The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 20, 1950, Image 3

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i f '
fish Top Slime Basil
'ta (ter,Strelea uP
itveepine both places in three
while preventing the Rice
[- i
Slimes from getting a sweep in a
single event,; the Aggie Fish de
cisively outpointed their opponents,
73-41, at Kyle Field Saturday.
Cadet sweeps Were engineered in
the high hiirdlda. low hurdles, and
Absent during th® meet was
Big Darrow Hooper who whs the
only A&M entrant in the Ft. Worth
Southwestern Recreation Track
and Field Meet. Hooper set a new
record in the discus, but was Upset
in jthe ; shot Xj I
On the local scene the freshman
division proved exciting as all of
thi Owlets’ four first places, count
ing five points each, came in the
fiifat part of the meet, and the
first-year Aggies had to come from
behind with their 11 first places
in| the flatter part of the competi-
x—n— 1
onrad Stl
points eai
CCNY Risking
No Loss Title
" . .1,' 4 "
New York, March
! College of I New Yorl
vitation giant kiHer,
erly looking forward toThe
tournament—and- thei chance of
completing an unprecedented bas
ketball “grahd slam.-;
No team has ever won the two
classics in one sealson. But the
whirlwind Beavers from CCNY
could be the first to turn the elus
ive trick. Certainly they must be
rated a good possibility off their
■ sensational showing in ,the NIT.
Nat Holman’s unseeded, but un
daunted, sophomores won the NIT
title like a true champion, too—
bjy beating cjiartipions. Ihe Beav-
e|rs captured the 13th annual ex
travaganza Saturday with a 69 to
61 upset victory over top-seeded
■j the Nation’s "No. 1 team,
18,000 bug-eyed fans at
tion. Rice got seven second
while the Aggies got six of
Statler, Strefeau Tbps
Bill Stateler and Col
leau accounted for IT) pbl
Stateler won the 100-yd. dash
10 seconds flat and the 220-;
dash in 21.8 secohds. Streleau w
the High hurdles in 16 secor
flat and the low hurdles in 2
seconds. §■
Cadet Bob Ragsdale won
broad jump with a 22’ 1/8”
only to come back and anct
A&Ms’ mile relay to another fi:
[place. Jim Dimmitt high jum
a winning six feet, which is oi
standing in the freshman dr
Malcolm Marks of the Ai
won the pole vault with a
mising 12’ 6” and Glenn Sp
was second. Bob Beyer, w
from New York where the jav
is thrown in high school, won
javelin throw with a good disi
of 168’
Weight Events. Strength
The Aggie Fish were strong
ip the weight events, winrijn
firsts in all three, the shot putj
discus, and javelin, while allowing
Rice to have only the seebnd places.
The Slimes took advantage of the
distance races, winning the niil
and half mile, with A&M takfh
Bradley; the
before 18,000 bug
Madison Square Garden
Prior to the final round/upset.
City rolled past San Francisco,
defending NIT titlist, Kentucky,
the nation’s No. 3 team and South-
eastem Conference kingpin j and
Duqueshe of Pittsburgh, ranked
sixth in the final Associated Press
'iSRi. ■, I" \ ' •; 4 ’■ |
j Confronting the Beavers in the
opening round of “ NCAA play
Thursday at Madison-.Square Gar
den will be Ohio State, ranked
No. 2 nationally and fi-hanipions
of Vhd Westewi Cortfcrtpce. « |
i And ahoul<i City 'get past the
Buckeyes, there’ll 1 be either Holy
Cross dr North Carolina State to
Contend with. Holy Cross,[trahked
fourth, and North Carolina State
ranked fifth, will tangle^! in the 5
other half of Thursday’s double-
Meanwhile, Bradley, hardly dis
graced by its defeat, may have an
other crack at CCNY. The Peoria,
111., Braves will be at Kansas City
tomorrow night for a joust with
Kansas for the right to represent
District Five in the NCAA Western
.Regional playoffs. t
Fort Worth Wan
A&M, Texas Bae
Fort Worth, Tex., March 20—
bP*—The Southwestern Recreation
Track and Field meet got along
pretty well F without Texas and
Texas A&M but you can bet youir
bottom dollar every effort will be
made to get them back.
