The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 28, 1950, Image 4

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Sewer Construction
Bids Being Taken
Bfds ore bclnf accepted for con-
•tru^tlon of »cwer . extenwlonn In
City Hall of Bryan. Bida ahould
T . . eovor all naceaaary materials,
IIcm Station, City ,ManaK«r Hay eaulpment, aupcrlntcndanco, and
na Rogers has announced. labor required for the construction
of the sewer extensions, Rogers
, The new extension of eight
and ten inch pipe will jnjn from
/'Highland Park addition wear the
railroad, east to HowelpTloule*
spective bidders have until
8./p. m., April 14, to submit Heai-
•rf proposals addressed to the
torable Mayor and City Ooun-
pr ?l
111 of College' Station- to 'Roger’s
Tice in the College Station City
Proposals will be opened and
read at 7 p. m. on April 14 at the
Thomas Addresses
s Society
Frank L. Thomas, Instructor of
Electrical Engineering at A&M,
spoke to the Brazos Chapter of
the Texas Society of Professional
Engineers in Bryan last Friday
night on “Power Generation From
Atomic Energy.” ^
j He explained that many are. in
clined to blame scientists and en
gineers for developing the atom
bomb, but thife potential horror of
mankind is dust as big a potential
friend. '
• It is entirely possible thi^t enor
mous amounts of steam apd elec
trical pp.Wer may be generated
frpm atomic energy. He added that
v this may be even more than the
answer to the question on what
Bidders are expected to inspect
the site of the work and to inform
themselves regarding local con
ditions and conditions under which
the work is to be done. Attention ,
jis called to the provisions of the^
Acts of the 43rd Legislature of the;.
State of Texas dnd subsequent
amendments concerning the wage
scale and payment of prevailing
wages established by the owner,
Rogers continued. Said scale of
prevailing wages is - set forth in
the specifications.
Instructions to bidders, proposal
forms, specifications, and plans
may be examined at Roger’s of
fice,' and may be obtained at the
office-of Homer A. Hunter, Con
sulting Engineer, 603 East 28th
Street, Pr^an, Texas. | j
i- : "■ ^I i
• • ' . . ’ --♦r’
Club Conducting
Hatching Contest
• , !'
' H > ■ ■ •
- . .
T ■ 'i-
1 i'
to do when oil reserves are ex-
Thomas recently completed a
tour of active duty-^at the Oak
Ridge, Tennessee atjumic energy
y ^Installation as a naVnl reserve of
Rabid Dog Killed
In College Station
City Manager Raymond Rogers
said yesterday that the dog killed
just outside the city limits in
College Hills lust week was found
to have been rabid by the State
Health Department in Austin. Ho
one had been bitten by the rabid
animal, but it is known that he
.Y* v - fought with several other dogs
along Walton Drive, inside and
outside the city limits, before be-
.ing killed.
A drive'is now being made to
pick up all stray dogs in that area.
•I r
5% 5%
New Automobiles
New & Used
New and Used
Phone 4-1232
Flop Colson I Travis Nelson
How many chicks will hatch
and which one will hatch first?
The nearest , correct answers to
these two questions will yriprisome-
one alij the Easter chicks that
hatch fijom the seventy eggs that
have been set ip the glass incuba-
tor on Uje second floor of the Ag
riculture. building.
The eggs were set ip the incu
bator Friday night, March ,17th.
All persons, except those connect
ed with the Poultry- Husbandry
Department or the Poultry Science
Club, interested in winning the
chicks are idigible for Che contest.
All particulars can be .learned at
the site of tiie incubator.
This contest is only u teaser to
what you will see ut the annual
Baby Chick, Egg, and Poult Show
to be held here on All College Day.
The show is sponsored by the Poul
try Science Club of A*M.
This year it will be held in the
north-west corner of the Animal
Husbandry Pavilion. Over 76 en
tries of chicken and turkey eggs
and over 200 entries of baby
chicks and turkey poults are ex
pected. ,
Baptists Plan Trio
Of Social Events
The First Baptist Church of
College Station has planned a i trio
of social events for this week be
ginning with the Winsome class
social with Mrs. W. F. Cok at
7:30 tonight. j
Second event of the week will
be a banquet for foreign students
sponsored by the Women’s Mis
sionary Society . and the Brother^
1 hood at 7 p. m. Thursday.
The Mary-Martin class will have
a supper at the home of Mr^. R.
O. Berry at 6:30 p. m., Friday.
Mrs. Lowell Parrish of Bryan
will present a book review at the
latter event.
