- / . I A I ( ari ^|f4hfTK MolHert 4efratrr#iwniativ# i« th# AlkMk < ounnl. 4 fnodMlI M- • JMWHM- bui. »li*4#nt fnun f rr4rruthweaterti Liveattak Show. "Mont of th# liFnt cuttmf hora«« in th# *tat# will b# prcatuit," Tom- t 101 * »*ot A different group of horn#* kill he umnI for Kralay wimI Saturliny nighta. hy >rw must aingle >at ohe cow fmni the cent of the herd and keep it away for a limited tun* with the aid of • hater US Senate Vote On Gvil Rights Due Next ^eek Ity nitKdS i. kEl.l.Y I Waahingrtan. May 10- t^~TW ' firtt dec wive senate rote of 1M0 on Preaatent Truman * c»u»l r»fi ' profram appear* likely neat we and the f'reatdenV* aouthem of- i jk oent* e< pre«»e*i confidence to-) itav they would wia it. I . majority lawileg Luca* uf HHn. •ta. the a*n -poke*man, I l>a«*ed the word to hi« culieafuaa i i to »tay d«*e te Wanhmfton noit week because he eigsdrU to make th# fic*t teat then of the senate'a new cloture (debate lumitu*} rui*. The teat would come not on hill to create a Fair Kmpioymont Practn-e* ( off Keaearch Cen ter in mw York City tharr ta quite k hit of mformatian, uaeful or iathfoatiag, to dog owner* According to the bulletin the pooeh population of the l ntied Stale* if approximately r^Uktl.OUO About 17 iioi mat ixni faiailiea own a dug, $AW0,0»Mi more than owned a pup w| 1940 The averaft dog in 4. today it 19 year* old For the roaatry a* a whole, there gee 1.4 dogs per dgf-own ing fhifffy. very ,t doe* like t U:. made by It it ef- Itrhate Begin* Ivbate on (hat motion. Luca*, began yesterday l>e<*ied to run on until about n«gt Wednesday, *o there will be po |ue«Uon that the subject ha* not txoti thornughly dincu**et| Sixty four senator*, two third* of the full membership must vide for cloture if • time limit i* to t* applied to the deflate If I.ucaa tad* to round up that large • pro portion of the senator*, the south- erner* can stage a time killing, ar ' "mstopping filibuster .*» long m ^ tb« ir voice* and stamina hold out Shogld the firat cloture move b# •ucceaaful, the Southerner* would fall twek on their second oratoncpl line of defenae and Ulk at great . .u. a-^-- length against bill Again it would ! r0r 'J take the affirmative vote* of $4 fellow senator* to *hut them off amt make po**ibie * vot* m the KEPT bill itaelf case? What of four-tenth* of a eat to biology student-, and also dog ia asaembled in accordance to persons owning auch a dog U* weight? In this event almost ,* if , h , rtl>f x% UtrmM #f onJy any pooch might be bom aa an that part normally forward of the abbreviated specimen. center of lateral area, he would. Thi* U*t remark lead* a i MmA Abeation Exactly wha lair-trnith* of a dog look III Jfaiaiy Williama, chain a atilt life he ia ftaighla Day ethihit. N of the Callefy (aasmitlee. looks oirr for the All Day (ailegr Day and I'arenl* Raseell leader By LW>N Met LEI I KS Senator Prefers t Owner to ^in Hill NVgf York. V«y 11 ■ D “Clnff, AI Srhacht oner told tis, “i* a fai first Hi r rath* r win before -boi (leyplr than b.s*- * double neaii*f lwf*rc 10 million W* thought th« clown prtnee waa clowning s (ittle, ae anyone knows Clark Griffith's stadium in WaahmgVm dis-si«'* hoid 10 min lion pm>pi»- *• finally rcaiir*-*! that wi\at Al meant s»as that if it ram< to a rh• iwtweeti money and a svianimr team i.r ffith woul i take the w ;iinint ti-am Any way. a m**nt news item from Washington indicate* Schayht knew what he wa- talking about, and that he waan't just mouthing sweet, meaningl* «s woni* aiaiut Griff he* ause 1h«t kin lly **iul bad k* pt Al on i#c r..st* t long after hi* arm was gone ami Hi* only pitch was for a new con tear t Griff liked Ai ami though' h» was funny, Which he was. anil is The news item was pi the effect that the Senator owner had d»- . c* . / * i tidni to rip «>ut hr>4 new box seat# ^4*1 111 * stll\Plhtflll in left fie hi hacause they were t u roaUng hi* team games .Other '»alyuatan, Tel, May team* were parking hsane run* Senator Ruasell iD-Gai, a lead er among the Southerner*, would- , n't go »■> far a* to rlaim that his ! aide w an a**ured of the 13 votea it Would lake to tmat cloture said, howwvrr he is sure the oth- j With the heat her* to «tay, I t r side d<** not have M Every ab- t”* *® worrying the other day •ef tee m the opposite ra^p ia a* * k " ut • h’dh*'' <* ^ th* fe would good a* a Vote to the *nu#ierTten> ** * auff'ciency of water her.