The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 19, 1950, Image 1

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] Li ! r
Oty Of
CoUegf HUtkm
Official Newspaper
Nation's Top
Collegiate Dally
NAS 1949 Survey
‘A- 1
•f V ' L * X • /
Number 153 Volume 4«
RVs Hetftl Parade In
Houston Saturday
T 1 ' K‘
Prto»: C«®u
-f—t* \ j
Datice Saturday at 8
By Sid AhrnifttHy
Th# Whit* Ron* Votun
t**r« hav* h*t n ehuM>n to r*|>r>
A AM aitd to tfad th* Amiod
> orroo llay Farad* in Mouaton Sat
uffej Matiilw- ,, r, . t .
^ Thia raquant ram* from th* XLI tnifomi of tfc* 4*y for tte
< <»»># of th* Artill*ry in Mouaton,
fc) th* ordaf of Brigidirr <»*H*ral
Thompaon who witl b** panuk- mar
Pol lowing rhow at B 15 am. th*
RV* wiU l*av* at 6 a m. in rott*g*
buaaoa. Thay will aaapmbi* at *
a m Saturday n«>nang and l*ad
th* parad* through d o w n t o • n
Liaa of Vlarrh
Th* rompany will aaa*mbl* on
B*ll Str**t b*t*>*n Main aod
Trana Th* parad* oill ult* thrm
thnmgh Houaton and will t* mun
at* at Lamar and Milam
Each r*g i man t of th* Cadat
Corpo will bo nrpt*o*nt*d ha th*
marrh by having th
rotor* di*i>iay*d iMm*diat*ly fol
*) lowing th* Volunta*ra Sta
Voluntrara will b**th* traditional
whitra. Th*y wifi aiao ahoaldrr
th*ir rrdorful rhr..*»* and whit* rt-
fl*o for fh* pantdo.
Paurth 4raiy Band
Th* volimt**n wilf b* tollbamd
in th* parad* by th* Fourth Army
Band Oth*r orgamuftiona that
will tab* plar* ig th* pa rad* ar*
th* Coait t’lOard, Infantry, Kngi
n**r«, Manara. Naval R*a*rv*a,
Artmirrd Infantry. Arabia TVm-
pi* Band, I'aivrrtity of Houiton
ROTt’, Naval RoTC from la*, and
ar\*ral high arhool 10TC anita.
leading nut ta th* pa nut* will
b* th* rom m and* i of III* Koa* Vol
unt**ra, D P “Itoggi*” Mr<'tur*.
Planking MrClur* will b* th* thr**
f lat.x.n l*ad*r*, Herb B*ul*l, ling
lgg*r, and l*n Landrum
Following th*a* m*n will b* th*
mk»ra of th* mrpa Th#a* will ron
aiat of th* rogimontal otdom rar
n*d by a Ko#a V»lunt#*r color
Adding color to th* largwut par 1
ad* h*id m Huuaton thm y*ar will Sigma, frwnhman honor fra
b* th* band* of th* Fi>urth Army ternitv. w*rr announml by
... tb*h Sch.^. k.,.1 [)r j P Abbott neui) of the
School of Art* gnd Sctcncc*
By MU BlUilNt.sUY
Rrdiav Mroog
Hmn*, th* wan who maga th*
oid aoaga will play for th* Kiag
Haar* in lb* Gro** Saiarday
Night, la addttioa ta danroaM*
auMU* h* >pmaliir» la lb* old
Colon*! Hayd*n L. Bugtnrr and in ^al*» will probably mcr*a^* th* m*ntator offic*. **rond floor. Good
Utmlnr of tha tlaif of UgglP—ili«t Dr fotil Hamng numbor. Patb*r add*d win Hall, antd 5pm toAy.
