The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 11, 1950, Image 1

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v it! n
CHy Of
Collegf Station
Official Ncwnpaper
Nation's Top
Cofegtoto Daily
NAS 1M9 Survey
_Nu»btrl47: Volume 49
Saddle, Sirloin
Sponsors Stock
Show Saturday
The Littk Southwestern
LiventtKk Show, spon^ired by
U»* Saddle and Sirlokn Club,
*itl be preseated May 12 and
13 at & p m 4 tn the AH Fhi- 1
vUk»s, setordkg u. K I'un.
!»«%. ■iiteimtoiulrnt uf tie* ' . , , ^ ^ ^ „
•h«.w ( A Memorial «abw will be presented to the ( ommander
< suw. Kur«ea, ahrep. and ht>e» of the Kuea Volunteer ( ompany Saturday afternoon by the
Wl !! “ n<1 lK * *tuiknu, parent* of a furmer RV C'omntander who waa killed in action
judfa.l on lha- baaia of
Price: Five Cent*
Parents Award
) ,
In Son’s Name
H» C. C Mt NHdk
then prapaiatMMt. ah***)!,*, anj fit
tlim «f animala. Mt-dai* arlll
ke (iven to th* winner -fit Mrh
t ami m addition th* iiui, Vrd. i
40i, and 5Ui pla<r winn^ra will b»
■ wanl^i nl.b..n*
Th«* firwt ami *wi>f*d (Uacr wia
nefa of iaa<')i will rnm|irtr in th*
finala on Satanlajr nijrKt for th*
champion -<Howmati awanl A tro-
phy will Ih- tw lit*- winrmr'
of the U>t> nward
►’or horn*- hnmr> therr pill lw
• roining hwr*« i'i»nt« > »t with atu-
ilonta who arv takuif thr honw
urotfurtion conrar iiimpetina with
which th»> have trainad
A jaohpot rwpin* contrat t* aiau !
alatetf for tkr aunlenu
Therr will ha an auction of Kama
prepared by Ike atudent* takinf
the meaU rwwra*- with Walter
Mr It let of ( ollrf e Station a* th*
U^tnbera of the Junior iiveato<k
and meal* judfin* taam will k«
fivwn medal* in rei’oiriiition of
their work during the year I>r
J (’ Miller hew<i of the Animal
Huahantlrv lW>(>artment. will jrre-
aertt the na«ilaU
Student * rareivmg rnedaU fort
paiticipatioit on (he liVeatock
ft i•lllf team are Itougla* Wythe.
arner*, Mwxie Overatrert,
(ilen iKinkle (,lenn kothmann, Bert
Ulttia. B 1 Terrw ►aI Ijithem,.
John Hhemann Jlip Boh Steen,
\%m1 Humberto Reye* Membera
meat* team are Uourlaa
W y tpe Glenn Kotkmana, John
Khemwnri ami Kwmhert.’ He ye*
Saturday morning from H 12 a
m atwde' t* taking A M L’V^ and
A H. 107 will compete in a )ud|
mg ctmteat nt the AH I'aeiliop
Blur Hkicw . . .
Borger Sky
Chur After
Hazy Hays
Aim tin >i
Borper Te* 1 V*' Big citiea in
the K*»i aren’t the only ..nei. with
amoke prut,leno.
