The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 12, 1950, Image 6

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You Will Find...
"tW Ckitetian and tK« LUrbUaa a»b
b* Um aub>et of
•‘•wwrt Norman Andorawn'* mt
■M» tor ProdbytoflM **rv)r*. at
1 ' ■ amHbv. Sunday achool
r«2Si u2j:
•Mia at t:M p m and ,offo. and
•»! b« «t 7 JU p m
» of th«>
nil talk
B^rrnd JaMM Jtrk*.
AAM Mvthudi't ntaifli
at 7 II
oa *Cbrtatia»i Nurture* for kia 4:IS
■Hirniaa aamwn, at 11 a at. Sun
4ay aekoai ia « » W a nt and
rV * n / T ’* aarvtrr bocin* at 7 SO
* A rtnld’a white IttMr will bo pra
bp th* church to chtldiwn
up to - two year* of ar* Uaforc
morniup aarvwoa tn th« Firot Bap
Churrh Orrhtda will ba pivon
ijact at Um Laaaoa - bam tow
which will ba read m all ntarabaa
of ("bnat Sr lout tat a not Sunday,
May U
’ *
"TV (Vtetian Homo and tha
( hurch" wtU bo Movorond J. W.
Fowlor’a topic for Sunday at tha
( hurch of 1’hriat Sunday acbooi
ia at * 44 moraiar worahip at
Youn* Hoopte't Moopngi at
il H
W 44
and rtapintf wwr
Sunday tr Upgatioa liny fur tha
St Thoma* Kpiacopal (Vipal Holy
( ommawlaa i« at I a m. and wtN bf
followed by braakfaat Monwnf
Prayor wtll baarm at 11 a n. Topic
will bo a Mother i (toy aorwiow.
Kvrmnf Prayor U at 4 SO p m.
I' •” 'yt
Sciiut Tri|) Support
to th* oldoot mother proaont and
i t® tho younpet mother pre»eM
Ouoot muaical director will be
< arrull C'arruth af Waco (luoat
•peaker at the eWonmr tarvico at .
a^wiTv wi.. 1 N- ^ Oivrn in (akr Sale
TV AAM < hnatian Church tor-
•non will bo “Th> Mother* Know A “two-point" cake »w!e to rata*
dilivered by Keveretid Jamoa *fVflda to *on<l two member* of
Mowdy Sunday or hoot la at S'46 Seoul Imop 411 to the national
-lantern Fowlrr
Fowlor. director of Ibo ABM
» hurch of (lirtot Vocation ItiMr
a at. and l*SF meet* at S p
Rogutor Jowich norvM-e* will bo
hold at (bo YtK A tonight at 7 So
l-ow Caidmi Will gavo a talk, "The
Mooning of Mother'* Day".
Ppator Fred Mgebntff will gr»e
a Mother'* Itoy sermon for mt>rn-
tag aemcc* at tV UutVmn
Church Sunday arhool m at b SU
and church oorvuea bogin at 10.46
There Will ho n<> evoniwg aorvico
“MortaU and Immoital* ia the
('onault uw on any
Floor Coming
IMI A t ntleio
Scout wmlxiro* at VaMey Forge
noit month will tio conducted by
the hoya’ parent* Saturday begin
ning at S Sf a m according to
Mr* 0. t*. Holvey
"It'a a two-point" sale iiecauae
we will be tolling at two location*,"
Mr* Hetvey eaplained Stan.I* will
be locatad at ('hariwa Market
at North Cate and at the South
Side Food Market, with a large
•election uf take* arxl olher baked
gomi* gt balk place*
t ototoittao in charge of the *ale
i* oanpoaed of Roverend ami Mrs
Helvey, Mm Them** A Adock.
Mi ami Mra Krwi Wrick. Mr and
Mr* Albert Steotn*. and Mr ami
Mr* Cordon Crgham
Sport Week
(Joses Piny
They’ll nng down the curtain on
Traaa AAM’a MMP-fdl aporte pro
gfnni thia week
Only three evenly are on the
aelwMo. ..