will and fcur yaara af collgg*}it JS F r n £'"?* I 1W Wl11 ^ L_ Tw# “'"f*
urda/ night With a han M u*« in fin- thr,r ***• w<,, . ma T ^ th# out '' ^ ham,u*t. Park
ran Hall »nd th* traditional S^uur
Ring hard* in t}>v f imve
As th* |a*t of th* prrdoannWtiy
v*t*rai dlaiows. tl<* (ilia* t
»**m iiou|ly iwrd Ui maio "1 th*
graduatanh saniur* wh,. hav* h**«
th*ir *da< atioii* int*i rupt*.l or
drlaytul by Wd*l<i Vt m t|
Hag nnhig at f p. m in tHinian's
A'rat w iig th* l>an<|o*t will f«-a-
tur* shoU talk'* by < omsnardiant
d<M<r dancing slab 4 R p m to *r said aad no dross r*quir*m*nt. ^ Wo r ti*g» W| il b*' 10 "purd
paw through two agiiof ring r*p although moat dates pjan |o woar “F l * M ‘ u * u ‘ l1 hottl* n*<k at th*
Ikaa, and danra to ithd ntusic of I fomu da* ta th* ouidk tranait to Park*r said, and couples
Benny Strong
banquet program will be the award- ! cO^inr
mg of Who’s Who medals, P»rV*r ri' 1 * l *
VOO Tirbtls
Pr* 4al#s of tickat* i yesterday
afternoon were negf wti couplet
tor th* ring dance, affording to
ticket sales chairman l4lil Parker,
and 4541 rouples fod th* banquet
An expected lant-ftAipt* surge
late word from th* Dunchn kitchen.
Banquet tickets are no longer
on sale, Parker said, but dance
tickets will be on sale in the Com-
Phi Kta Si^ma
Picks Officers
For Next War
New officer* of Phi KU
A® Fnjjineers
Receive Awards
Seven graduating seniors were
awarded distinguished student
keys at th« final meeting of the
Student Surieti of Agnmltural
Engineers held in Hensel Park.
Taaaday evening May 1C th ^ "owaton
Th* key* were awarded to Sam band of the Arm
Barnes Mark Gordon. Charlie Tem P , '‘ ,
Modiaett. Henry O’Neal, kr^ R*P t *' r9ni *" th * Mfade and sponw.r of th* group
per Billy Welch ami Otto Kuna* T® W Hags and rwlora » y»»
r. A . ^ Adding their bit to th* a it aw of Wotfakill. iwesideut; Jo* Brwilei
of r red R Jones, headtof th* pa j OT W| || ^ vanoaa unifonns Mattel vice presidedi Guillermn
Agncultural Engineering uepart-1 0 f (he armed service* i Floret. Wretary; John C I>i*b*l
meat, preyed th* keys. Prior to | treasurer Thorny H W
the preaentatxm h* gave a brief I ttfilRo A
ww v , ^ •—J( on f|i d Schedule
In making th* presentations,
Prof Junes *«plained th* out
standing w»rk which each of th*
studenti had -lUn* tn th* intereaf^'
of th* *onaiv The conflict examination arh*
Bay € Garrett. i»rof*ssor of dul* now powterl on th* butyeon
Agricultural > F.ngineering was l-iard in th* Acadenlie Bufidtug
elactrd to te- th* faculty sponsor, shows th* time that all rueiflict
i for next year The new i<ffM-*rs,[ examinations ar* to be given, aaid
' which were elected during th* past
week, were also announced
Berm* Plrkey, a jurimr from
FUydada Will l»e the society*
naw presideat Other officers an
nounced w*r* Marion Browne, vice-
ring card*, according to the acbo-
dul* listed at the end of this
•tory. and present them to the
first sergeants in charge of their
lespectnW rings a* they step up
to go through the nng. The senior
must have bis permanent address
the dune* Another feature of the ' w '*l go through th* ring* at" , on th* c*nl, Parker urged j *0 Ma
to th* colors of thnr ; ring picture# may be mailed to him
i Seniors holding white |-within a week
continued Filet migtior. will be th* ! ^nte *'ll go through Ring A , Th* dance is w hedated te end at
mam banquet eoura*. according to i ■ ,ul l, l u * holder* will go ( midnight and in rate of rain it
through Ring H Both lb* two w,l, mov » ,i ^ H * U
nng- and their time schedules sie I .af garde Wait
identical, Parker added |f y ou mis* your ring, appeidt-
Setnors -hoold fill out their merit. Parke* »aid, yew (post want
] until everyone *lae_ ba* 'MMMig.