Thia Te*a» Pankamile cRy
where the land atretrhea flat a*
a table for mile* amt cteanaing
wind* blow had a amoke prob-
iein until recenU)
(The amoke .atne from aarhon
MaHl plant* in thi» area pianta .. i ^
Whkh make Borger the aSS^ , ‘ al ‘ W ‘ K '*‘ 0 • l,
Teacher Supply Limited Is
Baby Crap Make* Demands
W uihingtoa, May 11- An
other tmmper Imby crop will
tru<lre to M-hool thia fall, and once
hhuk orn ter of the world The;
a Lao cmared the city with a fiae
rarhon .luat, wafted oeer the Tlty
by atnmg Panhandle wmda
The amoke wan ended by aim
altaneoo* action of Phillip* Petrol
rum Company ami the J V Huber
t'orparatioti, ofieratuni of the
They are upiiallin* *moke dean
tnf equipment that will be high
^But neither companv nia<ie an eatr
mate uf the expenae
The Huber ami Phillip* plaid*
are the only furo*ce-type plant*
here The other plfcnt*. of a differ
rnt type, produce *moke in oaly
»«aail amounU
The Boiger New* Herald know
Thf the no-»moke move an*were*l I
howaewrtve* piayer*. bannered !ta'
■nwouiH'euient "Blue Ski** Haulin'f
At Me‘
Aina/ Hall Slatwl
Friday, June 2
Final Ball will be held in the
Grove at V p m Friday June t.
Grady Klm», aamatant direeloi of
atudem actmtie* announce*! to
The AggielaixJ OrcheiiUw will
play for thfi final event nf the
rurreat aocifl aea«on
tw ready for it
Keaplt* of the third annual atudv
of teafrher *upply and demand an
nodnevd l>*lay *howed that ai
though a record number of col
lege xtudent* will graduate come
June, Uw elementary arh.iol
tea.'be i pr.ddem atill won’t
The nurtiber id graduate* who ‘ for remeiiying the plight
will become elementary arhoui
teacher* Jk.ltlii
The number nee<ied: "A mini
mum cd "
The rrfmrt wa* prepared wy Ray
C. Maul, dean of the Eattana.
Kan , State Teacher* College. It
waa made put*he at a newe aanfer
erne prem.ied over by Ralph Mr-
lo All-Aroiinii Outfit
Dr.C.C. French Named
r '*h»-V
New Dean of College
j—Dr Chari, a Clement French, vice the prvmdenry in June. Doctor
r reaident of Virginia Polytechnic
natitute Amce February, ha*
’ been appointed Dean of the Coi
I **■*''
Uurtor French'* appointment U.
the top academic poat on the AA.M
faculty wa* mad.- by the college
ktutid of director* upon recommen
dal ion by the premdent, approved Peanaylvama
chancellor of Science in
Freiick will asaurne hia new dutiee)
Aug 1
Native of Philadelphia
A native of Philadelphia, the
new dean ia 4V. He received hia
Bachelor of 8ciear* m Chemical
Eiigineenrig at the l nivermty of
i hia Maater
Chemiatry and hia
hia alma mater until it90, when
he joined the facility uf fendoipV
Macon aa pmfeaaor of rWqdat.ry
a ad bead of the department. At
Randalph Macon, fi\«m 19S0 until
IMP, he advanced to dean of the
college, leaving m IMP to go to
Virginia Polytechnic InatiluG aa
vice prvaident
Chairmaa of Deane ('wwfereoce
lunng World War II
Mr and Mra O A Nance of Daliaa Brill deliver the saber
to Donald P McOure RV ('ominander The DreaanUtnyn wtM
be made in memory their won O. Aunt in Nance Jr, ’43
The Nance* wiH make the preaeniaAsm on behalf of 15
former rlaaamatea of their nm who are now scattered all
over the world J. B Stewart ’43. Austin Name a roommate
at ARM, will give the * alter to
Mr ami Mr* Nnw. They will
then d«!tv#r it to MH lurv
The *ab*r will lie handed down
each yeai t« the rontmamtaf «( the
honor cmipany
