The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 16, 1950, Image 3

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    Cadet Nine Leaves
Tomorrow For Tl
''11™'-'“ . T * "■ -A.' '^T t,
nk mfwinr mil.
^ lAftOU) 6ANN
M^rad «rf notinnc knr-
T UlM MMnd »u<» AAM • hna
NJI t«Mr kM r3LeflL mTi
of Tou* Untvvrm
m - -
»f Fmnk
of freq*en» ranee Hatton* and
fltff day*
A* ka» baan the ease since
Lnjn* left. Wall kaa wan' M
werAbarae of the staff tbia aea-
Tb# tall
AP Briefs...
Arizona Vies
SWC Victor
In Playoffs
» Of Tau* l'n»e*r**tf in the
rfarb** t " ,irt ht ** SWC ^
zz"* 'tf fttClsrct ’»
itnhrjrE? gasttijeS £3 fc-HH
8a far in BWC -frntupim. nt^ia- looked inipMBak«« riatian Baaahall TeomaOwnt
ha> - . ***■ Ml notcbtn* three win* affamat an
LTffQuftr" F MM .k. Mt tw
- Uro ^ ,Mt 0® the *« mtserv in tiu .K»U.rk.'i»
Dallna, May It—^t—A play-off
hatwaen Artaona. winner of the
Banter (onfererwe rhampionthip.
and the Southweet Conference
which will be named
determine this die
trtrt> repiesentative in the Na
be Held the firet week In Jane.
rr o L*,. twi> * < ‘ n *'* ^
b BdaiiMlac to note whether
«»r not Bteev Caacb BMd. Falk w^li
^••rt to la*t yeart tucreesfal
IKmi (eraxen
■'IMer |
firet rame F»le eacrtftcad
Charley (Sarin, who had
fhotn arm tnmhle,
e«ainat Bohh> FreU. Cadet mound
AAM won t-«.
He eaeed Murray WaU, hie stand
WM Jobber, far the cmrial »ec-
oad taaale In which the laitfhorns
•Wh ewrMAa the crewn rhampiormtep ran he ancertomed
•ejpe rurrently would he ntri* without ptaying piwtponed rames,
*y f* * plnre in the firm! diel they ran he sutomatiranv can-
IVfcll for ftn oulfltahell iff cf*Uffii by mutual affrt «»m^» t
amt well-balaiK'rd pitching corpn * —
traan van in one m ganiea
>und choice to 1* played at Auatm WwtneMiay
will he Pat and Thars«lay Texas already has
Texa* tact- dinched at U*aat a. tie for the
TV Uaivemity of Texas
Age mtaery in the 12*1 shellacking ft-i.detg national champion, lead*
on Kyle Field thi* eaaioa |«pb ! the Foothwest race and ran win
Kal Bognst. Bntl Brock and P^pak the title undisputed by defeating
Kana i Teaw AAM in one of two gnmeu
Karow'a ltke|y mound
for the first game *
Hubert depending on
tea. Hubert is leading the leagw* (Aampionahtp AAM could tie for
ia wen-last percentages with ah-A the title by beating Texas in both
record. Ham Blanton it the neat games. | a mr
cadet Harter in line , Tfcp ^ <4f ^ rUhrT |lltnillllirul K
j June Jt-h-h or June 5-A7 I ,
The winger will go to Omaha. ^
I He#-, for the national Uiumament
'June U21.