thrsiugh, aUnit H M. Tho*e cou
ples not having picture* made wiH
go through last, he aaid. mi fh*
pledogrgpher may finish a* early
as possible
TV schedule now is far cou
ple# to move th neigh in fpoipa
of To *verr thirty minutes, in
any order they wish dunag that
j tlnrtv minutes, Parker said, in 1
this manner tnjket hotdeib l
,th* i Ui met irhil* Herman tiolkib through 70 will raete through
Virtu r gg^ •ill atrikt* j tli** ivoru^t* »»f 1»»b •opunl frowi ^ t# i'H. number 7^ thitHi^h
wmi I*.«ran1 peik^ns will provide | ld«» from 8 SO to P, aad ae forth-
plan., tacky round music
Journa Iist (1 o U i Id
At Press Pam/net
By tlKttKt.K (HkKITttN trumpets kmil Kunjr* will play
1 ii
up th* New Braunfels Consoltdat
ed Hepcats ton.ght in the Hbiaa
Hall Annex to tunush a new tvp*
of “dinner music" for tho**- at
tending th* annual Press Club
banquet beginning at 7 p. in
Travis [>*an Reed and Joel Aus
tin will h* at their respective
Posted in Academic
H I. Heaton, registrar
All students who have conflicts
should consult Ui*, schedule and *
take th* examinations at the time
tarns an.I
(Irabtre* w*r* selected
an delegates; and Jimmy F. ( urti*.
Wot/sktll Is from Houston tak
ing petroleum engineering, with
a 10 grad* point ratio He Wa«
named as honorable mention for
outstanding ■'•del of th* fish regi
merit, and 14 executive officer of
the regiment
Mattel, M E ma|<>r from Han
Antonio with a .10 gnufe point
ratio, was also honorable mention
for outetaihling ratl»t of the
freahman rngmietd
Flores \s s veteran business ma
The new (oum 1 \AV » Uih clubhuuse was the scene of th*
aanual Hratus (oant« ('tub 4thUUr* Barbecue al its oFewbig, Mon-
da,'. Mb' to. 1 r j vr
Kami Drum Majors
Nampd For Next Year
FJMftiMt; J.din Hudnali. serre-
Igry-treUsuter leightun Ucmax,
reporter, and Jack Baker, parlia
ndicated Students with conflicts i ur f r '* m tagl* Pan*, with a 2 .V.
not cowered by the M-heduW akbuid ! •'Sj*. F®”* 1 r * , "‘
report to th* fWgfcirar * tlffwe 1 ^ 14 • I^ r “ n “-ewwnting
and hav* an sxamindtiwn sefwsluled | dwdewt frbpi ElRln with a 2 HI*
grade point rati.
