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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1950)
■ i. TUI * I ckliears.ll-l liy NAMN4I UkSS ■ ' ' • Atm .... »r< 1*1 place >• thr SWC rttamom th TW KalUiu.n Sp»rXm Huff man iHlrf »n^ • vanuty letter, and * *' ^ r.t Hatwri i If Utt AffTirr hr«t Maylar loHof .Ml the tw« ffBiae* witp the Arr- f^rmf tapia all **«**" |~ w «»k »„ A u»Ui*. lH* (>ai(ttnff hm initial nuper^ii, c wfth jg^aM m Uame-lime hi will uwi<«i><te'ily letter »*«m this year. Iraa ^a^riplae (•nttleb haa he *n the apal% of The dnaer we get to thi* **n«1 of thi« year * i|*>rta i*ea«"n, the more difficult it hecoBr* to select any one Star of the ‘Week Anil ajfain tki Battalion eport* staffer* have taken the eaay way nut .and » hoa |B*pMk' the (ialveaton Hu<iatw*ers. one of 1 fra? *f ♦* k f Wl TV two »e. reprearnt te-.h the top fenrinp aMrecaiiona ir, A4|| -ii M>»r ah.1 minor saoru at Ar^le th, e,„ lfl try. hia .wHy traiwic with , ^ ^ n . Uwi Pat Huhpfll the only piuher th '» ‘“•vk apmwM^i gr,*jpk«s P** 4 gdetHttera cloirtnl los, ^ Clyde Bo|>in*on for the Aggie nine who hasn’t lieen rhnrged wtth f ronfertara de feat. J"*s John (Jottloh. top Ca det fenpar. for thi* week’s '»ut-i •landing spnrtsmr r llrat Htwor Star Aa far as wn^know. (rottlob is the fust raiiuir nxirt* participant t«> n>erit rve<*enit'on as Star of the Week Yet ti may have been •et* oeersight, ^*r he haa been outatkmluig quit# <iften in fencing aeenta this pear. Ho hen haa the top hurling rec- ! or< in the Southwest Conference * j Budiy rarke* (tuphcated tka fkbt this t>«le Mclfherson faewad. al-' Mi vina tke nmners to pad up at aecepd a ad third fm Tally fhe fipai J^aroon «4fker raw in the tkfhth when J.e iram • Mnglt d pi gePter, asIVartced to Miiiii an two. infield oat*, ami s.-orvtl off Mrrkeraad's infield hk. it waa AM's mx-end victor) over Bayfoi, Paving deflated thr Hghr in Am. f-i. in tin- miffei ewjf dthut fcgu Rtanfoa, with t«< wiaa and two lasses to hu credit. wi9 pidhahte {get the nod in the I Inal this aft^noon Wet\Truck Man Hope Of Records Austin, ex.. May li? I* 1 Rj-in Pat II iiIn n •ff for vh- hi'-ml-haired la-l with the <ottniir ancestry. Ac ihmi ha\ ( - ihe evtct »i«'- i'SiA on li**tUoi> s weight an I heighi, hut \cu i*i! take it from in he's lug *imjiid ti tn ! ami near 2<M' pound* \nd He |Ui\c* 4<ihn (vottloli for f«ir the ourreRt baseball season, holding fivt vklories H» will i-rn Itably receive the ond as one of the starting pitches in next wi-.A’. tUo-game setios with Texas at Austin One of the (d iet n ef the ( a<*et nire. Huhei* is \ xei medicine «tu i< nt, he is from Rtv Cottlo’b *s a Infanry ar.i' * rtiaj r ii (P-es tivities t t > »nv' sophomore in 0 aiveston | re-in* d t lonfine hi* a< one spoil either, ng pttek for two hita ami three rum in the fine u *~ u ™" 1 * Wfire Kkiii, Vrt ... TV Aga rested one frame, their — • khutiri Uie tail right hamier in.i* the mound in the third Moon encdUiagad a free trip tk ftWt from Rahiiwon after slkp. Atnf A v line drive foul over the { Bgnt field fenoe After SHuft Me. - fhenon'* mfietd single moved Moon to •ei-oad, the Ag < enterfields «g scored off lie Ait* * terond buif