J Ran Ro*h<*11—-An AccountantAccountant Assistant City Secretary 0 Students Hold Weekend Camp ' * _ ^ ^ I Twdve member* and Takes Taxes, Odd Requests Bu “" Chureb, Bryan, went on Fifth Children's Clinic Receives 220 Patients ly GEOICE nAlt TON man wH«m> unKaepy It i* to eattort (utUffr SUtiun tow -OiM * Kan loawell Hotoing 4o«n ih# affirtal pom- wee W Moiatont citT »r doubi* capacity aa tai aaaaaaor and coltortor and aa fteanc* officar ‘ Moving to Col- l»f» Station from Bryan ovor four >oa»* ago. Ran wa« appointod to to* peaaaat job by tW city roun- •• wakaa oat badgot •umaiar iaa. baadtoa rovoaaoa. aigaa ctty ■Mha, boopa aa tovoatorv of HBliaa. »ed faaoralli taper daw aft Wok oork tavolvod ia kooptog a ctty kail office raM- - *M Inelodo^ also in bit datiet ia tko ebook mg of property witk ro- forenet to taa aatoating In bia j Lot and Block Regieter Ran keopt i piettire of every bouae in the (^1- ; logo Station eoaimbnity What'a toore, be take* all picture* him-! Being m the City of College Sta tier office* ail day, it is only l natural that la* is preM once ia a Iffcile* when oeekend retreat to Camp tiieaecke Neo BraunfeU Satoniay and Sun making the trip enjoyed the oeekend oakb included a mid night oorehip service Saturday night, a Sunday morning worship service, di mu talon group*, end •wimaaaa in the Comal River The iutineet and Professional Clast, of which Mrs H R Raakin ia teacher, is campeami of single yoong adults of both Bryan and College Station, including ABM studenU its purpoe*- is to have a Christian fellowship for young adults Kan Rmytril WotLr ^rurxr, Dlu i\sl You Can Express Your Love . . . With Lovely (lifts From CALDWELL'S JEWELRY "Gift Wrapped Erw" 112 N. Mam phone in with strange requests The classic story al**ut cock crow ing complaints has been an a< tuality in the city office* many times in the past. Kan says 4ad then there are ihe other odds-sad end* rewoeot* Ear ia- stance one da* a frustraUd sB^aMaatol km final r^aAa4 ^^eUe* rvwr pewe^mvwmi set — ewm t nwi a w —was «as tick in bed sad that Ibe louagster a as aorrymg her "la death ” The ailing child was cam plaining ahnnt a cat stranded an tnp of • telephone pale which he could see while looking through (he wiadoa Quick to the rescue Ran had the city marahal! on the job Has tily assembling a rude structure composed of a long pole with a wooden plank on .me end. the Mllrv Hvoder*.wwBarh. Marshall M»meh..» entice.! the cat Mlin ^,| Eileen Bakvi^t amilio off his perch onto the hoard and then down to the ground Graduating from Hrame High School Kan nvnt to_work for the (iulf Oil Corporation a* auditor for three year* Hi* job involve.! chucking service section* in whole sale warehouse* Afterward he tame to Bryan to join with his father in establish mg the second 7-l’p bottling plant n* • a*. e-* in Teas* The other plat t had been I ng Tuesday at 7:JU p m Mahot ^ ^.11 • urTound,n * c * unt ‘^ Gnmaa will sprok in oonnarttoa | ***? 5^** *®* r ** r **^* r ** with the program and refroahmenU ,7 ® l “ t ^ _ will be served k “**“ AICHE. Tue.d.y, May t- TT 0 "* ^ »**• 7:30 p.nf. in Room 104 of the C* 1 "* * w< * wf * i ^ spacialmU Petroleum Building Nett year's rn * n mKo eaamiued Use officer* will be elected B L SI NESS SOCIETY. 7J0i p m . luenday, YMCA Chapel, Bus mess meeting imst were interested ia that par ticular field ia tkooe dav*. There ossa t mark mouev ia it. According to Ran, he* dealing with a pretty good lot of people tempo rabie to other towns in the United State* College Station haa a first rato group of people Along with a bunch of educator* always com** a bunch of g.iod cit- irena " The Crockett Bulld.ig* t«s»k the firat playoff gam* from 4AM C.maolidated veaterdav by a score of 10 Thia was the first game in the playoff for championship of Dis trict 211 A The plav-off c*Kild con- Cel v ably go the full th ree game* as the- team that wins must take 2 out of the l game* in the *ene» Yesterday, Crockett had g.