The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 06, 1950, Image 4

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Push New Support
Key West, Fla., April 6
(AP)—Thomas Knight Fin-
letter, long time champion of
. • -*a 70-group Air Force, Tues
day was named by President
' , Truman m Secretary for Air.
A dUtinirutNhod Now York At
torney uml frequent State Depnrt-
,. ; went advUor, Flnlotter Nuccoeda
W- Stuart SymiSKton, ahlfted by
. .j, the prooident to’ the lonK^varant
chalrmanahlp.of the National Se-
' curity rc»ourcf» board.
\ , Truman signed flnlottor’a nonv
t" ination T u <• a d a y afternoon at
the “Winter White Houae” and
Vforwarded it to Washington by
air for submission to the Senate
^ for its confirmation.
The appointment was one of a
^ ' iv series of major shifts in the Tru
man administration worked out
since the president left Washington
March 12 for a month-long vaca-
L". tion here.
- They included the Appointment
\ of Budget Director Frank Pace,
Faires Inspects
Virgil M. Faires, Management
Engineering professor and head of
'the department, recently returned
from a visit to New Orleans and
• Baton Rouge where he made an
•-extensive accrediting inspection
ti of the Engineering Schools of Tu-
lane and Louisiana State Upiver-
rfity. ‘
He was acting as an Agent foi
the Engineers Council for Prqfes-
- sional Development., ^ .
Faires spent four; days in Ba
ton Rouge an,d three days in New
Orleans before .returning to Col
lege Station.
Delegates Attend
New Orleans Meet
A Southern regional conference
of vocational Industrial aijd state
supervisors was held in New* Or
leans March 20-26.
Representing the Industrial Ex
tension Servibe wore E. L, Wil
liams, director; H. D. Beahden, as
sistant to the director; and M. D
Darrow, teacher-trainer.
Thirteen Southern states wore
^represented at the week-long meot-
ingr'at the request of the U.‘S,
Office of Education. Officials of
this office presided over the meet 1
ing. .1
Purposes of the meeting were
to discuss problem* in the field
of VoeationaKIndustrial training;
to plan for future • improvements
in state vocational industrial pro
grams, and tb exbhange beneficial
ideas of procedure developed by
each state.
. of the lArniy and
Assistant Director Frbdcr ck J.
Jr., as Secretary .
Lawton as hh) successor.
Flnletter was chatrmlun |>f ths
president’s Air Pohcy Comnission
which drafted the ‘‘Fii^atf or Ire-
port” In 1048, reeohmbmang,
among other things, the bjilting
of u 70-group Air rce h ^m-
Ington, too, has ndvOcnted : 70
groups as necessary tp
tlon’s defense.
More Plans Adpe«f
Washington, April rfn
Vinson (D-tia) urged
Tuesday to provide IjBSR,
more for warplanes In next
military budget as a precaution
against an “atomic blitz ”
Rep. Vinpon, who ib ch|i
Committee, 'expressed
+ V» n I? iiat-inno <> ' V
M jtluw
the Russians are ' bv ildihg • up
their fleet of warplan >s ii <are-
ful preparation for an atomic
“Pearl Harborj." “The t ton ic blitz
of tomorrow is a real a genuine
possibility,” hp told tie Koupe.
Opposing Vinson’s p an to-give
the Air Force and Navy more
money for planes. Rep-. Ma lori (D-
Tex) declared “our^enemiis want
us to spend ourselves iito defeat.
However, at about th i sa ne time
that Vinson delivered his speech.
Secretary of Defens J Johnson
asked the joint chiefs of stiff to
review the proposed >13,!lll,127,-
000 budget for the fig iting forces
and determine wheth ;r
should be asked to pr ividhd more
money. i ! i
AgEco, Social
Field Trip B
Approximately fifty-th
dents majoring jin Agr
Economics and Socioloj ;y lift today
for a three day inspection tour of
various plants and business; con
cerns in the Houston and Dallas
areas, according to J. W. Barger,
professor of Agiicilllura!'
In Houston the! gi’o
Arrow Mills, Inc J G
Warehouse, Houston Packing’G 0 ** 1 -
pany, Second Nhtioi u| Bank; 'Far
mers Co-op Mark atj PKenjx Dairy,
and Converte<l Rice Company; L. S.
Paine will be in (charge c^f the
Houston trip. ;■
While in Dallas the group will
Miller Asked to Lead
BeeL Cattle Studies
Dr. J. C. Miller, head of the
Animal Husbandry Department,
, ^'has been asked to serve as chair-
^ man of a national committee to
make a study of beef cattle types
kets, Dallas Cotton Exchange!, Fed
oral ReserVe Bank of Dutla*, Nei
man-Marcus, Scam Roebuck and
Company, and Alford Refrigseratccl
Warehouses. R, L. Hunt will be in
charge of the Dall as trip.
