The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 11, 1950, Image 5

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f» V Leaves L x--
For Uow Long ?
TwoiBaylor ’
May Decide
TK.' Mrw« b*tw»>»>n
(h» Acmt baftobtlk’« *ixi tkr Hay
'••r H< art. kUrirng Lhi«
at i mi the k> l< Ki< id diamond,
rm wt-ii.»»uhliah ikt Air Ml fat<
in th« ra»'«‘ far thii year** ronfry-
<‘nff titk
Pnyinr, in
• Ml rrpurtmj
tli+nmcr Hid
Th« Wnra m
pr* nrniMMi JHB
to In- imw of
i in th- irrtuft’f
i Kntion hnn pm*
IU d
H* Ilf. tN
k Hporla Nr*» Kdilof
Then 'll a larj?e entity Jt^it ip the tn»t>hy ame in the
Araderaio Building, effeitivf yent^niny afternoon The rea-
»on for thia vacancy—the removal (4 the Houthweat Confer
ence S}K>rtamannhi|) Trophy.
We had th** dubu** prmh*ge «f carrying the large and
beautiful ahowjueie from ita aurroundingn m the Academic
Building tk> Goodwin Hall, frort where it wiil embark on a
journey to Aunt in
Th** Auftm tnp doesn't mean that Texad has won the
trophy, but that the honor award will be prenented m that
city to thin year n ytinner. Who in the winner” Only a few
|>eople know and we re not among the aelect few
The privilege of carrying the trophy back bo the trophy
i*aae wouldn't be dubious m the least. If we can t see it there
next wi*ek, then n no reanon why we can t ne** it there thia
time next veai
The award in given on the baain of several thmea the
manner in the team e<*nductn itself on the field, a
H|M>rtamaniike attitu*k* on the fiart of the nchoofa backern at
the vanoun athletn events', and the reception j^ven to visit
ing m hoolH and their Hupporteru
\t * ‘•Kmi Hmd
N*-*l th** •ill 1»
I tm* '••Hi*** fh*- i
PmmaUitKm will Lake |4a<i-
vuiry 1. 1VM til th** inmial ( «tinn
iram< tn lailia-
Tk*- W*l •njrl*’ w •h»t makt-
the Sp irt-tmariNhiii Awnr<|
ns<>al MiteriwtmK It al-*> ntak< *
ua want to talk a^out it at tv*r>
<*pi*oM! nit\
Th*- idea • ** th'- krdin rhild - f
Jimmy Nelaon, ii tp# r<*-i-*i*t<>r of
•It- IV t h* Hattal-
trophy ami haa
<>iif*'r*'iic* > achooia
Tlv Hatlalion. 1
mn pmf f*>r th
•Inoan-tiJp I the mnfeiWie* arheola
II- the iiaen ->t of ia-tt* r i«|>*irtamait-
iLh^a«oph> nnuhttel among th«
'’‘•atcienee | Mh<M*ta, wifh the t(iin-
tinr keepiti|r th*- tr*.;>hy a year
•Mit> mpe moi tka thiy hme, now-
«>ve*' Whin a v*km»| given up the
ttuphy, W r»H-ei\ex a hronae plague
engiavtiti with the «l*-tai' of the
t omaiMlet* Mea*ker«i
Yh*- aportarnfMiahip rommitte. i*
e**«np**»e«l uf a reprem-ntaliv*- of
the -*tud*-*it aen . the' i<tu*l*-nt
gvivei nment. and the vel^ l<-aiU >
Th* t onnniUe*
M howi iam tvole
eetvn tfie a*aid
Like anj at-iei
Khetipi »hi<
Yertilit* ’*■
I Hm l-f*
«ith , ImU h
in Aiwtm
ih**-iu«-ii that <
for ilvelf l*i n
*td t»<*|*hv
•ion. ther* !l |n -
^ IMtPie I • al
th«-ie’fi a-mthii
l haw an •Met
irteatng Th« t--h
fi* again, at
hi.hly he iM-me *li*e'inte»lt with
Satuniav -* *b*>iee. fVrhapa you
wvit-'i tkmk lh« witiner •le**-rv«**l
it l’'-rha|*» wr •on't Wh*t knows?
