Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1950)
3 Game By HAROLD GANN A&M’s baseball team increased • its Southwest Conference promin- —„• ehce here Friday and Saturday, sweeping: from a thrilling three- irame series from TCU that fea tured everything from the placid . thud of balls hitting mitts to the frantic rhubards of, quarreling ‘‘“aches, plavers, and umpires. The weather was threatening, but all (of the games were com- Plated, by scores of 10-7, 7-fl, and *1’ r Ti " 1 * 1 y e xtru-base blows and efficient relief pitching were tint deciding factors for the Age. „ the first game righuiander »ain Blanton notched his first confereiice victory as thejCadets piled up 10 runs in the first 4 six tnnlngs to const to a 10-7 con quest. • .« . *•. i '• % fllantun Hurls Hlx-HiMers ^ TClf’s first hit off iilanton came in the fifth when left fielder Herb Hayes gained first on a freakish infield hit. Then the Pur ple touched Blanton for two tnl- j r' . , » _ • 1 Overstreet In Tie for Rodeo Champ Title Maxie Overstreet, Ar H. major from Haslet, was tied by George Merzbacher of Texas A&I for Champion ship Cowboy in the Hardin- . Simmons Intercollegiate Jt o d e o held April 27-29. - A&M rodeo, team tied for third in -th^ overall meet, with 210 points, New Mexico A&M was the / rodeo/ winner with 280 points, whileTA&I took second with 260 point^. Handin-Simmofis which did not Compete 1 for the team title, scored 3.10 points. • Overstreet won first in bareback riding and third in bull riding, while Marzbacher won first in bull riding and fourth in calf rop- dng and hafe back riding to tie Overstreet for the championship. Other winners were; Jack Resch, A&TV~h calf roping, Bill Guest, Hardin-Simmons, bulldogging, Roy Reynolds, West Texas State, in ' ribbon roping and Tarry Hopson, New Mexico A&M in saddle bronc riding. Results , Bareback riding—won by Over- street; Hook Chisum, Arlington; State, second; Jimmy Miekler, Hardin^ Simmons, third; M e r z- . bacher, A&l fourth. [ Calf raping—won by Resch; Neale Vnnh, Oklahoma A&M, tec- Ond; F, C. Stover, New Mexico A&M,. third; Merzbacher, fourth. Rest time by Vann: 11.9 seeoRds. 1 Bulldogging—won by Guest; Carl Wlnkley, Sul Ross, second; Kugerir Knappenberger, Ranger junior College, third; Richard Thompson, New Mexico fourth. Best time by Don Driggers, New Mexico A&H, 6.2. Bull riding—Won by Merzbach er; Virgil Riley, Ranger, second; Overstreet, third; Bill. Lockridge, Texas A&M, fourth. - Ribbpn roping—-won 'by Rey nolds; Stover second; Vann, third; Earl Reynolds, West Texas, fourth. Best time by Reynolds, 26 seconds. Saddle bronc—won by Hopson; Norman-McNew, New Mexico, sec- ^ one; John Daniel, New Mexico, third; Winley, Sul Ross, fourth. Series in the sixth, two in the sev enth, and three in the ninth be fore George Brown, with one out, came in to put out the fire. Wally Moon, who drove in four the Ag runs, slapped his sec- conference homer high over green board behind the center field fence, driving home ahead him Guy Wallace, who had Ibled. IjUghlighted by Moon’s two-run bje, A&M’s biggest inning came in fhe second when four runs were •ed off three hits and fcKO er- i. - / ? he Aggies bombarded "highly- touted Knobby Graves for jtix runs, tomer, two doubles, ami two slmrles before he was replaced Mike Salim In the (third, After facing the blazing speed of lives, Cadet batsmen had dlf- •f lenity at first adjusting their sights to Salim’s soft stuff. A&M 7, TCU 6 In the first; game of Satur- dayi’s twin bill, Guy Wallace’s two- run double that broke the chalked lincl in left field gave A&M a 7-6 story book finish over the Frojgs in the bottom of the ninth. . The Ags started fast with four runs in the first, waited for sev en [ scoreless innings, and then gained the three markers that clinched the game m the final frame. • - Both Wallace and Yale Lary figiired in the