Farmer Golfers Shoo ;ainst TU, Tomorrow By RALPH GORMAN From over towards Austin Word haa come to us “Golf belongs to Texas.” In tbia office it was as- sumad that the possessive refer ence was in regard to Texas as a state and not the University. The Aggie golf team> veterans of six pre-conference matches and one SWC match with Baylor, will meet the Texas University links- men Wednesday afternoon at the Bryan Country Club, home course * for the Aggies. Playing their first conference match of the 1960 season, the Longhcrm golfers will be defending their 1949 Conference champion- ( ship with three of the four team' members who led them to the crown a. ^ear ago. Touring the bourse for the Ag gies will be the same team that met the Baylor team last Satur day. Two members of the Farmer team saw service last spason as squadmcn while the Remaining members are in their first year of SWC competition. Gene Darby, No. 1 man on the team, will • lead the Aggies^ with Otto GupcTero following in the No. 2 position! Guerrero is returning to the team after being idle dur ing pre-conference meets because of a serious attack of ptomaine poisoning. , 1 - , ‘ i Shooting in the third and fourth spots for the Cadets will be Monte Currie and J. C. Fletcher, respec tively. According to Gayther Nowell, Aggie golf coach, the Aggies are improving steadily and will be smart competition for t^ defend ing conferhnce~ champs. 1 Lead-off man for the I .onghorns and a seasoned linksmau, is Mor ris Williams. Playing in the NCA Tournament in Iowa Iasi: Williams shot his way tj ais and since then has con several tournaments in ti is stai Marion Pfluger, a winner in year’s match the Aggies, reported to have shown fine mise earlieri^this yea rounds in both the Texas! Open the Houston Open. Hel fills No t 2 hole for the Longhorns^ The only loser on the year when they played er team was Reece holder of third place on horn squad. Alexander ib VP the ner of the Massingill trophy ejai in March when he sho t the qualifying round in tryouts for squad. The fourth match player year on Coach Harvey Penti team is Billy Penn, up from freshman team. The Aggies will be out the .defeat administered year by the Longhorns a better position in standings after the- loss last Farm- lexarjder, the Loni to avpng them and to _ confeijei to Baylor "f rly Don Heft Heft, Who Was also a starter on the Fish cage team, fa doub ling as; the starting catcher for the Fish nine, and is recently leading the freshman baseball team with nine runs. Bottalimn SPORTS TUES* APRIL 4, 1950 Page 3 And All llecHuse of a Knee Intramural News -t-t- For Flag By NICK MANITZAS With the finish of intramural wrestling and boxing, team stand- places re- ile the third extremely still far out y hang on to as they rmaster ings for the first mained unchanged and fourth places * close. A Infantry front and will prol their intramural lead second place A by 73 points. s ir ’ The top four tea points as they stan Infantry (607), A (407), and C Infantry (403). A Infantry won the 195 0 football, cross country, wrestling championships and gained a tie with A QMC and A$A in the box ing. bis with their Ji today are A Quartermaster (434), Army Security Agency The Quartcrmas not win a clean chi: though they claimed tie: fob the boxing, place team were 1 football championsh placed strong in the Winning two crovi Physics Club Slates \ Organization Tuesday All physics majors and others interested in"the establishment of an A&M Physics Club arc asked to attend a meeting for passing on by-laws to be held in :he Phy sics Lecture Room; Tuesdiy, April 4, at 7 p. m., according to J. G. Potter, head of the Physics Depart ment. Ccuixli^ From Marks ter outfit did mpionship, al- a three way but the second nalists in the ips, and have other events, ns in the box- i. By F. E. SIM MEN, JI- Batt Sporty Feature Editor He changed Jtorses, but it v ain’t in the middle of the strearb. William “Shug” 'McPht rson, CovTtown product, came to Ad M in the'fall of ’47 on a football schol arship with no stipulation hsi to basebaHj whatsoever. In