The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 20, 1950, Image 1

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    ' i i 1 " ■•"i .
- Coll«g« Station
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Offlotal NmvMpaper
Number 115
ance, Duke, Parade Make
Busy Saturday Fat Cadets
CHARLTON (fu«*sts began arriving for the “big- sionn,
k "su
ar- tra ipi
-ab of fn]
Nation** Top
Gollpglate Dally
NAS 1H49 Hupvpy|
“I never seen so much brass in
my life." I
That was the comment of one
corps member Sunday morning af
ter rushing through an afternoon
and evening of varied activities
including a. parade, concert, and
dance in Sbisa Mess Hall. And he
’t far from wrong. There had
n -assembled for this, A&M’s
_ges£ social event of the year
militarily, an impressive congrega
tion of high ranking officers from
generals on down.
Saturday afternoon’s events
got underway formally at 2:4S
When the Ross Volunteers be
decked in white uniforms, came
to “present arms” with rifles for
the group of military dignitaries
on the front steps leading up to
the corps area. The coi
was then inspected^
Fifteen Gun Salute
And at 4 p.m. *the entire ROTC
unit, including Annex Fre8hman L
units, marched onto the.Main DfUl
Field. A 15-gun salute was fired,
and the band played two foreign
national anthems and the Star
Spangled Banner. The French Na-
tionaKAnthem was played in hon
or of Brig. Gen. Jacques de la
Boisse. The new Italian National
r r
Anthem was played In honor of
Colonel Umberto de Martino, 8h
far as can be determined, Saturday
afternoon was the first time the
new Italian Anthem had been play
ed In the United States.
Then corps members dressed In
white gloves, helmet liners, and
awelteiTugly hot serge blouses
marched past the red, wh|te, and
blue reviewing stand filled with
civilian-dlgiiltarles ns well as the
military general officers Lt<
(lea. Leltoy Lutes commanding
general of the Fourth Army, wH
reived the review, A grouji of
stiectntors Including uarents and
dates surrounded the field on three
Fallowing the review, honor
guests, college officials, and
their guest had dlaaer with the
eorps iu Donrau Hall at (1 u.m.
Guests were seated with various
units of the corps.
"Creel* Love Hong"
Jluke Klliagton and, his Orches
tra played n concert 14 Guion Hall
at 6:30. Most remevhbered mo-
‘jpentiecame when Kay Davis, fea
tured vocalist, stepptnl up to the
microphone and mournfully sup
plied her blues renditions. One
in particular, “Creole Love Song/’
in which Miss Davis hums and
sings her way through without the
help of any lyric, was particularly
haunting. Ellington played in his
element—jazz, and 1 the audience
" seemed to enjoy every hot note.
Corps members, their dates, and
Inspecting Teams
Here April 26-28
Federal Inspection will be held
here April 26/ 27, and 28 accord
ing to a release by the Texas
Military District in Austin.
1 The inspection team will inspect
t h e conditions of government
. property issued to the school,
check the facilities for ROTC in
struction and administration, ami
i ry to find any deficiencies that
I nay be overcome.
Various phases of classroom
work, small thctical problems,
atades, and reviews will also be
' nspbeted.
guests began arriving for the “big
gest and best” military ball yet at
9 p.m. They entered Sbisa throug
a narrow hallway created by pa
titions and covered with olive arab
camoflauge netting. Arriving on
the dance floors danders could see
two huge American, flags entirety
covering the walls at both e:
From ' the ceiling were
long paper mache stream*
red and White colors. Am
ound the walls were hung
of "about every country you
heard of and then some,” gi
person pointed out.
Phosphorus Lettering
Behind the bandstand, *,
which “Duke” and the boys
administering hot licks, was a
backdrop on which words to the
“Spirit of Aggieland” were pointed
in phosphorescent paint. A
end of the hall honor gu
were provided chairs, carp
palm plants, and their own I
powl. At the other end r were
placed more tables Tor othef spe
cial guests.
