The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 22, 1950, Image 1

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City Of
Collegf HUtion
Official N'ewapapcr
tf 1
< V ■
V h
■ Nation’s Top
Collegiate Dally
NA8 liH9 Survey
Number 154 Volume 49
Press (Huh Banquet
Honors Journalists
)>< staff
roltatv staff
|« a
*1 at th|M)
Hbt*a annvv
Jy i
f /mrr
r^v uni hi
fnday -4
W« also a««-^t*-4 th« National
E? . . Safaty ( oum tl« PubJia Intrraal
?7* »tu*hnt put.- Award fur Ittiir, *aa iwanl
rrlH-r' and fu*-*t ^ iv Htettalnm in th* sain* «4i
KU «t»aks, I t.o«.
had fun »ok a \A Ktwd*>r*<li*, advortiatan
'4rht in thfr rrprr-at'ntativa for Th* Hattaliun,
*•» ITivwt. a prn a|td pwanl art %y
•Hranon way th«* annual th* pap*r f»»r uul^aruiinir work in
( luk Baaquwt. which ha!> a* it* »*Uinf t&.UOO **.rt#\ of advcytiatic
pntwary purfunc the iamafc* <rf fw the t-auer durinff the adMad
awards ta student* whi have work vear
•d an the various papers, maffa * JowraaluMa A»arda
tinaw. and year book produced by _ . ... . j
the cottefe, amt the .eru,i,t*ry aim .. erwaeatatiasi of the JiaWtiPki
«f everyone havin* a rans.n f rood | » awards in the tfro
tiHM frtahnien who ph«*w the most p»o
miae in work on sttident puidtda*
tienn wa. als<> ir«sde at the ban
Kdltors of The Battalion, the
Afiieland 1K»1, the Commenta
tor the RhffWeer the Ayru-ultur
tst, and the Southwestern VVter-
tnanan all reierved watches, anil
the various member* of their
staff, were ftven key. |tw 1>UI „ U U B(lr
uf their tiase spent on the publics-
ipiet Hamkl Garfi, sports wnker
for The Battaljort. and Joel Aga
tin, editor of Ttie Battalion freah-
man pare rereivetf the tyro award
arndls from head of the Journal
Ptwn*• itatton of the various staff '
awards was made by President
Frank f Bolton. wh.i praiseil the i
p«hlnation men far th«'ir contnMu-
ttoils to the rollefe this vear
|tr Bolton, aloar w, th nsoat of
the other col ley. offnial prvseait
was the tareet of the hanqttet
“prof rawi" w hu h jllied the vidt- !
inf dtffiitanas Few tare of th*
pnifram was s sjnle f»lm entithnJ
“Inside t’ollefe Statien.,’ which
was hilled by it| producer H**
talioa staffer [bwo Hee.1 as re
veahnf Some uf tie ctamtestine a«
tivities mdulyed |n hy «o||efe of |
Fake Kiln
The films were nmde by supfr-
uwposinf the fai»s of the durm j
lane* on those of other |»eople j
4 I I ' jin varmaa rompramisirtf positions
/Innounced ■ or ^ ^ *
(of ptvaident-elect.Tom llarntifton.
tiona Joel Auatm, Frewhman edi
tor of The Bpttalipti, was alao pre
aented a watch Tirat year work
ers received brwnse kAys. twteyeor |
men silver keys, aad three year
staffers pot fold awards
Npeeial Aw silt*
Two vpei tal awards were made!
