The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 20, 1950, Image 1

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City Of
College Station
Official Newspaper
. ; ' Vi 'j
\ . ■,
Number 132: Volume 49
' a
; “i
Annual Muster
Set -Tomorrow
In Cuion Hall
AAM men the world ■ over
will obaerve A&M’a 17th an-
nual Muster tomorrow. Cam*
pun Muster ceremonies will
be held tomorrow at 7:30
p.m. In Gulon .Hall. Marion S.
Church, Go Dallas attorney, will
be the principal speaker.
The program will begin with
U lfi btt ,P d the “Aggie War
Hymn” whikFthe audience joins in
singing. Master of Ceremonies
David Haines, junior business ma-
Jf r College Station, will call"
the Muster together.
-v Invocation will be delivered by
Curtis Edwards, then the Band
and audience will join to play
rind sing the Twelfth Man. Haines
Will then read the Muster tradi
tion. After the Muster tradition,
the Singing Cadets will sing the
-“Spirit of Aggieland,” with the
audience joining in on the chorus.
Hartung tOj Speak
Louis Hartung, president of the
Association of Former Students
will deliver a short talk, and Doyle
Avant, Colonel of the Corps will
give ! a response. Following these
talks, the band and the singing
cadets will present several spec
ial numbers.
Church will deliver his talk af
ter the special numbers and fol
lowing him Jack Norman will read
the Muster Poem. Taps will be
played while he reads “Roll Call
for, The Absent” and the Ross
Volunteers will fire a three volley
salute after the roll call.
Eight names, are on the “Roll
Call for the Absent” this year,
five students who have died since
the last Muster, anil three promin
ent former students. Students who
have passed away since the last
Muster are, Jerry Oliver Bisson,
Marous R. Brown, Norbert James
'Lucas, Warren Nelton, and Reagan
Dal* Roberts. The former students
«re Abram Hensarflng, R. It. Lan
caster, and , General George F,
The Singing Cadet* will sing
"Auld Lang Syne" while Haines
close* th* music. Silver Tap*
(See MUSTEK, Page if
Judy Oden f
Judy, a student at A&M Con
solidated, has been selected as
the duchessi to represent the
A&M Garden Club in the Cot
ton’Pageant and Ball. Her es
cort will be Jimmy Rollins,
sophomore from McKinney, Tex
as.' ' t~ 1
' *
• Il f
I -
' v* ?
of Houston and J. C. Flanagan, left,
of Bryan and Crystal (Sty, won first and third prises in the recent
speaking contest, at a meeting of the American Society of Me
chanical Engineers, Stulent Branch, Group Eight. Prof. B. H. Er
win, center, coached th< students.
High Schools To Get
All-College Invitations
Official invitations to tie/A&M-
College Day will be aej y 1° *11
Texas high schools and j\ nior col
leges withi.n the next week, Joe
Mullins, chairman of the ii vitations
subcommittee, told the All-Col
lege Day committee at a meeting
this week. Richard Tumlipaon is
assisting Mullins with tie iuvitu-
The invitations, to b> in the
form of letlteni, will gly s a brief
outline of the program and the
activities which are beinr planned
for All-College Day. Tie letters
explain that the purpose uf the
occasion is to show par nits, stu
dents and prospective stu Units our
facilities, equipment, restnurfb, and
classroom work.
The Utter will also g ve direc
tions how prospective stut ents may
make housing reservatior s for the
All CollegeMUother'* Day week
end, Mullins concluded.
-Aggie FeMef
A report on the “Ai
was given by Karl
of -the follies mui
Norman has been selected tu be the
master of ceremonies for thU show,
Wyler said. He gave a bref Outline
of the proposed program, jj
The committee reque ited that
Wyler appoint a ticket ‘ommittee
which will make provisU ns |to get
the tickets printed and. will also
put them on sale. The Follies will
be presented on Friday a:td on Sat
urday night. The perfoimahce on
Friday evening will be primarily
for A&M students and for the local
public, Wyler Said. Admission will
be <50 cents.