Th. eame*l ... h«x'l •will le ih*
•me • Inek connstj*»iUy ahowed the
•iiik"! apr*rt«martlike aUtiunt** dur
ing th* pad «|»»rts s*ear. ac<-**rd-
ng to rnost of th* m* rpb* r a*-k<*«'la
• ^ V "rj
Hid (loodlo*
(■iMtdkte did nol s.r an* varaity
arrvlet' la<*l apring, hut dtum.
tkr rarly aiagi-s al (h* '.a ram
paigntag Ike khilen* kurler
• ai'krd »« lk<- mound »n h**|h
•dariWK and relief ride*.
prkr. gati
to k* atrtwif. Kut not often
Itrfdatrd Triaa
The Bean |iid ahew w**| • few
timea, kowemr, with th* ir main ’
claim U faaw a 2-1 viriDr|r avar
T. *aa I'mvrrtity’a m'*^^**.
kitfina 1 mwlpoa"
the CadeM can’t affard tt> drop
e ther UdUy’l or t<*marn>«> con-
teal Ow kta* wnuid araMlalil
an ASM - w. p of the Tl ' den*M»
neat weak to fain even a tie wHk l
the Auatin «F»up.
Two pme - v.ou'.d throw the local
lad* niiJnpl* Mly out of the jj-aee. '
T.*a;i4 hw> -j one loaa. whil*- the
Affu-a hi*v«| UaUd 4* feat ta ice
,th4 aeaiaoi iTesap h*a only'next
w-efk’i aene* with the Afgi.a he- !
* ww-n th. m land another ninfler
eiaa rrown - j
Mlialn’t l.oae
In fart, ini order to win .-ta un
diahuted t<*b, th* AffW» can’t
11 iim any **f tl* 1 * remaining ggmea.
If h«*lll H-iyair yaoien hav* faVor-
ihk fwtr r.iiw for th*- Mar*Mig and
White, and 4i”uld |h< (’adeta split
the rexiui irru-a, the i^inghoma
• • o|dd tak. th< top e|>*d* r Sapi IUai ton h.<<d 'i* k
light.k.**nd> n or Pat Hubert, who
ia undefcat'd in ronfi-rence play,
will pruhaMl atari ■»• the itMiund
l| fo# the \vr»,
A 4 A f'.4 t 'nl my marked the
on|\ ntlwi time UtM-ien AAM arid
I Havlor this l>ar. .'nd mnc.. their
| itiil d viet«ijw <*v» r TrtaC, th** Kay-
htr hraehi lljls h.i'> i*»**t twice to
the leinghdtna hy tremondoua
I ae*>r*-*.
Ml ud »*n **r Mah* rt
If Mlan’od or Hide r* ran nation j
the.i hde -a i ;.r*‘fuil; as (her are;
rapabl* -.f Joing. and if tip* big
Imte of AAb's tiTani Imug ->ugfield-
• er* com* tha*uth ;»l thi light time,
, AIM Khoula h> ahh to i|i*|Mie. uf
Bailor, t«4vp. two down.
nd th* i*(at. for tile
ItlK J '•>. < 'hlvel-t .
infield irles up
, **- s fii.-t hae* .!•*• {sa-ar
It. M
1 aode I
utf • Id
,. - t.-
-•. . d
•> H .k« i
ptarting t* hi
( ad> l> w !I K.
Th* n at .4 tl'thitlg |ik.
tet-.p (
HersHwtl W
1 ina or J
ehnrtatop ljuy
stip, and lk»nl
Hhilly V .ji
P|.-'t-.-n .1 ti,
I h W 'U oi ||oI
.* Arden.
! coni* c* n<-.*
at short
art .t third
roimiHts of
Shgg M.