PreaeatalNMi a) Drill
The presentation cer. mony will j
be on the Mam Drill F eld at 4
m following an exhibition drill *
the company The men will
form n» front of the reviewing -
ata<i.l ami aaluU- Mr and Mrs '
Name and Stewart Stewart will
then prvaent the *at**i to the
Nance* on Iwhalf r.f the l iaaa ofi
lUriurv will receive the «alwr
for the <.4npany and will b. en-
bruated with rt uhtil hia *uccea
aor ia choaen for neat >c*r'» c.»m-
Kniiahle Retord
Auatm Nance >-t>mpiled an en
viable record at ASM He waa
in addition to taung RV Command
er, a ra.leS lieutendnt olwuel cm
mandmg the < oa*t Artillery Keg
meet Durtng hi* junior vear
waa vice preauient of he* . Ia*»
He wa» a memt4*r yf the Seh<>|
arabip Honor Soeieiy and as a *en
tar waa namwl a mony W ho * Wh<
|raiei HV i ommandat «-n
•ervice .m activi duty
immadiately fuilowdag hi* gradua
tion I* ii#.T He a a* attached to
the Mth Infantry Diviaaott which
went U> Karope fur the final march
on (iermapy
It wa* while iVcunnoiletAng a
aector on the Eltie Rivet front on
April 2h, tVib, that hr wa* kille.1
He wa* oae of PI Ineror*- 1 * of th*
* la a* of '1,1 who ioat their live*
during the war
11 Succeed,ng f>r M T Harrng Ibctot of Philoaophy in Hivaical
' Ugi, who will be elevated .from the | ( hemunry at the tame school He
j position of dean of the college to wan an instructor in chemiatry at
Feathered Champs
Se lee led Saturday
Jnuiainr llrrlland
Mil* Holland. 1S1S..1« Aggie
Sweet heart wa* aleo honored by
heigy selected a* a N aalt) Farr
w»*iier The 7” Hwu*ioa beau
ly |« a laniur ai TSt M. The Di-
)e#r old. brown eye.1 bruheite
wa* entered in th* .oaigetilloa
hi Kei k ' Hill' Hiltingaley, Na
»> veteran maiunna in imirnal-
i'ta oho live* in la-agetl.
.a i.l
Ha n ds a n d Bea alles
On Follies Agenda
A new net of champion* from
the feathered kingdom will he
crowned at ASM a* a apeetaJ fea
ture of Open Houae l>ay, John
Evans, chairman of the second an-
I chick, poiflt, and egg *h«>w,
Judge* for the’*how will lie W
J M.e-re and ( evil William*. wh»»
will judge all chick entrte*, E I)
Parnell who will judge all egg* on
exhllnt, and (ieorge Draper, who
wnll judge the poults for the show
The event i* an annual affair
which i* *p«ih*.>red by the Poultry
Science Glu!> and it the largest
*bow of it* kind in the Southwest,
Dr John H (Juisenberry, head of
the Poultry Ih-pai tment, *aid
Katrie* Arriving
Entries for the *how have ai- hegun to arrive, Stanley
Pltnn, president of the Poultry
< luh said today The show will b«
run on a classification hasi* in
which each entry will win a blue.
no ribbon at all
Ihgtald egeciitive leer, tary of the
N'ata.nal I '.Munii*«h>n on Teacher
Edurat tun and Prdfe**i,ina Stan
da nig.
Mclh.nald «aid tjie sch.sti popn
laU.m will g.i up t«y almost a mil-
lioii atu.teata neat Rear
♦The rt* nt*v*r hda been a tim.
in our haHory " Mcltanatd said,
“whan |>enple havl- t.ilke.i more
about g.nsi sch.x>i* gild done less to
be j get them "
There were thebe suggestion*
Aggieland ia "np.Rtti
th- IS.*d \ggo F
th» form of iK r Schmultf S-
und Frieda Th. aev.-n 8. htaultt-
and fheir sister h'i tesla ha • • h-cent
ly .ame to thi* countty f 14111 h.-
hitMl a slightly mated (Niffton of
the Iron Gurtam
1'h. >’(. biuig'ng
c.iui#< , th* latest Im
H. rlu, Hit 1 1 1 rad*
'h* a d and popula
th. teutonic p.ojd.
