The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 09, 1950, Image 3

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- f'
> Intramural fimca .
Four Sports Near
Completion, Today
TW opAa Badmintnn
• ill Im* K Fa-Id AniWry, who
I dHopped A flight from the chani
. ^ptioiahip me*. li-J and IH1 B
awat got uaderaay bat night in and k Air Fom
while i w ,u , n th* other aemi-
th* DtWart Field Houae
Ihtir <>th»r upon* m»ved ht|t> thhir
vtuarurfmal and temlfinal rnutidn
badminton will be played evary-
mght atarting at t:30 until comple
tion of the tournament which m
ex parted to be in the early part
of next week
final bracket with the winner ad
varM sng to to’torrow * final round
K gin defeated H Tranaporlation
yeaterday, 1&'V3 and IV7, while
K Flight dropped I> Air Force,
IS-IS ami l. r > I
MoOWg to the non-military aide
Softball, vflleyball, open ten- of the fen* e |h«* kto (irande Hub
n« and open golf moved doner won the league B voSieyhall cham
to the fmalx aa (day m all aport* j»i<-n*hip -nd the U^aumont <dub
waa reaetivated Quarterfinal' were r won the crowa >f league C. while
K'mpkUd m the softball and voi th* Buameaa t luh and the Span
ley ball while paiU of the open 'ah Huh fight it <*ut thia week
sport* were just rearhin* the for the league. A title
round af eight Three dear wtniyer* in the duh
B Ffedd Artillery defeated* B
Capers in Final
Sprinf Drffl)
Receive Letters 1 O 1 jcKlCl
IlMlWtlnll »p«ipi training
will N completed by tUel
of ntgi week. Coach Marty
Mmid veeterdev witii
It’a up to 0|g
whether or not the
< hantpion* the Texas
puli a repeat performance
ce Yeatai
lUrow aatd y^terdav with 4ay ia Fort Worth, the Btom
the announcement of the nine dged the tlCC Frog* for the
▼araity and the It freak mar let- W»N conaecutite time thi* •as
ter awards for the Aggie eager* ••P hy ******
Only two of the varstiy eager* !» the pgonau* encounter* ho-
-Bill Tumbow and Mike Cards ttman »*»• two taama. the iaWCm
wh<> lettered this season com waa earh game S 4. on Tlark
platad their aligiWHty. although a' fWH. F^p**> KpI hagmt
Urtterman from la«t season Jlpekte •*®**(l. *ha winning rwa in taa
Aggie* a* to i the Weekend Wit
BalmBBit BWC'iaa over Mg ti
a, |U-t
1-C and
8 M U
R s landing*
% i r or
it 4 in n
is « its in
12 9 wit
9 9 ICf lit
9 9 Itl IIP
k 9 92 122
noftbwil inrlud** the PI. I'lub of
Mir One... <! * , league A, Marketing and Finance
nL'Em ^ “f fcf* H, .od the Vet M.d
final round against B Campnnita, Huh teggia of Beau-
mont and AHyX K fight it out to.
morrow for the championship of
league ft
Playoff* haimi.,ft stall d in the
AMVKAI.5 l’ag» 41
final round against B ( ^aeu."
wh„ tboroughTy trr.unced A Oiem
Warfare. U-l Ratgar* pitched
for the winning artillerymen, and
Stewart was the winning pitcher
for B ( ompoeite The above win
Her* wHI meet today with the vie
tor advancing to the final* which
will be playwi tomorrow
CiUtsfiD FttOM
i%o tcsm csptwS rio* pcbsm
(.See I NTH
Other* wifinirlr vanuty letter*
were Walt Daviw Nederland; John
DeWitt, Waco; Eddif Routog, Big
Spring; Jewel' McDowell, Amanl
lo; Marvin Martin. Houston; Wal
lace Moon, Bay, Arkansas. Ken
neth Sutton, Baytown, and
Frasier, manager. Kingatrfla.
Freshman awards will ga to
Richard Bess, Beaumont Wallace
Hleyl and Dale Fooabee, Houston;
William Carpenter, l>eer Paih, end
rrry Chapman. Hewitt. Other
fiW*hman award winner* are. Mai
Doudass. Pampaf Jog Gul-
San lUrcos; Don Heft, Pal-
acidus; Leroy Miksch, Waalder,
. Jyrtic
Bit# far the Tl H< win Until
that aaithar taam had managad
to advance a runner to third kgaa.