Programs for AU-Co lege Day)
e "Aggi ■ rjollle*"
) Wyler, chrilrman
ibcommlltee, Jack
Phi Eta Sigmi Will
Meet Monday
A meeting of Phi F ta Sigma
nominees has been calle< for Mon
day, April 24, at 6:30
C. R. Ransdell, Dean of the An-i
nex, announced today. The meet'
ing, to be held in the Chemistry!
lecture room, is to sele -t officers!
for thewroming year, Ransdell add
Mrs. Willie Thomas, Librarian
p. m. Dr:
are now in the print shop and
should be ready within the next
two weeks, F’rank Cleland, chair
man of the program subcommittee,
reported. The programs will be six
by nine inches in Size and Will con
tain 16 pages. Approximately
7,000 copies are being made, Cle
land said- These will be distributed
free of charge during the All Col-
lege-Mothrir’s Day weekend.
Represented at Rice
David Rives reported that three
A&M students made a trip to Hous
ton td visit the Rice Review during
the past weekend. The students
who madef the trip went .Richard
Tumllnsoni Charlie Schwab, ami
David Rives. ,
Norman Heffrcm, chairman uf
the publicity committee, requested
that all departments turn in to the
respective deans' offices the per
sonal Information sheets which
were distributed several weeks
ago. The (iheets ore being used to
gather personal Information on all
studedts who will participate In the
activities Of All College Day. From
this Inforihutlon o news story will
b* written and sent to the student's
home towin paper, Heffron con
cluded. j
The next meeting of the All Col
lege Day committee will be on
May 1 in the conference room of
the Dean of Engineering.
' I • * ~
Auto Robberies
Still Unsolved
. •! r - ■' v' rp
M .
Nation’s Top
Collegiate Daily
NAS 1949 Survey
Price: Five Cents
Thorough Investigation has
so far failed to urreover any
thing definite concerning sev
eral thefts reported on the
campus recently, Fred Hick
man, chief of Campus Security,
laid today.
Radios have been stolen from
cars on the campus on three dif
ferent occasions during the past
year. The most recent °f these
raids was staged on April 4 when
seven car radios were'Stolen.
Three were taken from cars in
-the lot for do-m 12, two from the
lot for dorm 16 and twb from the
lot for Law Hall, Hickman re
ported. | I
Most of the radios have been
stolen from 1949 and I960 Fords.
Complete investigations have been
made of each of the cases.
During the last raid, lauthorities
spotted the license number of the
car in which the thieves made their
get-a-way. The number was for
warded to county sheriffs and state
patrolmen. The car, abandoned,
was found in Houston, April 6.
The two other raids were staged
early last fall, Hickman contin
ued. On one occasioti two cars
were also’ stolen. One of these
was abandoned only a. few miles
from the campus. The; other was
later found stripped in Houston.
Petty thefts Have bten occurr
ing occasionally throughout the
year, Hickman explained. Most of
these seem to be the work I of
youngsters. j '
Such items as blankets, sun
glasses, and even paekniges of gum
have been reported stolen from
Hickman advised th|t in order
to stop the petty thelfts, nil
students should be stire to lock
the doors and winriovir* of their
These men will present a number at the band concert to be held
in Guion Hall Tuesday night. They are in the Usual order, Wayne
Dunlap, R. L. Robinson, Bill Asberg, and Dick Lay. '■
3,000 Get
Two Days
More than 1,500 students and
residents of i College Station had
their tuberculosis X-rays made in
the YMCA yesterday, according to
Mrs. A. A. Blumberg, executive
secretary of: the Brazos County
Tuberculosis Association. The num
ber of X-rays made on Tuesday
was 1,423. j.
During the first hour on Wednes
day morning 1 , 227 X-rays were
made or on an average of nearly
four per minute. Ernest Langford,
mayor of College Station, and W.
L. Penberthy, dean of students,
who are tho co-chairmen of the
College Station survey, are
S atified at the response which
e drive has received thus far,
Mrs. Blumbcirg said.