Texas and A&M skipped'the big-
cinder path carnival last week-iend
because they were disgruntled < ve|r
the condition of the track last y|eat.
The track was fixed but Texajs
A&M already ha.d made plans fdr
other meets.
Seven records were put into
books in this year’s meet and th
helped a lot. In fact, it was a veijy
good meet and the times and dis
tances compared favorably |dtih
those of other years.
The absence of Texas and A&M
made it possible for Baylor to win
the university division champion
ship. It was the first time in rr aijy
years that any team other ihgn
the Longhorns or Aggies had wqn
the title. Baylor made 48 5/6
points. Arkansas was second with
38. • ‘
North’Texas State swept up the
college division with 70 point
almost 50 points better than run
ner-up McMurray. Schreiiier took
the junior college title with 44j 1/3
points to 29 5/6 for Texas Scjuth-
most of Brownsville. Oklahom4 A.
and M. captured the college fresh
man title with 50 points to 20 for
Texas Christian.
Odessa won its second njajor
championship in two weeks in the
Tugh school class. .Winner at the
Border; Olympics; Odessa swept up
the title here with 22 points. Sun
set of/Dallas was second'with 10.
; X-
id places. The
relays, Rice
y and A&M
In F6rt Worth Hoop
the recbifds in both c
* the freshmi
I the If
by Jack
8” by hurling
He br<il
mark sjet
at 134
to break
Of the
by sir
fierma * jacquctidi
new Thrill in
4 ■/
; “
1 .
■V ,
4 r
Rug cotton yam knitted Into *parkt(no potterni
with color* token from the new teaion breaking
forth In all itt excitement. You'll enjoy wearing
the>e gracious jacquards, for their appeal is, as
always, to Yowl
g Texas Aggies”
i - Vc
\ 440-
44.5 s<
2, Lib
in the meet
S der put the sh
the standard
n 1949 by
46’ 2’’. H.
of SMU beat
ird later in
ng him by
ig the
its he en-
Id discus
of Texas
jthe discus
47’ 2 V/’
in this
Quinn of
wer, Bill
Cooper out
the event
iree inches.
d relay—1, Ride (Nerstra,
niels and Deenjy; 2, A&M
d dash—1, Shxer,- Rice;
y, A&M. 54 seconds flat,
•d dash—1, Statler A&M;
Rice. 10 seconds flat,
in—1, Frank, Rice; 2;
A&M. 4:44.4.1
Shot put—1, Sharrock, A&M; 2L
,p«ce. 4
2, Wallace, Rice, 6 feejL
220-yard dash—1, S
iaiij Ri<
42 feet, 8|3/4 inches,
ump—lj Dimmitt, A&M;
itler, A&M;
12O-y0rd high hurdles—1, Stre-
leau, A&M; 2, Scott, ; A&H, 16.3
Javclih throw—1, B4yer, A&M;
2 Shannon, Rice. 158 feet, 14 in
ch. •
Discus—1, Little, AibM; 2, Ber
ger, Rife- feet, 9 inches.
Mile /relay—1, A&M (Wilmsen,
Cox, Br/own and Ragsdale); 2, Rice.
3:35.1 I.
220j-y/a.rd low hurdles—1, Stre-
leau, A&M; 2, Moore, A&M. 25.8
Pole/Vault—1, Marks, A&M; 2,
Spurdiii, A&M. 12 fee ;, 6 inches.
Broad jump—1, Ragsdale, A&M;
2 Uerstra, Rice 22 feet, 1/8 inch.
Buddy Davis, shown clearing the high jump bar in the dual meet
with Rice, is proving to be one of Vern McGrew* J “““
challengers for the conference high jump title.
mate Don Graves
the competition Saturday.
if Vern McGrew’s most dangerous
igh jump title. Davis and team-
forced McGrew to go to 6’ 5Vi” to top them in
Major Games
Radio Station Wl 'AW is tlroad- i
casting a major league baseball
game every day with the “Old
Scotchman” Gordon McLcndqn do
ing the play by pliy, assisted by
Wes Wise. Garnet me is 1: )0 on
weekdays and 3 on Sundays.
j t
If the Aggie baseball team is-
playing a home ganje, WTAW also
covers it with Dub King doiiig the
play by play assisted by Jbc1| Nor
man and Harold Gann.
