• 1 l \ Ti ' : • j -’ll i W. H. Frteburger i -Prewarger, a barber at the Cam pus Corner, has announced his candidacy for the office of coun cilman of Ward III in the com ing city election' to be held April 4. ' / Prof. Mcllroy Speaks At Van Buren ijtanquet . "Objective of Vocational Agri culture”, will be the topic dis- J cussed by Prof. W. W. Mcllroy, of the Ag Ed Department, at the Van Bitren ’ Future ! Farmer 6f America Annual Father and Son Banquet on Monday, lApril 3. Mcllroy will also discuss factors that hinder the carrying out of these objectives. ir j- J i DonationsA id College Fund Generosity of former students of A&M and friends of the college was proven when results of the contributions to the A AM College Development Fund were tabluated recently. A total of 10,968 separ ate donations ranked A&M sev enth in the nation. Colleges topping A&M in num ber <4 contributions received were Yale, Ohio State, Dartmouth, Har vard, Princeton and New York Uni versity. v The money received will be used for scholarships, rifles for the cadet corps, student memorial ex penses, and other projects of the former student association. m—... Father of College Instructor Dies Spencer Apple Jr. of the horti culture department of A&M Col lege was called to Baxter Springs, Kansas, on Tuesday on account of the death of his father, Spen cer Apple Sr., in Springfield, Mo. Funeral services will be held on Thui J sday afternoon at 2 o’clock in Baxter Springs. Mr. Apple Jr. was accompanied to Kansas by Mrs. Nelle Dunwoody, and Joe E. Vincent, Mrs. Dunwoody is a sis ter and Mr. Vincent a nephew of the senior Mr. Apple. Spencer Apple Sr. at one time resided in Bryan. , \ W-. ' !• T !> Mb'# nmemAx. r'jvn'; BECAUSE YOU GAVE HER icfoite) ■-j- i *—r i b-Dumoire JoiletWstsr e. Directoh j i , VT ctoire e. Directoire -• Perfume j '(purse Bacon) 3.50 f. Directoire Dusting Powder 350 JUftimtf/m ms i of exquisite fragraoee... -n- Here’s a rare carried through a water, dusting powder, soap and bath oil . ... perfect for a lovely lady • «p«csial < Our Aggie consultant, Betty Conly, will help select just fbe rigl : r i > ! 5 - r 4LS, you select just the right Easter gift from our excellent line of cosmetics or our other gift -< ; items. ... v'-'" j e&P - "jmort Shop ■'. , ; T' - . i '■ ~ 1 f., • J, - Promotions Volunteer were annou ing officer. $»&£ UN Top Trygve Lie’ iodic high-le (left) command- re J. & McCoy My O. Briles, as (not pictured). Members Distrust Level Conferences M. ROBERTS, ’s suggestion for per- _ krel meetings of the United Nations Security Council, like his eai-lier proposal for a special session of the general as sembly on questions, hi non. I Secretary which was ,t e China and atomic met a cool recep- Acheson set the pace, likewise evident at Lakje Success, with a promise of consideration! which was described ns “a more of less formal rwtction.” Top U. N|. officials and major delegation* wore understood to have scrnpptid the general assem bly i idea, both I because there was little hope of real progress from It atid because]lt Is ton 1ftte In the season to mjakp nrrnntements. l^ow therel If a slmllflr reaction towtaril Lie’s |>t'pposftl In n Wnsh* inginn speech, thut the nutlons Sturt observing u never-observed rule thut nt 1ftlist two security coun cil pieetings he held each year with the | foreign j nkinlsters, and even possibly the hehds of governments, ottiinding. American and British feeling, as in the case of various non official proposals for a new high- level confefeitce outside the U. N. is that no good purpose can be; served by such meetings as ~ C^onffdon d (fjfahety DeLUXE CAFE ?! SERVES THE BEST IN FOOD The Bryan Home ' ' of the Texas Aggies long as the governments them selves