P*- McPherson and In Aitt move^ aacomt and thiru on l^u ry isOell ^ overthrow o( hoene, Tt.en Rohm* I auS w as relieved hy Kn d ('ope* (and who alkrW'ed one rvin off 4 paaaed hall before r«iiii!,(< I hi sid^ ( otn'ljnd Tight ‘ t opeland the \ggo-M-oij. bu f'-r ihne fraiois. ivtiring the & l" in I hi x i|e;»odth|-» c iloodi >hmn until the »cxi i>*h. Meaij- l|hde. Bailor innie*t om ijn if> the fouith him) one n tin- fifth f. • resuti of two Airgin errors . The A git i*s exp'sh'! fro»r tlv e tlii s- mini c dwi nmncx m tic ;* eolh, registirr'ng f..i.r ions off » j- C es hx N ili- !.*rv so I \t o y (sin. a dmib f !>y Honh < sink*- lari and two Hroin Pont Ins Hayloc scored its on v e*j m fl no s ii. the eighth. ' i.i ol. K-'V fa i non ground». singled t i ighti; Cadets Aiming at Straight Track Cro 71 By BAT ROMUNMM CanferewCe Trw k began today ta fending ehampton defend its TV Mi and Field Meet ban Austin witk defendi» ABM attempting ta title against strong compeitknr Texaa C n verelty and a board of individual eta re Many of these star* are pwtwntad ' rteeN-kreakdf. Texas' aggregation id the tend mg challenge! for tke favored Cadets, and the two vftll wage a tetrific battle right down to pos- aiM) the last event tomorrow Parker I-cad* 3:141 respectively aa compared with conference records of 41.6 and 3:14.9 Cat leadv JUce’a Cai is capable ef break I*»g Ute 44U-yard dash record of 47.3 set by Holbrook ef AAM last year bet that will probably de pend on the weather, tke lane he Mare Gi Kic*; Te> 44b-yard relay: Baylor; Arkansas Mile relay: Rkc; AAMf Texas; A rkinpup t A MkeMtl Kadera l AAMk Mar* tan ITClTi4' M ibiHo nWa); M'f^ia.l fKicel. Riaeua hadeia, Adkoieoc, ‘ j draw, ami wVtber or dot he has ^||U); Clay. <T«ds>; Mat ka*l * *' m Jmu 1 day Blown of Arkansas ran the two-ank event in 9 J4 last week as compared with the 9 SO recxwxl He and J D. Hampton id ABM I should make quite a race of it Saturday, > Led by i'harlie Parker, ac# l Now for an actual prediction sprinter, th« Steers look like win- We are doubtful of picking all ners m three or f«mr events at the individual wirfner*. especially WaXt, plus a hoard of *«xotvd and in the (WO, two-mile, high )uttp, tWitl places and broad jump We will stljl. Kire ln*titoti- will he favored however, haaanl * gucu and hope for Oh the third spot in tV meet ,u •» t.» accuracy as last yusteidsy - sk'*4i liu Mack and .'•liked h**p<4' lor n< w ivetuxSi m ibi> .doutdiA.-e' (’iinlnivree 11 1 k and field niuft wha h ► tsit. hvn t'Hlli). Th«* ‘Aral hm .iimii pi •dieted Sinrv ti'iw* i-* 1 ul.y*, . nd Sot IV U r h r kl‘:lKc«li "1 s 1 httiUt' t'H Ih<- 1 Iv 'Stuirtay, .T .<! wt. iiiSr am! » -J .. tia.A "*ii|.i play u iiui"i ;■ ,m .n let. i iii’ninr whi tm > 1 • >: »» A A M <•♦ « x» 'sii! lip* t hai.qdDi'B'ip fiit* Aet’ vi >im* 1 t HI d> f»-t»1l' r* Out >:n« >1 1! f tr. a 1- eal'-'t .III. *iy .« 1< -S Up \ t M U,i! Ksv. -U t"4’« I’i; t-|# 111 ek pn'S'tii al it M T v..f 17 v» ill-' II 1 S’ * iii 1 n- vtlll 1 tl 1. t,n fi* .1 III ihI- i, a 11-.| -t if, , 1, 1 ; lit X.'fii*. J* rlii |.ri 1- ( Mara - **i-1 - . *t 1 J I I l> HI '■•d.t. f \ t!» » ^Uaitfy ng : »i. -il i |* » Nile iSra wher* h( higis %<-h.M*l ii i hx W ith sn<>th «* rw<ii.