. iflwv Joh-i
II.* left
of ' auvk
riv. r..|i
>*t 'h'
.rt. a top-
,1 fn Id <\yr) who •ill
>l«*n*-l Andy's nu'n -ome
rouch competitu.n >h..ul«l *h*- I »
<l**U win It would te th* M fourth
r*a*»eei»tive v»<t*.ry in thu r**rit<i-
cnee ev* ut
Aral should that happen, ity pro
hahly ovrrvka iow any* r m*"i
♦•eti fcpnrta accomplishment gt Ag-
Ini mm u ml \f*irx . . .
lutraiiuiral \oll<‘\hall
Finals Sri for Today
Folly Filey W ins S«nilhern\
‘Virginia H« a. h t
1 1*' >Yo-i*h Won ou-
npene. < • I,, r.
folly Kdev of Fort
« II a v 11
over air- and
i iai h- stur-ly
Smth, f. vn*.
lia d*» Mrv
of St Petersburg,
•wept into th. uuart* rfinal* *d tn*
thirty-f'fth amaumr ck«mm*Wi*hip
of the Women * -south* rt t»«*if As
mo alien with a 1 an-l 2 v u lary
o\Vr Mr- Maun.* (Hick of Hwln
morr. M l
I>op tih' b r-y of Atlanta muted
Sydney Kl^otl ->f < hnrtottesv i' t h
\'a * ahf ? Mary I.cana Faulk
.*f rhoiivaeviM.
Mark M.-t.arrv
Kla , t and 2
Mrs Matimn t t.iinth. i Lae,
Memphis, Tiun , tu*ne*i Imi. k llr».
Kohert l»at-4s. •* and k H*tty Par-
Ktnnot of Mt I'leanard Tmt**.
whipped Frame* Rich of Ha n-
hridfe. (.a , * and **
Mary Ann ! MW ney, Baltimore,
d* feap-d He I* n HainfAon. ( hatta
n*Kg|a. Ti na., ,1 up
jhS« *•
u.o*» -•*>
».*!<». » ♦
fwwua •* I
^i: r *r .
Uo* «tw JN
I twii.ii »i mu**
jag aMuwt ta-o
tmea wife at*
By NB h M 4.Ml/. \S
IntramurHl voll. ylmil finals will
held today at the limve *dh
H Field Arjlilh-ry nh-eting th. an-
nn-ii ..f k Flight Th. arttlldiy
ui«-n ha*« nached Ui* l »>ai cmnd
Hi ith a win over A Ti anniH.rtattnn
tn tid M-dli.filiui* wtatl* h Air
For.-*! defeated B (Juart. rmast* r,
1 • t* 4ud 17-1 !>, in ).-*(' tdav » armi
final tnaUTt.
The lead thaii|re*i hand* three
tifae* in yeeterda) s **vnnd game
• itji th* M-or* b* in^ tad at IS-In,
14-14, ami 15-15 during ;h*- match
Members <*f the •tumtrg team in
clud'd k.dar. Bra*h* re, Holluud,
( upit, Haney, and l-em.egion
B F’lHd* protvatd" siar’er-s m
twda> * gam* •.it i« ki.n* ,
Ft«-ivh. Muller, Ai*xander, K<w
gei * and • Wdltam*. The outran"
1 of today * contest may la* dacided
h) John Hoi I am I wl>. played a
t<*p-notrh gam*- ttgai u-t H u*
i ter master in yestertia. - i»*rwi-fm».l
* lilt Huiland'* firw play v a* ecfured
‘ Ooin the losing aide hy thi hu»lhnik
of Howard Bru"
.Wthalt FAralmt*.
I Kmai* in the non military o ft
Imli aad nulttary -aftlaUl dwi*i..n-
• »ill in* held tomorrow al 5 p m.
when T( \ V ou-eu Imrnt 17 and
B f'orap*>si44' tak*;- to th* iiiamni d
i again* B ( oast Artillery
AeaU-iday, It VY defeated lH' nt
| Id, 12*2, with L F. Winaei pit. h-
! mg V" Ike aim* is Inrrahwlc and
jiiupj Wimier led th. wiruier* with
j two rm* .each, while Jvinitd*,
iL K Mmjler Mt 1 fgl<ia, Burton
|tho<ataai, and Adkin% each tatled
la -wire foe Uu winrlor* f>i.
i a mm r’s Wg ifuiing v a* the Um d
V 1 > vi
«d Rice tnila relay tn
Making up' the 44U yard relay
•quad for the Ag> are Jack Bond.
