The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 05, 1950, Image 4
> * nUj*iwuM.t»ij|if.pwn" Mr - 1 'V- \ ’ IS As A] or ies, By P. H. DONOVAN . Langford, Ames, Orr, and Goray- ieki were re-elected in the College Station general election yesterday, ■while a run-off will be necessary to determine who will be council- thftn from Ward II for the next two jeara, according to' City Manager Raymond Rogers.. ■ Mayor Ernest Langford polled 160 rotes of the 171 cast, return ing to the office he has held jince 1642. Two names were written in, •L C. Gaines, who received' one rote, and Joe Motherall, who polled ten votes, Rogers said. • Jr A. Orr took his office of councilman of Ward I unopposed, receiving 41 votes. Homer Adams received two write-in votes. The 'hotly contested race for councilman of Ward II found the incumbent, Robert B. Halpin, lead ing his nearest rival, Charles J. Keese, by one vote—36 to 3fi. Bil- lie Mitchell and Lloyd G. Berry man received 15 and 14, respective ly- '~ ! ' •: ■ I ogej for Halpin and Keese will about May 4. In the race for council Ward III, E. E. Ames elected over W. H. Freibe: a vote of 16 to 11. Ames of the Ames Travel Agency North Gate. 7 , ’ f Charles J. Gorsycki, urto] for re-election for recorder porntion court, received votes cast at the polls. “These are the unofficial lection »e held of cor- all 178 election Book Review Planned For Extension Meeting . A book review by Mrs. Calvin Pigg of Bryan will feature a meet ing of the Extension Service Club to be held in the YMCA at 3 p. m. tomorrow. j Mrs. J. F. Rosborough will lead the business of the ’program and Mrs. F. Z.. Beanbloshom i^ to be chairman of hostesses.- COOL. COMFORTABLE CLEAN Beautyrest Mattresses Tile Baths -r ’ ' ’ ' Drop Us a Card for Reservations BRYAN COURT A Preston Dishman. Owner and Manager Hi-way Six, South of Bryan HONE 2-7560 : < V : rl SM If Carry on the; [Exciting Tradition of The Cotton Ball With a Light Hearted Gown of Billowing Swiss Or ly or Nylon Marquoisette^ We ]can help you fulfill your dreams-from our collec tion of short and full length Evening Dresses. Ij returns,’ city counc late tomo clal returns, Rogers pointed out. “The will meet sometime 'Prow and release offi- he said. il Ernest Langford K : Mayor of College Station once igain is Ernest Langford who was elected to office for the fifth time yesterday. He won the election for mayor with little oppositiion. Only eleven write-in votes were cast against him. News - Society Benefit Movie Will Aid CHS Students The Kiwanis Club will sponsor a benefit movie, “Make Mine Laughs", starring Ray Bolger, in Guion Hall, April 10, at 7:30, an nounced Dixie Southenj, chairman of the finance committee, today. Proceeds from the show will be used “by the club to provide bet ter facilities for students in the Consolidated School System.,Re cently, the dub completely paid for lighting the high school foot- ball field, Southern said. Plans for the show are being made jointly by Southern and Dick Hervey, chairman of the entertain ment and recreation committee. Tickets can be purchased from Kiwanians or at the door Monday night. Admission will be 50 cents for adults and 15 cents for chil dren through high school age. Ag gies will be charged the regular 30 cents. Church Talk Aired Thursday Morning The first of two talks On “Mis sion at the Grass Roots” by Mrs. J. S. Mogford will be aired over WTAW Thursday at 10 a. m. under the sponsorship of the College Station Council of Church Wo men. | ^ The; talk will be based on the activities of rural churches. Mrs. Mogford was formally a home de monstration agent in,church work. Mrs. Dallas Belcher, radio chair man for the A&M Methodist Wo men’s; Cociety of Christian Service, will bb in charge of the April pro grams. Messers Julian Hillman and Louisj V. Hanna are others also scheduled for April talks. Band Mothers Plan Square Dance Duet Two square dances are planned to be held jointly at A&M Com- solidated school April 21 by the Consolidated Band Mother’s Club. At a called committee meeting held at the home of the club’s president, Mrs. D. W. Fleming, last Friday it was decided to prdvhle two sets of callers—one for the childrens’ group and one for the adult group. In case of rain both dances will be held inside the building. Pro ceeds of- the dance will go to the band. Koch Tells ASCE Of City PU.m S portance of city planning. Every city and town should have a definite long range plan in de veloping its land resources so as to make it a more desirable place in which to livie,’’ he told the au dience. Koch, outlined' a “logical plan that every cijty planner should follow” in laving the foundation and guiding the growth of a pro gressive city. The point was stress ed that the future should be given careful consideration in any ac tion taken. ^“Kvery city builder should keep in blind this question: will this improvement contribute to making the city a more desirable place in wiich to live, work, and playt” said Koch. Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS tJ3everity (J3rale ety 115 N. Main Page 4 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1950 sau. WITH A BATTAUON CUUMISnO AD. ItelM ... So a word por Innrtloo with a Uo minimum, apse# raus la CUMtnod aostloa . . . Wo pot ooluma taeh. Bond all elaaaUMa with romit- taaoa to tho studont Aotlvttlos Offloo. All ado ohoald pa tniaod la bp 10:00 a.m. or th* dap baforo publUaimi. SSlTTATIff+KallyTJJndlT^ortabl^^aSh- Ina Marlunr. 1,1k* now and raaaonably prlrod. CMl-g CoMogo Vl»w altar ft- Bn US to hup or aan usod fumllura Phono a-ro«7. Wood Purnilura Coop pony. Student - Faculty DIRECTORY •« Texas A&M College 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 Of Mail 50c to" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 1 n r Texas A&M College ^ College Station, Texas j —On Sato at Annex— ' SNACK BAR & NEWS STAND o WANTED • WANTED TO BUY and Baby Ttnda. 6*1364, Play poo. olrollor Mra. Kolloy—Phono • FOB BENT • SPntUAU I.OW SHORT Tllfn RENTAL. rivo men tho — fXO.OO por month, to quality oovon room houoo, two hotlui. lovoly furnlahlngo. A root bargain. Call at 109 Kylo or phono #-#014. OAHAiiK APARTMENT, Two block* from North <1*1*, Idoal for working couplo. CoihnloUly furnlahod, oloctrlc refrigera tor. Call 4-47#4. ~ 7 • MISCELLANEOUS • Consult Or. Carlton R. Lee ] OPTOMETRIST With Your Visual Problems 203 S. Main — 1 Phone 2-16 JPPIES. main and femaleo. six a and woaned. Coll Bat. Mar- 11203. Rosa Hall -or at homo— nklln. rornor Of Williamson POR SAME: Five room residence, Angus Street. [One block south. Vj* blocks east College Park »hop|iing center. Near r*mpil*. hue line, consolidated school. InOulsitlOn, alllc fan. floor furnace, ven- elloa blinds and BendM. Call owner for mspecllon. 8. K. Jon**. 4-7*79. POR ! r A XVxV ; College StatioR Representative , r ■ SAtiB: 1 Th* followiag used micro- 'll ] IS Bausch a }.omb. 1 Leila, doenesr. Mealed bids will be re nte Office of I he Comptroller a.m.. Friday, April 14, 1980. it la reserved to reject any and and to waive any and dll tech- Address Combtroller, A. and of Texas. College Station, furl her Information. Post -1. 8PKINO Ct.KANINO Is right around the corner. Now la th* ttm* to stock up on Puller Brushes and taks advantage of our new specials. Dry mop* only 12.14, and brooms ns low a* 11.79. Call 4-40K2 or write Steve Shaw. Box 2381, College Station. -> • LOST AND FOUND • K A E slide rule No. 390817. Lost March 28-j-Reward—Hightower—Box 1143. I | Ealon-Hensel Vows Read in ‘Y’ Chapel On Sunday afternoon in the chapel of the YMCA, Miss Fran cis Dorothy Eaton became the bride of Frederick W. Hensel. Rev. James Moudy, pastor of the A&M Christian Church, officiated. The bride and groom are both from College Station and will make their home here following a wed ding trip, to New Orleans. The bride is a graduate of the University of Iowa. The groom is a graduate of A&M, and is now employed at the college. What’s Cooking AUSTIN A&M CLUB, | Friday, 7:30 p. m., Avalon Club. BELL COUNTY CLUB BAR- B-QUE, Friday, 6:30 p. m., Mes ser’s Farm, Belton. Tickets from Jerry Maxfield, club president. BRUSH COUNTRY CLUB PAR TY AND PICNIC, Friday, 1 p. m., Lake Corpus Christi. Bring own food and drinks. CAMERA CLUB, Tuesday, April 11, 7:30 p. m., Room 35, Physics Building. M SAN ANTONIO CLUB PICNIC, Saturday, 3 p. m., Landa Park in New Braunfels. Bring box lunch, drinks furnished. TAU BETA PI, Wednesday, 5 p. m. Chemistry Lecture Room. Iniation and banquet following in Sbisa Hall. , V. M. ’61 WIVES CLUBS, Wed nesday, April 5, 7:30 p. m. South Solarium, YMCA. Correction Noted For Address Time Yesterday’* Battalion wait in em>r concerning tho time that Walter L. Bell : Is to speak to the special meeting of the bumnoas and accounting students. Bell, Lt. Regional Directiir of National Food Brokers Associa tion will address the business and accounting students on April 12'. His first address will be utl O a. m. in room 103 of the Textile En gineering Building. He willj also speak at 11 a. m, and 1 p. tn. in the Assembly f Room of the YMCA, according to Ralph Hook, professor of Business and} Ac counting. -o rr- (Continued from Page 2) that the whole