/1 % / 'f City Of ' r, 4 1 I” j ^ 4 Nuwbw 15{: VoltMM * -L f I R - \ NatloB s Top 1 ( olltgimte 1 hiily NAS 1949 Survey /UhJf COLLEGE 17, 1960 Prtce: Plvt Ags Seek Two Wins Over astj B? FRANK RANITlAB | quolily of infi«U i>Uy TW «iU If BgUlf tinrrt tK* Orni hurWr* » rel Ult TH« Vis* roich Bibb Falk will prob- i abiy •un Mm ray Wall, *h»- Kaa |j wwi six and lost om m ruwfaranra { plat, and will k«rp his oUwr hurWr « harby C.onn In ra- •op staff which Wiawcr Maoia 4ns ARM's off and on baaciali tram •ill be oat to b(-«k Uw Oraiifp and Wh.u jmx of Clark KtwW m Aiwtin this afternoon, in tb* ffr«t of twp do or di* gwrnc* Th* IxtAffhoms art jrntefrated _ r o»> thoir homt diamond aunt the strvt mat opaot the 4,pe bockct 1V AusUWiU hurli i** j? , "‘‘f defeated the include* Jim Khrler, junior rtfht* lonvhoevia there modi ramod a tie bar*ler who xUirad in the NCAA or the confereiice rhaippionahip tourney kaat season, ha* won ,1® toaeh, Marty Rdrww't boy* are of its 14 conference tests The ma ndtrif m» the same ship acam. ha^ yurity of the loaaea were at the two victories ovpr the XtrarS haruk of the Afries •••lid gneo them s tie jn the; _ - BWC baseball race AAUP Hears Should Texas win either today or j tomorrow, they would oppoae a ^ * W Arixoaa, Border C—fereace titlist, A ct |*f htldklTlAA t* In for the NCAA District • rrowa /ISllUIIUIllCI III TV winner of that sene* yoe* to the national tournament at Omaha Keb. June lb-2* Last year the reluctant Austin ites traveled to the third *uch "rollege world aerie* M aM emer- Se*l victory i» the right-distnct affair In the two aravious senes, Cal- Uarata wra the natioaal flat in gtelltr av»U»m laat night it a jr mMbBawlVTW Cd Uk.n« the | (>f tK , of j Amencan University Profesaur* | Also in the croup were a large ■umber of amateur astrimomer* A* usual, the conference race a IM < n« t t, n * arientuU la ending with the Texan* in the T , u- , mddle while tV perpetual runner- ^ <1 '* op A***, are again ruling Vrv ^ k TL- T 7 th km-k last 'year the Steer, •%«* El JX! , , tv Cadets in tV rwee for the era- Jr ^ ***"« ‘• k ^ fere nee crown by Vfe.tmg the portion, of gptnmo- Aggies m tw* out of three game* * to take tV senes and tV confer Telling of the two type* of enee flag j stars the small one* which can’t Starting hurlor* for tV Ag V seen far la«k of light radia ‘Veep’ and Non-Voting Body Added to Senate f\ Stellar Iveeture Dr (i«orge Van BMafaroerk. ! world famoua astronomer who once corrected a theory of Einstein lectured on the Iwh an afteraoan «poi af tea la lolly old Fniland* me Hail f»r High Wa|ld members U> its body that two of tV aenators-at-large who were not in some way elected be juniors brought on the most by tV student body healed disco as ton af the eyoatM- Charlie K irk ham. author of the Kirkham. author also of thia < TISA amendment, changed hi* pro amendment, addrraaed tV g po*al to reod, "with approval 1 iarow’s choice will proVt.ly V split and form binary stars, he Amrie Plaver* (t M.ltrew- M eitVr Pat HuVrt or Sam Hlartor I outlined tV*e fact* with tV use ** HuVR is undefeated in confer j of slides He showed that ooe out ence play and ctaim* five victor j of three War* are double stars, lea, while Hlanton hold* a Mf I and that War* are also traveling percentage with two wins and two | com pe met is. loaaea Big Jim ( alvert will tie V hind tV plate fur the < adet* as V finishes hi* feurth year a* • tartmg catcher for tV Home nine Rounding up the infield place* are Yale l4ry on first, Joe Kavsnno at second, tiuy \A»Ua,e In tjie sh>>rt*tup *b»t, sim) Hsnk CanAelart on the thml sack In tV eutfiebi, John DeWitt rides tem*. a* We have t-Mlsy the range* of the left section with be pta<*d between some Hhug McPherson in nght and star* which UhR very near t> Wally M,H»n in between otVr j y HecoV la Hitting j “ Astromwny •* wot usefsl **^ T1 ’ Wa^thm e**/!