Tha Cadata trail tha conference
leader* t> tr.r*e games which
mean* that Marty Karaw • nine
will have to »*cap the Baylor atr-
lea w hich begu. Thursday and spoil
the Longhorn's perfect record of
Clark Field for the last six yean
to win the crown
T € U
f oaference Htai
l R OR
1 103 29
2 7« &g
7 4* 4d
4 IT 94
7 14 IS
9 *7 M
lias v
Charley Jaehatc piuhcd H
< oaat Artillery to a 1‘i-ti win ever
’ G Air Farre and will meet the
Winner of the White Band vemis
A Cavalry game today in the oth
er armfrutal game This winner
• will form the other aeftioa or to
rn, wrww’l (Inal round. ‘
In the volleyball division A
Transportation won oxer ASA.
15*4 and IS-A, and then lopgon
enta today In the semifinal round
Wallace, Leming, DeBerry
Chosen 'Stars of the Week 9
Tl K5. MAY 9, ir* l'a«e 3
glass, rsi
/»r<T Mil
Mag Montegut, Texas City; Claude las
lAUgg*. Dallas, and Jimmy Velvin, dot
i when Maiia.c t<> tin plate
! The sure-fingered »h<>rtet.ip rap
Sprea.l th» g.Alert carpets, hr if *X p«| th. hor*.-hide d..*ut the left
>ut th*- bugle b<>y*’ ATter a week
of prolonged consideration the
Hdttalwn Sport* Staff emerge'
with it* (trtiaion of wh«. re«-eive*
reasonable rtcogniti ■# for out
standing stbiwtic service* natne-
Iv Star of she Ueeg for April
1 hi* tune |hre» take the a*mii
bakebalier (.u\ Wallace, low
nurwr Paul I-emu 4 und ia. ket
weihler K IVBerfy
Many * lay will pii- Ufore Ag
«l><nt» enthuw>*< torgdt the vpine-
tinglmg mulrtb game *! the gerie«
with TQC t*‘o Week. «go
W 4 Usee the Hero
And It Wa*
lair who in-l
of »oi r.>* Mo 1 7'
fan* in Wo kggie
The home team wa* ttailing S-b
wdh runner* on first anti sofond Wk
latipn iretea.!
s' - nreamiag
half of the
f^om mir Isrg* display n# Vol-
land Mother'i Day Cards you can
be sure to find the right •enU-’
want and d«tgn that 1* worthy
of lioUier Come in and see jut
a> rcUua today
Exchange Store
"Serving Tfxax Aggie*”
(iu\ Hxilatw
IDEAL f.lhT for M< H HER S DAY
las.urun •
Ijgrge glxxHem that art* the
brut f'>r nerving ice tea
in the hot bummer months
\*~/ * 1
ifui *
lieauttful ilesigrih th^t
mxkt' betting the Uble
an honor
amftj -
The Table I^in|» that atki»
comfort »nd reading plea*
sure to ‘ymi r living room,
• V4SES f. - ■
Packed (or Stopping — GtU Wrappad Frat
Central Texas Hardware Co.
J02 8. Bryu Am Bty m
field foul I in.
uvi * and glee hi* ttfim a story
ImmA fl'ii*h
The all cotifi*.
dxted fiv. hits •
the idate atm As
n. e nortunwe col
it of I] trip!- t«.
•*.I five run*.
acordin*; to reliatde “ourega.
Neither pt ewfnt coach W V
Dow *11 or former roach iKmtor J
i‘ 1 yMm O i \* hi. coached is 19'tA
an cai recall a similar outcome
DeBery indireetly gaipedk re
venge in the ma*ch In l!<16. wS*n
both were high-wchnol court con
temporaries. Oate* and the San
gathared their niath tofeat «f tto
season Ernest Met ullar hagied
a Xo-hit, no-run game in Huntsville
as the Sam Houston Bearcats,
downed the conference cellar
I-ohgvtew I d**ai!sra, X-<»
Rounding up last week’* game*,
PiTNbytcmn Picnk* | tk * k ^ f *i!* B lo 2J 0 i >l i l
vi „/ lk- ivy u^.L, blasted Baylor, 221, (the Bears
Member* of tbe A4M Pre*#- ^ SWr# ^ #b4 ron/er
Unwaurrh eU W*. . i-o»» J 2 , SM| .