* i 1941 More lesr for h< ha. eni«-re<l intiarrund box ing b«*th hi. fre.hmar *n«l 4<> |»h.. more tear. The Lug boy hein t go t<> 'be top of tte mural heavyweight lisl, hut .a«*e awful it ilu*e ra>lh year, ami gate hu uppotiqi t» plenty of trou'ie iits feneiTg ailivittc can’t be lied down 1" any-♦He weapon. Hi cai| w id tht v.brn, , p. e, or foil .with ei|«a! t ,-or sn-i ..nial ie- •lilt. 'he ia - !. i u b*l(ig if eligihl|i( a to go Mid»>tl Ha. i arwed nne I re.M ., 4 renders rjtfei ... Aggu> S/tor In - fM Schedule ... Stale I oumey in (ialveston ; N^n< >ncml> rs >f ABM * r y ticlji^ team hdl fi-r < inlvph* tun thus nvnT.inj; t<» |iart|i i* in the Slate Filial MTH of the Aninteiir FcntiR. Le.tgw* f i m. r'oa i >. . big tire o # the r*-ir "» rhe f'a'ie* tc,ir*i kA.Vi ( iiring •e.rn.- n bolt fad and epee i on [at <1 eifl, Wath n- M Mart.ii HamUtgn tlagullon la une «f the anh«4itute caltfier. fur the Aggie babe ha 11 login. Vow playing taking Htg JiMt * alxert. reuulai iganfwitb- Iheelna.k. Harmltun may heiprea- .eg into aclion tiuitr uft.ii neit •ilRV. I )f*B<*rr\ Lom4*m .Vrond KohihI t*rved mdairs h* a 11-da) rain. ffV - ,hi'hwc .1 ( dnferewed Irnm. KNirnaait nl moved into tile *ec •aid ronod in (he -Hule- Bxi.iwn kef 1*1* yesterday. Jack I orpin af Kic# defeated B. !• lieHerii of Tglad tA M A-S, ti 8 in the only .egMiB round •«ir*» pisyetl ihus far. Pity round re-ult. included : Hat mood Rude, > 'Bl , Val Ja k K -odmg. Haihtr, H(j2. •* J: ClrreM itrewter, Ha)i.*4, hi-al ihk l/Ctinoun, ft I ,, **g 4 3: VPI 't ick. Hat lor. hgat James WiImm:. Ml. h.:i, I \ 441 ■ 111 and may funwsh I he moat , out •landing participants, with such hiys as Vem Mrt.rew, Tobin Rote.) Red Brown and Tom Cag, in ad- ditioa to two crack relay teams Bwtde. th< f ollege Station lads m*'Honed yesterday, soirw pote* UaJ rwriird-breakam might wall lie both k’ce s pM< and nob* relay squad* They have done 41 t ami Fish Basrhallrrs Meet ( ubs Tinlat \AM ‘ frohman l>a-*'wH .qitad roepC. Ravtor’. Cul»s in Bare to- *sy m the ta«* game of ine *ea»ni lor i hi- Kish > The first-year f a,Jet. enter to< lay • fray with a f>^ scanotmt rfv- ord, with* Ut Texas I'niver- «ity'» Shorthorn* and t« the Cubs. Siartiog pivchei for the Kish will prol-aM) b» either Bill Stir-^ ling or Jack Brinkley. ' week’s \BM M. TI Wyil also take Mayes »2 (?) a .tab at tke re*t of the place* ami stick our neck «iut so far as to say the meet will be a* foilkws: ABM- ] &*. Texas 62* Ami here’s how we figure: 1(H) i yard dash Parker, Aruhrosto (Btyfoi); Brown (Rice), * Texas i 226 yard dash Parker; Brown, IHIIon (Texas); Aoihrowlo 440 yard dash, Cox (Kwf); Mitchell (AA-Mi, Place (ABM); and Shaeffer 1 \ A W \ 4*66-yard dash Hoff (Rico if He runs; Haw-kinnon (Texas); Gar- nmny (ABM); HiBIford (Arkan sas). Mdi Hamiito^i (\BM); Sparks (Texas ); Herring (ABM); Bn*>Ls (Texa. l Tw< mile Hampton; Rrotgn ( Ar kansa.'; Herring; Whimmant. (Texa- >, l**w hurdles I**in;ng (ABMf; Walker (SMl’1; Vails (BavKiri, Pm sons (Texas). fMflk). Javelin: Rote < Rice); • Mar^R (Texa.) Klein (Texail; fide Vault. Bimpsea fABMi;\ Walters (Texas); Graves (ARM);\ Tompkms (Texas). High jump McC.rew (RYre); Waher*. (Texas), Davia (AkM); Womark (Texas) • \ Broad jump. Meeks (TTaakV, la*ca.. (BRylor); f.erhardt (Rice); htmpsan (ABMg And It sUU h.ld. un -ABM M, Texas 52J Rice 4u We’H Ml it go at that I Haifa lio* SPORTS ni., MAY It. I»40 Page * — 1,600 A YEAR BI0IMMN6 PAY For Av of'oq fxtcufivai An interviewing t-nm will V here to give Y<*u dqf iflt abuOt * < iraar i . o Officer ia tV U. 8. Air F*cat 1 ' \ U4«: May 22 M IMpa: 16 - 5: 7:1s la Hi3« Place BANKING SERVICE CXJLLEGE STATIC!.VS OWN (.ollew Slalinii State N «rth (lajo Central Texas Manltta* - .' * Jfkv 12; K H11 1 A> - H .e ii M V. Ba liir. h it-n*. 1’ m ; Trx- k <Wi ■>, 1 X id* 1. 1 r. h HttfS t s.- hwi y* i A B. tvl-r ▼ »' e. |»««1)Y ItiUJii R' If. trf’H 1. s\y 1 f|HS|. A ■..ttfi ,ng *1, .tti - ! in- si. G( live.tun May X. SA 1 l Hnxy .lyy 1 fiat k 1 nt*v 1 y * f T t-Y.'fl! -1 it* finsl., GsUt.t • »n ex as Hi van T. ii if VKDU AKK • t MINAVVARH • (ll.YSTAl. VARim A ( h* lift Selpption of Fine Fin ids Await Yuu X. I hnr in \ir (Amditionvd JdHiilort I fKlilY ! - -* We Carry V'our Tray of lHi*chairs for the Lit tic Oyicb HOTAR D'S ( AFKTKKIA dtv <d«.al en(r,« i.-n* prep " i ■ »n The me* I « * , r 'd ton i.rrriw l l«l, t w • their weiirv»fis v .X* if' ,n i* '1 V I cam captrfm <>u hid Monk. T h- Ithir State Vl'.i- . in »II ’iH*r dn - '•r and oft- dulen f'ii I<mIh> vi ' It* (he Ih I cm,big pick up ♦til vr**!' , !'ig the fne-. nre Misted and 0« r- d’I'i hxs tMV-ii to In f-h.r viar. .x('ianj.e • oi e Store V Wl Floyds Radio Shop Serving The Texa* AgjTico Since \ North Hate College Station 0^ 1 iii i, H'4 _iuUUik IGprraeet. s<mth The Calteston rieet v id h-mg together folleg lot a and rn n teams I from Tegii- two «m- (i mi rvor’h and sonlh AA VI wiM rVj*re»« nt Ih. s >iith**rn divlemn -n foil *1,^ fpei* H f in .H«h*e "*m|irtiti<.n piul ttje i ;aIv.-s( in Kli- <*b*erx m (»H thnn w*fpioN (or th** civic i tiMrua l-nfrics *r"m ip* northern div- j aion an- not kn-Bn Team, rpialificd in a previous , rmjnd f Entered in *he "me’ ♦►<.rr A AM so Mr*, M'-nks md John Got*- ! tr>* ffvrr>tv , vr(g the f*>ll t« ,im, I Be lle t¥i|w.»n .Ur Msve. and G«tt-1 jb'*' lot Ilu* cjiec group ’j In r-.l'viBMl fntrru Frsnkj RaXUac laubn i. Mike NicbohM (fortI Emmett Joflnesa epee), am! In k fowes laMi*' art in Hi* t pie; livtabm Ir Uiv nox'ter agrb m Yf'-nRa baa : enttrwd n both fptl and epe# V»)n, ' trot Will uut the ftiif and sabre in the junior catrnArv w4h WiUakn entereg in the open pee i k Rev Jnmcw Jncknoo Ptstor A A M METIODIMT CHURCH Y >u are rnrdki’ly fBvIted to nt- tetid ak the churcli •ervieco. iMMiijr; 9:50 A M.—Gharck School 1100 A M —Morning Worah.y 7 00 P Al.—Evtning Worship W nBaemlny: 6 00 ■P M. —Dintier — progrtm for Aggies “Serving Tcxa$ Aggies M ' With Two Stores Mam (jonpuH A & M Annex \ni( Titan liaundi v an«l Dry ( leaner*- Uryan. Ttixa. -F- Serving the College Station and Bryan Comrriunitifcs Sin6e 190u First State Rank X Trust i (in.! BKtAN THXAS Memhur Federal I*epoB(t Iiwuraru-e CorjKgaiion A fot (> K I'Tiduate' What shall it b*’ A pen. a w>’ch, clo(lir. m.