are standing pat on the various issues which have re sulted in, or grpwn out of, the cold war. •« On the Chinese matter, for in stance, negoti itiqns are not con sidered worthwhile until there are indications that some members are ready to switch toward admis sion of the Cpmniunist regiine. In the assembly,; only 15 of the 59 nations have recognised the Com- niunists. In tjhe I security council the count is six toj five aguinst, and Britain has just i failed in an at tempt to charfge jit, Unless the Unitjed States switch es thift situation, wiUr-jRussIn ab staining front |mrtlclt|atiiiii In United Nutlons fork ms tong us Nationalist Chinn] continues 4o si| In the varlousl uffcneles, Is expect ed to drug on Indefinitely, mid at least until gejicrftl assembly time In the fnl|. T ■ | Russia, solve It of j course, might re- as she jhas done/In the past, by just Coming back without saying anything. ! ‘ The Russiarjs 4re understood to be interested, evjen to be friend ly, toward Li -’s lidea of top-level council meetings.'! Council Begins Plans for City Street Changes Plans for the renaming and renumbering of College Sta tion streets and houses were begun Tuesday night in an informal meeting of the city council according to ’Mayor Ernest Langford, y The council is now seeking the general citizen’s opinion of a pro posal brought up in the meeting concerning the renaming of the streets, Lingford said. The proposal to odd to the pre sent name of each street the sec tion of .the city in which it is lo cated. For example: Church Ave nue would become Church North Avenue, Foster Avenue would be come Foster East Avenue, and Pershing would become Pershing South Avenue. { Most of the citizens of College Station are familiar with the terms North gate, East gate, and South and West gates. But they are not familiar with the location of all the streets. This method of nam ing would immediately designate the general location ;of each street, Langford continued. Those meft attending the meet ing were Councilmeh J. A. Orr, R. B. Haipin, E. E. Ames; City Sec retary, N. M. McGinnis; City Man ager Raymond Rogers; Walter Johnson of the Postal Department, and Langford. Hoylerto Exhibit Electronic Gadgets Cyril N, Hoyler,: of the Radio Corporation of America, will he on the campus March 25 through 27 to demonstrate r various units of modern electronic equipment developed in recent years and to give n lecture «t 11 a, m. March 27 In the Physics Lecture room.- Hoyler will have: with him an enclogue computer for solving lin ear simultaneous equations by elec- trunk' means, n dejnonstratlnh of luminescent materials represent ing one very Important aspect of television research, und n Id-mil limeter film on another analogue computer “The Antennnlyzer.’’ In addition to these, Hoyler will have an electronic counter, and a protype of n commercial counter and interval timer lyith a capacity of 100,000 counts per second. - f w - 1 ] ■ BbP|v - J k, ' jJ Billie Mitehen Mitchell, a local representative for the State Farm Insurance Company, has announced that he will be a candidate fdr the position of councilman of Ward , II in the April fourth city elec tion. What’s Cooking idr *day, ] cftdetn: QUAR AGGIE CHRISTIAN 1 rrsday,! March 24, 7:15, FELLOW SHIP, Thu Room 108, Academic. AGGIE SQUARES, Friday, 8 p. m.. Episcopal Parish House, Be ginners at 7:30 ip. m. AGRONOMY SOCIETY, Thurs day, March 23, j7:30 p. m. Agri cultural Engineering Lecture room. Special meeting! with Dr. E. C. Kellogg as speaker. AMARILLO CLUB, Thursday, March 23, 7:)i.5 p. m., Room 207, Academic. Plans j for spring party will be made. AMERICANFOUNDRY- MAN’S SOCIETY meets Thursday night at 7 in Room 203 of the M.E. Bldg. Business meeting to