The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 29, 1950, Image 4
jy f» m. I Hi' Aggie-Nizers Sin ForKiwanis Lunch Club was entertained by the “Ag gie-Nizers”, quartet from the Sing ing Cadets, at their weekly, lun cheon in Sbisa Hall yesterday. Members of the foursome were Jim'‘Dalton, Dale Walston,. Ber trand Lambert, and Buddy' Boyd who also 'sang several solo num bers. ■ I Z 1 In the business session of the meeting, the matter of clothing col lection for underprivileged chil dren was stressed. Some clothing has been collected according to W. M. Potts, chairman of the under privileged committee, and is to be distributed where a real need ex ists. _ A special request for boys shoes, sizes one through three has been made. If Kiwanis or others can supply any articles of clothing they should turn them in to one of the members of the committee or call one of the members and ask to have the articles picked up. Potts said. : Members of the committee are H. W. Hopper, R. E. Snuggs, J. D. Baty, A. R. Dunlap, R. O. 1 Pictures of Europe Shown TCAS Men The Texas Collegiate Academy of Science was taken on a Euro pean tour last Thursday night via the camera by ■ I. E. “Monty” Montgomery, senior architecture - major from Baytown. Montgomery presented color movies of his architectural tour through France, Italy, Switzerland, Hollamb Belgium, and England. We also commented'On the archi tecture and life in the various countries which he visited. t Montgomery related such exper iences as his visit to the Pope, his witnessing of a communist demonstration In Rome, and an at tempted suicido by a person who tried to leap from the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. ? "At the request Of his audience, Montgomery showed pictures of the 1049 Aggie “T” and the Ag gie Band taken at the A&M vs. S. M. U. game lust year. Berry, Dan Davis, and D. B. Cofer. Other business included ^ the an nouncement of the sale of tickets to a behefit movie to be sponsored by the club at Guion Hall on April 10. Dick Hervy arid Dixie Southern are in charge . of the program arrangements. They announced that each club member wiH- be asked to purchase or sell five tickets. A goal of 500 tickets has been set to sell for 50 cents to adults, 15 cents to children, and 30 cents to Ai&M stu dents. The movie is “Make Mine eral treasury. President Joe Motherall an nounced the acceptance of a chal lenge to a round-robin baseball tournament between the Bryan r College Station Rotary Club, the Lion’s Club and the Kiwanis Club. A special baseball tournament committee has been appointed to arrange for a team to represent the Kiwanis Club. Composing the committee ^" aire John McNeely, chairman; Flop Colson, : L. S. Richardson, C. N. Smith, Ralph Rogers, Marty Karow, and W. L. Maples. Walton Will House AICE Ball Guests Ramps, I. j. and K of Walton Hall have been assigned by the office of the Dean of Students as accommodations for girls visit ing for the Artillery-Infantry- Cavnlry-Engineer Regimental Ball. Students having guests staying in Walton Hull will be assessed u charge of $1.25 per night- per guest to cover costs. Guests will be udmittted to their rooms at 1 p. m. Saturday April 1, aim! must vacate the rooms by 11 u. m. Sunday. Room assignments can ’ now be made at the housing office in Goodwin Hall. Guests staying in the dormitory must be in not later thanj 1 a. m. Saturday night. SAVE 10 TO 20% On Your Automobile and Fire Insurance Stock or Mutual Policies ALEXANDER - BEAL AGENCY 203 South Main • [ / Phope 2-5547 fllP |rV| r t - ■ i f 1 . Less f fr" e folSmbV all-purpose v FOLDING TABLES only f 495 ~ •ach m r Beautiful, washable, stain- resistant