scoring, and added another oddity to baseball’s bag of tricks. Wallace set off the fire- woiks in the first wiith a double to left center. Yale ! Lary added the final cadet touches with a towering; two-run homer over the left field fence. Then in the sixth the batters re versed their procedure. Lary spear headed the rally with an infield Wallace this time had the last word with his double. The Aggies got the Tour runs (See Series, Pagd s) ■ v i .ink Nelson Hrunnemun crowns his (Jtieen of Cotton Docia Schultz s t|iey prepare to reign over the 16th Annual'Cotton Pageant. The ! Pageant Friday night was witnessed by more than 4,000 people gathered: in Kyle Field. Ne Singing Cadets Irons Praises Small Business i 1 ■ ' - , ^ High tribute/was paid to small businesses Friday by Wa trous H. Irons of the Fed eral Reserve Bank of Dallas wh sn he addressed the Closing session of a two-day ^Accounting Conference on the campus. “The many thrmsunds of small businesses located over the coun. try,” the banker told more than' 200 business and accounting men, "op'rating in all field of activity hnvu contributed immeasurably over the years to the remarkable eco iornigg|m>gre*s that the coun try has experienced." Small businesses, Irons said, serve us a testing ground for new met luxls of operation. They also exhibit a high degree of flexibil ity to changing Conditions. More important than these, he continued, is the fact that sinall business represents one of the basic elements of' this nation’s capitalistic system. Irons told the accountants of the difliculties small businessmen have in obtaining capital. Cost of rais ing money on the organized, ex changes is too high for small firihs, he said. In many cases the ,cost for a small business was al most double that of a large corpo ration with issues between one and avjkl Haines was elected pres- idejit of the Singing Cadets,at their ' annual banquet held Sat- evening Diincan Hall. Stinson was elected vice- John perry, business adjer; Foster Gray; librarian; lyen Wiggirjs, reporter-his- E tial awards for eight semes ter^ ot‘ membership in the group resented toj Bill Alexander mkenship, Jerry Byrd, Con- Cjjne, Bill Menger, Leonard klip, Fred Sliger, Ray Smith, Smith, Bob Stinsdb, and Thomas. | Bleker, Buddy Boyd, David 'agi -r, and Bill Moss received awards for six semesters mdjnbij rship. Fouj 1 awurdi sen ted terry, David me nbl Cal o, Jerry Grny, wicke Kei mo mold .Jimmy Teirel John Ready, Thomas Sav- Mtib, Jhbn Tarver, Jerry 'Ward, and seniestei of gold to Vergil s membership leys were pre- Bohac, Dick Jim Dalton, Jim Boyles, Haines, Ed Fin- ' B >b Hardy, Burton Lambert, iu'gi Schwarz, almt Bob Tate. vie keys for] two semesters rship were liwurded to Carol Ed Chapin,! Bill Cockburn, Dhetert, Dod Forney,,-Foster Jack Gressett, Lurry Hunl- llarold Hug b Hill. Ed Munson,; Ji Rollins, [Jii , Bud jV' 11 Wi 1 ulh crall. Dale ; Wi<gins, George lies, Don Hinton Munford, Thur-, Jin Riehurtlsodt ■k Nornian, Bob i Cleave, Dirk Walston, Ken Rodgers, Bill ml Willifort. President Jerry ceremonies geij w is Banquet for Dunctd Hall were Bo!) Stinson. Program Chairman wai B )b Terrell.' it siort sumhiaii^’ of the Sing- Byrd was mas- und Bill Men- chairman. Deco- i Hall and the supervised by Cadets activities for the jrear presented by reporter-hi^tor- Bill Moss, Highlight of r the r’s activities was the group’s -day tour of North Texas. he program included a group of Spanish songs by Bob Terrell, Betp Trevino, and A1 Trevino yvith playing the guitar. A thke- off | on the Singing Cadet broad cast from the studios of Wll’AA in pallas "was presented- Fred R. Briton, of the Horticulture depart ment, was the main speaker of the eveping. Special guests included Miss Ger trude Gibson, President and JMrs. F. C. Bolton, Mrs. Tom H ja r- rington, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Pen- berj.hy, Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Abbott, Mr.