^* i roasdered at money value," he tnlK f*Vteflinj{ as TV Cadets are second to the < sanl "TV same ran be tawl for flMNtta nf the RMtofVM OfftCFf* Longhorn* 1a the hitting depart- «»u*ic, art. history, nr aay sevnee "] Antex iatlon Th»*V have be**n wdh a 2fi« average while He cunluded by leaving tV au- anked bv the War.i. hai.tcr uf ‘ra*r SK What I‘V k«»A t„ -dd,,-ss m Ng’l-r ,* 267 clip Texas also leads in field- life would hr without these use mg lady, Jeanne kernodb tuter- ed tfi< hospital with ap|M*nilisvou , »n for*-- *ce h 1 " poeTibk reason to keep the |how from bei-ommg a reality l nlds* another Juniors interested in reporting the new* from their summer camp need not have had newspaper ex perience What the Hattalxm need* is the facts, names and what happened, so member* of the Sum i mer staff may write up news from Frequently referred to s* the "original haul luck group of the He praisgd the M. lkmatrf Obrar- nt il vatory oa Mount lx--ke nrar Fhrt ^ *"’'■ \ iT^keU will V M Davis. saying that it hwwasd one **“* , *“ just one more fhanco. Blk i )» .Riained from any of the most efficirat ‘tjaantpaal 0n, y • fuu P‘'' of »«-V»ag‘. they ^grt^. Player*. No iwmlper* at*- an that V Mm ever worked with and ha ' 1 H»-bed and iwrfdrted the ticqau. that tv good Climate of Taxa* is' *tAcy cimedy and ha,l raadte,! it »*e. ideal for ttudymg the stars Instance lietween star* was il-! lustrated by Dr Bieshroack He' said that |2 different *olnr *ys- 1 could Seniors to iFly ::3 For ^ aeo Talks will i* iMie of the (>|d-reliables (but »,i y»ung yeti of tkd Player*, *he was the outstanding }n the initial pro duction of th, ygkt K 1 K ’ Phyllis Arhoy «ill to- cast a* the mistress' itigul Mary Eleanor j each camp/Nelph said r n ' Ury a < * m P rwfortera will V asked Ufi but no, We woaA ^ r John B*. h iip. ► ebruary grad- ^ „ ^ ,me raport weekly, , uabra of TSl W ahd have written p ^ .^rea^ on- le at the • ,ld ^ “•«' P>*y« tolopes will V furniahed by tV > Rounding nug tjte cast lx ( ay QitUl ion, Selph said. Sulbxan. who sdtk play aulhorwaa u . ( ^ fneeAwei^i t el.a M . ntworth >|.s. .HullIvan is , w _ B * U ^ T* T.Vl the summer ramp perud to ARkl h-T »,ih ie 1 h..,.,, (k* | r„rr^p,~l,.u lntere*t,-d student* should i by the Hatt office on the second Mm* | floor of (iuodwin Hall tbi* week eon- and leaxe their name and branch ually ready t<| dive young Mich, or see ( laytoti Sylph, 1 20(5, Dave a*!, *,>n of m ity^i* <>liva Brown, t "alett. H 2I;>, or (. C . Munroe, thfee-year* wuMivf,-,!, a lieautlful 12-11* neiklac* of ten fidgen, Michael is j jiRt a* detemnnM to lireak up the affair Iwtw.-en ! t|<- minister and d With the price at 40, srry Raney thee brought up fall'■ Cadet Corps block vot DoftaM F- JtrvN The play center* artwind, very na'»|iully r s nuslres*, |mrtta\eil by airs Kernadie XikI xh, h.,a a •uitar, one Sir John, a member of the British cal.met Incideatallv tlie ,-ntiry i aet hu* d«v,-|t^>, d a paeino auth, ntic accent t> «kiy. vtsbly Hr>-eti*b K.nler ihe t iltian There you have a pair of lover* Hut no |dav w aid Iw l otiplet* ;;r K f% Plot Thickens Rir John tKlt-'fherf, the r of Tank PfuRuctioft. i* ""•I. . CO ,Jarvis l.hosen Valedictorian Donald E Jarvta. fifth year Har . teat mg in the senator at large race, pointing out that auch "machine” polibcs could tie partially broken ' by giving two junta's a sure cinch , at Senate seata. Raney's comments were hacked up m part by other senators who said that in the past, only sea- ion had been elected to the sen mor at large poaittat* When debate subsided, the amendment was defeated by a large majority. Kirk ham then naked for Individ; ual senator'* opinions on select ing men from each class who would ait in Senate meeting*, but who Would have no rate . / Now-Vetera Prapuard Allen F.uhaak put Kirkbam’s suggestion into a mol ion which proposed that three aseiwber* from each of the three under-cl***e. he elected by these classes to ait on the Senate without voice or vota Dierukaion followed on whether i the men shrald or should not have s vine* Raney said that meeting* for *uch mdividua)* would be too 1 dull if thev had m voice and that , they would toon lose interest x e architecture major from Fort *'»b ‘he "associaie membera- hav Worth, was named vmMtctor- ; n * w ' v ."