The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 11, 1950, Image 6
T 1 Brazoa A&M Club Schedules parbecue 6:30 p.m. \J iAl* HOU.IM 4N Alhl*U« «|»H mwKvh at Kk M IMajr nitht. *»d it i. prKlkM ft it tK« tnnuai Cowntf A4M Club •iM’int Nrwcw in tfcair bon of and A4M ••• «nd fritnda of A A .VI •ill roll out Uw r*d car|»t at C M » m p «Mvtnfn tk«m at tb* »«• dub in Bryan in •ibtatM." TKia yoar, as in pppvmmm yanrt, rlub membarw and nil A4M nttn and fruNMla of tba roli«c« in h » toa Court* will U “U* br.thtm" to tba athiatoa in tb* mattar of t»A»u. For tb* ISM dnent tbo nuirbnnor attaint not only a U«b«t for Wmaalf. but yrov^k* and AgCM' atbloU TV bit woan to rottlat i tbapa for tV ..utia*, . “OlVr A4M nwn •orb on tba plan nine, and i» it important (bat our urk- at Mpmitt#* Knv* an acrurat* «mm of ttmatt aarly to that •* oa« fur *an naab* yrondtona far all **• | ■tKlaba'a pactad to ba proaant I arp* arory TB Association Reveak \-Rav low 1 ^ ■ __ *' purvey Results > \ I T \ewi * Society Mrs. A A. Bluirbcrg. ent- cutiva ptirctan,’ of thr Hriftm I County Tub^rculofe.s Ak#ocU* Lion, •nrxur.tfd thr results of ( tilltjjf Station Personals Local Art Croup •ntt»n on that tiokat aao la contort Loo pot. Down*. d«b combination, aionp with pit aaaaa afftaara. or othar ind aidualt ar- . of tV individual who' prwvida* tb* j tiva la Braad* County AAM Club Tnia n tb* firat tint* tb* sprint ticbot fpr th* atblatc. Coiaan «id affair*, today " ^* T>orm t Affw athirtr* "WVn you com* out to tV club t " 11 *■— ■- 1 ■ ■■" -l iri ,l * w houa* Monday awning." (oitoti _ catrrt waat of Munnwriyn Vifiafa. -you-jj ,,, lo K( nna aitanaiva plant hav« born arvard with tb* boy* wbo , ••4* U *ho>* atblatoa ami tVir |«ur guatt* and wbo art tatting TV Shotl' Picture* oancV* how much fornmr *tu- latV< or and fellowship bacaua* of * BCaM* vm and fmnd. of tV club and ypu " I An aaVbit by 41 rollrg* atudant* SvddLr^cu^** ,hr,r T Tickau can V purrhaaad tinfal- and ataff atambara. pupil* of Mr* M^laflaf WaMi anya tba South yj (or and tV dub Ralph L Tpcry. »UI V on dit- ^ ^ oTficrrt urgad rvrfyonr who won’t t (My a« oa* of th* AlCCollagr Day (ollrgr Station mauranr* , w Wf , t M ^, kv Birllt b^.aat .xhlbfU Saturday MJgilm and pratKiant ..f tV or- uf S-ttSal. to gaf on • tickat for th*ir “guaat" regard* "Wa l<*l»*\r th* l*fd) party i* I I*** TVrr arr m«>w- than h>0 igoing to top all other* in attrn athirbrn hi all tportt at AdM ac- danca and •pjoymri t f<»r rvrryone ruidmg to Bari-.w Imn oonMrned," Calaan »a | THarall Ttrbaia aiay V obuin*d from ■* Manty of l«rVrur and toft | rhib atfftettb, many mrraVr* of, dnaka U, mu with halfback*, old tV club, and otVr* wV aac M-L!