Mayor lauigford and Dean Pen
berthy have been working with
Davis Grant:who is chairman for
Texas’ Own
Sinking—On Dry
If.. k - Ml.... A .-.k.lli lift fWtt lit.. ullst ' lit
Houston, Tex., April 20 - Wt
The Ban Jacinto Ituttfegrouml Is
melting slowly Into the Houston
chip channel ami calming some
It started with the l parking of
the battleship Texas near the his-
torie spot. , j
Ships steaming up and down the
channel splash waves against sides
Texas History Documents
Featured in Library Display
“Historic Documents of our
Texas Heritage,” a photographic-
poster display is now being shown
in Cushing Memorial Library in
conjunction with San Jacinto Day,
April 21.
This display, prepared by the
San Jacinto Museum of History
is composed of 16 posters. Each
of which is an actual photograph
of documents famous in Texas
Depicted is a survey of the hap
penings proceeding, during and fol-
Whs 1908 Belle
"Being the first woman to work
for A&M 1* an honor that I trea-
xur* very dearly," says pretty
little Mrs. Willie- D. Thomas of
the Cushing Memorial LiMRury
staff. '
- For It was she who came to the
campus In 106#—from the Univer
sity of Texas, as the flrat A&M
woman employee to participate in
an experiment to orgenise *' li
brary. She only stayed ope year
because the school lacked funds
tip carry out the program, -j .
The temporary library that year
conslRted of one room and part of
another In the old Ma(n Building.
It was unite a problem to organ-
ise the 111 assorted group* of books
and magazine, but. according to
others, she managed to do an effi
cient job of it.
The year, 1908, was quite an ex
citing one on the campus, and
she was right in the middle of It.
That was the year of the big
strike, which is infamous rn A&M
history. (_
She was considered a ca
det girl because of her popular
ity with the boys of all four
entire cadet
companies (the
corps at the time). Hh<
seated at all dances and wan glvr
was pre-
by the
en a special
She was also* well lll|ed by the
faculty and roomed
daughter of Dr. Fourjtnli
head Of the English C
His position during the
cause of her many f riem la,
us'hm unwilling confident
factions. U was rvmu kul
she was able to keep both hgppy. I
Wedding bells cnimei ih 1914:
and she returned to the campus to
marry Marvin "Colonel" Thomas,
better known a* “Spot" Thomas.
To many, "Spot" was tie nlost be
loved professor on the rumpus.
Mrs. Thomas returned to her
work In the library, ehleh she
had studied and #nJoy«d so well.
She had one student assistant
to help her run It at ilrst.
In 1918, Dr. Mayo w is appoint
ed librarian, and she was his as
sistant! Together, the> built the
foundation for the e> tensive li-
brary of today. , *
In the years that fp lowed, she
and her husband, aloty; with Dr.
Mayo started the Junt< and Fort
nightly Clubs. They ale ays met at
her house where studei ts knew to
expect refreshments during meet-
Through this, association, her
home became a meeting place
where all students were welcome.
For 27 years, Mrs.' Thomas was
in charge of the circulation library.
During this time she has made
many friends and has Influenced
many minds with her remarkable
ability for choosing books and
teaching others to read. if
When asked to relate mtme of
the amusing Incidents happening
In the library, she said, “the two
that stand out In my memory
moat ara when one boy came in
and ask for The Badger, when
he wanted Sinclair Lewis' Bab
bitt. The other time waa when
a boy came In and aald he want
ed something to read but "none
of that prone or poetry stuff."
; At the present time, Mrs. Thp-
mss is on modified service. Her
job now is selecting books for the
current .desk and keeping of the
displky C&S68.
She has never been particularly
in the limelight, but just the same,
she has always remained one of
those indispensable persons who
have made it their job to improve
the school through their own spec
ial capabilities.
lowing Texas gaining her inde
Included in this collection is a
photo of the rough draft of the
Texas Declaration of Independence,
written March 2, 1886, and be
lieved to be in the hand writing
of George C. Childress.
Along with that is jthe finished;
Declaration. Clearly visible on this
document are the signatures of the
signers which include ( Zavala, Ellis,
Caldwell, Taylor and all the other
men who participated.