to outstanding staff members of:
The Battal ion t arrent feature |
editor and co-editor elect fbr Ikht)
fcl. Jkave ( oslett was given a suit
uf riot he* for his work in editing
the national pnse wmning < hhst
mas safety edition which brought
The Battalion fStm in rash. < oa-
Storage Plans
'f % + >, \t j
' 1 ■ , • , A[\ ‘ m
| j " Price FtvtO^II fV ’
Seniors Climax College
With Biggest Weekend
The Clan* of 1954 Saturday pot quet by C C "Spike” White, di- dets. the Mrlrvnopea aang thiwa,
thr wrappiags on four years af rector of student activities Gold,; »r)ectnais after dinner,
college with it* Senior Banquet engraved keys were awarded each Who's Who Awardf
and Ring Dance Dodging heavy of the men as a token of hi*
rain* whk-h threalenad to ruin leetion
their plana, an eatimated 1.000 Bobby BymgUm. da*s preawi
couples took part m some or all of wt , master of ceremonies After
the weekend sctivitie* }*, invocation by Kgper, forpe
One complete wing of Duncan chaplain, Hyingtun wwcomsd the
Hall was filled to overflowing setuois and tlieir itates and pUeste
for the banquet. The l.lfOtJ persons | to the banquet
who attended heard President F ; The menu for the evening in-
(’. Bolton and ife-an M T. Mar- | eluded tomato r<M-kUi Jf *alad. T-
npgton make the principal a<1- bone steak, french frwd potstoes,
ditvases f '.-sb bma beans, iced tea am:
Thirty one winners of Who's i baked Alaska
\yho wen- presented at the ban- A quaitet from the Singmy < a
Tau Beta Pi OH leers
Elected for 50-51
The hip day finally arrived, (.lew Kothmsit l«M»k*
at his dale Janie H«Mdhe hetor* they po I4<» I he
Senior Ruik Dance I he hackurVouid «k* d*
sifned hy senbir* in the Archil eel uic Department.
riimn^h I niman .
Fa-nad Koine* I* translated Sensor Kins
Dance, (ih*t I’holo engraver *ul esrited while
tnakini! Ihm riiKravinx.)
Eight Ex-Presidents Endorse
Texan's Mason (Credentials
Summer Peritnl
sniiliiifly (-lunhipf a bottle of
Four Koae* moved thrdugh a stiff
pose of Dean J I* Abbott doing
! an adagio dancsl with a slinky
Pkn* for Htorinf | brunette, six I ctmcludH with a
durfng th** summer wert* r4* 'y* 0 "** ••fy
k-usl by Brnru. " ‘ jiy
Other narti
I*»y by Benrut* A
Zlnn, aMMtant drtn of men (Khrr part.* of the program in-
(V1«U living in odd num-t eluded “Ajcttooing off the sen
heead dornutoriea m the Near i vu>e f ,lf W J ,rr » J th *'
Area may *ore .11 itarns, „ rpp> , | arthrtties r^fwe. and seue.
limps, in th* fun rooms of Dor-
mi tones 5 snJ 1 These «t<>rsge :
riHims will tie open on Friday May
2« fmm 3 until 5 p m.. Tuesday, u .1
May MJ from 2 to 5 p m and H “ ,U|
Thursday. June 1 from 2 to 5 p
al fake telegram* delivered to the
various diners ,
Banquet master uf rerejnoriics
was f t Munroe. co-editor of
is, Ti VH 1 - ' i*' - \ I’nco* ma't
ha* a slip of impel sigmd b> eight
consecutive fnitsidont* nt th* I ni
tesl State*
The paper i* * apt M I Swuie
hart - Wild degree Mu-m.ii cp.leo
itiai Theodore Ki..*evelt *igtie.l it
* first, in Ilk is llaiiv tiunian -ign-
’ tsl it in DMf> The m-lictween piev-
I idetii* signsnl whin- tb.-s weig id
I office .
The 73-yesr old l'-co* m*n is
a promoter railroad and
| religious director a* well ** *n
army veteran
Sw iru-hart is -i forim t engifie* r
of Gosban. Ind , wd • r.
•.I ainl Iniitl tie '. ■!
..uet us! paring t.
engim-er of the fern.