discuss summer! employment and permanent employment. AUSTIN COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, Room ICG Aca demic Building. | BEAUMONT ; A & M CLUB, HERE’S THE NEW li ,-f ■ .. i-U' witti.exclusive CROSLEY W< VER design $189.50 mUmm • Now yoo got now span, man span, up to 23% mon space—ALL at the "oonvknikncs urm." with the new Shclvadur. It’s all eeay to reach—easy tooee—and there’s Ui no stooping dear to the floor. • You’ll find * compact “ButteiSafe" in • Soa the new fcatum bow—you'll aay 1950 Crdaiay ie the moat oonrvwnant, tba J-t-the yoor Shelvador. .roomy kneatholder Joe Faulk's 217 & Main -1 1 new improved Mt beantiftat— ever aawt na4*a xa. as. u. snt as, lACK’S Associate Store Phone 2-1669 Thursday, 7:30 p. jn-, Room 106, Academic. BELL COUNTY!CLUB, Thurs day, 7:30 p. m., Room 123, Aca demic Building. BISTONE COUNTIES CLUB, Thursday, March 23, 7:15 p. m., second floor Academic. Plans for Easter party to be discussed. COLLEGE WOMEN’S SOCIAL CLUB, Friday, March 24, 3 p.m., in the YMCA Chapel. COLLEGIATE 4iH CLUB, Mon day, March 27, 7:30 p. m., the Moore House. HJSK, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., 3rd Floor, Academic Building. LATIN AMERICAN CLUB, Friday, 7:15 p. m.. Assembly Room, YMCA. MANAGEMENT ENGINEER ING WIVES, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., South Solarium of YMCA. NAVARRO COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Academic Building. j i . PORT ARTHUR CRUB, March 23, 7:15 p. m.. Room 303, Good win Hall. Easter party plans. TARLETON CLUB, 7:15 p. m., Thursday, Room 306, Goodwin. Hall. _ WACO A&M CLUB, — Thurs day. 7:30 p.m. Room 304, Goodwin Hull. Refreshments will be served. WHAT'S IN A NAMK . . . when, for example, you're lalking fthftut wash ing machines? Then' are nn estimated 700 different brand name wash ing machines on the mlirket. Many, or all, of thess wash- ew nro good, dependable machines. But . . . only about two dozen of these, an* really well known by] the public. Those that are known are made by manufacturers who have nationally advertised their products and, thru their advertising and the -f .quality of their product, have earned public confi dence. When you place .a Want Ad to sell your washer—or re frigerator or vacuum clean er or outboard motor—be sure to include the brand name. You’ll capitalize on the public’s respect for that name . . . and your results Will be better, faster and at a lower cost to you. ■' J V [ BATTALION WANT ADS assure maximum coverage of College Station 4-5324 Adams-Hughes Set Date for Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burton Adams of Jewett have announced the coming marriage of their daughter Virginia McEachern to Robert Holloway Hughes, April 6 at 3 p. m. in the All Staintis Epis copal Church of Austin. A graduate of TSCW, Miss Adams is now working toward her masters degree in Home ! Econo mics at Texas University. The bridegroom is the Ison of Dr. und Mrs. Hughes of College Station. He received his B; A. and M. A. degrees from A&M in 1937 and 1940, respectively, After serv ing five years in the Air klorce as a pilot, he returned to A&M to be come assistant director of athle tics, Serving In this ropnelty for one yenr, he then taught biology for six months before organlKlng the Veteran’s Guidance nod Test ing I’rograpi here. He Is how on leave working on a I’h. I) degree at Texas University. I . | • Nurse’w Home Holds Barn Dance Saturday j -Students In the BrncWnrhlge Nurse’s Home, 707 East 14th Street in Austin are holding a barn dance .this Saturday from 8-12 p. m. Admission will be 25 cehts and preferred dreSs will be ginghams and blue jeans. T 1 . News - Society ! •±A. ■r ‘ tgricultute teacher placement be discussed by Prof, E. V. ton at Future the regular meet Farmers’ of Ar r Monday March p. m. ip the AgricuRu ing lecture room ifessor ulture II discus* job for stuti near future. E. V. Walton Education: depa the possibility of ents graduating in the AD. lUtM with Speaks Meeting Meet Will Feature Exhibit and Choir I ’ 1 ’ 1 !