The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 11, 1950, Image 4

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' & I “ ^ • j : < jj | 1 » ^ 1 * *
Agricultural Honorary Society
Organization l nderway Here
Fife 4
75 *T
L#, :
A* M>nor MrWty for ovtoUrMt
m tlhr Slrteo«»t of Af-
rtnlkMi is lwi% fftwi—d <m
thr AAM r«mpua. Ik»b < KarlM<
N. Shop*niton, oamwiirod t*iay 4
TW now org*nii*u*n will hnn*
W««r U •Ittrtrnu *f *ffVHilUir«
j»«t M T*u Rota Pi Aw« U' rn
■town ahd Phi hapfHi (1* <W»
U •tudoiiU iti all fwMii of tniora
Tht •iKannatio’i hi lx inf »pon-
■orod hy thi faculty m<mh>ni on
tho rampua who an- nw-rahrr* of
It* national honorary a*ncultura!
fraternity of Alpha UU lh» apon t,Dn w h’" 1 lSe *^ ,l «
th« faculty adriaor* that the *r-
famaatten Haitt tte ^Mahantop
until the aortety ia better orfaiv
laad Aa a mailt appamimauiy
T1 atutemu were aeteeted to ha
the charter member* of tha aar-
The mlection wa» Nwed an a
•tudanta aupenor ichoteatk rre-
urd Pifrthrr with hia rharactev.
lea<ter»nip abil’ty and extra cur
ricula act i rltie*
Korty-etght of the aotected *tu
-lentil have accepted their mvite-
rarafniaed afrieulUn
oty, I tear Shepards--r
There arc If faculty
wring faculty froup hopes that
the near future AAM will be grant*!
a charter of mm** nationally :
raragntaed agrieulturai htm. - sue
aa pointed out
ult> members on
the campus who are member* of
Alpha feta.
Pnor to the tmgiatmig of the
jpring wineater the Isiard of dl-
fartora -had not made provision*
far the establishment of an agn
rfffural honor society on the AAM
(Angnis Rerenl actioa, however
Rts cleared the way for the ac
Acultufe students to petition for
a chaptei of a national honoy poc-
Ifty U is anticipatol that Wuch
a chapter will in- installed within
the next year, (lean Shepartison
In esubliahinf the Student Ag
ricultural Honor Society, the ppn*
soring facultg g roup t elected one
outstanding student from each, of
'the dephrtmenta ta the School of
Ag muHuna to form a mu-leus for
the new organ motion
The studanta »<l#cte«f from each
•if the -tepartnienta were D V
Allison, Ar^nomy; J Slayton
Agricultural Rronoaiics; J Vt
Kvaru* Poultry Husbandry. I. I).j
Wythe, Animal Husiwndry R B
.Greene-, Ij»n-isc*(•«• Art and R H
< base. Entomology
Other students represejsting de
partments were J A if.irteanen.
Horticulture; Percy Burke, Dairy
Husbandry, I.ytle Blankenship,
Wildlife, !,. J Tomlin. Agrieiu-'
tural Education, and Otto Kuntc
Agmuiturd Engineering
These students, assisted by ftea*
KhMardsor-, and profetaor* Krod
K Jnsisa, R (’ Pi>tt*. John kic*
Neely. H*»Wrt R dan«tf aiui Ru
-tolph i Leighton have i>e«*r work
mg to get the hew msdety e-tab-
liabed Wythe was sleeted tem-
»«>iar> sccretar) and tunic was
otectod tem|M>rary - hairtnar of Ihf
-.rga- ming group
The student repfs-senting car|i
department was re-pjested to com
pile » Bat of names of all the
outgtandlnf students in his re
speetive department This w«u>
done by -heeking with the regto^
trar a« well a* the department
head* and the prafosswre in the
del-art menu
Thew Hsta Were then presented
to the (irgaairtng student group
Rt-conimt adatn-ns were made by
more have indicated that they will
accept StudenU who have net ac-
- c-ptod a* yet must An te before
Saturday p«on, May 28. or they
will he drooped fypm the mfl,
Kuna* oaid All studehu who werg
elected have been ^otified through
Dean Phepanlaon'a office
On Tuesday, May t\ the ndw
s« »etiMs planning a banquet which
is to dr held la Sblte flafl-
Kyle, former dean <tf toe
of Agriculture at AAR will b*
the principal speak#ry (Wtl
nett year will be e tec ted and the
conatitathm and by.laws of the
Student AfTtcifltural Hnbor Socgrty
will also Ik presented for a<h>p
are A D Drttmar R M Lad-
better. K M Latham L D Wythe,
and R J. Bland
Btodeote M toe Agrsnamy De
partment inched* J. f. Asher. L.