*? U th# gratis, ptiit vaultor*. young grada. tiating in thi* tpnng't party Any I vMt'r* 1 " in ' n * taeahaa and watorboyt TV b*-»t >■» daainng iWfivrry of tirkett aiay 1 , a ‘ m U j 1 part of it It tV fact that this ia | call J K Uupot. ( «d»*gr SUtum , * *\ > m **' t **> ^ » 11 *** tba-«banc* for all of us to *ay bartnaasman. tt 4 HTf, or P 1* think* U> Athletic Dirartot Bar "Pwikt*" fbiWnt, Jr., atait<anl to Moat of thd work* will i"w "Bonr* Irvin, hit *ti4f and tV director of information at tV I •aMrcatefa. I tba kU» wbo repretent our college college at fi-€724 (ketches of Tyler and Mm of Vivmn, I A. 1. A. Mb* MKLBA KITH HENRY. Bryan d» igi * r of Mr. and Mr* W H < ariton, graduate C. E I »K * v . a Henry (.f Tal-or. betaate the bnd* at AkM, it tV ton o# T A Uie recent Xmy surveys ,f l EBON EVGENI RATTFJt-, u.« •taaoa OmMy ft the rtpular •nm-t- V, HI TK. I nday evening in a doutr j ton •ny of the Tbbem'hnt;* B<>ar<! le ring ceremony performed by ^ Monday 'Oght Kc\ Harry V Kankin at tV Kirat | , w , « . TMnii »a A uare compleU* aummary .* tr Me-.kodint ( hprrh of Hryan • . * K „**“ ", f r '. L- T,, '^ A . S pected fian m, Stat< Health |>e* A. AAM studairt, the groom i* of { ^ I the ton of Mr and Mr. V C *™' X ' h \ *' f auerwhi’e of .lam.--, le*.. | ^ ^“»^era. (*a.l ood Kay. of E<b-nburg, leaa* TVy cam# at th.» ti/ne to spend tb* MotWr’s IV Memorial Student Center tallary cammtCta* will rponaor tV eabibit and me ruber* uf th* ■*• . A ^ I d' Bryaar-Collage Station Art Group r IPKl A 1(1 v.Olir^f Hava aiaa been invited to eghibit a •orb of art TV Grow, will V IV aceae af tbre* <otcial affairs tn the near fulur*. Saturday night. May It, an all cailegc dance aill top aff tV all roiled * day featititien. The trnlor ri.| dance adl sImj V held an tV Amarni slab Vneatb (be tlars Vka» Id. On June 2, it utU hr IV ipnc of Ike laat big dance at th* official school i.-ar tV final * MISS f HAVES SIMEK will 1 repi**ent College Stutter; in tV Alfalfa f ie*ta at Heame toiiay. I She util louliciiiate in the Hath- rnif (iirt* revue at 5. Hi p m. at! wtiok Morn* Frank of Houston * ill yerve a* ma*ter of ceremoaiea Offered Mav I>I9 TS(;\H K\es Klft t Officers for IffyO Charcoal A Rari < /o*i first aid inttrUcM iron, dwirl coume will V held hem Mitt I.ury Ham*on peindeil Moildsy, Ma> tml 0 Vf*r mtftitif <»f tht Krynii^'ol rMrimn* thruu# Y Hm* It. ^ Sut,ut» Hrtnrh of th^ WTW W M Ih>well #f the 1‘hytical Id y ;i .stu,lerib- Ataciali.m ■ he (Hit. ucatimi' Dwarwent and chairman ami pencil'of first aid in Braao* ( ounty an nounced toiiay Monday evening 4 ahii-h tune offheik foi the roming year win- nomrltatid ami elected partruent acaartli. g to Dr D E