Lauded at
aad Saed
participated ia 1
is program war*
preaented awards
•lark Himpaoa
(irsves showed up heller ia the >BC lr*«k meet last we*|
lhaa he had all «eaaan. lieiai for first in ih« pete sault and li
for third in the high jump, while Mpipsen. who had premia
set the pace fat renterenc. pole sault*
third ia the pete *ault eSeat .
saulters, finished ia
Athlete# who
AAM a *pnn^ sports
entertained and prei
by the Hraxos AAM Oab as its
annual barbecue banquet last night
near the near-ooriDieted < lubhewae
Standouts in ooseball track,
swimming, tennis, gedf. fencing. _
and pistol ami rifle shooting were IWHMM
'tunmended by the presentation of 'Al SSk %•
special awards from prominent
•club member*, and by the an
nouncement of honors and letter*
by team cuachea
, Some of tbe men who made the
nurram possible were
aval Fete
Cpwsfc Art AdgAMA, afw gn-
lag a brief and httmorons Mpry
of his swimnwng lAiarge* this SSn-
the'Jimmy Kwi T^jJ'hy^Th*
manent award is given U one who
shew* the best aB-araund w<>rk in
scholarship, and stand-
to those
_ _ Is taam captains
basketball, awd track.
W9 'dl tarns; U Col
V -
DoWeM, corn h
J tbs pistol and riflt taama.
Kimbrough, emcee of the affair; * ,mt
congratulatsry hand
MrDoumll msrhod Mm I
M had been
111 nil*
If AAM sweeps the TU
a makeup game will
with 8MC in Dallas
League rules stale that
A« ^ei^htliftrrs
^ in at AAl Meet
A A M's Weightlifting Oul> gaim d
Commenting on TC'« strength.
Aft* Loach Many karow said,
1 It has been Texas superior pitch
mg that has allowed them W* set
the |UM< Take a wav, Wall and
, *'orin ami you've got just an
Other ball rlub " I
The key men among falk s flmg.
cr« are righthander Wall and Cor-
in The dynamic duo have won :t«
. «f their ‘U conference tilts. Hp«l
had a hand in last ynno national
Alan supfsirting the I^mghnms, ,
Who aw- otye game away from their’ fin * 1 ^ , ’ on '
gHb title in 1& seasons, is Jim ^ '}***
Khrler. » tunior righthander who
started for Texas as a relief hurler
'»•< ri*«Ts playoffs . . , ^ 4 ^ ,
This saaSon the Austin,tee have h , (" lr » nt Meatman,
» —; wav the lightest of the three and
was given first place Thurmond
was wepnd. *'*d Thr-mpson was al-
l<*te*l thud plate
»Uh<-r Aggies Aridv t otter and
L K Kinnaa plsoad thinf and
fourth in the;* respntlVv Wright*.
* "ttefl 11fieri in the heavyweight
•iivwMOn. while Kiuria* parts t|>ated
m tbr' 12:t ptnind cia»a.
Dallas. May lh Southern
MrHh<a1lst's Mustang- outlasted
Texas Christian, H to A, in a wild
scramble vestei'lay to win their
first at-home Southwest Confer-
♦fire imseball gamr- of the year
B CrHU|N>site an<i k Air Font
came out on top In the intramural
sofitrail and v<Klr ylmll playotfx
tm foe first wnd ;« *«,, (Mily, pix hit* Two hortieil Fprgs last Friday B Composite won the
other divisions ..f *h* 'l.athwe.t P*k» koi * tswm.l a do»r n frer- tic|et* military softball Hhampmiohip de
AAl W^lirtim Meet wWh '*'«■ bu < » Loa.i Art.llett. LI •
M, * r *ut tu hi- outdone in (ailitenes* by 1 while a Air Fori downed H Field
the visitors, handrst out fifteen! Artillery. LV.r alul 15 IT, for the
haaen on ball* Thi Meti:<>rlistsj-miliUiry volleylmll ns'wn
marie *ix error* afi< Id an i thej Stewart piUhrdi for the w nning
Chrsstians eight 1 softbaB« r» who I em|»ld}> 4 three
N*ith«r rlpti ha.l any diffu-ulty
progytssing from the (date to the
base |ath*. though each garnered
Two horned Fn>g*
II Comp, A Flight Winners;
Track Prelims Tomorrow
B) MCK MANITZAH big mntn|rs out of the four ffaitms tbe winger advancing to the finals
of ball played to seert th«ir 1 IT
ill Played
In th» fW
Walaee wtta Mel
the award had been By means of tape recordar the
J K IxHipot. general rbairman and B ,v * n Upacorsbe athletes were reminded of same
, director of ticket *ahra. and award- After explaining the often over- of tha AAM spoils triumphs this
donors Hop Colson. Dor lupemmb. looking importanae of free shot *pnng with WTAW sportcatarrs
—-7 making, Read Wipprecbet award doing the recreation of actual blow
#d pan and pencil sets to Turn bow by-blow accounts.