• ispn V in K'v. r* nle
Innli on* of I h» lai g'
xysteiii* *n> the «<kir,ti
tiecapie |. n. rai noioag
fn- 'h
Cngims'd of 1 he M. Jo \ ulley faill I* KooaeVelt's <agn*I
wny ('oiapaijy and built asd ofmkwt-. i alleit the captain In, hi
e<l the Bk 1 hnl* bit* f. r . timk talked f<>r about id mlr
( a.let* living in even number
nd dormitories and in Hart Hall .
may stare all items^ egpept lamp*
in thr gun rooms hf Dortnitorve*
4 ami C The time* during which
the atorage nsima will he open are
the same as those for th* odd i
nntnbened dwrmitwnes
Student* living in no^military
dormitone* may storv kll items >
mclieling lamp* pi the ^un r*Mim s
of Dormitory Ifi. This storage
room will be o|«en on Friday May
5f6 from 1 to 5 p m ami on
Tuewiay May hi from 2 until 5
p m
l. S. Iron Measurt‘s
KtMluro Hrrlin
( adets tnav *tere lam|*s in the
gun nsun of IK.rnub.rv 2 The
room will b* open from 3 to 5
an Frida> Ma
ay Ml: Tburs.tsv
Friday, June 2
*vs»s*er Hewsion
Hi D4NIKI DR l.l’C K
Berlin My 22F iA** A Commun
ist Free (ierman Youth (KDJi uf f
ficial who descgilieil himself as s
leaerter, said vaatedlay iron nsea
sure* of the wept have wared off
many from the broposed match on
Berlin next wmateml
He said (tnljl 25tt.(»4t>-
imU the MW,1k the leaders have
tsiasted would iiarttobate in the
- will show up
of tfo ilemanxtiat.i
ile* *tnrt discipline
■ •a their q aid*- <■
eor Isuisdst y
Most of i hose H-
Irate into the w
“will stand on the Soviet-A I! led
boundky. cheei pi**mg eolun
*te V ,
All students who wish to at
tend the around summer semester
hut not the first »*t»***t#*c may
Store alt item* in the gun rv>m of
Dormitory Ifi /.inn said This stnr
sge ns>« will In* open on Tbiir*
day. June 1 from 2 to 5 p m
Student* from the Annei may
aU*r* all items in either of the
sing song- and . 1 i
mioibei* a* pv* id vn-ti
er ," he nssert*-*)
»« T 4 | — it Barite I bate in th* *TU chi.f ... t
J *n 1 T l * y | l ril|v * * h,,w u »» darv is planmrd t
June J ami |!| Hn y E*«t Zone parents disturb Tt.e main |*.i. u
e*l hy western goui.ter-propogarsls 1 G,vt<
- won’t Jet their children atUoul. i UM |
he SAW. ami only abou. Th , f g rtlVr Mid th „ Fw ( ;
young pnqmgaml,sts mtsally have ■ mai Y „„ th (F „ J(
liumtier of it- young ai'itat
n on 'It* Umn
'a.-t ’n nnmitc*
t* BramU-idiurg
ami Pot-dpuiei I’lalr “ lu-
Ireen hssignHl V' the task of fil
tering into Wegt Bcrtia
The anti-comltvunmt nesrspapi r
lelegraf, gave full cnjden.e ti*
his story though Vh* (pMsihility
reinsmerl his afieunt was intrml
e«l to plant a false feeling of se
curity among w**temrrt. The of
('oiling- to lb* •» ir. I .kih h« Ua*
promoter a’ <1 loiibb 1 of th* Pp-o-
YalUv S. ithe'D Kailvav and
*eive*t a' • lesiocnt of thr radioad
for a /»*' Fron tb* radio-J b'i«
nn ts. tin cnpi.'is’- * \»- tuftiad
to n 1 g|oo- s ok, amt be *peii'
2». vein< H- liu-o rs- managi r of
the K.^e iii Pre*by*. na'i nnsubns
li hi* “‘pare** time i>c Ini lit a
2.’>P \*.kignn college Kona tr«
veled aifniHil thi vkoil.l th*-ee *ime*
di-tribufing Gil icon l! hi** am) r.