Monday aftemooa, the Bnt«>«
Counter AAM Club will honor Ag
fir athlete* who participated tn the
TW* Annual pnaenution of,
\ t Southwngt Conference
Trophy and
will lake plane tomor-
afternoon during thu
Tr*. h Mart
trophy, which waa won last
by AAM will be taken to
Aitetm tomorrow morning for pre
■ laaauttoa to than year a win mug
I *ch<»i>l SMC waa winner (or the
year lP47-4t
Method of aelect on for the wtn-
nutg arhool ia aa followa: Math
perrim polled w|l arlect three
ar bools from amodg the seven Con
(adaace membera who, in his upm- j
•on beat displayed tha character
istics of true apartamanahip
•UUag Method*
Hr will rate these srhoela ac
cording to their relative merit igl
flrkt, second and third positions
with P^Ma to be given in th* fol-
loifing manner . five points for
flrpt place three points for mnnnd
pl*<e ahd two points for thirg
TV achotd that receives the lar-
geft total number of votes wtfl be
s* (acted as th* winner af th*
Balloting la done by represents
tiyas from each <d the seven roil
ference achiMila a repreaeatative
group of confereiuc athletu offi
• tola selected by the confereac*
secretary sod the Baacutlvw Se<-
retary uf the ('onferem-e
f c h oo I repreaentstive* (M.llsd
will be the student n*w*p«pvr ml
lt«» th* head yell lender the dean
of men the athletic director an
1 T
Netn • Society
Brvan-Collfgf 4rt Harry Kidd S^kt
g* o . r i •i** To Povlry Society
broup Sets rAhibit 1 ' w
Haary Kidd, of the Kiiglish de
(■artmenl, read and <Wu*»*d **v
The Riyan-( ollege Sutton Ait ,.rsi p*wio* at tV Monday night
( lui. nut at the home of Mr*. W. meeting of the Bryan-Coliege Sta
M l*eten*. «.f Bryan, Wednesday tion Poetry Society In sJMtigP to
to dite-us* final plan* for the reading tome bet tar known fairy,
club * part in the art eikihit at Kidd criticised several poena* writ
the YMCA for Saturday and Sun ten by members of the
'My. * Jerry Reeve*, vice-preaa
Mrs J M Nance, of Ci leg* SU the Poetry Society received ro*
tSon. wa* elected chairman for th* gratuiations for having his p*em,
! coming year, with Mrs t'. ratnotism.” publislied m the
Lanham a* a.-»i*iant oh*iyin*n. 1V4S-60 Anthology of High Schpol
klsah anember is to eihtbit f»e Poemr
Nest meeting will be held th
the home of Mrs. M C. Jayne*,
pwawuMW wsew-
rrsideft «f
nirtufe hi the di*play at the YM< A
Biyan mendwra are a> take their
picture* to Mrs l,at,ham and t'ol- “f Hryan,
lege HtaUoa member* take thyim invited
to Mr* Naace hy 12 noon Friday
Nest meeting will be with Mr*
E K Alesamlnr m College Hill*
Of) June 12 TV paARc
Tijtrrs Lise (Itisc
IMavoff (.amc, 2-1
rand an
haH baaeball. trwk and field, ten
to. flf, swimming and fencing
The Lipeeoath-Colson trophiet
will be awarded to captain* of the official of the former student* a#
basketball, baaeball and track sotmtion. and member* of the slu-
team* and to athlete* who were dent government
elected "moat mlugbie" m these The number «»< |he ai hool • v<den
•P" rt * uapally depend* ji bow well that
Martr Karow’s Aggo* baaeball * hi*.I ha* lined up to the r#«|ue*t*
nine ptoya Texas In Austin Wed , M the Hportsmamship f'ode as
neaday and Thursday afternoons, ^flcd toy the c«»*imitte*
cloamg the 1PM) diamond slate The
Aggies hold 1PM> baseball victories
aver all team* except Texas Ka _ III 11 W|\d '
expected toVall on right 1 “ IM M ^1 Al, -
■at Hu
J L Raevea, of Austin, gradualIng la Veterinary Medicine re
leixeg the «eni.e award g(v.-a hy the Wianeas Auxiliary io the
\mofkoh ' eteriaar* Medfeai V**.*intion from |*r J || Mililff
rigV, hand of the % • lenaarv Aaaloniy Iir|mr1meai.