Steers Take Tiller
Ags Slide to Third
w n
Tei /Robertson’s Longhorns won
their 16th straight SWC swimming
championship last weekend in Wa
co with the SMU Mustangs edging
out this Aggies for second place.
Van j Adamson, sophemore swim
ming) sensation of the Cadet squad,
finis led his first year in confer
ence ! Competition by knocking 5
seconds off the old record in the
209<»ard individual medley; Adam
son’s! time was 2:18.1.
The/ Steer mermen captured
eight first places and amassed' 128
points, the Mustangs finished
with.;) four firsts and 51 points,
whila ■ the Cadets won orily one
first/rilace in the entire meet and
.garnifired 47 points., Baylor finish
ed oh /the bottoni with 2l pbints.
Tips) is the first ybar since the
forming of the first Aggie swim-
Campbell, Texas';
A&M. Time—23.4.
150-yard backstn
as; Grover, Texas;
Bundell, A&M;
bre ii
In tli
'team that the Cadets have
ed lower than second plate,
difference in / A&M’s being
or third came about when
gie foursome |of Adamson,
Karow, Tommy Butler, and
Ellis was disqualified in the
ard relay, although they fin-
ia third of the length of the
ahead of their nearest cohl-
'I’icial judge Bob Tarleton of
i: disqualified the Aggie team:
S race by ruling that anchor;
Adamson left the box too.
>ri the final lap of the race.;
- Art Adamson vigorously/
ted the decision, which placed/
Aggies in third place in the
•with the Mustangs cinching
!'4>nd place. Had the Cadets
heir wih of the 400-yard re-
hich was in record-surpass-
ne, they would have finished
dnts ahead of second place
iteers Dominate Meet
[far as the actual'winner of
was edneerned, the Long-
had the .sWim fest sewed up
all the way during the
y meet./
;y Westdrvelt finished in
place foil the Aggie squad
50-yardJfreestyle, Bill :Sar-
Dorv Blundell took second
ird places, respectively, in
50-yard j backstroke, and
>n and; Rjalph Ellis took sec-
d fourth 1 places, respectively,
220-yard freestyle,
w was third in the 220-yard
trfke, I o w e 11 Johnson
in a third place porform-
4ff the ore-metor board, and
nt grabbed the third spot in
l|00-yar«l backstroke. Karow
took thirl in the 100-yimi
stroke, vfhlle Ellis finished
i same position in tho 100-
froostlyc. and Rargent re*
his third place finish; In
200-yard individual* medley.
SWC Results
Complete results
1500-meter free
SMU; Gilbert, I
SMU; Wilson, T
A&M: Time—25.8.
50-yard free-style
SMUt Tolar, Texas; Gowen.tSMU;
'exas;S Wilson,
exas: Parnell,
(New record).
-j— Muckl
(New record),
ke—Cone, Tex-
fohsey, Texas.
220-yard free-style — Gilbert,
Texas; Adamson, A&M; l^elson,
Texa^; Smith, Tex*is; Ellis, A&M.
220-yard breast j stroke —Craw
ford, Texas; Karhak, Texas; Ka
row, A&M; Dwirle, SMU;| Corn-
stock, A&M. Timfe—2:30.2j
One-meter diving (8 dives each)
Skippy Browning,/l exas; Manale,
Baylor; Davis, Texas; Johnson,
A&M; Payne, Tex^s, I J
400-yard relay—jsMU on default
„ ly—jS.
of Tpxas A&M. (Mortimeif, Gow-
ep, Dwire, "
! ' : *
: ’
■ fi
••“i "j- • -I ■tl'J F TT | y- 4*', : : ; j m
Aggies Meet Oh
: ||odayl
Ohio State’s buckeyes will Open
a three-game series with the A
every day this week at th
^ | 1 4
Monks Wins Thirc
In Open FoU Meet
open men's
this weekend in Houston.