Drum fnayor* of the Trxas Fg
gh- batMlifor th* next -vhoul f« ar
wen* seidi texl in a run off coigp*
titMNi held vest, rrtay on th«- igiiHi
drill fielfi
master of th* Keagfin
tmiul 111 Houston
Two More File
For Open Slot
jOf Veil Leader
_ l*f vet, unknown itema In ’47, main
Two more aspirant* for the program was devoted
pnditlon of ueniur yHI letiler to a mock campus investigation
had turrmi in thnr appitca conducted at a joint Hon** Senate
lion at 5 p. tn yeutgrday The ; 1 B, ' ,h
neweut applicants an* John mimirk _i
Whitmore and Milton K. Patter
14*' from 8 .hi to v. and so foi
t’ouples will step into the rinf
have their picture taken, be fih-\
naum-ed ' and perform the Hag
ceremony, Paiker added CuRpnai y
wiahtng to announce their en
gagements may d» an if that
wish. Parker said Kiminp of one's
Th* annual Pres* flub banquet date is also strictly optional,
has become in the past an event Ptrk*r added with Ms tongue in
looked fotward to each May by hie cheek
staff members of student pubb- Parent* of all craduuting aoniora
are also rm itrdi to the dance, ’
Parker concluded
The ring schedule U a follows:
twonr their selection will be
“Th* Piisonet Hoof,” Blur
Ridge Mountains of Virginia,"
■ nd "Take Me Hoar Again,
h alhleen,"
rations. Since Ivtlti, program of j
the affair ha* twen devoted to rak
mg visitof* over the coals This}
yeat’s event ‘vill ta no different i
in that respect
Planned f.*r the event will ta a
“first etost’ auction of sokie, as
Before thr huainew* meeting, the < ■» » gs» » gvg
smbers .»f the society had % MlYlOr F It ft ting
barbecue sapper and soft drink* , j ”
Giret Troubles
Rot's Named Best
for the conflict
- T . - 1,, Milliaai*, pr* med -indent from
Vernon with h UiM grade |Hitnt
rati*, was names! potctaoding .a. let
of Co tt of tlie Vi»h regimertt
frahtree i< ah PK mayor from
(Gladewater with n J Rf. grade |h>i*i
. ( urti* is a rhemical engineer
feet <»f alumimmi acaffotding and latent from H.van
gv i • e 4X| a daredevil sophomore Wedneiaiay
rAhihitur 01 Nhon ^ ,h>t . i ..
ha# waved over Bavlor* campii* A V BB ,*
"HumKerti Key**, senior fn m •*!»*» March 27 , ^^Ck!vI JjOvll IlfilllSv
Boevill*. M*’ —"ted thampioni Th* tattered white cloth boaring
showmiaii <4 the lt*5t) l.iftl* South the numerals “h.V* wa« wired atop
western l.iVest.s k Show sod J T the 101 f»a>t Ilaef..>i- mat taf«>te
Betgw. **g*or from Grover was April Fools Day Occordmg to Ua
nomad runperup . .tition
J N t afpeiiter. u»Fhomore fn»m But not occordiag to tradition
Dallav woa th* judging contest for th* cuRirii removed the chain for #r
A H *tud«Xht* tahl Saturday morn | k. we ring the flag and then
ing Runnetup was Dal* Malectark, greased the imle
junior frtan Van « ourt About Student steeple^acka coifidn’t
175 students jiarucipated in the reach it and the Waco Fir* D*
contest i parUnent < new laddes truck did
In th* h»m ruling contest Tom n t raoch that far
Angel. Vet Med «tMii*nt from Vic j Yeaterdoy Baylor used
pnia took first place honors Hi* own scaffolding and that
ham sold at auction for |5ft Waco company to readh a |a»int
The hams were donated hy the , ‘ 7 up the |h4* Two sto.lente,
AAM Meal- UboratAry and rot*»l Adam# aiuf K H Dild#y,
by »tud*nt* Money Received from * , °fh wiphomore* from Wirhita
the sorfiof wa* given to the Sad '''""her the scaffolding •’"1
die aiwl Siglom t’lub.