E. Chase, M. R IVudgtea, KAa
Kuntoim 0 IMtodtolJ. 1. Wand,
i. Y. AJhaan, G C. Mater T E
Meyar M. H Goanter. H J. Kwoae,
W N TanamaeW and R. M.
The greap eterted fraai the ag-
neultaral IMgtnesring Depart want
a ns 1 R. GrieowsathT, 0. Hsdgis.
P R. Kaunar. 8 L Eurherha, L
C. Ware. 8 M Ramea, R C.
Brows and 0. t- Euoaa.
Students selected fropi the Ag-
rtrultaral Education Departmept
T. L. Peacock, K ■
L M. Barber 8*
Vultures Featured in Final
“*■ Volume of The Agriculturist
madrigal hack
■ the I m -
partment are H L. Vaaghn, C.
Owens, J C Btoyten, C. V Waate
f^tM G. Twenhafel and W G A4-
Achievement Award Wtoners- 4Mto
(.iddiaga, left
mate* Dam Ci
Aehtevemenl A*
Lea ter la C. N. {toepardaaa, draa
The Awards are ia recegmltea ef
arahip, leadership, character and
Tha throe ara C R.
Bab Mr Adams, sad
arp atadyiag eearyl
the turds from feed
ncnsrvemmn \wi
reels* «ager frei
life manafemenl
aera of the Aeb
l Kaaas I
Lytle R.
Ik. MmI W
Bullfight h
In Galon
Sywh-uu who were saUnltd and
have accepted are J. W Evans Ui
Husbandry, and’J. A M>
Can Our State Support
A Major Ball League?
*u Bt r martin
iwriated Praae Rtaff
Poultry Husbandry, anrfJ
tensen m Horticulture
S. L Roge rs, L X
W.-bh B’ ( 7K*1smaiv R
snd How Kueihim
fr->m tlw I antlsrapei Art Drpaft
Atudems from *ildUfr Man-
sgvrrenl are L H. Rtowfcefl|hlp,
i, V Chambers, mid J C. leer
L K I’eicler aiwi T N Shiflet
wen- rheted from lb*- Range aswl
Forestry ftepartm* at
The folhitsing student* wore se
lected from the Dairy Husbandry
Department I’ C Hurk. J P tar
ty, J W MH arley, H. H. RglMte*
ke, ami J B Rirknor Students rr of the Itollas chih, has *aid the
from the Kr\t"»nolofy Departinrgit big crowd was an indication that
are R R Chaw and K P Lioyd Dallas was ready for inajo'’ toagui
Mra who wefe'elected from the Iwa^ball
department of Amm*l Husbandry The night after the opanmg
- game Ttotla* drew 1.048 fans It
^ws« a cold, drttsly aftenwmn that
preceded this second tilt In other
home games anon afui the season
stapt.-d the Kagii-« ,ir*w 4J4!i.
for a doubleh* ader. 1.7ft»L
2 44 1 t Box score attendance
fig’»-te*> i
The weather wba l»ad »***• <»f
th.w* nighte The fact that Dallas
wasn’t winning also probably con
Drunk Trie$
and migratma to r
and fUght activities
Borrowed Rail' is a new fea
ture indoctrinated mte the mags
a and fast-art*g some af to* I
A Jadwa we have sea* ia The
Agnealtanat to uaiu some Uma.