< >fto S« hmuj;c, eld.-st biothei
und hand 1. ader. pionu*. * to try
to furnn-h s. ng* fmn th. -Id ' <Hin
try that wxl nimply wdh tip gen
ernl them* of this y.-ai’* lollies,
"Th»%.-'it Notking l.ik> ,1 Dam-
Scene for the variwaa *benan
igaa* in. luded under that title
will b. f.tiion Hall where, far to
morrow ami Saturday night, FoD
lies Director t arl ''Bucko" W >
ler will direct the hilarity ( ur
with 'hc-t of
1 song* on th»
plus many of
*.Cig* of
h,* L
1. Higher standdrd* for grad,
•.huol teachers High *<h*M>l tea. h
er* hav# the best irf |t *0 Pedging
teachers atm that jllre. t,un
2. Better taarhetkt college*
3. Better Working; condition*
4 Better pay Kve^igaally Mellon
aid aaal, a guod 'epflher sh.«ild la-
able to exepect 4*i tMt « year
Senior Mf'4 k lin«!
IMamirfl Innight
Ihe Seni.K (lass wpll meet
tonight «i 7 In in ibe YM( A
( hapel. H«.bhv Ilyirigton. ilass
pre%idem said this morning
Bytagtnii a-ked all m.-mhers
of the class to attend as the
clas* gift w*(| be decided upon
tonight The King I lance rom-
mitteew oill als.i make ptogress
report*, Hvingtnn said
General Moore A wan I Tops
In Annual Military Honors
lull lime both aigbl* i» ,7
tlw. m the llyieltghi foil the per
fm if*in.. s Will h«- the (J“ Tnatp,
ITaioi* They will preaept an or- j
igumljpluy entitle.1 'Hat ( ave,” !
baaMin th. w-civt d>>ingl of Kona
ILity/ hs> p* isonnel 'Mini that
hu glii.g * II U p. tti, in th^
dial a
Apiong th. more fain i|ar face*
on |h|» stage will be thoge uf the
Smgdig 1 '.deta and the Aggieland
Om hi st 1 a, both » itfi u g'-ifiry ahale
"f then unginal ai rungepients of j
fangliai and populai tungs.
(onipeting in the in a si. de- i
pagtmerit will he I acle |d Har-
ring ton and hi* ( non ( hawer*.
Pigalar folk Ming* and hilllbrlly
hogi^M-r* are pMSluts.Hl by I hi*
N|i|! nwre cont|a tition will c.»rne
Bud Barlow hi* c.nini* and
Htat * They
t g|;.
n , a *
<"»• ■
V d
th. Fri
map.1 lack Norman 1* emceeing
th. J Follow
firket* are now on wale by
fiiRt sergeant* in the corps, in
ihf 81 udent Activities Office in
Ggindwin Hall, al Madcley'a
Phairmary. al Black'* I'haraiary.
al l.ip«comhs Pharmacy, at
M]S,D » m Brvan and in the Aa-
aeR .Student ( enter
I*W.- r.-nt colored tJ kr-t* w ill he
sold for .-ach performance in order
tha( ticket sale* for either night
will got exceed th. setti ng lUpac-
it) if f.uton Hal! Tn-lieta for the
tw.» rtighta will not be layrrhange-
(^11 students and l.«-al Htitena
Stellar System
Pictorial Talk
Slated May 16
red white .
With such a sy*temegvK.d guality
I ia given its right reward regard-.
