f ' r ! ■ , / . V Intraiuural . . . Cadet Soft fmllers •y Ita MANIT1AM TraighA i* W«co th« Titxau A* PI "»ttb«U Ira* will Ukr bu U»e igairwi tAr Baylar Brum ,n ftrmt mrrtutf bt*t w«*ri U* tram* Bill Turniiow «r IM vi» Barrrtt will NU Arr fyi Uw (witrto l me* t. K K*irn of tb* AAM MUailam will (inihably nUrt Ihk rwvular run* which will h*v# Jim GMhwtn hvhimi the ptatr, Jack 8h««art on firat. Jack Miller am 1 ■•comt. Walker in the "Wtatoji s|o(, a nd Kd < «wh on the hoi jbomor * hi If i*l. I utarter* will inrluiie •> WdU*l in the left paoture. rty flkiUer m i ight field, ami! J°hi' Hcu^Wk |>ia>ihk in hetw«-eii Tho Am hm have idayed »i* i ffarne* tin* *ea>.m luaii.a thn-* of the cWleHtA hy .«ily one run tiilrry. The wmnrn of then* two aame* will moot Frida* fcr th* military w>fth«h rham|4iM*hit> B Field w already in jhe final# af the vollevhall pUyoffV hamnt daftmted A 1 ranaporlatiwi, Ih-lS he""the" ^rdia ^ match. , The artillery * ApooiUon in thi- final round will t* fura- mhed from the wmnOr of today* B Quartennaatei ami K Air Forr* nenn-final tilt. fn the non-military -ifthal! di- Hon ton Mime Ban Writers After Games Mow Yorh. May h tAh—Ayyar* ently fifui mg that tho way *o jmpo- iaaft« a firm, laatmtr frierd*hip in to hick a guy in the teeth when ho'* tiyiag to do $ou * favor, tho Bo*toii Rod Bo* •have haired re porter* from their ilrekmng room for hi mi ini too after gil— We undoratand that it m thn 1 ptayei* themnelve* who are re- Kpomuhte for thi* *udd. n hiu*h of niodoKty. and knowina ami liking then ami finding mo»t of them frwndly. affahh' gom.- it i» dif ficult to aMonale *ueh nd* With them. VaturaHy the athletoo taking viaion, T< A'V play* Itornt I# today 1 not full (rngo ad- Ui a<viiy unr run -7 • Xb I *1 ' A , N4*n,».i4ni of Autot fi him Mmmlmt ^ lining of the M | WrtttM MMf m* pliyttf by mmk- the home team twice. 6 1 and l-l. while Teau* l ruui.ity and the Aggie* have split withLone w«i each aiul m tie, and lam Thurs day Mad monville f.igogTtie Farm- era, d-2. Team, slipp.^1 pnat the MaiW'll* in ted inriiog* at tuatm, 1-0. but on the home ground* the Aggie* bounced lw.;<, and the serorui game finished 2 .1 after five limiag- of play| Military 'rafthail lotraoiund softball ha* na.b ed th< aetoi-final stag** and to day the Whit* Haixt aw*, t* B < .U4»t the vanou* golf flight* The tn- mg it more difficult for report- dividual flight winner* will raeeiv*' er» to get the new* «eem« an medal*, and the end *f the vdriou* odd way of showing appreeiation (lights mark the end .*f the tour-1 If som. slugg. r hit five home ney which is only modal play \ run* r* ope game or a pitrh.f Av a repeal and with apotogie*. V hurled a no-hit. no-rui> game the Burton Joae* is the winner of the hjNftrr of the pitcher would he thejj fftipt t*> *« 1 ■m * - nn ?.| 4.1). HBmpliNk Mainpton. deleading sHt mil. and tw* igile champion, will he out to b in hoik event* y left fielder John DaWitt whn'h broke the Ue La-fty Fre«i (d pa land, who won eight game* and lo«t >nly three lant vear. allowe.! the winner* only •ix hit*, while Tat Huto it, who ha* won four game* in four *Uits this Mason. g*ve up eight hits. Hubert Or HlanUm l^mghom* u> Wr* nit hurler first flight, nnd <«em* <.it»*ot is the medal winner of Ute second flight, itob Biakeney *h.