rniiteil ft mi *ion»it*e> for seihice
o erm-as
Tbotua* K Mefvh ill »ho w»*
later tp h** \ ice-|'r.*ident. jWe
-ented ( agtain Bit inehart's erf>
dential to Teildv Kie>*rv*-|i Be
i-inmag the »erie* M>irfch»ll *a«
the man » ho look captain Swme-
h*rt throuth Mauwnrv
S.W i-ndiiirl th* n I'ersiaiallv saw
the in*<t f'«ur pre* i.b-ot* and got
(rfrmans Sa\ Reds
Mistreat in j; P^s
Berlin F < d *'H'ihv * Sip ial
i«t* allgt'. that tl* Kii-a-.hii* rv\e
adopt***! n ncy. ttbi to keep t«-n*
tb«-ii autograph* He William
II Taft in !'*1M Windrow Wilaon
It'lt, Waiqg' G Harding in
1 yj I, jikI < alvm ( isdekfe in 1924
1 h. captain was So| present in
r.t.’t* when Herts-rt llhover signed
thi i re*lcntial. but h» Us* lack in
W i-hitigton in 19T4 fio Franklin
lure FDR
ml the two
utk* nbunt
thi* ami that ''
( aptais >*»ine|y*rt wa* n**t
present when l’ieidd4Ht Truman
signed hi* do* tisuml Federal
District Judge Kwiug lh*>m**on
t*«h the d*Hument id Thia wa*
while Judge Thoms Whi was in
the I S. < ongrew*. I’rewtdcnt
Truman called is rw».men to
Thomas Falward Flukinger, F.K cataloger for th* 19f>0 M a.h.
major from llouston. was elected | ywar
president of the lexa* Ghapter of
tke Tau Beta PI Nat ions I honm
society for engineering student*
Howard W Harlow, dean of engi
neertng, announced
Jam** Plants Fan Antonio was
named vice president, and Wallace
Hooper, Ft Worth, waa elected re
tording seervtar) Albert W Rol
lifis, Dallas, was elei teii correspond
mg sec
Hyinfton then n troduced Whijh
and Grady Rims, aMtstant
Bobby ByingUm, class president, u f student* aeMtttKm. who
resented the Who's Who key*,
awards were made to Doyle
Avant, Lytle Blankenship Bobby
Kyington, k L. “Bill" BillingsUnf,
William I) Barnes, (buck I) Ga|l-
amss, (tavid l. ( oslett. Tom C.
• aihous II, frank A. Gleland, j
T Ihitaon, James H. ‘'Red" Duke,
Joe Fuller, J D Hampton, Floyd
Henk, (e«l H Huey II, Gkorge
Ksders, ( harles I) Kirfcham, !»ave
Krvager, (Tiarlie Mialtsett Lloyd
Mlineot A D Martin Jr , C. C.