1-4 • ♦-«* f
Lofkl ( (K-ll Joins SfMinhh Club Has
T\ I jttrary (rrmip Hull light For
Ojicn House Show
row is
hander* Sam Blanton and I’:
bert t# fare the Longhorn*
(( ontmued fn.m Page 1)
Mi** Libby Blank, ilaugiiU-r of
Mi and Mr*, l^-aier Blank of (Vl-
lege Stalion, ha* become a imp.
ber pf U»e Sidney Innier Mt|t«ry
Hoc let y jal l he I'niveroty of f. \a*
She d * freuhncin |>hy*i«sl .d i
cation giajot and belong* t<, Andia
Chi (•np-gS »«* ml noronty. Turtle
( hih, Sotoei * *p iiiinuriy d|i>ap, | '’"y I'rogram pn
and Alpha inmlida nafiogni i 1 B'B- und*
hoiMirary ucholuAln <>rgaai|;itk'i
for fri-ahifiiin ainon
\AM ( onpididataii’* Tiger base- B**vwn»l gthletea who are to rep
batter* lost another hvaitbreakei feaent rexaa AAM at the N< A A
in bi district pUvoffa veaterday to * r » rk A®* 1 fWld meet in Minnesota
the ( rocked Balkkwa, 2-1 The win “* Ju,,r wil1 fomklome in training
gave the iHafrirt fc-A rkampion-
»hii) to the Crockett nine im* r*. .
Hw HulWieg* had earlier dipped “J I .llN
Ty the i onfedldated dub. I D. «« . * a ^ x
Pitcher K.daa.i, w.* the >a m’kaije i .l<‘ar<‘<l
man with the dlngusteil look after ~
\Text* City. Tex After
pitched * two-hitter, but It w.*a t ^ r , , of W(>rk mo||t tlf
enough to capture the wh. ^ wreckage of the two *h.p*
Tbe opposing pitcher Mj T H«»* wh|fh ^ ^ T sxa* City
km*. Was able to d.. "•* •«**] watsf*n«t disMter at 1P47 haa
tnoi-e to aid hi# iau*e. Although
be alioweft fmir hits, lluaklns pi.led
s homer m the third inning which
proved to h* the margin of victory
Jake Magee f nnsolalateil *b».rt
"top accounted for huff «f the
! Tiger* hit* in hi* three trips to
the piste
Membeidup in the lit* imy -
iet> i* of^ii It women who hgve
* genets H Sieragc and at leS«t
* B *v<ta|p in English
Her father i* * meinlwr .if th*
Plant ftiypiology and I’athi’higy
H«*norint Alhlele# A t uarhr*
MAY IS — i:M PN.