* t* against John t.uc tor the flight four nieiia!. anrt Ja. k MilU-r meet* lh*n Jdaeph with the winner meeting the vietor mnte.iwiefS f the kl T Kuhmoiij l» K. N'app matih *or the flight firve .•hwmpio.i -hip VV.nnot* of intramiiral cham- loopship* thi* year wn<> have not «iuawk if hi* feat wa- not rm-Apde.! at length in the dailv jiresih, for free The Jtod S<>x have U-en going very wrl- • oSegj Stntioci, Tiv.t* We-leyan < M. aula v up-ad Tev Aiidh’iy whilr B < ompoaite ’wk.-* ( j,,,,! jJjeir spn tuie* taken for the to d)< field against B FhI.I Vi MAY \ % VO Wt MAVt &I4TV no//. IMA’ MA« t Hf I The Fxehauge Mon- "fiervinif Tex«* Aggie* 1** But I Needn't Vheyreanrad JC0 25 •» tew a» V A * >1 *1 rt - \ • . Tf RMf If DSS4RM K.L McCARTY Jewdkg .VORTH GATE ■ ' ■ ’ ' — ^nnal -b.mld contact the intra mural office, iMh Trurtor of the named "fftye announced >'-*ter4ay. rue perhiar al»uit tfto! demaod There mightV<>m. a day, how ever, when th.V wnnT have to hang a "meaalo*'* \g|i on the dour Hu| Col,- ..f W. -I. y* to Imo-p out viMt.yy* Come m .i., Ti/c time* for the club t>-N nobody wTlI „f the Aggn defeated want to go near tV dte**ir>gf VI, *1. van a... t in k raid h. *. skiimi over room for day*, let aldpe a haT ppnib. i hour after game* Thei the athletes. thiV pul licity cut to the uuick will bk pull ing that old ‘Tome up and rah rue soinetirue" routine, and the ^e tairter* might be excused if tht^* Ktlould KtMi kei p' llttT) ii hud t tie me Dnit.y lumg I jig and 2. in n< singles mat. tl. • Austin, Tex Mav 10 t >> With South *e«l Coiifereru e (.otf 11 am c tor npionship alruadv wrap ped up. I ivec-ity i f Ti xaa golf et* will . lose their T ia. meer ■'•>m|w*tlti<>ri h.ue t ilay aga.ri*! iin11| i univeniity < Si' * Halves T \vi*fli! toil) p-tay » to ih. I wiigkom nestrso*. u-ing W.-j. 1 1 of Sai Antonio, till husl'-ssu 1 . of Austin olid Hoti ' .d-sf'i *' Tie: rig >1.. ■. abing with Billy !*♦' ii, the icguiar No, | play ■ Mav 10 l-yo ^tate f'lr Waco. i n ■.nifted |*.rt. m \ Anderson to Try for Wins In Trents Won By Brothvt w 'JT y/ ^/m/ ^ klltd 4»rk S«.i{>ram Mmpaon. who is the leading pole '••tier m the confer ewe *■ having piaiped IJ' S” iw pr. vtou* aveel*. will also he trying for place* m the broadiomp and faveitae tor the 4 adet ikinlv dad* Hmi*toi . Mas in ren Ander*oa of Sai Blackeru idge li gti ho* tiun to uphold when he < lor Friday * B ( •> < whooiho) track mei t Warrvn a ad h * eid. Gary, have h* t.* o rpj>li atnm "f -print events > vin.-e I*e raafeiem, sa- thre. srara* tgn In ISt-i* t*a< > wmi tHe £H> )*td vent* I nst vtar ti*di uv-r and r» pen ted race* Manet will try again Kratov, hut hi faces *tern runifo-tit lofi He will to- fnsor.*I ii- tin' Tsi; having turned m a fim,. of :» * T' W at Antonio * * tia.ii- orrii * here ot ft-mi ce ■ hrothoi, Ii dolrlli the iiuwt or v irii^d ■ id- to . r i Anptom oualtfoSj h .. tit I \t liouiftotl < ago In th t. how-vsi Au.-t th. .d k A M»rrr > n both SAVE 10 10 20% (hi Your Automobile anti Fire laNurauce htorh or MuluaJ Follt koa 3-?