{ In a large room just off the
dance floor, tables and chairs had
been set up for corps members and
their dates. Down in the base
ment, dancers were served [punch
and cookies and were provided
more tables and chairs. Thjs lat
er proved to be one of the! most
during pne Inter-
worthwhile arrangements yftt for
nn overly crowded di
Highlight during T .
misHlon was the presents'll
Jeanlne Holland and, the >
Hweetheart nominees from
CW. Each was presented a
“«««', Hurlng other late
sionS, records were played over
nubile address system.
e Ellington and hia Orches-
•ovided I a varied assortment
„ .ilsical concoctions, most of
them j extremjely danceable except
occasionally when musicians would
slip into some wierdly syncopated
arrangement. These latter ar
rangements were mighty enjoyable
listening, but not much good for
As time for the dance to end ap
proached, James “Red” Duke, sen-
i ea( j er> addressed the corps-
their dates, and guests,
were turned out, and the
phosphorescent painted words to
the “$pirit of Aggieland” appeared
on the backdrop behind the band-
standl Everyone sang the “Spirit,”
listened to it played once on tran
scription, and then filed out calm
ly And quietly through the camo-
flailgfe net-covered hallway.
Ingram has won! $500 in a
tionwide contest for his f
place desjgn of an eight-family
apartment building. He is
fifth year architecture stud<
from Fort Worth.
Ingram Wins $500
or House Design
jjldmeU A. Ingram, Jr., fifth
year architectural design student,
has 1 , won $500 in a nationwide stu-
dent 1 contest for his first place
wlqtung design of an eight-family,
wood, garden type apartment Uulld-
ilMj . - ’ j.
liirles Estes and Don Jarvis,
fifth year design majors, won
Fall Grad Ha£ Jol>
Writing Ag Stories
Louis Fields, fall graduate, has
iccepted a position with The Cat-
;!eman magazine. Hia work will
ncludo stories about {southern ag
Fields sold four feature articles
a\ the The C'nttleman while he was
i student In Agrlcultual Journal
ism here.
The Cattleman Is the official
mbllcutlon of the Texas and
Southwestern Cattle Raisers A»-
toqiaildn. *,
Men of rank, brass and otherwise, pay their respects to the colors
as they pass during Saturday’s cadet corps parade. From left to
tight they are Maj. Gen. A. R. Crawford, Chancellor Gibb Gilchrist,
Maj. Gen. D. W. Old, President F. C. Dolton, Maj. Gen. K. L. Berry,
..... " n. H.
Dean M. T. Harrington, Maj. Gen.
Ainsworth, Maj. Gen.
H. Johnson, Brig, Gen. A, ft. Luedecke, Col Umberto de Martino,
Maj. Gefi. de la Boi'sse, Louis Hartung, Rufus Peebles, and Col.
Oscar B. Abbott.
Pretty Cover Girl
honorable mentioh in the contest
and will receive $f»0 each for their
Out of ten uwuinla given for de
signs from students throughout the
country, A&M student* won three.
A first prize waa also given for
a design submitted by a profes.
pinna) architect. J
The rumpetitioli was apohNoml
»y the Tlember Iftitflimeiiiig Com*
i >an.v uf Washington, D, 0,, an af*
lllate uf the MWatlnual Lumber
Manufacturers Aksurlatlun, Three
tundred eligible designs were sub>
ultted, retireaeutljig Ml states and
Canada ami 9,50(1 runtestants.
Ingram, a Fort Worth student
s due to graduate In June, He
s a former catlgt captain In the
ilr ROTC, n dlstl|igulshed military
itudent, member^ of the Scholar*
** “ ' “ Vol*
. , . , - . W
ipent 32 months! In service In the
Pacific theater {during the last
war. .
The sponsoring company will
submit the designs on a nation
wide scale. “This competition is
intended as a source of inspira
tion to architectural designs,” the
sponsors point out.
The program which was opened
in October 1949! and closed Jan.