^ aad Don Heft (o! the f rash mar 1 heir attention was first direct
‘teaml for their high recorda in cd to Dowell’s game taiming
chanty stall making. , bucket that came in the elating
Calvmt IUarh.ll Cam.i. * tha SA-b4 vlctery tarxr
laliwt Haarhall < apUM BajHar ia DtWare fiabl
Karow, also the baseball mentor. Guy Waliace'i two-gun douh
p nr sen ted a pen and pencil set the ninth inning ajgatiul
to Jim Calvert, the recently eleci that gave the Af* a crucial 7-d
«d team captain Tbe award for win. rc-thnilod the gathenag, '
outsUuidiag perfermaiM-e in base- Outstanding events in tennis,
ball aad latter recognition will be water polo, and track wer« Also
made after the two game aeries made reminiscent.
with Texas this week, KaroW an- —
Track roach Andy Anderson will
The <i«*ubles division of the open ^ .
tennis meat iw I® ’bf aemi-ftltal ^a track lettarmen Mvm*--
f I knwv t .4 mi^vsi atav<4 , , *
( olson presented
runs. In llu rms! frame the vi'A>
scorfd »i> rgns
Krt-n*k w•* the leader Ip the
runvMoW-d division, tallying thm-<
of B t <vg.|H>#ite'* scored, as Lapra, i while HorVm and (iaskill take to
was bald in Dallas tail Saturday.
Frank Thurimetd and Dale
Thompson tie«l with T*xa» Cmveri
siH> * entry, Bill Yeatman. for
in the Ud-
Tbe tig was *plit by the division
of first, Mhconri and third places to
the three men according to the
Ha ttalio *
T! BS.. MAY IA. wa Par* J
(looliirNH * .
Hen arc SpArt Shirt* and Tec Shirt* maik of cotton
so light you t an actually act through them They’ra
ao cool, you 11 hardly kn<>w you ra wearing a afeurt.
Get a lew and feel the difference.
Sport Shirt* $2.50 op — T»*f Shirt* $1.00 up
Texas Nine Leads In
All SWC Statistics |
<$*< or * Note: Stati-iu« used Hruin* at 24-! dvciage
behi* are accarate owlv for roo Tl lwad« in Kieldiai
feature game, completed Ihenach fieMingMs headed by tbe
Mgy A-) Longhorn* with 'big whCe the
- . . !i Rice Owl* and fl 1 an- tied for
Iteveramg ite earlier m| w , th ^
hittbur and fie ding the T>x.a At |h| , llmr th< . sw<
Tw, u a """■ ^ ha. T xa* a* ,he leader
the load among he SWi a aM del ^ ^ {f ^ ^
paid'Bent* Midwaj in tb« race, -e-i- n i. i,
.a order: AAM. T l\ Baylor. Kiev.
t rt# 1 ’ not HfUfl’ItJC t n^* top • » u2U1 < ’ Vi as » j 4
a,#.ri |1 and HMl Th« Methodist# have
threw in hitting »t fleiamg , » / _ii .