| and Mrs. Spike White, Mr.,and Mrsj. Bill Turner, Roland Ring, l>a Verne Hunt, and Ijlen- lerton Shuffler. ollowing the banquet a djuice held in the Music Hall for Singing Cadets and their •sits. Engineering School Names Six Price: Five Cents Six graduating seniors were named Friday to receive the School of Engineering Faculty Achieve- ment Awards, according to H. W. Barlow, dean of engineering. Willy F. Bohlmann, Frank A. Cleland, Donald E. Jarvis, Emmit A. Ingram, Jr„ Charles D. Kirk- ham Jr., and Tom D. Reynolds will receive the awards at the Awards and Merits Day Program, Sunday afternoon, May 14. “Thisj award is given by the fac ulty in recognition of scholastic attainment, demonstrated leader ship, organizational ability, Sand Another Worthy Cause ... Clinic Planned for Crippled Children By GEORGE CHARLTON Every kind of a specialist from a speech therapist to a pediatri cian will he on the campus and available at the fifth annual free Crippled Children’s Clinic on May 8. Serving us consultants to the crippled youngsters of 11 sur rounding counties, the group of doctors will include orthopedic specialists, neurologists, plastic surgeons, speech therapists, and pediatricians. Among prominent doctors present at the clinic will be Dr. Hipps of Marlin, and Dr. Eggers, Dr. Ainsworth, and Dr. Otto of Galveston; The clinic which will be held in the basement of the hospital will act as a veritable clearing; house for consulting and diag nosing crippled children of the 11 county area. Money for cor rective surgery will be obtained by the clinic if parents are not able to pay costs. Children who have had bad., burns, or children marked at birtjh or from injuries who car. be helpejd by plastic surgery have been es pecially invited to this the fiftjh such affair. Registration begins at 8 a. m. and ends at 12 noon. A new service to be offered this year will be for children with speech defects. Youngsters who stutter or stammer or falter in speech, who are tongue tied or have other speech defects are invited to the clinic. A speech therapist from the State Medical Sehool at Galveston will be pre- Scripps Scientist Attends Lectures - I r. Claude 10. Zolloll, mlcrobtol- oglnt at the Heripps Institute of Oceanography located at l-uJolla, California, attended a series of. meetings on the campus during the past weekend. These conferences co.v»red work on the Oyster Mor tality Project Of the A&M \ Re- •ch Foundation. Iso attending from put ! of wet-e Dr. J. Q. Marckin, ma- biologist, and Joseph F. Pro- bacJteriologist, from the Ma- Laboratory of the Research ndation located at Grand Isle, Marines Explain Officer Selection A two-man team of Marine of ficers well be on the campus to morrow and Wednesday to explain the Marine Corps officer procure ment program to all interested students, Lt. Col. J. H. Kelly, PAS&T, said today. Major E. L. Bale, ’42, and CapR R. P. Muwyer will be In the lobby of the YMCA for interviews from H a. m. until noon and from 1 p. in. until f. p. m. The Murine program leads to ja reserve commission. All men eonW plettng the program, which is called the Platoon Leaders Class, will also be given an opportunity to ({uulify for u regular com mission. Men interested in the program should plan to complete college work leading to a degree. They will also have to serve in two sum mer training programs of six weeks duration each. i . Major Bale and Capt. MawyOr are in charge of interviewing prospective Marine officers for the Dallas District. s»Yit to diagnose and recommend treatment for these children. Consultation fbr youngsters With hone and muscular ailments |will be provided. If transportation Is not avail able for certain children, par ents 4nay rontact Dr. G. W. Schlesselman, Dr. R. L. Hkira- banek, Dr. Luther Jones of Col lege Station, or Mr. Claude