15, 1950, “was Used as a regular
design problem and the drawings
which our students made were sub
mitted in the competition”, Ernest
Langford, head ojf the Architecture
Department said.
ituuent, member of the Hchol
.ship Honor Society, the Ross \
inteers and past presldsnt of
Undent Engineering Connell.
^ i •
Although the cover ’ *
month’s issue; of The' Agriculturist
like thi? frontpieoe of
one of our national fashion 1 publi-
looks more
cations, what there is to meet the
eye (lovely Elizabeth McGeje, Na
tional Maid of Cotton) *- almost
serves to balance up the differ
ence. ‘ i ’ : 1 T ■
More about her and the Cotton
Pageant and Ball can ^be found
In a center spread article with
picture*. The etory offer* a brief
sketch of the annual affairV his
tory from the time is w£* pion
eered Into existence by J. H. Mog-
ford: Pictures show last years
hall, king and queen, and pageant.
Following its technical-type
theme, the lend story of the Issue
concerns squirrel farming. “By
properly managing his tlmberlands,
the farmer can make squlmjl rais
ing a profitable' farm project,"
the article says. “A high per cent
of punters depend upon squirrel
Gordon Milne and Jeanne Oatner stare soberly at each other a*
Phylis Arhos chats pleasantly with John Laufenberg and Sarah
Puddy in a scene from “One of Those Thing*,” one of the trio
of one-act plays to be presented by the Aggie Players in Sbisa
tonight and tomorrow night. ' r .
for their game, and the number
of ; squirrels is steadily decreas-
Allowing the general precedent
set of late by student publications
magazines, the issue features an
other story , on dogs. The Engin
eer !did it with ap interview fitory
wijth Spot; and the upcoming is
sue of The Commentator features
an! article on Moses, the drooling
bulldog predicted “to lead A&M
out, of the; football wilderness.”
The Agriculturist’s story is,;how-
>r. a good deal more enlightening
rj either of the other two. “The
purd Dog” is its subject. This
id is “an answer to the prob-
i of getting wild cattle mit of
k brush." A history of the
hits, glass eyed" breed is also
ini'ltided In the story.
A startling article, "A Menace
To Health/' concerns the appear
ance DDT in everyday ‘Tirade
Aj milk". “The Conventional Type
(See COVER OWL, Page 4)
Cade tsT r ounce
. t ,| ; j ■ j i. - 'i > j . . ^ j
Owls Saturday
For Third Win
The Rice Owls were the victims of the Aggie track and
field team as the Cadets won their third straight meet of
the year Saturday afternoon on Kyle Field, amassing 73
points while the Owls could muster but 49. \
Although each squad won eight events apiece, A&M’s
victory came through its depth of capable performers who
took 11 of the 14 second places. The Cadets swept six events
and placed in all but the broad jump and the relays where
only first was counted.
Best race of the day was the mile relay with the blue and
♦gray boys winning by; a scant
stride. The Aggies wire plainly
shooting for the relay event, us
ing three freshmen, and it; was
nip and tuck all the way. Shaeffer
initially brought in a; nice lead
over James Hoff, but the margin
was narrowed on the second lap
with Jack Hudgins pulling pp on
Dop Cardon.
r Aggie Debaters
v ^ Down Pointers
Ag-Tessie Talks On
Family Relations
Twelve members from Dr. Dan
Russell’s familyj relation class
have been invited to appear as
guests of the TSCW Sociological
Society Club and Alpha Kappa Del
ta at the TSCW Auditorium at 1“30
p. m.; tomorrow
Bob Weynand graduate assist
ant in the Rural Sociology Depart
ment, will be n charge of the
Fwfc Aggies and four Tessies
will be chosen to appear on a pan
el to jjiscuss patterns of courtship.
This |h the third year that Ag
gies are appearing on the paneb
The A&M representatives oh the
panel will lie chosen from the fol
lowing group of students; W. 8.
Price, Jr., T. M McCallum, A. T.
Schmitz, W. F\ McNeil, C. W.