„ . " , , : never been out of tbe i-eltar, bat
Nsvw hitting at a «7 dtp with , u |l conUnue to >e -me of lb* lead
the senmd place Aggie* pu*hmg ,. r> t |* hittnta diviaion.
eve» forwai I with a 160 average. g al Segnst ion of the famoa*
the Austinites seem well on theii*' proftpsional btaeimll plaver of
w*y to their 2*th umhsputevl •ntite i 1)ni| ago is U-ai mg the ladividual
i tasaspMmahip *m, e D*W> Milena hltttrA Wlt h 4l j the only
the Chdets Win tbe two game o ne* | ,o,gham in tbe top ten of the con-
♦o be rl»y*l Austin Wedrimutag, faretwe Third p *re Tt l ha- f-ar
and Tharwday [j men m the top I rn while SMC ha-
SMC. who le«i the ronfei-nri m threw ami the A| ;gie» have two
Jutting at malsea'On i* n«w‘ tied (»Wy Wallace, veems i-agei to rv
lor thin! place with the Kav lof p< at as an all •< onferemw «hort
* | stop, while he iioptinuc* to hit in
tie thin! spot position with a
t u»*imifv *nd Raw each 4rCg»-«i
two runs apune Sing!*- run* ware
ga,n»-«t by J'«ii* Bain. Ri< ba|vkp* n .
and Btewait. who hit the only hdnie
run of lb* game
< |arle) Jack«on pitched f*r the
The ahoien of K Flight Radirtl
the finals of tbe Volleyball play
round with the duo of Davidson and
Moma meoAtaf IBHert v* Fokins u . ani rapU4n , j ^ "Hamploa and
adera with |ien and pen
the court# against Y'ardley ami
Thoaipson Wianers of the semi
final matches will meet for the
all-xdlege doubles championship
Open Badminton •ingles ad
vanced to the final round
week with Gearge Rodgers,
defeated (ritekfiold m tbe to
IMttlion of th^ semi final roum
cil set s
Mamptoo Needed Time
• • • AflpiV S/torls.
On Schedule . . .
ball. Aggies veraua Texas in Aus
tin, Intramural*, Pretiravnartea of
Anderson also pointed out why Track M*hA, 5^ Kyle Field.
Hampt4)ii didn’t win the mile in
l»»tiAa*tin Saturday "He pulled a
wh«> mu-o le in a duel match with Texas
ball, Aggie* vertwa Texas ir Aus
tin Intramural#, Preliminaries of
off- with win* over D Flight and thrown against Beasley, who drop-
B IdtaitentiSuter befor** hmHmg ped Btuart in the other half of the
the artideivnien of H Field. Bub semi-final round, for the all-col-
bn kolm U F. Brash* *r, Joe leg* tuidminton *in|4e* crown
IcnpamUn I’liff Mi-fiown, Jk>h
College and Bryan
Prepared to
IMcase Exacting
No forking Problem»
Lot* of Hi-chair*
H-db* nd. Jim Haney, and Jmt Cup
ii fsrmetl the winning team,
" eight lifting < hsmpsMps
Tl,.‘ ->|>e> weight lifting ctiap p
ion-dups wure, comole-e*) jK^ter
day aftgrmsgi in the lutfe gym
Will Six different weight difi*]'
b*-ntg !
Track Prelims Medoosdai
’he week before aad tbe injury Track Mwt, h p.m.. Kyte Ftrid
was still uothering him Saturday," MAY 1?, FtfTlAY-Intramdrwl*,
Anderaon said Final* of Truck Mest, Kv4e FWld.
- .. — n , *.
\g-ExFootball Star Honored.
i teirvfrmte*’
IHI ix-etal
•tifon a|me
Ten event* will t>e feajure*! in
this years intramural trarx cham
pionship which will be held in
Kyle Field stadium Wednesday.
Thursday, and Friday Prelimin-
aiies will he held the initial two j Christian College mentor on qom
days with all finals being held i pietion of |. r > years of coaching.