Broarp, <1,re, tor of the Health Chit. A tentative tpmnary t* UiVreu- loms l.'i4, fuapii'iou* tuta n uUiti* ll.A, othef «V+t abnormal.t)*t. ; 1114, ann i»hatillacto.'v pmiu 'ti"t ' reai able) 51 J Individ a*l report* nhr.uid b< re reived in tb*- mail within the ncit lew day*. In many cane*, a fur ther examination l,y a private phy. ucian w.!l V :•%< oininemM The tul>emj|o>>i* U'Mociatiun will continue it* pr« gram of paying 'for X ray* for th"*e (a raon* re commend*d l.y rhe.r i<« u.i a* l^ing nahle to pay for levied X ray» The free TH Clinic .|| th* H*afthi Vnit nf preparr-d to' serve tnp»e Idillis I >ank»* Atfowfel Kdttor * (iroup Meet In the initinen* *e**iori of th«-1 Extension Editor I^*ui* J board meeting, Mr* lee J Hopn Kranke i« no. in Vt a*hington, I) tree and Dr .1 H Binney were i * , utter,d'ng a .meeting vf the I>ay wwk with • Mi*, mot bar. Mr*. Thoms* Lrovae Elementary Grades To I la tv Content The engrgement and mming! marriage of Mim HETTY BAI>| IV fourth fifth, ami. tilth LEKSTKDT and T A tJAKLTO^,; *ra*i«. of A*M t apaolbiatad (4v JH of Beaumont, ha* been an- *i«>uneed by the l^ule’* parents, Mr and Mr* K H Baller*te<h of mentary srhixd will part nipt* in a *pon> *i.d literary day Friday, Ma. 12 . TV winning hum* mom will V awarded a gold plated ir phjH ' The program will V a* foRkMat H JO-lr a. m Spetlirvg and jintb- meUr f 12 noun Athletic*. It p m I >e< bn nation, debate. I IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT We will herewfler j( |)remiuma inptead of three hereufter give away >remiuma inatead of two other words we are increasing the val»e of our cash rectater receipts when utwd to obtain free the eatrt pieces of Holiday California Ptrttery Ftir example it will hereafter take only $40 in trade tn <>ptain a coffee mug in thia oven-uroof pottery, in stead of $60 in trade Piece place aettmga will continue U> go for $?> m trade and $1.59 in cash with no limit to the number ob tainable * The cash pnee for the extra piecea remarns unchanged ' MTAKT YOt K HFT THIS WI FK KM) P(»|Hilar BnunU a Ci®arcttcs. . (arton SI.XI) Scot tissue. . .. Boll I(k 4 (Ft (an Gobi ( «»ai»t Whole Pimentos:. . 2 cans 25c (risen. . . . . T i Ihs. 69< No. 2 ( ans IJhbi ’w * a Cut Beds., . . .(an I Sc Maxwell Hounr (Aiffcc ...: ih. 73c MARKET SPECIAL S Decker’* Tall Korn Hiked Breakfast Bacon . ih. {9r Grade A Veal Seven Steak- i. . . Ih. 69c For NroaiOBing Ham Hocks. .... Ih. 35c Kraft’s Salad Dreading Miracle $hip . tyuart 5,je Regular »c Sian—(,OU> CHAIN Hut Roll Mix .. Pt^. Ilk With purchaar of oa* pkg at 25r Dnwnedan Brand DEVIL’S FXMM> MIX or (jinjffr Bread Mix . . Ilk B\ rentoAtng raupon from iawble box at time of