. t f *1 f - f \ . J KA Battalion Editorials THUR8DAT, WAV 11.I1H0 Math Clinks: To Help Students I/eam . . I Theoretically Math ClttHra are a f«>od Wea. Whether they will worti at AAM aunt be proven. A Math Clinic ia a place (umially a rlaMrooml where student* may go any time during afternoons to receive help In working out their assignment* On hand at the CUhi* to aid student* is a profea- mnr prepared to tackle any problem in course* of the department he reprenenta. Studenta may u*e the t'lmic a* a study hall to work up future assignment* When they encounter a point they don t under •Hand, or run up against a problem they can t work the itrofeaw*- w there to help theta ,These (Time* would best function on • departmental baaia lb such department* a* the Mechani cal engineering. Electrical Engineering. Mathematic* Chemistry. Physics, and Petroleum Department* where problem courses art numer«sis Math Clinic* could serve students The advantage of the Math Clinic over the present system of contacting your professor is that a student is always a* •ured of someone being present at the (Time, but there is no such certainty now that an instructor will be m hut office when students call for help Such an ea}*»nment as the Math llinic wa* tned in the Mechanical Kngmeenug IVpartmeut during the final ten day* m March of this Aear Two inKtructor* wer*- , aaaignetl to two different rooms is the ME holf. Vlolf. Wolf In view of the Mct'arthy-lattimore Building They were on ha no between 4 and 5 every afternoon during the time the experiment was condiartsd After ten day's the ME Depsrtment abandoned the Math (Time experiment be cause of lack of student mterant Why did this failure develop’ The answer cuuM be one. or never*I reasons The Math Clinic eiqrenment and H* purpsnss could have been msuffnientiv explained to ME students The experiment could have lacked the initial publicity which should promote interest in it. Or |>erh*fw the Math (lime idea yu*t wtm’t work here Other college* have used Math (Times with notable success Aggie* who have at tended Arlington State College will re member the excellent success both the stu dents ami the school enjoyed through the clinic conducted there by the Msthematjc* I >ep*rtfnent. We feel that the Math Clinic ex|>en- ment should be attempted again next fall Kx;»iain it t<> students and encourage their interest in Math Clinics. If student* will participate in Math ('limes they will profit through better grade* and clearvr understanding <»f |>rob- lem* which previously stuin|>ed them After giving the Math Clinic* another chance the College can better determine if thi* attempt to help student* learn is successful. hyena and other* declaring they never case it looks a* if the fable about the knew him Shepherd boy who veiled "wolf" too often mgy need revising and mcar so wan^ Your lips are pale your < heek l* white; Indeed my dear your color's gone Or ccniW it is; I think it might — You haven't any make-up on! As (his chane began to |»all and some of the brothers began to aak why they should [uy so much attention to junior, the boy created new excitement by yell ing tigoroualy that there wa* a weasel in f the chicken houne a civet cat m the pur- ^ hr and that gopher* wen- burrowing un- ' der the jsirch. % • At this stage the member* <»f the fam ily were racing frantieally in and out, of the h mse looking under the bed* leaving the Heny ard gate u|ien. and cracking bead* in < (ilUuions. Meanwhih-, the granddaddv of all the wolves was sunning himself on a hill ai’ross the valley and observing these- go ings-on with great amusement while some of his younger woh’ea sniffed exjiecUnMy at the comers of the barnyard fence The moraP Most recipe* for labbit stew begin with "Eimt catch your rabbit. ’ Chruntian S<-iene( M(aiiter