(If i«Hi ran'l feme. mm<4 an Aggie Alhtefei
(Thia Ad tamplimrat* luupoi < Trading Po*li
which sank in the
waterfront disaster
been fl-ared away
(topt W A Biaio. Jr, of the
Army Engineer*, in charge of the
ciaanag operation* estiamled that
I 1JMO puia of s* rap metal ha* b**en
cut up and hauled away, him! that
nearly .TOO ton* remai" in the dock
Work of removing th*- wreckage
•f th* ship*, th*- High Elver
Sint the Wilson H Keen., wa*
•tarted under direrTitm of the
Oalve*ton Diatnct Ufft*e of the
•ofihomore student* who elect to
li <,j*dk the Corp# of ( adet* and
•lijpnior* and atniors wh*. have
kOfC contract* *il| b* housed in
thf dorwntorie* set aside (or tV
Ci|rps of ( adets At present *oph-
otunre students wR*. take mihtary deparUpcnJ at A*M
training have no dton-e •* to living
qaarter*. being automatically
housed in the ( ort** of ( a<(* t*
Junior* and aOnior* who take
military training but haie n*.t re-
rened R( »TC contTarla have m the
past been allow.*! to live with the
< yrp* of Cadets l nd*-r tbe new
n*e. sophomore xtudent- ar* still
required to take military training
| if they are ehgOkle, hut ho e a
ch|i>lce as to housing
B(l\ S(i)KE
Tti*- onu bull fight ever In be
held o* the t'H.iipu* will begm
Satunthy rn.-ming at 10 a m on
the *tugi of (.ui.rti Hall
O<i-a.«ton far the onlprfui »p*c
tade will la*. th< ahnual Parent*
Kny Program pr***ented by the
th* il're.tion
f .1 A, M >or> B*»'HOitt profe*
sor of m idem language*
II* sling the c.i|M- and .|»e***tl u*
authentic mata'lnr'-* (o*fume will
l» Jack TufrPtt*-, CO of \
Try while M H Billingsley. H
Troop ( avalry. will portray the
l» P McClure will Iw cotnincnta
: tor during the c<*rn<ia de torn*
Mai tell M mre will spc.yk on th«
history of hull fight*
Terrie Ims*-0
i'ui Otit liuti
Have you ever wamdered what
the Teas tea wimiM have to say
shout campus events’
Head Monday a Battalion for the '
T. sales’ views, when they put out
the Hat tal ion
Tliis is tire result of the recent
exchange between the Battalion
and I j* ** < i Stat f* The Kattaltun
A’aif put out the l^isaO last
atoitt h
iilkrr New Mead
Kan<r<T (iomiianv
Mil.* f‘ Vtalkrr. husi ties* man
ager of th*- Bryan Ihnly Eagle,
Will (bmporahly manage the Rail
g. i ( .>rp*)ration nft.-r lesignation
of it* fmisder an.I oiganixer, J
M ” I’ltaiti
Fountain nf-igneil a* president
»t h director* meeting Tne»day
Formerly Walker was treasurer
uf the corporatiur
Walker will wotk with a coto-
mitfee of K K Butler, W f’
Kutsrhbwh, and Fountain tn rk
presenting the dire*tor* and other
*t.'ck hokler*
( hurch of Ehrist
Sets Bihlr St hool
Vacation Bible School at the
AAM Church of Christ will Vgui
May 2!t an<1 run thrmigh June 3.
Reverend Janie* Fowler will di
rect the school for the ftarth
consecutive year I-mi year a total
of 1M children registered for tV
school IV school is ©pen for ad
children from three years of age
through high school
There will l»e two class period' 1
each morning -eparated by a re
creation pern*1 (Taas will from k
until II Modem aids and todUl-
que» of teathing and inatftHtlPnw
Will be use*!. Reverend Fowley
In addition to directing the Rihb'
Sch<K>l here gt College^ Station.''
Reverend Fowler will direct one
later in the «ummer at Madtw»r
last year he supervised the
('hutch of Christ Vacatioa Bd-l*
S< h*iel at Temple
Ka y U.r (I)
Kmcaiipoiv, .’I
Parker, Ih
Burk lb
Nbeil If
Pear*.* I
PoWell r rf
Kl.Aa |a
A O \
( op* lag.! I
, , . Keyes. Th
l.raauate students, atwfcau n«4
qualified for military training, vet. .
ertone exempt fi-otoi military train-
and sophonnaes who el«-< t to
'life in this area hid h. hou**M m
j civilian dormitories
The^»rp* o( (Vh-t* will be
f-iiinHtomtn appr.prist.- militaiy
| ugits as it is how Senior «M<l»-tM
wh-- are iM>t rad* t officer* and all
Ha 11 alion
Fife H
,, .transfer students taking military
Bnftntei* Jum 2«. IP4P 1V ship* trhming wno s*> eb-ct. will be form
foundered after the giant expktoiag ^ .at*, toparat. unit* The Board
^^l|a , w recked the French freight
•d (.rand ( amp
.nder spedified that the
Cadets i.« I*. func(aoi
Savand.. 2b
Wall*, e r-
M.hM). cf
M< PhepM.n, 11, If
Bak-i If
lairy, jib
Main. ill.