Munroe, Harry Haney, Hal Btriof-
er. Joha L. Taylor, W, F •‘Bruce”
Thompson, Jimmy Ksiy WcMMiall,
add W alter W Zimmenaan
lieaii Harrington was introduced
bv H \ington He congratulated the /
seniors on tbeir a. complisbment,
urging them t.. continue their ed
Flukinger whf wav elec ted pres I Kduratiwa'. ( h.racteristtrs
ident is the first sergeant of K Kn- j Hr Iwted the character!stirs of
giiieei* He has l>een a distm- •" edurated man as “having a
gushed student ttnee 1947 lie is certain amount of factual tliow
also s niemlier of the A IFF and the ledpe neither too much nor too
Pin Kta Sigma honor fiaternity j liDsr,’ the ability to write and
James Pianta. who is also an j "I’rak correc tly. mathematical
F.F major, has l*een a distinguished * skill; g» , od behavior, taantierw or
student for the iwst four semes- i taste m daily living; the ability to
think clearly; and character
ter* Hr was recently elected set
rretary, Jes II Mc|vee'fr>m lor 'ell leader a ml served as fresh
man yell leader during his fresh
I man year. Pianta is the holder of a
four year Opportunity Award Fel
lowship and is an active member of
the 3 M* A cabinet
Wallace Hooper the new record
mg secretary, is a chemical engi
neering student and is also a f.*ur
semester distinguished student
Albert Kolltns. tlie corresponding
secretary, is a civil engineering
major He is also a member of the
Phi Kta Sigma the ASGF and the
be ^aie
Honey Grove, was named treasur
er for the coming year Hubert
Kanaom from Houston was named
Re|'islrars Sd
Houston Meet
The American Aaaociation of Col- r mi r,.ii .-.lari.a. ...e r mio mei —— - - - - ■ -—**■—
legiate Kegistrars and Adnuaaion YM< A cabinet He has been a di*-| ,n H*ll after repeated show-
() if leers will hold its annual con- 1 tinguvshed student for the past five threatened to interrupt the trg*
vention in Houston in ItM, H. L. semesters
in, registrar, haa announced
tVon haa been named chairman
|e k4M)l cowvwntioiy, which Will
the first time for the organi
sation to meet in Teiag since it
was established in 1910
President Bolton waa mtroducmf
hy Harrington He flgviewed tka
accomplishments of #»e college,
riting tlie chances on the campus
since hist arrival here in DkW *"T>ie
good old day* were often not quite
a* good as we Would like to think,"
id as he reviewed some of the
y ronaerted with the ohl4r
buihiinf* on the campus
Grwve Kuled Out
The Ring Dance which had Maa
scheduled for The <irove. was held
Je* D Mclv.*r, treasurer, is also
a mawtber of the K*>ss Volunteers tra
lit tonal Ceremonies
Benny Strong and hi*
furnished the music
for the
He was
■a man
thousands uf roaplM who jaiummi
into the bailding Long lines
formed <|uickly befum aach of Up*
huge replicas <»f the Aggie King
as couples waited their tuni to
go through the ring catvsnony
«h<>w them the rare document versity now is prewident.
Th* captain takes ||o..d care of I The choice of next year’* meet
hi* credential*, takiag them out of, iug place was made in Fan Fran-
m bank vault (Hvaifienhliv to show riaro at the organ nation’s ronven-
te hi* fi lend* li*e wntinng is j turn, which Heaton attended
well preserved. c*en|iderinif its I The convention will be in the Rice
ig* H* had to get a silk cloth Hotel the week of April J5, Heaton
put m the ha. k of I* 1 credential said He predicted that 600 to 700
whd*- in koeea H* plan* some registrars and admitting officers
dav after getting several more who are members of the 1300 mem-
Pje-id* nt«' sign$Utit si to turn hi* her organiaxtion would attend
j credential over to Ifaiionio mu-! Heaton is in charge of all pro
j *eum gram arrangements for the meet
’ —’ ♦ - * ng
and the Phi Kta Blgtna.
recently appointed busim
ager of the Engineer
Robetd Kansom, cgfSloger for
registrar!, however, the next yegr is a member of the
have served as president of the as ! A IKE and the Phi Kta Sigma
sonation They am Charles E. Fir- f — *
ley, now president of Uwa State # # *
^thT/aHeL'sirr'^ET Dvatlw Listed In Final
w*»od C. Kaatner of New A oA I ni-1 maw m\ • rgv f f
South Amboy Disaster loll
would he arreste*! ami thi* would <«f thoigand* *>f ih rmsn p'i*4ners
pl^« indicate*! above, prefer.My f**,, wtH , MM | ^ , wr-|b€r
in the area where they export u
live next year Zlnn explained
1 Agronomy Hwciety
The storag*- will W handled by
the Agronomy Society and all
revenues Will !» placed in thg
treasurv of that so* ie<v Zinn slat
ed The baggage will lie store*!