L Only in ta« Friday j Principal speaker was D X. Hi
classes dM !*ny High jump, pole vault. 100-yard j ble, director of athletics at the L’rti
AbMene, Tex., May IA •'M'
Hundred* of former player*, fel
low roachqs and fneral# of A B
M -rns were pr»s* nt last night at
dinner honoring the Abilene
durer of Some of the Southwest's
finest (••antaai and ntiateia.
Also p-esorg for the dinner was
la k Curtis <if th* I niveraily 'of
Texas coaching staff, who was
quarterback *>f the find A0Cfo**t-
ball team pictured by MuffMa in
a* the oiheg four dash. 120-yard hurdles. 440-vard j veraity of Texas and former coach , Four starters on MorriA* fiiut
be the different »hen the Aggies ws.n the South
weat C onference tiUe, then defeat
ed the faimms Praying ColomMa of
(Voter College
Bible praised Morns both as a
football player, student and pro- 11*. ? m 1P4B
am* of Abilene Christian, Keya* id*
( antroll of Heaidton. <MUa., QRorge
Brown of Dallas and Dalton ■!I of
ftw-eetwater The fifth atarter,
Th* *- Powell, du*d at Mangum, Ok-
avt iagt* affc r missing a large
imrtion of the ** aaon tx-cuUf* nf an
ankkr injury
Wally M<m*|! I- butting sixth in
tbe confencm*- at a 141 dip
but leads tbe hitter* in itins- t»at-
U-d-in With a total of 4 and i*
second in run4 *rore*l with 1:1
Wallhee hold* ihir*l pla*-e in run*
scored with 12 while B«gti*t lead*
with 17.
Other top hiKter* in tbe ronftr-
enee include (Jerald Jenaen. Bill
Fdwarda, and
SMF. who hoi
and tenth position* in the beam
hitting, neapNgively Also Mie
Frogs have fiur heavy hitters,
B'll F.lliott, Hdrbert Haye*. John
J-mes, and Jang 1 * Sola* who h*id
th# raafie<-tive
fifth, seventh. I and ninth in #ie
outstamimg stidk work departmobt
Ha heel Ijeads Pitcher**
Pat Hubeit lead* the pitcher*
winjirr* maiteirlean sweep* of Mieir relay. sh*it put, 44* 1 yard dash ] of Texas \AM when- Morn* was : buskethall team also were premoil.
weight divimon* KK<i vard. relay, Khd-vard run. and * backfietd
L y Fine ia# of ASA wtavithe i, roJul nimp wi n
IJUjM'ugii (la-*, lifting a tdtm of rvent* in.,^ta‘ meet,
itf' ;»*>te"1-- for the three Jims j t ifftciaisior the meet will m-
i>rt #<. -pa!* h, ami rtear *n«| Jerk , elude iCoach Frank A'iderson a*
M:*r«.n Bund eotrart A F, Car- refer*-, Bot. Bali, starter; Tavlor
ter ».,*, The 1» pouo.1 title I Ming t w f ,lkm*. head ftmnh judge. C. k
a V Id.') p. 1.0*1* total W-Igbt ’ Ksten. head timer; Sam Clark ami
I* tbn I IK iHiund dn taion ^'fari^ Jack Wood*, clerk* of course;
Tht|rmo|id »f A A r w*« fiAk Proctor ana Bill Richard,
’he wirg <r lifting Mo oiia'h- in recorders; Donald Giave* and Bud-
'he thrt* Ufl* while in ’he IHfv- dy l>avi*, iud|re* of high jump;
p<'Hpd dla**, a Kiittl* w.** W>g*d George Kadera atal Harrow H<*op-
betat-ei} Dale Thom|*(*oti of D field er. ^idg*-* of shotfiut .)a*k Simp-
amf Battlsy if Milner but Thgmp- »on. judge of pole vault and J P.