No wmbt, toia a*w addition will hr
popular with subscribers
Rut Mfl not this type of material
that has made The Agriculturist
one of the best publications of Its
type in toe nation The articles
are responsible for that, so let’s
to agricul
itltis, the chronic disease of
udders, sad how K can he
I if dairymen are given
in time A Id-point plan,
ia too article to treat
tte tofieted udder was art
Dairy Department on the
Air Force Officer*
Set Interriew Date
Do you think toe UJhTU per
SMS who watched the first Texas
Lcagu* game af the season proved
* Dalis* oaa support mayor league
baseball *
Dallas if it were in the major
l leagues would probably sumiort
, the team 8o. probably, wouid Fort
Worth. Houston or even San An.
tomo All of these - -ties support
Texas league imaehall
R W (Dick) Burnett, the *wn-
mg giH
| -trill squad
East T- xas junior
Infant ( row* Die*,
Sen ire* I neMlav
Tha mfaut -w-n -»f Mr and Mrs.
Harrto Jh-lla’ <>..*». 8r . die<l of
measles 'M'm-iay, May h in Pale*,
tine Service* fur the 10 month-aid
child were held in the Hassel and
F-wter Funeral H'-me ihspel Tues
Surviving the child are the par
ents; to* 1 g'andpare'to, Mi ond « m. n * . , eui ia
Mr*. Ibirnal (’rows, .HR, of Pales I 4| \ 4*14 KrUlinfpU ♦‘HAbI for the It*4b s*ase>n. With
tine. Mr K H ScoM tg ralifnrma * U iTCff DldUfllirLB # rlub ^ f)ni>lhr() out uf th< .
and Mr* Geeigv Radfto't <>f Pale* Mf . Mni ( B Hrttfm-ntl first dtviaitoi. ten
Sludents Win Trip
in be tel to gie small Uinuuito
The MMM* plu> who saw the
first game Were a mixture -»f tiww
hall. faM, K*unous, and w>velty
The game was played m the ( ot
ton Bowi foott-al! stadium, then
were nine pp*t great* of i»asel>ail
on exhibit mg and there wef** the
Kilgore Rangeiettea. a fancy step
aing, gixte Iboktni
fh»m thi
la an inAtrmal poll before the
game sevegal pe«»ple were asked
at random a by they eame to the
(toe of thi beat looking bl-mde*
ii sight was emphatu a* U> why
ahe wa* at the game
*My huai*4nd made me conte ”
Moat of the other* said they
wanted to Ty ( abb. ('barley
(iehnng* r, Rickey Oochrygie, Horn*
Run IUkt r ami the othyr great*
they had read about
The point is that you can't prove
Dalla* or ifowatea. F<»rt Worth
or any .(her Texaa City i« raa<1>
for mayor league baseball unless
you use g yardstick that will i
stretch ovet 154 games
Instead ->f using the first game
as i>p«, it n|ight he better (P point
out that Igaites last year drew
tie estnn '•T' Ctef Ji*tg* Ed-
w^H A Jahn asked ttor 48-war
"l<l man accused of drubkennea*
if Re had an excuse.
lure, “eame the reply, •‘I beard
yog had announced far district
judge and 1 was -elanrating it."
th'iught it over, j
*Five dollars and codts.
I'nlio (asrs Diiuhlr
IaM ^ car s Keporl
ft U * t i n, Trx., Mav |0 t—
Agogirt cases of polfn to*t week
btoksted the state’s *ot*l for the
ydkr to more than double this time
a year ago, the state hgaltb de-
pgtt inent rejKirted UiRay There
hgv« I men t)*o caset reOnrded in
Iddl. compared to 178 gas** a year
Tb* new cases last peak struck
counties, two for the Brst time
»s yeai It brought to 71 Ihe num j
rpoftitg cases.
ccpipwraUe -
the “bullfighting"
theme, toe mam event featare*
Jack T urcotte as the gnat mate
dor versus “Big HuH“ RiBiagllay.