^ ^ unless asked to speak by regular senatura The Renat* the motion Pf»2 The Aggie* rank run lag with fourth ARM * hitting or lack of it— will be the determining factor to dav and tomorrow, along with the I ‘Rio Rita’ Set For, Summer Th« operetta “Rio Rita”,' t wmtern meludraitta in two acta will he prenentexi an a summer entertainment pro-1 jfet by Bill Turner, director of musuwl actsvttiea, Juno 27 and I SN Written by Harry Tierny ami Joe McCarthy, and a great sue-1 «eaa when first producod by Zieg- fisld "Rio Rita" features cow boys, Mexican*. Texas Rangers, and cabaret girls, in the colorful setting of the Rio (irande Jim, captain (d a company of Texas Ranger* la over the Mel- [ lean I .order looking for a bandit Rita’s brother is suape*t«d sad come* between the lave they have far raeh other “Rio Rita," "Ran C r's (‘honi*,'* ’ Haualight Ral i," "Spanish Shan I.’ and other familiar songs are sung in tRej course of the action "fU<> Rita” will be the fourth summer oporetta to be pruducud by Tiimer Last year’s production, "Ybe rhocolate HokRer” was a great success This yaar's show wilt feat am professional rostum- mg by a New Yack firm Audition* are being Mr id bv ag- puiatmaat »Rb Turner in the Music Hall fram three to five rack eeea- mg tbit week ami next weak Re hearsals far both (M-chratra aad raal wilt begin Tuesday, Jana Half 1 ^ ^ 1,1 the Muaie AMU PlMkl less thing*. Dams- Tickets To Sell 1'liru Friday TtJketa for the Seata King Dnace arp sow ua rale, aad will rontinue ra rale daily fram I la ip w. In The (ommraMUtr affire, *eco«d Door at t.oed • in Hall. Banquet tickets wHI Md be an rate after Thursday after- atra. Dance Urketo and pay meat far pictures may bv made aatil Frida, aftorwaua at 6 p m N# tickets will be aa sale after that data. Revised aad rarrert schedule* far going through the ring will appear to Thursday and Fri day's edttioas af The Battahea The banquet will be held at • p. m. Saturday; dm dance fal low* st I p. m. , soriath.tl in,-.ting They sill brief!) .rtltlifir the mil itary training thev hnvn r*H-.i\ed at ARM Th,- Air Force ix *<-,tdi|ig a C 4' to Hryan to pick up the . ,«d. t* They will return M ARjd by air foil,.wing the Waco meeting Th«we invited ta nuiki th, trip in, lurie Ihyyle Avnnt, c,J*irtel of the corpa, Walter \A Zilionei-inan. r«.rpe excutive officer) Sam 4, Fate, commander, Infaidry K< g! | ment, J. T In.tson, cgnini Artillery witboiit an int, rfcrence fn th.* «cene are Jeanne t .apian I'resident Of Hillet Club Idpiself The play was a | as polar < >»d priukictKins here and abroad 'tarring AlfrNM Lout and Lynn Fontaine two If the loggext !hix- office dr.iw* m? Iwisiness 4 4 S|)e(‘ial \otin« ijet by Juniors >an of the Senior Oatw thut morning. Janus, a recent winner of an 1 Achievement Award by the Sc Inn* I Klertira Body Defeated Proposal of a student election commission. Kirkbam’s third of Kligineering, is presidertt of Twu , , . , t Bet. F'h, Ust year he w as g cT I »"**<*■*"*. ^ afta dislStotoid Igiui* “t »!»* < a|dan, juvi«>' V F Xiajor from Houston was fleet e.l |»resident of the AAM Hillel t'liil. at a meeting of the tflnb in the • alin.et room of th,- YM* A flth«'r officer* < ho*en were 1 ; Vue makder, pregident. Martin K»«lnvf*k». jus Rcginielit, Flank < lei-j jor-ihumnch* student from ihilla* and. commander, t'ornpiput*- Rv'IP- Seciet ary 1 rea»urer, Vctor Is-v> ment, Jimmie Magrudvri romman- (iimnistry majm frnm Imllal. Fat der. Air (iroup. Allan F.ubnnk, haiemanan tovin Col.lateir* *01 h commander, ( avalryLiMPnee i Keg , ^Ndr, )>u*«n, *!■ maior frnm It one n imeat; and Wdly Kohliian, rom- mander. Sixth Regiment ,fter th, • loot ion plan* we». y* det lieutenant folonel on the Coitta Another senior veil leader Staff and served aa corps a4uu£. fur next vear will he eta-teyl H, ‘ *** ,|U “ y[r * «’» hia lor next >ear wm De eiecieti r|#M h|# y i .. . , by ^ * ,r r‘** nt JUm ° r na,li A fonnerxtudent wmat..r.