igh School
1 Thm 1* the second senior yell
| leader ctatmn thi* >c#r and re
suit* from the disqualification of
i the winner of the first election
■I'M i* 1™"! BaHPtinf for the yell leader |».ai-
jar front Houstsia amt a ne •tftar 1 major He ha« tagu pi t— tarsi wt |j tipd Towaday
"AfcTr 1 * night with the two high men com-
Ithpr .‘omjs-i tog W. ,ta lead ia 'M <Vmroe High ! m tK#l ruf) ^ )ff for
bllowmg 'Thursday /light
witnesses and
committee Were
Another year, in ’4K. a
8 00 A 30
. . v ._. 1 70
8 30 9 00
9 (8*9 30
-.... 140-210
9 30 10 00
10 00-10 30
U) 30-11 00
...... HMft
11 OQ 11 30
4#0 6dO
11 30' 12 (8t
Abnv# #00
No pirtnr* r<
From 11 30 12 (H) rings will ha
meeting of the ('ullage Fxecutiv* ai»vn for those m-rson* not want*
( ommittee was satinxest Ust «Bf 'h^'f picture* mad*, and for
AUleison, huwiliess
Roirert (Burk) BficLinon, cheip-
i< »l engineering mgier from t on
r.»- was chosen Ui h* id the Ms
a i ro..n B.uwl next ynpr as
if the vlhite Biuiil out ti«iin|e < { all ] G»r three years a
■nior* rompet i.g to he lead clarinet is tj^'tlmrue High
namsNl )p-ad dru*. ni«)«>r for ‘the Sch.xil Hand |
. j , i I ***’ ee ...p, **•%*• rT%*mJ Jl I
\Aayne Ihiniap, civl engineer- Forms for filing are es^dahl* in
Aldeisg.i ha» played tantiine mg major from Ngw <Jrl> an* waa the studs nt activities offn'e and
in the frp'hman nod campus sri.l* p’ k-d is the Mhlic Hand drum applications will ta received until
tor the liast tlirre icsn> Hclare 1 '"'•h'' f'‘ r fh** <r»n|iMg year. For 5 p. m Monday. May 22
Rcrrivfs Posit ion
Robert I Haney Jr . senior in
journaltspi wdl go to work thisi
summer for the Progressive Farm
on igte of the top K*t'S op*t)
this year to api irultural journal
ism graduates
He ta* iwen assigne,! to the
editorial department in the home
office at Birmingham Ala where
will spes talixc in writing and
•'* editing agricultural news f<>» Tex
* a* reaiter*
Haney's under gi situate activities
includes) feakare writer for th. Ag
ricullunst. co editor of a t olleg*
Station t'himtar of t'ommerve
itming V AAM h.- -et veil a-
♦ - ■ v —
No Frvo Wall
Clamp SpiiI
Ilini on ( Iiiihp
t M
Washihgtnn. • ^
P.«gc of Waco lev
give Irf-le S#m •"
of *taoi|»* for soon
fice sent out l.y so .
coagresslonal “fmak
Closing up hi* offh
tenday discovwrvd
had maJed :«< lettei
Rep M R
hartened to
cent- wflb
ms' 1 his iif-
• site v <k a
f..r the
4,.It th. |H*st two »ch.»d tefms Dunlap
. ha- been the offdial bugler for
th. ('.irns of Tadeta.
The thief new (I Him major*
were odecieil from a large grmip
of lumors who lead the band* in
dividually in marghinfi drill and
ill.' pinping of ttA 1 datninal an
them t pwmt systim * a* uses) by
a 1e«m of judges iA.f1** up of taind
officer- four lump'* two sopho
mores, and Id 1 of F. V Adams,
director of tie !>tr»d
Points w er* awarled on the J I’rv* 111 ( lub
basis of rononand pop#, baton sig Memtara having
year a -peeial feature of the pro
gram was s black face »kit about
"AAM janitor*'*
I'rewideiM F. C. Holton will
make award* to members at var
iou* publication staffs daring
th* latter part of the program
Hronxe krys arr given for rm*
vear’s work, silver key* for two
vrar'» work, and a gold kev* for
three year'* work
Printed programs for the af
tha** person* who did net arm#
in time to make their scheduie
TM* ar bed til* subject to slight
change, and wdl ta p—tesl at *a#h
(Jualification* for senp.r yell fmr me “preswbook* provuting the
leader a* they ap|>ear in the P<tP| latest in new* ats>ut the campii
student handbook call for a grata- »#>* Rolatui Bing, director of Stu-
point ratio of 125. aa amidetuic Jcrd Puhliiutndis, with 4 fiendish
classification «* a junior st the gteam in hi# eye
time of filing, and meratarxhtp ml According to Bing, "anything
can happen throughout the pro-
g 1 a ui In the past a* many
McAllen School
Students Fat
3, S|Miilcd Turkey
the Cadet t ..rps