tops—electrically ( welded tubular steel legs that can’t snag hose-make a Samson table the buy of a lifetime! Strong enough to stand on, tool Smart new designs. Get two or three-^-you’ll find plenty ~ of uses for theml PARKER - ASTIN HARDWARE COMPANY ■ i' m i , l’;, ■1h j ■ S 1 ^ I ‘ fit . I’ liil SNIP £-5 I mm IMtt? p'tM- % w. -f » M m Members of the College Station Council ! of Knight^ of Columbus are having their blood . typed so that when an emergency occurs, the council members will be ready to serve as blood donors. Consolidated Senior Play Captures Share of Laughter By HANK BUNJES S' j! . . j I , „ ‘ Laughter seekers of College Sta tion were Served up a double por tion of fuh last night when the senior class of A&M Consolidated staged two plays in the school gymnasium. 1 ; Ignoring the numerous miscues and slowness in picking up lines, "Ixive Hits 1 Wilber” and “The City Slicker and Our Nell" had them rplling in to curtain ; Fifst ploy to it teen-age liens when aisles from curtain be offered was comedy of what hap- u thirteen-year-old boy gets struck down by tf»« arrow of love. The (one-act presentation-^ “Love Hits Wilber” starred Jake Magee in the title role. Ii) support was Jean iRoyder as Betty Ix>u Maxwell, Ijietty O’Bannon as the l^irl friend Virginia, Rita Szymas- ^ek as Conbie Maxwell, I|elen By es- and Gilbert Elmann ini the role of Mr. and( Mrs. Maxwell. ’ Wilber d(espises all girlb up un til he eharjees to meet the pretty Miss Virginia. He then clevely talks money from his parents and tgkes his pew girl to the movie, oinly to be Oceompanied in the end with.-a sister. \ After a i brief intermiasion, the If Its Eating... Forget It! j Today’s Special VEAL CUTLETS Witt SPAGHETTI — phis — Many other delightful foods prepared to please you. ■ ! i I 1 r 1 I lUe C arry 'tjour “Dray HOtARD’S C AJF E T E R I A entitled “”he City Slicker and Our Nell.” Though few tears were spilled for the plight of the gentle NM|» ably played by Francis Si- mek, the supporting cast brought down the house with a showing of some genuine comedy. Besides lifiss Simek in the cast was Edwinja Hosley, displaying talent as Violet Beard; Ernest Camp as (jhe strong-arm paw of Nellie, Fraik Beard; Gemma Dob- rovoeny fine In the role of Min nie Beard; Tom McDermott as the noon-strucl Dan Tucker; Lloyd Gay, a scream as the stupid Toby Snodgrass; Daylor Walton as the cold-hearte) and suave Sheridan Douglas^ Imogene Baker as the city slicker’s disgruntled compan ion Claribd Worth; and Willie Mae McConnell ns Aunt Mnrthy, who trapped the villian in the end. The story concerned j» deed to Nellie’s private land which the city slicker! was bent on obtaining. Complications set in for the vil lian when it turns out that the old aunt ii not so decrepid after all. The directors for the plays were Mrs. Louise Glenn and Mrs. Muriel Orr, respectively. The plays were the j official dramatic pre- sentation for the senior .class. Students From 34 * States! in A&M Students from 34 states and the District of Columbia, other than Texas, are enrolled in the grad uate school here. Louisiana leads in enrollment with nine Students from that state, followed by New York, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, with six each; Ohio and North Caro lina, -five each; Oklahoma, Mon tana, Missouri and California, four each; Nebraska, Mississippi, In diana, Kansas and Tennessee, three each; Washington, Minnesota, New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, Washington, D. C., Florida arid Idaho, two each, and one each from Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Maine, West Virginia, Illinois, Utah, Oregon, Michigan, and Arizona. Senior