D P. “Doggy" McClure wtf! give
s running rommentery
A -iwnce team from El Paso,
Kiartta Captor and Russell Dmmll,
wifi prebsnt a Mexican hit tonee.
After the hull fight, there will
be an accordion sale by J R Zent-
There will be no admission
charged for the program, accord
ing to Karl Butko' Wyler, club
president The program hi spon
sored by the dab and by the
Mode rn language Department
featare «owe eras Gay-
winner of the Amer
ican Fardtev Degree, a ad bow ke j
attained toy toner. He is garret-
|y a ■apbdfaw A* Kd majfe
All-College', Day ia written up,
this time, a«\ a full Iftgto fea
ture foncerairili xhlbft* In the
An Air Fdree officer team will School of Agnityture A complete
be at toe YMCA for ftoe dayt, sat of p»rturea\accom|tenies the
•tatting May 12, to mterrtew all story •howmg h«4 visHiofs will see
men interested to careers a* of function* and pmA^t* ol that par
fleer* la the L’nited States Air tirutar school in s^fmn
Poree, laid Major Ariyn 8 Powell. c. N. ShtoaHtovti' teBs
Air Powe representative hew to ^tera about “New\Pt»n«iers in
make advaare artangements j Agrirtdtura" in a ah<*t article
-- Stedente wRl haw an opportun | And in another feateW, ’a com
ity to Warn af the various officer pl*te description of a\new busi
training programs offered by the
Air Force, and toeae who qualify
may submit sptdicaUoaa to «Urt
training after finwinng coilege
Three type* of train mg program*
aw offered according to Major
Powell. They sr* Aviatton Cadet
Pilot Training Avutewn Cadet
Navigator Training, and Air Force
Officer Candidate School. *
In any of the trmmng programs,
studenta who for any reason fall
to complete the work, are returned
to civilian life, concluded the Air
Force officer
toe frown jukse ikdustry, is
provided The frown jure mdu*
try. offering the consumek a saiall
can of concentrate that wMI make ^
a large amnant nf juice * high
(juality prom me* to *tahili|
citrus fruit industry mark
area* to which it is in oper
the article tells i* v ,,
This issue shows again p« rhkp*
better than ever that the A AM
Bchool nf Agrieultuw is Ukmg )a ,
lead to agricultural deveb-pmeiw ^
and is generally “on the hair monv (
than ever.
bir of counties ri|
- ginpai **d U> 44 th
p|ripd m iM.
Hidalgo Cimnty
The infant* father i*
mow wildlife major heft
Pink Knot Pants
Summer Serve Bunt Pants
Khaki Boot Pants
Pink Slacks j
* |
Dark (.reen Slacks
Pink Shills
Dark Green Shirts
r iv,
1 niform Tailor Shop
NortA Gala *- Cottagr 3Utk*
Mr and Mrs C. B Hoitmann
4re taking eight childwn to New!
Braunfels for the annual “Kinder I•«*» ITt**>**sL.r>w
Mask, r Rair HatuMay. Mav IS. ™ f,nf OmMlf T**
f he*e •hiUlren aw winners of a
flower identification held
among the fourth tirade »tu«ients
of AAM (onaojidatei school.
From mmr than 100 flowers
studied previously, 4U were given
to tile rhiidwn to identify snd
*p* II the name correctly
raptetei If*
n#w caaea; ( ameron, ('Aim, and
< mlvwwton 2 each, and ene each
ffr I*alla* Herns, Jefferson, la
mbr. Mrlemnan. Tarrant and Tom
(Irwr countie* It was ihe firat
•I th* year for Collin sad lamar
End MeetingToday Prisoners fAoapc
-* I aril ( .ountv Jail
The four boys with highest
I scores were Harold Nolan. Rich-
’ard Reiser, James ( eVan and Hugh
Lindsay The four girls scoring j
highest were Nancy Terwil, Mary 1
Lindra Cat heart, Nancy Smith and
Elaine Chalk
Thm is toe l(*4th year of the
celebration in New Braunfels and
at least l.lWMi school rhildran are
exited to to in the parade which ,
opens the bail.
