The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 12, 1950, Image 3

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    ED Dept. Names
Contest Winners
W. M 9ut«u. Jimmy r»rtw,
>• M, < a.-tor, tirxi C. L PmW
named winner* m the ear-
Wm» rlaif^n of the annual en
fiaeennf drawing’ ronteat m a
•P**' 1 * 1 ••nrd reremony at the
Annex thia afiertuM«n.
A* frenentatKHi wa* Or
Barlow, dean of engineer
wa» aaaiated by the head*
Of tAe 4^an merit* of tha uchool
of enfineernf
Rwalrea Uraatni Inotraamau
Stauta, a mechamea! enfineer
Inf major from Mai'hall wa« the
•inner ia the rtwHeat diviaion rlaax
A: working draairif marie with
inetniiaenu He received a art of
£««rinc instrument* donated by
®#4*ri*-k Poet < ompany a* a
!•» the same dmaion, R E
Kvana of Houston, also a meoban-
ieal ettftneerinir major, plated *ec
o* 1 ^ induatnal education ma
jor, T. Ii Murta of San Antonio
»»» third Evan* reteivad a Fafle
Rrnetl and pencil sharpener from
the Etrhanve Stare and Murta
wa* the recipwnt uf a 6” pocket
scale also donated by the Kx
fhanpe Store
In rla** B, Jimmy Curtis cap
tured top honors wi»b hie.solution
of * practival dewriptive feome-
pmblern Curtis, a rhemual en
fiaeenng major from Bryan, re-
reived a set of draw in* instrument*
from the Eufene Ihetxfan Com-
(Klter class R winners and their
prtxes B N fupes, aeronautical
enflneertnif frodi Hra< kenridfe, a
portable dnftin* table from Ca-
r'ne UteUfen Co 3 W D. Kn^er
A*>m Bren ham Ulan* petroleum
enfineenn*. a post adjuaUbia tri-
antfie from the E^-haafe Store.
Castor ftiaa latteriag
L M Castor was the winner in
claaa C by tummc in the beat
freehand lettering problem Cap- {
tor. who i* from San Angelo tak
ing arrhrterture. received a t”
* It” portable drafting machine
donated by Eugene Ihetien Cams
John L Park. San Antonro rtvflj
engineering student, won aecendl
place in t'laaa C and received
a Wrice letteriag set from the Ex
change Store, while Fort Worth
civil eifinnermg major Thomaa
Henderaon was given a Drop Bow
Hen from the ffirhange Store for
winning third pla<e «
Drafthec Machine f.rven
In the freehand pictorial xketch
division, ( I,. Pirtln from Hous
ton, a mer hanroal engineerin* ma
jor. received a 12*’ x If’ portable
drafting machine from the F.ugene
Diefxgen Company
An hie Stallings and Ken Van
T seael, aeronautical engineenng
studenta from HmiaUia and San
Antonio respectively were award-
led a DieUen adjustable tnanfW
I and a flexible curve fn»m the Rx-
1 hange Store for winning aecond
: and third place
The following nieti were named
| as honorable mention f 'laxe A.
