The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 1950, Image 2
1 liL.;; ij Page 2 TH " Waste Paper On the Harpoons . carry much prestige employees ? these people better than trash? Well, we here know Ever watch the men on the campus who do nothing but pick up papers 1 and trash we drop? That’s their job—just picking up trash that’s dropped? It doesn’t take much skill, almostfrio education. It’s a job that doesn’Hand couldn’t or glory. , Imagine telling people that your job pick Up the Jitter dropped by unthink ing people. How proud would you be of such a job? _ We’ve not quizzed one of these men tq- find out how many pounds of papers they pick up every day, but we’d guess it was considerable. « Why should there even be such a job Political Barometer in Florida IAY, APRIL 27, on this can pus where we re college students pr prof you / 1960 all or ask huipans who know itter up the campus with concede that setter, but they don’t think when they c rop i newspaper or letter on the ground when a waste basket is near by. ‘ The next Florida voters will have an opportuni- ' ty to serve as a barometer of Democratic opinion of President Truman’s “Fair ~-J Deal" program when they go to the polls / May 2. # • Two candidates, Senator Claude Pep per and Representative George Smathers, tire fighting a hot senatorial campaign on issues which have divided the Democrats , ' oh a national scale. Pepper, long a left wing Democrat, is stumping for repeal of the Taft-Hartlcy Act, increased old age pensions, compulsory health Insurance, and further welfare measures despite an already unbalanced budget. Smathers ,. opposes Pepper on all these issues and is saying so, all over the state. The CIO Political Action Committee is pouring, money and dofir-bell ringers into Pepper's j /■ Campaign, and Pepper charges that North ern industrialists are financing Smathers. ■- Pepper has lined up support of only two Florida daily newspapers while time yi /ou see these little men picking up paper j, think about their jobs. If' we were doing what we should, they’d be working it soimething else—something surely more constructive waste paper si Smathers erijpys porters. T i hands- off, a! people either college aren’t around than spearing 1 a string pf 38 daily sup- White Hojuse is keeping ujjfh, S. News and World Re|»ort, a weekly news magazine, behind-the-scenes party support for Pepper is being encouraged in Wash ington. Ail this inbar .when they cast] their ballots, gu man some indication of i the feeling of 'Southern Defrux rats for jthe program ho iris that Florida vot|ers will, it! their ballots, give Tru- §tt is trying to per wins, 'i^rtimijm will h vote of conl’i^en from Pepi* r? Senate. If will not onllyi halve lost Pbpper’s help and influence, but hb will be Fair racial” program his the voter’s No one be heavy. Poor Taxpayers and Fat Pork Barrels ■U IT ; Spending mohey when it is yours is an easy enough task, but when it belongs to Someone else the task becomes almost a pleasure. i By that standard, this session of Con gress is having a hilarious time. * _ - ’ Rather than practice promised eco nomy, legislators in Washington are find ing things easier to leave appropriations bills as they are, or to increase them. They a!re finding it much easier to promise eco nomy than grarit it. They also realize that ihcreased expenditures on the part of the federal government offer little hope for tax reductions. ‘ Where are the increases? They are in padded and overstuffed “pork barrel’ bills such as the $1.5 billion rivers and harbors 3 ★ i For the WHAT WILL THE ARMY DO NEXT DEPARTMENT: • . » I ■ fc ^ ; Quick magazine reports that “Ameri can troops in the Yjuikdn tried ovi,t' a new food: an edible candfe^with food concen- tirutc added to the taHlow. A