Hents, A. R. Anmnson, R. H.
Gregg, Roliert Lee McGlasson, W.
A. Bromard, H D. Cain, F. W.
Moon,' and John Buchanan.
In ‘Y* Saturday
Varsity debaters Dan Davis
and James Farmer defeated
the traveling West Point teatn
of Gerard Schopper and
Frank Watson 3-0 in the
YMCA Chapel Saturday.
The question was, “Resolved;
that the U. 8. should nationalise
her basIcHnon-agrlkmlUiral Indus*
trlesi" Fariibq; and Davie, taking
the affirmative side of the argu
ment, showed how private owner-
ship of Mtich Imhixtrle* as coal
has resulted in drastic strikes,
forcing many people to spend a
cold winter, and throwing other
workers out of work,
"Under government ownership
these work stoppages and short
ages could; be alleviated by govern
ment planning to eliminate the
nver-enpltallsatloh and labor sur
plus that Is the root of the work
stoppages," Farmer told the au
Personal Initiative HHfled
The West Point cadets retal
iated by pointing out that politics
and beaurocracy Inevitably entar
Into any government agency, and
that personal initiative would be
stifled under government owner
ship. . j
"The spirit of competition is
one of the things that has made
America the great nation that ahe
is today,” concluded' Schopper in
his presentation speech.
Girls and Inspiration
In a lighter vein, Watson shew
ed the audience a photograph of
his girl friend back in Tennessee
and quipped that he carried the
picture around “to give him in
spiration.” A&M’s Dan Davis
promptly got up and introduced
his date, who was sitting in the
audience, and Said, “She gives
me greater inspiration.”
Judges W. Hoggart, Allen Aca
demy debate instructor; County
Judge A. S. Ware; and The Re
erend S. A. Watson “of the Bryan
First Christian Church voted un
animously for the Aggie | forem' ~
Joe Fuller, president of the Di
cussion arid Debate Society, served
as chairman for the-event. Billy
Stephenson was time-keeper.
Saturday’s meeting made the
second consecutive win by A&M
over the traveling Military Aca
demy squad. Last year Farmer
teamed up with Larry Goodwin
to beat the West Point squad.
Both Farmer and ; Davis are
Loveless Attends Meet
At Fort Sam Houston
Lt. Col. Sidney L. Loveless of
College Station, has recently re
turned from a meeting of civil
ian chnirman of Army Advisory
Committees at Fort Sam Houston.
The Army Advisory Commlttaes
meet with the army Commanders
to help on army-civilian problems.
Tom Cox, who won the 440 for
« third
•tint, sending Red Brown off with
Prlfls Flv* C»nu
Four lovelies, Thelma Balcar, Charlotte Williams, Missy Brun
son, and Jo Ann Ruth, troop off the bandstand after receiving cor
sage tokens at the Military Ball, Saturday night. They were
among Aggie Sweetheart nominees presented du
mission along with Jeanine Holland.
Ricje in 50.6 with Aggie
Inglehart second, caught and pass
ed Don Mitchell during th,
, sending R«d Brown
They hit the stretch With Place
ahead by a yard, but Brown had
a kick left and won In 3:22.2.
McGrew Take# Duel
Vem McGrew won the high
jump for the Owl* at fl’ 5 V after
quite a duel with Bobby Davis and
Don Graves of A&M, who tied for
second at O' 4". '■
George Kadera In th« shot nnd
ilIncus uml Red Drown for Rice
In the 100 and UliO were double
winners. Drown ran a U.M cen
tury and a IllJI furlong with Uoh
Hall In the 100 ahd David Tlcngst.
In the 990 second for the Aggies.
Kadera put the shot 40* W and
threw the discus 1«4' 7" with
Ed Hooker of the Cadet* second
in the later, j /
J. D. Hampton and Jim McMahon
led sweepa for the Cadets In the
mile and two-mtl# with John Gar-
many and Jerry Boonan second
In the racea. Paul Lerrtlng and Bob
Hall showed the way In tT
and low hurdles In IjL?
