
Your Pudget
. . , FAMOUS young men* (and we mean yuunc)
Clothing of top quality and |»erfect for SUMMER
SUIT SALE BEGINS M.guiay, May 22nd and end*
Saturday, May 31ft.
-Top style, single breaat, two and three button ftjrle
with three or four patch pockets that you wear with
> your other slacks making sport suit combinations.
Our $35.00 COOL SUMMER SUITS Thi* sale $29.99
SUITS . . ;...... . This Sale
\ *