The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 26, 1950, Image 3

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    Divers In Intra
Six men qualified last night in
the diving preliminaries held in
the natatorium. Joe Pate of F
Air Force was the high point man
with a grand total of 100:9 points.
Following in order behind Pate
were Bill Scott of B Cavalry with
90.9, James Reed of G Air Force
Elliott of C Cavalry with' -'86.3
points. ''*-4--; j
Seventeen Hopefuls had entered
the meet which had three of the
varsity divers as the-judges—Paul
Shaffer, Gibb Matlock, and Howell
Johnson. DAK Proctor and Emil
Mamaliga helped to put ovbr the
well-attended performance. \
f Five dives were required of each
of/the entries. Two were compul
sory for each diver* and the/in
dividual had a choice in: selecting
hts three optional dlvesi
: A running plain front dive and
Ah Explanation
In order to giro woll-deeervod
publicity to the pulchritudinous
mliam who will represent var-
lbua> Aggie organisations aa
dueneaeeaj to the Cotton Pa-
goan. tha/ sports staff has de
voted moat of its psgo to these
young ladles today.
\ Tomorrow this enjoyable re
spite will have ended and males
wi|) again be seen on this page,
but if sports, observers may
Judge by the actions of females
like the \ Bauer sisters. Babe
Zahariiys, i etc., women actually
have eariied sports page pub
licity. r “
a backward dive were! the ; the re
quired dives. Pate's three optional
dives were a forward one \ and a
half, a back flip, and a full gainer.
Scott preformed a full! gainer,
a one half twist, and a foijward
one and a half as his elective dives
for the evening. Reed pjerfclrmed
the same dives as Pat.
Elliott’s Dives
Elliott completed a forward
somersault, a full gainer, alii
cuttaway: somersault for his
tional dives. Crowley completfd
forward 114, a full gainer,
l$-4wist, while Stallings chose
perform with running! 1% some
their fini
eluded W
Davis of
Dyer of .
of E Fie
CAC (63.
(60.0), Sth:
(40.6)) f:
ter (37.7)
Force (24
entries in the order of
th their scores in-
dstcojtt of I-Flight (84.2)
of !A Athletics (81.7),
Chem Warfare (78.8),
Air Force (69.6), and
»f ^ Infantry (64.0),
the list were Benzley
057.3), Adicks of A
Boddecker of A ASA
nley of B Quartermaster
ietcher of A Quartermas-
, anjd Livesay of C Air
By R. G. Del
i Aggie tennis team, pliiying
true to form, toppled Abilene ning shots.
Christian College yesterday, 6-1,
on the varsity clay courts.
! . . 1.1 J
Montgomery, 9-2,16-1. Duncan out-
played Montgomery all the way,
making few efrorp and many win
ning shots.
Patsy Davis
Patsy will represent the A&M
Collegiate Chapter of the F.F.-
A. as their duchess in the Cot
ton Pageant and Ball. Her es-
jrt will be Jack Leeves, Ag.
Ed. major. Both hail from Na
ples, Texas.
Jacqueline, a
i Univ
Simmons Univi
from Paint
as their duch
Pageant and
geio A&M Mol
escort will be B
A.H. major froi
junior at Hardin
1 sity and hailing
[, will represent
1 in the Cotton
ill the San An
thers Club. Her
R. Sykes, senior
inger, Tex-
\ Duplicating last year’s feat, when
they Won all but one match, ti)c
Aggies captured the first flye
matches before dropping the final
encounter of the day, the No, j2
doubles match.
Aggie R. G. DeBerry defeated
Hurry Tansil in the No. 1 sin
gles match, 6-1, 6-4. Finding hlt(i-
self behind 14 in the Beyond- sot,
DeBerry resorted to ' '
ly working drop-shojjs
five straight games.
second- sot,
hlsj porfect-
3 singles
Reese, 08,
forcing s«
hand, hu
In the
1 day, the
edged by
: 7-6. The
long as tlji
good »ho
and at ti
:ej playing
dot for t
C’is No. 3 1
ying in the
the Aggie
man, Kuss
(i-4.| Tate, with his ui
rve and well-piaced for
I tijo rtiuch power
only) three-setter of
Aggies' Dick iluniin
.Juc(( Coleman, 6-3, 1*0,
miiU'h, lasting twice
e Others, witnessed mhny i
bijith in the bnekeburt
The Ag
quered Ta
ACC, 6-2
Doubles Team Wins
gies! No.-1 doubles com-
f Tate and DeBerry con-
nsil and Montgomery of
6-3l / i"
The A
when AC
clipped A
10-8, 6-2.
many adv
to win a
ies lost their only match
I’S Reese and Coleman
&M’s Duncan and Hardin,
The Aggie duo enjoyed
antage games in the first
ut were never quite! able
single add ganje.
next opponent wjll be
thej local courts Satur-
Earnestlea Williams
Earnestlea . has been selected
Iduchess for the Cotton Pag
eant and Ball to represent the
vMarketing and Fin at ice Club.
She will be escorted by her 1 hus
band Paul; a senior EE: major.
They arc from Jasper, Texas.
Betty Joyce Scott
hailing from Pgmpa, Tex;
represent the
Exes Club as
senior business
Amarillo Aggie-
their duchess in
the Cotton Pageant and Ball. She
will be escortei by Ted Lokey,
major from Am-
A&M warmed up for a Thursday
conference match with SMU in
Dallas by defeating ACC, 6-2, on
the local links yesterday.
However, the Ags lost to TCU, 2t4
to 3>4, earlier in the week., i
Competition was quite warm in
several of the ma
Cadets won the ri
secured a clean
umn. J.