• amlelgn J,l.
( alv.-rl, i
Hutwit, p
ski.’ with * battai ci vssirtrt'
h FT K.ttr- Jr « w«*rtl (s^r inwwrf loft
w.ih « Jflr inlnitnum ?*h«a ihie in
< iA»n r ito«l dto»'U«if» •Mb per itdiimn
in* Ft Smd Ail p;»»f'to«i* * *»■. remit
tgt v to fHr M'.tdtog' v<*f|\ it offirt
V Art* HlilHild Ilf %itrnrd Q I*v Ml **»
st m <xf iir lieforp Hdr'ii
• Milt RF.NT •
• Mill WAI.F •
l.’NO K.h.U SflTg
t,k-mm! .-nrt
i l,i- ismie w»l
. «*> #•-»
*r Voirt V Max*
Ci 'UPI.FTI'I T furnmlMS <w.i t MSrooHi* a* ••*> . ..Ilex# Sis> u*# an4 art
m, pm# t It. S»t..-s.ter I. Oa#* ..ft C..u» g # Soul **>• m. #*r
n. .aul» t.«2 l* t‘rlv»
I>('PI HX i i.«eB fumtar^H >|M*lssrni
211 !*<>««». Sieav# Callrf* Hill* Writ#
K M Talk *2* W Mammil San An
'..Sun I • ™.» S * »<**»
MAY mu
(dips of
lets i# I*. func|i*.i! a* a *tri<- tiy
itat y .fganixalioi. und* t nilea
agd legulgti.m# sgt up b\ th* Col-
l*yre staff and gppnned by the
, Board of 6irecturt
Ail H<»T(' students will b* r*
qUired to b* habitbally in utuform.
W.-aring gf the gruform is to h*«
r**struled l<> K()Tt student* Any
dgidnrto.n a* to uniform between
rlpsae* w i|l lie defined by College (Key-e* jp qtE l
; rngulationk I*eWitj
a W ANTED Tt» HI Y g
JW HKiri. THAU KB < allttr BlX-X
I All students wh" ar* physically i k
qgalified, under fl year* *f age, hell, Fear>u
aad with freshman .TaaaificatH.n on AAR K .’k
eatrarM-e will b«- required to take
two year* of military traiamg as
in the |»a*t The changes provid
ed by th. Hoard order becofneg ,f.
1 f*«‘tive in September
7-daU tl II ia f7 l»
Scprg by iiinu g*
Ha tier] tHMi llu (r*U I T 4
AAM t»7 (Hi*» II*- || l«k
Suing,ary \ Stun k sit f o
.'vaiarmo Mcf’hi'i
Hub* it. C4I >git.
*n I'KNr sS«»r*i«inx •«i»-et#« wssim!
fnr fall IVta. AinSt advertising Sm*
BaTTaIJoH Itoricx B.urnm**
Make her y<»ur kjuecn for the Day
inth your exquutittoJy jftft wr^.^ie\L—
mntoinbnirtrto frixn A M WAIJ)ROP A (X).
Ytingmis SH Family
Krunion for Wppkpatl
Mr and Mr* K M Wmgreu
of College St at log are l»Uuuuiig a
family reunion (hi* weekend in
their home.
ihcailnon. la 1 k -t I*
U Id >R Haylar *i
Stotts. ( andelail I»l’
Savtouig. Wallace I ary Fagn
rmo. Wa lac. RH! I s W tt
Burk. 1 aIh) 11, lary 2. (arn'elgti '
Dgletrge, M- I'hers..n SH <kl
vert FR * Barker 2 SO -|
*..n (, C.^n kind 4 HiiIm
Rohipsog 4 Hubert 1, < <qa Igmt
2 H .(If Kobmson 4 and *1 in
2 motor .si* m .Yrth III' Poigell
hy Hubert I’H P. »rs«in W ir 11(11 g
Bltc.heg Huh. ri , lossnr tiAcftyef
Robiwtom I' Honneau a ml Tbn
gate T I 27
SO -RoMn *
lo-it 4 BH
ne Sunda,*
■ e|N),nl fee*.