Edge of Bryan, and transportation will be provided. This kind of coopera tion is of the type that has made this event one of the mgst effec tive crippled children's clinics in’ Texas each year. ' - A large number of agencies! are cooperating to make the 1 , clinic a success. Included hi this group] are the BisCounty Medical Society, the Brazos County Hospital Unit, the State Health Department,! the Texas University Medical School, the local Kiwanis Club, the jMis- Sionary Societies of the churches, and other agencies. Local women will help in! all volunteer work on that day. i Lily ■ Ice Cream Company, j the Bryan Coca Cola. Company, i and the Dr. Pepper Company are fur nishing refreshments for those attending, the clinic. A luncheon is being plannee} for noon, of May 8 for'the doctors of the Bi-County Medical School to meet with the visiting specialists. • AH persons in local communities who will be cooperating with the clinic and arranging transportation for the children should turn their names in to Professor Daniel Rua- sel or Dr. G.. W. Schlesselman. This information will be sept to the children qf the II areas for proficiency ip the performance of extra-curricular activities,” Dean Barlow said. , “It is only givejn to students who have made notable contributions to the progress of the School of Engineering and to A&M/tj he added. Plaque Awarded The award is jin the form of a large bronze medallion on a jnia- hogjiny plaque, Barlow said. The medallion and jplaque are bro- duced by D. W. Fleming and Miles Watson of the M. E. Drpurtnwnt. The plaques will be on ^display in the window uf the Exchange ■Store during the week of Mw^! I, he said. j Members of the selection onm* mlttee were ,1(11111 M, Rowlett, cliatrinati; (1. I*. Farrar, H. C, nmingliiiiii, I,. K. Flanagan, ID, W. Fleming, R. M. Ilolconib, anil R. L. Whiting. ill Cleland, cadet colonel uiid' rogi- metitul cownuinder of the Com posite Regiment, is a member of the Student Senate, Tnu Beta Phi, Student Engineer’s Council, jwns. elected to Who’s Who, Is program chairman | of the All-Collegejpay conjinittee, and has been selected for; a regular Army commisSi|6n. “Cleland was selected for his. high scholarship, ability to ae- : cept responsibility, cooperative spirit, tact, finesse, likeable per sonality, ability to delegate author ity and participation in extra curricular activities,” Barlow said. He is majoring in chemical; en gineering and is from Genoa. Jarvis Chosen Jarvis, fifth year architecture student from Fort Worth, is (Pres ident of Tau Beta Phi. During his senior year in the Cadet Corps, he was corps adjutant, holding the rank of cadet lieutenant-cq}qhel. He was a student senator, a mem ber of Who’s Who, and winner of a student aid for an European trip. “Jarvis was selected foil ! his brilliant scholarship, his ability as a leader and counselor.^ his wisdom, his judgment and hial mod esty, for his accomplishments, his friendly attitude and his diversity of interests,” said Barlow. Reynolds, civil engineering stu dent frpm Victoria, was selected “on the basis of brilliant scholar ship,' leadership, dependability and a modest, friendly and cooperative persi n A ojf C! neer surt; 1 of ‘disti IMS Italy tlll'CI more outs; im III KUlN “li basil iiruv Uu' {ivit find liens a n tilde nality,” according to Barlow, lieutenant colonel in the corps adets, he commands the Engi- Battalion. Reynolds ia trea- of Tau Beta Pi, a member Phi Kappa Phi, has been a ifiguished student every seV r, and is a distinguished mill student Bohlmann Selected 4, | uhlmann, civil engineering Htu- from Schulenburg, ia a cadet el, commander of the Sixth nept. He is a slide rule plaque r, a distinguished student semesterH, best-drilled nophn- in his company (1947-481, landing junior In his regi- (1948-49), and a disun ited military student. irtli: ‘ Military inspectors from