, u i,*l r; siJrrs •-* •** th.. ......
of Mr and Mrs t t Miller ou ,^ .
South Highway 6 v/wx . tx * a
— ^ /jpiimo Winner In
Catlel Net S<|tia<l Splits | re ek (,»lf Meet
Final Conference Tilts
. . . Aggie S/Hjrls
On Schedule . . .
_ __ MAY 11. THURSDAY Bu£-
Rite was the other conference Agftox **■ Baylor here, KEh
team*. Ag* v^ Baylor, here \
MAY 12. KMU>AY — Track,
SW(1 Meet in Austin; haao(.a.l. Ag*
V» Baylor, here; fraghaaan baa*
ludl, lAg* »* Baylor i» Vaco- •
MEV U, 8AT\ KDAY-Tia^.
SWC] meet in AusUn.
to ptoy ymUabtf and they
red their
l.eaiing Shmrv
SfUih.mi'.n - 1‘muI I •m- ;
.ng up-.M the i« Ixiiket. wiiming
the 22'»->ar<! i-.w huidlis 11 the
l>riske kelay* Am l 2'.< in IK’*
btoi'.o-. I m *
l-cltlinv ws- 11. "I v victor of
the four A.UM , ntran the ns
tionai .1 -iit 1're .» . ; in' ill. B"d>
llsil w ;>- <i*. iiiie.i alter being
K (i. Ib Bern
Angelo pioduct
- 1 ate tout'itunen
DeBetrv »s'
. t lb d •
shaixeij to thi
in Austin,
tupped hy Ever
rpu* tliiisti :n
lit n eat I oat t<
> ea.
tig na-
rry wa-
.peti ki
,)'-.* < ft
I- final* I hit
nu k.'.l 2nth apt
* pin ye*. DiHr
I'xul litmiinu
AA M » tenm* team »p it A* two
con!, re.. mat. he* iast weekend,
dixppn.g •» 2-4 decision to the SM”
Mustang* in Perkin# gym Friday
bight, 11 bounding in ft \A.iih to
down the TCU rn g* 4 2, whuh
left the Aggie* holding fourth
plai-e in . .oiler, iw sUnding*
The two eont« ata w.rv the t.a
det* final mat. he* for the season
w hi. h , lidfd .u» me of th* bs'St
tha' 'he Loin, t.-am ha# had in
man) a >e«i AAM a m-tter* fin
|sh*yi with a record of f've wma,
five ions* *, and two ties
H")<* Tat. and flick Hardin won
the Aggie* tv o point* in the con-
f« rente 1 vent with SMI when each
won hi* 'ingle* natch Tate drop
;ad* Ikon Burk, tt, h i, 11 LI, and
fi I. while Hardin gained hia wipi
. ve: Bill kud) K 4 aid A 3.
DeBerry Shy ,»n Mmid
li Defter ry ih «**» shy to the
H. * I tn. Mustang gym which!
us. lie aaw. t to th< ' .tor*, in l<*-*
ing t Ken i .*wford, t *p
Pony I *: ,efid I 4> Bobby Ihincan
,»f th> Aggie* w a* *dged in a dose
LMight battle (, ! and II 9.
In th. double* iimip.-tition, ea<h
Fat nier team w. n th.- imt.a! set
but l< st th. matches in the final
iVBstry ,ir»d Tavi .vervame a
four game lead held by Crawford
end Kurretl in the fii#l *<;t to win,
I T-O, hut i.nit the final two, 2-4 and
*i Burkett aid Rudy sneaked
past Hardin and Duman. .'bb, 4 Y,
(rockett. Tex, May 9 ■A*'
Houston # Dick Met rary defgated
Jackie Sellman of Huuaton 5 and
4 Sunday to capture the fourth*
annual Spring Creek Country Club*
invitational golf < hamDionshtf
| Tony (luerrt). Jr , of Texa* AkM
I College ugfeated John Barrett of
At T(T, it was a different atory,! Houston, 4 and 3. for champmn-
with the Fanner, clicking at their conaolat.on honor*
b.*t Although th. hometeam a »<<') Goodwin of Houston won the
top ranking star, DeBerry, loat to find Hight award by (tofMtmg
Dixon Dahorne, 7 9 aad 2 b, Dua- Millie Hunt of Houston, 4 and 2
can pulled an upset, defeating Jack Roger* of Palestine defeat-
Levmaon of ed Newt Crutchfield of Palestine
and 4 4, to gain for the Mustang's
a clean sweep in the doubiaa. and
third pi see in SWC standmga
Different Story
h.ghlv favored Jack
the Frog*, 7 9. 4 2, and S-S.