I• l) Benson; Class B J L. Park;
rlas* C, Earl F Wood; and Claaa
! D. G. H. Wijabuson. •
A Pull Of
Opinions Ami At lit mips
At The Annex
klarUa ( ala
MarBa (aln, < empaay 7 are
pitcher warm* up before a
game ia the Agnex intramaral
softball rompetiUsm Althoagh
now safferiag frb* a bark in
jury. Cain struck oat tb »ppu*
mg batters in three games to
pat his team on top ia league
H standing*
Students and Parents
In Weekend Activities
May IS 14. Itjb
Student C^iter
Student C^iU'r
Saturday. May 1J, IMd
Open 1« Oj a.m Departmental and rlyh F.xhihita
(loth days)
it ®i ll:0t» p m. Informal Dance
Muaic by Little Aggodaifd Orchestra
Sunday. May 14, It'di
k:45 a m. Formation—Flower Pinning (Vremony
.... « . ^ Company i«reet
Si-Kl a.m. Review Hmtonng Parent* aiid preaentalkm of AaKrdx
Ul * Hjtstandng Student* and Hoa«ii rig
'('♦mpany . _ tir itrip
If^tMl a m Parent*’ flay Keligioua Sefn ice CMapel
I2l00 mem lamch (Guest* of th* St i4*ht»l . Dining Jiall
l:4. r > 2:)& p ir Band Concert Freshtfiaa Hand Student rinter
2:20 2Sf. pm Exhibition Drill- Fn Drill Team i
. , Intramural yield
2l3. r »-3:00 p m Dymonstration Freshman Tumble (Tub i
- - Intramural Field
3:00 pm Demonatratum- Model Aifplane Club
. . ■ - Intramural Field
3:00-4:00 pm t»p.n Houae umler Auspices nf the N .MC.A ^
Student < miter
Music by Little AggielniaJ Onheslra
The df*f,rs of the Annex will be
opi'n wide tomorrow fmr the hun
dreds of parents and fnend* who
will lie the guests of "Little Ag
rieland" student* during the an-
niMd Parent’s l>ay Weekend which
commences at 10 a. m. in the morn
ing. , '
Annex freshmen have been Been
scurring around making last min
ute arrangement* for the affair
during the past few days Ar
rangements with the housing office
and Mrs Hilliard’s headquarter*
in the Student Center for rooms
for the visitors slowed down, al
though students watting until the
last minute found place* for their
guests to stay with varied amounts
of difficulty
Exhibits Open Tomorrow
Ku**e|| Thomas, chairman of
the exhibit committee, was wind
ing up final plan* for the many
displays amt exhibit* to be shown
tomorrow and Sunday. Thomas re
port* that neprly every department
repre*ented ft the Annex a* well
a* several clplis and orgamution*
will have sogie kind of *how fur
the vi*itor* Although most of
them will l*e ‘set up in and around
the Student t enter, visitor* will
lie able to sef some of the achieve
ment* of Aanex freshmen when
they visit thg ilas* n*>m*
The crowded weekend gets under
way tomorropr morning with the
exhibit* scheduled to ojien at 10
Saturday tpght the Little Ag
go land Orclp-stra will furnish
music for as informal dano- in
the Student ('enter for freshmen
and their ilatj-s The dance com-
mitta* headed by Malcolm Ihmmitt
and Corkey Anderson reports that
no charges Will Iw mad« for the
dance which begins at 9 and run-
tmues until 12 p. m.
Foraiatma At 4:43
Sunday morning event* begin
at k 4-S with the flower pinning
ceremony to take place in the cow
pany street ks men stand in for
The troops will then march to
the air strip fur a review honor
ing parent* and for presentation
of awards to the outstanding stu
dent* snd the honor company
Religious services will be held
in the Chapel at II a. m follow
ed by lunch in the Mess Hall at
12 nooa for student* and guest*
Activities get underway again
at 1 45 p m. with the Freshman
Hand playing a thirty minute con
cert in the Student ( enter The
program will lie rompoaed of
marches and a few number* of a
light-chiaeN al nature
Last PetfarwaM*
After the l«nd’s performance,
the Freshman Drill Team will don
, A* WhiU legging*, belt*, and h«J
met knar* |for a 15 mmute *huw
on the Intramural Fiebt. The drill
earn wjl lie putting on one of its
iast performance# of the year
#h*n it march** Sunday,
TV Fr»«hman Tumbling (Tub,
1 a group of freshman fencer*, and
a group of model airplane enthus
iast* will fumigh the rest of the
••ntertaihment for the aftemovn by
' itudenU.
| Concluding the srhedcAe of
events will be ut upon house In the
Student Center under the allspices
'of the YMf'A All student* amt
•heir fue»U are invited to attend
Music will he furnished by the
l,ittie Aggn land Or. bestra.
The publicity dimrniUeo Will *et
up an information booth Satur
day aftemooTt and Sundgy rtwirn-
j ing in front of the Adiatalotratiun
— College Station Koprencntative—
Annex Sports .