Dave Yiengat. Hall,, and Oary An-
dervon Hal) and Anipfaon are
»tarter* tn the 2)0.
ng ii
lea will he Billy Bl**«a aad per
i and Urn
ala*, atrong
ARM's track and field team
leave# fur Auatin tontpreow morn
ing to dr fend ita .Hoathweat Con
ferrnre title of a yaar ago Ahould
the Aggie* win the title again thia
fear, it ail! mark their fourth
Mraight track champ*onakip
Loading (he t'adeta into the hap* Ih*a Gravga, Bleak
fray thi* weekend will he three a* w*-M a* Hail Ire
aaatarw Aiaoige Kadeia tn the thia eonu-mter* in tkr la
and diaru» J D Hampton in the
nnle and two-mile, and Boh Hall,
law hurdle specialist
AD three of these men should
take first iu their event* and per
hap* set some new rreords while
doing A.
Shoots At Record
With laming in the high hunt-
Garosany. (Mil
Surprtsinfly strung i
the Maroons in the Hill
be John Garmany and Alex <*r
tit. each of whom is eapaMe of
wiqning Baturday ThiV' will Tie
assisted hy Robert Alloa and Fa*
ton MeCaitf. \*
Hampton wHl be trying to bet
ter his swn rervrds of 4:17.2 in AI, >V with Simpson in the pole
the mile and P 10 7 »n the tw- *»“•» will be Graves and Elmo
mil* as will be Rail in tin low ***** «'» »» ^
huadles His iword set last year * UfW T ^“ V1 * *«> ARM*-* lop
^ “ seconds hl « h xspirants.
•kauM lMak tke dhu^sj Bnmd jumper J P WAet will
IM g!W . *2 by HMgk'd'tMjve a running matt- in 9Hu|dtMi.
m 1V4H '*B»g George' w h 0 will also pitdiahiv be AAg^
rorudateat at HB all t4l | ( entry m A# MML TjF
*thcr (msaihle rwcard-break , K ‘* Eoober disiva ttmaer cam
ora rhv Aggie ranks is Js.'k ^ ( •RwmiliM|f
son, juntiH pole vaulter Simp We re stilt din Ii flag aa fur
has cleared IJ* \(T this year niidirteo -.'ore H»r thr* week gag’s
big meet ’amt sheaWi have it rapdy
for to morrow Y Battafion Gael
week our g'WM wdscnxa* CL
AdM bo, It iwitir out Texa* ttt,
A*M »
<Meirie an \u.iin |uxh pradacl. uT one of three tap flight
catrlw« i hr Ames *».. h«.s*i »i \ vophoraore. i hr let fee nos
gakoul ran-MteraWe ffme a* s srmi-pra hiller dunny summer
* i.m* hut nrhi a«*w n* ranke«l h. hmd Imk Jim ( ahert as
* Cadet ma-kman 4
^ has been >hr'ng over royuh.t
lyTkt 17' «**. The roeference m-ord
taJIB’ I*" kcW K Waickerl of
l.emiag Favored *
IbH hurdter Paul lamimd is
fstar*--1 in his npariaity, fl)*i nigh
huafle* and should take tM Ax
gMP etghtk first place «f the h*v-i
in that event.
fke ualy otker
• iU be competing
time in the Mgroan and Whit* is
Boanen, foupyear let Vims it
two mile
Hernuu, Jim McMahon.