«si pitching Rotund Jhme* also did an excellent job fop ConsolidatedT He fanned 14 batter* and the lone run that Crockett scored was un earned < rockett scored in the second inning when Jone* walki-d a Bull dog batter The Bulldog player promptly stole second and scored on an error The asroud game u# the sene* will be played in Crockett on Wed neaday at 4 p m Soi^nefr lisigk they p *i>og» and dl Members of the Wee Aggieland Kinil. rgarten Class are having a hue J wpek according to Mrs K R Lyle, t«a. her of the . lass (*i Monday they attend'd a pur ty m the W M Jvpark* home h.m oru|g Suite Stevenson ami Johnny injiwrn resent.-d a program a nee* before the lo cal Ik Uf'aliU Club Thuiyuiay tnght at 7 3(> in the Gr^v e | he a the time toaael Welch, and Battiyla Hayes will be crowned King ahd Queen of the festival They have been < - b<***‘n by a vote of the class mem bet's Friday they will atteud a birth day pagty honoring Bamela Hgye* The party ia being given by her mother, Mr* la-on Hayes and will be at the Scout Little Houae annual May Eeattva! for rMaa will b« held A t ^hi* Russet Welch, and Thursday sight Room, i-30 pm Election of of ficera. EMTOMOLOGY SKVIETY meet, mg Tuewtiay, May !♦, in roofn 10, Science Hall L r Curl of Bureau •f Entomology and Plant Quaran tine I'SDA. will speak KRKAM AND KoW KLUB 7:S(I p m Tuesday. May 9. Agri culture Building Special meeting PORT ARTHUR (’Ll B Thur* day, 7:15 p ik Room 303 Goodwin Hall Election pf officer* for lb&0 51 and plklM for Pan-H«lia>mc Prom the w a Cji- Mclennan COUNTY I'L will have a swim and picnic Wt ipieaday, May lb at the Clair Pit! Everyone is asked to meet at “Y" at 5 16 pm to obtain ndi Adnuaaion free VM '51 Wires, Bowling party, 7:110 p m WGQaesk a field tnp to Hearne 1 Friday 10 obseive beaver dgm* | and resi It* of beaver work in ! j Robertson County i A can ful check w a« made of sue | ami apectaa .d vegetation used by i the animal*, to !«e compile.! and analysed in later laboratory work The group was met in Hearne i by S H Seale, state game warden, i who acted as guide Bi County Medical Society, the local county health anils the State Health Department, Texas University Medical Hr howl, and the Women's Societiea of th* local churches The perpuee of th* diair was ta diagnowr physical defects and te reranaiend the type af treat ment needed < ecrective aargery needed by tksme whuar pa reals raimot afford it will he tahea rare of with fends rained k» total organization a. Eight specialist* srere present to treat the children Theee in rinded three orthope»tic men. Dr H E Hipp* of Martin, and Dr G W' Eggers and Dr Otto Bl.wk er of Galveston . Dr Ainsworth, also of Calves ManF Department PresentH Speaker R N Dyer, personnel manager for Humble Oil Company, will speak tonight at 7 3 At) Hale. ir a •■*'(1 i»f iftaar , «it» a At mtotmmm **•<« raw <■ U'iaaeried Seno* *"• psr cWu** Wnr* Sand all . laaatfwUa »UK remil tasra 10 th* stud**’ KnivHtm Otfl*# All ad* mould b* turiwd is by 10 W i aw ot lh* dav Iwlor* suMuatlM • FOR HALK e I 1*4? KIT CKATKAU traitor houa* wtfc r™w» asd hath Traitor or roow »a«t a*|Muat*lr S*« <* Was ton afM at MM*ar Bryan KKnUOKRATOB * ru fl . Inod rondlt ton A PPO ovfiyn Itolra Bryan O Kj rpm* m N Mus AIX rTANDAWn r**ord» 10 par rant off .'am* •»)(. u* *•< out of th* roror* kua nao* B*t!». Ho«naa 114 N Mam 1.1V I NO ROOM at ITt ato* lansa and boSraa* m (ond itodltton So* RnnaM R .'has* R H 1 Rryan rt*to ViSag* t «*d iron star* e«s* 4«i*to at Vlr »a*tt I anti rhMfc*n ?*alh*r pOow* at JOr *srh U**d aitrhsn ealMn*.* »«h nnka S fit tint* at Mh <» •ach SHthtty itama* ad kltclton rabmata with •ink* and flltWgi *< »2* .to »arh Th* ah". - tt»ma can b* a*ori at th* Ruud ng a roltof* rtllit.M A d M Ann*t Warohoua* Rryan Air B<»* &•’ »**r< » (*. a m and * (to p m »arh day Sal urdar M ToRBIKr Idsal for Cw t>nr»»r *4v*rti*tool>in( E 1. Kly C IO A Caltott Vww KXPOUfeMC'BP SnCRKTAnt ftor* ont poo.)ton Moll guoi (Icstlons t* iu r k ' a.10*# s.ot tow SASSAFIA5 TONIS SPRING TONIC FOB TOUR KITV0M Genwine Saddle leofhar bah la Sassafras Tom THE EXCHANGE STORE ‘Serving Texas Affka" NOLAN HUFF 49 PORD HAIJE8MAN CHRD CAR AND TRUCK HKaADQ CARTERS «* FORD Z door — Black. Ra dto, Heater, Turin J> I 1 Qff Kxhauet, Clean 1 1 ' 47 ( HIV 4-door, Ra- Q I |()r dio. Heater Uke new ▼ 1 44 FORD I doer — “ Whit* Hide Walla, Radio, Heater dean j. » , k 4 Bryan Motor Co. HI way • Ba. , 411 N. Mala MtSS I-I5d7 ™nUR Wffiif T07\* ftM'* rtVV *\ 1 L 1