Dairy Men To Inspect Plants Senior dairy manufacturing stu dents will leave April 2 to inspect variou’s dairy manufacturing estab lishments throughout the state, ac cording to Dr. A. V. Moore of the Dairy Husbandry Department. Their tour will take them through Mount Pleasant, Sulphur Springs, Paris, Bonham, Shennan, McKinney Garland, Dallas, Fort (eburne, and Waco. They ‘Aunt Silly , Is City Offering The comedy play, “Aunt Silly,” sponsored by the Vet erans of St. Anthony, will be presented in the Stephen F. Austin high school auditorium at, 8, p.m. on Thursday and Fri- dajy.j March 30-31, The story in that of Sam Sel i The sponsored Recreatior Wednesda; cording to Miller an(| Mrs. Two separate hunts involving eight cases of eggs will occur sim- ultaneously. Five cases of eggs will be hidden by the Girl Scouts of Troop 14 and 16, In two areas In the small park west of Throckmor ton Street. ./ '■ Council, will be held April 5th, at 1:15, ae> Co-chairmen Mrs. J. C. s. J. D. Lindsey. ifrs of Boy Scout Troop allege Station held a get- lum, a respectable citizen who is forced by circumstances to imper sonate the long absent Cecelia Dill, known aa Si 7 ’ v< iJojhn Striles Is the respected rjiavpr who keeps the situation Ubacjr control through the ninny ous occuran- s long noseni ueceua uni. Aunt Silly. The part of Spmj is played by George Dlllu- vpto (of the English department Itriles Is ho keeps itrol throug and rl'dlculi Ttye evening’s program will also ude numbers by students of ool of Dan- ihclude numbers tl|e Clara Howard cihl by students School of I qi|ng and the presentation of sev eral of Miss Doris Turek’s students of t|he accord ian. The Business Men’s Chorus of prominent local citizens will ap peal! dressed as varibus women to provide one of the most humorous parts of the evening?. Admission for the play, Record ing to Luke RuffinoJ head of tick les, will be $1- for adults and for all students. • Worth, Cl will obsei-ve manufacU Moore said. ring while on this trip, We Solicit Your Patronage College Blue Top Courts "1,1 : ■ Mr. & Mrs. Cal Graham NEW OWNER — MANAGERS PHONE 4-1178 Fish Jones Loses Shewer Door Fight Robert E. Jones, freshman at" the annex, in his rush to escape a barrage of water Sunday hit bile of the shower doors. Miss Irene “Mom” Claghom. superin tendent of the college hospital, said today. The result of the fight was one broken door and 24 j stitches. Jones left the hospital Monday morning. All pre-school children of y the College Station area will partici pate in the hunt in one of'these areas. Th|s includes the children of students and anyone else! in College Station, Mrs. Miller said. The first four grades of Consoli dated school will hunt in the.pth- er half of the park, closer to'"Jer sey Streelj. Three cases of eggs will be look ed for by the children of the Negro school at I a site near the school. Eggs, furnished by the Recrea tion Council, will be dyed by the home economics classes of Consol idated. Prize eggs will be among those hidden and will be good for prizes from local merchants, Mrs. Miller concluded? Scout’s Parents Hold Meeting Twenty-two mothers and fathers of memb 102 of C _ together meeting with the Troop Monday evening in the American Legion Hnll. C. W. Manning, scoutmaster, an nounced His departure Wednesday on leave Jo complete the require ments for a degree of doctor of philosophy at Iowa State College. George Rivers, iwsistont scout master, will handle the Troop dur ing Mr. Hlanning's absence. Bloth Manning and Rivers are in the re search division of Texas A&M’s Department of Agronomy. A. C- Magee, [ Troop represen tative on! the Scout district com- mitteeJ announced