I les* of competition, Ftinn pointed
! out The entrie* are Iwing judged upon their acnval
The chicks and poults are be
ing scored -a* to their value in
j pr.MluCmg meat and egg* at a fu
ture date Vitality and health are
| other imjiurtant factor* that are
| being considered. Fvan* said Tur
key egg* will b« judged for their
i value a* hatching egg*, while
j chicken* egga will lie measured
for market guahtiea
Sjienal trwphy cup* will Is-
* w a rde.I to Ule ow ner* of the
: champion chicks, egg*, and poults
| All exhibit* in the show will lie
| sold at an auction which ia to he
gin at 10 a m on Saturday morn
ing. Evan* emphasizhd
last Year's Exhibit
Iasi year the show h».l on ex
hihit name than 'l.lUHi f.ahv chteks]
! Kat poult* and over It) doaen *gg«
The entries for this year are ex
j parted to be even
, to
Poultry Scienaa < JuB member*
have tire pa red 200 .flspfav l.rwod
; era in which to show the chirk-
and poulta
All entries In the »how wDl be
from Texas chicken and turkey
Doctor French ha* •erred aa
chairman of the ConferenM of Ac
ademic Dean# of the BOUlham
State*. Rreaident of the Mpwiu-
tion of VirRiaia ( ollegew rhaaman
of the American l oiaerence pf
Academic Deana, memkor of the
J executive committee of the South
.-rn Aaaociation of < ullage* fwc
Women, chairman rtf the •tandiltf
icammittee on m pro cement of tlk-
struction of the Southern Unlxtafs
sity Conference, member of the ad-
viuory com n it toe on seh«mU and
'••liege* to the Virginia State
Hoard of KRwration pnd a* a mem
ber of the boani* of traateea -ad
Virginia Eppujopul S< hool and Mf
th. Epiacopal Seminary at Alev-
andn\ Va.
In miditi.m h. ia (’oimeillor far
\ PI on the 4>ak Ridge Institute
for Nuclear Studies ana ha* served
aa a apecial consultant to the Air
Force and as a member of the Vis-
! itmg Asa... iation of the Committee
im Professional Training of Ihr
Amenraa Chemical SofMg.
He ia a fellow of tAe American
A**<*«iation for the Advancement
of Science und a member of Am#r
iean Chemical Society, Vitwirnn
Atademy of Science, QuiM Of
Scholar* in the Kpia<opal church,
Smiety of Sigma Xi, Alpha Chi
Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Tau Kappa
Alpha and Omirron Della Kappa
Married, he ha*
and mm, 17
<}aihgi , U> r > 20,
Secret Service
m» year are ex r-i a fy a
wnr..,—«, Smashes (riant
Bogus Bill Ring
| _ _ # Waghinglon, May
breeder*, hatcherymen, and from 1 — Secretgry of tHe TPrti*ury
The mar who laid out the
McDonald' Obnervatory on
Mount I/>4ke near Fort Davig
will delivdr a [Sipular illus
trated lexiurc <« the stellar
system beta May 16
He will a|>eak m the Physics
Lecture Ko©n under sponswship
of the ARM Graduate < luh ami
the local hupter of the American
Association‘of Dniversity Pn»fe»
A native of Belgium. Ih- Van
B8e*ebroeck came
States in 1V1 fi h»
sor of practical astronomy at tta-
m> University of Chicago a Yerke*
< ibaervatory. William* Bay, Wis
(iii\i* no’ aserified
|..iiion ,,f music f.,r the
ICuoM.r* hav. it that all
» u*la> hv < ar, jilyh
n 1“ » *p« . ted.
d.'fiii.tely not I. ft out of || r liecame an American cltiten in
|>t 'iv S"in>- of thg I'M .I fe igj»2
Since his retirement from Yerke*
in D*lf>, he ha* devote.! himseif
to travel, study and scientific ex
He ha* been in charge of the
»o!at eclipar expeditions of the
National Geographic Society for
several year* Recently he re
turned from a »ev*n-month stay
in the Belgian Congo, where he
went to choose the site and ley out
plan* for an astronomical ohaer
vatory and scientific laboratory
for the Belgian government
On hi* irturn from the Belgian
Congo th»» spring, he wa* to
choose a Site in Northern Afnc*
for observing the solar eclips. thi*
He is credite.1 with developing a
microacopM atLachment for u*r in
maasunng the distance between
the comp.ments of a double star
commercial egg producers. E D
Parnell, profe*»or of poultry hu*
bandry, «aid
The entries will represent some
of the lieat breeding stock in the
nation Several Record of Perform
ance breeder* have already made
entile* and more are expected
Parnell concluded
lest year the champion and re
serve champion exhibit* brought
over f.'lta at the auction which
followed the show
The proceed* from the *how thia :
year Will be used to help finance
the Junior and Senior Poultry
to the Cnited Judging learns, respectively m |
visiting profes- , their tnua to M.-uiphi*. Tennessee |
and to Chicago, Illinois, where they
will judge in the national p«ul j
try judging contest*.