Tate easily disposed of Chariea
Ludw ig, 4-Y and 4 3, with Hardin
dusting off James Wilson, S-S and
4 4, for the Aggie* third win The
fourfh canw- in the double# with
Duncan and Hardir trouncmg Wi|
*<>n and Ludw.g. 4-1 and 4*1, while
Tate and D*Berry lost their wnond
doubles match of the tour after
haoipg won the first set, 4 4. 3 4.
and 4-4.
2 and 1 in the second flight
Gold keyring Found
At FlmninKo IdHinxe
A gold key nng was found in
the Klaniingo Lounge this week
end. Mr* U G Hally, owner
The owner may pick up the ring
and kef* by identifying it, she
wm 6INBM tOti
mtoH amot
• kaaHMtmfi
• Claaa carka* tma cytokw Iasi*
• Ciei" ito toistf gnrt pa|t
• UfM ••• (iikati sag
rtf awni'li
• Ckani* Ml
• Ism lb|"ta
Price tUM
sm/ SM! SAVH
Bryan 'lotor ( o.
Bryan Tum
shaken up m the
Th- Beaum*‘ru
gallo|ie.i, I* .11>••• l
pVer the Cil»v*s( |
in th. m nigry j,.,!,
Slroke* to A If tori
jTi iiimnane*
bu.-if. ** n a)"!
and truggted
id *..aied cfi .rM
t in. of 2 1 2
While l-ennng wa- !* mg laudi-d.
abi tUer Agg 1 *- was making hi-t.o .
i n the clay court* opjnwute P 1
IhiMur Natat rnim
It Wm- K l. !*• li. 1IV w nd d.
li sted Te\M* l ■ .VI I »,t i « net S' *.
Jul'iaf i late- tn a torrid tbu y ’
4ii«rhthon It v* ■ H(itg 4 i. it, 4
th* < ourt Whiltwirtd wa- uedit*-.:
for being thi fir-t Agg^e nund«*i
one netter to defeat lA * U-l.
IIPMrt 0’ lV\as ( lull
!i#*lb Picnic May IM
TV Heat* tl" Teva- t Itlh ele. t
.>fr,c. i- f..i
' ft).
ui.iavr •
»! ,1 - r#/
ti it« r
fctii g H ui •
night in
! h«*
A i
idi-mic Build-
Nnk Dm
- !>
r. -iik i i, ,l i'
, STMli
-i.'.mt John
r\ ;
ini HiIIbum
trea-urei, aiu!
FU-wm.g will
A ptCMC w
for Mhv 1*
at (he Bryai * it) Pari
CALL 4-S324
Sum in quick'drying NMA)N
No mon clammy, cold feclin| afU*r an invigorating
dQt Your Nyltm ttwim trunks will dry off with
an amazing afjetxi. Y'ihi won t swim in anything
else, once you've worn nylon. See our pew clkcUon
of Smart SWim Trunka tailored b> ClaftUiar of Cal
ifornia and by B.V.D,
gla««WMst td * fSB- S»r Irwn 4sr Aagsto. oa SW m HumbW Oil a RsAom* Co Ho«Moa. Tl
"III tell the world I'm sold
on Humble£sso £xtra
motor oil"- J 1
7h« aifrc sf Humbl* file fgtrg Mofsr Off hevs espviactd
fhoatsadi of motoriitt that ift tko bait fhty cog boy.
Humbli Esao Extba Motor Oil wax introduced tn July, 1949 Since
then, thousand* o( Tgxax motorist* have changed from aome other motor
oil to Eaao Ecus Their demand for the extra cleaning, cooling and lubn-
eating qualities of Etao Extra recommend this unique motor oil to
you Eaao Eatre is the only motor oil that combines detergent-di|per«
stve action with superior wetting ability, aptboxiduing quality and
highest viecoeity index .. Change to the best motor oil you can buy
—change to the oil users recommend.
Drain and refill with Eeeo
Extra motor od at any I
Humble sign.
Humble Od It Rehamg Co.
f Ti.
£sso Extra
Iti something extm
for your money'
College tnd Bryan
Companion in
quality to [.
£mo Extta
■ l