Bill Bless was second in
Aggies Upset In M0
li The Aggie half mllers pulled nn
upset in sweeping their event with
Alex Ortiz and Robert Allen fin
ishing in that order over the Owls’
Hoff and Otho Byrd after a close
race all the way.
Tobin Rote took the javelin with
Jack Simpson second,; and Ralph
Grawunder led Rice's Ibroad jump
sweep. Graves cleared 13j’ in the
pole vault with Simpson second.
Next meet for the all-victorious
Cadets will be dual campetition
in Beaumont next Saturday with
Louisian* State Bengal* the oppoa-
• : Vi v- ~ - ’ ■ I-' •'■rl I- ■
. . v , ;■ Hr
Rose Bowl Movies
Movies taken of this year's Rose
Bowl game between the University
of California and Ohio State wifi
be shown in the Assembly Hall to
night at 7:30 p. m., according to
Deluxe Jazz Give,
By Ellington Band
Jazz was presented in its most
inspired and haunting form last
Saturday night in Guion by Duke
Ellington and his orchestra, a
group of most accomplished mod
ern instrumentalists in music.
How the “Duke" ever managed
to gather In such nn array of tul-
ent umlsr^nne tent Is beyond us,
Knch.lN-wM-only a finished mas
ter of hi* Instrument nnd possess
‘Great Issues
Hears Kellogg
f, chic
tonight at 8 In the Chemistry Lec
ture Room.
The subject of his lecture will
be^'The National and World Food
Production Potentials.”
He will give ' another lecture
Wednesday night at 8 in the Phy
sics Lecture Room on the sub
ject, "Tropical Soils are Differ
Dr. Kellogg is n world author
ity on soil classification and its
use. The American Soil Survey,
which he heads, is recognized as
a<j standard for soil surveys
throughout the world,.
He has served as president of
the Soil Science Society of Amer
ica, and is American vice president
of the fourth International Con
gress of Soil Science tp be held in
Amsterdam, Holland, next summer.
He is a native of Ionia County,
One Acl Plays
Players Present 3 Tonight
o profitable
New York
ly the New York
cAsion to comment
of the former,
i Prime
Ipfcirmality and
pritnej values that
in-the-round pi
heatre-in-the-round will get its
ial College Station trial at 8
Ight and tomorrow when
age Dillavou’s Aggie Players
present three one-act plays in this
intimate,' experimental style.
Although theatre - in-the-round
is; a comparatively recent stage in
novation, it has been enjoying iii-
creasing degrees of fame all over
the; country. : 1 [ - ]
Dallas’ Theatre ’5<> and Houston’s
Alley Theatre have put the exper-
' e use, and recent-
Times had oc-
on the success
,i„ fli
timacy are the
in « theatre-
on. Seated
in prize-fight ring style around a
round or square stage which is
practically bare of scenery, the
audience is so dote to the players
that the patrons can easily reach
out and touch ahy members of the
1 This proximiay of cast to audi
ence is as taxing on the actor as
it is intriguing to the theatre
goer. Said one performer after his
first try at circle theatre, “There
were all those belligerent faces
staring at me. They seemed to
say, “Come on bud,, entertain me;
say something funny.’ Then the ice
broke and smiles took
frowns. It’s terribly
first. But, then! its
is no doubt about audience reac
tion here." ’>1
Millay, “One of Those
George Kelley, and
For the “experiment” director
Dillavou has chosen three one-
actors of varying moods: “Aria
Da Capo” by Edna S). Vincent
” by
HH mr
Jearne dramatization of Louisa
May Alcott’s “Little Women.” !
Casts for the plays will include
C. G. Milne, Phyllis Arhoe, John
Laufenberg, Sarah Puddy, Je
Oatner, Roland Gaunt, Norton Mc
Duffie, Jim Mahon, George Will-
man, Chiiek Benshetler, David
Mitchell, Rip Torn,
hamson, J. H. Davis,.
son, Lindy James, and !
or Vaden.