Bob Craig of ACC n
No. 1 Aggie, Gene Darby,
4. The visiting Wildcat
fired the low medal for the
he circled the course in 72
Par ia 70.
Table Tennis
Entries Due
A college-wide singles and dou
bles table tennis
Abilene’s No.
Dick DodMin, leadir
G. Fletcher of the
tournuy director.
Entries an to bis turned in to
Johnson at Dorm If. Room 830, or
Box 4881. College Station. Satur
day, April 29 has been set as dead
line for entries. !
According to Johnson, the tour
ney will begin Wednesday morning
at 8:00 in the YMCA. “Due to
conflicts with morrjiog classes, the
affair will probably last at laast
two days,’* said Johnson.
All matches as far as the semi
finals will be the bqst two out of
three games. The semi-finals and
finals will go the best throe out
of five linpt. PriseS Will be award
ed to winners in both singlbs and
Match schedules; and results are
to be posted in the YMCA near
the table tennis table, Johnson ex
plained. Rules for the procedure
of the tourney will be coherent
with those of the National Table
Tennis Association, he added.
Miss Haupt, a student at TU
and a member of Zeta Alpha
Sorority, will represent the. Cam
pus Study Club as their duch
ess In (he Cotton Pageant and
iBall. She will be escorted by
Fred Hall, senior Aero. Bng.
1 major. Botji hail from Bryan.
Carolyn, a sophon
major at TSCW
from El Dorado, Ark
represent the
their duchess
eant and Ball,
be Eddie Abrahams
ison, Texas.
We pay Iho highest prices for Used Books-
W<- maintain wholesale and retail lists the
year round.
"Serving Texas Aggies'
Dorothy Wilson
Dorothy will represent the Milby
Chapter of [ the Houston A&M
Club an their duchess in the
Cotton PaKjont and Hall. Her
escort ivill j be Curt Wirt*, ju
nior bii|Blnc>jM major. Both are
from Itoustpn.
Dorothy Beran
Dorothy has been selected duch
ess to represent the Caldwell
Chamber of Commerce in the
Cotton' Pageant and ' Hall. She
will be escorted by Harry.Green,
u sophomore from llouMtdn.
Nancy Rollins ; f I
Miss Rollins, of McKinney, Tex
as, will represent the Collins
County A&M Club as their duch
ess in this Cohan Pageant and
Hall. Shi> will be escorted by
Hay Williford, sophomore pre-
vet major from Houston.
Dorothy McAdft
Miss McAdSt
Flax Country
their duchaaa
eant and Ball. Hof
he Eddto Ruhi
A.H. major. Bioth hail
Kenedy, Tax;
wont the
Club aa
Cotton Paft-
mann, a senior
Both hall ‘
Iclla Ann ¥oung
Miss Young, a student at Ste
phen F. Austin High in Bryan,
has been selected as the duehes^
to represenlt the Wesley Foun
dation in thp Cotton Pageant
and Bali. She will be escorted
by Sam Barnes, senior Ag. Eng.
major from Chester, Texas.
Jane Dennis
Jane, a senior education major
at Baylor, has been selected as
duchess to represent; Baylor
University at the Cotton Pag
eant and Ball. She wilt-bc es
corted by James H. “Red” Duke,
senior business major. Both are
from Hillsboro.
1 ■ * . I
You can't mist with Hi# a»lcsot—if you use your
“Live-Action’’ Vitalii cart. Pilch into that mop of yo
m . f .J. Aai# ** AA ca/'a 1 r« m
famous “60-Sccond Workout." 30 seconds’ scalp _
the difference!). -. 10 secopds to comb (aiwj will the
thffcrente!). You’U look naat and nature!. Bye-bye
- I drynem,.tom So make your play with
It at any drug stfra or barber shop.
jrs with
assage (feel
gats see the
loose, fluky
the help ;of
Prom Time Ahead
Let us help you with your
Tux or Gown .... We’ll put
it in, tip-top ‘A-l’ condition.
"Over the Exchange Store"
came back to sweep
singles matches
sra’s 5 and
the way.l j,
aroon squad
Marshall 2-up when
four-foot putt for a
birdie on the final green.
Monte Currie of A&M waft by
the same 2-up score over John
iurksfgs mlr
the beat ' ‘ *
ond beat
a 74.
In the doubles play ACC’s Dod
son and Craig nudged Darby a ’
Guerrera, 2 and 1, while Ai
grabbed the other match 3
as Fletcher and Currie di
Marshall and Black.
ag, # and 4. Attken post,
; Cadet medal and the se
t (more
for the day
In the
Frog glee Nudge Ags
urtith TCU
Bryan Country
linksters were
of 3V4 to 2/u,
four singles
moling in the
the Aggies, i’on
triumph when he
Bill TaylorN.2 and
i the remaining singles ma
es Doyle
torioua over
4. Richard
below par r
the Aggie )
out of the 1
lose to the
Tony Guen
gles match,
lone, TCU,
Monte Cuir
aUn, TCU,
ly by Gene Dart
1. 1 man birdied
it four holes,
visitor, 8 apd 2.
dropping his
14 and 3.
The ; Ag,
and Taylor
for each
point in the,
when Di ‘
their opposi
records to d|ai
and tied two
Longhorns of
e combination of
Currie tied Malone
score a half point
AM gained another
d doubles ma:
and Guerrero
g pair, 1 up
having woh two
hind the unbeaten
team competition.
.The SWC individual meet
scheduled fog i May 11 and
Austin and Will be stayed th
for 72 holes,
WED n APF IL I*. I960