soldier may If Pcp- iroughf Congress. |ve a significant e plus continued support mething he needji in the SJmalthers wins, the president forced to review with ah eye to support in ft is. making an 952. campaign is hot, the vptihg will probably The result wi authorizatiph bill. On a “it’ll vote for your project if ypu’ll gressmen see th< sure a quick vf&y folks back! home. Thby can see dredged harbors sonde Of which dredge than their returns. Veterans hos pitals is another way give thp people what t comes re-i nomy. While, everyone cries legislative mill grinds out “Economy” the more debt. What this country needs is hither to admit that we must raise taxes to meet increased ex penditures Or to starjt J — predictions. The 1 be intbresting. vote fOr hiine” basis, con- e rivers and harbors mea- to (look good for the cost more to ,tc tiey want, get votes n time). But nowhere eco- impress voters, ernmental i services to a receipts and expenditures. paring down gov- balance between If ' || | ] W eat it if caught short ! it to provide light.” f rations or burn If the Gl’s Were asked ed, they’d prpbably some other pofent drink ith, H what they want- toose cognac, or designed to give internal warmth, light, and some soldiers may even use it for a food. v The "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Genile Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie fradi cions It f If&e Associated Press is •ntitled excluMvely to the ass for republlcation jrediUd to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local aew« of apontaheous jd herein. Riahts of republlcation of all other matter herein are also raaerved. all news diapatchas origin publish- .'u The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and City of College Station, Texas, is published five times a week Friday afternoon, except during holidays and examination perio talion ia published tri-weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ■Adv ynar. dvertising rates furnished on request. nieal College of Texas and the ircolated every Monday through Durings the summer The Bat- lubscription p-ate $6.00 per school ' News contributions msyybe made by telephone (4-5444) or Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (( Offic 1 ~ — " ffice, Room 209, Goodwin^Hall. | Entered ■> Meond-nlM* natter at Ftet Office at ColIe*e Station. Texas, under ike Act of Consreea of March S, 1S70. Member of .][. The Associated Press BILL BILLINGSLEY, ,C. Clayton L. Selph., Dave Coslett... C. MUNROE. *¥■ Chuck Cabaniss Jofe iyhltmore, L. O. Tiedt, Dean Reed, Otto . Dave Coslett... Frank N. Manitzas ' Sid Abernathy ...... I-. J Today’s Curtis Edwards City Editor Old'Abernathy, Ken Bernhardt. Jerry Zuber Actln* Copy Editors hill Barber. Bob Boyd, Chester Micks. Boh -■ nuatison. Marvin Matusek. George McBce. Tom Rountree. Raymond Rushing. Walter Tanamachl. John Taplgy. •'Rip” Torn. ' Kenneth Wiggins. News Staff left Cheek. Chester Crtichtleld. Wayne Davis, , BUI Thompson. Ray Williams.... Future Staff Dudley Hughes. BUI Mebane. Charles Sjbnsta.... City Desk KmU Bunjea, JfP. Public School Correspondent U K. -Carter .JT? i ClrculaUon Manager 7 1 *■ Gollob K. B&ma Coslett Frank Boss. John sine. Bob W. BOD vsuaawvw sjh a . . a » .1 lank Brandt. J^ck Stanabury, the editorii ) or at the 1 office. Room 201, Stuudent Activities Ins, at New York car. Sports Mews Editor -Copy Editor • • •!Si- en. p... Jimmy Curtia. >an, Ray Holbrook q Itxaa. Dean llmmen. Jr.. tenceck. Bill - ;'T ..News Editor IT - ■- : i ;! HUM Letters To The Editor (All letters to the editor which are signed by a student or employee of the college and which do not contain obscene or Ubeloua material will be published. Per sona wishing to have their names withheld from publication may requeat such