Excused absence s have | been
granted by the Exise^tive Commit
tee and names will sbp4turhed in
after the trips, but to be excused
on a given dayj, i|a student must
participate in e> cry inspection
listed unless exposed in advance
by the instructor in charge, Bar
ger said. , 4
In State College, Pennsylvania, the
favorite gathering apot of students
at Pennsylvania State College it
Graham & Sons because it is a
cheerful place —r full of friendly
collegiate atmosphere. And when
the gang gathers around, aMhCold
Coca-Cola gets the call. For here,
as in college haunts every Where—
Coke belong?.
Askjor it tither way ... both
trade-marks mean the'same thins.
O 1949. n» Coca-Cola Company
Senior Class President Bobby Byington and
Foley’s model Gwen Taylor pass under the tra
ditional arch of sabers during the military wed-
d ng included in the clothing show “From Boots
to Boutonnieres.” This scene was reprinted in
Houston newspapers the day following the show
in Guion Hall.
Keeper of the Bloodhounds
ancin 9
Or, Phooey o
York—<**—Time, you old
gurdy man, crank us up a
ttls music, please.
Just a little background tuna
will do—something to do with this
true tale that started one gene
ration ago:
The gid’a name was Betty, and
she had a twinkle in her eye and
a fervor in her feet Betty could
danoe like no other girl.
Among hor swains waa a young’
sobersides called Herbert He had
money in the bank, an aoha lit
hla Heart—and lead In hia fast
Ha would Mium, Unity to danoes
and than sit ’ein out Watching
while Betty romped about ths
floor in anothar fallow’s anna. :
Finally ha wrestled up hla cour
age and proposed marriage.
nee, Herbert, and
it over,” she said.
’ out to he good,
they danced and
“Learn to
then we’ll
The guy
They danced
they were
It would hje nice if wf could
just say that they tangoed haz
ily aver after, but you know
But not Herbert. He yir*k ih the
grip of foot! fever by then. He
started stopping out on Betty.
She didn’t gripe about it much.
* What ahe didn’t taka into ac
count was Alios. After about 10,•
000 bunny-hugging’ tHps around a
dance floor with Alice, Herbert
forgot all about being a prospec
tive father.
They had It out—he and Betty—
and then there waa k divor
Later Herbert married Alice. Ar
soon after that All
thumb on him.
“No. more dancing, Jii
said4“W«sW ghown up
she made it stick, too.
And what ■ about
K ' And what - snout tciiyt yn»
«rrdn<r to •h* didn’t do any more i ox trotting
^n d .ho°n«?t daiefni- h * either. As a matter of act It kept
a baby, so she quit dancing. / her on the dog trot jt st to earn
enough to support herself and Hoi*
bert’s child. , [;
His name was Bob. He grew .tip
Into a big fine handsonc man, Tie
never married and he never learned
to dance. Never had
Hob. hah bean a wondjir
Betty. Her money
over. Boh has seen
makes a good steady
plays tft a dance band
‘Jest a Mere Dog, Ma ’am ’
Explains Expert
Associated Press Staff
Gatesville, Tex.——Jim Nich
ols is 'a slim Texan in skin-tight
bluer jeans who’ll tell you he’s
'“{jest a dog man, ma’m.”
He’E) the fellow who trains the
bloodhounds at the Gatesville
School for Boy’s.
v j “We have to get the hounds out
-npaybcj twice a week," he said. “A
boy’ll be missing and we’ll go give
them a scent from something of
toe boy’s, and they set out.
“If they hike out across the
pasture, we know the boy’s hid
in’ in the brush. But if they
just-keep circling the buildings,
we know he’s in one of those
' ■ lings hidin’. And We find
jest keep that up, sending
>y a little farther away and
a' little farther'away. And that’s
all there is to it.”
: Nichols takes his bloodhounds to
slurrounding counties, too, when the
sheriffs ask 'help in tracking down
Baylor’s Trustees
Authorize Changes
Waco, April 5—<A > >—Baylor Uni
versity’s Board of Trustees voted
yesterday to move' the institution’s
nursing school from Dallas to
Waco. i
i An enlarged instruction program
culminating in a degree of bach
elor of science in nursing was in
cluded in the move, President W.
R. White said, following the semi
annual meeting of the trustees.
The proposed transfer of the
nursing school brings to seven the
number of Baylor's nine schools
and colleges on the Waco campus.
The College of Denistry remains
in Dallas and the College of Medi
cine remains in Houston.
In another action affecting the
Dallas schools. The Baylor trust
ees authorized Baylor Hospital to
borrow $300,000 for completion of
the two [top floors | of its new
byilding. The two floors will pro
vide the {hospital with 182 more
beds kh'd raise the building to seven
Glover New Manager
Of College Food Store
L. E. Glover of Houston suc
ceeds Charles Bowen as manager
of the College Food Store at 137
Walton Drive in College Hills.
