The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 12, 1950, Image 4

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* za '
-Son U Cutlodian of Fund . . .
• 4
Lucy Jane Breazeale Loan
Fund Grow* 823. 50—8785
By LBUN 194*. be u*ed r«Uftd for a koor
’* rw # *1 « . ' . . f j(i4 m her hont»r t1li» wm the
# / ^ fiwir>|f tool (ouMlotton or which th»« fund wm
22LI! . " f Mt for the benefit of A AM Ktu
hi r, "rLL n,t ‘• , ^ *»> .lent. The onrnal w«. «3 .SO.
, ,J. 7* * k '‘ »•> MOM b, . IMW
„ **" "< m( tK. An- j ,, v „ *,||. r r)m . k from Hr Hr..
. Ml
4 -
i . »
The fu*! wm hefun at the re-
of Mr Breateele that rwn
ItihuUon* iot<%wfefl Howerjn, *
wher hi* mother died An April l], 1
Thi« i* the f<r«t »e«r the (and
la* her* aMdr ■ b >ilahie In Smm>i
? 'e*h»»ea. a ad it t« abe the firal
year that Mr. liraeaeaW ha* been
tt« (aaladtaa. Inaat year the
Darta Hack Kaad aa» a»ade
avatlaUa for the ataieau at the
From ita firat baa of fifteen
loiiart on the ninth of July IMA,
the hreeaaaie Fund haa frown to
an apprAtiimate operatin* capital
of I71I&. and haa isaued wore than
2K3 check a The firat check to
ha maria oak to a fiaahmaw at the
Anne* wm oa .September 10. 1M0
Sin* Spetembor of 1040. the fund
has made Utana ranging from one
adred dol
1^^ 5rO 4 • a | dollar to aae-htiadreddoikart
Uass .>.i A|)[>mpnates
a few ceau, and haa repeated
Money For Awards
a i
The I'Ve*hmen claaa held a meet
ing M edaeaday rv. lunr for the
purpoM .»f conairiarmf the appri*-~~*A>49
pdation of money to hoy medal*
for the Fre«hman HnH Team, to
two dollar* "
Ihirinf a recant month more than
4!* worth of cidie bottle* have
been broken re-uitm* in the addi-
'’reohman Unit Team, to turn of a little n*or> then $11 to
deal with the protdem of exeea- ! the Ha*a fund. H B Furvia, c»>rpe
•tpe breaking of coke bottle*, and vice president, reported
plana for the Par J M Yantia ( la** , M neeretary.
thw performance partadiraUy at
4 nepa trip* and neMay*. 41-
thaagh the ameawt haa wet been
»» mp*et< i* uptwnahid atwre bat
fall, it haa laeraaaad ateodili b
eperating capital, doe in aeeea-
teen doaaUena ranging from 1$
ceau U five faharw. The lewnw
a< Uena are made withla a mm
ate er be*, and the eladent n>
charged a« mtereet en hm bam
leafing through one of tb<
lx 4)
to make fma
<*nt* Tlay Ihniee tomorrow even- ^ refxrrt*l that the Little Anri* land * , °**^Y reparta. Hr Breaaeale
E Bailey, aerireant at-
Orchedtra ba* berm hi rad to play
for the Parent’a Day Danre u».
pointed out that »everml of the wn
trfhutnw* made were remnant* of
blended the appropi mt J- morrow night on the coagtvte alah! t^he-fund from dorm* donated at
th* 1 end of the euidmer Another
was a contribution from a diaband
•eiuor company, ami still
a fpsHl by the rla.*».JU» buy iiitnial* between the Student Outer and
for the drll team Bailey wpot- The Track Ba.r The committee rie
lighted the fact that the drill team tided not to «erve refreshments,
ha* spent many extra hours pro- but to leave th» Snack Bar t*pe*i
)>annir their drill i »tu-n** «o they Thi* move »•* made »o that the
could put on eacellont perform#tv claaa would not have to buy oof-
e#a a* fepresentative* of th*'col- fee amt c«w>kie# with class money.
feye and auecificall) a* representa
tive* of the Kreshmar Cla**
A motion wa* made and passed
after Home di*0TJ«sinn to appropri-
aU 1 * fund to buy medals for the
approaimately It* member* of fh«'
drill team Ari>'th<*r motion wa*
made add pas*»*«l ailthonsirut the
officers of the class to decide
which type of medal should he
NW4i.i<*d Price of lip medal, w-w*
est.mated a* “unsmwhat I. *« than
H (I Andenum. ua«* treasurer,
made hi* financial report In re
cent month* flH4 ha* been paid out
for the mi**tny Cavalry Biyiiadyrm
flay and $1 <4 for damsires to
the * pedal ntudy halls. Anderson
II l\* printed a hr
llonoran Dinner
Picnic on
((uli Has
H 4
held a fiel.l tr p a>
little Brax<w Ki>.
