The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 30, 1950, Image 4
. Lynch New Prexy Mexico City Cl I h. ' i T - i W- Mexico City A&M Club r«* 1 Paul Campos Lynch ’45 president, and named him club’s representative to the Council of the Association of Former Stu dents at a meeting: held Feb. 24 at the Mexican-American Insti tute of Cultural Relations. Other officers for 1950 are G. '22, vice p re si- 30, re-elected Byron Winstead, ’25 dent; Clyde V. Ellis, J secretary; Fernando Lopex A., ’44, re-elected treasu Max Winkler, ’31, retirir| L president, was named chd of the Muster Committee foi Ather members of the tee are Francisco Serna, ' de la Torre, ’39, Jesse R. ’47, Samuel P. Samdrell, Guillermo Elizondo, ’49. g vice- irman 1950. imit- 1, Jose •i.x v.J A swttt confrclio# if wisfy-tk—r Njbti lac* tUitic... * > sbeptjouKfs? trimM* X party fhdUtb*"jnsb€*s af* m m jiffy. KarntroU top tontrols but mover rolli! DetocbobU, adjnsub * gorters. Small, medium and large sines. white • emit • Umt •_*/# 4 pomty or girdle The Collegiate Shoppe Bryan, Texas 1 ■- :.r J I I [ - ■t \1 * j : ■ I jo , 1' ; •' J. Southside 8 BLOCKS DUE SOUTH OF KYLE FIELD J loll imon Lauds Jone>’ Baseball Performance men mar :nt on lance in 19 to 1 i High last A ggie, sports 1 mounted Roland J H. DONOVAN “Two hpmeruns and 13 outs!” strike- That wis Jack Hollimon’s com- Roland Jones’ perfor- A&M Consolidated iry over Huntsville week. Hollimop, editor of the T^xas an ardent Aggifejand and his enthusiasm is he recounted young < ines’ horsehide magic. According to Hollimon, Roland, the son < f Henry Jones, College Station resident, is headed for the big time. The 17-year-old junior is a'star ] itcher and is just as' ver satile wi ;h the timber. In : the Huntsvill< game young Jones fah- ned 13 men kid deivo might be . then proceeded to pace his team ivith a neat 1.000 batting averager by collecting two home- runs and two singles. One of the homers ci me, with the bases load ed. He < rove in seven runjjc With a typical Bill Stern end ing, Holli non concluded by saying, “not dnly is Jones a lad of great baseball possibilities but he is a mild, ipnlissuming, well-mannered d~ of the cockiness that expected of one so gift ed." tou big (lili 10 >k noi i, 4t CHANCES TO MAKK MONEY lij now buying books for Huusrs In Now York, Ohio IA Nebraska.] \ DON’T 1 DELAY Wholtsnle prices for any inf your looks. 1 The sooner you act—-more money for you. L O U P O T ' 8 T RADINti POST : Orr, Ward position in tion councilman .for pposed for that coming city elec-* ‘ »ril 4. L. board. for this ■ f 1 board el 1 1, 1960, 1 Consol vacancies fibers whose nbent com irding to i school bf filled • expire eiltnerl, J. E. Raymond Nolan, - TAU BETA PI - (Continued from Page 1) ment; Robert Andrews and Wil liam Harris, Chemical Engineer ing Department; and Edwin Har rington and Thomas Terrell, Civil Engineering Department. Other faculty members who were elected are Lynn Grasshoff and Lewis Haupt, Jr., Electrical Engineering Department; William Russell, Geology Department; and Alexander Brewer and Clifford Simmang, Mechanical Engineer ing Department. Verda'T. Smith, freshman star of the Las Angeles Rams, won the National Football League punt re turn championship in 1949. Prompt Radio Servian —Call— Soallk’a Radio Service 712 B. Main Bt. Ph. 2-1941 Bm Food Market Specials For Friday apd Saturday, March 31sl& April 1st PREMIUMS PREMIUMS PREMIUMS [', 1 ; ' V . | ! . '3 ' : • .1 j During 1950, we will give our customers premiums as a part of our advertising program}. Each customer who saves her cash register receipts and brings them in the required amounts will receive highly desirable merchan dise as an added bonus for trading here. No drawings. No <3 elay at the cash register waiting for clerks to count out “stamps”. No freight to pay on the merchandise you select. No rigid “percentage” cost of premiums in relation to our total sales. (This makes it possible to give the maximum values to those customers interested in our plan, whereas “stamp” plans require