*ney ) Yev, k»v of these giita will brinK J<J>' to the young y-radtiate. And so it i )U*t a marter of choice. We make our purchase, an< tee that the pm x»^e it delivered with our c.ongratijlattolti. It i* natiifal anti right that w4 should yield to these generoju* impulses, but at a*in>e when young people bes^iit t3v-*ii own cares: a laiib the.r own de cision* to mike, we should a#e that they art fortified w* h gat* tint make for chataetkf and good living. At this iu'4 1)4 point in hie. we should do ail irt our power t# le'.p them es'abh^h their careers ut-on the strong R andstions of godlmts*, love, honesty, chanty. an<| friendship. Let us giak our graduates gifts of lasting quality. By example] a fid advice Ut us t«a<h them the maritt of Christiak kving Let us bfmg them with ua to our church^, where they will fuMl the greatest gift of all—the gift of God s kr-o* Calendar of Church Service* THE CHUBCM ro« All . . . AU roi THE CHURCH Th» Church >• ih* jrxrlui' lac l«r or. •arih loc th# tauUmg ol chorow or.4 good - ;»n»hit It am I'oft.ov,** ol *E<ritj«i vaium Wl * Ithout a ttrorg Church. s«t*hor dsiT-xtac j ROT CiVliiauSM can •ck*-"*. Thof* aro lour ««unl rm»cn« why •♦arf (On 4 •*•''4 sotvieot reqwtorl* and *j|>- port Ih# Church 7s#y ar* (I) P#r h,« own tat* (2) lor hu <bi.4r#n’i »cl* (|) For *h# *at* al h» am nation («| Far ih* »aS* ol Ih* Crurcl- iW* I vh*h n**4* hi* moral and ma | .poor' Pian to go 10 enweeh r#gutarly and i*od jrour Ml* 4aUY •to* Cto*u «WM •mdny .. Matts** 4 14.n Hopkir n T>*<*fSjr 4 IT-14 TuMdif M>"h«« it 14-n W*4s#44*vVm1im til 14 Thondsr Luk# i si m B4t» .. )*n**t a 1*. I f ktoreof Mtos** U 44-12 KIM 1444. S S S«ito» *»«w«W4 •s City .National Rank 0 Member Federal Deposit Inauraar*- Corpnratior Bryan, Tt xa* LA UNI) ROM AT : HALF 1(01 R LAI NORV k rLFMNFRS AulKorutcxl Dfaler Hknuiton (Hofnt ) DryMi One Block East of Colkgt* Vk'W Apt*. Collt^c Station, Texan \ A&M Grill North (late 1 \ THE BEST SUNDAY DINNER IN COLI.EGE STATION A ITER ’ CHURCH J. C. Penny & Company f 0 itpyah Ttxhe Henry A. Miller cK (’<t Nbrth Gate llffirdwnn' Phone 4-1140 A & M ( ariMian ( hurrta f 1.% A M ♦ Chuertt Sehnol 11 ‘i0 A .M 4 Mnrsmg \V >rsh.p hXW I’M yXupper Ooup A A M ( hnreb of (iirt?»t 6 A*- A Mi* Bible Ctasar* lli 45 A MJ- Mkmir.g Worsiup 7 IS A ML Youlo tneetmg A A >1 Mcthoilint ( hurt h • :R0 A Mj £M*t Co 1 .', Hear U» W A Mi Ruudsy Schoui kl 60 A Mj Momng Worship 7 Jb I’M. Bstning Worsb.p ( liristiBit ScitMicc Soeipt) 11 06 A A Mdrstug Worship J#^.* 1 j Mr 1 1. Qi®* i I i 8 JO A M Mary's ( hapd Bundsy Mass >0 00 AM r- Bunds/ Msss • ] 1 ( ollfft* Station Baptist 9 13 A ft - Husdsy School 10 30 A M M >rninR Worship 6 !5 I’M—Bsptist Tramn* Union 7 15 PM.- Evsrunf Worship St. Tbonuia Epii»oo|Mil ChApcl 1:00 A M — Holy Comnmilon 6.30 A M -Affie Coffee Hub 6 30 A .M —Church Bi booi 11 no AM -Msminf Worship 6 36 P If Evening Service 6 30 FBI Student Lesgue 7.36 PM. FeilowaBip Service Amphran Ltiibftran Church 9 30 A M B blv Class I0i:46 A M Worstup Service AJtM Prcsb\ tprian Church 9 45 A M Sunday Dr hod It 00 A M Morning Worship ‘HltlGinc for the Family MARTIN S PLACE For a Ojeda 1 evening of entorUiniiMint bnog the family to Martin n for s db Hridiu Barb*cue lAnner. Fresl iMMMh eiwMicven dsyi a wo^k. Spedsl Futo ft»r 6. CoQrge ftoad \