\ ALEXANDER. BEAL AGENCY 2it3 South Main Ptnme 2-SMT / P >\*+ SUMMER SP0RTSHIRT R t (mI and aoty to c«al oA m thi* httnehosto, *ummar u^rMtort by Manhadoa Tb* opas waora lofer* braokt th* neat ., Mortal m •ran m* tomtov bracrc war ba worn wdb ar rartbowt • ha. Wartratoic rot tor f rt wh*4a and •tony fwrtly mM color* Sat ora comptota raiackaa «f Madtoffon *u»tn*r *pod*h«rti todo> ot M gh. nuiliflnf yd ItM' flat t ater*<>"’« t.Arahr-t .«. n.M-ta pro'iShly* wtH r«toi' i ill •piall" . d a* 25,A -e-on t* i o S' 1 IihiI that to* net ally a't*t« .fwait o|f. *. <',.,,,1 (t'tl *** - Joe t IhI V-1 wlllpjwd off _ tm Ito' ark 51 I || tK* 22' in |< i**» A A V lev *ian lie j J h, nui ( octl\tluted a vpMiklti k !• 7 aivf _fi i hi A I***, V. ar'- Jtni llawkin* of B.v Jlprr.g won thejt la-- M with .r :• aik^ 7M to • . . . Iggie S/Htrt* (tn Sclinhilc . . . MAY i 11 THI K.XDAV -Ba*e- ball. Agio-* Baylor, here. Fish teania, Kg- v* Baylor here MAY 12. FKIDAV 1 ra. h. \|4. t n Austin, baseball, \g- B»\|or, here trestnnan base ball. Agy vs B.iviot in Waco MAY 11 SAIT KDA Y T-a.k SM ' mil t in A 'i*t in Ddtt:aU k H ^4‘l#‘ri4* a v lee-nre-iilnnt and •ii ♦•• rai*-. t. tin lia-ai i napti r's ne #ee‘ lfi»e distlirt office I. eh (Pit)ltel |* (* ill Med a i i r- n riuit'k '■ • the i am) w tiiei fj.,» I*, i«latn»aal and training facil- i" fur Lleiut Itsi gn !* \l Oglrlrec HdI«'4 , ii is one at loach Marty h vfop ’- lop pinch hitler* and caoft lx heal tw hutil the home plai | He ha- three koitv r* to hi- rfedd far the «ea*an. one of »h|«A drove in four rua*. AMAZING THING/4 *c* TMtg ICC foonrcH vie Hfi*S KUt* dMMIMW ***/*» rnmeeateem mu* Tses- i #es w* \ \ *ma; *>i 22-1. Tne pitcher* used in the WBfottd and thind gam. between the Bear* and the Steer* 1 are to numerous to mention I sdet Itofenmve l ineup l oach Marty ICamw will lie u» i mg hi* defenaive lineup in the ( a- j det infield Expafiaacad Jim l al J vert will be behind the homeplate ! while Herahal Malt*, who ha* an i And tomorrow either Hubert or •"’"rlera rwconf of colleg I mte baseball, will probably hold! down first base Joe Savanno of Jody Farett*' ! will start on the second sack, with aJTconfeteac* «hortstnp Guy Wal lace piaymg hi* regular fMmition an»l Hank (iandalan, w*ii handle j th« hot corner In the laratun a the regular ( a det din. up ol John D« Witt, Wally Moan aad Shug McTt*e**os wiU handle their regular artHMM. >. *■ A* for tha visitors, tha failow- tog ataiuii( linratp may |a eg. peeled Buddy' Parker -ecor.l ba*o; Hubert Powell, night fmid. Ad- W ia lurk, first ha*c\ Larry Uto U HotrtgflaM: Hog.. TraHWrt, oalrh- er; Rraiy Reye*. third «*e: R.\Ay Stotta, ahaitatop, N.-rman Linkei or Copeland, Wft fukd; and the pitcher. r Batlaliom SP( >RT« W>:it„ MAY t«. I*M Tage t NOTICE 'y Th«' OubtUnding ami OuUelling CosoMik MERLE NORMAN - 48 S<4d At — BETSY BOSS DRESS SHOP Baal (Ute G.ll**. Station Phone 4-1252 todiuni v.||l not to* no f.ir hi* vi.oii -'ate punhcity d. c* >.-u o toy I t •.!, thi state with the T.-v I h. *raot* played Me nip 1 ‘ in Id-ito i bf the llrst toad i.a'.-olpv* A bo play m » si. hom.* S is f e mi '*ept - . pi | SAVl! Hrx an Mfiiftr (ai. Bryan, Tt*xag ^— f X. • fc *'V lit '*'■ 1 •• • ' V 4 4 • f f f Sf h, T .' ..* x \g > • • v ( 1 , J*-'j • ) (J4 I » C - •? * f W " ■4 '• M ■ ll i ^ \ ja £'** •aowm a v(M,smolwiJwlwu(..6 Camels for MILDNESS! •o* • -jCtotwftv 9* | Fr*. Carnali ora SO MltO that m a c»a*> *• oral **W af ha "drag* af mas aad aamaa | msirujbm . r.