Austin’s Keynote speech which
was published in the first edition
of the Telegraph and Texas Regis
ter in Austin, Texas,! on October
10, 1835 is also displayed.
Sam Houstons’ Proclamation,
his call to arms of all able bodied
Texans, is shown. Thik is pictured
with actual corrections made in
handwriting made by ijlousfo^'
The last poster is {dedicated to
General Travis, the! commander
of the Texas troups in the Alamo.
In this can be found] his famous
letter in which he appealed for
aid. . f
The letter contains! in part, ’"I
am' beaeiged, by a thousand or
more of the Mexicansiunder Santa
Anna," and "I shall never surrenJ
der or retreat."
This display will ; he shown
throdgh next week. !
Rifle, Pistol Teams
Meet Camp Hood
L The A&M College Rifle and
Pistol teams will play; hosts to the
rifle and pistol team* from Camp
Hood, Friday at 1 p. m„ Col. F. R.
Swoger announced today,
j This is the first ; shoulder to
shoulder matches the two teams
have fired this year.! A&M teams
defeated the Camp Hbod teams in
* previous postal m^tch.
Firing for the rifle teams will
be from the standing, kneeling,
prone, and sitting positions.
The pistol matches at the stad
ium will be open to the public.
Lost week the rifle team fired
against the University of Illinois
and the University of Wisconsin,
winning both matches.
.. f .
which the hattle-
causing its banks
of the slip
ship Is berthetl,
to peel off. j |
The «ro*l(fn already Is threat
ening the Mjusonlc Memorial,, near
the gangway to the battleship.
Lloyd Gregory, chairman of he
battleship commission. Said the sit
uation has been pointed out to
Gov. Allan Shivers and the legis
lature. !
Two plan* have beep advanced.
One would restore the bulkhead
breached in berthing the Texas.
This would cost an estimated
$80,000. The other would involve
the construction inside the slip
where the Texas is berthed.
Cotton Ball Ducats
Are Now Available
„ i
Tickets are now on sale for
this year’s Cotton Ball and Cot
ton Pageant in the Student Activ
ities office in Goodwin Hall, Mrs.
Betty Holcomb, receptionist for
Student Activities, said today.
Reserved seats for the Cotton
Pageant to be held on Kyle Field
are $1.25 per person. General ad
mission seats are $1.00.
Cotton Brill tickets are $1.50
stag or drag. The Cotton Ball will
be held Friday evening on the
Slab, after the Cotton Pageant.
Duchesses; and escorts will not
need tickets for the Cotton Pa
geant, but they will need tickets
to the Cotton Ball.
the survey in Bfazes County.
From 15 to 20 women from Col
lege Station are volunteering their
services during (each day of the
survey, Mrs. Blumberg explained.
Seven’ to ten arje on duty in the
YMCA at any o|ne time and jeach
serves a half day.
Mayor Langford has requested
all College Station residents to
have their X-rbys made within
two days. The student rush is de*
finitely over, he pointed out. The
X-roy unit will continue to operate
in the YMCA fifom 8:30 a. m. to
6:30 p. m. on Friday and from
9 a. m. to 4 p. jm. on Saturday.
All persons who have had their
X-rays made’ will receive a re
In Vote Tod
HFilingsl p"
ay in
tioiis with
resentative to the athletic
1 and a yell-leader while the
student body will v 0te only
ttalion co-edRofs.
^ “-"'right is unop-
or non-military
i and Duvid M.
sg forj non-mil-
eT to pie Ath-
port on them within the next two
Candidates having rilreridy filed
weeks. If any tuberculosis' vie- for president are Lloyd Manjeot,
* - ‘ W. R. (Bill) Mohs, liryan /dm-
tlms are found,'theyi.wlll bo ad
vised of further step* to .take.