The two pew aspirant*
pirams ate Mil- gi»m in Uie past a* many a* ckH,v«i cl,,
ton Patterson, a member of thdjaeven different things have been ‘/e ^00, CallBPQ, AIH1
student miginver* ccninril ami an iiappening at once in tfifferent | ilBMMI of 50 stuaPllts gnd MX
an-hites ture major from Dallas, |M rts of the banquet arwl
and John Whhmore, j.iurnalisni sometime* visitor* have had a
major from Houston ami a member hnid time straight-mng their neck*
out (lie next morning from turn
earlier >>>g around, that 1*
McAllen. Text* — (,4*1 —
Spoiled turkey in tip* Wilson
hi fr>
li rest ion, tra.l
lesser jHiintg
Retinng drum major* Martel
MiKiie, Allen W^de. and Gen*
nal* jiersonajity fedr the t.and sr*- Hill Richey, geological en-
IFrship and j gmeenng major from Stan An
tonio, who is a junior yell leader
at present. Chnrlt* Kitrhell, a
member of tire ASCF and a civil
, . t .. . j . „ . .engineering major fmm Ana.>n,
fa political H..l»*r will lead t^e tand for lb* , Texa*. and Frank Sheffield, meeh-
naliirt *ntar ta freerna.lmg last ume st (he fmaJ review st J wv , n#erit|f major from B.y,
franking prtv.leg. •Il..we,l atm- which time the •** .fimm major* , u>wn lnd . mpm ^ r „ f th , R om
gres*me| for off* ia) tMjsmes*. will make their figst kppearanc* (Volunteer*
! lt wag t<a> late then to corfs-st — 1 1 1
the taislake So tialay when thu
AA M Hospital D.
!I \|)|M‘iHl(‘rt<miir^
Three agtiwiidectomie# have been
performed at th* college hoapita!
wtthm the past few day*, accord
ing to Dr J F. Marsh, celjege
*urg♦ , " ,
Opei at i.m- were performed^ on
James T Anderson, sophomore
from Houston, John D Shoemaker,
•entor from M'eatherford. and
Joseph D Guidry fr
Port Arthur
All tk* patients doing well, Dr
Marsh said
Adams pushed og the 14 feet to
the top to cut the flag loo**.
Old GWiry will fly
publication agricultural radio 1 <%p(tal po«tma*t*i came t. w#rk, D|*|g'p|r |Z|k#0
script writer for the Kxtenwioo Friagr lained th« situation ami ** B
Aervice, and r#|«<rting for The gave hgn .'Ml three cent stamp'.
Battalion! dUaUmt newspajwW They then wer. ran«ciled
SltK'k (.ar (.heck
Land Grant Movie Premier
Starts Wednesday In Guion
igf i'-
. nag dance tkheta gw wff sate
Naw wa sale aecwnd fWar
(madwin Hall.
May M—Halurday. I par. —
Scalar Hanquet Duncaa Hail
• poa Hewter Riag (tag**,
BM—y B—ar Btraag.
May tb Friday Laat day af
ciaaaea far sensor* nal faiUag
a farm-bred deckhand of 2d, get asked. “VATiat outstanding csuijn
a. * n,ft “ coaveraatMMi that flash- nution hay* you ma le in agnAui
^*'1* k* v 4 • F *" n prwteter* , nku a *t®ry „f th* work of ture?* pr**ni the wealth of ma
man fr»m weduewstay in trUioa Ball, •rrentist# #f Oregon State (sd-; lai'jMNthtred. outstanding cont
Th* .tale prepuerr .rf ' Waves ^ TRr f,| w .how. how there tuma wdre #e|e«te.l
of Graea. a tw-hnictaor ptrtUie mieutists saved tta state's onhard TVeu frdtawrd maafhs nf H
jmvmg timute “ nd F r * nt 0 '' , • mduatiy from slow strangulation checking facte awd wetviag lh*a»
TYm ^ * ueh *! ,w l “*h tranaportetam cast# into » tenp*. Har lrmand mal#r-
AdM will ta held at 8 p m next Following in quick succe.iBgr
Wednesday In th# local film NiHtwe (he atone* of deVeh»proe> t
Produced by 0-rhora Motor*. (>f ^ giard *ee.l .mh.strv of the
"Wave, of <tr*#u ' tell, a atery Kanl ^ xxU . ag . limt lhr of
that date* hack to Dt«2 when ( on w h-t rust, of th* dal* naitin*
fr*** p****4 1M Mot HU A#t P**Lof « r«n»lma whAfr rmMir
vidmg for at least on* institutam t , m|ly of xhr ^yrdutem of m*#h
in each state to furnish higher' f arir , r)(> „f ,k. ^ n , ^
education tn agriculture and t"-‘ v.lupment of th* soybean, and
many others
Top gavernment. political, and
sgrimHural leader* a<r«w. thr
nation ar* paviag tribute tn
nearly Pt yearn of land grant ml
teg* education durine thi* and
will cowtiwwe next month
Gllrhrtwt, th* film will feat*
rakaabie euntrihwtion* af R.