fact he did equally well; at both sports his first year. Under freshbian coach Charlie DeWare, the hefty baseballer, then playing first base, hit the apple at a .394 Clip for the season to be out- McPherson’s Fame pointed only Wallace. by teammate When football time rolled around Shug put on gridiron equipment with a maroon and white .ersey arid precepted to work himself into a starting tailback position on the Homer Norton coached club. “Theri it happened”, said the |196 Gny ' VOLLAND <5> - 5 - Put “all yow eggs in one bas ket" by selecting your. Easter Cards from our large dilplay. - Come In and we them today. The Exchange Store "Jjlerving Texas Aggies” JL . He made a big hit The first time he lit (ieiNc’ Sblcno . f'uitj'uml Pi-^E rOBACCO -pinn A:-Tr.T?-Arr-?r r T7rT.-T»i . U i»RE-EASTER / O F i 5 ON — ). 78R.P.M. RECORDS AND A&mm ' 45 R.P.jVL RECORDS! AN ALBUMS "7 30% OFF 'V AND (Does not include 331/3 R.P.M.’s) BETTER HOMES 1^4 ; 514 N. Main Phone 2-1642 '■ s ■ v- We maintain a Service Departmant v tot your convenience. I { ■ pounder, “they got my knee.” For it seerps his knee cartlage was banged up considerably, so much so, thaf he had to give up the grid game completely. ; Too Many Adds The Battalion does no^ have suf ficient j space to list all of his high school medals, ribbons, hon ors, arid letters. With a quick glance over the field we find he has accumulated twelvelhigh school numerals out of a possible fifteen. Captaining the football, baseball, and basketball teams his senior year, Shug man aged to win himself a letter in the three imost popular high i school sports,! three straight years. Track and tennis also took some of his f time though. He went to the regional finals in doubles in tennis : and ran the half mile in track to collect another numeral. “Soipe of those sweaters I’Ve never worn” says the well-clothed diamorid ace. The j fact that he was all-district in a Stough Ft. Worth gridiron district for two straight years’ also needs jnientioning. His -senior year he was selected to compete on the North squad in the ’47 North-South All-Star Class ic in El Paso. “We got beat 27 to 7”, said Shug. We didn’t find out till later though that Shug himself had sejored that lone TD on a seven yard line plunge. j Leading the Swatters \ At present McPherson is belting the horsehide at a .530 clip to lead the -club. He is second in walks with ri'Rht, second in RBIs with 12 an(i e® 8 crossed the plate twelve times; in twelve contests to rank second to Wally Moon in runs scored. It io»k twenty minutes to find out that the big Cowtown lad had received full tunc scholarship of fers ] from Rice, Baylor, TCU, SMUl JCansas State, Tulsa and nunierous^other schools before do- cidirii to come to A&M to ' play football, “Crime down with Bab Bates in ’47 tio visit With the boys,” said Shug. “Liked; it so much that I decidied to cotwg? hack in the fall" hq added. ^ “Cbuld hardly pick up a bat, guess I was about five years old” said McPherson when asked when he started playing baseball. seven different seen action in _ but gave - it started getting In the fifteen years he has been playing, Shug estimates he has played in at least leagues, and has every position on the field at one tiriie or another. His first taste of organized ball came in ’42 with the fighting, Oak- knell Wildcats in [the Ft. Worth twelve-and-under league. “I pitch ed then” said Shdg, up later wlton I my eye ori the ball. This past summer the talented Aggie gardner saw action with the, Alpine Cowboys in the Texas-New Mexico League. Stmg swung the long stick at a .339 clip to rank among the top teri hitters in the league. “Would lijke to go back there again this summer,” he com mented. J J. ] “Haven’t been Ranked up very much” said McPherson,' “but did receive an injury two,” when asked if he had received a"riy ser ious injuries competing in the dia mond game. , f Not Only Hits Ball Last season thb big junior hit the center field fence trying to catch a fly in jthe Ohio State game, “Caught it| too” he added. Three stitches above the left eye kind of quited Shug down a bit, arid he missed several games after thlat. The versatile PE major did manage to end jthe season with two home runs and a batting aver age of .247.' !'