Fourth Army and Twelfth Air Force headquarters watch intently! as the Corps of Cadets paraded by in review at the annual inspection last week. President F. C. Bolton is seated between Col. C. W. Sullivan of the Air Force and' Col. A. A. Horner of the Army team. Water Resistant . Rain Fails to Halt Cotton Show By BILL BILLINGSLEY i weatherman came within a read’s (breadth of putting the iper bn the 16th Annual Cot- Pageant and ball Friday night, thrbugji the perseverance of i cast and audience, and a well- msd statement by Pageant Mas- of Ceremonies Joe Woolket, show did go on and lived up to pre-publicity as the “biggest best” in the series’ historjy. Light, fog-like rain had fallen tt rmittently all during the Pa- ant on Kyle Field but it really led into a shower just as the of the organizational duchess- floated across the stage. All duchesses and their ; escorts ated around the stage clutched i}r belongings about them | and screamingly toward the epcits. s nLei's of the audience put their ;ranm ever their heads, \ the sr ones donning the raincoats raising the embrellas they had jght, and most tit them began oijking toward the ramps. : oolket looked questlonihgly umiI at the orchestra, model con- ent, and the various directors charge and asked In a stage iper If thay wanted to continue. Ivlng positive shakes of the head, he began pleading into the microphone that the show would, and must, go on. The audience hesitated momentarily. His faCe suddenly brightening, Woolket looked skyward, and with water dripping off his glasses he shouted brightly, “Look, it can’t be rain ing—the moon’s still shining!” Al most with the words the shower slackened back to a fog, the au dience and most of the duchesses came back to their places, and tqe show did go on. And it was quite a show that did go on. Before the rain, the au dience had seen and heard a per formance by the A&M Tumbling Team and numbers by the Aggic- land Orchestra. Woolket then in troduced Lamar Flemming, presi dent of the Anderson Clayton Com pany. Flemming crowned King of Cotton Nelson i Brunneman. After introduction of the eight maids of honor of the court, and their esedrta,; Woolket introduced the seven Southwest Conferences duchesses, the Agronomy Society duchess, and their escorts. THe SWC representatives and their eu- curta were A&M’s Jeannine Hol land, the Aggie Sweetheart, en- eorted by Altai Eubank; Arkansas Jacque Galloway, aacortad by James Pace; Baylor’s Jane Dermis, escorted by “Red” Duke; Ifiee’s Maxie Lehmann, escorted by I Carl “Buddy” Molberg; SMU’s Nell Mc- Grew, escorted by John Taylor; TCU’s Barbara Sterling, escorted by Donald Jarvis; Texas U’s Pola Ellis, escorted by Herman Dietrich; and the Agronomy Society Duchess, Annabelle Miller, escorted by C. F. Patterson. Then Queen Dogia, in a white het dress with a ruffled skirt lead ing into a logg train, came up the center of the stage to. the cotton throne end was crowned by jKing Nelson. Whh Woolket on one micropjhone and David Haines staff, on the other, izational duchesses duced. Then the rains came. After the shower subsided, the. Prairie View Quartet, under the direction of R. Von Charlton,;pre sented two ' numbers. Then I the TSCW Modem Dance Trio and the Caperettea, from the same school, did two dance routines each. 1 spersed by two numbers by Arlington State College tru trio. After the formal program of the Pageant, tha Sangen group began n one microphone •s, of the corps r, the 180 organ ics wefre intro- their display * of summer j cotton costumes from beachwear jtoj for- mals. Jessee Sbuthworth. fashion commentator and quipster ejxt raor- dinary, was the narrator dnt en gaged in a running verbajl joust with the audience all throiigl the show. It was difficult to tel} which the predominately Aggie aud ence appreciated the most the clothing or the models. Another hit - of the sho'w was Elizabeth McGee, nationa} maid of cotton, who modeled five pieces from her • internationally created wardrobe. ' v jj \ Therain which almost broke up the Pageant managed to) move the Ball from the G -ove j into Sbisa Hall, where the customary Cotton Ball capacity crowd dpneed to the Aggieland Orchestra music. As it is each year, the Pageant and Ball was produced to raise funds for a cotton study tour by members of, the Agronomy Depart ment. Leoi Mikeska, R. K.