purrhaar Sunshine 1 Lb. Krispv (rackers. Box 25e For Kama Jell} Making Pen Jel . . . . Pkjf. He K very day Price Roma Brand (Men - $hite . . . Fan*). Sugar Added—MuaMatmait u Sliced Pie \pples - No. 2 fan lie No. 2*j (ana l>eadway SHcad Klherta Peaehes . Uan 23e W hat'n Cooking AGGIELAND ck 5 0 STAFF, Thuraday, Tko p m., Goedwui Hall Group aictdr*. AGGIE CHRlSTU AN FEU nW BMIP. Thuraduy, 15, Hoorn H*. Mr* Cad Landm*. ha.r-rigr of ! tV nominating com mitt**-, i pr*-- j nented hvf leeummerviatiuat f»r tV *lat* gf )t«-u of firm* an! the dub vote*! u« 4"irnou»lv to paV the r*roMmembM>on*. The new prytHlest will be! Mr* C F Rickurtkatn; Mr*, ll F (gt t v till 'tig' it .m* VI |!l|£ VI **liTte*l lo *** rvc with of fir* m of ♦ Fit*n»n»n K<liton| Advitory Com-1 an*l *toi) trllmg the iMianl on tn. * vccutiv*- c*lnt- ! miU*-e, accortling Ho <i (i tlRuMin, | 2 } p. m Cooking mitte* |J r-i t«.r th>- T**xi»i» Agnrultxiral | TV public i« mvii.-d and a Mr* A. O. \lt.<-r«on a tt-arfu-r Fxtcn*i«»ri S^rvicv *v*^it* arv m tV < arv*r School wa* ;ia»v.l _ — -t •**— ^ ' t*i attorn! th*- <Ommcrnty Health Work*hop at T* xa* Cnivi-nuty at Hoawton for *ix work* ihi* *dru. mer on a srfcnlar*hi|' from the Ro tary t'loh an*! th* f "Vrr !il*«i« A^*i.CIHtll tt. x Miller, vioe-prvWKlent; Mr*, i John BATTALION STAFF. Thuiwky. L Haiv T:1H> pjn., GooriwiB Hall Group picture. HKVSH Col NTRY CLl B. Tburaday. 7:10p.m., R<«m «*4. Ac adenne, Ibwcua* party plana Kai .1 ok A M J..i u.y tno^rer Consolidated Will Apother former *(u«lent i M ** Frag. e* Arnold, now with bt Ex th incgl'ii'iy to 4it«-n«l Mr* KkiiardNon, ai president, wa* < ho*. n th* boib*-<a•nnng (.-eb-bration | a* detegaui from th* Wai fhfi|'t*ir F'ollowiag th* mataBwlionj th* gmup V'l a vmial h"Ur y pi COM M E NT A TOR STAFF, tenrtoi Sunu-e. off,. iat.**l ip Thuradb y, 7 .10 p m , Goodw in Hell in»lAllatS»it **x**r* i*e* Group pictur*. CORPUS CHRISTI CU B 7 45 p. m . TbunMtay. 227 Acailemi* Building New officer* will be tit-bfilMi CORYELL pOC STY ( I l) B Thumday, 7 tg p m., Room l'*b, Academic. DEL RIO AAM CU B meet* Thursday night. Y M< A R.adFng R.M>m, 7 ‘40 p pi File*'U<in of of fievr* EAST TEXAS AAM C L U B, 1 Tburada)- 7 <4 p m , Y M C A An A u r„l|, g, dan., N#.nng L.unft SpecAl clW meeting for mwth< . UtH , r! , in(j cam “^ISUTiu-. Tt.,.,. day , 7:15 p m, Room HOJ (,ocMhrin| r T t Hall Election pf officer* for l^.SOJ 1 M am! plan* for Pan Hellenic^ Proas ROHFRTSOK COCNTY < U B Thuradav. 7;|.'», (,o*id*’in Hall i’-.iit aemeater party pluii diacu* »ion rogiur*’- Cox, rep*irt*g and na* parliamentarian // f | , V » S/H)rt DuUCe u a ■ •.4 _ b*a %_A . _ AAM < onaoltdat--*!’