Map 17 Saturday Ftaaia be
Mtwceltaarsws •- Swater tevlta-
t at ions naw being dtalrt bated
ia Afnewitwnet affWw, aecwnd
Hoar Gaadwla Hall TWe
wtthaut dawn payment will ha
aaid after Friday after—.
tal wa# obtained through per
winal interview* with txrmefv
ruunti agent* count» home 4*
HumstaatMU agrat* t H rlhh
lendera local hwaiaew.mea an well
te *tage college facuhy mifig-
tier*. s< tenti*i- aad expert* of
tha ('. H. Department of Agri
dMWy. j many others raHpra ^ ^ check
1****+** «• <’X*wcelUr Gihh Top government, political aad tiotTTi^ eight Hate* Miihitsn, R'Hfvn' was mnvpd bp mte third
f—re sfricwHural leader* Kr«. the N . M h^ orJrm.Mhtrd man,
B- nation are paviag trihwt* ta Tetas (tiernt Missouri, and tal* F,t (0, te wr ^#1-
McFaddew ta the Arxetepmewl ^f n y W , t( ^ ^ ^ >fiirnm ^ ^ j j, •«. wa* d.sqpalifMM for changing
r-.t re.mmm wheat mid will ^ 4mrim . ,y. Hollywrmd TV #..1 *^ lnw 4m * m * ^
F*’ j*!**"* '*•* * " *^ wifi faatiwae next month nclude# 11 experarced actors pnd Andrea Gonxnle* of San Fran
■Mkaara m taw y This technicolor picture bnng* 15# extras In addition, a nuigbcr ciaco. one of the.wBvw- drrv
'T? 1 * , , ^ , to the screen these succeas stortea of n#bnp« were blaved by per*on* era in the race, apt a 2.O0U peso
The itary befit.* aboard a mrgo scieatMte of land-grant col- whone own real life erpeneheai i prixe iffBfti for lh« i*W the slow-
•htp, “Spirit ar America rrdteing and farmers working togeth ware tamg reconlrd e«t tun* of anytaHv who fmiahed
of faad aa! Kww. afler tar# year* m th# thr race wtthm U|* pxaxtiwum al-
Wave# of Green." 1# lowed She also w«a 1
Mexico (Tty, 4W. Presitant
Miguel Aleman haiKlml a IhO.tXX)
(>*«» 11IT.341 i chpek M'edii*#day
to a ■Portland. Or# . truck driver
pnxr for driving adioaa Mexico
at an average spaed of 130 kilo
meter* (7S miles) per hour
H*r*hel Mctinff. At. of Port
land won first pria* in th* 1.504
k lometer (2.178 mil*) border to
border stock car gar# last week.
t»f the 112 driver* who started,
received pnxes, chpek* or dip
lomas today m a getvpnony in th*
presidential offneg The Mexican
government *poo#dre<! th* race Ui
tell the world ahopt d* new mid-
Mctico highway. Ae face route,
now open from Ctud#d Juarex to
th* (iiiatovialan h#rd#r
S*c«>nd pm*, a chark for 100.-
(88) ueso* 1111.47#) Went to Tom
Deal of El Paso. Tex a# AI Roger*
of ( <dorado Spring#, Colo, got th*
third prig* a frd.flBn pe»o (15 7851
Jbn Tom Huunr
House wa* recently elected edilar
of th* Agrtruiturisl far ltS#-5|.