H.ronimg to club
my senior companv, ami still M*
other was a rsault of an auction
of articles which had been Wft
uticlaimed far over two years in
the loat and found department
The aiarage at the Aaaet dwr
tag the firal aeaiceter wm atpc
thecka a week, tke baa* aver
aging Hit] durtag Ike peeled
from September 24. to Ihreember
SI. 1949
Each borrower is g van a amall
bllfald site card on which is
nted a brief hialory of the
name* of the aann
nelude Rneateaic Miaa
' 1 Mari Ism Bmaseaie. and the for
P annrd for Bolton r r «
vest year the Ldey Jane Bnea
! stale Loan Fund will continue to
(’evident \ f Bolton and Mrs.I Ip made available, a* well a* the
Bol&m will tw honored st a dinner^ other three loan fund* available
‘t ^i-i-a Hall. Mai -7 at 7 p ■ | to A4M studenU
l ie* dert Bolton will become f’rem-| * *- -*— —-p-—
uent enonts* in June after 4l f
j C kt
-A^piculturzil imb Illnhemical tffolli ^c
df ilfXilB
*D t* *e w
For the benefit of our Weekend corps mean hall, rafoteria atyb, off
(net showa an the pup, tary auaa matt. 11 Dorm II heua-
lear* with the college
Fofmer *ttidei ts and iscuJty
me mb* r» h»n, strange*! the dinner
and elalco-nt,- pan* are being
No Blaf'knuiU Material
In.trti. t
II * of hi. 1
■T. But
:auf J .cl
i*‘l- may be »***-urml at Aggie-
nnti li. e
, led »..r
"• •* InfUi
!no Akci* and Pbarmncv i
th* A ’ta*'
*n h 'it
.*— ,•
h imt. and W SD. n.Ah !
lui fv.*
trip, w ^ 1
. .,m. r>
- hit ,.,* V
* ml th )■ ux Stale Sank ini
lb* n*aj ui
-vi m'Ti j
• huN t.'
1 Huai
<'ut of town i» rw*u»* mlv
k>ff. 7 b* *,
iV •
*UM J*i \
t 'win ft* k* i* by mail f r om DkIi
bit out !*■
^ w ru f'
tl . \ H - is*
•v, o\*»< urn* soew-tan of tV
construe u-.
\ a Ink er*
V O’
**•1 A \ «»• *
i»1i * "f F irmer Stmlenta
Of’Tl W *1'
"'Sill ir ..»■
dcr f u
llirni I'rk.-
t* n !| la- «'ailabiv until Mayj
to pK III*
os ibe .oh
F»k«‘ <
FKII'AY MAY 12. I960!
File Maintains Complete
Record of Student Life
All tnioper* take warning, yaur and cadet offtrer
fib is ahowtag The ftb m kept to maintain a
Perhapa you are wondering jwat complete raesgd of a atudent's life
what yapr Wl fib taf la thia a* •* ^a* bearing on
aartment of papers and ooUre* promotions and awards given U
can he found a student a military «*ri* u TV ffcr is kept always but
L.. t U iN record, prrvmua and rwrrent train » "*«vvsl (hm* IV active to the m-
FKDDAY MAY l** I960 "Mrt * ph<iu>graph, disciplinary and active vertKoi when a cadet leave*
attoiaetk record, rstra eumcafcir
«ndtats for the AH < aHege day sith open wtags fur large dance*, hat in Mach surrounded by Haas
rihihdia here is oar I adept map I. Nurth Gate hunt ufflre. 1 The tea. I.ahhsrfc. lamaar and Thrwrk
»f thp cam pm street* aad several Aggbbnd lam f. The CaOege Moo- m or tea. b Qaba Malt, chief cam
("eminent huiMlngp Ihcy are: pHal, t. The THCA. I feaadwla pau aadit<>ri«m aad aoaae of auat
I. Idmiatnlratlaa Balldipl 1 aad Rlssefl Ralls. hoaahi| atadewt woehead staged ev«a«p), II Mart
tanhlpg Memorial library 1 The activitb* offbew at ad pat paMba li ai alMetb riar^Hady. 11. Cam-
ArmAbwe ftoiMug mala Haas tbb* the iouraahom dcpurtawM pas f oraer < asJuefisaiarv. 1L
biildlag 4 Hh*M Mem Ball, now and many rulWf* administrative Mu*tr Hall. 11 Duneaa HaH. aiiH-
lag cadut rwrpu staff aad cadet
guard rsmm. or informatics con
tor. la tkt* block art Dormitorieo
ir* rm
L Dawaa, Jr, ItatatariuM, It. K yb
V h..eK.I’ dta **"*>C
W# pay the highest pncM lor Used Books
W« maintain wholesale and retail Usts the
year round
“Servuig Texan Aggies
Military Schedules !£*
rijuipment Kxhmit X.