“How do you feel ab ut having
the Mothei’s Day program and op
en houa< here at th»- Annex T’’ was
(he question placed before a num- !
ber of Annex freahman this week.
Beside* customary derogatory re- ]
marks Concerning the seven iWtte*
from nowhere campus, there were
a few appreciable (and printable)
Mother's Day Is about tlU- m-wt
imnortant day of the school year!
and since this .* th- la*! ysar of]
the pme 1 lansHma on the Hn*x<w,
the student* find that after all the
fruttleaa griping that ha* pt.-dom
mated con vernations for the last
eight moots, th»- Annex hisan’t been
t<Mi bud
I hums- Hiidehrand, pre veten
ary student Irom Hnoslon sums
up s rood man» opinion* hv say
mg. “Alihouth lhe Ann.v iHn'l
the mo*. 1 beautiful campus m the
world it's still a part «f \A M
enls and friends the place where
I’ve lived and studied for the last
elxhi months *
Amarillo business major Bob
Jones ha* thi* to say about the An
nex celebration, "Sure the r»»ofx
leak Sometime* (only when it
rams) and the barrack* are some
what noisy, burl know .*f x certain
forty acre college that feeU that
their ranipu* isn’t w.irthr enough
for such an affair So when I see
«ur t-ee Studde.) campus. ! feel
sntry for the other achooi, life murft
I* unbearable over there.*’
Co. 1 Holds Off
Itallv lo W in ii-(>
I olVA
(lolton PrinlR
Dan ttiwr
• (H\MHK\\
14 IK Him ay 6 So.
I’HONK 2-H5!S8
Mare •* the aerlous aide «f Ike
Mueetiun ia (hr upinlwB sf J. *.
MrC**, huainess major from Dal
las said, "The Annex ia
1 he place where (he <Ta*a •( ’53
has lived and I see no reason
whx we shouldn’t have the Mwtk-
er’a 0a> program here If It’*
xood enough to live in. then why
not hnrhten it up and show it
off “
Rounding out this week « c«*l
umr * the attitud< of Ralph W,il
lingford, Franklin busmeas student
who cumments "Our parent* an^l
frv. nds ha'e heer^ asking us ques
tion* about life here at the Abne*
and l feel that the heat way t<«
answer their auesthm* is to invite
thegi to attend our open house and
let them decide for themselves To j
have the celebration at any other
place seems unreasonable "
Judging from the above oppin I
lofta, Ifd say that although the i
Annex Its aeverly critui*e«i by ita
iSn ateg, they are prettf pmud of
the old pla«* Said Cunlucuiua, "A
i.mrwW of a thousand mile* was
started by a single step”. Well, ]
the (Tgoa of T»S ha* nearly com-'
pletod their fust »t* p and although
sums feel it wa* a faltering *trp,
nevesihelews it wa* a iitep toward
gi iduation
H»*t < 1 round* ( anc^l
SYU -TCr I ramt*
Yestorday’* Soulhwest (nnfer.i
erne lioaeiiall game between Tl’lf
an.) BMC Wa* postponed because
of wet ground* Both team* are
vut of the running for the con
fer* nee champmnahip
Might 13 rallied in the last
phase of their game with ( ompany
4 Wedneaday in Annex intramur
al banebai! hut the uprising fell
short by an 4-fi count ( ompany
4's Howell hurled a steady game
giving up only four hits to the
•Ik boya, three of which tarn*
m |he late *Ugea of Lh* fame
WiliHon of Flignt 13 almi pRche.1
a ermlitabl* gam* yielding only
fiva safeties
I Unmpqny I opened their scoging
parfede 091 walks to \A ilhams ami
Gama, mengle*) in with four ImmiI*
by the Flight 13 tnfielder* to make
the initial score 4-tt The mfan
trypien ailde.l two run* >n anlnl
1 htnfle* |.y fH*en. Hla(k*ti>ck, and
I pttgKer H*.well
Company 4 gathered their win
ning marker m the fourth tr-knu*
on a free pa-s to D'Ve, three mi*
cue*, and a safety by IA illiama
Flight It got all of their run*
in the I set three innings A walk
by E A Scott and ham hits by
Sniliers and Robin, followed by
several 'gifted' boots gave t h e
airhoys three runs The score
sleeked to six to eight on walks
to Willson and White, followed by
a Solid knock by Haley Roberta
The uprising wa# terminated
when ( ompany 4's Howell fanned
thtve potent airborne tmttera to
end the naitest h-(5
Netters la ArtMm
Fourteen tenm* swatters saw
aetkein in this weeks' Annex open
term* tourney. Jimmy Wdlaon
was the only netter to see double
duty and took both of hi* matches
with ease Willaon proved hi*
court prowne** by winning over
Burrhanller, 4-3 4-1, and then di*
bohiag of C. R ( argil) by a 4 1.