Heanl report* that Washingt.m net- ret a ne* have given up wearing red nail |K»liKh Can't be too careful, you know. • • • Among the most amusing Americans are those who fear veterana will rum th'- country they saved The Battalion , "Soldier, Sietetmsn, Kmfhtij (rentlemm" Lawrence Sullivan Rosa, Founder of Aggie Tradition* js-*- — ~ • rr " ^ ' BT ~ 1 A* 1 " • ' ' r ' TW Amac«U4 Prww 1* eetitW U Ikt for repoMieatio* of all oow« dMOolelMS Wodtted to it or not othonnw rrrer »nd kxwi sew* of •sontanoo** ongio publwk- W Wrom Rurkt* of ropubhMtioo of all rUv^r waiter hems an aka naarvii . 7 Tfct lafah—- offkkl aowpaper of tbo Afnrultural and Mtx-hamrml Golkfo of Taaa and tkt jCWf of Oik** Suttoa. Taaa*. U ruhl - .-<1 fin tiaiw a wtok and cirrukUd mry Monday Uitouak tPnday afUrnoon, rioopt daring holiday* *sd aaanunatia* i<«-rv>d« During* Ok- *ummtr Tht Bat- laltaa k pukiahod tn-wtoklv «U Moaday. WtdMaday and Friday, kubacnptioa rate HM ft *cW Jjgt. Advertising rata* furiuaked oa rrouoat i >' Nava rontnboUuM way ha mad* by ->• (4 M44) «r at th* adltonal Hall^rkskf^i wUmf be pleyed by Ukgkeao (4404) ar at the I the AW k 9 ■<— k MM* X **. BILL BU JJNGSLJCT. C C MUNROE* Member at The A>s.ir latad Preyp |«iM Whitaer*. L O ttlA Daan Read. Otto \r*-r T«dM« — •V i ^ 1 ^-.(Uesw < '*** ■*4 -- j-r HMSi. a*a Mucsev Ssrvit UeMwet o*«*t NkWa TWe mewret SsiWI—* Suesuw WeNw Taaa*w«« *tm fmtm ‘wr iota. Mmms *«(>■*. J Beat Wert Ml <"»••* fW«r Crtunnn Weye* l»e*«a BH TMsaiw^e S*t WUHeee ..ne««** Weft ertar*** -astSoJBJB k x uam*»«»«»»»«#«»«*»»»»»»»-»»^B**w*i*a - S. 1 t * X a . ^ Says Fair Deal 'Humanizing'. . . V • m l Inlerprelinp the Sr in . London Meet Het'aHn Tragic Fall of Holland H% J. M M«*MKKI> JK tP KwrrtKu A ft »ir» Analiel With thi AntMoinaiantst f"« rtgn mirusUi* of thi Wt-st nlr«4 mir in l.mnlon mi nn t-ffurl to it-- nicnt !h«-ir 4-oo|ier»tKMi, it i» Hist w»'il (o ivm«-niD-r »hst Is* k nf ri«i'l»rn»tM>ii dn! to V\« )»t«-m Fun*!*- t»M )vsj i> ago On Ms> in. Pkn, th. pho*y war in h.iHop.' wa* turn**.! into bhUkrtf-K Th< (o rmsn a i m i * a *w.-|it mlo Hollalnl .*|'d B> lifHltil. and within a fjrw Mf-ys* vo-iv to h.' m Pima imi ..ii tls- •huii’ici, IimA n* <1- on tin thiout of a Hiit- am W mft nf both aririoa and arm* liy th. 'lid.ifii turn of p\ent* No t o-operation Dip roa«on wa* U.-k of ,.N.p*‘ra- tion ta-tw.-«*u Hodand. H*la uni an.t to* iarir«r taiwii* llollkn.i ch.i«. to -(aiMf al. h. r iii-urd Hra* a* a imIo tral, and ihoit waa iiHtu.ition that tyi irnim Miri.*e w»y WHi th- r it would ha*. e**i m< .h>t«talilv \»nmonn (rniti|i Sets Summer Tour Thw aironeni) msn*ra wiU n.Mk. a nmi nf tl*. . a«t (owaV, PiMfw.-'t 1»nd tin -.aithnl’l tat*-, thi- -orriiiHo S«*hi't.) th. Aynowini) >ih iH \ on a conifwfit'vc •-xaryinst.ion 1>**t- a* *MJt iten.lmK rtliil. 'it.* in Hgrtcnhon. the) an- l.**> (. Mik.-kn ftoin T int>l*-; 1 i. <,.ar- 11 l>* e..on.panind 1>) Hr I (. Jofi.'* of h. Arrntiot»i\ Ih-parTin. t-' FunO- from th«' r*i'.-nt < ntton Paaoant finenee* ih«* trtf> Thi- ton- ia mi un to u;v. thn *tiKh->'t- an inaiirhi mtn th.- afn- ruilmal .'onditi.m* in oth. r |«a r t* of th*- nation tr-d C anada Thei will visit avriruttural rJ |,. g .-a. inhomtonva. n*p. r ow nl xtatM.n* ami th. Fdilpl Stat*-* I paitiiinnl nf Aifrtruliur* Wu-h- mirtni. I* C. I Mao reed Kishernmn SH>t* Wife Took H»it 1 .l A’' |t*-t».)| ( laaaurr Wt-nt t*. < a*- ( "UntJ ( urtiil ( ourt l.at i) to lay (k't* t Ifi mm ow* .lid a minnow tank l.nanir*- ronpiaHi.-*! hi .-ti WifvJ Miytelyii liker to fish, t'a., k.-|t th. ia.it *h'-n th«-y *«|.ar*t.-d| Bible Verne K it th< ley< of rnonr-> i* the r>»d of all t-vii which while aunic r«»v et fni after, they have .-rred fnon the faith ard pierced them- M-lvek through with many sor row* I Timothy fi 10 ' ' . y*M\ \ w\ Mi* PALACE Bryan 2'$i)70 TINIAY — FTU. A HAT. msmy m rorxiN r*w»* THI RSftA A FRIDAY Co-Ed i lor* VwiM » -< W ■ faM*** .»