[ T l ^ He lists as the most outstanding player ever completed against as Bob Henry, an Amarillo boy, who pitched last season with Southwest ern with Oklahoma. Since then the little moundsman has signed a pro contract with the Chicago Cubs. “Would like to play pro ball” said McPherson when asked what he would like to do upon graduation. “Have received'Several-offers, but nothing is definite at the present..” A little embarrassed, but with a smile on his face, McPherson said, when asked how he stacked up with the women, “Pretty good I reckon, atill lookin’ though.” Nothing seems to bo too rough for the 196 pounder When he’s not E ing football, baseball, basket- tennis, or handbal| youTI him down at the home barns, looking over the rodeo stock. “This summer, said Shug, when I wasn’t playing baseball I did bronc busting and calf roping on the ranch down in Alpine.” ing tournament this year, tossed ASA into third place on the intra mural ladder- The ASA, like A QMC, has placed near the finals in almost every event. Team tennis champions—C In fantry—arid a tie for third place in the wrestling plus a fair showing in the boxing, places the infantry men only 4 points behind ASA. Three of the above teams reach-, ed the quarterfinals of the hand ball team tourney and will gain some points from this event. Only A Infantry of the above four didn’t reach the quarterfinals. Four events—softball, volley ball, swimming, and track— still remained to be completed, and the lead could easily change, but it seems that only A QMC can over take A Infantry. Ag Handballers Beat SMU A&M’s handball team trounced the SMU handball squad, 4-1, over the weekend. Burr Layne won the top singles match for the Aggies downing Cy Finklestein, Joe Wood defeated Mustang Floyd Schuman, 21-7, 21-11, and Russ Morrison took the only SMU win defeating Ed Hatzenbucbler, 21-12 2-12. The Aggie team of Layne and Wood dropped Finklestein and Morrison, 21-8, 19-1’i, 21-15. Softball-Volleyball Ten games in the military soft ball, Volleyball, and club softball were completed yesterday. In the three softball games of the mili- tsry class, C Air Force downed. E Field, 8-1, with Ray pitching for the winners; Sherman Hink hurled B Quartermaster to a 16-3 win over A Vet; qndi D Infantry tied with D Air Force, 8-8. A Cavalry Won, 2 out of 3 gpmes in the league B volleyball game yesterday to defeat A Coast; D Vet took two straight games over A Field; I Fjlight grabbed two games to B Transportation's one; the Whitp B^nd clinched a win oyer A Ordnalnce in two straight games; and 4 Signal duplicated the feat over C Cavalry. - B. Butler patched the Beaumont club to a 13-6 win over the Rio Grande club; ; and the Marketing and Finance club outscored the Agronomy club, 12-9. “Forfeit Doghouse” Entering th this week are Jack Brinkley A&M’s star pitcher on the fresh man diamowT squad b Brinkley, who hails from Austin. ‘forfeit doghouse” _ the Galveston club, A Athletics,, the Biology club, and the Fish and High Sc Game club. hool Malkes Award Application A&M Consolidated Senior High School has n ade a formal appli cation for the newly founded Babe Ruth Soortsmanship Award, L e s Richar Ison, superintendent announced today. f Two students from each school, a boy and a girl, is selected by th!e senior class for best displaying sportsmanshi > qualities and are presented medalians from the Babe Ruth Sports nanship Foundation. The winner’f names will be en graved on a plaque each year to be hung in the school trophy case. ¥ When it’s your tuta to fix the “spread’’ for the crowd, don’t go through the fuss and ihuss of brewing coffee. Make fresh, delicious coffee the, instant way with Nescafe.