The X-ray unit # tar ted the sur
vey In Brasos County bn April 4
at the A&M Cal|ege Annex, It op.
eruted there for two days during
which time 1.427 X-ray* were
mad*. On April 6 tha unit wa*
moved to Bryan where It served
through April { 10. While there
6.161 X-rays were made. The unit
moved Into (he YMCA on Tuesday,
April 18 ami Will remain there
until Saturday, I April 22.
Next week the unit will move
to tlurloNon County when* they
will begin work! In Caldwell.
i The X-roy Is free for all per
sons over tne age of IB. Children
under that age; are very seldom
TB victims, Mks. Blumberg con
Bluebonhet Farms
Observe Field Day
Bluebonnet Farms, the Texas
A&M College System’s huge re
search and demonstration acreage
in McLennan rind Coryell coun
ties, held its first field day for
the general public yesterday.
A general inspection tour of the
farm was conducted in the morn
ing followed by a two hour ex
planatory program which included
remarks by seven A&M and U. S.
Department of Agriculture scien
Feature of the day was the beef
cattle improvement program npw
being carried on by the farm.
The Texas phase of a project co
operative between tha US DA and
several states in improving beef
cattle is crossbreeding of Brahman
and Hereford to develop a strain
better adapted to the Southwest.
Bollbting’{takes place t
the general spring electio
the field small and. the
few. | ‘
. Non-military students will elect
a representative to jthe 'athletic
council and
on Battalion
Edward C. Fulbright is unop
posed in the race for rionfmilitary
senior yell leader.
Wallace W f Moon
Elston are competini
itary representative^
letic Council.
Dave Coslett and Clayton Selph
are unopposed in the Battalion co
editorship racri, therbnly candi
dates to be voiced on by the entire
student body[ I
Student senators irt each dormi
tory will distribute ull ballots at
6 p. m. tonight and collect them
at 10 p. m. All! votes will be tab
ulated by the ielectiopji committee
and results will be announced as
soon ns possible. .|
Senior Office*
Students continued to file to
day for various class offices. En
tering the race for president of the
senior class wad Dare Keelan,
petroleum engineering and geology
student froijn Beaumont. Keelan
withdrew us u cuiididritej for sen
ior yell leader to ruh fpr preW
deni, of the jclass (, t '52
ni«rman, { .luck Solethyr, a
Massengale. i , T
Filing fori vlce-p
Noble N. Clark, bu
from Btlrleson, ami
nt was
l>ert [Hi
i][ k4
Post OffifcieCut
Draws P
Wniihinffton, A)
(AP)~Tho irutM if
rll 20
mall Mir-
vice ordered by
General Donaldaon atlr!
ditional protests ..
Senator Wiley (R-WI*!) coin
plained that “fifty {million tired
taxpayers have Wen hit, in the
mailbox.” He took the administra
tion to task for trying ‘‘io salve
money by firing a few $40 |a week
It ' ‘ k
Dost pf
substitute postal workers--
whom are veterans.” f
In .New York, Philip Leppjejr,
president of a letter Carriers local
union with 5,200 members, said
Donaldson’s order curtailing ser.
vice has “thrown panic into the
hearts” of postal workers. He ea-
timated between 10 and 16 per eept
of New York’s letter Carriers would
be furloughed or dismissed under
the economy order, with addition
al reductions in clerical workers
in ns-vot-nFFinno
effective at
or mail ohly
in postoffices.
Donaldson’s order,
once, calls for deliver,
once a day to homes, other cut
backs in service to places of busi
ness, and earlier closing ol| pds'
office windows when possible.
The Postoffice Department is
down for $2,207,000,000 in nek|
year’s appropriation. This is $28,-
000,000 less than President
man requested but $150,0
more than the department got th|s
Matthews, chemical engineering
student from Sand Spying, Ok la.
Students already In the] race for
vice-president are Jack Kriley, Joe
Johnson Jr., BIB Parse,, Bunion
McAllister, and Ralph Gorman.
Three new candidates- filing to
day for secretary-treasurer were
Don Grubbs, English major from
Glendale; Calif.; Bob T. Asher,
San Antonio accounting major;
and Don V. Stigall, business, ud-
Part of the group
who went on
Corps during the Easter holidays get together Ditto, 1
for an informal pose aboard ship. From left to Gerald
right they are: Leroy Hoermann, Robert Eagle- George
• ,
of junior contract studeni
with the
JOyce, R. L. G eaecke.
i»n), Jerry . .