preliminary plans to take the'Troop on an out ing of several days to some Texas summer vacation area. Following the parents’ meeting, the Troop held tenderfoot investi ture services for Jack McNeely. He madp the 39th boy in Troop 102. “ D n y t p n Moses was given an award asj the best camper in the Troop during 1949. The Otter Patrol had the best time in a water-boiling contest stqged among the patrols of the Troop. David Parsons is the lead er of this patrol. .Other members are Dick Hickman, Charles John son, Byron Andrews, Bobby Wil kins, Jack McNeely, Don Draper, Ralph Shuffler and Johnnie Lybn. This patrol also! finished first in patrol inspection. Weekly Farm News Aired Over WTAW The members of the A&M Col legiate future Farmer Chapter are presenting a program, “Today in Agriculture”,, over j station WTAW at 7. a. ;m. each Wednes day. Williams Dei Masonic Sch Speaking to twent; hers of the Sul Ro: Club and several visilj YMCA Chapel Wedi Harvey S. Williams two . rch the Ight, , . tM spirit of the Masonic Homej and School of Fort Worth as similar to but even more intense than the “admirable” spirit of Ag L Williams, Superintendent Home and School, grai A&M in 1935 and Master of Science d< 1942. . | || of the Masonic Home Hnd School Williams told of the Home for Aged Masons in Arlington. He out lined the requirements for en trance, the operation, agd the main tenance of the one and one-half million dollar school and home plant. ' Six large panels of pictures were shown to better portray the phy sical plant and different phases of student life at the home. dams Will Dire ’ty Census Takii nsusj enumerators for ji Station have been namedti work under the directi< mer Adams, local insura il estate agent. Two list includes Mrs adeley, Mrs. Hallie M rs. Maria T. Ashton? J Birdwell, Mrs. Verda mrs. _M»ry B. Moses,/MK H - Harrell, Mrs. Elizabeth J. * ifZL. "i* shae, Mrs. Lillian V- Mowery, nerg''"’ Margaret L. Gregory, and Maurine Banks. v The three-day school for enumerators will be held a' What’s Cooking ABILENE CLUB meets Thurs day, 7:15 p.m. in YMCA. AGGIE SQUARES, Friday, March 31, 8 p. m., Episcopal Par ish House, Beginnens come at 7:30 P ‘BRUSH COUNTRY ^ (^LUB, Thursday,. March 30, 7:30 p. ,m. 304 Academic Bidg. CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB, Thursday, 7:45 in room 227, Aca demic Bldg. Discuss plans for Easter Picnic. DALLAS A&M CLUB, Wed nesday, A&I Bldg., room 218. Dis cuss plans for Easter party. EAST TEXAS CLUB, Thursday, March 30, 8 p. m., South Solarium of YMCA. Discuss plans for Eas ter party. EL PASO A&M CLUB, Thurs day, 7:16 p. m., third floor of Academic Bldg. FORT WORTH A&M CLUB, Wednesday, 7:16 in room 32 Sci ence Hall. Henderson County Club, Thurs day, March 30( 323 Academic. HILL COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, 7:30, room 307 Academic Bldg. LAMAR. CHAPTER of Houston Club, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., room 306 Academic Bldg. Discuss plans for Easter party. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSO CIATION, Wednesday night aftor the 7:30 Lenten services. Discuss Ashram Transportation. NEWMAN CLUB, Wednesday evening, (March 29, Catholic Chap el. PASADENA CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. !m., room 106 Academic Bldg. Discuss plans for Easter party. SAN ANGELO A&M CLUB, Thursday, room 201 Agriculture Bldg. Election.of officers and plan for cold drink festival. « for Sprip Duchess Ball will GALVESTON COUNTY night «. A&M CLUB meets tonight (Wed.) ' ac r * and , . —....jnJ be discussed. room 10|4 Academic Rldg. Plans g Dance and selection of for Cotton Pageant and VETERAN’S WIVES BRIDGE CLUB, Thursday, Cabinet