. k .I’l N ell
I .«* HI.VI > -TVl r M ISTKK T..d.a
r. mle. Sk.l„s #vOed UmI* • l lie
rued « t*,e illfire "f It ...rn yd roller
il II. « m rtVSkV V»> IV l»WI
r rvaM 1. eee. -ved ... ieje.1 aj-.t nn.1
lode and I" *o.e art
ai. tie- Iddtea* <'<*0.1-
, r#r ,.f Traaa <’ollr,»
for fort tier lnf*r-n,.t ,h
PIANO AffNiMI-ANlST fur raSM »•#*
M «s tvr a.k.laWe durlna e.mmer Ptuwo
3l1 Xtirten Homed.aiety
K.fliatr p.ei Nsgsr <,* n—r gut*
Site# l*e(a' a. Phone l 13*4. -d *pet>
n I^re «
MEN ...
^ oilI1D[I>I(MmI*M
At Pnctoa You *
Dan Afford
All Popular Beverage*
Private Dining Room
Oiasn Tij 12 :00 Each Night
Fxcvpt VAptlnesflay '
\ Oilll^l)|(MkI'h
Hock Building at Midway
• lAMrr AND rot ND •
H rv SUIT i*u»r baf
Hrvaa .« nat.M Hi«hw*|
. T Hatier M22.-.
a ttie IJa
Hal 11 M
,ii* .11 terh
roller ASM
Oir.K V IH ti.l'
yy It I Trot uaNTlJCMAN wiw t.wae* a*
th# wro«f (toiir of Drown A WlMlt Mmmm
b> mtN(Blito tn Oh» J<#t»to* Hartwr IHkOfi
at MtofiL (Utoi* RtotuMiy |ri«to*# nHurn
« toltamt ''TNtolit)
< **( toge V tow
DMV F»»fU» V ' .Xe'* \
Kr> ar
u 'toitrr mvtrdriv#
<1*# ur h(»rmR K»mi*1
HCNt tL0T«lN« tlNCi
\ *
— i- - -
-fe- e
thr extras . I17P5
4!* NASH 4 door, a P*>w-
iler puff . > -.11 .’itS
«N DOIM.K t ot Pi: - Kadus
Heater, Plaatic Seat
Cwvera, Car like new $1654
4* HI DSON -4 d*«>r very
dean . . |I74|
door, radM), huater, over
drive . * .... $1143
41 Hri(’K~44l<»<>r. special, ra
dio, heater, plaatic aeat
covert . , ... $4*5
47 044k>MoHII.E Club ('©yiiM-,
Mi. »adir heater, hydnunatic.
Thia car is very clean flfSi
4-dofr, two tone blu*, ever-
drv* Very dean $I|1S
44 FORD 4 d«s»r, radio, hetagrr,
rumdgts«d , UN
14otr, radio, heater, aver*
dgtvd . $JS5
41 NlS
ami out, runs pe
SperltoJ (Va nance Stole Thia Weed* on (Hdcr
Hndedn That tore K«toA> to (io
$S3 AND V*
■ j '
—We Trade for Anything
Your Ntoult Itetoler
, R Mtoia tot 29th Bt ' J Rntoa, Texa»
SI MMKK -rrge battle !»r*e' 3*
Set af (teena IS 34 33 3.1 An A K 4M
UR I ighl mnit Sullivan 2b H Vet
\ 't«*e
Dr ('grlton R lece
-Ax S Mum Street
Call 2-1442 for Apptuntm
The Battalion
4M FORD 2 door — Rti
dio. Heater, Twin
Kxhauat, (Teaa
47 ( HK> 4-door, Ra tl 10^
dm, Heater Like new
44 FORD 2 door — Maroon
White Side Walla,
Radio, Heater. Clean " ’
Bryan Motor Co.
m way 4 Ba*
2 1 $11
(U N. M«
% J,
f ,
.tK. '_i