Jack Jones will complete the
f'aRrt's strong entries in th, mile
and two-nnle events
Qu srtermiler* eotere*! in the
m«#t will »w m.a Mitchell. Bei
nanf Place, and Buddy Rhocffer
Imn I'ardon and Cecil laglehart
, wdl join probabiy Mitchell tutd
i'W . for a last crack, at the fsv*>r-
Ha Ha li oH
1 HI K'.. M vi II. IbjR Par* 5
Golfers At Austin
which lU'iiigltl hon>. .. ven score*
i*«*Mti id received if- tgo runs
id th*- tliir'i »mi l«.utth ’mmne*
•vin I h*.cfc.' and B-'*f»irh moi
(MX f"r flit l"Mi»
K i omigsit* ovi-ru, B Field Ar
tdlffy.’T I in fiv«- taring* inf pla\
yr-tei-’a' with F!.w.r* IntchtHg
for th* *1(1. !* R«\*f nrui r^r> sc*
.-4. h m or. (i i v*. > nj.ts for dn win
ot i - wilt Richiir<U-*i F.l*l».-*i. 4'ui
\louiig ** *i 11 x Hiugi" run* com
jd ting if* *ictoii«s tots) VVimhI
**or*t<i th** smxle run f-.r B F.ehi
id th. thif.i itminp-
H ( oa-t « ho s i)l la- H < oil; -
posite opigfunt in the foiaK todsv
Ik- .rouxni| *li>mr*d tn. \V l-.t.
IGod 11-fc a* J» A«<**i h«-ld tio-
loser* to ♦•d* on* hi’ **ni|* p>trh-
ihx for (4. wmn* rr Havst I.*- ,
Hedger, Beii*<*n. .)»•*' < |o*m
jvi «t-*l M aimik* r v* r.d in. i u-
far th*- < .»a«i ArtilMrynw-n David
sf>r an.i !#-• i *cored th*- oply run*
for th« l*.a< rs
VK4K.. Hesamost Still Tied
AAAF'. tn*' Beaumont. .»*fan>ir
a) rluka. Were tied for
tin- l^wx •" 11 tdb and went
through *-ven inmitx* of Mtftl.all
y* «1«-rds- u ord. i t. t.resk tfe‘
ti< but i’ *-iKie.l ,r ao.di.rr tu ,
1-1 ano hsili b< ii-olaysd today
Vi* *t of jA ^ A F F.lhot ami Terry
>4 -n*.i-f! 'h* »uri- J
K H*. Ixt wa* td-- irg f..* th.-
4 V AF. tui**. Hfai Md lieu p i< h*-d
fyr th* f| Munfoniti-S
Ml •• irhi 1 .tier* eid. rxd n th*-
f)l»> n w j ixhtlifting r> >1 whn-h
w II is- hg!' 1 Vav 15 slid Ml should
report to the little x)m Momiav
a 3‘ p $ for w«igh- n*. DAK
Ptoctor af th* intramural office
-s id toddy
t loiilVrentf
Srlm I rac k
AAV’* hard luck g.df team is son, TWt , ih-featmg ARM's J
in Ati«tm today playing the first Fletcher, 3 and 5
half of th* Individual Southwest
< o lervnee M.-daimt TistrnsmefVt
H.jore th* team left ft*r Austin
Wcdrwsiay morning tRpy ware
I'sets if a -natch with Te**- Me*
! -van t olleg* earlier in the week,
• *•
x M a v II
h. It’ > will h*
. -H., ,|-l,HIII|*0*p ' ip
• Fen h- l*f nk- ..
of Id H wsnl Payne athkl* -
f. r.
Daih) was a sumer ngain ( whefi
he teamed with Guerrero to win 1
up uvei th< TWC Torutoination
<d Higgin* and t ole In the othei
ihHitdes 'natch GtRiam and J. fh r-
son pam-tl up foi TWt to d*-feat
I the FTetch* r-('ugrie combtrvatioh.
< .cue Darhv who plated tht fn-'t and 3.
to* tmson m the No 1 (awiMnn Lie wore for the day was Duro-
f.-f th Vggie*. wn» the snFy 4 adel *>d in by Cole, who shod a 71
i;clfer t.. win s singles ninlrh tn op Ui.- par 70 Bryan LountrY Club
the I ray Dathy defeated Doug <a«rv
Nctters Knier SW(,
AggDbenjnr wtK, 111(11V <l<l(11^1 PlaVOff
ng far tke lasts/ ^ V ,
ARM's' varsity tdpilts t.WDi,
whi.-h finished fourth m tk« tiuath
wes\ < onferemw this gaar. teR
for Austin this mornmg bo pgrte-
• ipate \n the “‘biggest •Mr of gH"
the individual Southwest Con-
er<moe Tnfnis Meet
Aggie netter* makwig th* trip
sin R G, !•* Berry, Bohky Donean,
Royce fate, i^id IHck Hahtin.