action and these names will not, without the consent of the writer, be divulged to any persons " ’ i editors.) T : - T ’ . • / do its share in lett ng the students know of the candidates, giving them all an equal chance. But hav ing hundreds of posters printed, to say nothing of making the cam- othsr than the “RIGHTS DENLED” ' Editor, The! Battalion: After carefully following the heated campaign for ejass offi cers, we fityit that our democratic right, privilege, and duty to Y°ti‘ has been thwarted by neglect <if duty on the part of the Student Senate, our senator, nr the re sponsible pai'ty involved. Since we do not know the facts micauiing v hose duty it is" to dis tribute balb its, we cannot pbint out the indiv dual or Individuals 're sponsible, l»,it regardless of 'tho cause, we didn’t have mi opportun ity to vote for the cumliduto o|f our choice. There probably wouldn't have been enough votes ini Wulten to change the ‘inul selection of offi cers, but it still stands thait we didn’t have a chance to elect our representati rer, (and we aren't . even negroes). Dan Scott ’52 Jim Watson '52 j! I’apl Cardeilhac ’62 (Editors') Note: As far aiji we can determine, the ballots WERE in Walton | but they were never distributed! to the sophomore voters. The Walton student sen ator is in palifornia. (Actual!^, the student senators are not required to pass out class ballots, but do so on re quest. The senator's absence was not foreseen by the election com mittee, so circumstances took their coarse. \ (Our' suggestion—be sure that someone' is responsible for pass- - -teg out all ballots for the; run- election Thursday night and J%ny other time the senator is " unavailable to dc this.) against POSTERS Editor, The Battalion: And all this time we were under the impression that thid was a poor boy’s school. The maji who is best (jualified should get an of fice, knd not the’ one who |s fin ancially able to conduct a full scale campaign, cluttering pp the campus with posters, pictures, etc. For an ordinary school this type of campaigning might be O. K. but at A&M a qualified in dividual should know enough men in his) class to get elected without • : it. ' 'A. [ -i.; Wej see nothing wrong with per sonal! contact as a means of cam paigning; that is, whipping out and meeting people. Th() Battalion seems willing to Bible Verse Ut the word of iQhrist dwell in you rlehly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing <>n? uilother in pHnlnjm and hymns imd 1 ahirituul songs, singing with' grace in your hearts to the Lord. cpt. 3:16- THURS. — FBI. — SAT. FIRST RUN i •M- love/ D/Si Co-Editors Editor ...JFeature Editor -Sports Editor -News Editors CUUt Kdltortellat .AwlkUnt F«atur« Editor .AmunaMDU Editor ... Sport* VMtun Editor trold Gum. Jury Hous- Md. George Sport* Stejt _ Staff i ' ’ommy Hites... .Pboto Advertlatog RepreMOtatlvea Mopro*..,. JOHN AGAR DAY•RYAN M' 1 " . ■">' ■ PLUS: CARTOON—NEWS ■ms look like it high school, just isn’t fair to the avurage Aggie who has to pinch pennicts to got through school anyway. Dean Downing ‘50 <'luirlos Tarver ‘50 Coy Milligan '50 Gil ChainlKTs '50 INTKUE8T I'KAIHED Editor, The Biitlaiion: Instead of criticism, lets praise all concerned for wldt|spread In terest in student! elections. It is a good indication |uf democracy at work. It is our job to select those can didates worthy of the challenge the student offices pteseht. It is ho|iod that the old corps block voting is broken because erf the numerous qualified candidates entered in the race. 1 John D. Shoemaker '49 Angelo to Sponsor Spring Barbecue Saturday afternoon at 3 at the Bryan American legion hall, which is on tho.Madisonville highway, the '"San Angelo Club will sponsor Sts annuai spring barbecue. ')• Refreshments w ill be continually