Thoroughly disgusted with the improper attitude and posture
their son Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell give him a severe tongue
lashing in this scene from “Love Hits Wilbur”, one of the two
plays to be staged by the senior doss of A&M Consolidated tonight
in the school gym. From left to right as seen in their roles,
Gilbert Eimann, Jake Magee, and Helen Byer.
Two Plays Staged Tonight
By Seniors at Consolidated
Tonight the senior class of A&M
Consolidated will stage two one-
act ■. plays in the school gymnas
ium at its annual (dramatic pre
sentation. j f , , i
( Curtain time for the first play
i4 scheduled for 8 p, m.
, One of the plays [will be a win-
spme comedy entitled “Love Hits
Wilbur”, a story of a thirteen-
year-old boy T s difficulties upon
discovering the gentler sex.
In the role of Wilbur will be
Jake Magee: and in the role of the
girlfriend, Virginia, will be Betty
-! -&■—
O’Bannon. Gilbert Eimann and
Helen Byer play the parts of Wil
bur’s parents, the Maxwells. Mrs.
Louise Glenn is the director .of the
The second play will be a melo
drama concerning the trails of a
fair heroine caught in the snare
of the city slitker. Entitled “The
City Slicker and Our Nell”, the
play is directed by Mrs. Muriel
Orr. ]
Frances Simek \ takes the star
ring role of Nellie Beard, while
Daylon Walton plays the villian
city slicker.
News - Society
L # . v 1 ,
Will Donate Blood
I a : ■ | i ‘
Members of the College Station
Oduncil of Knights of Columbus
aij'e having their blood typed so
that when an emergency occurs,
the council members' will be ready
ip serve as blood donors, accord-
irig to John Endrizzi, publicity
chairman. / | .
Arrangements have b®n made
pCith the College Hospital to re
ceive members on March 29 and 31,
and on April 12 and 14, to have
their blood typed: All members
are urged to stop by the hospital
Oh one of these daths, Endrizzi eon-
Dessert-Bridg§ Party
Held at Barham Home
Mrs. Robert Barham and Mrs.
Harry Boyer were co-hostesses
for a dessert-bridge party at .the
Barham home Wednesday after-
Four A&M Men
Win Club Contest
The Bryan Woman’s Club award
ed $76 in prizes to four A&M stu
dents Sunday afteronon in a con
test to plan landscaping of grounds
around its remodeled club house
op Bryan Avenue.
Twelve senior students in the
landscape art department parti
cipated in the contest which was
supervised by'A. F. DeWerth, head
department, and R. F. White, asso
ciate professor of landscape de
Working in pairs. Cadets John
M'. Zerr of Corpus Christi and Paul
Yarbrough of Waco took first prize
-and received a check for $50 from
Mr. H. A. McClure, Women’s Club
president. Second place, and a
$25 check, went to Curtis F. Mor
ris, Jr., of Houston and Bob Webb
of Wichita Falls. Eirht honorable
mention went to Hal E. | Stringer
and James D. Dairy triple; second
: .i ; I
First prize winner was Mrs. honorable mention went to Fred
jFred Hickman. Mrs. Robert Taylor i Buxton and Gene Schrikel.
■ • l *‘.
i - ,
j*on secon prize, Mrs. Lucian Mor
gan won 'the cut and Mrs. Bob
Carls won the floating prize.
Also present at jthe affair were
Mesdames Floyd Martin, Clyde
Bailey, A. C. Allen, A. D. Nixon,
J. Griggs, F. Hurst, B. J. Baskin,
Joe Gejppart, R. H, Shuffler, Byron
Holland, M. Mienke, Cecil Wamble,
Rime Ryan, B. J. Bagley, Fred
|Farrar, P, W. Barker, John Row
lett and Johnny Zinn.
pthers were Mesdames Bennie
Zinn, Carl Bird^ell, Jim Potter,
Jess Coon, Henry Miller, Larry
Stewart, Ralph Rogers, Joe WolU
ket, M. Mitchell, Ben Ferguson,
iB. Breazell, Q. K. Tiachler, M. E.
Hamilton, Charles Tigner, A. A,
Jackulu and Jan Brian of New
a NEW sportshirt
It’s smart . . . it’s new . . . and it’s
Comfortable. Fugi cloth of fine rayon and
combed cotton. All colors vat dyed . . .
washable. 2 spacious pockets. Colors;
are green, red, navy or brown.
tong sImv* tty to
Short Sleeve Style
G)aficUop a Co.