* annual S|»oft* llapct *ja»r ** red by the *ei lor class will Im* heit! at H p m May 12 in the Consolidated gym Mu*ic will be furmah4><l by th-' Aggie Swing*!* r* < otonaUon and pn-*entaiion "f the am ngl t^ .een of will tie at H |x m. Admi*.*g,n to th* .lane* will V Ha t ta lion CLASSIFIED ADS Page fj THITtSDAY MAY 11, 1950 svt i with * batt/uJon ci vaairtr.n j wMvki traii.rr contact All Kata- 1* a W»nt par naarOon with n |.v i«iiiitmen Ppara rata ta c .aaifxt Aar' Ua. <HV- par e.I until inrh Ha.,.1 all riasa 'XadA »,lh ranti* lane* tt> iha BluUaru Vj-t.vM.aa Offtea ' All ».|b atimii* to lumatl In by 1*1 *ni • m of Ow tfay ba* ir* pabliralton or Apgr'man* A AX ('vOag* Vtaw aiu IFIJ* WANTED a M>ft SAIbE a VII-(>oll(*^r Ihimv Si Salunliiv Nielli $..1*i *tag *> i* coWially * dr.ig and invited h. puMi. I.U INtt KiatM aVlTK, t ibia an pa and baknaaa in . *j<1 ...ndiiibn Aaa Huaaul K Ct'ana B Tl I Brvan rt*UI Vltla«a ai i at vnIia Ki* r». ..ra« i»i par -aat off i'.*nr l.alp .* *rt mil of Iba rrc*.** b».a- mr.« Briiar H.«nr* 314 N MaUI AfVUKNr a*var*.aot* aalwanan wantm fW fall 1**1 A paty a* ffrt.atng Baa* HlrTAt uiH orricr. murtuaga w/nii AI^XJb»'ANiaT far ra4w W*>r* Moat ba ava>f*ota 4unn* auniavW PVuana • I 1 • hi UK attlT lyaakr kagi Mryari an Itnllaa lUfbnay k t ftrtiw. atnk Agrt* l.taa Sal tl hi -GYYIK SI |{\ KY - Continued from Fug' ! Mi'TogBUtK portal >on for ( i FWfw* Ptt«»g|# 4 .U(*Hv MlH4X.IJuA>EOtW .'!i i»4t CHr VKOi.rT i;.«*i quirt C f> A t rdivRt \ ktw V\Hl;Ki STOCK TK v 1 fr>.H $k#w ikni s)d Mclvrmtih Irufttr Artii ( C 4 Admipahxi to the dance, (Scnrd mg to ijrgdy F]|m<, M*«i*taat*lift*c- tor of *t|t(i**t t activiti**. witl In- f ive Music A til !>* by the land (it* he«tra. rn tuo H it X COI V’lt lit MI Arraatna ' at>t* t.arallanantM ' t.aap affar * - ii H t'olliar 1 AR**1. t. ROOM )!<*iaa allh bar* porrf anrinaa* aitb n r,do*• r,onptafat> fur roaBnl t an lia aarn any U*» Nuft4a|« but othar tinfaa only by a ppotnunan* l-b.*ir J MtSf, C i Kuutrayk Tib Nall I ana Briar Taaaa • FOR MLF OK KENT • FRESH PRUTS & VEGETABLES It Wurt’t Be on the Rwrb If It l*n't ti(M«t Fresh (om ... 6 for l^i Fresh (.uriimhrrs . Ih. 4e T ’ S T H F. TALK OF THE TOViN THU ONE AND ONI.Y F or (itMMl FimmI and Fo|iular Fri<‘cs TALK the: TOWN Lej <»f liamh .... Ih. 64r FimbK Drew**! HENS and FRIERS C- FROZEN FOODS Hirtior BhumI BriNTiili Pk(;. Mk $ Ox. Star Snow Crop or IWwmU IH»< k Orange Juice l . 2 cans He Iwrge Bunch*-* Bunch Beets 4c White <»r YnNov* hunliiig permita where there aren't any elk Still. it'» a good , iking Ma might h»»e elk there •owir day. We have **»fwr down ia the Davin Mountain* The onmmiiMtion i* nirveUd tn revoke n» rni*lif> it.