- at The measure promise* the a*>- Annex Ui *ee u* through the tabbshmewt of * Federal rommia r of our tranqml and un siori ts* prevent diarnmmation In jfraakiMii year the hiring, firing or promotion af j Straining to muater together worker* an account of their rac**/ *ha* energy my body had managed color, relgion or national origin i b> keep away frwi Over 200,000 Gallons Water Used Daily origin t*’ keen away from the diaaipatmg I heat, I Hobbled d»wn the torturisaa road to inTtati^fr the water pmb Speak* Senator Hill, ranommateil bv tarn A* I arnuad at the pumping ktabama TVmocrats last week, pat I r »uld hear th* upparatu* the fibiuthf* ca*e this Way “The FKPt bill is ar authoniie* Might not allow tki* One* again I proceeded with renewed inlerewt to learn the real of the process this life gis ing Itsjtnd under goes before being used for midnight hath*. .Strange enough, the water I* taken from the redwood tank and then chlorinated to the tune of one part ef rhh»rine to a mil lion After Ihc chlorine ha» been properly ahporbed the water ia pumped into the singe tank. , which ia half filled wiih air and whefe the pressure is coni rolled At long laft I a.is iwanrig th< R in attam 1 up.m »he-part stales pewctiear . I free from the race problogi to ait in harsh judgment upon their - slier stgte* where the problem i» alway* h««vy ami tometimes acute ” rpholding the gi>al» of the mea sure. Senator Benton (Dfonnl itec!ar»-d that all the bill doe* “i* guarantee the simple nght of esjuality of economic opportunity U» very American- whether his skin be light or dark Whether , he worship* tiod 4* a ( athohe, a Jew or a Protestant whether hi* Iwrthplace lie Naland, or Italy, Kansa* or Conneciimt ” g away eortentngly. ang He- termination thia aeries of actin diuedthat forihs prewent, at Irast 4utoi*atic mAchinea, for front the there would be mi yr*at shortage smge tank Ae watei rushes of water, such a* Sea York Oty thn.ugh the (hp.-* of th- ayatecn of ha* be.n u*»d*rgoirig during the bliaaful Arnox to th.- faucet* past few moiitha from which our bu«k> t* get their It wa* inlerewt in g to find the ' f -*r inogpgtg and other uio-a b. aid** drinking The lepiuinder of th.- water *ti4-y is known t<> nmr*t of u*. \nnual Trap Shr Annex la al the present lime ing supplied by three five bun dred find well# from which ap pcaximalely 2»« imki gallons are siphaned daily. Th# water aiphoned from the well* is »* nt through a hug.- metal tank and then property filtered in ta what the men at the water plant call the “deaf*Well’*. From th» rlear-well the water ia extracted by a amaU pump and pent into th< rypreaa storage tank The "red wmid" tank, as it is milled, store# a* much as toft,IXX' gallon* of w at er At this point it entered my m »d that thi* redwoo«h that it own*f Vpparently the frar- ti.Hialwri pap* are not left free to run about the *treetfw—cer- tatnly there are none on the loose in the Brian 1 olleg* Hta- iion area , Thi* i* just as well, fur after a Saturday ni^ht of reverie an Afg e (ouid easily lie frightened silly by the spectacle 'M four- tebth* «*f a dog running aero** the r as- -umed* -«Ithough of rnurgP. the sight id a one legged dog wag ging Its tail funowaiy a* it da*h*M aero** the lawn after him Might give a seirr* shock )• magi callous and unrmUtional pet owner Of uuorse, this all as*uuA* ? hat a dog {* divided up in relAion to its linfi* What if this i* pot the Would the four-tenths in?olr*d consist of a pint-siaed (ireat l»ane, a rwt-sixed Saint Bernard, or a microncopic t ucker Spaniel? After careful consideration of the facta, it is P*udily apparent to the dm curninf mi fid that this could not be the caael A midget Great Dane would be a freak, and a four-tenths dog is not