<0wen Holzheur, of the G*lves-
ton Buccaneers, came in first in
the two. hour blade clashing tour
ney. Leopold French, Rice Owl
two year letterman, came in second
in the afray, barely beating out
Monks. - !
Theke were 22 men entered in
the meet of which ten were Aggies.
An Individual team made up of
freshrtien from the annex went
down ito the tourney under thb
direction of Dick Jones.
Members of the Varsity Team
who entered the meet were Monks,
E. T. Gennis, Chuck Massey, Car
roll Blell, Aden Magee, and Frank
Gustava A. Mis trot, team / cap^
tain, went down to the battleground
to act as director and judge,
Shafick Farid, Jack Baird and
Harold Van Buskirk were the oth
er' directors.
Ik Gfij
llv- , . t i T J
Event Results For
Ag Cinder Victory
Mile run—1; J. D. Hampton,/
A&M; 2, John Germany, A&M, 4:-|
880-yard dash—1, Alex Ortiz,
A&M; 2, Robert Allen; A&M, 'l:-j
69.8. ' j
440-yatd dash — 1, Tom Cqx,
Ricej 2, C. M. Inglehart, A&M.j
50.6 seconds. /
220-yard dash—1, Arthur Brown,
Rice; 2, Davill Yiengst, A&M/ 21.6
100-yard dash—1, Arthur Brown,/
Rice. 2, Bob Hall, A&M. 9.8 sec
onds. ■
Shot put—j-l; George Kadera,
A&M; 2, Joe McPhail, Rice, 46 feet,
7 inches.
Javelin throw—1,. Tobin Rote
Rice; 2, Jack Simpson, A&M, 188j
feet, 1 inch/ , J *■ V
Discus thtow—1,Kadera, A&M;
2, Ed Hooker, A&M, 164 feet 7
High Juplp—1, Vern McGrew,
Rice, six feet, 5V4 inches; Walt
Davis and Don Graves. A&M, tied
for second at 6 fefet, 4 inches.
Pole vault— 1, Ray Grave;
A&M; 2, Jack Simpson, A&M, 1:
Broad jump—1, Ralph Grawun :
der, Rice; 2, Jim Gerhardt, 22 fed
1.0 3/8 inches.
120-yard high hurdles—], ,Pau|
Leming, A&M; 2, Vern McGre
Rice, 14.7 gcdppds.
Defeat Ofcigars
I CTX-'iCptttlB. , i
220-yard,j Idw _hurdles—1, Bob
! /rjelay—1, Rice /(Colt
, Riggs and Brown); 2,
Hall, A&Ml;i 2, Bill Bless, A&
23 seconds flat. ’ If
Grawunde/ri _
A&M. Time -4/2.7 seconds,
Mile relay—1, Rice (Hoff, Hud
gins, Cox and Brown); 2, A&M.
Time, 10 minutes, 17 seconds.
MucklCroy); Texas;
(Dickey, / Scarborough,
Sorell, McCoy). Time—3:44.7.
100-yard backstroke: Tied South
west! Conference record. Bob Cone,
Texsis: second, Htigh Grover, Tex
as; /third, Bill Sargent, Texas
A&M;. fourth, Doii Bundell, Texas
A&M; fifth, Don Mortimer, SMU.
Rect rd-tieing time, 1:02.9.
100-yard breast/stroke: Won by
Hylmar Karhak, Texas; second,
*>hrf r ' ~ ~
Karow, Texas A&M: fourth, Tom
Crawford, Texas; third, Billy
»rpw, Texas A&l"
Comstock, Texas A&M; fifth, Jim
Dwile, SMU. Time, 1:06.7.
100-yard freestyle: Won by Mike
Muckleroy, SMU J second, Roger
Tolar, Texa>; third, Ralph Ellis,
Texas A&M; fourth, Frank Dickey,
Baylor; fifth, Jean McCoy, Baylor.
Time, 53.6.