room of the YMCA, 7:30 p. m. All veG eran’s wives invited. Bryan Reserve Unit Receives Pay Hike The local Field Artillery reserve unit of Bryan, College Station, and Caldwell, the 352nd Armored Field Artillery Battalion, will be eligible for two pay periods a month after April 1, 1960 according to news received from the Instructors Of fice, College Station, Tekas. I This p«6jr increase will: be in ef fect for the remaining quarter of the 1850 Fiscal Year. 7 Prior to April Lfand 362m! Ar mored Field Artillery Battalion has had only one (pay period per month. This increase in pay is due to revision of pay, regulations by the Organized Reserve Corps, placing the units of the 22nd Armored Division In a higher pay category, AH School Dance Saturday at Of? The Sophomore Close of A&M Consolidated High Sc will present an aR school di Saturday at 7:30 ti p. m school’s music rooep. Music for the dapee will be fur nished by phonograph, Mrs. J. T. Duncan, sponsor of the class an nounced. Cold dr?r||cs and cookies Will be served. 11 '' ' 1 Carnegie Library starting Mo enumerator- in the aftei Colleg*'Station enumerators id the Kflool' Hospital Report Two Operations :\ Francisco Marshall M> Lazar appendectomies Tuekday Linor Dr.,*? E. Marsh, college sur said today. I Coronado, a freshman at the annex, was admitted to the hos pital Monday night, i Lazarine, also a freshman, lives in Hart HaH mM,, is “out" . for j>| ihman track., He, had been in Hall and, is “out ’ trmc!t.jil» had beei the hospital for several days to the operation. Dr. Marsh Dr. Marsh and Dr. L. 0. korson, Bryan the operations jrgeon, perfoi Official Notice NOTICE TO ALL STUDENT THE SCHOOL OF AGRI TUREi All student* In the School of riculture will bo excused ; l classes at 11 ; a.m. Monday, 3, 1950, for the purpose of aiti-iid- ing u lecture In Guion] Hull by [Mr. Allan B. Kline, I’resident of this American Farm Bt&cau Federa tion, on the subject "Agriculture and Our Future.” I At 8 p.m., Monday AppiT fl, Mr. ja Kline will speak on the “What Are Americans Afl sehting his side of his. Secretary of Agriculture B on the present national cont sy over the Brannan IMan. All agricultural students ar pected to attend both lectures, ers are cordially invited. Chas. N. Shepardson Dean of Agriculture Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS am, WITH A BATT. AD. RatM . . . 8e a wna a ZSe minimum OlaaaUM Baetlaa WEDNESDAY, MARCHER, l6S0 i. Band an elaamnada wtta «• to Uw Studrat Aeuvttlaa ada abould tm tnnMd in b I. ar urn day b*ior« pubiieai Official Student - Faculty t - raf CTdl DIRE - ’i ; 1 ' •* Texas A&M College 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 , Mall 50c to STUDENT Texas A ft M —On Sal* at ■—iw SNACK BAR ft | NEWS STAN© 1, iiiiiiliUllllilllll ■ - - ;• »n»M-s Bi^cL*, is.iO. Apply iili v.V Villa**. afUr S:00| Matrhln* mt of, weddln* and *n(acrmrntii ring*. Doubl* row or diamond* on band and 1-3 'Karat diamond *uiTOund*d by! doubl* row of dlamondaon *nga**m*nt tin*. Bargain,, pall 21 * a * from t* lo 6 • WANTED • from' TUlar** u«*d daiUiLABd tak* your In* t*o*t. Trad* .wl With You. WANTED TO BUT—UMd Baby ' Project Houm. Apt. B-A j 1 KUKN1SHED UKItROOIT, attr furnlahad. BU« an*. 8*« after *1*. joi ■ 8. Coulter. j | [Tf ;-T| M SPECIAI, LOW BIIOKT TIME RgNTAL, Wva monlhe — *,10.00 per month for quality seven room houj*. two batlia. lovely fumlahlasa. A real barsakn, - at IQ* phona d-dW*^ ^ STKHI.INO PIN Reward. Mr*. Schroeder. WIH the peraon who picked up the' bag In Houeton line Sunday stghi contact Brandt, Dorm S-210, 1 SERVICES JUST OPKNICD. Service Cleaner* at North Oat*. Bbyett Apt., Ki part dry claanln*. Consult Dr. Carlton UiMk