a freak. The four tenth* dog present* another problem—what ta feed it. Assuming the dog to be con structed with hi* four-tenths be hind the normal center of lateral area, he would not he equipped with anly a digestive truct with no way of putting anything in it. The Game* Ih>g Research Center doesn't make this point of feed ing rtear. but it i* certain that it would be of cansiderable inter im the other ha n4. be provided with a mouth with which to con sume food, but with little or no digestive system with which to di gest it Thi* would prow* most ernbarassing in a short time, as the dog would irecome so weak from hunger it would hav* to be bottle or intravenously-fed It might also be interesting to determine whether there are any decimated cats existing Consider the sight of four-tenth* of a dog madly chasing four-tenth* of a cat arms* the yard and Up a tree' Or perbap* four-tenth* of a mouse EDITOR'S NOTE: At tki* point <>«r writer wa* led quiet ly away bi two person* in white, mumbling something nounding -uspiri.is-li like • Here, Kavrr. here, Rover.^ First Phase of REA Courses Completed Am ml mg tu W. W M.IU. chiuf of Rural Oectr* Train tag taf Uta' Industrial Extension Servku pt YAM, a portion o / the first phk*« »f s two-and one-half year Sil{Mte viaor personae! train mg program for the Texas Rural KMcAffc Co operatives IKEAt waa eofipleted in College .Station last wapfc (Miter cmirsea te'k been ran- durteii at Cuero, ( Our Parent*" will be given by vide ofien »eafmn vnfUtever itf in- Ihiyle Avaift. Cadot Cwlonel of the vestigition* ♦«>w thdn' is dangt r j Corpa Avagit i* also to proasnt j of waste of any «neciu* of fresh the honor Aggie Mother of the water fish, game bird game am- * I>ay | mal or furtiednng animaV TW 1. . . , . . * One of the firat efforts will lie ^ toll W3 ,Ur Z ta -horten the deer and turkey tSTSL . J'"* T the panhandle ' •T*. "I think the deer and turkey #d are To Th* O UH . Battle ^ M . r „ ^ thare a* in ather auction*" said Howard Dodfun. executive aUcre tarv_ < orpa 1 baplair King Egger will The law (Ives the rwmiaiivMwn five the benediction power to declare open aaapan on d«M deer, subject to approval of the owner or person ia dharge of tha area, but Dodfen doubled there would be am surphi* of dm-s for several lear* IbslApn like* the brxate cam Gw* your wpknoi that faaamia «0- Second Workout " W vaconda vcaip maaaagv ifaal itw ddteraaMft . . If) w*— conhdeni:e ... in BiirtineMM ami SdH'ial Affair^ ... cornea from knowing that your doth** pre in tijv-top Almpe. Ijrt us hdp you k*»ep them that way' Pampas C.leaners HABIT YE$... Dining with us will probably become a habit with you . ,. A GOOD HABIT NO Parking Problem* Lota of Hi-chairs for the Kiddie* 1 if We Carry Your Tray )RT CAFETERIA — -A-. )R0f Iff. MOTHERS DAY SPECIAL — MAY 12 & Gfauttoia Flour .y Ilis. fMli' S' j Ob. Howtewn \ ienna Sausage . 2 fur l')i ( harm hi Toilet Tissue . I rolls IV ( ut Kite ^a\ Paper 19e HD Count (iimkI llinisi- hi* |M rt» Napkins Kk- No. SfHI IM Monte — Halw*v or Slii'evl Peaches 13e No. SHS IM Mimti' ( ream Style (rolden (lorn . . 2 for No. !Ui3 Adeil KaH> June Peas 2 for 2.1c K Ot. Hunts Tomato Sauce . No. 30fi Hunt* Bartlett Pears Tof> Kick Doc food . . . Lr«e Du/. . (riant Du/. . •? . DIXON'S ALL MEAT WIENERS . . . Hi. .350 ARMOUR STAR BACON th. 18c FI TURF. FARMERS FRYERS . . Hi. 59c ARMOUR stAR FORK CHOPS * 1 . lb. 53c HAMm Rf.EK MEAT . Ih. I8o IB Oa. Ad mind—In Mustard Sauce Sardines 2 for 25c I Lb. Simshinr Mi Mo t rackers.... 27c ( amphedl'a Tomato Soup 10c No. I Diamond v l omat(M k s 3 for£fe .x* .M m • i F TOMATOES PAC'KAGB (\RROTS (.KEEN PEPPERS CALIFORNIA porvrous SIZE Ate LEMONS Rt‘jj. R.m* Value 3 EH. SN(W DRIFT \Alth CiHipon Only 54c (( tHi|Hm Away in Atorr) l.h Tender leaf Tea . . . . 57c I Ui. PaekaKe \dmiration Coffee... 69c II Ob. IM Monte Catsup 21c Mrs. Tuclfer’q Shortening.... 3 lbs. 59c Sugar 5 lbs. 39c No. t Crystal City Spinach 2 for 27c 7Cp Carton 19c It Ob. Tm (i*nlen—Whik It Imstn Jcllv 2 for 39c b/Vfrs ’SUP£ffMARKS T COULTER DRIVE AT HIGHWAY 6 i