The judges for the r on test were
Mrs W Beamy Smith, Vrs. Andy
An<ter»«iri, and Mr* R 0 Berry.
Meml>er* of five standing co
- mittee* and the Iswr-i of ilirect
I ors of the Texas Swine Breeders
Association met yesterday and to
1 day an the campus te discuss the
program fgi the coming year, ac
cording to E M Regenbweht, ex-
tension swfie husbandman and sec
retary of Rn aaaoriation.
The mating began with a din
ner at A 30 p m test mght at the
Aggieland Inn Today the group
loured thd entire *wibe diviaion
of th* Ann- a- Husbandry I*epart-
At 10 < m. a general session
wax held gud the five committees
j gave their respective wports. The
two-day gn - ting was cdncludrd
with a ligwheon at 12 30 p m
^ I
sutf- ^
Nod»,iK| *a spo'Mo***
l«t •
ba*-d| ttetas irrym -Ur
1* * as id t OSv
*nlk,s J **,• Myl
»• • ydt oi
••» , #rf «a0 col-
KW»fk*<*d*vs A4
*M*t> w«r tteaei •#•( % »w*# tte"* eoabhr
to ■ r sted.
Monnhan*. Te*., May II -
to'ur prisoner* escaped from the
Mf xrd County jail hew yeste.rday
dbd Di d in a stolen automobile
Jailer Slim Bruce *»>d Fred
■atom. 22. produced a knife and
Arced torn to unlock toll doors
after he had permitted Ramm to
An oute'de to make a telephone
(Rll Four other prisoner* wfused
to leave
Th. tail is atop the Ward County
(f*urt house The mew dearended to
tgie elevator and drpve away iw
4 car in which the igniugn key had
Ite-r left Deputy Sheriff Moms
| f muK-rman gave rhaa< but the
i gien outdistanced him The c*r
gas found abandoned about a
Rule south of town a dhort time
I The other eseapena xrgpw: James
t wbin, 47. held far burglsry;
ck Cusick, 28. held for armed
gdito ry and rar theft, tnd M>ewi
b-y Horn, 17, charged with house
breaking and burglary.
A. tM-g wWe» keokmsd s«d te*H' ogs"«'
R M s-shKS pktvs* b*iao « gtewt Jes^tex e»o»*a..
C. Ladw. pmw4 yted kM o» itecteq v'we.
R. fte tew tbd de4«»k»W igw- g s
L G-w Mototr to* »s-tod»l toy e*« to-teto i
1 Pouad ( ah Fnffer’n
. 74e
1—S4lS ( aim
Tender Peas
1—AM (am KlmMIte Hmall
Green Limas
. (7e
2—No 2 ( am KRnbHIte
Khole Green Beans
. 45e
Corned Beef Hash . 67(
Vienna SaiiKa£t‘ . . Xh
Potted Meat 2^
l -ll-O*. CAN STAR
Chfippg^d Ham . . . 5I<
l—ll-O*. CAN ARMOI K’S
Freet 12d
Dog Food 2«>4
t—No. IV) Cam Hont a Halves,
Bottle Churrh'a
-rape Juice .
ia geld
TV Mothere .
W« Hive A
■»:ke at (HARum
' 9 turn., HatonUt Moraiii—ISth
S Pound ( an
. . . 73e
1—!€ Ot. ( aa Dob'*
Pineapple Juice .
. . . 34e
2—No. 2 Cam Diamond
. . . 23e
y Market *
Kraft a \ rivrwda
Cheese . . . 2 Ih.
Tmdrr Vml
lioin Steak ....
Tender Square Cut
Shoulder Roasl..
Tender Veal
Tender VenJ
7 Steaks
Itorker’ft Tall Korn
Sliced Bacon. .
★ Produce a
Home Gmam
New Potatoes
Crtop HwmnU
rirw Kip.
Tomatoes .
2 lbs.
(,tn. 14c
5 Poud Bar FTotWa