440-yard freestyle: New confer
ence record established by Eddie
Gilbert, Te3:as; second, Wynatt
Wilson, Texas; third. Arden Anie-
rine, SMU; fourth, Ricks Wilson,
SMU; fifth, Don Smith, Texas.
Record time 4:56 6.
20t)-yard individual medley: New
conference record established by
Van Adamson, Texas A&M: sec
ond, Bob Cone, Texas; third, Bill
Sargent, Teaas A&M: fourth, tick
Turbyfill, T;xas; /fifth, Fred Bostr
wick, Texas. Record time, 2:18.L
Three-meter giving: Won by
Skippy Brownin; Texas; second,
Bullet Mandlc, Baylor; third, John
Campbell, Texas; fourth, Milton
DkvlH, Texts AdiMi fifth, Wiley,
300-y»rd medley relay: Won b
Texas; seco
xus A&M;
SMU; fpur h, Baylor.
total eeeresi Texas 128; SMU
01; Texas i 14*11 147; Baylor 81.
have a fine selection
nter woven Socks .. j.
Patterns . . . New
lags ... Every Inter-
n Sock is a good sock.
75C Repair,
n 6. Weis*]
North Gate
College Station
* j
tative — Loupot’s 1
j&attalion ’s
MON, MAR. 20, 1950 Page 3
But R
day, Oklahoma folr Thursday, a:
Minnesota for Friday arid Sato
da y : -
A&M’s baseball team added its
second and third victories Friday
and Satunlay with a twin killing
of the Houston Cougpi4.
The Aggies won their second
game in as many starts Friday oh
track would be made of the 'bisfe
paths-with eight of they 11 ftrhs
being snored in thh first tort! inn-
thfen sdttTed down to fe
tight pitching dOel between win
ner Sam Blantori arid
lungers' RObby'
Moon Hoirieri "
Aggie left fielder Wally Moon
in On a triple in the second tp
pull the Ags back into command
after a wild bit of Cadet defensive
play enabled Houston to take a
short 3-2 lead. After teaching
third, Moon rushed home with an
other score after the pitcher had
U of H 030 000 Dot
A&M 230 230 OOOh.ftt
Blanton, Gm^loe (f). Ogle-
tree and Calvqrt , ./ ,,
Hull,man, Heartsell (4), Haas
Ags 8; Cougars l
In aj return match, A&M again
beat Houston, 8-4. 'at the Bayou
city, winning pitcher Pat Hubert
stayed longer on thie mound than
any Aggie ibis season, going un
til the eighth inning and alldi
accounted tot t
er ruhte H8 no
of four tri.
base blow
»r starting,
nd Hubert
, _ . tchipg d
helm replai
with AM ahead,
Aggie si bi
seventh ip
, and a theft
Hgnry Candelari
IM four guns.
& M
or u
own (9)
came ip
, an oiv a
Tankersley (8).
and Calvert, Ogle-
I <« ^ /
z<e. r
Btyah ’ Country Club course, sfc-J
cojrding to A&M golf’touch Gath- J
eij i Nowell; ' j 1 •, ./ ! ■
(Scores were highei* than usual-
ause of the high 4rins and fast
ns. Complete respite' in tlie r
les events of Saturday’s match f
e J. C. Fletcher defeating John- -
Pir Barrett 2-1; Tom /Aitken d;
ping Malcolm Douglass, 1
Monte Currie over Miller Bai
4-3; and Gene Darby, 3-2
oyer Billie Baker. | /
/ In the doubles division the r
kep-Darby ] partnersM/ri wbh p
the Bai rett-Dbuglass* tombihatl
apd CUrrie and tiDatby 1
f 1
i 4
' ■ j ■ , j ■■ ! -
V*», Cpmsii art SO MHO that in • co«»i io-wn»i i*rt
of hnmlrrds of won ssd women who smokrd Csmri*-
utal only Csmtll-foT JO ton-uxuttlvs d«y», nnud thtosi
spcristlM*, tusking weekly esOniMitolM, reporlsd
4m to nmHdng CAMlts!^ " *