The taurnauibrt, wkkk staii«-d
th s morning «t’Y. is h*ki al ihe
end of each seawVs play to d*>.
cute u.ifi* uluai sifigG * ami daub-
te- .-haniYnons, , \ ,>
Mat* he* arr being playid on
Is.lh the Veniek < ourt# and the
Freshmen L.-urU at Texah Tfien
• ill b- nn freshman rowipplstion.
Fibi- of tke omferswre sdtl'fols
is entering f.tpr (flayer*, who wdl
fw bra* keted, with *ome se*«|hil
Taxg*d a* the piati to bent in thA
sinjrl* * event i* Chick Harris, top-
notch Kic* stir.
Harris and Turi'in will pnikah-
ly imltlc it out wKh (;i)nt*m Nct-
tlidon and Jamos Saunders of Tex-
JM for th* doulde* Utle.
l hi
d la
m: iu uuci- mu
fn i .vl
,| i) it ’tie "f li e ylt'i.p I* ttef-
r dh*- Hits* champngj'biti t* am.
Vs I *< v>i,d h.-i(s*l the Jack'd* 0>
1" :► tiU. < fuel tfenOt to How
a tv I'avn*. Atni-.u • hjotian wdl
. I r ?’• in- i Ra'ed Bind, with
ap e'lUMOe .-Oa*"-. of l*>ve* taking
tin f. t- r *«--, ih»- f'.et M* Murray
If: * * 4 f ‘ < ftGl ilig It
Higgins, who is one of th*- tpp-
rankinx umateurs tn thf slat* gnd
•gif'ir of the reef nt Sweetwaiei
Higgins war tuttM-o tai-k d and
2 on tb. sixUenth hula
rwr Result.
H*‘sult» in th* rmnam fog -mgt. s
t nt.s wore Tony Gia-rfeni losing
to 1 M( '* Bill < oU*. '! and 2, Mont*
• urn*-, ARM fafttr, lu-fon Jn.yle
1,’Uiam. ! iirul .1. ho.I ISmv .Joffr>
Th* match with TWC
Aggie* S/M>rls
last urn. that ARM's It*B> g<dfj On Schedule
was the
r»lf j
team wwild (day tn team epmpeti-l u . v , Tl ,i u » n4 v n
t»*>n but sill play irullviduBlIy to U , '* ~ ^ v’ *^* - * 1 *
Ray and tomoritiw in the JjWC ^
Lp,. i tenpi*. Ait* vs, Baylor, twfe.
T . , , . . WAY 12. FRIDAY — Trark.
-o t i l 'lllV‘I , ’ n {‘ tOU 4 T # r n J , '* SWc Me* t in AusUn; tMabalK Ag.
h,W T » ,u > 7‘ th » holes, vs B;tvW hsf* ; freSmankaav-
jdayed earh day Lnlikr the im. !lH „. vv ^ lor , n Wac ,,
tat.on.1 tuuinameota. the winner MAY 13. MTCRDAY—Tragk,
w. I U decuhal hy low scare ami I Awr ^ Atmm
md hy h*»les
TB*.(>0«IW*D- lossss
rtftftc wxuwnu K f** 110 “ '
mn«H AALMo
t1«*lV%TC .• **'*
MtW CtlPUt
rTgpm* staixwvt
•tftr* tmp
rwi« RAjicm dTgjso
sirs rut Met '* **04r*
-no man lead milkaoe"
Travel in Cum/urt
k CuoIiwm
Anti for Further
Information, Call
I'bone 4-7114
North Gdk
Arrow HaH|iie Shirts
M \IH 10 Ffl YOUR VACATION l*1.4.Vi
—-So ImfRre von leave. pi*A up a couple -/
tile** inm fitting shirts at vo«r Javoritr Arrow
dealei ». ihex re smart looking, Thm're com-
luHaiile!,l'erfr<1 sitli all v.iur 4 »|ioits outbu,
and ideal fur yuur vaiabon wardrobe'
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