\ Ra- broker, L. E. Goerdel, and Ray Kunze as alternate were anhodncea at the Pageant a* winners of the tests to determine who would make the tour. 1 I Detailed plana for the trfp have not bean worked out aa yet Estimated attendance at thf Pa geant was 4,000 persona. ntudi i Idem Com WhRe capti i staff “li acco; intone: cade . tude, he b being mg 22iyi man Butts of tl dent now thee debat man ■ Agg yearb outs dent exce rs o! serv said Whs chosen of high end constantly bu ng scholarship, leadenlhlp in lulet 1 corps and in student ac es, an unfailing sense (if duty ■esponslhllity liius the prilling- to work lianl and long, and Ibasunt, friendly modest attl- ” Barlow said, ram, fifth-year archilectnijo ht from Fort Worth, is prea- of the Student Engineers cil and a student senator.; > in the corps, he was a cadet in on an Air Force squadron gram was selected t »r hi« i nplishments, his divemity of (sts, his achievements in the corps, his professional atti- and for the recognition which 1 is brought to the college by ! awarded first prize in the nt division of a national com-! on contest by the Timber Eh- rihg Company,” Barlow 1 said. Kirkham Senior Officer "t/j kham, management engineer-; student from Cleburne, is a ear old «:veteran. He is) chair- of the editorial board of The lion, ,a. three-year member e Student Senate, and! presi- of that body last yeari He Ja non-military vice-president tit ; Jenior class, a member of the ;e team, and' has served on committees,' including the e Muster committee for j two " ' j' 1 - J j Jr was Mother’s Day Speaker >47 and. xaj)resented the atu body in 1949 fn a statewide least speech at the Muster, irkham was selected for his anding participation In stu- activities, leadership, and his lent attitude toward all phas- college work and outstanding ce to the college,” Barlow Zinn Sets Deadline ' Registration dents living in dormitories 10, 10, 17 or In Waltoh and itr Hulls have until ' Wednes- afternoon at 5 to register fur summer school rooms, Ron- A. Zinn, assistant dean of stU- L said today. dents not living In these nii,lories will register for rooms the regular registration time Thursday, May 4, Zion Said; 'tjidents in school undei-^the G. "I should secure fee waiver from the/ VA advisor, Tay- ; Wilkins, in Room 104: Good-1 Hall. Waiver slips ajip now i able, Zinn said. T F, . ical office representatives will [ Goodwin Hall on Thursday eive fees for the Sumpter ses- Students, who will not pay fees at that time, w}ll have to the Administration; Build- to make their payments, Zinn ;ed out. dorn at on s ; slips lor win ava Fi be to sion theii to | ing poin I Flight Cadet Hurt in Wreck 1 tobert L. “Bobby” Amaler, jur ior agricultuikl economics major from Hempstead ' seriously injured Satun an automobile accident Sei .ly and Hempstead. Amaler, who is now Houston hospital, was ed to have suffered a bn cut sion, spinal injurii cute and abraaiona. The tar in which he was riding collided WiRi another car on s bridge between the two towns. ’ 'hree other persons were re ported to have been in the ear bui Amaler waa the only one who reportedly Buffered aer- • c ■ inturlea. Details of the accident tree* rce. College muthori light had recelvi Amaler’a inlu Patrol, when . by The Battalion, rad airolmen who < lelmpstead territory. They re- ~ c -- , that AmaW waa bad shape,' no further details. . imaler la « member of Air Forre. IM ' :W. ■ lU