■—.« <-*g ^* a... wwTSgp HST Sees Average Income Doubled in Next Ten Years Pendleton, Ore , May 11—1»S0 This ia one-third sbov Pr* eident Truman said last night a present level* real |4. IM Xt a year income ia in In the fifth major ape*-eh nf j might within ten year* for every | SunO-mile toar of I* autea, M hard working family. Truman -atlimd a program hr adi. He amd he wm talking about wnwid be “for the benefit of al doubling in terma of living atnn the people and not junt for th< darda tne preaent aierage 42tlW' ape*ial mtereata." yearly earning* of one fourth nf He rpHed for the tow larome bracket families. Private ownera of industry, witi n*A just ballooning the amount ia the govemmsat I wiping Uin-ugl cheap dollar*. mmarre devejnpmerit, tax poiieiea bousing and small b—kaa* atd, U meet ‘‘the urgent need for fttrthel ill This foal ran be reached, the mveatmint and improvement President said, by lifMng the na induatry plants and methods. lion's manual output nf goods aiH . a. rvicea ts by' K +' S ' m MarkHa HUH 'Z J An eapanaion of purchasing Man E Students" ^ —' 1 Hear Humble | er Utnmgh deveiopment of new mkrketa and raising the living standards of the poorest families, MaiaU-natu-e of a "sound balanc* in the programs of »Ur government 1’eix.nnel Man s,,kI ! ,M . 11014 Hut bad the i **■ rman# awt IWiUwh or Preiwfi f.ace- m the low onto tivea. p'fpartinwta at the Magt«"< l.ine tn#ht liavr toid a differ ent ahuy latgr nu l.ewrralli havwa Hoilaik In. w for at leak five .lay-* wtk< the Oramna wvwe up to. The A -*♦< ia led Pi ra* repiwted it two 4a>* before th*- (hvnaaaa »in**k It M-.-pir tiket) that the British and Frvwh knew. too. stnre IbMch niformafinn ah"t>i the mtslrt*Mi» <>f tkrwmn fohi-ss ii«a>aing In th* Fuht w^a compitkn Ih* dgmag* don. by the Iktch fadurr ■ iat te Angk Ften«|i aup iiort ta lard to estimate star*' the k i rock wety i .itamitied to their fortification* and the Brink line H'hind H> ig. Jiti and Holiaiwi wh* *. r > t h ip Hut tin point ts that Holland Mo*.d aipiu-. and Holland fetl with a suddbt ‘ a* that aho-k.d the world 1 ha' * M.p'. thinK f T the aUied .iippmiai to lentcmU-r now a.' tlu*y -*rek to «•« rSoroaii-o' th. individual pt.d.iena wfii.h -.land hetwWn the w.-tern napofl* and full coopera tion. Loiters .All Wllrr* <• 'h» *«1«.>f mtm*\ *r» • i«at**l ip * *o 4»*.i nr rmflom* nt Ow raitac* *"S »"»a a«> ms <«ieiu* oe nemr 1 ift>4*»ua mairnal *>111 ta rot* l»A*w1 Im m<«.iln( In hav* •'••ir SaitiM Wio,a»iri frora pwAn- *'*« mar m.... j>-Wt nru-m ami (lata nauiaa »>u i»Hj art.an n» rnt>«**ii *>f it* •mer 4* dsautai ta Mir e*'wa* utlwr IIWIi US *-!*».• I Idtior Fh. Iiutlsli.-fi: I amkt-iSf thi* spat* as tfi* b* st mean* pvailahlt of tiackmg down my lo-f |»MUh|*‘ isdto. 1 «ish to contact a freshman whtvae name I . have uffortuiiwtely forgotkti | l-a-t Sig'day night, M .> 7. ! I.-'X Hsu situ aiaiut 1 Ih in a Ds- * Soto hn a colored man I i named F"laj There wer. four Atf- J gu * ir t|. car myself, and all of us except the freshman got out •' th* hast <»ate The radio wa- on the f.oor of the back M-ai I ha* 1 contacted K«k'y and hi -aid t ha' th* radm teas not in the car wm-c h* x"i home tad must hav* he* n r**move*t, eithet by the ft.-shn*in »He had ridden from Hwuatwi St oSc of the others he jiad pifked up at the caution light n tsdb-go Station If ah><»ic has any information thout this radl" I would Mppre* iats t if yi>u would contact me Hotteri A IA htte ud Box 4*«7 (atllef e St at ton ■baua UH. hurm 4 Development of junior ea-1 Lll®chcOllj McCllIIJ ecuUve* m the rvs|ioniubilit) of top aunggement. It IS one Tuesday wa» a busy day for tb* of them pnme restHtnaibilrtie* ‘ ampu- Stud) w j i j / ecutiwe b*wtrd luncheon in the mor* It CUM* be delegated from injr and . club Tlwl(li> them," K N Dyer, jK-raonnel aup nfa at the Grove ervtaor for Humble Oil ( ompuny A W. Moiloh preaidmtt. told the Society for the Advance *„mriame*l the rxwcuUve koun: m.