at the student * own nsk but all
poeetbie precaution* will be taken
te safeguard it
lomp* may be stored at 40
cents each and bicycle* at a dol
lar each other baggage will be
stored at 4ti cent* uer piece for
containers «**t exceeding two ruble
feet in volume Zinn conchuled
of the centeral committee of the
communist youth, was not named
Acrording to the fUfMwe, most der
make good pmnagnn-la agam-t
western "polnV terror "
AGait H.tski hII led troops haw
carried out three month* of aril -
nut ditlls and have onler* to
*ho<d If necessary
AlwAit 11 (Xm We»t B. tdin |edice
including inar ga- squads, will be
in the front line to maintain or-
'iif.-d f.«.*d kih* c
mn five year* after
i j t i; 41
, ■ .
Mat 2* Krtda* Last day of
ciaeaes for senior* net failing
May 27 >alurday Kinala he-
MisceBgbeoa* — Hentar bvita-
tatmaa new being dmtribsKed
ia Agrwwhariel office, svrend
floor Goodwin Haft. Thaae
w It heal dawn payment will he
aeM after Friday aftemana.
Jane 1 -laeraiaareate aad cam-
didgadxaeat exrerlaea* eaat
aWW^^mW ■ Is ^ F ® Wa
aai Ball.
Jane k—Final Re view.
x'\n M-* cw
^ 9 # I
i I
lo..! ti
These M ha s M he award winners
fetviag gaM keys al BatardaySi
they are CharMe Kirkhai
Detsma. (edi Haey, AM
( alkeua. (.hack f a hams,
erder la whirk th# mew
that la wkkii (key etee4
refuee la he slavea ta
af the II men re
Left te right
yd He«k J. T.
Dave ( oslett. Tom
m IMill llj. The
are standing b not exactly the same
at the banquet, hat anr pketao agravers
of wat if prol
oi the 'A ' i* t, T'
the waf
Th* 1 Focifi)ist* 4*-iot the Soviet
process ' *(| cnnvA* t ih* |»n«ener*
a* "<iFttmnls" idle (ttimpe^ up
chargeis and sentegc- them to labor
I ramp* for at- l< og a* 2$ veal! in-
steiel of sendmi” them home (Yften
thev aw- said to !»*• taken off re-
pa trial no ?rsn*|e>ft« to face courts
"At flr«t th*- rhgri'e *if f.*od theft
hel.l fie*t plnt’e iq thi* operation “
*ats tH* Bocrd'S* “t'a npl-int ’*j
“I ater p ••t add*if nsultine Jh-vet
i instituttor**', *shq*ave att.-mpted I
escap*' :ind refusal to «<ok
vrv i th****- i-rv**i*'<l» tie! m»t
omv 1 * fruitful • ne’ -'h ‘e*t*i<wiage
for Ansro-i' «a- ndde! an<l finaT
IW, the charge of ’t res^mming on
1 Soviet terrtlorv ’
On the Ins' chdrge it wooM be
mmi'hl# tn sentence every PR to j
foree*! labor"
Staff Gives Bolton
Honoring Dinner
Dr Frank C B**Pan. retiring
prwsidmit of AAtl. will he nkefi a
t teaHradnial dim gr on Sattg-day,
| l^r ft. in Bhoa lUP
| pm; dimer is ! being spor# ore-1
i toiifDv by the (ViHege stenl and
the Fi* iter Ftudqr t* Aumociaftitn
Onlv 1 200 ticket* will he tvail-
I kftif- V^e will <he s*dd at !||.7|
I each T u ket* at f'nlbre Stating
! may ba purehansuf at the Aggh land
Intv the Aggieladd Pharmacy, and
‘ Offn e T
mav be mir
irst State
Staff I’nMilions
(on Ball
Staff m<mher* f,>r the *um-
m. r Kattaliun see hting select
ed now arrordiag to Koland
King manager <if »tudewt pub
lies t ions.
tnv «tudenl whp i« interest
ed m writin** fog thr Battalion,
sod who will be enrolled in
*< howl for cither s*te or hwtli
*«miner term* are reoue-ted to
runt act Bing in Room 249 of
Goodwin Hall
There art *till a few jobs
open that will e*rfv financial
rerwmeration " Bigg said
Plan* are befog made foe
pubiicstion of the Battalion
f< or da vs s week, he said--
Tueadav through Friday.