Bowen has been transferred to
a criminal.
He took “Tex” and “Slouch” to
Belton the night someone fired
two shots at District Attorney
James K. Evctts during the
Smithwick trial Jan. 23.
“Steady there, boy. Steady,
Slouch,” he murmured all the time
the dogs were sniffing around for
the trail.
The silver bells—about an inch
long—on their collars twinkled,
but the dogs themselves made ho
“If they find the trail, they’ll
set up a noise like you never
heard, barking and baying,"
Nichols said. “And as long as
they’re on the trail, they’ll keep
> Nichols said his dogs weren’t
ekcccmiful in Belton because they
weren’t uaed to working on .pave
ments and in a crowded place like
a residential district.
“And wo don’t have any real
good dogs since Tige and Kqsty
died. Old Tige—he had human in
telligence. He was 14 years old
when he died not long ago, but he
jest plain died of overwork.” i
Rusty was sent but oh the trail
of an escaped prisoner hear Belton
last year and never came back.
The dogs at the Gatesville
school now are offspring from
three dogs Nichols got from
State Prison headquarters et
Huntsville when he wertt to work
at Gatesville in lj94L
“I hud no’ special trailing for
training bloodhounds,” he said.
‘Tm jeat a dog man, ma’am. 1
was born in Coryell County at Pan
cuke—reckon you never heard of
It—and I’ve been loving’.dogs all
my life. Mv folks wouldnft let mo
have any dogs until I was big
enough to take care of them, but
ever since I’ve been big enough.
I’ve hud dogs around me. I’m CO
years old now.”
A&M’s Intercollegiate Rodeomon rode and roped their way into
third place in the nation at the National Intercollegiate Rodeo finals
held in San Francisco this week. In the usual order ithey are:
Martin Manuel, Bill Sayars, Charles Wampler, Maxie Overstreet,
Matt Syler, and Claybornc Smith. Overstreet took first place in
Brahman Bull riding.
Enjoy the Milk
of Better Teste
• | .i •
Richer Flavor
Week-end Specials —
& Saturday
7% Oz.
Kraft Dinner . , . 2 for 25c
6 Oz. Post’s
Sugar Crisp .... 2 for 27c
6V£ Oz. Hawaiian
Green Label Tuna . . . 27c
No. 1 Tall I
Pink Beauty Salmon . 35c
No. SOS Del Monte Cream Style
Golden Corn ... 2 for 29c
No. 2 KhnbeU’s Whole
Green Beans . ...... 20c
No. soon/. • '-I L
Hunt’s Pears ...... 15c
No. 2^ Hunt’s
Fruit Cocktail . . . .
46 Oz. Sunshine
Orange Juice
3i/$ Oz. Old Bill
Vienna Sausage , . .i
Top Kick Dog 1 Food .
12 Oz.
Log Cabin Syrup , . .
Carton Dr. Pepper ). .
Toilet Tissue . 4 Roll
Pt. Miracle Whip
Sylad Dressing..-.
2 lbs. 5c
Bunch 5c
5 lbs. 23c
19c doz.
2 heads 19c
... in Dry Goods Department as long
as supply Win.
Mon’o — Keg. Price'49c NOW
Men’a — Reg. Price 75b NOW
Men’s Quality Mill* — Reg 89c NOW
One Lot — 20 x |42 — Reg. 85c pr. &OW
CANNON TOWELS . . . Pr. 59c
One Lot — 21 x 42 — Reg. $1.78 pr. . NOW
One Lot — Reg. 98c pr. NOW
TOWELS ...... I»r. 69c
One Lot — Regi 9c j i. NOW
One Lot — Regi 16c NOW
WASH CLOTHS L ...... 10c
One Lot .Men’s — Reg. 25c j- - J NOW
Armour Klar
Roll Roast
55c lb.
[! \| I 'I ' ^
Veal Chops
Armou^ Star
24 Oz. Del Monte
Dill Pickles 32c
'A Lb.,:/
Maxwell House Tea . . 25c
1 Lb.
Monarch Coffee .... 71c
Gold Medal
Flou^-....... 5 lbs, 38c
I Lb. Yellow i u
Parkay Oleo ...... 36c
Super Suds - Large . . 19c
Pintp Beans.... 2 lbs. 24c
Franco American
Spaghetti..... 2 for 25c
14 Oz. Birds Eye j
Frozen Spinach .... 23c
Birds Eye
Wax Beans . . .. . . 23c
S Lb. Mrs. Tucker’s
Shortening ....... 53c
Sugar. . ... . . 5 lbs. 38c
808 KimbeH’s Small
Green Lima Beans;
Babb Cleanser...... 10c
2V& Can Libby’s
Sauer Kraut. ,. 2 fjor 25c t
f O the Month—Blueberry
igid Dough .... L . 49c
r 0/t / £ys
> - n -y ]MPKN :
B P.M.