*on fmi • bed strong to win the Weber and Bill Henry, judge* of
1 AY pound crown. , the broad jump
Thompson hfteil a t*.l*l nf >40 We<lne*<lay * preliminaries will
imh^kI* ir the *hre. lift* wbik glai 1 '»♦ formed with the 440 van) dash
tat lifu-d »*;{> noun*’.- for ’bf Sson BRo-vard relay, KHo yard run. and
, -.1 T * L... L. _ J L* 1 a
AN(im;R FIRST FUR 1.(11 -
Andy <'ott»-n of B Vftgran*
gaified the lhl-i»<*imd rroMF i lift
mg a U'tal of 5K0 imundw with
Tudker of A Fngmeer* rntp'fr uj^
w d' | vh jMaitid# for the thra* lift*
K< Hy A nth- mon ( laf^ntn
« , . , , 4 o
ck Knudss-n. all of tmA th»’ beavyw. ight titie Igt
tbe second, eighth. 541|.|>ota'ds m hi* three lifliq
(Iprn lenai* I-uirnamsnl
tb«‘ bnia*l jump event* Four heat*
will la* held in the 440-yard dash
and the KK0-y*rd run with the top
thre* jdace* in each heat qualify
ing for the final*.
In the HHo yard relay which is
composed of *even preliminary
heat*, only the winner of each
heat will Lie allowed to advance
to the final*
Here ta a chance lo gel
gooxl ImmiRs for voxir ref
erence ibran.
For onl) 10* off the
cimt, toll cm get I took*
for your |H-i>ofial lihran.
(kp*-n t* ni l* in the singlgs tdtvi-
*iofi r*-a' h«l it* latter *tata 4 la«t
^ ' T To Meet Mav 17-2t
vsition* of fourth. tn fh * finals with a victi»gv ]over
B-ti Srlieck in the semi-final
All AAM athlete# are requested
th. 1* inner of the Ho k W-nu* tn t ^ lr respective mill
ion in* quartet final niairh hill ,ar F department* on May 1. and
m^t lYornpeni m th. o’het* |» r "etneen 4 and 5 p m. Harlow
tm« of the semi final round with ! '" n - sthlettc director, announced
J - ... .*4
."yOf Apiece - 3 for
ADKINS, M( A k Practice af Organic ( hemistry. 3rd hid. I‘♦40
n imbs
having won foifr i-onfcren* *• gata*-*
without a lo#*,. and George Brogm
also has Hewn jv-cord vritk one Win
and no lows.-* Ham Blanton has a
2-2 rwcord in d l,n f ,,r, ‘ nf *’ l 1 '*.'
i* eighth anv-dir the leading huti
TD'a ( harlig Gdnn ahu Jaif* *
Khtler aim* hgk* *|s> reroqds,
while Murray Mall who ha* vt’m
tnore game- than any (hinferegce
Lrjrler this sga*on, 1* in fifth
place with a H|1 rerotd
Other top hdrler* in the ronlcr- iiM-luiie f.-i Math**, T’CT;
1 < ly*le RohinsoR and Fred ( o|wlati<i.
Baylor, and Howard Weber SML
.. - ■ - 4- —
(irolier Sicii-tv
In A MCA T <>*lav
F-pgHleOtolives of the iOpolier
S ni'tv w(| la* n th* A MtlA ( sb
.ngt rot n t.4iay between thg h«urs
ofj4 ai*l 7 p.m.