PLEASE . . .
Lets Go to
They Have Lots of
I j | 4 . j
Today’s Special
and Lota of Other
Wonderful Dishes
s i
si? .
TiJr Carry IJour Oray
Judging was done Monday after
noon on the campus by Miss Ruth
London, landscape architect of
Houston, Mrs. I-eonard Wjing grad
uate in landscape architecture of
College Station, J. Allen Myers of
Bryan, Mrs. John Seeley!Caldwell,
present president 1 Bryaiji Garden
Club, and Mrs. Normanj Dansby,
first president Bryan Garden
ClubWomen Attend
District Meeting
“Education for . International
Understanding" was the theme
at the Fourth District Federation
of Women’s Clubs annual conven
tion at the Raleigh Hotcjl in Waco
last week.. The Honorable Meade
F. Griffin, Associate Justice of
the Supreme Court , of , jr‘ !Xas W08
the main speaker.
Representatives from the Col
lege Station area were presidents-
elect, Mrs— R. E. Burleson and
Mrs. Lynn! L. Gee, of the Ex
tension Service Club and the Cam
pus Study Club, respectively; Mrs.
F. Z. Bean blossom, recording sec
retary of the Extension Service
Club; and Mrs. James E. Poore,
recording' secretary-elect of the
Campus Study Club.
Elects 0ffi<
The College Women’s I; [Social
Club elected officers for 11)50-61,
Friday afternoon in of meeting
held in the Chapel of the YMCA.
Those elected were Mrs. H. W. Bur-
low, president; Mrs. Lesjter O’Bun-
non, vice-president; Mr$. I*onard
Warlker, secretary; Mhi. Marty
Karow, treasurer; Mrs Ross Sher
wood, parliamentarian; Mrs. Jni
Poore, reporter; and ftfra. H.
Heaton; general chairman.
Mrs. Howard Buss (introduced
Thomas Hardie, conductor, who
presented' the A Capelin Choir of
Shepheh F. Austin High School of
Bryan in a program several spir
ituals. ! ' L
Lime punch was served during
the social hour from a table car
rying out the Easter: theme ar
ranger by Mrs. Robert’Carls. Ser
vers were Mrs. John Hdgh Hill,
Mrs. H. H. .Hanover, Mr*. Milton
Nance and Mrs. W. E.i Wright.
Mrs. Bryant Holland! was chair
man of the tea assisted by Mes-
dames K. A. Kuiken, Lee Thomp
son, R. V. Jarvi, Ed' Holdridge,
Lloyd Berryman, and 3. E. Jones.
The are group with (Mrs. Milton
Nance and Mrs. H. H. Hanover
as chairman, and the: Handicraft
group headed by Mts. M. E.
Wright, presented displays of pic
tures and articles of wood, cop
per, aluminum, and brass which
were made by various j members of
the club.
; L—_
Came Class Hears
Wildlife Director
W. C. Glazner, director of wild
life restoration, Texas Game, Fish,
and Oyster Commission, address
ed the game warden class last
week on the subject j of quail In
“Early settlers found a few
widely scattered bob-white quail
when East Texas was firht settled,”
Glazner said. “Small farms added
‘edge’ cover necessary for a large
quail population, bui large-scale
farming cut down qn the food sup
ply ho the quail papulation de-
There are now about 400 licensed
game breeders in Texas, most of
whoip raise quail. The state com
mission has not fouhd | it profit
able to raise birds, but! assists in
raising cover crops, added Glaz
ner. f ;
With the cooperation of hunt
ers and in harvesting Only about
40% , of each years dro^ quail,
the supply should be assured for
many years to come, Glazner con
i III i I qnii II I III . j
Catholics to Meet
Wednesday Night
All Catholics are requested to
attend a meeting in the chapel
Wednesday evening after services.
Rosary and Benedicition start at
This meeting will! bfe very im
portant and everyone is asked to
be there. The (Chapel Building
Committee will give] its latest re-
portj 0,1 Hie plans of the new Cath
olic Center and will also report
on the plans Monsg. Gleissner’s
Diamond Jubilee celebration which
is to take place the first Sunday
after Easter.
T" 1 1 ; ' j
FBI Investigator!
Will Talk Tonight
A special agent of the, Federal
Bureau of Investigation will be
maid speaker at the regular meet
ing of the Accounting Society to-,
night. • , ! I f
Merrill V. Gregory will talk to
the society on “The Account
ants Work in the FBI,"
The meet will he held in the
lounge of Sbiaa Hall at 7:30
p. m. j ; j ' j ^ f
What's Cooking
p. in., Tuesday, Lounge, Shinn
Hall. FBI agent will speak.