■' ■■ 1 V" '■ " •'
Kxcs of Oklahoma
\&M Fried liv Ivys
S*»uth Amboy, N J , May 22 -
'■4b The death toll in the Sooth
Amboy munition* disaster Friday;
was nxe«l officially a: 27. ami
bandaged survivor* gathered out *
side patched-up churches to give
thanks there were no more deaths
The bodies of only four of the
27 have been recovered The re*t
disappeared in the funnel of flame
and Mack smoke which roared into,
the sky a* *‘>0d ton* of munitions
blew up at South Amboy last Fri
day night
» hurche* he I* I special Sunday |
services to m*»urn the dead and to
give thanks the toll was not high- |
Meanwhile (
Mr and Mr* Ed Ivy were host*
to the local alumni of Oklahoma
AIM ( ollege, ITiursiiay night in
their home at Grtive and Kim in
j College Station
Movies of last fall's Oklahoma
Aggie Tulsa University football
game were shown The also
planned a picnic dinner to lie held
at the home of Mr and Mr* K
(’ Potts on July 14
| I>ecal members of the alumni
present were Mr and Mr* Floyd j trying to incite new war hyateria ed up churchea
Reds Accuse l S
Of lncitin« War
Jfeoacow. May 21—
accused Preaident Truman Unlay of
quarters in Washington thsftuagd
that the munitions whu h etplad-
e«l were ilestmed for Pakiatan
from Newark Ohio.
Vice Admiral Marlin O’Neill,
Commandant of the U. S. Goaat
Guard. Mid in # statemeM thgl
the Coaat (.uaril decided to let on*
la at shipment of igore than 500
Ooiinda of mumtiond clear through
South Amla*y Arrangament* had
been completed* before a May •
Coast Guard order limiting Urn
amount to he shipped from tha
congested area to 500 pounds
Admiral O’Neill aaid. “the Coaat
Guard considered it- aafer to per
mit the movement «f this one ad
ditional shipmrtd of explosivea
through South Amboy rather than
have it remain in boxcars in con-
head-1 lt'‘«t Eaat Coaat rail yards pend
ing rerouting to another explosiva
loading fticility "
< hurrh Service*
Moat of yesterday'* churrh/aer-
vice* in this waterfront ciCf (tf
lO.tXk) persons. 21 mile* south west
of New York City, were held an
lawns outakie the battered, board*
(’ Bean blossom, Dr aad Mrs E
E Vexey, Dr and Mr*. R C
Potta, Mr and Mrs Marvin White-
head. Captain and Mr* Scale, and
Mr* James D Simpwon
w-4- f-
Costa Ricans Recover Virgin
.J _
Of I,os Angeles after 9 Days
San Jose. Cost* Riga May 21 -
'■4*< Itevout ( «thahc| rcjolcad to
day for the re<'d*ln^«l virgin of
la>s AngeUa, a Idadl rock atatue
l•eVl•r^*^l at the pafcfi'heii* uf t osta
Rita, which diaappOwfed nine days
ago and my*teriqu*l) reappaared
liecame one for pilgnhtageea I'n-
derneath the spot i* a subterran
ean stream to which miraculoa*
healing powers are attnbuteil
By recent estimates it t* worth
approximately flMiJHM, it waa
atoton May 12 from the Basilica
by thieves who muftiemi the
he j the Farmer-Btu.ifni
aa j In Bryan DckK*
r* J chased at lESD a|td the Fi
had Tniat Company
• hun k bell* rang *-ut the new* ; « |»unrh walrhmaa and eacape-l with
<f ihe r apparai.qe gtid the faith
ful thronged the glheet* in cele
bration ArrhbMhqp ficto! Manuel
Sa»ubria a ml uthef rMurrh and guv
etnment officials kid’ned pi Gar*
'ago. 2ti iiules *aatkca»i of Ban
Jo*.-, t« view thd image - about
seven me hew high’—iRhirh firwt ap-
uea'ed to an Indian woman named
iVrcyra deep in tkq kingle, accord
ing to legend 1 h# f .mah took it
home with her, toft daring the
night it vaniqh*d to ke found
the next morning
place of or-
the statue and money aad jewels
from the church aim* box
The sacrilege aroused a wave
of indignation throughout Coata
Rica President Otilm ( late Blan
co proclaimed three tfoya of na
tional mourning and ( esta Ricans
raised more than IKO.iMKI reward
for th* return uf the image.