There will be no
charge for the plays; se
acity will number 200.
jd of extraordinary - instinctiv};
‘feel” for music, but n gifted shov
man with abounding “audlenc
reaction’’ savvy, And what u shoi
they put on—a show in which th
pulsating Intensity and nudunchol
passion of Jazz was relieved froi ■
time to time with broad and sla)
stick comedy.
Ellington acted ns his master c '
ceremonies, acfimnted for much i
the humor with his *tmr|i, Midcun
comment* between songs. He npei
ed the show with "Plogrosshoi I
J»*s." followed It with "Hh
Wouldn’t Give In," h duo fcntoi
lug buss plnyet'i Junior Itnglln on
droll drummer Hid fat let),
vThe proHram’s five ptndiirllnn
iHimherM—'iHslory at .lass"
iHimners~."msiary af Jass,
"Opening," "Creale Lave Call, 1
eseerpla fram "Llherliia Hnlte,
y of Elllaulan rT
limed a
..kill, II.
fUMMi ^ .
sad • medley af ElllaKlaa i'ljaa
lee were NlHged with nlmasl
Killing wsm
nn ta ramldoe with the
la evoking the ifiwlred eft
It took the Ellington three nib:
ptes to true* the "History of Jaail
In musical temw. Dixieland, Bb
nln Street, Boogie Woogle, swinj
bop^all were included. Even Gi
Lombardo's jumpy belit, which hu
fered ridicule by the hoys It)' th
“Creole Love Calif • was an e
otic numiier which was highligh;
yd by songstress Ka>| Davis; bcai
tifully moving and plaintive wa
delivered- without words, half ofjl
stage, half on-stage while Ivnb
ing with listless grace against 1
stage wing. I M
Every band member was give;
a solo spot in '’"Opening.” Stamf r
ing out in this number were trmtii '
bonist and bass saxophonist Johjn’.
ny Hodges. i j
A bizarre and compelling com-i
ina '
and bass sax, handled by Ray!
hination was found in
Suite” i(i the duet between violui!
»ss sa
Tanner and Johnny Hodges,
respectively. Tanner also,
brought down the house with his'
dancing buffoonery.
EIHngtwh seemed tg be partieul
arly strong in the matter of 1 Vodal
ista. Kay Davis was » torch sihg
er with an unusually pute am
clean delivery. 0he held the nijdi
enee enraptured with |"1 Cun Drean
Can’t I,” and "Don’t Rlame Me.’f.u
well as’the “Creole Love Call.’ ;
Plump Eltie Sims'bellowed fqrtl
with a couple of strident hymna a
love, and tilind, vocalist Alber
Milhi let his contra-alto stray: ef
foctively, all over the scale some,
times In sympathy with the kax;
In “Lover Come Buck to Me" am
“Pinkie" was the
•f Juan R. Avila,
to do the
sketch take* him abou
P. L. “Pinkie’’ Downs
iject on the campus for the artistic talents
urist who la nq*r at the Exchange
hes for students. The artiat
ite, sepia or
ire minutes.
black and
At a very recent aff-oapipus V
parly during the early hour* otj
the morning, a never-ending flow!
of guests completely filled a Mnall;
building rented by several students:
for the purpose of a soclhl; get-j! 1
together. ' Jij
As more and more couplcM -at
tracted by blazing lights anil j
sounds of merriment—wandered in 1
te join the throng, those already;
present became much concerned
about the crowded condition*. . K"
Two musically inclined guest 1 *
persisted in singing the popular !
song, "If I'd Known You :Were |
Coming I’d Have Hired a Band.”!
The hosts, observing a fresh ar
rival of guests also felt--the need
to raise their voices in song. They
joined in on the chorus of “Hired
a Band” and then added several
seta of new lyrics.
Notable among the new Verses
was this gem: “If I’d known you
'were coming IMihave locked the
door, locked the Door, etc., etf.”