March 28, 7:30 p. m., YMCA
Tuesday, March 28, 7:30 p. m.,
Room 10, Science Hall.
NEWMAN CLUB, j Wednesday
evening, March 29, Catholic Chap-
dky, March 30, 7il6, Room 801,
Goodwin Hall. Pliuis for holidays
will be discussed. !
HOUSTON A&M :C]LuB, 7:15 p.
223, Academic
cy plans.
T' r
T ,;t
1 : 1 i f 1 ■
it for Tea*
S. (Les) Rich
f his life work,
y during tained
of foot-
lave con-
■rdson in
it instead,
he knew exactly where he was
going even while attending high
ITie Citizens of College Station
have seen this determination pay
off for the good of the commun
ity since Richardson was named
Superintendent of the A&M Con
solidated School System last year.
He is combining knowledge ob-
the navy and
tending A&M Colfe_
advantage in helping build a sup
erior school system for the city.
A career in football may have
been his If the call to teach had
not b4en so strong, for certdlnly
he accumulated enough years of
exparlienca /in the game while I
town 1 of
attended | Charles
[his home
In 1636 whll
High School in !!hia hoi
s school. ^
pp 1836 while
still ht this school, be captured
tackle spot on the mythical
y all-dint
honorary !i J
A&M in H)3». Befpi
Uncle Sam apiight
he had finished
but honorary o
tean—the first
the history df
mured to the
. After atf
training at
leg*, Richardson began;!
man yeur/at A&M in 16:
1 Wlt, W Mm
! ^(•7 ® ylsIVip
dwo years. A
ty team 1 In l»4l, he! was !a
ber of K Infantry and lived
in Dormitory 12.
7 he U. S. Navy claimed : the ni
thr»e or four year* of Rtcha
son’s life during which iime
serred in the Senhees an a Chi
Cai penters Mate. True to tjhe at;
of :he Sea bee* his work ■
lan J. His work was not Carpen!
however, as his rank dei
wai surveying.
1 Vith the iflose of the whr Riel
riciardson rpimmecUhis schooling!
at A&M and finally graduated in
19< 6 with a Industrial Education
decree arid later received the Mas-
tei of Education degree. At pre
sent he is working on his Ph. D
dei free to be received from the
University of Houston.
Today, having come up from
high school 1 'Coach in 1046, to prin-
L. 8. “Led” Richard Hon
Tuesday, March 28, 1950 Paj
ni|fn Bcnoui coucri m j27«iu, lo pnn-
ci] «1 in 1947, then to school ,sup- j
er ntendent in 1949, Richardson
believes he will stay in College
Station as long as it continues to
grow. However, in the fat distant;
future, there may be the possibil
ity of his teaching education in
some college, he Hayts.''i
Disregarding his accomplish
ments and his full life, many of
Richardson’s friends know him
more familiarly us a family-nfanJ
Wary Rebecca Kentherly, his wife, 1
also came from Houston and went
to Reagan High School, this Uni
versity of Houston, ami the UhD
versity of Pennsylvania. Two chil-
d ren round out the Richardson
fumtlsr—Ann, who is five years of
are and Tommie Jean at the ripe
are of three.
..-. • , 1 ‘■||)»['I.j"Uj ; er j"rpf Tj' 'jj
Veterinary Medicine
MemberH Entertained
Mrs. R. P. Mnrsteller and Mrt.
B. Houghton were cd-hostesse»
iturday afternoon for the ml
rs and wives of the Junior \
frlnary'Medicine Association at th|e_
darsteiler home on 600 Crescent
Irlve,.North Oakwood r Mdre tliain
wo hun<lml members were pre-
Mmt. 1 ■ "Fir''' 4
AD. IU*m ... Sc * word per Insertion
wltn a SSe mtoluiuw apoo* ratos to
Classified section ... Me par column
men. Bend all olaaalfleds with remit
tance to tbo Student Activities Office.
AU ads should be turned hi bp 10:00
a.m- or the dap before publication.
SEE US to buy or ten uaed furnltur*
Phone 2-7067. Wood Furniture Com*
Tuesday, Ro
Building. Easter
In Time
Your Gown or Suit in tip-top
shape for the big event with
v-. |
our extra fart denning service.
Phone us. (
“Over the Exchange Store’
" .
Student - Faculty
of ''j!.