Police searched hotel* rooms,
homes and pedestrians on the
streets, including pnesta. but paid
C rttrular attention to fereigners
iviag the mmwttj.
Details of the recovery have not
nPVamwm mwmw aa^a to i ex t
a RFRkRI HO all**V
in the V S celebration yesterday
of Armed Forres Day
"The military' clioue tried to use
the day as a new cause for in
citing war hysteria in the arm*
race. 7, aaid Pravda. organ of the
< omaiunist party “The signal wa*
given by President Truman"
‘O|)viou*ly," said Pravda. “it ia
n«t enough that the’ budget ear
mark* ?fi |>er cent in preparatioa
for aggre-tsive war"
Pravda» editorial writer gave
no hint as to how he arrived at the
7fi per cent figure The hodget sub
mitted by President Truman on
Jan 9 called for military expen-!
ditures of about 413^00,000,600
in a total budget of |42.4<Mi.u<ift(KM)
Russia's most recent budget
called f*»r military expenditure of
about flh.dOQJMIO.OOi far military
purpose* in a total expenditure 6f
about tTH.mMVtMNUNMt
It wa* warm and ninny.'the first
*l»nng*like day since the dnsst-
ing rams uf Friday night's dia*
A church waa bOilt osrer
Statue, dedicated as the Virgin of I whether the miae mg maney
vh» Angela''Hk4 aRc a Cartage jewel* had Wen recovered
Town Hall Mfrlinj!
Will Be Tonight
The citiien* of College Station
will meet in the Petroleum Build
ing Lecture Room tonight at 7:00
for a Town Hail meeting aeeovd-
uif to Mayor Ergaat Ungfurd
The plaaa, problaaM* aid fa tare
ef the city of Cuttofa St#Don wiU
W discussed. All dirnana #re urged
to attend, Langfofo said
ill) Russian Boats
Srrn Off England
Falmouth, Kngland, May 22 — «
49 Thirty Kussiana fishing traw
lers aad a mother atop left here
hot anchurvsl a few hoars later
around a rape in Moant’s Hay near
th** tip of Cornwall.
TV unexpected visit, a few daya,
before the Hrusaela Pact naviev
viigage m maneuver* in thr BW
ef ftia#ay, has rained question* #s
to its purpoaa,
AU movements afl the ahipa
were bring reported to the Naval
commander at Plymoath The Brit-
iah aircraft came m frdm
the channel t*>day on a etoiMa
which took It rioaa la the 2.900 too
mother ahip' j ,
The captain of the mother ship,
the TRiiifcai, told British ruetoeaa
off tear# yesterday tha reaarik ar«
•ne the way from Up Bahk Ml' .
to ratafarce tha Beetol fishing fVqt
in thaBUek Im.
A British admiralt;
•aid that there waa
tha channel.