payment for all! stamps given out, regardless of whether they are redeemed or not; and whether the response is excellent or pdor.) Start saving today. You will want one or another of a large variety of premiums which wiU be on display soon. COLLEGE STATION incur have m Mit Wi Redman of W< zted by present of tha not expire nen, Row r, and Charles member will also: be elected same time. Rudy Leighton »te so far. both for and have ion. Both of A&M >L as is mber of rd whose ‘ i year are indj C. B. iMotte. School Whuff Cooking ABILENE CLUB l 7j]6 p.m. In YM day, AGGIE SQUARli sets Thurs- Friday, only candidate Stockton FRESH SEA FOODS Medium Size Select OYSTERS V bf ~! Extra Select OYSTERS % 'Medium Size Pint SHRIMP SHRIMP . . . . • FROZEN FOODST # Snow Crop—4-ox. Cans J {(RANGE JUICE . . . :.3 can GRfeEN peas . . .1. . . Pk CREAMED SALMON . . Pk<r. • FRESH VEGETABLES • Firm, Green, ‘Medium Size CELERY Stal TEftA’s LETTUCE I TOMATOES ... New Cro 3 Head . . . Lb. YElXoW ONIONS Lb. 5c US No. 1 (It Says Here) IDAHO SPUDS . . . 10 lbs jjj FANCY FRUITS £ * 53c • aaaaaoa 2 Bananas . ....... 2 nil 25 King of Salads \ . CAL A VOS Eac Sunshine’s KRISPY CRACKERS Lb. box ICE G CREAM n,Ur : .... . Pm i ■ ' ?. •. ! - <>r •:V MARKET SPECIALS • Deicer’s Tallkorn SLICED BACON Lb. 38c Kraift’s Wisconsin DAISY CHEESE ...... Lb. 48c For Seasoning. Cured HAM HOCKS . Lb. 34c cffitJCK' ROAST . . . , Lb. 54c j OpBED STEAKS . . . . . Lb. 85c Everyday Price—White ji Opo - Roma Brand . | . Lb. 19c SHeElEd'pEANUTS . . , Lb. 25c ci°GARETTES ..... Carton $1.80 1 46-bz. Rotel Grade ‘A’ Fancy GRAPEFRUIT JUICE j 3 can* $1.00 No. 2 Cans Libby’s ! CUT RED BEETS Can 10c Vacuum Admiration t qpFpE ........ Lb. 75c Wljitc Infertile—“Large” EGGS . : . Dozen 35c ve brow ned^t ° p pedwithpoach ed egg. No. 2 can Libby's RNED BEEFHAsH . 2 cans 57c i Libby’s KIN ......... Can R SCO . . . . . . 3 lbs./1S9c {ifSHEfD PINEAPPLE Can 27c N«. 214 Cans Airmail Halves.r Z 7 A PRICOTS ...... ./l cans 39c Kirnbeil’s Pure Z 7 ^PPLE JELLY . . . Eacb 15c MIXED GARDEN—For Soupo'and Salads—303 Can VEGETABLES^ . . 2 for 23c Nql 303 Can Ubby’a PI " r *v'' ’ filed as yet. All elections will A&M Consolidated The member, John of Precinct I, has not > so far. it board member, held in t usic Roon ?’ nc LETTERS - (Continued from Rage 2) spelling of plagiarise (plag- i )j. But he is ail w»t in trying ie us readers the true word on the spelling of halleluiah. Ac- cording to a somewhat reliable source, that particular tjxclama- tlon ran be spelled about as many ways us the Hurnume of the Hard. **r. G's (■••port U(at he Is follower of one Hubert have one remark—if he the way you j do Mr. vice verse, then both of you are indebted to Mr. Rosen- field for your materiel. Ami as far M reading the Houston tabloid to Vfhleh you refer, Mr. Gollob, I could probably get more Informa tion ftt>m the correslpcmdlng num* of page. s of Scotch tissue. 'Editor’s Note— Amusements Gollob first! of all sug- that Reader Perkins start sources that bre complete- ly.j not somewhat, reliable. And he hie dashed off a qaick note to Mr. Roussel, warning him that his plagiaristie activities have at lost been discovered, and to the Houston Post, advising them to get on the ball and start equall ing the news coverage of Scotch tissue.) I , •. ' March 31, 8 p. m., episcopal Par- to> BRUS& COUNTRY j CLUB, Thursday, March 80, 7:30 p. m. 304 Academic Bldg. CORPUS CHRIST! CLUB, Thursday, 7:46 in room 287, Aca demic Bldg. Discuss plans for Easter Picnic. EAST TEXAS CLUB, Thursday, March 30, 8 p. m., South Solarium of YMCA. Discuss plans for Eas ter party. EL PASO A&M CLUB, Thurs day, 7:15 p. m., third floor of Academic Bldg. HEART O’ TEXAS ! CLUB. April 30, 7:30 p. m., Room 306 Academic Building. Movie to be shown. Henderson County Club, Thurs day, March 30, 323 Academic. . HILL COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, 7:30, room 307 Acade Bldg. LAMAR CHAPTER of Horn Club, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., n 306 Academic Bldg. Discuss p] for Easter party. NEWMAN