I hi* last year hr served aa the
asMstaal editor far the maga-
xme H* ta takiag Ag. Fid. and
is from Goidthwaile.
(.anadians Take
Kmer^fncy Steps
NATnnipex. Man , Mav 19
The ( anadian army tonight ordered
a section of a Nbrl
' tan National Railway* Lin* blown !
| up to relieve pressure on a six- :
j mile flood dike protecting a large |
, but *parawly settled section of sub
urban greater Winnipeg
Sapper* wer* called in to blast j
the roadbed in th* Fort Garry
district Th* objective wa* to let
Good waters, threatening to crack
the dike, flow hack eastward to
[ th* swollen Red River
The draatic action cam* as
Southern Manitoba * flood fighter*,
barely holding their own, faced
a threat of heavy thunderstorm* j
throughout th* Red River valley |
11>* weather bureau forecast a
half iru-h rainfall in the valley
I Th* river rose a hundredth of
an inch tare in one hour this af
temoon Tta reading had stood
1 at 34) 25 feet *mc* Tuesday
I Annual ItartxM'iir
Honor* U M Band
tettchera, Oty SgBiUrian K.
F Owfu* said today.
They Imame ill yesterday, but
none was in atrium danger )
Some 5() out of 149 wervins who
ate at the • afeteria at noon suf
fered vomiting attacks b.-tween 2
and 4 p m , Owens aaid Ttair ill
ness la^ed in moat rases al*<>ut
eight hours
Owens .aid the turkey apparent
ly had not lieen r#frig#tP#ted suf
ficiently t-esause #f the warm
weattac T*he turkey# were rooked
Mbaday, stored in re frige rat ora,
then serve*! in a salad Wednea-
“Opening and 1 losing tta refrig
erator doors so much in warm
weather no doubt just didn't let
them stay cold enough," Owens
M»d "It would happen anywhere;
tta same thing could have hap
pened at home.
AgfriHand 1950
Ne#*dN Picture*
The An island lP#t) is atill
desperately in need #f snapshots
for (the Agcieland aectionl sec
hoe edilar Roy Vane* aaid yes
terday. afternoon. Any dear
print with good Bent rant wjl
do. Nance said, and sis* ia not
important All picinpra should ta
turned in immediately ta added
Th* Aggie Band held it’a annual ;
hartacue on tta slab Wednesday \
rveiling, it was announced by Lt
(ol Adams
Held each year in honor of th* *
hand for services rendered during
| tta year, th* g*t-tn gettar alao
Takf a Break'
fraan port to port, tta j 0 ln # ur # tta quality of food
products #C Autericaa s^icul ym,,. dinner tabi# and clothing
tur* to tta* many destinations
Two mentart a# tta akip*# crew,
one a aaaaoned veteran al Bit for
tta past 80 wan aad tta attar
clothing on making,
few authorities who hav#
the film hav# terniml if
roll«f«a' ia 1 tta "finest agricultural pielar#
country aad ever produced
ready A f
a disqualify
ratio# tta uneuiBl last place
waa disqualified far having taken
more than tta taaihnum at tta
first lap.
One- cadet was driving back te
th* dormitory with -some friend#
Fir*AlarmSrlOff ^’J^Z
By Thorough hrrd ; 1 ^ ^ ^ ^
New York. May 19 - Gri-A Ju,Mo r m *_P»*
■tatpdaa |
time to avmd
"•y i jr
hone turned ia a fire alarm at Bal
mont Park yesterday A thorough
bred ta tta (tails occupied bv tta
Ole* D#b..aaCr Btabie bakad tta
wall aa hard that tta vibrations act
off tta alarm fastened to the out
aids of tta building
aented to members of tta Band,
but had not arrived hy that time
Presentation of thee# awards-wilt
be atade at a later date
Guests at tta bertacaa wars Col
onel Boataer. Colpnel Davis, gnd
Daaa Peatarthy.
Oaa al the pa seem
watched tta epiaedc quietly,
just ia
rt, who had
quietly, said.
^Whf dtdn’i you ge ahead sod hit
him * "
the driver
I la pack
V w