- ordei* when ever nec<w-vary to prevent deple-* : yon At h ’ ape. ies iy “i ency ula.i ia instructed tn t«k. action to |ireteni w'a-te which is ieftned a- a ‘‘aupp.y of a *pe< - ie* or sex *uff), tent that a season al harvest thereof wit! mg tifevent. or in th* cuae of over populntion, that wnl aid m, the re. aUbltiihiTient of normal numb* r* ,,f such specie*' < ourt Ap(>ea! froni order'* of the dee i sum i* pievuled for by the law Countie* covered I.) the law are I tail am, Shenaai Hah«foril. t tchil- tiee I ipscoml, Hartley. Moore, Hut* hmson. Ro Vi tn. Hemphill. Oldham, Potter, » arson, Gray, Wheeler, lK-*.f Smith, Kandalt. Armstrong. Doniev Colling*wfrth, Parmer, < »*tr*>l. cwiAher, Bri*«iw, Hall. Childrea*. ( uttie, and Motley x wMbei. c'allMt « u x W lt.l T*r 1KNTI V.M VM wtM, ptefemt up Uh> Oiuns pak *f *bea* by nkatali* in th* Jim*. narWt Bhop *1 SuHh CtSt* bsiur* ty pi**** rsiuru 'k»*n Prompt Radio Honrlex - Call— A SoHlik’u Radio SrniPi 712 S Main St Ph 2-1941 Bryxa Kia>M MOUaK 111 h .mm Ht Pot*led s*pt Will *b<,w aaMluyw .uatwn* ,.»u*r !. O Tisgl*. «T it*b. IMtlvsrr (’<>i*n,b*ia T*xa* • M)H RENT • TXm.KTKI T furnMlM* iwu I bwaraoin i.nm* ti«'***r ('<>11*** a-tiiun and Bey tn Pi* Jub* I to 4*pi*nib*r I on* H, » k aff I MI*** Kusk ** Ml p*r in,wit), (o'i W ilhamaon I>nt* >t'P! fcX 3 r*«wn furnish** *|«r*a>*m .’IA Vo**** A,*nu* Pul)*** Hill* Writ* K M To* »2f. W a.unmif flan An i.wuo I’*,on* K « im)**« • W ANTED TO HI Y • PALhouow Fresh Squash . .:. Ih. 10c > ' ( rotrml Amerowit Bananas 2 lbs. 25c Florida White Grapefruit Ih. 4r 1 • 1 *'■ — " » ■ t 1 1 For nwr Halad^ Mrdu.n. Star (ala vo Avocados . Fa. IA Hunklat Ijcmons 2 Ibt*. 29c —A. > 5S i * * T' ground Save Your Kve*! fVriodic eye exAmnationa an* the beat aasurgnee that your vision will always be at its beat * , . - CONSULT- Dr. J. W. Pavne OPTOMETtt'l ST 1UV S Main v v Biran, Twi N*-kt to Tala. * iV-atfb) \ MOW” . Doe't r-k * ^g do**'' . g^tod D °" .j. tbae “ ^ j— ,Cw - M »)*et' $4 r ». u , " 4W, / n, *, l} ' Uf *•*.*** Z*"» F$k ikjKTO* •LANS NOLAN HUFF W IT mi) S4LF-SMAN vqn> C AR AND TRUCK HFADgt AKTFR8 20 «#C 59^ t«*arl ' sm iALS KOK FRIDAY t HATS RDAY, MAY 12th l 1.1th > _ We Rroerve the Right to Umit (^uantitiew Southside Food Morket Havf Y»ur ( msh RdRiNtrr R^eHpts. \ iluaMe Promiuma Await You. f$i 10** P** i 4k FORD 2 door - dm, HrtlUr, Twin Exhaust, Clean .... CmII four Iocs/ Greyhound gjenf for fare and acheduh information Arms Travsl Agwocy North G«t« Ph. 4-7114 *>£ 44 m* 98 GREYHOUND PAl «*e I Ki \ w..y, 47 CHRV 4-4oor, Ra tllO'; dl*,. Heater, like new 44 FtHtD 2 door - Maroon; White Side WbIIb, aQQi* Radio, Heater. Clean W*** 9 Brvan Motor Co. Hi-way 4 Sa. 2 IM1 411 H. Main 2 IS4T <ys