served throughout the afternoon and music will be) available for all wanting to dance, said George i Hughes, presidenjt of the club. Barbecue will be served at 5, and admission for the fete is only one dollar per person] Hughes conclud- i'cd. I : : PALACE Brynn 2'f$79 STARTS TODAY . /up humm srory../ iTam 3 HOLDEN GREY jPHKVIJIS FRIDAY 11 I’.M. LI’L 1 Berlin Washington, April retery .of State Achi ed confidently ycstei ter next month’s threat munist demonstration ii Western Allies will sti He also-djgcloBed ter-blow—this time mania—in the continui turtle with the Soviet tries. Romania was terday to close down weeks an. ♦‘unauthi ate in New York City, tary announced. v Retaliation The action retaliation for Roman of the IT. S. office in Bucharest, March 2 amid a flurry thpt American emplo volved in anti-comr Acheson took weekly news the firm determinate U. S. and the other ers to keep their ho under any pressure. lituation r predlct- that af- Com- rlin the he there, new coun- st Ro- two-way loc coun- ested yes- two consul- 8eCre- was in s closing Service on in- ng. of his to state of the ra pow- in Berlin ommunists w Civic Clubs Speech Thirty men have b^ri chosen by the English Department to give public speeches at various' civic clubs in the State, announced O. C. Spriggs, English instructor. There will be 16 trips made be tween April 16 and May 15. The students will make the trip -to gether, Spriggs said. . ' • All students taking part in the tour arc taking English public speaking courses. Id the last in the Russian sector of Berlin have announced their intention of staging a monster demonstration in the western sectors weekend of iMajy. A reported' asked whether there would be 4 formal warning to Russia in advance along with a notice to the United Nations Se curity Council. Acheson replied that it has 'been made quite clear in this country, Britain and France that the western powers intend to remain very firm indeed. All possible steps to deal with the demons the most he said, adding: when the com motion clears away we will still be in Berlin. ‘i' j THURSDAY A FRIDAY T TWHYASIttAT MOTION JOHN MILLS Scott of the Antarctic: „ , TtCMNICOlOB i» v »T'" , T w rr r talatoUMniMlWaM r Shive rs Seta Holidays Austin, Tex.,—-(A*—May 20 wil be Armed Forces Day^ find Mb) 13-20 National Defense Week ill Texas- Gov. Allan [ Shivers desig nuted the two occasions in offlcia memorandums yesterday. V GOOD J FOOD !■ ' Many Wonderful Varieties to Make ’ Your - Selection, From Hi-chairs i j Lots of Parking Space We carry your tray f. HOTARD’S Cafeteria fr 46-OZ. CAN WHlJ’E HOUSE Apple Juice . . . QUART BOTTLE CHURCH’S >e Juice . L Crapt 46 OZ. CAN DELMONTE Pineapple Juice 3 POUND CAN Crisco . r ] . . 2—No. iy t CANS HUNT'S Peach Halves . 2—No. 2'/j CANS HUNT’S Pear Halves . 2—14 OZ. BOTTLEJS HUNT’S Catsup . 1 POUND MAXWPLL HOUSE Coffee . : L . . ^ . 2—12 OZ. CANS) ^COUNTRY KIST Whole Kernel Corn LARGE PACKAGE Tide or Dreft. . . . 2—NO. 2 CANS KIMBKLL’S _ Whole Brians. 5 POUND BAG Fiour . 2—NO. 2 CANS Spinach . PILLSBCKY’S 3—300 CANS I)1A MON AHCII Pork & B 2—303 CANS LINDT Tender Sweet Peas . .29c Pint DENTLER MAID !- . Dressing . ?8c Qt. . 48c .. y. TALL CORN SLICED Bacon . lb. 38 ; ♦ WISCONSIN AGED—BLACK RIND Cheese ........ lb. TENDEB VEAL Loin Steak . lb. 69 TENDER SQUARE CUT Shoulder Roast. . lb. 59 Produce TENDER WHITE . BABY Squash . 2 lbs. Hit -fr- FRESH BLACK EYE Peas . .! . i MOND cans FIRM ^ Tomatoes. . Ih. U\i mi 150 SIZI-LCAMFORNIA , Oranges .... ;-Dozen 4Sc c for Friday & Saturday, April 20, - 29 Charlie's Food R He’s A-eonun’ Round th’ North Gate i-l I ■in By A1 Capj» LET'S PUT OUR ON EACH OTHER.TALL , IN TH' SADDLE., AN LOPE DOWN THET, SUNSET TRAIL, !< | •“S- ’■I THREE l CUM w6nder] HOW HE FIRES THE THIRD, rv im M