-nt of Management Tuesday , t . | unr he<.n betd on the Drrac, nl, [" , i of the Aggtekhd Inn Thuae wh< Dyer, in outlining die junior | Jfc, eogrksy #*f« Mnv extiutxve traiamr program by!**,** r D, Lewk, v.*-,!*president Humhle, etnpha-ixe«l th* need in K M r U rr»n. mdgding aecretaty; itidualry for a constant tramtitg J, A Orr, ewrreapondmg secretary; program for junior exe*ut t ve* * I) S«-.mteB Jr.. U*—geer; H. L Thew junior executives were .te- Hoaton psriwmetUanan; James K fme.1 as men below the level of Pnom, rep<»rteT; C W. t rawferd the lioartl of directors and shove audttm and F B l "lalrk^ hiatonan I th* first .-chek'ii of supervision | A crtifuwle m4.atimr that th* I Rssaona f.w this constant trmrh- f t ub had won an honofchie m«m ! mg program (were these Junior tnm in the Better (mwaMnitj C twnu* supper t«y 7(1 members an.i vith a reduction wf iax*t* and the alancirRi wf the federal budget uat as anon aa we aaffd* Van." y Impravement of Agmyisuh lomk relapons with the w f our nulxsial s.'furiajl or jational progress. Set* Peace Paramwat “At long as I am President," b* aid, "we are not going to put dol an above 4 or Id peatc. "Wr must not be turned aside >r slowed down in our rfforta to p-lo tha~>»ther fre. uat ions get lac* on t)*Mr f.-ct* by those who Vnuid ret left into ianlat h'fitmn in •rder to aave a few dollar*," h» said The use .g the p..wera of gov- wnment U> brlpora a higher liv- ng standard uni a fair dMlt /or ill th. p* ople is n<>t suiiatn k>.d it is not aociMliam, he asaerted kepubheans have hta lod hoth fhar gea. Hi- said hta program hia b*-*-n directed toward th* huinanizing of our economy and tow ard the hu manising of giivt-rament. athbug "We hat. had a government that was titd ia working for the pe*ipl<, not for special mtereata" \;) -\ TODAY thru SATl HD AY FIRST KI N Mature Statin T -day- L :,r, -• 1f> HI C 45 - l(l:9f) hriday Feature Start* 1:25 3:t>5 - 4:4# • «:(& - T:«» »:)« their families preceding the pro | gram Also on the picnic commit I tee were MemUmes W T Mat sen Allan Madrtcy Rabrit (amp. and Lynn L. Gee. Ministers ChOw Mgebroff As Prexy Ih. junior exeiutivee, or ex.v-utive* lor that maticr, liver 'Mid, lauHt possess xtrength of ihaia. tec a tir.w.1 knowle*ige of hi- field,’ the ability to think c<»n- Htru'Uveiy. and th* .|ualiUe* of leadgr-hip which enable him U> get alonk with other people. "Modern industry r*- ekocUHl presidetM ot morul more than bringing outsiders the (oliegr Station nunistena to fill executive positions," Dyer allmm'e at the regular mwnChl) told the grtnip meeting last Monday Reverend ollege training is not neces Mgv-hroff have previously served sarv for executive lea lership." he as the A1lfcn*e a vice Ppraadent. -aid "A college degree is a badge James f Fowler, minister of the of ac< ompltshrm-n', not a ticket to AAM ("bkreh of t hriM. was etext- a fre*- ride in industry ’’ Poor ad vice picsiRcut and J liopRon grade*, he continued indteal* Gay a*a4riate sreretary of the "either lack of interest '»r lark 1 M( A wa* tv-e|i*eted secretary of of application. iw-Winni lack nf, the oigan.saLon alality to Irwrn ” The main item of diacusamn at Fommenting ,,n the necessity for the meeting was the simultaneous m.-n to enjoy their work. Dyer observance of llhurrh Week t© h*- -aid "Peotde m industry ajiend b*‘id aiwi after classes resume more of their wakeful hour* sn at the 'allege in September, the job with people on the job than all the other things th*-y do That is why rpen must b« happy in their work in order to lw happy in their lives ” He was acc