Texas A&M College
50c per copy -
Phone 4-5444
Mail 50c to
Texas A ft M College
College Station, Texas
WANTED TO BUY—Uatd Baby Snlk«iy
Project Haute. Apt. flu A.
Five: montht — $80.00 per month jpr
quality sieven room house, two bat^Ri
lovely fumlthings. A real bargain. Call
at 109 Kyle or phone 6-fc014. [ \ |
Academic Building] or on Campus. Re
ward. Edna Banner, 4-5544.
—Ob Sole at
Vlllasa after 6:rio,
OUT-or-HATK BOOKS. W» hava offrri
from 4 largo; uiioil; book houae*. Com*
down and tak* your pick. Loupof* Trad
ing Pont. Trade with Lou—He » Right
With You.
SPRING CLEANING Is right around j r
corner. Now is the time to stock up i
Fuller Brushes and take advantage' -
our hew specials. Dry mope—only ft.t
and brooms as low as |1,79. Call 4-41
or write Steve Shaw, Bo* 23*1, Colli ,
station. ■ j L
Sealed proposals addressed to the HoliU:
orable Mayor and City Councilman of CoP 1
lege Station. Texas will be received at the
office of Raymond L. Rogers. City Mana
ger. until 0:00 o’clock P.M. on 14 MAprll
l»t.n for the rurnlelilng all neceeaary ma
terials, equipment. superintendence, and
.labor required for the construction of sewer
extensions Proposals will be , open#
read at 7:00 o’clock P,M. on 14 Aprl
at the City Hall In Bryan. Taxaa.
f Bidder* must submit with their I Ids -a
Cashier's or Certified Check for *</,,
ahtunt of the base f
City of College Station
In the same amount, fr
Company, aa a guarantee
enter Into a coni rad ai ‘
guarantee forms provli
daya after notice of award of conti
dm. Bide without check or Propose! Bold,
will not be considered: ' 1 Is '
The successful Bidder Bust furnish bond
n the amount of link; of the rodrerl
Mice from a Surety fomneny holding e
nermii from the Stole of Texas to act e*
Surety, or other Surety nr Sureties acrepta-
M* to the Owner.
All unit ..prices must be Mated fn bokh
script and figures. Th* Owner reserves
the right to reject any or all bids and to
waive formaltlea. In case of ambiguity lor
lakk or clearness In stating the price In
th* hide, the Owner reiervee the right to
islder the most advantageous Constnlc-
tlpn thereof, or to reject the bid. tlnrossonv
|( pr , CM w ,„ f(<1
cause for rejection of
able or unbalanced pull
sidered sufflclen
any bid or bids.
Bidders are expected to Inspect the cite
of the work and to Inform themselves re-
ggrdlng local conditions and conditions
der which the work la to be done. Atp
tibn la railed to the provisions of the A',
‘he A3rd legislature of the state [of
is and aebneuuent nmendmrnts conrern-
tbe wage scale and payment of pre-
ling wages established by the Owner:
Id scale of prevailing wages Is set forth
thto ■r>so I f I r> n f levvasi
the flpeciflcationa.j
I nM met lone to bladi
H. dsrg, proposal forma,
i pacifications, and plans may be examined
i .t the office of Raymond L. Rogers. City
*m I—r— *T’’I TO , —— * — —OS'™——I
fanager. CHy Hall. College Station, Texas
ind may be obtained St the office of
lomer A. Hunter. Consulting Engineer. 0O:i
-:sat 2Kth Street. Bryan. .Texas, upon the
deposit of Ten fgio.floi Dollars, which sum
»o deposited will be refunded provided the
prosper!ive bidder romptles with on of the
^following requirements:
1. If no proposal will be su
documents must be •
of Homer
In good
sight <4gl hours
date of receiving
t. If a proposal
menta, ejtcept proi
bid. must be rstu
Homer A;. Huntre, Consulting i
good condition, within five (
days from and aflnr lima
receiving proposals. If
ONI) I., StfKlKRS, city Mgr.
sOXNNIH,(city Oscrstary.
, Ittsd: A#
s must be returned to! the offlrt
• A. Hunter, Ooneultlng Engineer,
condition, not later tlisn forty.
It ' tuaetSiW p^|Qp *w> ak._! 11 m.. — —A
at ]l« si
’Pepsi ton
turned to
to the, lime
ala; lor, I
submltlsdi All dneu.
form submitted as
Ihil . office ol
nglnesf, In
’ calendar
date of
Act Now! Loy-A-Way a LANE Today
r , 11