The Gniliqr Society s.-llg Yefer-
'-tge Lpr'k# and popular bo<4ts to
stgdent* *t substantial dhteounta
They do not
• ’
Phon« 4-5324
l rT
Travel in (Comfort |
A ODoinctta
And for* Further
Information. Call
North G«U
Phone 4-7114
UB to HU'j
teat bifka
JrV (jroller Society pvMishe*
"The |. ..k If Knowled^re/’ M LandR
atta People, “Popular Menee’*
aiid “Th* Giidier Encyrlop4lai. H
They also maintain a tad ralr,b
infqmtatinn aenW
Representative* of tbw nhciet)'
•* in thg Y Reading Hnam on
tMediteaday at the same thtej
ropogation of Horticulture Plants, 1st Ed. 19JY
ANDERSON: National (.overnment, D*4<*
HAILEY: Diplomatic Bister) of American People, 3rd Ed 194*
BATEMAN: Introdwrtion to Highwai Engineering, 4th Ed. 194*
BLACK: l#h Kxpenmeni* in Klemeniar) Ph)ska. 1st Ed. I94K
BLOCKEK: tj*»eniial» of (umt AccouMint. 1st Ed. 1942
BtJSSING: Teaching in Secondary Schools, Ret. Ed. 1943
HKISCtlE College Chemistry, I94.*>
CH ANDLER A C: Twentieth Century Pla»* ( Amertean), Re* Ed 1949
CLARK & C: Principles of Marketing. 3rd Ed 1939
CORl.KN: Differential Eqaattoaai, 2nd F-d. 1933
DAVIS: Tbe Earth and Mas, 1942
DIELAAOl A H: Principle* af Hnsiness La*. Jhd Rev. Ed. I94A
DI’NCAN A P: KetsiNag Pnaciple* A M»ihi*d4. Ke». M
FERC.fS: Sauthern held Crop* ManageauAt, 1944
w r.mpioyees umner FERN ALDt Sale.msnshtp. ted FA. 194k
hold >U last dinner of y| NNB >
: Principles of -Accounting, Inlnldip
Thursday. hliSTER A R; Money and Hanking, 3rd El. 1...
IKOHI'NRR: Fundamesisb of Bacierioii »gy, 3rd Ed. 1944
GARVEK A H: Prtadplos of Eoanooiics. 3 d Ed 194?
GRUVtR: 'Financing (.ovemwent. Re*. Ed. 1943
HICKS: Short History of ABterican Deasocrary, I94i
HOPKINS: General (hemislrv for (alleges. 3rd Ed. 1942
HOWE: Introduction to Physic*. |*t FA. 1941.
HE: Economics. |94«
L No excused ubariM *•» will be giv
cn, Imp ronriuded
A&M Dinner Huh
Hold* Final Danrt*
Employees Dinner
The A&M
Club wi
the spring season on
May 1H, at 4:46 p m in Sbisa
Hall The dinner meeting* will he
a j i n discontinued during the summer
but will begin aggin in the fail of
Music after the dinner will be
furnished by the, Aggielnnd Or-
Kn. Ed. I94S
chestrn The atrangemenU will be JOHNSON; American Ngtiaaal Government. 1943
•specially adopted for the AAM
Employees Dinner ('tab atten
Tickets are available at tbe Ag-
gteland Inn.
Slimmer Storage
CaU us. Let us put your
heavy winter clothing into
a clean atorageable conch-
Over The Exchange Store'
Jl’DKINS a m: mnciptes at Dairying, 1
LANDIS: Raral Life in Proraas. lat F4. Ill
<•1 SON Elements of Dairying, 19M
PERKINS: Tbe Sontb. 193N: ( onaeription And Ed. 1944
POOL: Ratac Coarse ia Botany. I9*n
PtYTTER; fcasewtials of Zaatagy, 1940
ROBESON: Physics 19a i
SCHOCB A A: General CWmistky 4*1 Ed. I93M
SHEPMERd: Marktfing Farm IVducts. 2nd Ed. Rev. 1947
SMITH: Calleftivr Baggainiag. 1944
^jOTH: S R j; ChIcwIusl 193*
TOW VSON A St Spc rh Preparation A IMivery, 1942
T1TTKRTOV Atarraft Alalerisl* A Process, R* *. FA 1941
William* : HuiMIng an Engineering ( arm. 2nd Ed„ 1944
WOOD Acpustic*. 1941
TOeNG: Tie InteriutioMt Rconomn
We aho have the Hat of book*, for Summer School
Bi-tag in thone old hooka aad tofa trade!
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L & t li
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