Come h\ and let me make v»u the bent
cash offer for your l SKI) TEXT B<H)KS
—Herb Shaffer
FiT Named hv Military
^ . 1
* vi'
I MS ■ "
j,artKitie# he participated hi, n» | their
Well as *pecbi commonta from m roommate* gill aearvti the 411
■tractor* and riaan* of the eolbfr fil * for hlaAmail matena wVn
funeral remark* and rer-ommenda bw on funds The only people al
Hurt, ruepnb of award* and ac- b>wwi te aoo a Ml fib t* the atu
compliahmenta. dofiewwry rating* <bWt hinwelw hi* parunta and pual
a Copy of hia phy«ica eiammatba •fbri adaiinmtration mlnaU
Mid raung ahoet* filbd out each Freahmar Cadet* may are thrir
semester by hi* tactical offbrr f»bs m IV ^fbc of Annex < om
— mamlant Lt. r«| R L Mel* her
beginning Ipy 22 After their
ahmaa jrugr cadet* ray *ee the
anytime they wi»h In fad.
are urgdd by the college <>f
te chirk thmr file period i
they may «ee and real
| IM their prog res* and mxtakea.
4a< h branch of the Military 8a * —-
*n* Department will present a ■\*n ■ ■ T •
riiipby and riomonstratwn of thair l<4.v| l)rillf k fl I nitb
■Muipmont daring Opun Mouse Day 1 ■FlllirU g lllW
i» the urea behind Rosa Hall
Airpbne engine* both
radical, working model*
peliors, and other type* of Ihe tat
«*t equipment will he shown by The four be*t drilled units m
the Air Forre. the rsdet cup* for the year 194#
TV 4'oast and Field Artilbry 50, have been announce*! by miH-
wlll have their Urge howitaer* ury department
let up and the < avalry will exha- ' They are AA” Air Force com-
lit an armoml scout car. ma/ided by ( $det Ceplain Frwd E
Communication and coding equip- Grothaua, Sal Antoiuo; "E" Field
Hunt will rvpreaeat the Sigml Artillery copimanded by Cadet
Corpa and tke Amv> Sesrurlty Captain Dean L Boyd Ft Worth.
Agency, while the engineers will “A M Cavalry, commanded by Ca-
diaplav bridge# and a sand table rfet ( aptam Duane A Strother
on which varbtia problem* will be of Ibl R»«. and “D" Infantry, mm-
Worked out manded by Ckdet Captain Jimmy
The infantry will chow their R Woodall. Fort Worth
haaic -waapon*. and the Ordnialai . — - ...
Divuten will diapUy the Mctipr! T
STiui , iflf n r lhe f,r ’ 1 flw Calirte AdaAKi
By Liicii*h Dept.
Student'* Mother*
Honored by Coffee
A new cop cue. "Science tn Liter
ature,'' will be aridid u* the English
urrieub. Dr. T r. (bp*. »nri
of the M||lbh Department Mid
A coffee honoring all viaitiag I last week
Wudeat'a mother* who will he in ' Scheduled In he taught by Fro
th# cimpua over the weekend Will feua< r C. D Laverty during the
he beM between 9 and 10 a m Sit- aprtng semeUter the courae wtS
urday in th# lounge of the YMCA show how whentlfu thought haa
AH ynemheru of the Braso* foun affected htmgry writings, and thp
ty ASM Mother * Club are inrtkad inter rebtior between arieiwe and
to attend i lilMrulurv, Dr. Mayo said
.4 f
Shaffers Book Store
North Got* — CoUff* Sutioo
For Good Food and Popular Prices
The Spanish Club
-* Vs. -
^Doggie" Mc< Jtirr - Commentator
• 1 — Alao— ' '
Tommy Turner Roddy Preple*
Jonh (fottlob Stanley Oakley
Jimmy EHen
Bucko Wyler Ai Trevino
Tom Turk} z
Martell Moore • Jimaiie Rollins
t Buddy Boyd
f L. E. Jobe
• L. G. Stewart
• J. A. Perry .
i '
• M) ZMter
— at —
Invited-Door Priaea - No Adttiaaion