Ferris Brown, Bob Griffin,
Devos, Hans Klllingstad,
Ricketts, and William Wi
Pictures of all candidates for
the presidency and vice-presi
dency of the Clax» of ’52 (cur
rent sophomore class) next year,
will be run in the Monday and
Tuesday, i^prit 24 and 25, Bat
talions, along with a brief plat-
/ form, if the candidates will
turn them in to The Battalion
office before 5 p.m. Friday.
' Platform lengths should be
Jcept to 100 word* or less, the
Co-ed i tors said, and they re
serve the right to cut the size'
of either platform or pictures
to meet spare requirements.
Platform* Should be legibly
written and picturea should be
glossy prints, v
trast, the co-edi
The same offei
(ended to candi
Presidency, vice-]
social secretary
('la*N$ uf* '5W (c|
class) prior u
class election, t
i Their deadline for turning In
platforms and plclrirea is April
good con
will be ex- -|
[tea for tho
idency, and
ition of the I
rent Junior
r April 27
ministration major from Wharton.
Men having previously flleir for
tary-treasurer are (i
Gale Hnin-
, 0. R. ( Hob)
and Herman
drett, David G.
Ruble, Herb
Hnclsl Herretary
No new auplIuatloriH were turned
In for soelal secretary. Thoso hav
ing 1 , previously filed are John K.
Gossett, Don It, Joseph, William
It. Cornish, Don It, Heuldth.' Ken*
noth W. Mchaake, Je* D. Mrlver,
and Joseph Dj. Hinton,
The only now candidate for! sen
ior class hi*torlan Is WesComh
Jones, chetnlfnl engineering ma
jor from Humble.
Other aspirants for class his
torian are George Charlton, James
T. Brown, aiul James W. Porter;
Deadline fdr filing for the sen
ior class offices is Monday, April
24 with the elections to Ik* held
Thursday, April 2?. i ,
Sophomore Offices \ ~
Sophomore fillrigs also took a
large jump yesterday. The Glass
of ’62 will Vote by secret ballot
Tuesday night to fill eight open
class positions. A run-off election
will be held Thursday, April 27.
Deadline for filing in the sopho
more races is Saturday at noon.
New aspirants for the Class of
'62 presidency are Eric Carlson/,
economics major from Elgin; H. T. I
Chandler, petroleum engineering
.major from Corsicana; Daniel B. . I
Fleming, Ag Ed majpr from Mel
vin; and Clinton Fawcett, business
and accounting major) from Hills*
boro. | ; ■ - .; \ •' r ,
J. Harold Hughe*, Dean Reed,
and John T. I Hightower have pre
viously filed for the position. [
Soph Veep
In the vice-presidential 'raolf!
M. Lance, educational ma- .
ion filed yesterday^
’om withdrew from 7
the race for junior yell-leader
to file for class vice-president.
Others who have already filed
for this position arc Gerald D'.
Campbell, ‘ “
jor from Mis
E. R. “Rip"
npbell, Jr., K Hobie Fatherce,
(See ELKCTIONH, Page 4)
ry ha* had another
C*mpla|nt IfVeled against It. They
tried to malt* amends, though.
.Seems one of the local cadets dis
covered, on opening his laundry
bundle, that one of his towels
was missing. It was « maroon-trim
med job frUm a set hla Mother
had given him when he wa* a fresh
man, He set firth Immediately to
register hi* ^omplalrit.
Much searching in the local em
porium of busted buttons failed to
uncover the missing towel.
Finally, in diwperatlon the cadet
wailed, “Any towel will do. Just
give me any towel." L
His request was granted. It
wasn’t until he got hack to his
room and unfolded the article that
he wan ready to register a-rtww
For there,!written plainly across
the top of (he white towel, wer*
these words in big, block letters: - l
“Property — 0T Athletic Depart