* No pot, no grounds. Simply put one teaspoonful of Nescafe in * cup. add hot water (preferably boding) and stir. There's never any waste. And that Uttle 4-oz. jar makes about as many cups as a pound of ordinary coffee—costs far less. use the Nescafe process protects the pure goodness, every cup’s a fresh cgp! If you u’U love Nescafe. Get a jar today. or orati Beca coffee g like good coffee, you’ll love Nescafe. More people drink NESCAFE than aU other instant caffansl •ti'*,* a .xsUyw* Z* oulT^ tad Ctstrow) ixcist w RtOUCtO Nt'N , 0\N P Rltt I & | fe, ' A&M PHOTO SHOP Notts G»te College St*. •K- Ag, Baylor Nettei s Clash Here, Today At 1:45 this afternoon the tennis teams of Baylor and A&M began their i960 SWC campaign on the clay courts opposite Downs Nata- torlum. Baylor hasn’t won a meet this season, having bowed to LSU and Loyola, and breaking even with Central State Teachora College of Oklahoma. < The Aggie racketeers are un defeated this year. Highlights of the Cadet campaign wore victor ies over the University of Hous' ton and Colorado. i\ of the By HAROLD G A&M’s baseball its first loss to a in two years tomo; when the Houston Texas League in The Aggies dealt to Riee and the Ui Houston last spring, i the Buffs, 8-1. This s Has beaten UH twice. The Cadets squeezed by 4-3, Saturday to n University on the SWC competition, tilt was the first for A&M, and the Bean. In thetr first nine season, the Aggies ing pitchers for 106 rims. But, in , against Sam lor, the Farmers ed at the plate, collecting 1 ties and 10 rims to fall beh Heavy stick WC5 ed in by Wally Moon, hank Gan- delari, and John DeWitt. Moon has collected five circuit I clouts, and Cendel&ri and DeWitt have three each. Pacing the Ags at the ^lato is Shug McPherson who has a Very healthy .529. The barrelfchestcd right-fielder is tied with Moon, who leads the Maroon hitters with 18. Runs-batted-in leader in also Moon with -7, followed by Me- Pherson and Herscho| Maltz, who have 18 each. Scanning the most promisii have games played. I Klingers for Ad ieorge Brown I and UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON Summer Oeutera of Mexkx>-Gu&te(Ml& ■kind Sum' ATTENTION : A. & M. College Students. Com " Vacation with Study and Pleasure. Attend our S mer Centers in: Mexico City, June 8» - July 13, 1950 * Mexico-Guatemala, July 20-August 34, 1950 For students of all levels and departments . . . Spanish nojt required or essential... Low-cost, all-expense arrangements L \ . Veterans pay only travel-living costs . . . Earn, six hours elective credits. ; j " — Unique Supervised Group Travel and Study — r — Numeroua Visits and Side Trips — Write,for Bulletin to: , :... j' ' .'.‘V Os7 ! Dr. Joseph S. Werlin, Director University of Houston International Study Centers Houston, Texas lowest co*t;« fle * ui pmeot- "• k fine ien * hlacV*^: 1 ^ * J ' A AS: 1 ”' • tall lefthander has pitched in strikeouts. This spring Kemp Wicker’s Buffs have been tabbed with the distinction of staging ninth inning rallies which generally par off. However, they were edged, 9*8, by the Milwaukee Brewers Sun day afternoon when one of their rallies fell abort. A batter, Ag pitchers will have trouble with, is Frank Kellert, .first baseman for the Herd. In Sunday’s content Kellert collect ed three for four at the eluding a ninth inrting Adsick Added to BfMa romising addition to the Buff at the Catching position is Adzick, ;who finally came for the team, poundtyig doubles and watkhig tw in Sunday’* game. Other batters to watch are JJm Ncufeldt, center fielder, and George Hausman at third. Neu- feldt made foiir hits and walked once in the weekend tilt. 1 If Rip Repulski, station^ field, can flank some of that gained slugging honors ft him In the California Lcagu he’ll ^le a dangerous Npian tomoi row. r ; \ (■mriasia^w Sfii Buy TRADE 1 . ETC, CALL4-5324 U puts new life in your war •ii» • • »#! 1 ‘ Lighter colors are coming in with Spring suhshine, Qur new paleif greys, browns and blues have a certairiflattefy that any man can use in large doses. You’ll like the new softer colors, and the ease in the fit of these clothes'. .1 k You’re probably due for a new suit right about* noto, anyway, so buy it in time for Blaster. Come in for a try-on. 1 * t T riri.n;TrA’gkf.i:i CMirivlERS &ad Bryan *1 !