* 3 count
Bcy.i had hi* swift service wnrk-
tag flawlessly against Keller, and
tbok the measure of his oppon
ellt. 4-2, 4 2 In the only other
singles rwatch. Tommy M irchtsio
swung opt s court win over I'at
DeBlanc by an 4-2 margin
<1 < iMweder and » T Sim
raoru lisdied goo.1 to the ringside
ten nit fan* in t heir conquest of *
fighting team cotunaLiug of John
Mart ii and F O Halton hv a 8 1
9 7 More Barchmiller ami Cargill
racketed out a cb>se win over H E
Barnard and He. ker Pst U-Hlam
am) Jim mo \A dlson won by forfeit
over the netters Met lure and
Inlraraursl Standings
flu Annex a-
May Id
league A
softball stai ding
of Wednesday n
AA on I imt 1 led
l-eagae R AA •»* I awl T ied Pet
Co 7 4 0 0 1 INNI
Fit 9 3 I II 7V)
Co 3 211 425
Fit 1J 2 I 1 425
Fit 10 1 3 11 2 Si 1
Veterans 2 3 0 Jon
Co 5 0 5 4 imxj
Fn*sMiw*n U> Hear
Tplevinion Him iission
Idtyne Beaty, Farm Director of
Radio Station WHAP, Fort Worth,
will discua* televiaiort at the mxt
meeting of the College Station Pro
feaaional Pre** (Tub, according to
And) Adam, president.
The meeting will he held at the
Flamingo leiuage at 7 pm Tue*
day. May 14
JoM Austin
Cl wood Schmidt
AU*« Pww^h -
Pas Ligiis 1
1 RiwMffK.ufta
Managing Editor
ksslur* Mttuf
•e-ux* MlSav
A ••Waal l|>eva MHur
vOCflflOft* CK# TOO prOCIOMf WO WQtfw OOyi Qfr TYI# OOO
u4k.A — Jk4 4|gar» In L. ta a n* 1| gfci .
Wffn TT*W y w* TWf%09w (vvx V* V« ywv WrnMM
•Muni Odt Horn* gwickur. mar# cpmfurtubly, un Pienaar»
onvumuwrty hmud Rights! Pwnaar trovul cosh Bttia. poys you
in* V-I
DP^p ^nxe ■^WwFv^w* Wx t^JNJ y ^ev^P^gwsw w*
la sahaat bob* Mi by gawlag •
lAv riSM*il(l O* eioaiia
A Special Treat for You At The
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ilsh Rice — Tamale • Fried Beans
Enchilada — Chili Gravy — Tortillas or Oar ker*
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Bring Your Date — Bring Your Friends
1313 S College Phone 3-2002
Moonbeam Alarm
The latest thmK in Alarm (1ocka.
Hoautiful |*laHtic case Flashes
light before hell nnjfH.
Smart Set
for Mother
Thi* cameo billie and Pak-A-Dor
t igarette caHe is crafted of nch.
ctJorful leathers, strength-stitch
ed with nylon.
Parker Pen*
Our beautiful selection of Parker
Pens is the largest in College Sta
tion Select one for Mom today.
Personalized Stationery
Thi* beautiful White and Wyckoff
handapun fabric atationery will
make mother extremely happy.
Caaiplet* with monogram*.
I he Exch ange Store
^Serving TexaM A^pieM**