^towasi• r,M,, * d •«» , ^ r«>unda. , HID I ‘im rl l4‘41 Tueaday evenlto| an a re- ^I^cted to Mho * Who at ARM last The cotnmiuMSa was to b« a 20 1?1* X I X .(lilt t 111 II gu |t () f thf, diaquallfieation of year and was the Winner of a stu mBn group with representatives me of the yell leaders previously dent aid European trip which he 0 f iRg fuur claanen, the a* to the legality of the Senate authonimg a body to regulato/ class eltsctians Moat of the senator* oppoaad the For I'rodiicls Men The m,-et i ng duct* Maik,-tir| an Mtdivox hy F.dwardx, ex ecutIT. Vice piell4ent elect nt hy the class, Class Preti. 1 took last summer, dent Wilman ' IVisher" Hanies aii- nil Building pro. ! ytaerday aftonwon | by |w . ail of Knginranng H W Bar ptudenl* to hear . I low When he was announced as one if the Achievement Award winners "Jarvis was selected," Barlow morning in the Student Activities hip, I his ability as X leader and counsel- i or, his wiadotn, his judgement, and I his modesty, for hi* accomplish j Other rt officer*! who will for „ * ..., » final tuirta* ue suppei make the trip are Hof MitcMl, t( ,X h( . M u Hf . |<|k .| ,^ rk 8 1, Coras Huff. Ted filler, 8 1,1 T r i'availry-lbiCMitrr Htfivvviiii Alaiff; j W r * J- J- T nubrnhiiu*. Hillrl AmoM Welder, 8 1. tor droop, t Oti Ken Landrum, commai^er, K Air a ^rom the club member* for Force;'and C (\ Muhnw, PIO, ! hej| *»rviee* to dub in the past 1 Corp# SUff yegr ; - — ~-j 1. T T~ J J Taubenhaus. Hillel All HuiUimg Fifidnct* Mar 1*0OS"r, wa* pre*enU*i With majors who plfn to d<. wo from the MfViCe* t" Iveiman's Aswaiation, ha* beep; m., Monday, May^22 i am-elled I i (Jualificaliona for the aenior yell i , leader post are a I 2f. grade point r* Ll*^ ^ Tr. “4 *» —e~ ain, i^^.- :::x4L, ^ r 4?^ - rv * , “ l SOUL h.* uus. U< wx.wde*! edemw : ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ] diversity uf mtefraU -"hedulea. \ | , lw . ttw|1 W1 „ tppear ^ tfH , i The Fort Worth senior is a mem The meeting ugl lie held in the 1 ^ J U |, lor , decided in a rlaaa vote | ^r • w * ” a * fall, he soid i yesterday afternoon been active in church acAivitio* on iketmg Diacuasion on ielecting the heod eampua lajors who piiu( to do work for yell leader will be taken up at the He was the student who design rvdit this xunifnfr were naked by Tueaday election, Barnet said ed the new Aggie shoulder patch, Hook to cheds pith him befoie | Location of the election meeting adopted for cadet uniforms last Iravmg school. place will be announced later year U Henate. ami Student life (oanait- Jarvis was re*-ently paid tribute ee It was defeated by a lb-4 yete. Premdent F. C. Boltoe addressed the Sraate at Utoir banquet pfe- vtous to the businera meeting aad Bennie Zmn. assistant deaa ®f iludente, awarded keys to the senator* A&M's Answer to Broadway—The Aggie Players Kmployt™ Kprinx Din PUn Dinner The ARM hmplayees Dianar i Tub will hald Its last dinner of tho C pent Spring *—son Thuraday r IS, •( d «b p. ■*. to JR Hal TVe Jmnor meeting* wlll^bt^dia ■Hathi bat •til bnfta again to Ihu fall of 1M0 mmm rr\ ■ > ^ i - L* gate Offtotal aerroiary fat 8«r John M Mira Andos WM I v • j %ra an opera t mb Shell portray a aad fKr- , Attention, .Senior (yradn Hewta favortio srdorw that were placed before April )• art aow ■ vailaUe aad may bo picked up to roam SM to Gaad- wto Metwera I a. ■ aad I p Grady FJma, laalatat di rector of Htadeat Aotlvttioa, raid today Thoao grt natlua invitatlaM aad'did not pay far them, «... pick them ap bv 6 p. m. Tlwradav May • oc they will to aald «a a flrat come toato. David M HtUo ^toy • spall ad. caaii - DEF affect tot Clah if “Rig AN1ZA110M *t will to the Houston ARM m Wm aty Buportggradll.t w E. Morw- tond rearatly asked far three mure of tto school, when to rararamend- rity’Tto^taalAAM Olto ie^ ““ od into «-TT-