Snydw aruuiumed last night
that the secret aertrke hma 1
amaohei a milli'>n-dolmr ayn-
dicate which passed counterfeit
money in 2H of the aggie* and
in ( anada
Th* of two rneyi in Buffalo.
N Y , appeared to wind up the
ease, Snyder said
Secret Sajvice t hiwf l! R
Baughman said th# group had
limited Shod,(MR) in Canpdlaft lull
counterfeits add almut |60ti,llW in
L'. S money iVunUrfoita ia tlw
courae of its oparcthm*.
Baughman saul the ayndicata
• a* bt-oken up by the sorret *er-
vice after four month# of intensive
tiau^hnian told a reporter,
however, that aUiut fA&,(Mjin the
counterfeit U. S aiolN>—fake tin
and 120 federal reserve note* was
nasaed on victim* ir 2* ftate*. 1^-
fore the nng was bruksM up
Another IJUh.OOd wa* aetxed b»-
fore it was put into drextlation.
be added, and further counterfeit
note* may now t* m hand* of
"paMers." although memberg of
from Junction, ha* lieeti selected > the syndicate claim they were de
for the Wall Street Jouraal Stu-! atroyed
.lent Achievement Award tn Ag- More than 10 men havr been
ricultural Economic*, acfiordmg to arrested a* having principal ratal
J Wheeler Barger professor of in the counterfeit syndicate, Baugh-
Achievement Prize
Charley V W uotaa, armor ag
ricultural administration major
aroi lH-.pie*ted to attend the Fol-
W*l pn Friday evening, ( haHie
M ■, rhairbian of the All Coi-
hfe Ihiy Committee, ha* an-
50 Aggie Polfirs
riekt'lN Available
TVkela far Ike I9M Agftf
Folltaw gw aa sale today ac>
cwfdhig to Red Duke, rbalrmaa
mf Uw ticket committee
TWketa wM k* awM at Hta
deal AcuoUaen Madeky’a Pkar
aaacy W. H. D (Wkteea Im
Bryan Lipacwmk PWmMf,
stodewt iiiwange at Um Xamoi.
and Black • Pkarmary
Blaadoou and local r said rata
are argod to attend the Friday
Epacfamaace la order to
room far paroata
•ala at tke Batar-
day aigkt preaowtattaa. Data
■igfH m
- --d-d
At the Parent's Day Review four
year* ago the Goa* ♦ .mf. F Moore
Award was given for the firat time
In the yawn that foliowod, it hu
become one of the moot sought
after pnuw at AdM.
General Moore wa* chooya name
sake for the award for tbhee maia
rvaaon* he waa an Aggir ex ha
was a forme- ommaadant and hr
waa one <d the keror* of the Battle
of C< rnRldur.