■ Ill i Art handicraft' exhibits and the Stephen F. Austin high school A Capella choir will feature Fri-• day’s meeting of; the College; Wo- men’s Social Club: The meeting will begin at 3 p. m., according to Mrs. H. E. Hierth, club reporter. ! ' The art exhibit will be arranged j by'Mrs. H. H. Hanover and Mrs. J, M. Nance, co-chairmen. Mrs. W. E. Wright is chairman of the handicraft «xrnnnl. groupji — I 1 '*1 l ’! " f' !>• Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS | J Page 4 | ; THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1950 r: r'^1 ■SU, WITH i, BATTAUON 3c m word par Official Student - Faculty ECTORY I ' f Texas A&M College 50c per copy j '■ \ Phone 4-5444 \| OOo to OTUDET r PUBLICATIONS ASM College / Station, Texas —On Bale at SNACK BAB ft NEWS STAND psny. ; • • WAITED • OUT OF DATE BOOKS. M M M . V W» ha+e of- fen, from 4 law U*vl Book Hoa»«w. Com* down and tAk* your pick. I-ou- pots Trsdlnc f^wt- Trade with Ixm- Ha’e rlpht. with yeu. ; • I FOB BENT • FURNISHED BEDROOM. Bttrsctlvely fur- nlahed. Bui llnei Bee Sfter elk. Wi a. Coulter. , g-j SPECIAI. low nholS tlmwprente!.. Five monilie—tso.on p|« month for dusmy eeven room tiouer, two bsllie. lovely furnlel,ln*«. A reel barssln. , Cell st III* Kyle or ph^ne «-#0l4. I ' a LOST FOUND 1m 4r*, Murphy A* let on Ui4 r*m- Inky" _en|niiv»il Mlt.VHK ldentlf|oall«i l„i« or »; Kyle FI itn bracelet Mr plt*l ' ] 1 |. . it;; ■MmwnmnftmMtwwwHenHHHaanaHBWeHHnwmftnawnaiiMaHaeBtMwatnawM^ roim HIADEIi double pen ftnifli wdh i'real of ymglamt carved on IK I’ftn- , Hud ftruce sumnfdia Mb yr, Arrlillec. G lursl I,oh r nl ' 1 .... r r. i i eapeilelue •TUIINNT VWfRItAH,' . Iinnae pnlnllbx: Will do your alifljiit re, pmnnnK al ec,momic*l pucea i)ddarl L. B. Cole. ISI-B -College View ■ or write Boa I IMS, College Stalion, ] Prompt Radio Service —OtU— i i i Sosllk’s Radio Senior 712 a. Main St. Ph. 2-1941 ^ Bryan j e [ i >]•' j j ■ ■ | i f Charlies Food Market North Gate 1 : College Station i rv I I I ^ . J • ••*• '’Mil IJs*’- :■'"‘i),^ j i SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -L BIARCH 24TH ft 25TH U lr , 1 i \ ; . j . ; i j i 'i •' I **’]• 1 1 • \rk r • ! ! -i:.; .-i 2—303 Cans Hunt’s PEAR HALVES . 2—303 Cans Del Monte APRICOT HALVES 2—No. 2 , A Cans Hunt’s PEACH HALVES. 3 Pound Can CRISCO . . . 1 . . 73c Star Kist Blue l.ahel TUNA - Solid Pack . -37c Diamond—-Dill 6r Sour j PICKLES . .. Qiiart 25c • ‘ i , • ■ ■ I ' ■ ■ ! r i js - 2—No. 2 Cans l.uwh-ua |.. ■ SLICED BEETS . . 19c 2-16-ai. Jam Pura PLUM PRESERVES . 31c s M u-. ru,m-ttnrxi. JELLAT1N DESERT. I6c 2—1 Pound Cana PARD DOG FOOD . 25c 2—No, 2 Cana Diamond CUT GREEN BEANS . 29c T; 2—17-oz. Cans Tender LESUER PEAS WE D 4-1164 f : •!• “ ELI VER PHONES . . 51c JoIT.. if ‘1 ' ■i. i FI . / . : ! Quart Bottle Tea Garden APPLE JUICE . \. 25c mi 2—No. 2 Cana Libhys TOMATO JUICE j. , K ' " ll 1 1 ^ |" | ' t \ 1—46-oz. Can NuZest ORANGE JUICE . . 36c - SHORTENING ” . : . . . 61c ,! \! Market Krgfta Velveeta CHEESE ■j' Tender Veal Ki lled 1} ■ 1 . . 2 Him 73c —4^— ' • i ROAST . Pound ,59c r'JLJ j. • •' < a Sliced l ' ' ■ j. .... Pound 41c BA( r, (.)i\ Umhl * Wl,fwl I Pound Cello Hag \ ; HAM HOCK PIECES . 25c ■*——!■!. I Tender Veal _! \ " LOIN STEAKS , . . 71c . I . . .< * 4 Produce ★ New Crop Valley ^ POTATOES . Pound 5c TOMATOES . Carton 14c CARROTS . . Bunch 5c * ■ r, j.' • • ■ 'I. - • :Y -TT-—-.!■!'# 'ornia , : | 'NS iDoz. • • a I j : i r. 4 ' - v