state will end up in bloodshed." ! . Daniel insisted: “We don’t have prejudice or hatred as some people would have you believe. Negroes and whites are pretty much against mixing socially—crossing the line. White men don’t feel this a bit stronger ithan Negro men feel it. We ask to be allowed to take care of the sit uation as the need for segregation vanishes.” Mra. Ruth Little Mrs. Little is celebrating her third anniversary aa a College Htation business woman. She is proprietor of the Aggieland Flower Shop located on Sulphur Springs Road. Flower! Arranging ject of Lecture Lecturing on the practical !as- pe:ts of flower arranging, Mrs. Claries Steineger of Dallas adll give a demonstration at the Aj&M Girden Club’s flower clmie tomor row. v I ]. I , ' ■ Demonstrations will be held by Mjrs. Steineger between the hours of 10-12 a. m. and 1-3 jp, m. | Tlfie flower clinic is to be held in the Petroleum, Lecture room and is In preparation for the chib’s annual spring flower show sche duled for April 13. * Mrs. Steingur is a nationally ac- efttiited flower show judge. She, is staying at the home of] Mrs- C, B. Campbell while on the cam- ' DUS. "1 Election Committee Meets Today at 5 The Student Senate election com mittee will meet this afternoon at 6 p. m. in room 211 of Goodwin Hall, committee chairman Roy Nance said this mprning. The committee will make deci sions on class elections and the general campus elections scheduled this month, Nance said. Student Center Tour Set Today This week’s direeled tour of the Memorial Student Center, conducted by J- Wayne Stark, director of the MSC, will be held today at 5 p. m., he said this morning.- The tour scheduled for Fri day is cancelled because of the college’s Easter holidays. Stark said. All people Interested in the conducted tour are request ed to meet at i the Southwest entrance of the building, he added. SAVE 10 TO 20% On Your Automobile and Fire Insurance Stock or Mutual Pollolea ALEXANDER - BEAL AGENCY 203 South Main Phone 2-5547 ... for every room Freah, new wallpaper add to much to any ii terlor . . I treat yourself to brand new eurrounding with a lovely wallpaper pattern selected from our Itock. As Low As Soil SINCE 1886 201 N. Main — Bryan lien Helps Write Master Sergeant Truman Allen has returned to A&M from a two week tour of temporary duty at Mitchell Air Force Base, Long Is land, New York. Allen was ordered to the Con tinental Air Command at MAFB for the purpose of helping to re write Air Force regulations per taining to the commissioning pro cess for both regular and reserve Air^Foree officers. Allen is in charge of the com missioning section of the Military Department. A&M has the largest output of both regular and reserve Air Force officers in the nation. Two other Southwest Conference schools are also numbered among the top ten colleges insofar aa number ofi Aur Force commissions given each year is conefFned. They are Southern Methodist University, which stands fifth, and the. University of Texas which is sixth. Tastes better ... i» better for you. Perry Claws Gives ‘ Mexican Program The fourth grade class of Mrs. J, V. Perry at Consolidated :hool presehted a program, “Good elghbors", in the school gym, yes* rday morning. j A Mexican hat dunce was per formed by John Martino* and Paul ine Duron. Mexican songp jwerc sung by the class and a 1 typical market scene of old Mexico I were displayed. All of the children in the class took port in the program. i J. J. Woolket,, head; of the ’ de partment of modern languages, for tha was the program. guest speaker J- SPECIAL for M^nth of April CHENILL & HOBNAIL BED SPREADS Laundered For 25c COLLEGE LAUNDRY Ph. 4-1161’ 1 College Station WE CALL FOR * DELIVER .1 I 1 $$ ARE YOU BROKE $$ Then bring those books to Lou. He will buy them Tor 4 big wholesale houses. AND IF you have anything yon want to sell in the way of < school materials —- Lou Will BUY them: now—IF you de cide to redeem them within 30 days, Lou Will let you have them bark for exactly <he aame amount you were paid. tou PQT'S TRADING POST ft Especially for SCREENS, LAWN FURNITURE, FLOWER BOX 1M PAINT for SCREEN! 1 Us* thit modtrn Ceei Mat durehl* scree* pointing. Aluminum paint UU you aee out . . . can’t as* in. Doesn’t clog Use Bondtek to ire metal. Offer .Jm qt Aluminum PafnL pt Bondtek, handy acrean painter. M $196 *2.13 far Yalta for LAWN FURNITURE COOK’S TRIM COLORS IrllUanf, oppooling colon In a wldo array of ‘ Cook’a Trim Color# fjor ndow box##, door#, shutt ’anc## and almllar trim, to a lustrous, durable fii ^JJ'CLAweiiA “Since 1888” jj 201 N. Main — Bryan Jl f. il