Bui baaartag tke late Ueamral
Moore wa* aot tke oatlv reaooa
far at art in a tta award. Tke
prtae ia actaally meant ta bawor
tta aait havtag tta kigtaot de
gree af artalarakip, military pea
ftciewey, twtramarai akiN. and
Daan ot Hen W
Id partially
selecting tta amird wmaar,
that them- four factor* are wtat
make up a perfect atadrnt organ
Fxplaiaing t k a great vahm
plarvd on achidandiip. Penherthy
explain* that arh .limtir attainment
w always . .n*id» red the primary
rewaoi fe romiiag to college
“•kl." he adds *a jpuid, well
rounded student comhine* both
•tudie* and .tatsid. artivitieo "
Grading ratios for the vartaw*
factor* a#* aa follow* military
!!i per eeot; iotra
15 per rent; extra-cur
rwular activities. 16 per real,
aad arholaraMf* Id per cool.
res! of the points are simple to
flame. THe militfev profar.ewey
average is hasu-d enlirH) om the
result a of th. military depart-
ment s grading system (or unit*.
Intramiiril total* are H>mp'|ed
from a • w ip loos av.-mgr. of the
varinua unit* and txtra rufrlcular
total* are th. *un<* of individual
indet articity factora in .«cli unit.
M.wt colorful prire uf the awaitl
t* Du- Mooie Awatxi flng ram.-d i
hv trie winning unit throurh.vut I
The unit raaarvtng the greateot ***** Y~r. Th. winner •
number of point* from the UKal of 1 tSm P
all four categorie* ia given the
General Moore A want .-w.-h year
Academic atandng ptunt* are the
hardeot te total, according to Ben
nie Zinn, aaawtant ta tke dean of
men A part of this figure ia
bound on tta average «d grade
pm at ration at the end of the first
»me star MM number uf men
at the rial of
r report ia
•ays, tta
scribed on this i* the name of the
winning unit, the year and the
name of the outfit romatander.
Senior* ia tta winning outfit
receive goM key* superimpnoed
with the inilial* CM (Mher
members of the outfit bane tta
privilege of wearMi the disliuc
lira General Mower shoulder
patch la Bra of Ihe regular Ag
gie Patch.
Men leaving or enU-nrgr the win
ning unit are granted the right ta
wear tta patch.
•her* af tta Hpaai* Huh display some of tta
iway ta visitor* during Open House Day
Bn elaborate Open Hooae Program, tk
ting a full-scale program ia Gwioa Bail
:: t\
pet tea they
mfmmm. I
the ctuk ia
they *11 ta
agrn-uHural economic*.
The award, rorunating of a all
ver medal and a >d-ar’* subscrip
tion to the Wall Street Journal,
i* made to a senior in agricultural
economics who ha* done outatand-
mg work in the roume of Agnml-
tural Price*, Haiger said The
medat will lie presented at the
Award* and Merit# Convocation on
May 14
Wootan is a major j n the Air
ROTt , a member of ihe Agrtcul
tural Honor Society: Marketing ai.d
Finance (Tub. San Acigelo (Tub, and
Agnculturai Council.
Rin^ Dance Salcti
Exceed 7(MI Mark
Senior Ring Dance ticket sales
kave pa*awl the 700 mark. Phil;
Paikei ticket rommittoe member
•aid today A similar number of j
banquet ticket* have barn aotd
Tta ducat* went off sale yes tec
day, but will be pvailnbW again
Monday through Friday of next
week mi the second floor of Good
win Hall
More than l.Z^O cowplaa are i
**pected to attend thia year’* ‘
Ring Daiyoa Euigaet attosdance 1
la axpartod Uf roach IJMNt.
Tta dance, said -Parker starts
al I p. m. rnthar than at tta]
Bme printad on tta ticket. A print
ing error conned the mistake Tta|
knnfwt wfll ta hold at • p.
Mtodato for ‘
ring will ta
xeid. and another 14 persona
have been polked up Ih vanoua
cities on ckargFa of acting as pass
He dr*crilw4 the rase ak prob
ably the moot amparunt craiV‘**'wn
against etsii turfeiting in yekrs
The ayndicata'# counterfeit pa»«
mg -.1 era dim* extended arroa* the
country from ♦t onneCtwai to <W-
ifornia, and Maine lo Texan,"
Baughman amd
Ai a
or point through tta
published in Tta Bai-j