CLUB and CATHO- UC GIRL CLUBS of BRYA” April 1, Saturday, 7:15 p. i St. Mary’s Chapel or St. Joseph's Church. Roller skating party. PASADENA CLUB, Thursday 7:30 p. m., room 106 Academi Bldg, Discuss plans for Easter party. ■ ’ SAN ANGELO A&M CLUB, Thursday, room 201 Agriculture Bldg. Election of officers and plan for cold drink, festival. VETERAN’S WIVES BRIDGE CLUB, Thursday, Cabinet room of the YMCA, 7:80 p. m. AU vet- eran’s wives invit«$l. Official Notice NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS IN THE SCHOOL OF AGRICUL- TUBE I All students In the School of Ag riculture will be excused from clause* at 11 a.m. Monday, April 8, 1960, for the purpose of attend ing a lecture in Quion Hall by Mr. Allan B. Kline, President of the American Farm Bureau Federa tion, on the subject “Agriculture and Our Future." At & p.m., Monday April 3, Mr. Kline will speak on the subject “What Are Ameridans After,” pre senting his side of his debate with Secretary of Agriculture Brannan on the present national controver* sy over the Brannan Plan. All agricultural students are ex pected to attend both lectures. Oth ers are cordially invited. Chas. N. Shepardson Dean of Agriculture 1# ' Bon, CLASSIF . l -'jCLf TuXiMEl i ll on IED — f 1 i.j'S | i 1 1 ;■ ; j Page4 )■. - TB| URSDAY,. rfARCH 30, 19S 1 IF A&M A dream Is becoml suTJi'Tou 0 ;.;*. cording to W. N. “I president of the local The lon*l. Awaited which will cpst, between $6,000, will be located beh nerlyn Village In Bryan on a plot donated by J. Cameron Webb and Joe Soslick. Ft ; • A mammi/th barbecue will be held to celebrate the completion of the building, some time in April, Colson said. * j The report of the building com mittee was submitted and accept ed by the club in the Tuesday ^ ^ meeting. Members • tee are S. L. “Doc . HIT' [1 ie Tuesday bight of the commit- c” Lipscomb. D, the u(ch. ^ Fraps Namei late DAR Office waot’electeS* historian de OffioeiT 1 Club of erican Rev’ot a pre-convei las, Monday. ifete ual State Mrs. tiktion , State DHioer. dial exas Society, Daughters of Awriatof j Revolution, which at a pre-convention luncheoi Dallas, Monday. A member of the William Chapter, DAR,, Mrs. Frai attended the 51st ann Conference Of DAR chapters Col ege • -of the the n#t heon in Sr. to UM .•SSTJSw" • FOR SALE • v i,! : • Official Student - Facult DIRECTORY -■ Texas A&M Collegi per copfl 4-5444 50c to STUDENT PUBUCATIOl Texas ASM College College Station, Texas —Oa Bolt a* SNACK BAB A NEWS ST/ OAltAOR APAltT»l*MT , .<!4#»l| i'#!# H'J Matching sot of wedding and oftgi _ rings. Double row of diamonds on and 1-3 Karat diamond surrounds*! double row of diamonds on engage! ring. Bargain. Call 2-1656 from 8 I ment to; ft. * ' - V' 7/1 .' TV Prerequisites To Business ' ' Ll ‘ F 'I ' I FOR A JUNE GRADUATE h •vur -- * a-7o«T. p«». 0lJ rTom down *nd t»k* your Pool. Ti i You. toko your pl«k. Loupol'd Trod Trod, with Lou-fiJo! Klihl m held* i * WAtiTtD TO BUT—Uood Baby Project Houoo, Apt. k-A.- I FOR RENT e working couplot. Two blo.'kr from • IA)HT AND POUND V ■«r I VICES • Hist omfHit 1 ;« North Oo(», >H dry oikdkl NIMaNaaMBkHaiMMiMoHMaHaSoM l.WTTBKtNCN. orvlro Olo you ii jtL i. Sorvli dime*liltoring /or'ooVtiflrotM nnd won. i oomo old. tnon.y, moil ■mniiu high and addtost to Bda uin, Campus - .-M l«>inl gTj yj j If; J-i ,7i;; II . i ’ j |M .. j J ; j VARSITY TOWN'S single-button, low roll double- breasted suit in tropical worsted is sure to rate an “A” with the future boss. This “Great Drape" model is also tailored in a two-button single breasted suit. j I $50 I For full credit with slacks, it’s the "Great Drape” Sport Coat by VARSITY TOWN. It’s neat and beautifully tailored for casualness in unfinished worsted check. It’s as new as your new job- with three patch-pockets, notched lapel and two- buttons. W .P Sir 1 , i * OJaGdAOp & Co. MCNt et.OTMiN« sinck College Station Store ^ : b;; 1 . l! j!i. « 'I k • ji. » pi : 1 j, n- '"‘I ;iiy : i'< Check our windows at the College Store for your “future of a I [!'■• i i IT - Il a '■ -U’ 7 ■J A i ■.